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February 21, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom
Source - Kaieteur News

The steady procession of leaders leaving either the executive or membership of the party proper must be of concern to the PNCR. Excusing this exodus as being reflective of the normal trend of people constantly joining and leaving the party, is disingenuous.

What we have is not just any procession of ordinary members out of the party but rather seasoned leaders and stalwarts of the executive who are taking their leave, either from the central committee or the membership proper.

The list is long and includes persons such as Jerome Khan, Faith Harding, Sherwood Lowe, James Mc Allister and Vincent Alexander.

The latter had at one stage, with the backing of a number of other central figures in the party, mounted a challenge for the leadership of the party. However, he was frustrated every step of the way and eventually when it become clear that the electoral process was not going to be satisfactory, withdrew from the race.

At the following congress of the party, it was Winston Murray’s turn to mount a challenge and there was heightened expectation that he was going to win.

He was however soundly trounced and even though there were complaints about irregularities, Murray conceded that even without those he would have lost.

But that was not the end for Murray. He subsequently received strong backing from a group within the party and was preparing to challenge to become the party’s presidential candidate. In his corner were some important persons who are now part of APNU.

Murray however fell ill and never recovered. He succumbed and the grouping of which he was a part, surprisingly put up Carl Greendige as their candidate.

Before all of this, of course, the PNCR had established a team to decide on the mechanism for choosing their presidential candidate. It came as a surprise when one of the members of that team and someone who was never part of the executive of the party, Mr. David Granger, was encouraged to stand as one of the contenders for the position of the party’s presidential candidate.

This was going to be the first time in history that the leader of the party would not lead the party into the election and there was a view therefore that Mr. Granger was a compromise candidate to avoid the controversy and possible fallout of Mr. Corbin running again as the party’s presidential candidate.

In the run-off for the presidential candidate, there was a very tight race between Mr. Granger and Mr. Greendige – far more tight than the arrangement we have now in parliament. Mr. Granger got the nod by the slimmest of margins and therefore became the anointed candidate to lead the PNCR into the elections.

There was a promise that after the elections an explanation would have been given as to why Mr. Corbin did not run as the party’s presidential candidate and why he was also not seeking a seat in the parliament. Those explanations, like the tabulations from the verification of the statements of polls, are yet to be made public.

Since then APNU, an open partnership, emerged and failed to win either a majority in the parliament or the presidency. The showing of APNU was a surprising ( some would say suspect) improvement over its 2006 results, but below that of 1992 and 1997.

APNU therefore did not do as well as some people are making them out as having done. But because of the continued strong showing of the AFC and the less than expected performance of the PPP, the combined opposition has a slender one-seat majority in the parliament.

Expectations are now high that Mr. Granger will become the next leader of the PNCR at the next congress of the party. But this is not a foregone conclusion, since there are persons who would feel that he should not head the PNCR having not served as a member of the executive of the party before.

Mr. Corbin, of course, has not stepped down as leader of the party. If he does before the next congress, it will be the Chairman of the party who will lead the PNCR until congress elects a leader. It is believed that Mr. Corbin may stay on until congress elects Mr. Granger.

But that as mentioned is not necessarily going to be a foregone conclusion. On the one hand, Mr. Granger is likely to face other challengers, and judging from the closeness of the election to choose a presidential candidate, he cannot be certain of winning.

It is therefore going to make for an interesting situation if on the one hand Mr. Granger remains as leader of the opposition while someone else, such as Mr. Greendige or Mr. Norton, comes along and is elected leader of the party.

Interesting days lie ahead for the PNCR and for their supporters. What is certain is that it is going to be very awkward for Mr. Granger to be leader of the opposition and not leader of the PNCR.

There will be no showdown. They will implement that old and familiar strategy that Forbes and Hammie and Dessie taught the nation so well. One side will simply RIG it. As Hammie would say FAIR AND SQUARE. 

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On 1st April, 1963 the People's National Congress established a Security force with six xxxxx party members. Claude Graham, ex-Deputy Superintendent of Police, is the Head and Edward Van Genderen is the Deputy Head. The Force would be established all over the country with individual groups and members attached to each party group. The main functions are:-

* To collect all types of information.

* To screen Party Executives, employees and activists.

* To organise gangs to commit sabotage in times of tension and to counter movement to the Progressive Youth Organisation.

* To protect People's National Congress executives and other Party personalities.

* To train their members in the use of arms, such as shot guns pistols and rifles which would be most needed in the event of a civil war.

Excerpts from Guyana Under Siege

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should be held solely responsibly for what transpired in Linden

 I guess they pulled the trigger that left four bodies in the streets!


 Thanks for this video. I am sending it to transparency international and every civil rights group and NGO in this area that I can locate so they can know the standard the guyanese government uses in order to deem a citizen worthy of being shot.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Thanks for this video. I am sending it to transparency international and every civil rights group and NGO in this area that I can locate so they can know the standard the guyanese government uses in order to deem a citizen worthy of being shot.

