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Former Member

KAIETEUR NEWS, AUG 26 --- I wish to highlight the issue of suicide and suicide prevention in Guyana.
Firstly, I would like to let the readers know that the issue /endemic we face is not suicide; what we face is actually the result of the many things that push individuals to want to and in many instances put an end to their lives. Bullying, naming and shaming, victimization etc are just a few of the many issues persons face daily, and sadly, those who are too weak to ignore find themselves at either the end of a gun, knife, rope, poison bottle, fall etc.
If we want to save lives then we do not have to tackle those with suicidal tendencies (although it is important to offer assistance).What we need to do is educate the populace about the effects their derogatory remarks and selfish actions may have on others. We need to target learning institutions, the home, social media. What is very surprising too is that educated persons – educators, medical professionals, journalists etc, use their social media page to bash and shame persons they may not even know or who they may know little of simply because the individual or individuals are not β€œto their likeness”.
This foolishness needs to stop, I don’t know if these individuals are complacent of the hurt they are causing others by their actions but this has to be highlighted and they need to cease immediately. If groups are willing to really help potential victims and their families of suicide then the approach of penalizing and holding accountable those responsible for such should be an urgent priority for those relevant authorities responsible in aiding and minimizing suicide prevention .
Atika Stephens
Leader, URP

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Since it is almost impossible to change the action of others  and we can only change ourselves. It is important that  a person learn how to deal with their personal challenges, described by the letter writer above.

What some find effective in dealing with suicide is not to deal directly with the action of suicide, but to teach the person how to cope with their daily challenges.  Because they can only change themselves regarding bullying, name calling and other negative actions by others.

Learning how to deal with personal challenges with positive results, is also a benefit for other aspects of living a non-stressful life.

In Guyana, it is difficult to change the atmosphere of the surrounding, that might create  negative results. But a person can learn how to deal with their personal challenges of daily living, with some positive results.

Acceptance and learning how to live within that atmosphere, if a person cannot create change, is the key to an acceptable life style.   

ksazma posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah should take note.

You think he will commit suicide?

This is doubtful, people like him only live to drive others to suicide. But it would be poetic justice if he did. 

This is very wrong Druggie.

Not at all, the world would be better off without this cyber bully. Who knows how many people this creature drove to suicide, even Tola couldn't save them. 

warrior posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah should take note.

You think he will commit suicide?

This is doubtful, people like him only live to drive others to suicide. But it would be poetic justice if he did. 

i hope in your case u do it quick

What wrang with yuh bai, I got Tola the suicide prevention expert in me carna to watch out fuh meh. 

Drugb posted: What wrang with yuh bai, I got Tola the suicide prevention expert in me carna to watch out fuh meh. 

There's an old saying that goes somewhat like this: when yuh do good, yuh hold wood. Barring a few notable exceptions, all Tola has been getting from GNI for his good works in Guyana is wood, wood, and more wood. He could open a virtual lumber yard with all dem useless scantlings y'all throwing his way. 

Tola posted:

Thanks Gilly.

Do some people on GNI who post constantly, with negativism, animosity and hate, have productive lives. I doubt it.

I wish I have their spare time with my zillions of things to do, I could 'move mountains'.  What a  wasteful and negative thought...

Tell us what impact your organization has on Guyana's suicide rate. The country is still holding the #1 or #2 spots as highest suicide rate per capita. In fact ever since you got involved in suicide prevention, the rate actually went up. I would submit that this is clear indication as to your ineffectiveness. 

Drugb posted:
Tola posted:

Thanks Gilly.

Do some people on GNI who post constantly, with negativism, animosity and hate, have productive lives. I doubt it.

I wish I have their spare time with my zillions of things to do, I could 'move mountains'.  What a  wasteful and negative thought...

Tell us what impact your organization has on Guyana's suicide rate. The country is still holding the #1 or #2 spots as highest suicide rate per capita. In fact ever since you got involved in suicide prevention, the rate actually went up. I would submit that this is clear indication as to your ineffectiveness. 

Drugb, if Tola saved only 2 lives he did well in my book.


Pelt me with bricks and I will collect them and build a house like the Warria. 

Throw lemons at me and I will catch them and make swank. 

I will collect the ropes that you skanks want to hang me with and make hammocks hanging from the trees that you Guys selected. 

