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I don't know if others have noticed some subtle changes of position on previous stance taken on Guyana's political rivalries.


Baseman has come more to the middle and has adopted a more mature dispassionate view of the PPP's failings and the PNC's history.


Yuji likewise has moderated a previously uncompromising view.


Nehru wavered a bit, then moved rambunctiously to Freedumb House and now has moderated.


We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.


We've seen the continued quixotic ramblings of Redux (emotionallly) and JB (more soberly). Billygoat's idiocy remain unabated.


Dem Guy is still peeking behind a curtain as if not desirous of shaking his closet.


Mits and Cainsta remain in the middle of the conversations - they may have some kinship to Gilly.


Jalil continues to hammer away with a lot of realism.


Me? I remain eclectic. I just want to smarts prevail. We are too good a people -all races - to be hammered by the political class on all sides.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Kari:



We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.



My position remains the same.  I will not let YOU or any one ignore the African population while you pander to the fears of the Indian population.


The PNC does have a sordid record and yes you can suggest/demand an apology for that.  Its rigging of elections was based on the African insecurity dilemma which was based on being out numbered by a group who they saw as ethnocentric and clannish.  With 22 years of PPP rule their fears turned out to be quite valid.


Many blacks will claim that the rigging was an ends to a means, and that was defending themselves from PPP racism and Janet vindictiveness which was quite manifest when the PPP ruled, especially after 1961.


They will ask if the apology is for corruption, incompetence, and the use of unlawful ways of keeping power than why shouldn't the equally guilty PPP not also apologize?


To make such a demand only of the PNC (supported by over 90% of the blacks) is to them another manifestation of "black man bad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  And for the past 22 years they have been humiliated because of what people claim that the PNC did.


So they will laugh at you while you claim that there isn't any racial bent to this, because they endure this, not only from the PPP, but from just about every Indo dominated entity in Guyana.


I need only quote to you what people from islands like Jamaica, St Vincent, Grenada and Barbados have said.  They have seen AfroGuyanese transform from a proud people who they had a high degree of respect for to a people who are treated like the skunks of Guyana.


Afro Guyanese feel that they are in a no win position. A defeated people.  Read David Hinds for his specific descriptions of the symptoms of this malady.


So when you do your political arithmetic based on one part of the population, and you do not factor in how the other major part will react, you are committing a HUGE error.

Last edited by Former Member

And by the way you are a truly silly and naÃŊve man if you didnt make note of the fact that its the PPP extremists who support your request for a PNC apology.


Unlike you they know full well that the PPP will capitalize on this apology.  This will add more ammunition to that which they are trying to build with the Rodney COI. It will distract from their own sordid record, as this will not be discussed.


So your Indian will still find excuses not to support the PNC while many grass roots blacks will think that Granger has followed Corbin in his desire for PPP soup.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

I don't know if others have noticed some subtle changes of position on previous stance taken on Guyana's political rivalries.

[very little "politics" on this BB  . . . mostly RACE (and RACISM!) . . . stop playing the fool, u know better mr wannabe scampman]


Baseman has come more to the middle and has adopted a more mature dispassionate view of the PPP's failings and the PNC's history.

[Har de har har har harrrrr!]


Yuji likewise has moderated a previously uncompromising view.

[bigotry offers 'tactics' offered before . . . u hold it up to the light and see virtue. What dos that say about u, eh?]


Nehru wavered a bit, then moved rambunctiously to Freedumb House and now has moderated.

[neroo is a child? . . . this is sport?]


We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy[??] about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.

[reflect lil on the ineffable stupidity of what u wrote here]


We've seen the continued quixotic ramblings of Redux (emotionallly) and JB (more soberly).

[overmatched much. . . hmmm? oh btw, do u know what "quixotic" means? It doesn't seem like u do]


Billygoat's idiocy remain unabated.

[dis banna is an out racist . . . at least have the courage to say so]


Dem Guy is still peeking behind a curtain as if not desirous of shaking his closet.


Mits and Cainsta remain in the middle of the conversations - they may have some kinship to Gilly.


Jalil continues to hammer away with a lot of realism.

[i'll just leave dat wan alone to marinate deh lil . . .]


