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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
 Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Given the nature of Guyana's political system -- proportional representation -- the AFC will always receive votes. However, indications are that their parliamentary representatives will be considerably reduced at the next elections.

AFC election slogan --- I am the speaker of my party and I love young people…We are like pro-teen in a burger.


Ha Ha !

Aye ah hear sheridan college offering high school remedial classes fuh low breeds like you......check it out...

Anil seh his low IQ is a sign of multiple inbreeding within his low breed caste.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Vulgarity? why could you please give me examples of this here vulgarity you speaketh of?


Ah notice you dodge my questions and selectively chose to respond to my comments not questions.

Sorry meant Jalil's vulgarity, not you.


But the fact is the AFC is seen as being Indo party II filled with disgruntled PPPites.   Nagamootoo will not get black votes. 


Push the claim that the AFC wants black votes and some one will ask you why Hughes isn't the presidential candidate.  After all didn't the AFC saythat there will be ethnic rotation in selecting its presidential candidates?  Well then Nagamootoo will have to settle to be the PM candidate.


HM the reason why no one other than the PPP is raising this as an issue is that black people wish that Indo party II weakens Indo party I by taking some votes.  And they know that this is best accomplished by having an Indian candidate.


The problem that you and other PPP refugees have is that you have 100% focus on the Indian votes and ignore the African/mixed voters, and think that there will not be consequences.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nothing new, perhaps, for it is well known that the scheduled elections are in 2016, or it can be earlier should circumstances determine so.

LGE was due in 1999.  15 years have past.  So what's your excuse for that?  You think that people shouldn't have a right to determine who their local leadership should be.  Only accepting people foisted on them by their party leadership.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny you are on point with some issues but here is what I have to ask you.


The PNC is in disarray,



So black people will stay home as APNUs vote tumbles, Nagamootoo grabs some Indians votes, but the fact that blacks stay home will guarantee the PPP regains its majority position.


Are you happy because Nagamootoo is NOT going to get black votes.  If you want blacks support then Hughes should be the candidate, but then that will cost you Indian votes.


I disagree with you on this note.


But the fact is the AFC is seen as being Indo party II filled with disgruntled PPPites.   Nagamootoo will not get black votes. 


I think a lot of folks went back to the APNU with this grand hope but Granger has turned out to be worse than a dud. Is that not true?


Many and I will repeat for you Many of Granger's army supporters are now deserters from APNU, Is that not correct? Harmon is holding on for his dear life and many of the rest of these folks who supported Granger are now openly speaking up against him, Many are saying they are done with Granger. Is that not true?


You think young people are gravitating towards granger like they did in 2011?


Do you think the AFC will make the same mistake they made in 2011 and not campaign in black areas?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I disagree with you on this note.


But the fact is the AFC is seen as being Indo party II filled with disgruntled PPPites.   Nagamootoo will not get black votes. 


I think a lot of folks went back to the APNU with this grand hope but Granger has turned out to be worse than a dud. Is that not true?


Many and I will repeat for you Many of Granger's army supporters are now deserters from APNU, Is that not correct? Harmon is holding on for his dear life and many of the rest of these folks who supported Granger are now openly speaking up against him, Many are saying they are done with Granger. Is that not true?


You think young people are gravitating towards granger like they did in 2011?


Do you think the AFC will make the same mistake they made in 2011 and not campaign in black areas?

The AFC can do what it wants but if you think that Nagamootoo can go to Linden with his PPP self and then expect to win votes you are CRAZY!  He is an old PPP man who was SILENT about how the PPP treated blacks!  Nagamootoo appeals to ex PPPites like you who worship him from your PPP days as you engage in nostalgia for Cheddi Jagan.


Nagamootoo means nothing for people who never liked the PPP and who considered Cheddi and especially Janet as MONSTERS!


I am telling you this from now.  If black people don't like Granger they will STAY HOME and the PPP takes back the parliament.  So you better hope that APNU gets its house in order because the AFC WILL NOT WIN any election!


This is exactly why I am against the MONC. What sense does it make to have it when the only party likely to beat the PPP, based on Indo Party II (AFC) snatching some of its base, is the APNU?


