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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

There will be no MONC. Ramotar will risk anarchy by closing down parliament and avoid it for the next six months.

Knowing Guyanese as I do they will just go about their business trying to eke out a living.  They have long lost any faith that the political parties will play any role in helping them improve their lives.  This goes for the PPP, PNC and AFC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Carib knows that the PPP is headed for a majority.


The biggest mistake for the AFC was not to merge with the PNC. The AFC has a  greedy and a power hungry bunch who are so corrupt that they are blinded with greed.


Poster Mara spoke about the egos of those in the leadership of the AFC. He was 100 percent accurate.


Gerhard is a smart and intelligent businessman and rightly jumped the AFC's sinking ship. He does not want to be taken for a ride a second time around. His departure is the final blow to the AFC.


The cancellation of the AFC's congress was the first indication of party infighting. Gerhard and others wanted a merger with the PNC but Rumjhaat is concerned about the party financial supports fleeing the AFC if a merger occurs.


The AFC can now rest in peace. Moses and Rumjhaat are lifetime losers. The Black AFC leadership will slowly merge with the PNC.

I said no such thing.  I said IF the PNC doesn't fix its mess and black people stay away then the PPP might win.  This has NOTHING to do with any assertion that the PPP deserves to win. 


This is an admission that the two opposition parties are two clowns who deserve to remain where they are because they are too dumb to take advantage of the mess that the PPP has made, and the fact that the younger part of the PPP base have tired of them, as indeed many of the older ones.


You want the AFC to join APNU so you can run all over rural Guyana screaming your anti black racist rant. Well as inept as I think that the AFC is they aren't that stupid to fall for that trap.


The goal will be to split the Indian vote, knowing full well that the PNC will never get more than 43% of the votes,  If the PPP falls to 40% then NO party will have power and the AFC will become as powerful as they are.



So I really don't know why HM redux is caught in a fluster about what is obvious and that it is the goal of the AFC to split the vote in the hope that APNU becomes  WEAK gov't which will lack the ability to do any thing without AFC input.  Wishing and hoping that APNU implodes is a sure fire way to guarantee that the PPP wins the majority of votes in a LOW TURN OUT election.


For the AFC to think that they can move from 10% of the votes to 51% in a scant 3 years is real deluded thinking, so I don't see what they think that they will gain with the MONC.  Except help the PPP avoid LGE, which clearly the PPP is afraid of.  The AFC needs to focus on snatching some of those rural local govt areas from the PPP.  This will guarantee that the PPP will be thoroughly whipped and that they will have enough votes to negotiate a strong position.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Caribny racism is blinding you the AFC win black votes before and I think with Hughes, Patterson and even Trotman is getting back into the fold they could win more black votes like they did in 2006.

You are overly focused on Moses.

There you go showing your true PPP colors.  Because I talk about Afro Guyanese I am a racist.  Of yes talking about the rights of blacks is a taboo topic in PPP circles.  If you talk like a PPP then you are one, just one who doesn't like the people who lead it so you pretend to be an AFC.



You wish to pretend that race isn't part of this debate.  Then tell me why the AFc has ABANDONED its strategy of ethnic rotation of the presidential candidate.  Given that it was an Indian last time, then it should be a black man this time.


The AFC is making a calculation based on the realities of race voting in Guyana.  Nagamootoo wants revenge against the PPP so focuses on eroding their base.  He doesn't care that he has no appeal to blacks.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

There will be no MONC. Ramotar will risk anarchy by closing down parliament and avoid it for the next six months.

Knowing Guyanese as I do they will just go about their business trying to eke out a living.  They have long lost any faith that the political parties will play any role in helping them improve their lives.  This goes for the PPP, PNC and AFC.

That's my take from my most recent visit to Guyana.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:



Who knows who Patterson is?  Trotman is quiet, and in fact wanted to resign, and Nagamootoo and Ramjattan are the most vocal.  The AFC of 2006 doesn't exist.


In 2006 the AFC ran Trotman is the presidential candidate and Ramjattan as the PM. Then they switched it up in 2011 as the principle of ethnic rotation suggested.


Again you are talking in the past, David Patterson is well known in GY prior to 2011 yes I would argue he in particular was not getting out there he was living in Uncle Raphael's shadow. Same with Cathy Hughes, today its a very different story.