I think you like jerking yourself off and make believe you having sex with a woman.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Thanks for this video. I am sending it to transparency international and every civil rights group and NGO in this area that I can locate so they can know the standard the guyanese government uses in order to deem a citizen worthy of being shot.

I think you like jerking yourself off and make believe you having sex with a woman.

 Is that supposed to make me angry? You are truly a hapless low life.

Originally Posted by albert:
Granger was fingered in the 1973 ballot box martyrs incident.....the cries of the martyrs must be like a chorus in his head at nights....

 Dude, I do not know why you folks invent lies when the truth would suffice. You are such consummate liars that you cannot help but embellish history to your satisfaction. Granger was no where near the ballot boxes. That he was part of a corrupt machine taints him but the same can be said for Lumumba, Misir, Maniram, Kwame, Hamliton, Etc.  



David Granger, leader of the PNC and APNU and the Official Opposition says that he “no longer has confidence in the police force”. This is from a man who expressed the greatest confiden

ce in the soldiers who shot and killed the ballot-box martyrs in Berbice, some years ago. Exemplary action, the now ex-general declared.
Didn’t say a world about the then commander of the armed forces resigning when Rodney was assassinated by an army man, Gregory Smith. Smith had infiltrated the WPA for a year. Granger had been made head of the army by Burnham (the commander-in-chief of the armed forces) a year before, when he expressed fears that Rodney was infiltrating the army. Sure it’s coincidence!!
Didn’t call for the then home affairs minister to resign when several policemen’s guns were found on kick-down-the-door bandits in the 80s. But here it is, a lowly policeman fires his gun recklessly – unfortunately killing a young man – and the minister of home affairs must resign!! Oh judgement, thou art fled to brutish breasts…and men (of the opposition) have lost their reason.
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Dear me! Is this not pathetic trolling for a rationalization of an odious act committed by the PPP?

Yes they peddle a one sided version of events that happened  50 years ago...forget to admit that the PPP was as violent and ruthless as the PNC and that both groups had their bands of thugs harrassing innocent people.


They then say that "ALL Guyanese" say this or that.  To them the only person who has a right to be Guyanese is an Indo Guyanese, because clearly non Indians have a very different perspective on the events of 1961-64.


So there is no "ALL Guyanese" view of those years.

Originally Posted by albert:
The Sophia camp pulled their final straw by disguising themselves as the A.P.N.U that the electorate knows fully well the A.P.NU is the P.N.C..and Granger is no Sunday School Boy....

Funny though.  The party which improved its positiomn best in the electgion was APNU.  It saw a significant increase in support and took back all that they lost in 2006.


The PPP lost control over parliament.  This happened because it continues to be rejected by Guyanese of African and Mixed ancestry.


So it appears as if ALL Guyanese felt that the PPP should not be allowed unfettered control over the governance of Guyana.


Now this happened at a time when APNU was quite weak and did almost no campaigning until the last minute and the AFC made significant inroads into the PPP's Berbice base.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Granger was fingered in the 1973 ballot box martyrs incident.....the cries of the martyrs must be like a chorus in his head at nights....

 Dude, I do not know why you folks invent lies when the truth would suffice. You are such consummate liars that you cannot help but embellish history to your satisfaction. Granger was no where near the ballot boxes. That he was part of a corrupt machine taints him but the same can be said for Lumumba, Misir, Maniram, Kwame, Hamliton, Etc.  

And yet Nasicimento, who was one of the most involved in the rigging, and who almost beat up Janet while he boasted that the PNC beat the PPP in Region now in the PPP.


Why is that?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition can't escape blame for what transpired at Agricola!

If the PNC and the AFC are thes "violent group" of people intent in encouraging criminals behavior why has NO ONE from either party ever been brought up on charges?


I await your response.  It makes no sense to make these accusations when clearly you have no proof to back it up.  Your motive for these accusations isnt about ensuring that this behavior is punished.  It is about scaring Indians.  Unfortunately the PNC and teh AFC are so stupid that they allow themselves to fall into this trap.

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On 1st April, 1963 the People's National Congress established a Security force with six xxxxx party members. Claude Graham, ex-Deputy Superintendent of Police, is the Head and Edward Van Genderen is the Deputy Head. The Force would be established all over the country with individual groups and members attached to each party group. The main functions are:-

* To collect all types of information.

* To screen Party Executives, employees and activists.

* To organise gangs to commit sabotage in times of tension and to counter movement to the Progressive Youth Organisation.

* To protect People's National Congress executives and other Party personalities.

* To train their members in the use of arms, such as shot guns pistols and rifles which would be most needed in the event of a civil war.

Excerpts from Guyana Under Siege


Those who forgets the past are condemned to repeat it. The Guyanese Populace are wise and have a very good recollection of the past, and will never allow the joint opposition to take the country back to those dark ages........Never again.....never again....never again

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace will never allow the joint opposition to take the country backwards, never again!!!!