Judging from some of the comments, I see some of you are incapable of exhibiting love.  Hey guys,

Image result for kissing emoticons



Have a blessed day. 


Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Tola posted:

Thanks Gilly.

Do some people on GNI who post constantly, with negativism, animosity and hate, have productive lives. I doubt it.

I wish I have their spare time with my zillions of things to do, I could 'move mountains'.  What a  wasteful and negative thought...

Tell us what impact your organization has on Guyana's suicide rate. The country is still holding the #1 or #2 spots as highest suicide rate per capita. In fact ever since you got involved in suicide prevention, the rate actually went up. I would submit that this is clear indication as to your ineffectiveness. 

Drugb, if Tola saved only 2 lives he did well in my book.

How many lives did he save?

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:

....... Bullying, naming and shaming, victimization etc are just a few of the many issues persons face daily, and sadly, those who are too weak to ignore find themselves at either the end of a gun, knife, rope, poison bottle, fall etc.

Atika Stephens
Leader, URP

Cyber bullying is indeed one factor, though not the only factor in suicides.  However, cyber bullying only takes on real life when you expose/use a person's real name or direct hints.  Without a real person, it's only an impersonal rant.

Gilly, Tola, Mitwah, D2, Django, Mars, Caribj, and other such Pro-PNC "antagonist" cannot claim victimization because no one knows who they really are.  Even if some do, their real names are/were never dragged onto this board.

Dragging in real names have become a more recent (past 2-3 years) means to get at someone because you cannot contest a position, so you bully them into shutting-up by dragging in their real names and attaching derogatory made up stories and outright lies.

Back in the day, we went after each other but was respectful enough to leave personal matters out.  Only when people use their real names as part of their profile did they become fair game...and it was limited to their postings and declared positions, eg TK.

The victims are not limited to members.  Non-members are also defamed called thieves, fraudsters, scoundrels and other demeaning self-opinionated positions.  Their personal life stories (real or made-up) are published here without regard to the fact that they are real souls.

Many more people read this site than registered members.  Baseman gets feed back from Guyana, all over the US and Canada on things posted here. 

Mitwah posted:

Base, I feel very sorry for you that you feel victimized. You only have yourself to blame. 

You said:" without regard to the fact that they are real souls." Perhaps for you the blackman and Tola do not have a soul.

Please explain where/when I used any personal info!

You are one of the "poster children" for posting personal info and lies when you cannot logically contest a position.  This is why you were banned on several occasions.

BTW, I never claimed victimization, I was just making a policy statement on suicide.  And I ask you to go back 15 years and find any post where I publish anyone's personal info.  Show it to me!  I challenge you or anyone!

I ask you, who is Tola?  I have no clue to this date!  I could sit in the same taxi with him/her and not know! Understand my point, as long as a real name is not associated, then how can one claim to be victimized!  Baseman always and only comment on Tola (and anyone including you) based on his/their position here...nothing else.  Baseman cares not of anyone's personal lives!

What about this "Blackman"?  You all over the place like a headless chicken!  High suicide is among "coolies", not Blacks!

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
ksazma posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah should take note.

You think he will commit suicide?

This is doubtful, people like him only live to drive others to suicide. But it would be poetic justice if he did. 

This is very wrong Druggie.

Not at all, the world would be better off without this cyber bully. Who knows how many people this creature drove to suicide, even Tola couldn't save them. 

Only a warped mind  would wish this act on another person.

It is obvious you don't have the slightest idea what families experience,  after someone takes their own life.

Bhai, get some help, before you think this is normal in your family.

ba$eman posted: Gilly, Tola, Mitwah, D2, Django, Mars, Caribj, and other such Pro-PNC "antagonist" cannot claim victimization because no one knows who they really are.  Even if some do, their real names are/were never dragged onto this board.

FACT: Gilly does not drag GNI members' real names onto this board.

FACT: Gilly is not "Pro-PNC".

Gilbakka posted:
ba$eman posted: Gilly, Tola, Mitwah, D2, Django, Mars, Caribj, and other such Pro-PNC "antagonist" cannot claim victimization because no one knows who they really are.  Even if some do, their real names are/were never dragged onto this board.

FACT: Gilly does not drag GNI members' real names onto this board.

FACT: Gilly is not "Pro-PNC".

Does not matter...who is Gilly...for real..whether Pro-PNC or Anti-PPP or Anti-BJ.

