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In a world where some   leaders from Muslim countries  are corrupt and killing their own like the crown prince from Saudi Arabia it is refreshing to see Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Muslims of Pakistan  following the real and pure Islamic teachings of kindness and forgiveness.


Here is it , a Hindu pilot dropping bombs  on the Muslims of Pakistan and his plane was shot down.  What did the people in the village did? They did not kill him, they did not harm him. What did Prime Minister Imran Khan did? He did not order the Pilot to be locked up.  He pardoned him and will allow him to return to India.

This is the real teachings of Islam and our Prophet Muhamad ( uwbp), show compassion and forgiveness to our enemies.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:

Well tell that to your terrorists compatriates in Saudi and Paki!

Have you ever been to India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia ? If yes, where did you go and how long were you there ??

I see you asked the same question to Yuji.

I lived in India for several years, travelled to almost every corner except Assam.  I lived through the Bombay terror attacks of 2008.  I was prohibited from Paki by my company due to the terror risk.

Now, what does that have to do with Saudi and Paki terrorism?

Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:

Well tell that to your terrorists compatriates in Saudi and Paki!

Have you ever been to India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia ? If yes, where did you go and how long were you there ??

I see you asked the same question to Yuji.

I lived in India for several years, travelled to almost every corner except Assam.  I lived through the Bombay terror attacks of 2008.  I was prohibited from Paki by my company due to the terror risk.

Now, what does that have to do with Saudi and Paki terrorism?

Because you do not know anything about the Islamic people and their way of life.The Ganges shit  water pollute your brain.


Chief please stop this shyte !

I would like you to start with addressing Paki terrorists killing 40 Indian soldiers than we can start having a serious discussion !

You are sounding more and more like a Middle East terrorist.

Let us be honest here ! I will comment on this tomorrow.

Stop this shyte !

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:

In a world where some   leaders from Muslim countries  are corrupt and killing their own like the crown prince from Saudi Arabia it is refreshing to see Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Muslims of Pakistan  following the real and pure Islamic teachings of kindness and forgiveness.


Here is it , a Hindu pilot dropping bombs  on the Muslims of Pakistan and his plane was shot down.  What did the people in the village did? They did not kill him, they did not harm him. What did Prime Minister Imran Khan did? He did not order the Pilot to be locked up.  He pardoned him and will allow him to return to India.

This is the real teachings of Islam and our Prophet Muhamad ( uwbp), show compassion and forgiveness to our enemies.

The people of the village in Azad Kashmir were on the verge of beating the pilot to death when he was rescued by Pakistani soldiers. Chief watch the video of the villagers beating the pilot instead of spreading false information.



Let's start by stat from International organizations who are keeping tab on the atrocities by the Indian Army in Khasmir. 

Are you aware of how many Musilms the Indian soldiers have caused to become blind in the past two years? THE INDIAN Soldiers are going for the eye of Muslim Khasmiris. It is  Freedom Fighters who attacked and killed the soldiers not terrorists.

If you want to have an objective discussion on Khasmir then you need to take off your dark glass and admit the the Indian soldiers need to stop maime and kill the Muslims in Kashmir. 

Prashad posted:
Chief posted:

In a world where some   leaders from Muslim countries  are corrupt and killing their own like the crown prince from Saudi Arabia it is refreshing to see Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Muslims of Pakistan  following the real and pure Islamic teachings of kindness and forgiveness.


Here is it , a Hindu pilot dropping bombs  on the Muslims of Pakistan and his plane was shot down.  What did the people in the village did? They did not kill him, they did not harm him. What did Prime Minister Imran Khan did? He did not order the Pilot to be locked up.  He pardoned him and will allow him to return to India.

This is the real teachings of Islam and our Prophet Muhamad ( uwbp), show compassion and forgiveness to our enemies.

The people of the village in Azad Kashmir were on the verge of beating the pilot to death when he was rescued by Pakistani soldiers. Chief watch the video of the villagers beating the pilot instead of spreading false information.

And who are Pakistani Soldiers? Are they Christian's? They are Muslims and have demonstrated restraint and saved the murderer Hindu Indian Pilot.


Kashmir Fast Facts

(CNN)Here's a look at Kashmir, a region in the Himalayan and Karakoram mountain ranges. India, Pakistan and China all claim partial or complete ownership of Kashmir.