Me? I remain eclectic. I just want to smarts prevail. We are too good a people -all races - to be hammered by the political class on all sides.

[sounds like pathetic puffing up of the intellectually insecure to me; the ass-covering 'confessions' of the naked & exposed. . . doan hold yuh breath too much longer bai, u mite explode]

as Stormborn observed, some low-functioning stupid apparently convinced kari the 4th-rater that he is consequential, smart . . . and all


see my comments in bold/red above


har har har harrr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

I don't know if others have noticed some subtle changes of position on previous stance taken on Guyana's political rivalries.

[very little "politics" on this BB  . . . mostly RACE (and RACISM!) . . . stop playing the fool, u know better mr wannabe scampman]


Baseman has come more to the middle and has adopted a more mature dispassionate view of the PPP's failings and the PNC's history.

[Har de har har har harrrrr!]


Yuji likewise has moderated a previously uncompromising view.

[bigotry offers 'tactics' offered before . . . u hold it up to the light and see virtue. What dos that say about u, eh?]


Nehru wavered a bit, then moved rambunctiously to Freedumb House and now has moderated.

[neroo is a child? . . . this is sport?]


We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy[??] about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.

[reflect lil on the ineffable stupidity of what u wrote here]


We've seen the continued quixotic ramblings of Redux (emotionallly) and JB (more soberly).

[overmatched much. . . hmmm? oh btw, do u know what "quixotic" means? It doesn't seem like u do]


Billygoat's idiocy remain unabated.

[dis banna is an out racist . . . at least have the courage to say so]


Dem Guy is still peeking behind a curtain as if not desirous of shaking his closet.


Mits and Cainsta remain in the middle of the conversations - they may have some kinship to Gilly.


Jalil continues to hammer away with a lot of realism.

[i'll just leave dat wan alone to marinate deh lil . . .]


Me? I remain eclectic. I just want to smarts prevail. We are too good a people -all races - to be hammered by the political class on all sides.

[sounds like pathetic puffing up of the intellectually insecure to me; the ass-covering 'confessions' of the naked & exposed. . . doan hold yuh breath too much longer bai, u mite explode]

as Stormborn observed, some low-functioning stupid apparently convinced kari the 4th-rater that he is consequential, smart . . . and all


see my comments in bold/red above


har har har harrr

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:



We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.



My position remains the same.

Yep, once a racist, always a racist.  That you surely are.

Nothing Mr CaribJ says tell he is a racist.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:



We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.



My position remains the same.

Yep, once a racist, always a racist.  That you surely are.

I hope you are not surprise. I have pointed out many times that he is a Rawandan type RACIST and the only time he will be happy is when an Afro is the Leader of Guyana. Nothing can change he ways.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:



We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.



My position remains the same.

Yep, once a racist, always a racist.  That you surely are.

I hope you are not surprise. I have pointed out many times that he is a Rawandan type RACIST and the only time he will be happy is when an Afro is the Leader of Guyana. Nothing can change he ways.

Is that so?


Kari, yuh know which limb to climb pon. Why yuh leff out Admin/Moderator? Yuh ent notice any subtlety lately?

Lemme give me take on dem two.

Yesterday, KishanB started an interesting thread with an article by Navin Chandarpal on the 1964 political detainees in Guyana.

I replied that I knew 7 of the 33 PPP detainees personally. I listed their names and made positive comments on them.

Seignet contributed with his honest observations of PPP errors during the 1950s that led to the British colonial actions in the early 1960s. I added to Seignet's comment, pointing out that indeed in retrospect the PPP leaders acted rashly and some undesirable things happened because of their actions.

That was yesterday morning. I logged off GNI. When I returned in the evening to see how the discussion went, I couldn't find the thread. It disappeared. Why?

Why was discussion of such an important historical subject terminated? It begs the question: did dome PPP bigwig hammer our Admin/Moderator?

If so, is the present PPP leadership hyper-sensitive to honest critiques of the party's actions 50 and more years ago?

Mind you, these are the same people who are lambasting the PNC for its actions from 1964 to 1992.

I would highly appreciate an explanation from the Admin/Moderator of the reason[s] for deleting KishanB's threat on Navin's article.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Kari, yuh know which limb to climb pon. Why yuh leff out Admin/Moderator? Yuh ent notice any subtlety lately?

