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Former Member

The Honourable President of Guyana has announced November 10 as the first post recess sitting of Guyana's National Assembly.


Another announcement is the date for LEG in the second quarter of 2015. These two major announcements put the AFC in their rightful place, the political graveyard.


It is important to remember that the AFC is financially bankrupt and cannot even afford to hold a long overdue congress. In fact, this is a disgrace for a party that is harping about dates and they cannot even put their own house in order.


It can be safely concluded that the cancellation of the Congress occurred  as a result of a lack of support, lack of finance and possibly party infighting. Combines these factors and the AFC is a dead man's party. It is only a few die hards overseas supporters who are living a fools dream.


The PNC is a fractured party and is not ready for National Elections. They may be more interested in Local Elections which are long overdue and may want to use it as a "test run" prior to any National Elections. 


This puts the AFC no confidence motion into a limbo and Moses may end up not having his motion on the top of the priority list as the major players in parliament, PPP and PNC decide as matters of national importance in parliament. 


The AFC must be reminded that it is not a major player in parliament and need to understand that they cannot dictate what the major parties in parliament decide to act on that they may deem as matters of national importance.


Given the dynamics of the situation parliament, the AFC will end up on the losing side as they always have been constantly outfoxed by a more mature PNC party which used the AFC to fulfill their own interest.


Combine the PNC not being interested in supporting the AFC, declining support for the AFC and the AFC being almost bankrupt, the PPP is in an excellent position despite what happens in parliament.


The PPP stands strong while the AFC is headed to the political graveyard with the likes or ROAR whose leader Ravi Dave is now poking fun at the AFC and it's immature leadership. WE need not forget until recently, the AFC was quoting Ravi as if he was an expert on National Affairs.


What an immature bunch in the AFC ! What bunch of Losers in the AFC !


The PPP is headed for a majority "Because We Care"



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Given the nature of Guyana's political system -- proportional representation -- the AFC will always receive votes. However, indications are that their parliamentary representatives will be considerably reduced at the next elections.

AFC election slogan --- I am the speaker of my party and I love young peopleâ€ĶWe are like pro-teen in a burger.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Given the nature of Guyana's political system -- proportional representation -- the AFC will always receive votes. However, indications are that their parliamentary representatives will be considerably reduced at the next elections.

AFC election slogan --- I am the speaker of my party and I love young peopleâ€ĶWe are like pro-teen in a burger.

AFC election slogan --- I am the speaker of my party and I love young peopleâ€ĶWe are like pro-teen in a burger. And don't think we are not seeing you, our leader can see you even if you are sideways.


PPP is a criminal government, The majority of Guyanese voted against the PPP and Ramotar in the last elections those same persons are speaking out against Ramotar and supporting a no confidence against his backside. 


Gwan dat side wid your soup DG


Consolidating criminality


Dear Editor,
The government’s history of corruption, its stance on the unauthorized expenditure of Ashni Singh, its imposition of Carol Sooba in the affairs of Georgetown’s Council, and its support of both Khurshid Sattaur and Anil Nandlall in illegal and unlawful activities, both of which have been sanctioned by the PPP against Guyana’s citizens, strips it of any legitimate claim to governance and government in Guyana.  The current PPP administration is now a quasi-government, criminal organization intent on maintaining power by fooling the Guyanese public that they are the government.
The PPP is right now concerned with creating an image of legitimacy for its traditional supporters who still hope in them.  Whether or not these supporters continue to extend same to the PPP does not in any way justify the clearly illegal and unlawful acts perpetrated by the PPP through its government officials on the people of Guyana.
The issue of having these criminal acts brought before a court of justice in the present framework of the PPP’s abuse of government’s offices is clearly not possible.
The PPP’s claim to legitimate government is now lost.  The PPP is now a criminal organization intent on oppressing the people of Guyana for as long as we allow them.  There is no court or law to which the PPP subscribes, so there is no court or law to which Guyanese can turn for justice.
Guyanese are therefore left to execute justice for themselves, without a court or law, except that which they hold in their mind to be fair and just.
Craig Sylvester

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

President Donald Ramotar and the PPP being terrified of elections are figments of the imaginations of a small group of individuals.


See example above.

If ramotar feels its a small number of persons why isn't he calling elections?


Answer dat question now? any government worth their salt would have immediately called an election to reinforce or validate the "power" they claim they have.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

President Donald Ramotar and the PPP being terrified of elections are figments of the imaginations of a small group of individuals.


See example above.

If ramotar feels its a small number of persons why isn't he calling elections?


Answer dat question now? any government worth their salt would have immediately called an election to reinforce or validate the "power" they claim they have.

Hindu chat-2,
Ramotar is in charge. He will do what he feels is right for Guyana like "Because We Care"

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

An election in Guyana will be called at the apt time.