Kashmir is an 86,000-square mile region in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent.
The separatist violence has killed more than 47,000 people, which does not include people who have disappeared due to the conflict. Some human rights groups and nongovernmental organizations put the death toll at twice that amount.
India and Pakistan have been fighting over Kashmir since both countries gained their independence in 1947.
The Line of Control separating Indian- and Pakistani-controlled parts of Kashmir is 435 miles (700 km) long.
India-controlled: One state, called Jammu and Kashmir, makes up the southern and eastern portions of the region, totaling about 45% of Kashmir.
Pakistan-controlled: Three areas called Azad Kashmir, Gilgit and Baltistan make up the northern and western portions of the region, totaling about 35% of Kashmir.
China-controlled: One area called Aksai Chin in the northeastern part of the region, equaling 20% of Kashmir.
India also alleges Pakistan has ceded 3,220 square miles in Kashmir to China.
Srinagar is the summer capital city in Jammu and Kashmir state. Jammu is the winter capital.
The capital of Azad Kashmir is Muzaffarabad.
August 15, 1947 - India and Pakistan gain independence from Great Britain. Kashmir initially decides to remain independent, choosing not to become a part of either Pakistan or India.
October 1947 - After armed tribesmen from Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province invade Kashmir, Maharaja Hari Singh, the ruler of Kashmir, signs a letter acceding to India. In exchange for handing key powers to the central government in New Delhi, Kashmir gains India's military protection. Pakistan does not recognize this letter as a legal document. This begins India and Pakistan's first war over Kashmir.
January 1, 1949 - India and Pakistan agree to withdraw all troops behind a mutually agreed ceasefire line, later known as the Line of Control.
August 5, 1965 - India and Pakistan go to war again over Kashmir. Pakistan invades Indian-held Kashmir, but the fighting produces little territorial gain for Pakistan.
1971 - Fighting erupts again as part of the Indo-Pak war.
July 1972 - The Simla Agreement ends the fighting and establishes the Line of Control between Indian-controlled Kashmir and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. The two sides continue to argue over the border.
1989 - Islamic militants begin an uprising in Indian-controlled Kashmir. Tens of thousands of people have been killed.
1999 - India and Pakistan fight a limited border conflict in Kashmir, after armed invaders cross the Line of Control in the town of Kargil.
July 25, 2000 - Hizbul Mujahedeen, a pro-Pakistan Kashmiri militant group, declares a unilateral cease fire for three months in Jammu and Kashmir.
August 3, 2000 - India begins peace talks with Hizbul Mujahedeen, in Srinagar.
August 8, 2000 - Hizbul Mujahedeen calls off its two-week-old ceasefire and orders its forces to resume fighting against Indian troops.
May 23, 2001 - India ends a six-month military ceasefire against Islamic guerillas in Kashmir while also inviting Pakistani military ruler, General Pervez Musharraf, to peace talks aimed at ending five decades of hostilities between the two countries.
July 14-16, 2001 - Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee meet in Agra, India, for a three-day summit. The talks fail to produce a joint statement on Kashmir.
December 20, 2001 - The Indian army deploys troops on its border with Pakistan in the northern states of Kashmir and Punjab after an attack by militants (India says they were from across the border) on the Indian Parliament building. Pakistani troops also buildup across the frontier.
January 2002 - General Musharraf of Pakistan outlaws the three main Pakistani-based Islamic militant groups.
October 2002 - Four rounds of polls to choose a new state administration conclude in Indian-controlled Kashmir. About 300-500 people are killed during the election campaign.
November 2003 - India agrees to a Pakistani offer of a ceasefire along their borders in the disputed region of Kashmir. The ceasefire goes into effect November 26 and is the first ceasefire in 14 years.
January 4, 2004 - India's Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee meets with Pakistan's President Musharraf in Islamabad for a one-hour meeting. It is their first direct contact in two years.
June 2004 - India and Pakistan's foreign secretaries meet for talks, the first detailed discussions between the two countries in six years.
November 14, 2006 - Indian Foreign Secretary Shiv Shanker Menon and his Pakistani counterpart, Riaz Mohammed Khan meet in New Delhi, India for peace talks. The main topic of discussion is finding ways to implement a proposed anti-terror mechanism that both countries have agreed to set up.
March 13, 2007 - Top Pakistani and Indian diplomats meet in Islamabad. Topics include improving conditions for hundreds of prisoners in each others' jails and relaxing visa restrictions.
March 28, 2008 - Human rights workers find nearly 1,000 unmarked graves near the Line of Control, the border that divides Pakistani- and Indian-controlled portions of Kashmir. Hundreds of protestors in Indian Kashmir clash with police on April 25, demanding an investigation into the graves.