Lemme give me take on dem two.

Yesterday, KishanB started an interesting thread with an article by Navin Chandarpal on the 1964 political detainees in Guyana.

I replied that I knew 7 of the 33 PPP detainees personally. I listed their names and made positive comments on them.

Seignet contributed with his honest observations of PPP errors during the 1950s that led to the British colonial actions in the early 1960s. I added to Seignet's comment, pointing out that indeed in retrospect the PPP leaders acted rashly and some undesirable things happened because of their actions.

That was yesterday morning. I logged off GNI. When I returned in the evening to see how the discussion went, I couldn't find the thread. It disappeared. Why?

Why was discussion of such an important historical subject terminated? It begs the question: did dome PPP bigwig hammer our Admin/Moderator?

If so, is the present PPP leadership hyper-sensitive to honest critiques of the party's actions 50 and more years ago?

Mind you, these are the same people who are lambasting the PNC for its actions from 1964 to 1992.

I would highly appreciate an explanation from the Admin/Moderator of the reason[s] for deleting KishanB's threat on Navin's article.


Wow Mr Gilbakka. Me did not even see that. Big ones rule here and they asking to see me mamoo and pappy business. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:



We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.



My position remains the same.

Yep, once a racist, always a racist.  That you surely are.

In your eyes I am a racist because I don't accept your narrative of "black man bad, Indian good, so only black man have to apologize".  I mean how dare I as a black man demand that blacks get the same consideration in Guyana that Indians get.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I hope you are not surprise. I have pointed out many times that he is a Rawandan type RACIST and the only time he will be happy is when an Afro is the Leader of Guyana. Nothing can change he ways.

First of all its is RWANDA.


Secondly I bet you cannot say SPECIFICALLY what I say is racist.  You are just angry that I say that the PPP=PNC and that Africans have been as impacted by Indian racism towards them as have Indians been impacted by African racism.


The narrative from people like you and "pretend" liberals like Kari is that its only the Indian ethnic anxieties of the PNC which need to be addressed.  To demand otherwise is to be racist.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
I hope you are not surprise. I have pointed out many times that he [caribNY] is a Rawandan type RACIST and the only time he will be happy is when an Afro is the Leader of Guyana. Nothing can change he ways.

really now . . .?


alyuh PPP bitter enders losing alyuh minds watching the walls closing in


your hysterical overreach here is a true measure of the panic-inspired, false flag atrocities and provocations to come as Freedom House re-enters 'existential war' mode

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:



We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.



My position remains the same.  I will not let YOU or any one ignore the African population while you pander to the fears of the Indian population.


The PNC does have a sordid record and yes you can suggest/demand an apology for that.  Its rigging of elections was based on the African insecurity dilemma which was based on being out numbered by a group who they saw as ethnocentric and clannish.  With 22 years of PPP rule their fears turned out to be quite valid.


Many blacks will claim that the rigging was an ends to a means, and that was defending themselves from PPP racism and Janet vindictiveness which was quite manifest when the PPP ruled, especially after 1961.


They will ask if the apology is for corruption, incompetence, and the use of unlawful ways of keeping power than why shouldn't the equally guilty PPP not also apologize?


To make such a demand only of the PNC (supported by over 90% of the blacks) is to them another manifestation of "black man bad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  And for the past 22 years they have been humiliated because of what people claim that the PNC did.


So they will laugh at you while you claim that there isn't any racial bent to this, because they endure this, not only from the PPP, but from just about every Indo dominated entity in Guyana.


I need only quote to you what people from islands like Jamaica, St Vincent, Grenada and Barbados have said.  They have seen AfroGuyanese transform from a proud people who they had a high degree of respect for to a people who are treated like the skunks of Guyana.


Afro Guyanese feel that they are in a no win position. A defeated people.  Read David Hinds for his specific descriptions of the symptoms of this malady.


So when you do your political arithmetic based on one part of the population, and you do not factor in how the other major part will react, you are committing a HUGE error.

So your solution is if blacks can't get their way the proper way, then they should resort to crooked ways. Yuh see what I think yuh is dangerous?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:



We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.



My position remains the same.  I will not let YOU or any one ignore the African population while you pander to the fears of the Indian population.