Get out through your thick heads.  The AFC is NOT winning any election.  maybe you all can increase your vote to 15%.  If APNU craters to 35% than the PPP gets 50% and Rev will be stomping all over you with glee.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I disagree with you on this note.


But the fact is the AFC is seen as being Indo party II filled with disgruntled PPPites.   Nagamootoo will not get black votes. 


I think a lot of folks went back to the APNU with this grand hope but Granger has turned out to be worse than a dud. Is that not true?


Many and I will repeat for you Many of Granger's army supporters are now deserters from APNU, Is that not correct? Harmon is holding on for his dear life and many of the rest of these folks who supported Granger are now openly speaking up against him, Many are saying they are done with Granger. Is that not true?


You think young people are gravitating towards granger like they did in 2011?


Do you think the AFC will make the same mistake they made in 2011 and not campaign in black areas?

The AFC can do what it wants but if you think that Nagamootoo can go to Linden with his PPP self and then expect to win votes you are CRAZY!  He is an old PPP man who was SILENT about how the PPP treated blacks!  Nagamootoo appeals to ex PPPites like you who worship him from your PPP days as you engage in nostalgia for Cheddi Jagan.


Nagamootoo means nothing for people who never liked the PPP and who considered Cheddi and especially Janet as MONSTERS!


I am telling you this from now.  If black people don't like Granger they will STAY HOME and the PPP takes back the parliament.  So you better hope that APNU gets its house in order because the AFC WILL NOT WIN any election!


This is exactly why I am against the MONC. What sense does it make to have it when the only party likely to beat the PPP, based on Indo Party II (AFC) snatching some of its base, is the APNU?


Get out through your thick heads.  The AFC is NOT winning any election.  maybe you all can increase your vote to 15%.  If APNU craters to 35% than the PPP gets 50% and Rev will be stomping all over you with glee.

Get out through your thick heads.  The AFC is NOT winning any election.  maybe you all can increase get  15 5%.


Caribny, I told them it's wishful thinking.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

There will be no MONC. Ramotar will risk anarchy by closing down parliament and avoid it for the next six months.

APNU's James Bond is one ofthe people who is going to be sick on the day the motion is voted on.

There will be no vote. Ramotar will porogue parliament on Monday, thereby extend his Presidency for another 6 - 10 months.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . Get out through your thick heads.  The AFC is NOT winning any election.  maybe you all can increase your vote to 15%.  If APNU craters to 35% than the PPP gets 50% and Rev will be stomping all over you with glee.

caribny, something doesn't add up


u are on record cussing AFC ad nauseam for not mounting a strong enough challenge for the Afro vote in APNU strongholds, preferring to concentrate its resources on peeling away Indo support from the PPP in Berbice and Region 3


now you are 'concerned' that APNU "cratering" to 35% (due to AFC gains?) pushes the PPP over 50%


huh . . .??

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I disagree with you on this note.


But the fact is the AFC is seen as being Indo party II filled with disgruntled PPPites.   Nagamootoo will not get black votes. 


I think a lot of folks went back to the APNU with this grand hope but Granger has turned out to be worse than a dud. Is that not true?


Many and I will repeat for you Many of Granger's army supporters are now deserters from APNU, Is that not correct? Harmon is holding on for his dear life and many of the rest of these folks who supported Granger are now openly speaking up against him, Many are saying they are done with Granger. Is that not true?


You think young people are gravitating towards granger like they did in 2011?


Do you think the AFC will make the same mistake they made in 2011 and not campaign in black areas?

The AFC can do what it wants but if you think that Nagamootoo can go to Linden with his PPP self and then expect to win votes you are CRAZY!  He is an old PPP man who was SILENT about how the PPP treated blacks!  Nagamootoo appeals to ex PPPites like you who worship him from your PPP days as you engage in nostalgia for Cheddi Jagan.


Nagamootoo means nothing for people who never liked the PPP and who considered Cheddi and especially Janet as MONSTERS!


I am telling you this from now.  If black people don't like Granger they will STAY HOME and the PPP takes back the parliament.  So you better hope that APNU gets its house in order because the AFC WILL NOT WIN any election!