October 21, 2008 - India and Pakistan open a trade route for the first time in six decades on the Line of Control in Kashmir. Fruit, clothing and spices are among the items being transported.
Summer 2010 - Violence erupts in Kashmir and kills more than 100 people, the worst bloodshed in a decade.
January 14, 2011 - India's home secretary announces that India will cut a fourth of its security forces in Kashmir over the next 12 months.
February 10, 2011 - Pakistan and India agree to resume peace talks that halted after theMumbai terror attacks of 2008.
July 27, 2011 - Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar meets with Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna in New Delhi to discuss ways to improve travel and trade across Kashmir.
April 8, 2012 - Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari meets with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during a private trip. It is the first trip to India by a Pakistani leader in seven years.
November-December 2014 - After five rounds of elections, though the regional People's Democratic Party (PDP) wins the most seats, it does not pick up the 44 seats necessary to form a government in Indian-controlled Kashmir.
February 2015 - The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the People's Democratic Party (PDP), a regional party backed by the Muslim majority, announce the formation of a coalition government in Indian-controlled Kashmir. This follows five rounds of elections in 2014 without a clear winner and is the first time that the Hindu nationalist BJP will be part of the governing coalition in the state assembly. The coalition government is sworn in on March 1, 2015.
January 2016 - The death of the chief minister of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, creates tumult within the coalition government. The presumptive successor is Mehbooba Mufti, Sayeed's daughter. She declines to take the oath of office, however, as relations fray between the PDP and the BJP. With the power-sharing alliance in crisis, Governor's rule is imposed in accordance with the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir.
April 4, 2016 - Mehbooba Mufti is sworn in as the first female chief minister of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir.
September 18, 2016 - In the early morning hours, armed militants enter an Indian army base in the garrison town of Uri -- about 63 miles (102 kilometers) from Srinagar, the capital of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir -- and kill 19 soldiers. Several hours later, four militants are killed in a shootout with the Indian army. It's unclear which militant group is responsible. The attack, which takes place near the de facto border between India and Pakistan in Kashmir, is one of the deadliest on an army base in Kashmir since militant attacks began in 1989.
September 29, 2016 - Two Pakistani soldiers are killed after clashes with Indian troops on the de facto border in Kashmir.
October 2016 - India relocates more than 10,000 people from around the disputed border area of Kashmir as tensions continue to escalate with Pakistan.
November 14, 2016 - Seven Pakistani soldiers are killed in an exchange of fire between Pakistani and Indian forces at the Line of Control.
November 15, 2016 - Raja Farooq Haider, the prime minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, the Pakistani-controlled part of the disputed region, says the government has so far moved 8,000 people to "safer places" in the wake of ongoing "Indian shelling," and plans are being made to move even more people. In response, Indian defense spokesman Lt. Col. Manish Mehta tells CNN from the Indian city of Jammu, "We always respond appropriately and effectively whenever there is a ceasefire violation from the Pakistan side."
August 1, 2017 - Violent protests erupt over the killing of a militant leader. According to Indian officials, Pakistani commander of banned terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) Abu Dujana, along with his aide Arif Nabi Dar, were killed after engaging in a lengthy gun battle with government troops in Kashmir's Pulwama district, 35 kilometers south of the capital Srinagar.
February 14, 2019 - At least 40 are killed when a bomb explodes near a convoy of Indian paramilitary personnel in Indian-administered Kashmir, one of the deadliest attacks in the disputed region in recent years.
February 26, 2019 - Pakistan has promised retaliation "at the time and place of its choosing" after India conducts airstrikes on an alleged terrorist training camp inside Pakistan territory, in a significant escalation of hostilities between the nuclear armed powers, in the first such incursion by Indian air force planes since the India-Pakistan war of 1971.
February 27, 2019 - Pakistan says its air force shot down two Indian fighter jets over Kashmir. India confirms the loss of just one plane and says it shot down a Pakistani jet as it responded to the incident.
Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Chief please stop this shyte !