It's not the joint opposition, the AFC are just the mule and will be put to pasture just like the UF.  The PNC cannot wait to reestablish absolute power with their GDF cadres and return the old glory.  This is a real plan, just ask Redux and the rest.  They have to thwart this "hegemonic" Indo slide once and for all.


you stupid little fool,you ppp theives should thank god the army and police is helping you fools to stay in power.only in guyana this can happen,a black army and police have a thiefing indian government in power.and still you ass curse the black people.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Those who forgets the past are condemned to repeat it. The Guyanese Populace are wise and have a very good recollection of the past, and will never allow the joint opposition to take the country back to those dark ages........Never again.....never again....never again

 Our past is with us and lives a comfortable secure and persistently robust and healthy life in the white washed corrupt  world  of the PPP.


  Despite the high sounding rhetoric and puffed up sententious boasting of progress and democracy; they are inheritors of the privileged opulence of the colonial era and preserve that status with gloss, methodological  lying and constant deception.


Hail to the new working class with exclusive residences on the palatine boulevards of Pradoville I and II. They live in  obscene wealth wrought of cronyism and corruption while singing patriotic and nationalist songs about giving native people their lands, and putting and end to Plastic Cities. Native peoples watch as they are robbed and their patrimony are whittled away and Plastic Cities juts out from every nook and cranny of our landscapes. Meanwhile these crooks are the fatted calves!


An entrenched patronage system establishing private kith and kin fiefdoms in the economic sector from transportation, communication and infrastructure is their legacy. It mixes drug lords as financiers  and the piggybacking of charity of economic grants and loans from wealthy nations to feed the the beast. This is vended as progress.  The PPP are corrupt, plain and simple. No amount of propaganda will change that view.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace will never allow the joint opposition to take the country backwards, never again!!!!

It's not the joint opposition, the AFC are just the mule and will be put to pasture just like the UF.  The PNC cannot wait to reestablish absolute power with their GDF cadres and return the old glory.  This is a real plan, just ask Redux and the rest.  They have to thwart this "hegemonic" Indo slide once and for all.

baseman, how come u running around to all these obscure threads taking my name in vain like a lil antiman, eh? . . . hoping i won't notice


be a real man, don't run; the acute embarrassment you brought upon yourself today and yesterday [on the other 2 threads] can be mitigated . . . just kiss my ring and beg pardon

Originally Posted by warrior:

you stupid little fool,you ppp theives should thank god the army and police is helping you fools to stay in power.only in guyana this can happen,a black army and police have a thiefing indian government in power.and still you ass curse the black people.

I talk of the PNC institution, not Afros.  You are the one who talk of the "tiefing indian Govt".  I never know we had an "Indian" Govt, I thought we had a PPP-led democratically elected Govt!  When I talk of separation of power (military from political), racist Redux throw in "Indian hegemony".  You pretend to be what you are not.


What I find so funny is that this thread has gone on so long. There was after all no such thing as an X plan. SOmebody has been watching X-Files and getting themselves all confused with aliens from another world.

The plain fact is that the only plan that was available is the one from Jagan. He was planning to overthrow the British government appointed representatives to rule Guyana. When Jagan was caught he was locked up, as they do with a traitor. I am still puzzled why Jagan was not executed for treason. By sparing him, the Britsih government ensured that once the PPP came to power they would do whatever it takes to make sure Guyana would be ruled by only the PPP. Even if that means banning elections, imprisoning opposition members, and abolishing access to the media by opponents.

As is clear, those aims of the PPP are still heavily being pursued.

Originally Posted by baseman:

 When I talk of separation of power (military from political), racist Redux throw in "Indian hegemony".

sure bai . . . i wonder why after all these months u still can't articulate how exactly this 'lack' is manifested in today's Guyana military


an answer on any of the relevant threads would be fine


what i cannot understand is the army know that this government is not acting in the best intrested of all guyanese.and they are not doing nothing about it,in no other country in the world this could not have happen.the ppp government breaking every rules in guyana and getting away with it.i simple example is the agreement with linden to give the people a TV station.this ppp government keep pushing the people backs to a wall

Originally Posted by warrior:

what i cannot understand is the army know that this government is not acting in the best intrested of all guyanese.and they are not doing nothing about it,in no other country in the world this could not have happen.the ppp government breaking every rules in guyana and getting away with it.i simple example is the agreement with linden to give the people a TV station.this ppp government keep pushing the people backs to a wall

Understand, the world is not according to your imagination and perception.  You see, there is something called democratic process and free and fair election.  It's never perfect, but it is what it is.  The people spoke last Nov and we have a hand-cuffed Govt.  It's not for the military to decide what's best for the people, the people will decide.  The days when the people's will is thwarted by the military was left behind in 1992 and never to return.


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