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Originally Posted by caribny:

Shaitaan refuses to deal with the fact that the PNC only has 17 seats.  Just over half of that held by the PPP.


Please convince me that the PPP would have given away almost half of its seats to parties which can well depart the coalition if they decide to do so.


Are you ready to join the rest of us in reality who see a Prime Minister Joseph Harmon and a Secretary to the Secretary of the Cabinet Moses Nagamootoo?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Shaitaan refuses to deal with the fact that the PNC only has 17 seats.  Just over half of that held by the PPP.


Please convince me that the PPP would have given away almost half of its seats to parties which can well depart the coalition if they decide to do so.


Are you ready to join the rest of us in reality who see a Prime Minister Joseph Harmon and a Secretary to the Secretary of the Cabinet Moses Nagamootoo?

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and President David Granger witnessing the hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and President David Granger witnessing the hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The coolie Sam Hinds...albeit without the electricity sector

Has the same power as the 144th vice president.


Nah bai, the 144th Vice Presidency is reserved fuh wan smart Black man.


Uncle Mose is equivalent to the 747,884th Vice President. The PNC had to accommodate wan old comrade who been use to wash Burnham harse back at Hope Estate suh Uncle Mose had to settle fuh wan lessor Vice Presidency

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Shaitaan refuses to deal with the fact that the PNC only has 17 seats.  Just over half of that held by the PPP.


Please convince me that the PPP would have given away almost half of its seats to parties which can well depart the coalition if they decide to do so.


Are you ready to join the rest of us in reality who see a Prime Minister Joseph Harmon and a Secretary to the Secretary of the Cabinet Moses Nagamootoo?

I am almost ready to concede this to you, but not for the reasons that you outlined.


Kari had indicated that it seemed as if Moses had become the dominant factor within AFC. It certainly appeared so during the campaign, I guess because a visibly Indian face was needed to portray the whole "Love & Unity" theme.


While the AFC G/T elite have no grass roots base they certainly maintain control over the organization, and that is seen in the composition of the AFC cabinet members.  Don't think that any other than Moses, and maybe Ramjattan, will engage in any action that will jeopardize the coalition gov't, and risk the return of the PPP.


Having said that, no one wants an open fight with Moses, at least before LGE.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The coolie Sam Hinds...albeit without the electricity sector

Has the same power as the 144th vice president.


Nah bai, the 144th Vice Presidency is reserved fuh wan smart Black man.


Uncle Mose is equivalent to the 747,884th Vice President. The PNC had to accommodate wan old comrade who been use to wash Burnham harse back at Hope Estate suh Uncle Mose had to settle fuh wan lessor Vice Presidency

Even though Moses doesn't have the power that he (and his cultists) might have anticipated, he isn't powerless.


APNU and (G/T) AFC will give him enough to be happy.  He was severely hurt by the PPP, and I am sure must be quite angry with them.  Without their gross and racist distortion of Moses' identity he would have won more votes in PPP strongholds.


Moses will be allowed some input.  He will not be treated any worse than he was when he was still with the PPP, where he was completely ignored.


Cummingsburg Accord being re-examined – President

June 11, 2015 6:18 am Category: Politics A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

President and Prime Minister elect, David Granger [right) and Moses Nagamootoo.

President and Prime Minister elect, David Granger (right) and Moses Nagamootoo.

[] – President David Granger says that the Cummingsburg Accord is being re-examined by officials from A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and Alliance For Change (AFC) with the aim of achieving optimal operation at the level of governance.

Granger made the statement against the backdrop of several deviations that the APNU+AFC government has made as it relates to the adherence of the accord.

Questions have been raised about the deviations, including the APNU having two Vice Presidents when the Accord states “in the construct of a new government the APNU will be allocated one Vice President and AFC two Vice Presidents.”

Another concern is the fact that the President chaired the last Cabinet meeting when that should have been done by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo as stipulated in the Cummingsburg accord. The APNU+AFC signed this accord on February 14 when they decided to join forces.

When questioned by iNews on Wednesday, President Granger stated that there are certain aspects of the Cummingsburg accord which are currently being examined.

“To the extent that some things are in collision with the constitution they will await constitutional changeâ€Ķwe cannot be expected to do unconstitutional things,” said President Granger.

In spite of these deviations from the political contract, President Granger says that the relationship between the APNU and AFC has not been damaged and there is no “conflict.”

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Time will tell.


Be hopeful.


Only stupid people use "hope" as a substitute for strategy and tactics in politics. Jagan was one such firm believer in "hope." Said "hope" kept him in Opposition for 28 years. I see you AFC Jaganites have learned well from Cheddi on how to piss away power as soon as it falls in your lap.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Having had some further time to reflect on the Cummingsburg Accord in line with the PNC's previous Machiavellian behavior, I can only conclude that the AFC potheads have won too much in negotiations.


That the Accord spells out full control of domestic affairs inclusive of domestic security and the vast majority of State appointments is just too bloody unbelievable. I cannot believe that the Executive President of Guyana (especially a PNC one) will content himself to inspecting the GDF guards of honor, receiving Ambassadors, and writing pointless and unworkable defence plans to counter the next Venezuelan invasion of our Western frontiers.


When a negotiating partner wishes not to uphold his part of the bargain, he will have no problems pledging the moon and the stars on paper. This seems to have occurred with the PNC and the AFC. The AFC must deliver the margin of victory to the PNC and then hope the PNC keeps its word. That the PNC will appoint these AFC potheads to Prime Minister, Minister, and the Fourth Vice Presidency I have no doubt. I do however doubt that the AFC will be allowed to operate some domestic fiefdom over Guyana's domestic affairs. I can't believe these potheads have actually convinced themselves of this. They are in for a very rude awakening if they win.