And I never said you did, understand the context in which I refer to handle "Gilly"!


I honestly believe that Tola and Baseman need to draw a truce. Looks like both of them have done work related to charity in one capacity or the other. 

It is important that we look at the big picture and address the real problem of the suicide epidemic which mainly affects Indo Guyanese.

One fact that I noticed though is that Baseman's REAL name was drawn into this argument while others DO NOT use real names. Sadly, his father's name was also drawn into this argument.

Enough is enough and it is time draw a truce and stop this argument about suicide in Guyana after all, the almighty knows the truth as to who actually does and who actually pretends to do work for the betterment of Guyanese.


Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
ba$eman posted: Gilly, Tola, Mitwah, D2, Django, Mars, Caribj, and other such Pro-PNC "antagonist" cannot claim victimization because no one knows who they really are.  Even if some do, their real names are/were never dragged onto this board.

FACT: Gilly does not drag GNI members' real names onto this board.

FACT: Gilly is not "Pro-PNC".

Does not matter...who is Gilly...for real..whether Pro-PNC or Anti-PPP or Anti-BJ.

And I never said you did, understand the context in which I refer to handle "Gilly"!

A thumb-up for this response.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Tola posted:

Thanks Gilly.

Do some people on GNI who post constantly, with negativism, animosity and hate, have productive lives. I doubt it.

I wish I have their spare time with my zillions of things to do, I could 'move mountains'.  What a  wasteful and negative thought...

Tell us what impact your organization has on Guyana's suicide rate. The country is still holding the #1 or #2 spots as highest suicide rate per capita. In fact ever since you got involved in suicide prevention, the rate actually went up. I would submit that this is clear indication as to your ineffectiveness. 

Drugb, if Tola saved only 2 lives he did well in my book.

We should not rush to embrace charlatans who come on the board making claims that can not be verified. In fact he may be responsible for people taking their lives if one is to believe the statistics. Ever since the man has been supposedly doing suicide prevention in Guyana, more and more people taking their own lives. 

yuji22 posted:

I honestly believe that Tola and Baseman need to draw a truce. Looks like both of them have done work related to charity in one capacity or the other. 

It is important that we look at the big picture and address the real problem of the suicide epidemic which mainly affects Indo Guyanese.

One fact that I noticed though is that Baseman's REAL name was drawn into this argument while others DO NOT use real names. Sadly, his father's name was also drawn into this argument.

Enough is enough and it is time draw a truce and stop this argument about suicide in Guyana after all, the almighty knows the truth as to who actually does and who actually pretends to do work for the betterment of Guyanese.


I often follow when a comment is made about me. It was only when my first  name was used by Baseman, that I follow with his  first name.

I know much about Baseman and his family, yet he comes here and say he don't know me. Even if the don't know me or about our work  internationally, he has much to say about knocking it down.

Regarding his father, his name  was never used and the story was a prank. Based on a photo that Fr. Darke took of me and Dr. P. Reid during my scouting days and I was told Dr. Reid and his father were friends. Yet Baseman knew the story  was not true, but he went on  a long description about his father,  that  was  not previously know.

Now for the positive :  I believe many on GNI have skills and talents to do much non-racial good in Guyana, yet we don't take this opportunity.

Instead of knocking down the house that Warrior and his group built, we should have made  comments to improve the next house. Negativism can discourage people from doing more for the needy.

With some hiccup, GNI posters  assisted others in the past  and I strongly believe GNI can be used for successful projects  to help the people in Guyana.

Therefore, I propose that we form a GNI DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION.  Where members will be elected for appropriate positions to help the people in Guyana in a NON-RACIAL manner.  I also propose that elected members pay their own expenses to and in Guyana  and all  funds raised  will be used only for the projects.  I will make the first donation   and since I  make donations anonymously, only the person receiving my donation and the executive will know the amount, in confidence. .

What do you say.  Do we continue to destroy each other on GNI, or do we use our collective energy to make a difference in Guyana ?      

Last edited by Tola
Tola posted:


Do some people on GNI who post constantly, with negativism, animosity and hate, have productive lives. I doubt it.

I wish I have their spare time with my zillions of things to do, I could 'move mountains'.  What a  wasteful and negative thought...