I would like you to start with addressing Paki terrorists killing 40 Indian soldiers than we can start having a serious discussion !

You are sounding more and more like a Middle East terrorist.

Let us be honest here ! I will comment on this tomorrow.

Stop this shyte !

I am sounding like an average Muslim who is tired by people like you who remain silent when your own are killing others.


Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:

Chief please stop this shyte !

I would like you to start with addressing Paki terrorists killing 40 Indian soldiers than we can start having a serious discussion !

You are sounding more and more like a Middle East terrorist.

Let us be honest here ! I will comment on this tomorrow.

Stop this shyte !

I am sounding like an average Muslim who is tired by people like you who remain silent when your own are killing others.


Sadly Chief, you are sounding like a terrorists. Get your facts straight about this conflict before your start posting shyte. Don't drag religion into this conflict.

CNN put a timeline to the conflict as posted above. Please read it.

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:

Well tell that to your terrorists compatriates in Saudi and Paki!

Have you ever been to India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia ? If yes, where did you go and how long were you there ??

I see you asked the same question to Yuji.

I lived in India for several years, travelled to almost every corner except Assam.  I lived through the Bombay terror attacks of 2008.  I was prohibited from Paki by my company due to the terror risk.

Now, what does that have to do with Saudi and Paki terrorism?

Because you do not know anything about the Islamic people and their way of life.The Ganges shit  water pollute your brain.

Because your Islamic nations and leaders call for the extermination of “Infidels.”   Just look at you, one who just justified terrorism in Jammu-Kashmir saying you preach peace.  That sounds like a Hitler mantra!

Banna most Islamist are intolerant of other faiths!


What Pakistan did is a goodwill gesture towards peace and reconciliation. Quote from Malala Yousafzai: Narendra Modi and Imran Khan should shake hands and settle conflicts. PM Imran Khan said in wars there are miscalculations from all sides. That said, soldiers are enemies to the country they are fighting with. Violating Pakistan airspace is a direct threat to that country's sovereignty. Pakistan govt has every right to catch and kill him, jail him or treat him as a POW. PM Imran Khan strike it big when he offered to pardon the Indian soldier and send him back to India. PM Modi should capitalize on the goodwill gesture for a lasting peace between the two rivals.


Last edited by Former Member

In my opinion since both India and Pakistan has failed so miserably in Kashmir, both countries (as well as China) should remove their military and political influences allowing Kashmir to become an independent country. Then if that independent Kashmir either threatens or attacks India, Pakistan or China, they should be held responsible up to and including military action. Under the current configuration, there will be no end to the status quo.

I would like to mention something else. There are goo and bad in all groups of people. Only Muslims are stupid to commit evil acts in the name of God. While other people will invoke God when they do good acts, they don't invoke God in their wickedness. Way too many Muslims do. I know that Muslims are generally good people but we have no one to blame when some of our brother and sisters commit evil acts but those Muslims who do them. Other people shouldn't have to have the responsibility to determine what really is Islam and what really isn't.

Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:

Well tell that to your terrorists compatriates in Saudi and Paki!

Have you ever been to India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia ? If yes, where did you go and how long were you there ??

I see you asked the same question to Yuji.

I lived in India for several years, travelled to almost every corner except Assam.  I lived through the Bombay terror attacks of 2008.  I was prohibited from Paki by my company due to the terror risk.

Now, what does that have to do with Saudi and Paki terrorism?

I asked the question because I note that most people who are vehement and die-hard opponents of Pakistan are usually completely and dismally ignorant of the demographics, economics, politics and history of that part of the world. Their 'wisdom and knowledge', however, are based entirely on bigotry ! Because of my occupation/profession, I have been to India 12 times, to Pakistan 10 times and to Sri Lanka 7; all via the auspices of the United Nations and I have spent many weeks on each visit to these three countries. Your comments, like those of folks like Yuji, Nehru are clearly hate-filled and unquestionably bigoted. It is very strange that you so  readily point to Pakistani actions and indiscretions; many of which are perceived/based on inadequate knowledge and understanding, but you strangely remain ostensibly ignorant of the brutality and belligerence of India ! I do not know where and when you were in India; it seems to me that you were most probably wearing blinders while you were there ! Have you ever 1) been to Indian-occupied Kashmir or 2) spoken to any residents of that area and 3) seen the brutal treatment that India metes out to the residents (male and female, young and old) of that area ?  Given my occupation I have traveled widely across all of those three countries several times because of my profession and I can tell you that I have personally witnessed occurrences in which simple, ordinary people are driven to violence because of bigotry on the part of Indian forces.      