This is exactly why I am against the MONC. What sense does it make to have it when the only party likely to beat the PPP, based on Indo Party II (AFC) snatching some of its base, is the APNU?


Get out through your thick heads.  The AFC is NOT winning any election.  maybe you all can increase your vote to 15%.  If APNU craters to 35% than the PPP gets 50% and Rev will be stomping all over you with glee.

Get out through your thick heads.  The AFC is NOT winning any election.  maybe you all can increase get  15 5%.


Caribny, I told them it's wishful thinking.


Carib knows that the PPP is headed for a majority.


The biggest mistake for the AFC was not to merge with the PNC. The AFC has a  greedy and a power hungry bunch who are so corrupt that they are blinded with greed.


Poster Mara spoke about the egos of those in the leadership of the AFC. He was 100 percent accurate.


Gerhard is a smart and intelligent businessman and rightly jumped the AFC's sinking ship. He does not want to be taken for a ride a second time around. His departure is the final blow to the AFC.


The cancellation of the AFC's congress was the first indication of party infighting. Gerhard and others wanted a merger with the PNC but Rumjhaat is concerned about the party financial supports fleeing the AFC if a merger occurs.


The AFC can now rest in peace. Moses and Rumjhaat are lifetime losers. The Black AFC leadership will slowly merge with the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Carib knows that the PPP is headed for a majority.


The biggest mistake for the AFC was not to merge with the PNC. The AFC has a  greedy and a power hungry bunch who are so corrupt that they are blinded with greed.


Poster Mara spoke about the egos of those in the leadership of the AFC. He was 100 percent accurate.


Gerhard is a smart and intelligent businessman and rightly jumped the AFC's sinking ship. He does not want to be taken for a ride a second time around. His departure is the final blow to the AFC.


The cancellation of the AFC's congress was the first indication of party infighting. Gerhard and others wanted a merger with the PNC but Rumjhaat is concerned about the party financial supports fleeing the AFC if a merger occurs.


The AFC can now rest in peace. Moses and Rumjhaat are lifetime losers. The Black AFC leadership will slowly merge with the PNC.

owww man . . . yugee in he comfort zone


racism and race baiting is cool and desirable as lang as abee pan tap (or as lang as Indo-Guyanese are a majority)


wine down wid dem Freedom House antiman deh bai . . . good times

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nothing new, perhaps, for it is well known that the scheduled elections are in 2016, or it can be earlier should circumstances determine so.

LGE was due in 1999.  15 years have past.  So what's your excuse for that?  You think that people shouldn't have a right to determine who their local leadership should be.  Only accepting people foisted on them by their party leadership.

Correction, Carib. LGE was due in 1997. Constitutionally, LGE must be held every 3 years. General elections are held every 5 years.

So, 17 years have passed since LGE was due.

Your other sentences are fine.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nothing new, perhaps, for it is well known that the scheduled elections are in 2016, or it can be earlier should circumstances determine so.

LGE was due in 1999.  15 years have past.  So what's your excuse for that?  You think that people shouldn't have a right to determine who their local leadership should be.  Only accepting people foisted on them by their party leadership.

Correction, Carib. LGE was due in 1997. Constitutionally, LGE must be held every 3 years. General elections are held every 5 years.

So, 17 years have passed since LGE was due.

Your other sentences are fine.




I read in social that you want to have a political fight here. Today is Friday. 

Join the thread started by Raymond in social. Have a good time today.


Jah Rastafar I. I am spinning me Marley record right now. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Get out through your thick heads.  The AFC is NOT winning any election.  maybe you all can increase your vote to 15%.  If APNU craters to 35% than the PPP gets 50% and Rev will be stomping all over you with glee.


* With the chaos in the PNC, many supporters will stay home in the next election like they did in 2006.


* The AFC has maxed out at 10.3%---that's what they got in 2011. If Stale Bread Moses is the AFC's presidential candidate, we all know he has the charisma of a lime, the AFC will be lucky to get 5%.




* It's a fait accompli, a done deal, it's written in stone, the PPP will gain a majority in the next election.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nothing new, perhaps, for it is well known that the scheduled elections are in 2016, or it can be earlier should circumstances determine so.