In 2011 Nigel Hughes would go and campaign for the AFC and he would be telling folks look I am not telling you who to vote for I am not part of any political party I am just telling you dont vote PPP. Wink Wink vote PNC / APNU. That is what was going on in 2011 and you cannot deny that.


Trotman was doing the same thing he was even more lame than Hughes in 2011. They have all now realized that they have no choice they have to work within the AFC. 


Trotman bamboozled the PNC and Granger into making him speaker and now he is giving that same granger wood daily in parliament to the point the PNC is totally pissed off. Is that not true?


Those same dynamics do not exist today you understand Caribny? 


Now come here and refute what I am telling you point by point. Bring it.



I need to remind you that in 2011 the AFC was boasting that they would take over from the PNC as being the main opposition party.  They got 10% of the votes. 


APNU was all but dead until the last minute because they had no cash.  So don't pretend as if APNU was a strong party in 2011.  This is why the AFC thought that they would become the 2nd largest party even though they did no campaigning to blacks until the last minute when they suddenly realized that their excessive focus on region 5 and 6 left them open in what was their largest region in 2006, region 4.


Don't worry Nagamootoo isn't going to get black votes.  Right now they watch as the PPP washes its dirty linen in public.  Indo party I and II having a public brawl!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Caribny racism is blinding you the AFC win black votes before and I think with Hughes, Patterson and even Trotman is getting back into the fold they could win more black votes like they did in 2006.

You are overly focused on Moses.

There you go showing your true PPP colors.  Because I talk about Afro Guyanese I am a racist.  Of yes talking about the rights of blacks is a taboo topic in PPP circles.  If you talk like a PPP then you are one, just one who doesn't like the people who lead it so you pretend to be an AFC.



You wish to pretend that race isn't part of this debate.  Then tell me why the AFc has ABANDONED its strategy of ethnic rotation of the presidential candidate.  Given that it was an Indian last time, then it should be a black man this time.


The AFC is making a calculation based on the realities of race voting in Guyana.  Nagamootoo wants revenge against the PPP so focuses on eroding their base.  He doesn't care that he has no appeal to blacks.


CaribJ ......You keep saying Nagamootoo has no appeal to Blacks.

The Great Dr Rodney did not think he wanted Moses on the same platform with him.


Are you telling us you are a Better Leader than Dr Rodney?

Are you saying Rodney was wrong and you were right?


or are you saying You or Kwame know more than Dr Rodney?


Because Kwame is telling them in Freedom same thing you are telling us.... Moses does not have any Black support.


 I believe CaribJ will support the PPP if they make Kwame their Presidential Candidate.....


CaribJ have no Problem or Question with a Blackman Leading any Ticket.

"J" as in Dark Shades, Purple Pants & Shoes isn't that right.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

CaribJ ......You keep saying Nagamootoo has no appeal to Blacks.

The Great Dr Rodney did not think he wanted Moses on the same platform with him.


Are you telling us you are a Better Leader than Dr Rodney?

Are you saying Rodney was wrong and you were right?


or are you saying You or Kwame know more than Dr Rodney?


Because Kwame is telling them in Freedom same thing you are telling us.... Moses does not have any Black support.





Rodney wanted an Indian with him.  He definitely didn't select Nagamootoo to get black support for him.  Rodney himself was very popular among blacks and he had many other blacks around him who also had appeal.



Rodney knew that in order to get cross ethnic support he needed a prominent Indian with him.  I note of course that Nagamootoo didn't join him.



Guyanese think that the man with the clout is the president and that the PM is just a figure head. So they will focus on Nagamootoo.  Sam Hinds is to blame for that.


I notice that NONE of you want to address the fact that the AFC principle of ethnic rotation of presidential candidates suggests that Hughes, or some other Afro Guyanese, should be the presidential candidate, leaving Nagamootoo as PM. Don't worry the PPP will definitely let black voters know this, that is if they don't know this already.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

CaribJ ......You keep saying Nagamootoo has no appeal to Blacks.

The Great Dr Rodney did not think he wanted Moses on the same platform with him.


Are you telling us you are a Better Leader than Dr Rodney?

Are you saying Rodney was wrong and you were right?


or are you saying You or Kwame know more than Dr Rodney?


Because Kwame is telling them in Freedom same thing you are telling us.... Moses does not have any Black support.





Rodney wanted an Indian with him.  He definitely didn't select Nagamootoo to get black support for him.  Rodney himself was very popular among blacks and he had many other blacks around him who also had appeal.



