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Originally posted by albert:
Granger must have been having sleepless nights by the voices of the ballot box martyrs.....with age one's conscience comes into play...his conscience must be killing him for his role as presidential officer to the army and the army role in the rigging of the elections especially in 1973 and 1978...
Like I said, Mr Granger's candidacy is a boon to the PPP. They can't point to enough progress, so they have to resort to fear-mongering.

Which poor, hungry and dispossessed soul cares about 1973 or 1978 in Guyana? In this day and age, those days can never come back. What the people want to know is how their lives can be made better today and tomorrow, and why enough was not done yesterday. smh.
Like I said, Mr Granger's candidacy is a boon to the PPP. They can't point to enough progress, so they have to resort to fear-mongering.

Which poor, hungry and dispossessed soul cares about 1973 or 1978 in Guyana? In this day and age, those days can never come back. What the people want to know is how their lives can be made better today and tomorrow, and why enough was not done yesterday. smh.
Originally posted by albert:
When one look at the other political gathering that join the A.P.N.U...its clear to see that the P.N.C dominates the gathering and the A.P.N.U is the P.N.C...the other members are just cosmetics
Like I said, Mr Granger's candidacy is a boon to the PPP. They can't point to enough progress, so they have to resort to fear-mongering.

Which poor, hungry and dispossessed soul cares about the PNC that has been out of power for almost 20 years? In this day and age, those PNC days can never come back. What the people want to know is how their lives can be made better today and tomorrow, and why enough was not done yesterday.
The P.P.P/C has invested heavily on on the social sector thus improving the socio-economic conditions of fellow Guyanese...


 Government expended $13.4 billion in 2010 towards the implementation of the National Health Sector Strategy 2008-2012.

 $1.3 billion was expended for the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of health care facilities in 2010.

 Over $280 million was expended on training, while more than 150 new health workers entered the public health sector contributing to improved doctors and nurses’ population ratio.


 $14 billion has been allocated to the health sector

 Government has budgeted to inject $345 million into training activities, which will provide for an additional 250 professional nurses being trained and 140 clinical and technical staff, while over 280 students in various health disciplines are currently in training across the various schools.

 1 billion has been budgeted for the construction and maintenance of health sector buildings and infrastructure nationwide

 Storage bond in Diamond will be completed in 2011

 $235 million has been budgeted for the completion of the GPHC inpatient facility. Additionally, facilities at Enmore Polyclinic, West Demerara Hospital, Leguan, and Oscar Joseph District Hospitals will be upgraded.

c. Housing


 Over $9.6 billion was expended in the housing sector in 2010

 Allocated of 6,331 house lots as well as the distributed 4,591 land titles surpassing our targets of 5,500 house lots and 3,750 land titles

 $343.7 million was expended over the last year for the successful completion of a $2.2 billion housing project which has realised the construction and upgrading of roads, drains and structures benefiting 4,636 lots in areas such as Cummings Lodge C&Y, Sophia, Westminster, Belle West, Glasgow and Onderneeming.

 $680 million was spent on the construction of roads, drains and structures in areas such as Block 8 Mon Repos, Plantation Schoonord, Anna Catherina, Hope Estate


 $3.6 billion is allocated to the housing sector to facilitate the development of housing schemes which is expected to result in the allocation of 7,500 house lots and the processing and distribution of 4,000 land titles.

 $700 million will be spent on improving the road network and water distribution systems to the benefit approximately 1,500 households.

