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Former Member

My Dear Friends, Fellow Opposition Goons, Homophobes, Misogynists, Auntymen, Brahmins, Lone Amerindian, Porcine White Knighters, etc. etc.


I have searched high and low for the words to fully capture my feelings on this occasion. However, one great philosopher and social scientist seems most appropriate. Pandit Kneeru succinctly said "I know de daag, you know de daag, we all know de daag."


Friends, we all know de daag indeed.


Furthermore, I'd like to thank all of your (including the alcoholic terrorist and Parosin) for pleading my case. You're all class acts in my book.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

P.S....As for Priya Pig. Priya Pig is a Minister of the Cabinet. She is a public figure. She happens to be a woman. I will treat an incompetent, gross, ill mannered woman politician just as badly as I would a male incompetent, gross, ill mannered oaf. We do all women a grave disservice when we treat Priya Pig as a sacred cow in spite of her many obvious political flaws which we would freely crucify any male for.


Women don't need or want stupid women to be given a free pass. This doesn't help them. White knighting is ok for a woman (or anyone) in distress for life, limb, or property. Not saving a politician who happens to be a woman from the consequences of her own bad record.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by kp:

Good Morning, Welcome Back, now be kind to you fellow man.


What about pigs?

My friend, is pigs got you in the dog house the first place, put your knowledge to good use, I think you are a smart guy!

KP, if you are in contact with Balchan, could you please let him know about Albert Boodhoo. They were very close friends in the PYO.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Look at it in a positive light, Shaitaan.

You got a well-deserved 24-hour break after a long gruelling slugfest in this political arena.

Hopefully, your battery is recharged.


Actually, it was kinda nice. I didn't know all my friends, frenemies, and enemies would actually miss me so much.


Makes me wanna resign ever so often just to hear people who don't like me say something nice about me

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Look at it in a positive light, Shaitaan.

You got a well-deserved 24-hour break after a long gruelling slugfest in this political arena.

Hopefully, your battery is recharged.


Actually, it was kinda nice. I didn't know all my friends, frenemies, and enemies would actually miss me so much.


Makes me wanna resign ever so often just to hear people who don't like me say something nice about me

there's always a silver lining

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Look at it in a positive light, Shaitaan.

You got a well-deserved 24-hour break after a long gruelling slugfest in this political arena.

Hopefully, your battery is recharged.


Actually, it was kinda nice. I didn't know all my friends, frenemies, and enemies would actually miss me so much.


Makes me wanna resign ever so often just to hear people who don't like me say something nice about me

there's always a silver lining


There is.


I know you received a lot of cry baby complaints. I get it. I also assume you ignore/address the vast majority of them in the interests of free speech. For that, I tip my bonnet to you.


I also know you really thought it was anti-woman. I assure you it wasn't. It was anti-Priya because it's Priya not because Priya is a woman.


I am convinced that shielding stupid women from just rubbishing (especially politicians) does not advance the cause of women. I stopped white knighting stupid women because other women convinced me I was doing more harm than good.


On this we appear to have an honest disagreement.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Look at it in a positive light, Shaitaan.

You got a well-deserved 24-hour break after a long gruelling slugfest in this political arena.

Hopefully, your battery is recharged.


Actually, it was kinda nice. I didn't know all my friends, frenemies, and enemies would actually miss me so much.


Makes me wanna resign ever so often just to hear people who don't like me say something nice about me

i heard even Miss Priya intervened on your behalf

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Look at it in a positive light, Shaitaan.

You got a well-deserved 24-hour break after a long gruelling slugfest in this political arena.

Hopefully, your battery is recharged.


Actually, it was kinda nice. I didn't know all my friends, frenemies, and enemies would actually miss me so much.


Makes me wanna resign ever so often just to hear people who don't like me say something nice about me

i heard even Miss Priya intervened on your behalf


Yes, Yugi did intervene on my behalf

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Good to see you back, shaitaan.
Now, let the good times roll.


Thank you for your pleadings on my behalf

now pull his knife out of your back

Whoaa there warior, bai. you need to check your post man. I don't roll like that.

SORRY my bro it nehru i intend this post for

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Good to see you back, shaitaan.
Now, let the good times roll.


Thank you for your pleadings on my behalf

now pull his knife out of your back

Whoaa there warior, bai. you need to check your post man. I don't roll like that.

SORRY my bro it nehru i intend this post for

Arite, no prob. yuh had meh worried for a moment deh,

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Look at it in a positive light, Shaitaan.

You got a well-deserved 24-hour break after a long gruelling slugfest in this political arena.

Hopefully, your battery is recharged.


Actually, it was kinda nice. I didn't know all my friends, frenemies, and enemies would actually miss me so much.


Makes me wanna resign ever so often just to hear people who don't like me say something nice about me

i heard even Miss Priya intervened on your behalf


Yes, Yugi did intervene on my behalf

That's because you drafted a perfect resignation letter for yuji. He will save it for next time. Meanwhile, he is indebted to you and wanted to show his appreciation.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Look at it in a positive light, Shaitaan.

You got a well-deserved 24-hour break after a long gruelling slugfest in this political arena.

Hopefully, your battery is recharged.


Actually, it was kinda nice. I didn't know all my friends, frenemies, and enemies would actually miss me so much.


Makes me wanna resign ever so often just to hear people who don't like me say something nice about me

i heard even Miss Priya intervened on your behalf


Yes, Yugi did intervene on my behalf

That's because you drafted a perfect resignation letter for yuji. He will save it for next time. Meanwhile, he is indebted to you and wanted to show his appreciation.


I pray to Bhagwan dat chap doan realize that letter wasn't an ode to Yugi's greatness


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