Rodney knew that in order to get cross ethnic support he needed a prominent Indian with him.  I note of course that Nagamootoo didn't join him.



Guyanese think that the man with the clout is the president and that the PM is just a figure head. So they will focus on Nagamootoo.  Sam Hinds is to blame for that.


I notice that NONE of you want to address the fact that the AFC principle of ethnic rotation of presidential candidates suggests that Hughes, or some other Afro Guyanese, should be the presidential candidate, leaving Nagamootoo as PM. Don't worry the PPP will definitely let black voters know this, that is if they don't know this already.

Hughes, Trotman nor Ramjattan for that matter can garner the votes that Moses can get as Presidential candidate.


You just cannot escape the racist PNC view that is obsessed with race and domination of one race over the other.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

 I believe CaribJ will support the PPP if they make Kwame their Presidential Candidate.....


CaribJ have no Problem or Question with a Blackman Leading any Ticket.

"J" as in Dark Shades, Purple Pants & Shoes isn't that right.



You are the one who is in love with Kwame as you mention him in every post of yours.


Is there something wrong with blacks in leadership positions?  Apparently you must think so which is why if I ask why the AFC reneged on its promise to have ethnic rotation you seem truly appalled.


So why did the AFC renege on its promise to have ethnic rotation in who its selects as its ethnic candidate.


1.  Either they fear that Indians will not support a black candidate.....angering Naga who is motivated by nothing else but revenge against his former PPP colleagues because of how they humiliated him.


2.  The AFC is like the PPP in that they don't think that blacks are qualified to lead.


Take your pick but you know full well that this time around it should be a black presidential candidate and an Indian PM, as it was an Indian presidential candidate last time.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

CaribJ ......You keep saying Nagamootoo has no appeal to Blacks.

The Great Dr Rodney did not think he wanted Moses on the same platform with him.


Are you telling us you are a Better Leader than Dr Rodney?

Are you saying Rodney was wrong and you were right?


or are you saying You or Kwame know more than Dr Rodney?


Because Kwame is telling them in Freedom same thing you are telling us.... Moses does not have any Black support.





Rodney wanted an Indian with him.  He definitely didn't select Nagamootoo to get black support for him.  Rodney himself was very popular among blacks and he had many other blacks around him who also had appeal.



Rodney knew that in order to get cross ethnic support he needed a prominent Indian with him.  I note of course that Nagamootoo didn't join him.



Guyanese think that the man with the clout is the president and that the PM is just a figure head. So they will focus on Nagamootoo.  Sam Hinds is to blame for that.


I notice that NONE of you want to address the fact that the AFC principle of ethnic rotation of presidential candidates suggests that Hughes, or some other Afro Guyanese, should be the presidential candidate, leaving Nagamootoo as PM. Don't worry the PPP will definitely let black voters know this, that is if they don't know this already.

Sam Hinds in his Prime Ministerial role has a lot of clout, make no mistake about that.


The AFC has had Trotman as Presidential candidate. 


When the AFC was rotating candidates by Ethnicity they were roundly criticized by the PNC racists. The AFC cannot win, if they put a black man as the candidate they get criticized by the PNC. If they don't they still get criticized.


The fact that the AFC has a legitimate election or conference where delegates vote to choose who they want as their candidate is something that only they can claim is legitimate in Guyana.


All that bullshit Granger was preaching about democracy at congress is complete and utter hogwash isn't it?


Why did the PNC not elect Winston Murray or put him as Presidential candidate when he was alive? Yawl does talk sheer *****.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Hughes, Trotman nor Ramjattan for that matter can garner the votes that Moses can get as Presidential candidate.


You just cannot escape the racist PNC view that is obsessed with race and domination of one race over the other.

You know what.  Your very response to this is why the AFC is viewed as Indo party II.  You all are OBSESSED with the Indian vote, which is why you renege on the ethnic rotation principle.  Black people have made note of that, and consider the AFC is Indo party II filled with ex PPP refugees.


I note that you refuse to admit the reasons why the AFC has reneged on its ethnic rotation principle.


Take your pick.


1.  They fear that a black candidate will scare away the Indian vote, that being the main goal of the AFC.


2. Like the PPP they think that blacks are unqualified to lead and must be content to be used to round up black votes for an Indian led party.


