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* Arrite! Listen up guys!


* You PNC and AFC boys can argue from now until thy kingdom come, but you're only wasting energy and oxygen.


* The results of the upcoming 2015 elections in Guyana is already written in stone.




* But go right ahead---you AFC/PNC boys can keep yelling at each other.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are racist Caribny you are racist.


I asked you a simple question who is the most qualified leader in the AFC to be presidential candidate? 


Answer the question.

Caribj is not racist, just pro-Afro just like baseman is pro-Indian.  Caribj and baseman see things the same way, but through different prisms.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

As I said you are a racist,

I think that you are the racist.  You know I am blacks os I must be PNC.  I have said many times that the PNC isn't ready which is why they will lose. When have I said otherwise.  I have said many times that Burnham destroyed Afro Guyanese.


Yet I am the racist.  Not you are because you cannot accept that any black man who disagrees with you is not a PNC stooge.


Nagamootoo is only being selected to get the Indian vote. I said it and YOU KNOW IT!


I promise you this. The AFC will perform as badly among blacks as it did in 2011.  Last time AFC supporters called me a PPP soup licker because I pointed out that fact.  This because it was believed that APNU was not going to reach 30%.


Well the AFC didn't get black votes in 2011. Even Gerhard had to acknowledge that I was right, even when he argued (with more dignity than you do, no hysterical rants of being a Burnham lover as you imply) with me before.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:

*Good to see caribJ giving HM_redux a much needed schooling.


caribny: Yes I got tired of schooling you.


ha ha ha ha ha




* The Rev is in great spirits these days, so I'll let that comment slide.


* As you know my Republican party is now in charge of the house and senate and the probability favors us taking back the White House in 2016.


* In Guyana, I am 100% confident the PPP will win the 2015 election and 99.99% confident they will win by a majority.


* You PNC and AFC boys on GNI can keep arguing and fighting. The Rev already knows what the results will be in the next Guyana election.



Originally Posted by Rev:

* You PNC and AFC boys on GNI can keep arguing and fighting. The Rev already knows what the results will be in the next Guyana election.



Don't worry rev.  The PPP is terrified at the prospects of an early election so will do every thing to stop Nagamootoo from his lunacy.  That way APNU will fix its mess by tossing out Granger while more people flee Indo party I to head to Indo party II.


Future prospects for the PPP are grim.  As Guyana lurches from crisis to crisis with a range of minority gov'ts PPP, or  APNU, doesn't matter, at some point the average Guyanese will begin to demand a more sensible form of governance.


If the PPP is so confident they should take advantages of APNUs current difficulties and hold snap elections.  They are afraid because in an election where most Guyanese will refuse to vote, no one knows who will show up, and therefore who will win.  Only the AFC, which knows that it will not win, can take that chance.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

APNU is not tossing Granger anywhere, Corbin will keep him there and a repeat of 2006 is coming.

So then Ramotar will take back parliament then.  Rev will not stop laughing at you if and when that happens.


Do you think that the AFC will win?.


2006.  Let me refresh you,  despite losing votes the PPPincreased its % of votes received, because you see most blacks who boycotted Corbin simply stayed home.  Just compare Linden 2006 and 2011.  Note that votes in 2011 should be LESS than 2006 because the population has DECLINED!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj is not racist, just pro-Afro just like baseman is pro-Indian.  Caribj and baseman see things the same way, but through different prisms.




* I agree with you. I don't agree with Carib politically, but I don't see the man as a RACIST. Carib is just dying for his beloved PNC to one day rule Guyana, but sadly for him that won't happen in his lifetime.




* He is dead right! The AFC had an agreement to rotate their presidential candidates between blacks and Indians.




*Anyway, it's a fait accompli---done deal---the PPP will win by a majority in 2015.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Carib J thinks like Kwame.....



Really. Kwame is in an Indian dominated party attacking and attempting to kill blacks and you are now claiming that Kwame wants blacks to lead.


You are missing Kwame's lolo and so you have now run mad!