LGE was due in 1999.  15 years have past.  So what's your excuse for that?  You think that people shouldn't have a right to determine who their local leadership should be.  Only accepting people foisted on them by their party leadership.

Correction, Carib. LGE was due in 1997. Constitutionally, LGE must be held every 3 years. General elections are held every 5 years.

So, 17 years have passed since LGE was due.

Your other sentences are fine.




I read in social that you want to have a political fight here. Today is Friday. 

Join the thread started by Raymond in social. Have a good time today.


Jah Rastafar I. I am spinning me Marley record right now. 

yuji, as you probably know, APNU and AFC are having an important summit today. I'm waiting until tonight for a report. If the Donald prorogues parliament and rules without parliament, the political opposition together with the masses will have to fight the undemocratic PPP regime in the streets. As Moses said, the no-confidence motion is the peaceful way out. Let's hope the PPP stand up in parliament and face the motion.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nothing new, perhaps, for it is well known that the scheduled elections are in 2016, or it can be earlier should circumstances determine so.

LGE was due in 1999.  15 years have past.  So what's your excuse for that?  You think that people shouldn't have a right to determine who their local leadership should be.  Only accepting people foisted on them by their party leadership.

Correction, Carib. LGE was due in 1997. Constitutionally, LGE must be held every 3 years. General elections are held every 5 years.

So, 17 years have passed since LGE was due.

Your other sentences are fine.




I read in social that you want to have a political fight here. Today is Friday. 

Join the thread started by Raymond in social. Have a good time today.


Jah Rastafar I. I am spinning me Marley record right now. 

yuji, as you probably know, APNU and AFC are having an important summit today. I'm waiting until tonight for a report. If the Donald prorogues parliament and rules without parliament, the political opposition together with the masses will have to fight the undemocratic PPP regime in the streets. As Moses said, the no-confidence motion is the peaceful way out. Let's hope the PPP stand up in parliament and face the motion.


Bhai Gil


I will deal with whatever comes out of this later. In the meanwhile, I am spinning my records and having a good time.



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . Get out through your thick heads.  The AFC is NOT winning any election.  maybe you all can increase your vote to 15%.  If APNU craters to 35% than the PPP gets 50% and Rev will be stomping all over you with glee.

caribny, something doesn't add up


u are on record cussing AFC ad nauseam for not mounting a strong enough challenge for the Afro vote in APNU strongholds, preferring to concentrate its resources on peeling away Indo support from the PPP in Berbice and Region 3


now you are 'concerned' that APNU "cratering" to 35% (due to AFC gains?) pushes the PPP over 50%


huh . . .??

I am not an ideologue.  You are.


FACT.  APNU has some internal issues which might weaken its campaigning should elections be suddenly called.


I would have thought that the results of last Tuesday would have suggested to you what happens when a certain demographic fails to turn out.  The Obama coalition, blacks, Hispanics, young whites and single women, stayed home.  The GOP won, not because they made inroads into those strongholds, but because they got their people out.


If the PPP gets its people out and the black vote stays home the PPP wins and maybe even gets back parliamentary control.  Not because black voters switched to the AFC.  But because mainly Indians voted.  Every black who stays home is in fact voting for the PPP by not voting.


Given the focus of the AFC any gains that they make will be in the RURAL Indian vote.  This is who they are targeting. 


I would have thought that a younger person would be the presidential candidate, but instead it is going to be a dinosaur rejected by the PPP leadership intent on revenge, with appeal only to that segment of the PPP base who are upset about what Jagdeo didn't to their party.

Last edited by Former Member

FACT.  APNU has some internal issues which might weaken its campaigning should elections be suddenly called.


The above is complete bullshit, APNU has major / Severe internal issues.


  • Sharma solomon and Vanessa Kissoon are telling granger to go F___ himself openly.
  • Dem Army boys are quietly telling Granger to haul ass.
  • The NAR group out here feels granger should go and there is major dissatisfaction within this group.


You are trying to gloss over the issues I can get into it much more with you Caribny but you have to start being honest. You are overly focused on the AFC and trying to tell everyone why the AFC will fail. Tell me why Granger and APNU will win.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:




AFC’s Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo [centre), flanked by party executives addressing the media yesterday.