 Under the Second Low Income Settlement Programme, 148 core houses are expected to be completed
Some will argue that such a list of budgetary outlays really masks great and plentiful opportunities for contracting kickbacks, bribes and over budget expenditure so that the taxpayer does not derive maximum utilization of their monies. ...And Kaieteur News has done a great job over the years highlighting many newsworthy examples of this.
Originally posted by squingy:
Some will argue that such a list of budgetary outlays really masks great and plentiful opportunities for contracting kickbacks, bribes and over budget expenditure so that the taxpayer does not derive maximum utilization of their monies. ...And Kaieteur News has done a great job over the years highlighting many newsworthy examples of this.
On target you are, squingy. flag
Originally posted by albert:
The electorate are not fools...they will be fooled by the snake-oil vendors of the A.F.C...they will continue to support the people party...the party of the future...the peoples progressive party/civic
So why worry. Why are you so busy this evening? Shouldn't you be uploading the pics and videos of the PPP Bath Settlement meeting? Wouldn't that be the nail in the coffin of the opposition? Why so much talk, and no pictures? dunno
Originally posted by squingy:
Some will argue that such a list of budgetary outlays really masks great and plentiful opportunities for contracting kickbacks, bribes and over budget expenditure so that the taxpayer does not derive maximum utilization of their monies. ...And Kaieteur News has done a great job over the years highlighting many newsworthy examples of this.
squingy, the PPP claims to always spend a lot a lot of money but when you get down to it the money is wasted, half or more lost through poor execution and or corruption etc.

So pointing to lots of money being spent does not always translate to betterment for the people, as in many cases it simply means the fat cats are getting fatter...
The PPP feels justified in its attacks on APNU presidential candidate retired Brigadier David Granger’s military record, saying he was a political commissar of the Burnham era sent to corrupt the minds of professional soldiers.

At a news briefing on Saturday PPP presidential candidate and General Secretary Donald Ramotar was asked how do they justify attacking Granger’s military service whilst working with Major Generals Joe Singh and Norman McLean who both were part of the military in that era.

“We had no reason for criticizing Joe Singh; Mr. Joe Singh did a fantastic job as Chairman of the Elections Commission, he didn’t come to take a partisan position. But Mr. Granger still glorifies that period and he himself was a political commissar who promoted paromountcy of the party and he still feels justified in doing that,” Ramotar said.

According to him, Granger was in the leadership of the security forces when a lot of atrocities were committed and neither he nor the PNC has ever apologized to the people of Guyana.

“Granger has not changed, we are not dealing with a reformed Granger, we’re dealing with a man who glorifies the past, who glorifies that period and who obviously wants to take us back to that period. So that is why Granger is fair game,” Ramotar stated while pointing out that McLean is not contesting the elections.

Major-General Singh was recently appointed to chair the board of Guyana Geology and Mines Commission while McLean has served on several security-related commissions.

PPP Executive member Robert Persuad, who was also at the briefing, added that neither of those men had ever flaunted themselves as members of any political party.

“Granger has more or less confirmed what everyone knew, he was sent by the regime then to indoctrinate the military and more or less pervert the institution from becoming a professional one to a political instrument of the ruling party.

According to Persaud, Granger was the “intellectual author of paromountcy within the army.”

“There are documents to that effect. He wasn’t a soldier in the true sense of the word, he was there to influence minds and contaminate minds of professional individuals,” he said.

Efforts to get a response from Granger have gone acknowledged.

President Bharrat Jagdeo has been among the first to attack Granger along those lines dating back to his controversial statement earlier this year that the APNU candidate has “blood on his hands” in connection with the killing of several PPP supporters during the 1973 elections.

Granger has repeatedly denied those accusations.

“He wasn’t a regular soldier, he was someone sent from the Office of the President to get the army to move in a particular direction and you know what that direction was, to subvert our constitution and he laws because he was trying to get the army to pledge loyalty to the PNC,” Jagdeo declared at a recent news briefing.

According to him, many people know Granger as the “chief theoretician and advocate” of the doctrine of party paromountcy.
Originally posted by albert:
The PPP feels justified in its attacks on APNU presidential candidate retired Brigadier David Granger’s military record, saying he was a political commissar of the Burnham era sent to corrupt the minds of professional soldiers.

At a news briefing on Saturday PPP presidential candidate and General Secretary Donald Ramotar was asked how do they justify attacking Granger’s military service whilst working with Major Generals Joe Singh and Norman McLean who both were part of the military in that era.