Look how easily Carib"J" as in "Jonestown" get out.

he come out his Crease and get Stumped....

"J" as in Jonestown.....Out.....


The onlything wrong with PPP....

according to "J" as in "Jonestown"...

is  they attempting to kill Blackpeople....

IN "J" as in Jonestown.....own words

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are racist Caribny you are racist.


I asked you a simple question who is the most qualified leader in the AFC to be presidential candidate? 


Answer the question.

Caribj is not racist, just pro-Afro just like baseman is pro-Indian.  Caribj and baseman see things the same way, but through different prisms.

I concede that the PNC was racist towards Indians when it was in power, and I say this because this is what most Indians say. Both those who love the PPP and those who hate it.


You refuse to say the same about the PPP in how it treats blacks, even though it attempts to exclude them from decision making just as the PNC attempted to exclude Indians.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Even if the PPP win again, it is not entirely a bad thing.

OK so now your PPP sympathies are appearing.


OK if the PPP wins will you and Naga beg to go back?


Note to you.  Guyanese are a passive lot who will rather flee than fight.  True in the 80s under Burnham and still true today under the PPP.


The PPP, knowing that it is possible for them to lose will make damn sure that it never happens again.


So what pressure do you see in 2 years?  They will happily tell you that elections aren't due for 5 years, just as they thank the AFC for releasing them from being forced to hold LGE.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Even if the PPP win again, it is not entirely a bad thing.

OK so now your PPP sympathies are appearing.


OK if the PPP wins will you and Naga beg to go back?

You are a real friggin racist, I have said this over and over again. I was never a PPP supporter you friggin moron. You are such a racist you figure because I am indian I was a PPP supporter. 


If it has never been made clear on GNI before that you are a racist whose views are clouded by said defect this clarifies it more than ever before.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are a real friggin racist, .

You accuse me of being a PNC.  If you can't take bitter medicine don't dish it out.  My views on the PNC are quite well known here but like most PPPites you hurl out "PNC" when ever an Afro Guyanese disagrees with you.


Nagamootoo was selected because the AFC wants the Indian vote. I said it and you KNOW it!  Indeed every one in Guyana, most of all the PPP, knows this. 


The AFC will not win the next election, but you already know this.

Originally Posted by caribny:

HM find one post where I praise Granger or reveal yourself to be a lying DOG!

Carib"J" as in Jonestown....

yuh still cant show us where

AFC policy is or was

to rotate Presidential Candidates based on Race.....

How much more time yuh need?


Nigel is saying only

a Racist Donkey or Kwame friend 

can concock something like

yuh must be Coolie or Black to be President.


"J" as in Janet.....

What happen to all the other Races

besides Coolie & Blackman.....


AFC say dem cant be President????

Where yuh get tha from?????...

"J" stop lieing.


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Even if the PPP win again, it is not entirely a bad thing.

OK so now your PPP sympathies are appearing.


OK if the PPP wins will you and Naga beg to go back?


If it has never been made clear on GNI before that you are a racist whose views are clouded by said defect this clarifies it more than ever before.

  Really so point to a racist post that I made.


You know full well why the AFC wants Nagamootoo and you also know that he isn't a good candidate.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Kwame friend 

"J" stop lieing.


Jalil let Kwame have his way with your buttocks so that you can stop pining over him. 


It is interesting that in EVERY post you wail about Kwame, even though he is a minor personality within the PPP.  Just another black idiot out drinking milk.


Get back to me when Nagamootoo forces the MONC, the blacks stay home letting APNU tumble to 35% and the PPP romps home with 50% of the votes.


If I were the AFC I would be very very worried about APNUs problems.  The reality is that the AFC is a tiny party, and unless APNU pulls its usual 40% the PPP will romp home to victory tossing Trotman out of his Speaker seat, and assuming full dictatorial style using the goons who they imported from the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are racist Caribny you are racist.


I asked you a simple question who is the most qualified leader in the AFC to be presidential candidate? 


Answer the question.