Jump scream and howl as much as you want but the AFC better have a response to those questions if they want to get large numbers of black votes, which they will have to get if they are to be any thing other than a marginal party.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Quote - Redux :The AFC has had Trotman as Presidential candidate. 


When the AFC was rotating candidates by Ethnicity they were roundly criticized by the PNC racists. The AFC cannot win, if they put a black man as the candidate they get criticized by the PNC. If they don't they still get criticized.


The fact that the AFC has a legitimate election or conference where delegates vote to choose who they want as their candidate is something that only they can claim is legitimate in Guyana.


All that bullshit Granger was preaching about democracy at congress is complete and utter hogwash isn't it?


Why did the PNC not elect Winston Murray or put him as Presidential candidate when he was alive? Yawl does talk sheer *****.

Where does Carib J

get these Nonsense from.



I notice that NONE of you want to address the fact that the AFC principle of ethnic rotation of presidential candidates suggests that Hughes, or some other Afro Guyanese, should be the presidential candidate, leaving Nagamootoo as PM. Don't worry the PPP will definitely let black voters know this, that is if they don't know this already.

CaribJ again please....please....please not tell us your source is Kwame or Purple Pants.

Please show us where this.....the fact that the AFC principle of ethnic rotation of presidential candidates .......... is coming from.


Nigel, Patterson, Trotman and others want to know where you get these Facts.


"J" as in Sunshades

& Purple Pants & Shoes

if it is not a FACT ..... then it is a LIE.


"J" how much time

you would need

to prove to us

your fact is not a BIG lie?

Last edited by Former Member

You are an idiot it is not about the indian vote. Nigel Hughes by his own admission will tell you he is not a seasoned politician as Moses is. Just listen to them when they are on the campaign trail.


All the black people in the AFC support Moses as a candidate. What about that don't you understand?


You cannot understand that because if you do it will completely undermine the racist ideology of the PNC come back home campaign of 2011. Isn't that right?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The AFC has had Trotman as Presidential candidate. 


When the AFC was rotating candidates by Ethnicity they were roundly criticized by the PNC racists. The AFC cannot win, if they put a black man as the candidate they get criticized by the PNC. If they don't they still get criticized.


The fact that the AFC has a legitimate election or conference where delegates vote to choose who they want as their candidate is something that only they can claim is legitimate in Guyana.


All that bullshit Granger was preaching about democracy at congress is complete and utter hogwash isn't it?


Why did the PNC not elect Winston Murray or put him as Presidential candidate when he was alive? Yawl does talk sheer *****.

Why did the PNC not elect Winston Murray or put him as Presidential candidate when he was alive?


This was the PNC's moment oftruth indeed.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The AFC has had Trotman as Presidential candidate. 


When the AFC was rotating candidates by Ethnicity they were roundly criticized by the PNC racists.

Why would the PNC want the AFC to use a black presidential candidate? They fear that as much as the PPP detests Nagamootoo.


You know full well that the AFC doesn't act on the basis of what the PNC wishes it to do.  If they did they would join the PNC in its APNU façade, but  they refuse to do so.  So don't blame the reneging of the principle of ethnic rotation on the PNC.  You all are hysterical to get Indian votes and know that Hughes will scare them away.



Just be honest about this.  The AFC has been taken over by PPP refugees and the old AFC folks are gradually leaving.


Nagamootoo will not gain any more black votes than will Ramotar.  Both the AFC and the PPP can use blacks as their gofers and that will not change that fact.



Every one in Guyana knows why Nagamootoo will  be the presidential candidate and not Hughes.  So don't pretend otherwise.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Hughes, Trotman nor Ramjattan for that matter can garner the votes that Moses can get as Presidential candidate.


You just cannot escape the racist PNC view that is obsessed with race and domination of one race over the other.

You know what.  Your very response to this is why the AFC is viewed as Indo party II.  You all are OBSESSED with the Indian vote, which is why you renege on the ethnic rotation principle.  Black people have made note of that, and consider the AFC is Indo party II filled with ex PPP refugees.


I note that you refuse to admit the reasons why the AFC has reneged on its ethnic rotation principle.


Take your pick.


1.  They fear that a black candidate will scare away the Indian vote, that being the main goal of the AFC.


2. Like the PPP they think that blacks are unqualified to lead and must be content to be used to round up black votes for an Indian led party.


Jump scream and howl as much as you want but the AFC better have a response to those questions if they want to get large numbers of black votes, which they will have to get if they are to be any thing other than a marginal party.

