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Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Trump got 3 MILLION Votes less than Hillary, who was not a good Candidate. Think about that, the Orange Orangutan going DOWN!!!

It came from CA and NY!  He never even bothered to campaign there!  He said tek um, don’t make a diff! 

He won fair and square the way this system works!  Hillary got trounced!

Not happening again. He gets to fool the voters only once just like the Coalition did.

You not following the swing states!

The swing states swinging away from Trump. Only deep red states sticking with Trump. Even Kentucky went blue for governor and the Republican candidate wasn’t even as bad as Trump. πŸ˜€


The numbers in favour of impeachment has dropped and that is bad news for the Dems. Dem so foolish dat dem patting each other on the backs despite fact that this is just a hoax and Americans are not buying snake oil. 
Democrats are sounding like the PNC. Republicans will buss dem backs and rub salt when this goes to the senate. 

All skin teeth na Laff.



Net support for impeachment grew steadily during U.S. congressional hearings, poll shows

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Public support for impeaching President Donald Trump has tracked steadily higher over the past few weeks while a U.S. House of Representatives committee held a series of televised impeachment hearings, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday

The latest poll, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, found that 47% of adults in the United States felt Trump β€œshould be impeached,” while 40% said he should not.

The result, combined with Reuters/Ipsos polling over the past several weeks, showed that the number of Americans who want to impeach the president increasingly outnumbers those who do not.

Just before the hearings started on Nov. 13, the Reuters/Ipsos poll found that β€œnet support” for impeachment, which is the difference between the number who support impeachment and the number who oppose, was 3 percentage points.

That increased to 4 points after the first week of hearings, and then to 5 points as the second week of hearings started. The latest poll shows that net support for impeachment is now at 7 points.

Source and rest of article --


We assume we know based on our part of the world!  We think what and how we see is the way America sees it.  And when they don’t, they are deplorables!

When Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston were dominating our airwaves and all we ever heard, Garth Brooks sold more than the two combined!  He sold to the world we hardly pay attention to!

I meet people from middle America and they see it differently!  I spoke to my brother in the South and he attitudes there are Bunker!!

Ayuh wait and see!!

Demerara_Guy posted:

Net support for impeachment grew steadily during U.S. congressional hearings, poll shows

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Public support for impeaching President Donald Trump has tracked steadily higher over the past few weeks while a U.S. House of Representatives committee held a series of televised impeachment hearings, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday

The latest poll, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, found that 47% of adults in the United States felt Trump β€œshould be impeached,” while 40% said he should not.

The result, combined with Reuters/Ipsos polling over the past several weeks, showed that the number of Americans who want to impeach the president increasingly outnumbers those who do not.

Just before the hearings started on Nov. 13, the Reuters/Ipsos poll found that β€œnet support” for impeachment, which is the difference between the number who support impeachment and the number who oppose, was 3 percentage points.

That increased to 4 points after the first week of hearings, and then to 5 points as the second week of hearings started. The latest poll shows that net support for impeachment is now at 7 points.

Source and rest of article --

You cannot take these polls to heart!  Polls said Hillary should be president!  Is weh she deh!!  Fake news don’t sell!!

Sean posted:

The numbers in favour of impeachment has dropped and that is bad news for the Dems. Dem so foolish dat dem patting each other on the backs despite fact that this is just a hoax and Americans are not buying snake oil. 

Democrats are sounding like the PNC.

Republicans will buss dem backs and rub salt when this goes to the senate

All skin teeth na Laff.

The US Senate needs two-thirds or more votes to impeach a president.

Current composition of the Senate; Republicans 53; Democrats 45 and Independents 2.

It is indeed likely that the needed 66/67 votes may not be obtained.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Sean posted:

The numbers in favour of impeachment has dropped and that is bad news for the Dems. Dem so foolish dat dem patting each other on the backs despite fact that this is just a hoax and Americans are not buying snake oil. 

Democrats are sounding like the PNC.

Republicans will buss dem backs and rub salt when this goes to the senate

All skin teeth na Laff.

The US Senate needs two-thirds or more votes to impeach a president.

Current composition of the Senate; Republicans 53; Democrats 45 and Independents 2.

It is indeed likely that the needed 66/67 votes may not be obtained.

The people are not with it!  This is why they quickly signed the new NAFTA deal!  It’s to mitigate the Impeachment mess Nancy story Nancy found herself in!  She is a skeptic on the whole thing but got rail roared!

I think Nancy likes Trump!!

ksazma posted:
Sean posted:

All you bringing in fake polls ? Remember how Hillary was going to win by a majority ?

Last polls sampled most democrats !

Me na accept fake polls. America has a silent pro Trump Majority. 

Bai, if it silent, how come yuh know bout it? πŸ˜€


Old Gyal Nancy tear up and tell me suh bai. 
And Hillary know suh. πŸ˜€

Last edited by Former Member

So far the Congressional Republicans are throwing hissy fits. Dem asking fuh Schiff but fails to recognize that Nunes has gone into hiding since news broke dat he been in Ukraine too.

Trump burning a lot of people who get close tuh he and de Republicans are marching with their eyes shut towards the gallows.

Gohmert is bumbling over everything except the two charges that were brought by Nadler.

Baseman posted:

Rep Hank Johnson!!

No you don't respect him!

Obama did worse at the border!

Hillary sore loser!!
You lie!!

But you want to overturn the will of the people!

    Haaa haaa haaaaaaaa  

Focus Baseman ... F_O_C_U_S  

The issues are specifically about Trump and his Impeachment issues.

Nothing to do with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, etc.  


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