Caribj is not racist, just pro-Afro just like baseman is pro-Indian.  Caribj and baseman see things the same way, but through different prisms.

I concede that the PNC was racist towards Indians when it was in power, and I say this because this is what most Indians say. Both those who love the PPP and those who hate it.


You refuse to say the same about the PPP in how it treats blacks, even though it attempts to exclude them from decision making just as the PNC attempted to exclude Indians.

Guyana needs a national front Govt.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Even if the PPP win again, it is not entirely a bad thing.

OK so now your PPP sympathies are appearing.


OK if the PPP wins will you and Naga beg to go back?


If it has never been made clear on GNI before that you are a racist whose views are clouded by said defect this clarifies it more than ever before.

  Really so point to a racist post that I made.


You know full well why the AFC wants Nagamootoo and you also know that he isn't a good candidate.

Your entire diatribe is nothing more than racist bull.


Another bit of evidence with regards to how you are racist is to see how on the opposite side how the indian racists also embrace you when its convenient because they like you have no independent ability to break free from the racist prison you are in.


Check it out look at the other racist PPP supporters on this site they all love you now. Next they might even call you a Chat3.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* The first man to get angry in a debate and start name calling and throwing insults is the LOSER. Carib has kicked your ass in this thread.



awww so cute to see all you racist low breed hunts coming together. Now I see why the PPP has embraced all the PNC criminals like kwame, lumumba and Joe Hamilton etc.


You all truly belong together.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Your entire diatribe is nothing more than racist bull.


Another bit of evidence with regards to how you are racist is to see how on the opposite side how the indian racists also embrace you when its convenient because they like you have no independent ability to break free from the racist prison you are in.


Check it out look at the other racist PPP supporters on this site they all love you now. Next they might even call you a Chat3.

So basically you lost the argument and so can only pull "racist" and "PNC" out of your butt to hurl at me.


Don't worry when I tire of beating you up I will go back to harass them.


You better hope that APNU doesn't explode because YOU wouldn't want to be around if the PPP takes back parliament.  I suggest that the AFC tries to encourage Granger to join you guys so that the APNU can fix his mess.


I note that you refuse to explain why AFC reneged on its ethnic rotation principle.


1.  They obsess over the Indian vote and know that a black candidate will not deliver it.


2.  They think that there are no competent black candidates within the AFC, so must renege and select an Indian.


Pick because it is either one or the other and screaming and ranting and wailing that you think I am racist because I dunk your head into the realities of Guyanese politics isn't acceptable.


You did say that you would be happy if the PPP won again. Rev had an orgasm when you wrote that.  You know full well that if there isn't pressure against the PPP now there will not be 2 years from now.  Just more Guyanese trying to flee to Trinidad and Nevis.


Let me give you some advise.  APNU is broke and is packed with idiots. The best thing for the AFC will be an APNU minority gov't.  When they screw up, and you know they will, then MAYBE Guyanese might then give the AFC a shot.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Yes.  Kicking yours around got boring.  After all with druggie no longer around you became a perfect foot ball to kick.




* I'll allow you to delude yourself tonight.


* Remember, I am now 100% confident the PPP will win the next election and 99.99% confident they'll win by a majority.


* By the way what happened to poster BGurd ? Did he kick the bucket ?




I haven't lost any argument you refuse to tell me why the PNC will not appoint an indian to run as President.


You refuse to accept that the PNC is imploding and that all the massive support and goodwill that was given to Granger has now evaporated.


When asked who is the most qualified candidate the AFC has as Presidential candidate you tell me Nigel Hughes, Who BTW has endorsed Moses and will vote for Moses to be the Presidential candidate of the AFC.


Don't tek too much credit in these racist PPP dumbos telling you that you won an argument, you haven't won shit other than the title of a racist old PNC fool.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Yes.  Kicking yours around got boring.  After all with druggie no longer around you became a perfect foot ball to kick.




* I'll allow you to delude yourself tonight.


* Remember, I am now 100% confident the PPP will win the next election and 99.99% confident they'll win by a majority.