“We had no reason for criticizing Joe Singh; Mr. Joe Singh did a fantastic job as Chairman of the Elections Commission, he didn’t come to take a partisan position. But Mr. Granger still glorifies that period and he himself was a political commissar who promoted paromountcy of the party and he still feels justified in doing that,” Ramotar said.

According to him, Granger was in the leadership of the security forces when a lot of atrocities were committed and neither he nor the PNC has ever apologized to the people of Guyana.

“Granger has not changed, we are not dealing with a reformed Granger, we’re dealing with a man who glorifies the past, who glorifies that period and who obviously wants to take us back to that period. So that is why Granger is fair game,” Ramotar stated while pointing out that McLean is not contesting the elections.

Major-General Singh was recently appointed to chair the board of Guyana Geology and Mines Commission while McLean has served on several security-related commissions.

PPP Executive member Robert Persuad, who was also at the briefing, added that neither of those men had ever flaunted themselves as members of any political party.

“Granger has more or less confirmed what everyone knew, he was sent by the regime then to indoctrinate the military and more or less pervert the institution from becoming a professional one to a political instrument of the ruling party.

According to Persaud, Granger was the “intellectual author of paromountcy within the army.”

“There are documents to that effect. He wasn’t a soldier in the true sense of the word, he was there to influence minds and contaminate minds of professional individuals,” he said.

Efforts to get a response from Granger have gone acknowledged.

President Bharrat Jagdeo has been among the first to attack Granger along those lines dating back to his controversial statement earlier this year that the APNU candidate has “blood on his hands” in connection with the killing of several PPP supporters during the 1973 elections.

Granger has repeatedly denied those accusations.

“He wasn’t a regular soldier, he was someone sent from the Office of the President to get the army to move in a particular direction and you know what that direction was, to subvert our constitution and he laws because he was trying to get the army to pledge loyalty to the PNC,” Jagdeo declared at a recent news briefing.

According to him, many people know Granger as the “chief theoretician and advocate” of the doctrine of party paromountcy.

Granger's candidacy is a boon to the PPP, but whether you like him as a politician or not, he was a real and professional soldier-officer, fully qualified in his professional duties. He never pretended to be anything else but an officer, unlike those who earnestly yearn at some type of professional acknowledgement even if it's honorary and questionable.
He wasn’t a regular soldier, he was someone sent from the Office of the President to get the army to move in a particular direction and you know what that direction was, to subvert our constitution and he laws because he was trying to get the army to pledge loyalty to the PNC

Granger can't hide his past....he can't hide those skeletons in his closet
Originally posted by albert:
He wasn’t a regular soldier, he was someone sent from the Office of the President to get the army to move in a particular direction and you know what that direction was, to subvert our constitution and he laws because he was trying to get the army to pledge loyalty to the PNC

Granger can't hide his past....he can't hide those skeletons in his closet

Why are you hiding? You are wanted here:
Originally posted by albert:
He wasn’t a regular soldier, he was someone sent from the Office of the President to get the army to move in a particular direction and you know what that direction was, to subvert our constitution and he laws because he was trying to get the army to pledge loyalty to the PNC

Granger can't hide his past....he can't hide those skeletons in his closet

Maybe he'll hide 'em in yours.
Originally posted by albert:
He wasn’t a regular soldier, he was someone sent from the Office of the President to get the army to move in a particular direction and you know what that direction was, to subvert our constitution and he laws because he was trying to get the army to pledge loyalty to the PNC

Granger can't hide his past....he can't hide those skeletons in his closet

You believe that blatant lie?! Is this how you guys do your political campaigning? Mind you, I don't support Granger's candidacy, but you make yourself even lesser than people already think you are.
Originally posted by Alexander:
When one is running for public office his or her entire life becomes public record and therefore that person must expect to be researched and questioned. Granger operated in an era when Guyanese lived in fear and when their rights were denied via rigged elections. As most people know the Brigadier was the man behind the ballot boxes, making sure that the count was in favor of Burnham. He is a rigger and no one can expect Guyanese to forget the past and play nicey nicey.
Originally posted by squingy:
Originally posted by albert:
He wasn’t a regular soldier, he was someone sent from the Office of the President to get the army to move in a particular direction and you know what that direction was, to subvert our constitution and he laws because he was trying to get the army to pledge loyalty to the PNC