This is why I criticize what you write. It is always about what good you are doing. You plead with others to be civil but deep in your post you indicate traits of uncivil nature. If you truly don't have spare time and can use all the time you are given so you can complete these "zillions of things" as well as help you "move mountains", why are you even on GNI? Clearly your presence here would be getting in your way of moving those mountains. If I comment on the apparent dubious nature displayed through your posts, that does not make it negativism, animosity or hate. It may just be someone pointing out an apparent hypocrisy in your claim. Plus you don't really know if someone has a productive life or not. But your 'humble yet boastful claims of your posts are crystal clear. Maybe you are too old to be able to decipher these glaring trends in your posts.

ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:

Base, I feel very sorry for you that you feel victimized. You only have yourself to blame. 

You said:" without regard to the fact that they are real souls." Perhaps for you the blackman and Tola do not have a soul.

Please explain where/when I used any personal info!

You are one of the "poster children" for posting personal info and lies when you cannot logically contest a position.  This is why you were banned on several occasions.

BTW, I never claimed victimization, I was just making a policy statement on suicide.  And I ask you to go back 15 years and find any post where I publish anyone's personal info.  Show it to me!  I challenge you or anyone!

I ask you, who is Tola?  I have no clue to this date!  I could sit in the same taxi with him/her and not know! Understand my point, as long as a real name is not associated, then how can one claim to be victimized!  Baseman always and only comment on Tola (and anyone including you) based on his/their position here...nothing else.  Baseman cares not of anyone's personal lives!

What about this "Blackman"?  You all over the place like a headless chicken!  High suicide is among "coolies", not Blacks!

When you turn to name calling or whenever you cyber attack me with your derogatory names, I will publish all the personal information that I collected on you. Show me what lies I posted. Go ahead and push  your luck with me. You think I am a headless chicken; I wanted to tell you to go look in the mirror but then you would not be able to see your self.  


Just read this:

Suicides are caused by many factors and social media insults contributed as one of the factors of suicide today. Social media is playing a huge role in many societies, and the possibility of insults can only get worse. What happened the other day when a young man beat his grandparents for scolding his behavior because he wanted a cell phone after he hangs himself, shouldn't go unnoticed. Tomorrow, something else may surprise us. 

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

 Drugb, if Tola saved only 2 lives he did well in my book.

How many lives did he save?

Umm...#...hmmmm...**.... CALLING TOLA: WHAT'S THE STATS?

Anonymous people like Bibi with false nick on  GNI, asking for real information, this is a first., but to pacify, here goes.  

The youth  who completed our program graduated from high schools/UG and are teachers at the school, they once dropped out, thus forming a mentorship program for new students.

The youth now look after he program after some challenges from the past government, but why ask me, come and help.

GNI is a place with too much hot air and little action, some posters  assume by understanding what they  don't read and make an ass of themselves.

You want to knew what  we do Bibi, come and see.  Tell me your  correct name and I will give you the true facts.

This is no reflection on you Gilly.  

ksazma posted:
Tola posted:


Do some people on GNI who post constantly, with negativism, animosity and hate, have productive lives. I doubt it.

I wish I have their spare time with my zillions of things to do, I could 'move mountains'.  What a  wasteful and negative thought...

This is why I criticize what you write. It is always about what good you are doing. You plead with others to be civil but deep in your post you indicate traits of uncivil nature. If you truly don't have spare time and can use all the time you are given so you can complete these "zillions of things" as well as help you "move mountains", why are you even on GNI? Clearly your presence here would be getting in your way of moving those mountains. If I comment on the apparent dubious nature displayed through your posts, that does not make it negativism, animosity or hate. It may just be someone pointing out an apparent hypocrisy in your claim. Plus you don't really know if someone has a productive life or not. But your 'humble yet boastful claims of your posts are crystal clear. Maybe you are too old to be able to decipher these glaring trends in your posts.

Above is Kaz's response.

Tola posted:

Anonymous people like Bibi with false nick on  GNI, asking for real information, this is a first., but to pacify, here goes.  

The youth  who completed our program graduated from high schools/UG and are teachers at the school, they once dropped out, thus forming a mentorship program for new students.

The youth now look after he program after some challenges from the past government, but why ask me, come and help.

GNI is a place with too much hot air and little action, some posters  assume by understanding what they  don't read and make an ass of themselves.

You want to knew what  we do Bibi, come and see.  Tell me your  correct name and I will give you the true facts.

This is no reflection on you Gilly.  

Thanks, Tola.


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