Caribny, the characterization of the AFC as the Indo Party II misses the point, even if there may some element of truth to that. There are  Blacks disenchanted with the PNC as well and the question is whether they are motivated to have their vote counted.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Sam Hinds in his Prime Ministerial role has a lot of clout, make no mistake about that.

And how have Afro Guyanese benefitted.  Look at the pathetic state of his own Linden!

Whether Blacks benefited or not is irrelevant to Sam Hinds being ensconced in the PPP/C hierarchy (the line is blurred between the Civic component and the PPP). I  see more small-enterprise Blacks than you had in the past Caribny. They may not be the Beharrys or Mahazarallis but they are some populated areas with no-names basically.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Why did the PNC not elect Winston Murray or put him as Presidential candidate when he was alive?


This was the PNC's moment oftruth indeed.

For the same reason why the AFC will put Nagamootoo!


Put it this way.  Neither the PPP nor the PNC promised ethnic rotation.  The AFC did and now their single focus on the Indian vote forces them to renege on this. 


Blacks have said nothing as they know that Indo party I and Indo party II will split the Indian vote.  Its the PPP which has raised that fact for its own reasons, much as they themselves refuse to have an black as head.


BTW had Murray not died he might well have been there instead of Granger.  He had loads of support in this majority black party.

Last edited by Former Member

Who said their single focus is on the indian vote?


You are not very astute. The AFC is focused very much on getting votes from every section of society what they are not focused on is how to grow the party ranks and transform into a mass based party.


You have no idea what the heck you are talking about everything you think and discuss is viewed through the lens of race just like the PPP racists. I bet you even think I am a PPP indian that moved to the AFC right? 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Who said their single focus is on the indian vote?


Then why are they reneging on the principle of ethnic rotation.  It is that simple.  In 2006 a black. 2011 an Indian. 2015/16 a black.  Why have they reneged on this?  The whole purpose of this rotation principle was to prevent people from thinking that it was a race based party, but two DIFFERENT Indians in succession when it promised rotation.


You would have been on better ground if you claimed that it was felt that Ramjattan did an excellent job and so was retained.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny let me ask you this question who is a more experienced and seasoned political leader that can unite the AFC and others. Moses, Hughes or Trotman?



 I believe CaribJ will support the PPP if they make Kwame their Presidential Candidate.....


CaribJ have no Problem or Question

with a Blackman Leading any Ticket.


"J" as in Dark Shades,

Purple Pants &

Purple Shoes isn't that right.


CaribJ problem appears

when the Presidential Candidate

is Not A Black Man....


Carib J thinks like Kwame.....

CaribJ does not think like Rodney or Nigel.

CaribJ we Understand you Clearly now....


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

 I am a PPP indian that moved to the AFC right? 

Well you are certainly behaving like one.


FACT.  The reason why the AFc developed the principle of ethnic rotation was to prevent it being seen as a party which favored one group over the other, and having more appeal to one group than the other.


They have abandoned this principle and you are yet to say why? 


I told you why they think that they did.  But all you have done is call me a racist because I inform you of how many blacks in an Indian dominated Guyana think.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Why did the PNC not elect Winston Murray or put him as Presidential candidate when he was alive?


This was the PNC's moment oftruth indeed.

For the same reason why the AFC will put Nagamootoo!


Put it this way.  Neither the PPP nor the PNC promised ethnic rotation.  The AFC did and now their single focus on the Indian vote forces them to renege on this. 


Blacks have said nothing as they know that Indo party I and Indo party II will split the Indian vote.  Its the PPP which has raised that fact for its own reasons, much as they themselves refuse to have an black as head.


BTW had Murray not died he might well have been there instead of Granger.  He had loads of support in this majority black party.

You are being dishonest the PNC would never put Murray, Riehl or any non afro Guyanese as Presidential candidate. That is a fact.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Why did the PNC not elect Winston Murray or put him as Presidential candidate when he was alive?


This was the PNC's moment oftruth indeed.

For the same reason why the AFC will put Nagamootoo!


Put it this way.  Neither the PPP nor the PNC promised ethnic rotation.  The AFC did and now their single focus on the Indian vote forces them to renege on this. CaribJ stop lieing......Show us where AFC promised ethnic Rotation as their means of choosing the President....

If yuh cant prove it one here cares to know about your .....Race...or Black & Coolie Stories.