IAF’s Abhinandan Varthaman says he went through a lot of mental harassment while in Pak custody: Report

IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman was in Pakistani Army’s custody for more than 50 hours after his MiG 21 was downed during a dogfight with a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet on Wednesday.

india Updated: Mar 02, 2019 18:53 IST
HT Correspondent
HT Correspondent
Hindustan Times, New Delhi
wing commander,abhinandan
Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman as he is released by Pakistan authorities at Wagah border on the Pakistani side, Friday, March 1, 2019.(PTI photo)

Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman has reportedly told the Indian Air Force authorities that though he was not physically tortured by the Pakistanis during the time he was in their custody, but he was made to go thorugh a lot of mental harassment, news agency ANI quoted sources as saying.

IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman was in Pakistani Army’s custody for more than 50 hours after his MiG 21 was downed during a dogfight with a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet on Wednesday. The dogfight took place in Pakistani airspace after Indian fighter jets were scrambled to respond against a large package of Pakistani fighter jets ingressing into Indian airspace with a view to attacking Indian military installations.

Before ejecting from his badly damaged MiG 21, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman had managed to shoot down the F-16 fighter jet. Abhinandan had landed in Pakistani territory and was caught and initially beaten up by some locals before two Pakistani army soldiers could take him into their custody.

Also read | ‘Good to be back’: IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman on Indian soil after 58 hours in Pak Army custody

Baseman posted:
Chief posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:

Well tell that to your terrorists compatriates in Saudi and Paki!

Have you ever been to India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia ? If yes, where did you go and how long were you there ??

I see you asked the same question to Yuji.

I lived in India for several years, travelled to almost every corner except Assam.  I lived through the Bombay terror attacks of 2008.  I was prohibited from Paki by my company due to the terror risk.

Now, what does that have to do with Saudi and Paki terrorism?

Because you do not know anything about the Islamic people and their way of life.The Ganges shit  water pollute your brain.

Because your Islamic nations and leaders call for the extermination of “Infidels.”   Just look at you, one who just justified terrorism in Jammu-Kashmir saying you preach peace.  That sounds like a Hitler mantra!

Banna most Islamist are intolerant of other faiths!

Please provide evidence of the following: 

1) "Islamic nations and leaders call for the extermination of “Infidels.”

2) "most Islamist are intolerant of other faiths!"


Keffer take a look at the social studies curriculum that all Pakistani students have to learn in schools. It is a hatred of Hinduism and India. The first muslims to come to India were not invaders but Arab traders who were allowed to build a mosque in Kerala by the Hindus. Pakistan is engaged in a strategy of death by a thousand cuts towards India. Pakistani school children are brainwashed into hatred of Hinduism and India. It is if their ancestors were never hindus. The Indian government needs to give Kashmiris the option of instant termination of their Indian citizenship and leave the country.

Last edited by Prashad
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:

Chief please stop this shyte !

I would like you to start with addressing Paki terrorists killing 40 Indian soldiers than we can start having a serious discussion !

You are sounding more and more like a Middle East terrorist.

Let us be honest here ! I will comment on this tomorrow.

Stop this shyte !

I am sounding like an average Muslim who is tired by people like you who remain silent when your own are killing others.


The Pakistan ISI and it terrorists proxy has been engaged in killing people in Indian kashmir who they suspect are informers for the Indian government. Many Kashmiris have died as a result.

ksazma posted:

In my opinion since both India and Pakistan has failed so miserably in Kashmir, both countries (as well as China) should remove their military and political influences allowing Kashmir to become an independent country. Then if that independent Kashmir either threatens or attacks India, Pakistan or China, they should be held responsible up to and including military action. Under the current configuration, there will be no end to the status quo.

I would like to mention something else. There are goo and bad in all groups of people. Only Muslims are stupid to commit evil acts in the name of God. While other people will invoke God when they do good acts, they don't invoke God in their wickedness. Way too many Muslims do. I know that Muslims are generally good people but we have no one to blame when some of our brother and sisters commit evil acts but those Muslims who do them. Other people shouldn't have to have the responsibility to determine what really is Islam and what really isn't.