As usual you lack comprehension. Nothing new here.


Quit talking about APT time and if Ramotar has balls call the election now. If the PPP thinks they have the majority support of the people quit the fat talk and call an election now and shut up the opposition once and for all.


Or did their secret polls show them that they are losing? uh oh!!  

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

An election in Guyana will be called at the apt time.

As usual you lack comprehension. Nothing new here.


Quit talking about APT time and if Ramotar has balls call the election now. If the PPP thinks they have the majority support of the people quit the fat talk and call an election now and shut up the opposition once and for all.


Or did their secret polls show them that they are losing? uh oh!!  

Now look how yuh wrap up De PNC engineer.

IF Ramotar have Balls?

(1) Jagdeo & Ramotar was caught on Camera

 Scratching at the India Parade In NYC.

(2) Was that the Apt time...

(3) Were they scratching Balls or Poke?


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

An election in Guyana will be called at the apt time.

As usual you lack comprehension. Nothing new here.


Quit talking about APT time and if Ramotar has balls call the election now. If the PPP thinks they have the majority support of the people quit the fat talk and call an election now and shut up the opposition once and for all.


Or did their secret polls show them that they are losing? uh oh!!  

Now look how yuh wrap up De PNC engineer.

IF Ramotar have Balls?

(1) Jagdeo & Ramotar was caught on Camera

 Scratching at the India Parade In NYC.

(2) Was that the Apt time...

(3) Were they scratching Balls or Poke?


Scratching Balls or poke?


Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

If the AFC is so doomed why is Ramotar and the PPP terrified of elections?

The PPP want to make sure that the election commission get their act in order and avoid all post elections excuses to kill Indian babies in their sleep.

So why was the PNC threatening snap elections if they don't think that GECOM is ready.


GECOM said that they are ready by the way.  If the PPP doesn't think that they are, then what are they doing to make them ready.  After all they have been avoiding this LGE issue now for more than a year.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

President Donald Ramotar and the PPP being terrified of elections are figments of the imaginations of a small group of individuals.


See example above.

Correct, Skeldon_Man. 



Heheheh! Darpok Yugi begging Skelly fuh help.


Good morning, yuji. Namaste.

Gilbakka is in high spirits today.

The newspapers say the AFC no-confidence motion is on the Order Paper for Monday's sitting of the National Assembly.

The newspapers say the AFC and APNU leadership met yesterday and streamlined plans for Monday's sitting.

The newspapers say the AFC and APNU will meet again tomorrow, Friday.

Meanwhile, PPP panic goes into high gear. Yesterday they got their pawn Johnny Welshman to meet the press and issue a 3-day ultimatum to fire the Speaker, i.e., before Monday's sitting.

The Speaker ent going anywhere. He will be presiding over an unprecedented and historic sitting of the National Assembly on Monday, November 10.

Gilbakka is in a fine mood today.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Good morning, yuji. Namaste.

Gilbakka is in high spirits today.

The newspapers say the AFC no-confidence motion is on the Order Paper for Monday's sitting of the National Assembly.

The newspapers say the AFC and APNU leadership met yesterday and streamlined plans for Monday's sitting.

The newspapers say the AFC and APNU will meet again tomorrow, Friday.

Meanwhile, PPP panic goes into high gear. Yesterday they got their pawn Johnny Welshman to meet the press and issue a 3-day ultimatum to fire the Speaker, i.e., before Monday's sitting.

The Speaker ent going anywhere. He will be presiding over an unprecedented and historic sitting of the National Assembly on Monday, November 10.

Gilbakka is in a fine mood today.

The PPP is as happy as a pig in a garbage dump over the stupidity of the opposition.  The AFC are ambulance chasers.  Rather than joining the APNU and many civic organizations as well as foreign gov'ts in demanding LGE they allowed the PPP to escape that trap by this MONC.


What will MONC achieve.  Race based voting guarantees that APNU will not win a majority vote.  The PPP has the power of incumbency to buy off votes and extract funding from soup lickers, so starts off more prepared than either opposition party.


The AFC is like that 4'8" man who screams loudly merely because he seeks attention.  The AFC has yet to communicate why it wants MONC when there is no evidence to suggest that it will achieve anything.  So we have elections and the PPP returns as the minority gov't.  What has been achieved?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny you are starting to sound more and more like dem PPP comrades.



Bhai CaribJ & Purple Shoes

got dem own Agenda...


Rupert say

"J" do not represent

or...speak for APNU...

Rupert say....Some of the

Worst Racist PNC Ole Heads...

Shitting their Pants ...because

WPA is No way, Shape or Form

  a Black or Racist Party.... 


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny you are starting to sound more and more like dem PPP comrades.



Oh yes.  In 2011 I said the same thing and was accused of the same thing, while you all screamed that you would get more votes than the PNC.