Blacks have said nothing as they know that Indo party I and Indo party II will split the Indian vote.  Its the PPP which has raised that fact for its own reasons, much as they themselves refuse to have an black as head.


BTW had Murray not died he might well have been there instead of Granger.  He had loads of support in this majority black party.


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are being dishonest the PNC would never put Murray, Riehl or any non afro Guyanese as Presidential candidate. That is a fact.

And now the AFc reneges in its promise to have a black presidential candidate.


So we have Indo party I (PPP), Indo party II (AFC) and black man party (PNC).  None of them interested in having cross ethnic presidential candidates because they fear how their support base will react.


For you to be crying about the race based PNC when the AFC, a party which promised ethnic rotation now reneges on it, for the same reasons that the PPP and the PNC refuse to do so is very hypocritical.


What is obvious is that you know full well why the AFC has reneged on ethnic rotation but are just too hypocritical to say why.


Here is why you will go down in flames with me.  Like most PPPites you attempt to stigmatize any Afro Guyanese who doesn't agree with you by calling them a PNC.  Well unless you are a lying dog you will know what my opinion about Forbes Burnham is.  So don't think that you can pull that "PNC" accusation out to scare me. 


Indeed Chief, baseman and others have accused me of being ungrateful for saying that Burnham destroyed blacks, rendering them vulnerable to the Indian racism from which they now suffer today.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:




AFC’s Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo [centre), flanked by party executives addressing the media yesterday.

AFC’s Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo (centre), flanked by party executives addressing the media yesterday.



Gilbakka: Rev, honest to goodness, when I first saw this picture earlier today I thought: What will Rev say to this?

I didn't translate that thought into a material post.


ha ha ha ha




* Thanks for the laugh! I just got back from a lovely dinner this evening. I'm in great spirits.


* Listen! I may despise Moses politics and will carpet bomb him now and then, but no way would I say any unkind words when I see the man in the presence of a bunch of beautiful ladies.




The AFC has not reneged on anything. The AFC has grown and many persons who supported the previous formula proposed by Khemraj and Uncle Raphael no longer view that as a viable option.


The AFC has to have the freedom like any party that consists of free minds to adapt and change their approach.


Politics is not static and therefore the AFC cannot remain static. The republican party in this country was the party that was anti slavery. Today which party do Afro americans relate to?


You are heavily biased in a very racist way and there is nothing you can tell me that will dispel that. You must admit and come to grips with the fact that you are racist. Yes? Accept that.


Be honest and accept that.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny let me ask you this question who is a more experienced and seasoned political leader that can unite the AFC and others. Moses, Hughes or Trotman?



 I believe CaribJ will support the PPP if they make Kwame their Presidential Candidate.....


CaribJ have no Problem or Question

with a Blackman Leading any Ticket.


"J" as in Dark Shades,

Purple Pants &

Purple Shoes isn't that right.


CaribJ problem appears

when the Presidential Candidate

is Not A Black Man....


Carib J thinks like Kwame.....

CaribJ does not think like Rodney or Nigel.

CaribJ we Understand you Clearly now....

 Look how "J" get mad.....

eee talking about liking Kwame....

and about eee Lolo too....


"j" did U get a Cut....

Front or Backside?


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Why did the PNC not elect Winston Murray or put him as Presidential candidate when he was alive?


This was the PNC's moment oftruth indeed.

For the same reason why the AFC will put Nagamootoo!


Put it this way.  Neither the PPP nor the PNC promised ethnic rotation.  The AFC did and now their single focus on the Indian vote forces them to renege on this. CaribJ stop lieing......Show us where AFC promised ethnic Rotation as their means of choosing the President....

If yuh cant prove it one here cares to know about your .....Race...or Black & Coolie Stories.



Obviously the AFC cares about black man/collie voting habits which is why they refuse to have a black presidential candidate.


Don't worry in 2006 you were a very busy PPP boy and so missed out on the fact that the AFC promised ethnic rotation of presidential candidates.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are racist Caribny you are racist.


I asked you a simple question who is the most qualified leader in the AFC to be presidential candidate? 


Answer the question.

Nigel Hughes. And indeed the ethnic rotation principle says that it should be him as Trotman isn't interested.


Are you saying that he is unqualified?  If so why?


Unlike Naga he doesn't bring the stench of the PPP nor the PNC ethnic politics with him.

Last edited by Former Member

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