Kashmir Independence people are getting beat up from both sides.

Prashad posted:

Those Russians are on the internet defending their MIG21 fighters. The MIG 21 is no match for an F16. It is like a man with a cutlass fighting a man with a gun. The Indian pilot is highly skilled to shoot down the F 16 if it happened. Which I highly doubt.

I don’t know why India still sends MIg 21 into Pakistan!  

Chief posted:

Thais. Has to do with religion.

The Hindu soldiers are blind d g Muslims.

Imagine if the PNC soldiers decided to do such thing at your village o. The COrrentyne.

An experiment for the chief.

Stand in front of a New York policeman or woman then throw a rock to their head and see if they will shoot you with a pellet or shoot you with real live ammunition.

Please do the experiment this Sunday.

Last edited by Prashad
Chief posted:

Imagine if the PNC soldiers decided to do such thing at your village o. The COrrentyne.

Stupid analogy!  The people of cor-Tyne are not agitating for independence and have Suriname sending terrorism into Guyana.  

Find out what happened in the rupununi when they tried to break away.  The GDF massacred hundreds including women and children!

Prashad posted:
ksazma posted:

In my opinion since both India and Pakistan has failed so miserably in Kashmir, both countries (as well as China) should remove their military and political influences allowing Kashmir to become an independent country. Then if that independent Kashmir either threatens or attacks India, Pakistan or China, they should be held responsible up to and including military action. Under the current configuration, there will be no end to the status quo.

I would like to mention something else. There are goo and bad in all groups of people. Only Muslims are stupid to commit evil acts in the name of God. While other people will invoke God when they do good acts, they don't invoke God in their wickedness. Way too many Muslims do. I know that Muslims are generally good people but we have no one to blame when some of our brother and sisters commit evil acts but those Muslims who do them. Other people shouldn't have to have the responsibility to determine what really is Islam and what really isn't.

Kashmir Independence people are getting beat up from both sides.

Most Kashmiris are not fighting for independence, most terrorists come from Pakistan, they are not from kashmir.  

Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:

Well tell that to your terrorists compatriates in Saudi and Paki!

Have you ever been to India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia ? If yes, where did you go and how long were you there ??

I see you asked the same question to Yuji.

I lived in India for several years, travelled to almost every corner except Assam.  I lived through the Bombay terror attacks of 2008.  I was prohibited from Paki by my company due to the terror risk.

Now, what does that have to do with Saudi and Paki terrorism?

I asked the question because I note that most people who are vehement and die-hard opponents of Pakistan are usually completely and dismally ignorant of the demographics, economics, politics and history of that part of the world. Their 'wisdom and knowledge', however, are based entirely on bigotry ! Because of my occupation/profession, I have been to India 12 times, to Pakistan 10 times and to Sri Lanka 7; all via the auspices of the United Nations and I have spent many weeks on each visit to these three countries. Your comments, like those of folks like Yuji, Nehru are clearly hate-filled and unquestionably bigoted. It is very strange that you so  readily point to Pakistani actions and indiscretions; many of which are perceived/based on inadequate knowledge and understanding, but you strangely remain ostensibly ignorant of the brutality and belligerence of India ! I do not know where and when you were in India; it seems to me that you were most probably wearing blinders while you were there ! Have you ever 1) been to Indian-occupied Kashmir or 2) spoken to any residents of that area and 3) seen the brutal treatment that India metes out to the residents (male and female, young and old) of that area ?  Given my occupation I have traveled widely across all of those three countries several times because of my profession and I can tell you that I have personally witnessed occurrences in which simple, ordinary people are driven to violence because of bigotry on the part of Indian forces.      

Listen, I’m not getting into every little bitty gritty.  In the largest scheme, the Pakistanis are driving the conflict. 

During the reproach with Pakistan under Nawaz Sharif, the two countries agreed to ease tensions and build bridges. Many young Pakistani were elated at the thought of accessing the higher Ed institutions in India. There was lots of positive vibes in the air. Both countries then reduced their forces on the border.  Then what did Pakistan do, military man Pervez Masharaff and Al Qaeda said thank you with Kargil.  Thousands died and war almost came.  

So don’t get lost in the weeds.  Stick with the larger picture and strategic politics!


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