This Coalition agreement is radically different from any such similar inter-party agreement I am familiar with. It covers no issues, no policies, nothing. It only covers a division of the Cabinet and some unbelievable statement about the junior party running a Government over Guyana while the President and party's ministers will busy themselves in matters of no consequence.


I would be less suspicious if the PNC had spelt out hard conditions. Unless of course that the Cummingsburg Accord is only for public consumption and the "real" Coalition Agreement which tackles hard questions of governance has been signed and is only in the possession of top PNCites and AFCites. Based on what is in the public domain, one can only conclude that the AFCites are being useful idiots to the PNC's Machiavellian maneuver.

Just asking, when this Accord was being constructed, did the lawyers not see its COLLISION with the CONSTITUTION?



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Having had some further time to reflect on the Cummingsburg Accord in line with the PNC's previous Machiavellian behavior, I can only conclude that the AFC potheads have won too much in negotiations.


That the Accord spells out full control of domestic affairs inclusive of domestic security and the vast majority of State appointments is just too bloody unbelievable. I cannot believe that the Executive President of Guyana (especially a PNC one) will content himself to inspecting the GDF guards of honor, receiving Ambassadors, and writing pointless and unworkable defence plans to counter the next Venezuelan invasion of our Western frontiers.


When a negotiating partner wishes not to uphold his part of the bargain, he will have no problems pledging the moon and the stars on paper. This seems to have occurred with the PNC and the AFC. The AFC must deliver the margin of victory to the PNC and then hope the PNC keeps its word. That the PNC will appoint these AFC potheads to Prime Minister, Minister, and the Fourth Vice Presidency I have no doubt. I do however doubt that the AFC will be allowed to operate some domestic fiefdom over Guyana's domestic affairs. I can't believe these potheads have actually convinced themselves of this. They are in for a very rude awakening if they win.


This Coalition agreement is radically different from any such similar inter-party agreement I am familiar with. It covers no issues, no policies, nothing. It only covers a division of the Cabinet and some unbelievable statement about the junior party running a Government over Guyana while the President and party's ministers will busy themselves in matters of no consequence.


I would be less suspicious if the PNC had spelt out hard conditions. Unless of course that the Cummingsburg Accord is only for public consumption and the "real" Coalition Agreement which tackles hard questions of governance has been signed and is only in the possession of top PNCites and AFCites. Based on what is in the public domain, one can only conclude that the AFCites are being useful idiots to the PNC's Machiavellian maneuver.

Just asking, when this Accord was being constructed, did the lawyers not see its COLLISION with the CONSTITUTION?




Here is the answer.


The "Accord" was negotiated exclusively by the PNC and the AFC Black (mostly "ex-PNC") Faction. There was next to zero input and zero representation for the Mosaic Cult.


The Mosaic Cult were thrilled that "abbe blackman smart dem schupid PNC blackman" to quote one AFC Mosaic Advisor.


I'm sure the Accord is filled with lots of nonsense that the PNC used to big up the heads of abbe AFC Mudheads.


This Accord was never workable not because of the surrender of 12 MPs and 40% of Cabinet but because of the wording of how Government would operate and the amount of power the AFC would have. Why in God's name would any sane person think that the PNC would fight for Government and just surrender "domestic policy" to Moses and Co.?


It is worth noting that no Indian whatsoever was involved in the negotiation of this Accord. That is a HUGE red jhandi flag dere chap.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The Accord got us here, and the Accord will get us to the future.


Moses said it's a minor irritant.


Let them fight and work it out privately.  Will probably take a year to get it flowing well.


Now I'm gonna cuss you chap.


Are you really that schupid? Have you swallowed so much of Jagan's shyte that it clogs your brains?


WTF is private about the business of Government? This is 2015 chap. The business of Government is not the domain of the Great Leaders while we peasants are merely expected to cast our votes dutifully and go away for the next five years.


In case you haven't noticed, the only pressure on the PNC to stop buggering Moses and his Cult is coming principally from the intelligent Black crowd in the letter columns and social media. They are ironically doing more for Moses than his Cult.


You NEED the protection of them intelligent Black people who believe in fair play and decency because you Jaganites are incapable of protecting yourselves.


This is OUR business! Get that shyte through your thick skull. You and I matter as much (IF NOT MORE) than any pissant PNC or AFC Minister or even Granger himself.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:



You are cursing so much, your message, gets lost.


No need for the ad hominem remarks all the time.


Is there a chance you can keep it clean?

He campaigned to keep them Jagan people in power and now he trying to tell the coalition how to run their business.  You ever see eyepass like this?


Currently, I don't like it.  However, I hope it gets resolved over time.


Bro. Mose said he is not worried right know: Storming, Forming, Norming, Performing.


We are still in Stage 1.  Keep in mind there are a lot of campaigners to satisfy.

Coalition will last unless Granger does something really, really stupid.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:


Currently, I don't like it.  However, I hope it gets resolved over time.


Bro. Mose said he is not worried right know: Storming, Forming, Norming, Performing.


We are still in Stage 1.  Keep in mind there are a lot of campaigners to satisfy.

Coalition will last unless Granger does something really, really stupid.

What more can Granger do to Moses? 13 more non- "core" ministers? Another Minister of State?

Moses is now a joke bai. He delivered the election and got katahar for his troubles. Good luck in 2020 when Indos will rememeber this treatment.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. . . This is OUR business! Get that shyte through your thick skull. You and I matter as much (IF NOT MORE) than any pissant PNC or AFC Minister or even Granger himself.

look how being on jagdeo's payroll makes a claptrap-toting, delusional RH arsehole farting gas and wet shit think that he "matter[s] . . ."




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