Granger can't hide his past....he can't hide those skeletons in his closet

You believe that blatant lie?! Is this how you guys do your political campaigning? Mind you, I don't support Granger's candidacy, but you make yourself even lesser than people already think you are.
Indeed squingy. But let them sing their empty refrain. The people of Guyana know that the PPP has failed them today, and that it had little to do with the rule of Mr Forbes Burnham from 1964 to 1985, except that he bequeathed them the means to ride the masses.
Originally posted by Streetsmart: You despise communism why so? Because it spells death for white trash imperialism. The biggest terrorist state in the world is the US who continues its unrelenting global genocide and allows the white rabid dog Bush to roam freely, while similar creatures like Saddam and others have been hanged. The world's biggest consumer of drugs is the US. Recently it was shown how the US executioners and rapists otherwise known as the US military or US Government facilitates the movement of opium from Afghanistan to the US for the lucrative US market.
Guyana's determination to ride the society of evils, like drugs, crimes and imperialism will not end until this goal has been achieved.
Ricky, what do you know about communism? Can you explain and illustrate for us how communism applies to Guyana over the past decade? What you have said has left me in great puzzlement son...`
[quote by Streetsmart]Guyana's determination to ride the society of evils, like drugs, crimes and imperialism will not end until this goal has been achieved.[/quote]

So why did they turn down the help that was offered? The government knows that they would never rid the country of these evils, who the rant you think you're fooling with this BS?
Originally posted by albert: The Guyanese electorate will never allow those dark days of rigged elections and disenfranchisement of Guyanese to return...
Like I said, Mr Granger's candidacy is a boon to the PPP. They can't point to enough progress, so they have to resort to fear-mongering.

Which poor, hungry and dispossessed soul cares about the PNC that has been out of power for almost 20 years? In this day and age, those PNC days can never come back. What the people want to know is how their lives can be made better today and tomorrow, and why enough was not done yesterday.
The month of July is remembered for the martyrdom of Bholanauth Parmanand and Jagan Ramessar, both of whom were gunned down by the military for ‘having been at the wrong place at the wrong time’. These two men, in the prime of their productive lives, were shot dead by members of the Guyana Defence Force at the polling station at No. 63 Village Corentyne.
Many still have vivid recollections of that sordid moment in our political history. It was on the evening of July 16 1973 at the close of polling when members of the GDF stormed into the polling place and attempted to cart away ballot boxes to an undisclosed location.
Scores of people, the vast majority of who were known supporters of the PPP, had gathered in front of the polling station to protest against the removal of the ballot boxes by the military. The soldiers fired live bullets at the protesters, killing Bholanauth and Ramessar in the process.
Those were the days when the counting of ballots was not done at the place of poll as is currently the case. All the boxes were taken under military escort to a central polling place where they were tampered with and replaced with fictitious ballots.
Invariably, ballots cast in favour of the PPP were replaced and stuffed by ballots in favour in the PNC. So clumsy were the “rigging” exercise that at one polling station in the Pomeroon a wad of ballot papers was found neatly folded and wrapped with rubber bands, all in favour of the PNC! It took more than the magical powers of Houdini to cause a big wad of ballot papers to pass through a tiny slot in the ballot box.
It was this knowledge and fear that the results of the elections would be changed in favour of the PNC that led to such large gathering of people at polling stations at the end of polling. Under normal situations, eligible voters would cast their ballot and peacefully make their way home until the results were announced hours later. Not so in the election in the 1973. Voters knew from the experience of the 1968 elections that once the ballots were not counted at the place of poll, the results would not reflect true voters’ preferences as in the case of previous elections.

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