Well the AFC didn't get black votes as I warned since August when they might have still have had time to get some by targeting this group.


The PNC won 4X the numbers of votes than did the AFC, rubbishing the screams that the AFC would replace the PNC as the lead opposition party.


The AFC needs to change its attitude.  Get off your entitled moral high horse because Nigel and Cathy Hughes, speaking out against Amaila, but yet benefitting financially from it, showed that the AFC is every bit as corrupt as the PPP and the PNC. 


Focus on LGE because it is a DISGRACE that you all have been used by the PPP to ensure that they don't host it!

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny you are starting to sound more and more like dem PPP comrades.



Bhai CaribJ & Purple Shoes

got dem own Agenda...


Rupert say

"J" do not represent

or...speak for APNU...

Rupert say....Some of the

Worst Racist PNC Ole Heads...

Shitting their Pants ...because

WPA is No way, Shape or Form

  a Black or Racist Party.... 


You look and sound just like Rev. You don't have the facts so you hide it with vulgarity and graphics.


The AFC lost its black support, and we don't know if they still even have their Indian base.  They flitter like ambulances chasers instead of focusing on projects that can help people.  What are they doing about Linden.  What have they done with the rice farmers since that riot on the Essequibo Coast.


The AFC behaves like a broke ambulance chaser instead of building a proper base.  In fact the AFC has a problem and that is the mass take over by Nagamootoo and his cronies.  Rather than engaging in strategies to develop the AFC to become a party which can get 30% of the votes, they engage in childish tantrums because the PPP tossed them out.


LGE should have been the priority and this is what terrifies the PPP.  Thanks to the AFC LGE will no longer be on the table, and as municipalities collapse the PPP will take them over as they are trying to do in G/town. 


Caribny you are on point with some issues but here is what I have to ask you.


The PNC is in disarray, Greenidge and his crew not happy with the status quo. Linden (Kissoon & Sharma) is a mess. 


Jaipaul sharma is out.


Roopnarine has already been told by granger he wont be the next PM candidate running with APNU.


do you really think the PNC will hold on to the votes they got in 2011?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is why I do not believe that the AFC should join with APNU unless Moses is made presidential candidate.


Granger should haul his ass.

APNU will be quite happy if the AFC selects Nagamootoo as their candidate.  This ageing and uncharismatic Ex PPPite will definitely allow the AFC to keep its African base.  Only the PPP needs to be worried because Nagamootoo is more concerned with being tossed out by the AFC and apparently the AFC folks who were around before his arrival  have quietly exited, or are keeping a low profile.


What has me laughing is that the ONLY person within APNU who speaks to black issues is David Hinds a WPA member.  So apparently the WPA is more interested in the specific issues which concern Afro Guyanese than is the PNC.


The AFC focuses instead on Indians, something which APNU is glad about, as this guarantees that they will keep their vote while the PPP panics about losing theirs.


Until you cease your vulgarity you will remain a clown on GNI< just like Rev, and exceedingly a vulgar one at that.  Hiding behind your PC is no excuse for your behavior.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny you are starting to sound more and more like dem PPP comrades.



Rupert as in WPA .....

made it clear .....


CaribJ as in...... Jim Jones....

does not speak for WPA or APNU...


Purple Shoes & CaribJ

as in Jim-Cock-Bring Ramgoat....

are free to express the Views of Jonestown

or The Black PNC House of Israel Thugs....

to their cult members....


Rupert as in WPA & APNU say...

CaribJ with Shades, cannot understand

APNU is not PNC as in Purple Shoes & Pants


Rupert as in WPA & APNU say...

In 2011 Elections CaribJ as in Janet Jagan...

was not speaking for or on behalf of

APNU or WPA....


Rupert as in WPA & APNU say...

In 2014/15 Elections CaribJ as in Judas...

cannot be speaking for or

on behalf of APNU or WPA....


Rupert as in WPA & APNU say...

CaribJ "Coolie & Black Racist Politics"

comes from Kabaka and his Sunglasses,

Purple Suede Shoes & Purple Crimplene Pants

APNU do not want to hear about King Kong.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Given the nature of Guyana's political system -- proportional representation -- the AFC will always receive votes. However, indications are that their parliamentary representatives will be considerably reduced at the next elections.

AFC election slogan --- I am the speaker of my party and I love young peopleâ€ĶWe are like pro-teen in a burger.


Ha Ha !

 Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Given the nature of Guyana's political system -- proportional representation -- the AFC will always receive votes. However, indications are that their parliamentary representatives will be considerably reduced at the next elections.

AFC election slogan --- I am the speaker of my party and I love young peopleâ€ĶWe are like pro-teen in a burger.


Ha Ha !

Aye ah hear sheridan college offering high school remedial classes fuh low breeds like you......check it out...


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