AFC’s Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo (centre), flanked by party executives addressing the media yesterday.



There are many middle aged PPPites who are angry at the current PPP. He might get those votes.


Younger Guyanese will stay home.  Pity because I thought that this group, less wedded to race voting, would be the ones who the AFC would focus on.  Them plus the Amerindians.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

FACT.  APNU has some internal issues which might weaken its campaigning should elections be suddenly called.


The above is complete bullshit, APNU has major / Severe internal issues.


  • Sharma solomon and Vanessa Kissoon are telling granger to go F___ himself openly.
  • Dem Army boys are quietly telling Granger to haul ass.
  • The NAR group out here feels granger should go and there is major dissatisfaction within this group.


You are trying to gloss over the issues I can get into it much more with you Caribny but you have to start being honest. You are overly focused on the AFC and trying to tell everyone why the AFC will fail. Tell me why Granger and APNU will win.



So black people stay home.  And the PPP romps home to victory and takes back parliament.


Understand something.  The days when Guyanese felt compelled to vote are OVER. In 1999 400k people turned out to vote.  By 2006 this tumbled to 336k.


If the 2015 turn out drops to 300k because large numbers of blacks stayed home, and the PPP gets 151k votes (10k, less than they got in 2011) they get more than 50% of the votes.


If I were you I would be urging the APNU to get its house in order.  If that major party implodes the AFC will collapse into irrelevance because the PPP, taking back parliament, will run a very tight ship.


Get it out of your head.  The people who don't like Granger don't like Granger.  They have told you that they have no intention of leaving the PNC. So if Granger leads APNU into an election, they will do nothing to campaign and so their support base will not vote.


WHAT IS THE AFC DOING TO ATTRACT THIS VOTING BLOC?  NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This because they and people like you think that the black vote is IRRELEVANT, and that the only vote which matters is the Indian voters in regions 2, 5 and 6.




You need to get your head checked. You have this imaginary birdie in there telling you that whoever does not like Granger will as a result stay home is complete and utter bullshit.


2006 proved that Trotman, Hughes, Patterson and Holder at the time could get out the black vote for the AFC.


The AFC did not put out enough of an effort in 2011 to attract black voters. I am pretty sure they are not going to make the same mistake this time around.


You need to get that into your damn head and stop shouting.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are hoping and praying the world will stay home in the next election to save the collapse of the PNC at the polls that is a big wish you asking for.


Caribny like you are stumped?

You have now declined to Nehru levels of idiocy.  If black people stay home the PNC collapses.  The only base which the PNC has is the black/mixed vote.  So if black/mixed don't vote where will their votes come from? WHy will any one who supports the PNC want blacks to stay home?


Now you can run an ageing PPP dinosaur like Nagamootoo into South G/town and Linden and he will be of LESS interest to them than Ramotar who could at least offer them a little soup.  Do you think that they see Naga as any different from Ramotar.  At what point did Naga have ANYTHING to do with black people.  He is not seen in the way that Rupnarine is seen.  Sorry.


They don't like Granger or Ramotar and Nagamootoo doesn't inspire so why bother to line up in the hot sun when these poor black people, treated like scum in Guyana, need to go out and hustle a living?


Listen I haven't insulted you why are you attempting to piss on my shoes?


What kinda low breed talk you bringing to me now?


Mixed vote is not guaranteed to vote for PNC. You are again trapped in the racist mindset like the rest of these PPP low breeds no wonder you cannot get out from there. Now I see why jalil riling you up morning noon and night.


I am giving you real facts on why the PNC is in crisis no one else here has been able to give you those hard facts. Now go and refute them point by point and stop shouting.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:



2006 proved that Trotman, Hughes, Patterson and Holder at the time could get out the black vote for the AFC

Who knows who Patterson is?  Trotman is quiet, and in fact wanted to resign, and Nagamootoo and Ramjattan are the most vocal.  The AFC of 2006 doesn't exist.


In 2006 the AFC ran Trotman is the presidential candidate and Ramjattan as the PM. Then they switched it up in 2011 as the principle of ethnic rotation suggested.