* By the way what happened to poster BGurd ? Did he kick the bucket ?



I will soon be finished with HM and will come back to you.  He has gotten very boring with his ranting and screaming and refusal to admit to the fact.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Even if the PPP win again, it is not entirely a bad thing. They will be under increasing pressure and their government will not last 2 years this time around.


For me this is a necessary evolution of the country and it is still forward progress.

necessary evolution for those Racist like CaribJ who feel everything ok if yuh choose a Blackman as President.

J stop Braying.....

yuh Braying and yuh cant find where AFC promise a Blackman fuh be their Presidential Candidate for the Next Election.

yuh Braying..... because Moses most likely will be the AFC Presidential Candidate.

yuh Braying..... because it appears AFC executives will meet .....and the will disappoint you if they do not chose a Blackman.


"J"if Rodney was alive and yuh deck out with yuh Shades and Purple Shoes & Purple pants.....I do not think he would call you a "King Kong".......he might call you a lil Dishonest Sakiwinki.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

2 idiots getting prepped to suck each others dicks. The Honorable Jalil was right on both counts.

OK I apologized when calling you vulgar when meaning to respond to Jalil, but now, having already plummeted to the depths of Nehru's idiocy, you now assume Jalil's vulgarity.


All you need to do is to explain why you think that Nagamootoo should be chosen, thus violating the AFCs policy of ethnic rotation.  You know you cannot because you know exactly why he was selected, so you have a childish tantrum instead!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Even if the PPP win again, it is not entirely a bad thing.

OK so now your PPP sympathies are appearing.


OK if the PPP wins will you and Naga beg to go back?


If it has never been made clear on GNI before that you are a racist whose views are clouded by said defect this clarifies it more than ever before.

  Really so point to a racist post that I made.


You know full well why the AFC wants Nagamootoo and you also know that he isn't a good candidate.

"J"..... just like Kwame

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


You refuse to accept that the PNC is imploding

When I said that blacks will stay home and APNU will get 35% of the votes, what did you think that this means.


It means that blacks are confused/frustrated by Granger and will refuse to vote.  Given that only black and mixed people support APNU their votes will plummet.  When their votes plummet then APNU will fall to the depths of despair.


You have a silly notion that blacks must vote for some one.  No they will not vote for ANY ONE!  If blacks don't vote and Indians do, the PPP wins.


This scenario of a PPP victory should thrill a PPP refugee like you.


If you don't understand how that works just look at what happened to the Democrats on Tuesday.  They got thrashed because their base STAYED HOME!  As will Afro Guyanese if they have only two PPPites (Ramotar and Nagamootoo) to vote for.  Just remember that it isn't Hughes who will be the candidate, so he can run around just as Obama did.  No difference.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I, Who BTW has endorsed Moses and will vote for Moses to be the Presidential candidate of the AFC.



Except that Nigel doesn't own black people so cant tell them what to do.


If all they have are two PPPites or a loser Granger they STAY HOME.


Obama tried to get blacks to vote last Tuesday,  Did they listen to him?  NO!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Yes.  Kicking yours around got boring.  After all with druggie no longer around you became a perfect foot ball to kick.




* I'll allow you to delude yourself tonight.


* Remember, I am now 100% confident the PPP will win the next election and 99.99% confident they'll win by a majority.


* By the way what happened to poster BGurd ? Did he kick the bucket ?



I will soon be finished with HM and will come back to you.  He has gotten very boring with his ranting and screaming and refusal to admit to the fact.

CaribJ why yuh running from HM....look how he kicking yuh aint no King Kong.....Dam Dishonest Sakiwinki full ah eee-self.


CaribJ stop jumping from limb to limb...

Answer there two Questions

#1 from Jalil....

Show us where yuh get this Garbage from that

AFC Presidential Candidate can only be


and the must Stay like that on a Rotation basis.

CaribJ what about Women, Amerindian, Chinese or Mixed???


#2 From Redux

Who is the

Most Qualified Presidential Candidate

in the AFC today????


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