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How d gardens coming??

wht r yr crops this yr??

well d damn squirrels at it this yr..

fuss time dem eating our tomatoes..

that used to be the only thing they didnt dem biting all the green ones n leaving them 1/2 way

man if dem eat out 1 is ok..but dem bit all..lil lil piece!!

dem dig out 1 of the 2 squash vines  i had n killed it completely

now they started on the 2nd buti already reaped 5 from the vine IMG_1529


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@Amral posted:

i did not plant, no time

Well..all these yrs n squirrels never ever bit our tomatoes..but this yr they r doing so..

same for sqaush..been planting for 4 yrs n they never bit..

this yr the bit the sqaush clean off the vine..n bit the root yesterday..the dug out 1 root since we planted

last yr i planted karailla for the 1st timen it had abt 15 sml ones like 2-3 ins..they bit all off the vine

they even bit the weird looking pepper i have in buckets

whts going on with these squirrels?? R they starving this yr..??


My neighbour used to feed the pigeons so every day they would all hang out on the lines outside for Uncle Joe. After feeding, our driveways and cars would be painted by their squirts. One day my daughter told him to take his feeding at the back yard to quit messing the place up, they had to stop hanging out their laundry after that.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Lynn, get a good slingshot.

Imagine dem bit the root of my only sqaush vine..cut it off had some sml baby squash the vine drying up..they bite up all the big tomatoes..i decided to pic all the rest..GREEN GREEN..

the 2 seim plants..i got 1 picking for 2 persons’ meal..n saved some for seeds..

they not biting the grape tomatoes..trees laden with those..been giving away to co workers

@Lynn posted:

Imagine dem bit the root of my only sqaush vine..cut it off had some sml baby squash the vine drying up..they bite up all the big tomatoes..i decided to pic all the rest..GREEN GREEN..

the 2 seim plants..i got 1 picking for 2 persons’ meal..n saved some for seeds..

they not biting the grape tomatoes..trees laden with those..been giving away to co workers

Perhaps you have rats chewing on the tomatoes. Squirrels normally don't chew on tomatoes. Rats and mice go after the flowers for the nectar.


I once had a heck of a time trying to catch a squirrel to remove a donut wrapper that was stuck to his face while he tried to munch down.

My daughter purchased some rigid plastic mesh which has plastic barbs to keep the critters at bay when placed on the soil. I will ask her where she got it from, might be good for next season.

Last edited by cain
@Mitwah posted:

Perhaps you have rats chewing on the tomatoes. Squirrels normally don't chew on tomatoes. Rats and mice go after the flowers for the nectar.

No ..even my italian neighbors saying squirrels exiting her tomatoesn zucchini..

they bit the big green tomatoes..

never in history since we havebeen here ..25 yrs in this yard..

tomatoes grew without any issues ..

all the sqUSH LAST YR,..none were bitten..the karaila were bitten off the vine..not the karaila itself..

this time they bit off a big squash..cut it iff the vine..n it had 4 smaller ones ..they took those..n then they BIT the nowitis drying up

my other italian friend who lived abt 3mins drive from u said they r doing same for her zucchini..n they never ate her zucchini before â€Ķ

Last edited by Lynn
@cain posted:

I once had a heck of a time trying to catch a squirrel to remove a donut wrapper that was stuck to his face while he tried to munch down.

My daughter purchased some rigid plastic mesh which has plastic barbs to keep the critters at bay when placed on the soil. I will ask her where she got it from, might be good for next season.

Yes pls ask her


@Lynn, it seems like you need to invest in an Animal Deterrent Device. My cousin got a Solar powered Ulrasonic pest repeller. It works on squirrels, skunks, cats, rats and racoons. His motion sensor is 18kHz. He got it from Amazon . You can check Canadian Tyre or the other local HW stores. The fake owls don't work.  I catch and release. Got my traps from CT years ago. Bonne Chance!


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