But now the AFC wants to break its ethnic rotation promise.  Tell you what HM, the reason why blacks aren't saying anything about it is that they want the AFC to look like Indo party II to split the Indian vote and they know that Nigel Hughes at the helm will not achieve this.


The issue where Afro Guyanese are concerned is that they feel excluded by an Indian elite and not all of these Indian elites are in the PPP.  So if you want their support you will have convince them that they will be included.  I have not seen any evidence that the AFC has a focus on anything other than the Indian vote.


People are cynical so if the AFC behaves like Indo party II and then two mornings before the election they have meetings in black areas, we will see a repeat of 2011.


So the AFC needs to figure out how to appeal to BOTH major groups, plus the Amerindian vote NOW!  Even you cannot tell me what they are doing on that score.


BTW do you think that any one knows who Patterson is?  The only black AFC leader who is of note is Hughes.  They see Trotman just as they see Granger...aloof and a member of the G/town elite.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen I haven't insulted you why are you attempting to piss on my shoes?


What kinda low breed talk you bringing to me now?


Mixed vote is not guaranteed to vote for PNC. You are again trapped in the racist mindset like the rest of these PPP low breeds no wonder you cannot get out from there. Now I see why jalil riling you up morning noon and night.


I am giving you real facts on why the PNC is in crisis no one else here has been able to give you those hard facts. Now go and refute them point by point and stop shouting.

If you behave like Nehru I will call you up on it.  You insult me by calling me a PNC supporter merely because I am telling you the FACTS.  You do so because you are an AFC idiot in the same way that he is a PPP idiot.


I was RIGHT in 2011 when I warned the AFC that they would lose the black vote.  Indeed even Gerhard and I dialogued on that on GNI. He denied that fact.  Then when the AFC got a mere 10% of the vote, and lost a big chunk of its black vote he admitted that I was right.



So tell me what happened to the principle of ethnic rotation in selecting its AFC presidential candidates?  Who do you think Naga will bring to the table.  How do you think he will be viewed. 


HM every body in Guyana knows that the PM is a useless title in Guyana, so if the AFC does what the PPP does and communicate to blacks that (despite the promise of ethnic rotation) all blacks can be is the PM it just furthers in their heads what the AFC actually is.  A party which has a focus on attracting those former PPP supporters who are frustrated with its current leadership.



Note what the Linden PNCites are saying. They are telling Granger to get lost.  Did Ramjattan, Nagamootoo or any other PPPite dare tell Jagdeo that?  No they meekly left and joined another party.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

BTW who tell you they have no interest in leaving the PNC? Many of these folks have actually reached out to Ramjattan and Hughes are you going to deny that and say that is not true?


The only chance the PNC has is to make Greenidge Presidential candidate and save the party now.

Well the biggest nightmare that Nagamootoo will have is dealing with the likes of a Vanessa Kissoon.


You all really ought to go find some one better because Nagamootoo isn't winning any election and indeed if those folks join they might even mount a campaign to put Nigel Hughes at the helm, knowing that he is the only AFC person who stands a chance in PNC strongholds.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen I haven't insulted you why are you attempting to piss on my shoes?


What kinda low breed talk you bringing to me now?


Mixed vote is not guaranteed to vote for PNC. You are again trapped in the racist mindset like the rest of these PPP low breeds no wonder you cannot get out from there. Now I see why jalil riling you up morning noon and night.


I am giving you real facts on why the PNC is in crisis no one else here has been able to give you those hard facts. Now go and refute them point by point and stop shouting.

1.  No one can define who in Guyana is mixed.  Granger, more mixed than Trotman, says he is black.  Trotman insists that he is mixed.


2.  32% of the adult Guyanese population self identify as African,  The PNC consistently gets 40-41% of the votes. Obviously a good many of their votes come from mixed people, because you know full well that the Amerindians and Indians do not support them.


3.  You and I both know that the PNC is in crisis.  What you think is that you can put an ageing PPP dinosaur, treat Hughes like the PPP treats Sam Hinds, and expect that blacks will flock over.  No they will stay HOME< feeling abandoned by all parties, and therefore seeing no reason to vote!


4.  If the black vote stays home and the Indians vote shows up, you know full well that at least 80% will go to the PPP, even a simpleton like you will work out that this means a PPP victory and most like regaining majority status.


Black people stayed home in 2006.  The result being that even though the PPP received fewer votes they increased their share to 54%. Let the APNU implode and you will see the same again.


Continue to fool yourself that Indo party II will get black support if the craters.


For the AFC to get black votes it needs to change the perception that many have that it has evolved into an Indo focused party since Nagamootoo effectively took over leadership.


In addition don't think that Solomon and Kissoon will walk into the AFC and sit down quietly and accept being part of an Indo focused party.  They have their own power base within the PNC and so will not be cheaply bought.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen I haven't insulted you why are you attempting to piss on my shoes?


What kinda low breed talk you bringing to me now?


Mixed vote is not guaranteed to vote for PNC. You are again trapped in the racist mindset like the rest of these PPP low breeds no wonder you cannot get out from there. Now I see why jalil riling you up morning noon and night.


I am giving you real facts on why the PNC is in crisis no one else here has been able to give you those hard facts. Now go and refute them point by point and stop shouting.

1.  No one can define who in Guyana is mixed.  Granger, more mixed than Trotman, says he is black.  Trotman insists that he is mixed.


2.  32% of the adult Guyanese population self identify as African,  The PNC consistently gets 40-41% of the votes. Obviously a good many of their votes come from mixed people, because you know full well that the Amerindians and Indians do not support them.


3.  You and I both know that the PNC is in crisis.  What you think is that you can put an ageing PPP dinosaur, treat Hughes like the PPP treats Sam Hinds, and expect that blacks will flock over.  No they will stay HOME< feeling abandoned by all parties, and therefore seeing no reason to vote!


4.  If the black vote stays home and the Indians vote shows up, you know full well that at least 80% will go to the PPP, even a simpleton like you will work out that this means a PPP victory and most like regaining majority status.


Black people stayed home in 2006.  The result being that even though the PPP received fewer votes they increased their share to 54%. Let the APNU implode and you will see the same again.


Continue to fool yourself that Indo party II will get black support if the craters.


For the AFC to get black votes it needs to change the perception that many have that it has evolved into an Indo focused party since Nagamootoo effectively took over leadership.


In addition don't think that Solomon and Kissoon will walk into the AFC and sit down quietly and accept being part of an Indo focused party.  They have their own power base within the PNC and so will not be cheaply bought.




You are in lala land and you are not addressing the issues I have raised. 


You are stumped and cannot address the issues I have raised. You are just writing a bunch of fluff there caribny. Flustering and blustering. No substance.




Who knows who Patterson is?  Trotman is quiet, and in fact wanted to resign, and Nagamootoo and Ramjattan are the most vocal.  The AFC of 2006 doesn't exist.


In 2006 the AFC ran Trotman is the presidential candidate and Ramjattan as the PM. Then they switched it up in 2011 as the principle of ethnic rotation suggested.


Again you are talking in the past, David Patterson is well known in GY prior to 2011 yes I would argue he in particular was not getting out there he was living in Uncle Raphael's shadow. Same with Cathy Hughes, today its a very different story.


In 2011 Nigel Hughes would go and campaign for the AFC and he would be telling folks look I am not telling you who to vote for I am not part of any political party I am just telling you dont vote PPP. Wink Wink vote PNC / APNU. That is what was going on in 2011 and you cannot deny that.


Trotman was doing the same thing he was even more lame than Hughes in 2011. They have all now realized that they have no choice they have to work within the AFC. 


Trotman bamboozled the PNC and Granger into making him speaker and now he is giving that same granger wood daily in parliament to the point the PNC is totally pissed off. Is that not true?


Those same dynamics do not exist today you understand Caribny? 


Now come here and refute what I am telling you point by point. Bring it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:




AFC’s Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo [centre), flanked by party executives addressing the media yesterday.

AFC’s Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo (centre), flanked by party executives addressing the media yesterday.



Rev, honest to goodness, when I first saw this picture earlier today I thought: What will Rev say to this?

I didn't translate that thought into a material post.


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