The PNC does have a sordid record and yes you can suggest/demand an apology for that.  Its rigging of elections was based on the African insecurity dilemma which was based on being out numbered by a group who they saw as ethnocentric and clannish.  With 22 years of PPP rule their fears turned out to be quite valid.


Many blacks will claim that the rigging was an ends to a means, and that was defending themselves from PPP racism and Janet vindictiveness which was quite manifest when the PPP ruled, especially after 1961.


They will ask if the apology is for corruption, incompetence, and the use of unlawful ways of keeping power than why shouldn't the equally guilty PPP not also apologize?


To make such a demand only of the PNC (supported by over 90% of the blacks) is to them another manifestation of "black man bad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  And for the past 22 years they have been humiliated because of what people claim that the PNC did.


So they will laugh at you while you claim that there isn't any racial bent to this, because they endure this, not only from the PPP, but from just about every Indo dominated entity in Guyana.


I need only quote to you what people from islands like Jamaica, St Vincent, Grenada and Barbados have said.  They have seen AfroGuyanese transform from a proud people who they had a high degree of respect for to a people who are treated like the skunks of Guyana.


Afro Guyanese feel that they are in a no win position. A defeated people.  Read David Hinds for his specific descriptions of the symptoms of this malady.


So when you do your political arithmetic based on one part of the population, and you do not factor in how the other major part will react, you are committing a HUGE error.

So your solution is if blacks can't get their way the proper way, then they should resort to crooked ways. Yuh see what I think yuh is dangerous?

seriously . . . this is your takeaway?


alyuh tribals in a world of y'all own . . . the diseased mindset slowly taking up permanent residence

Originally Posted by ksazma:

So your solution is if blacks can't get their way the proper way, then they should resort to crooked ways. Yuh see what I think yuh is dangerous?

No my solution would have been to recognize TWO ethnic insecurities dilemmas in Guyana.


1.  Indians because blacks have since the colonial era dominated the police and armed forces.  And these fears were borne out by Burnham's use of the armed forces to enforce his dictatorship.


2.  Africans because they are outnumbered and in a race based political system have justifiable fears, now borne out by reality that Indian political domination means their exclusion.


I challenge you to acknowledge the African ethnic anxiety dilemma are reveal yourself as the racist mongrel that you are!

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

seriously . . . this is your takeaway?


alyuh tribals in a world of y'all own . . . the diseased mindset slowly taking up permanent residence

immediately following your logging on.

bai, peltin wan wan confused pebble in my general direction from the safety of the bushes does u no credit

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

So your solution is if blacks can't get their way the proper way, then they should resort to crooked ways. Yuh see what I think yuh is dangerous?

No my solution would have been to recognize TWO ethnic insecurities dilemmas in Guyana.


1.  Indians because blacks have since the colonial era dominated the police and armed forces.  And these fears were borne out by Burnham's use of the armed forces to enforce his dictatorship.


2.  Africans because they are outnumbered and in a race based political system have justifiable fears, now borne out by reality that Indian political domination means their exclusion.


I challenge you to acknowledge the African ethnic anxiety dilemma are reveal yourself as the racist mongrel that you are!

Exclusion does not equal forceful victimization. Plus you never cared for the police and army being a forceful threat to Indians which is why you are a racist.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

seriously . . . this is your takeaway?


alyuh tribals in a world of y'all own . . . the diseased mindset slowly taking up permanent residence

immediately following your logging on.

bai, peltin wan wan pebble in my general direction from the safety of the bushes does u no credit

I don't seek credit from a message board. I leave that to you intellectuals who depend on it.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

seriously . . . this is your takeaway?


alyuh tribals in a world of y'all own . . . the diseased mindset slowly taking up permanent residence

immediately following your logging on.

bai, peltin wan wan pebble in my general direction from the safety of the bushes does u no credit

I don't seek credit from a message board. I leave that to you intellectuals who depend on it.

i never said u did . . . u confused fool

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

seriously . . . this is your takeaway?


alyuh tribals in a world of y'all own . . . the diseased mindset slowly taking up permanent residence

immediately following your logging on.

bai, peltin wan wan pebble in my general direction from the safety of the bushes does u no credit

I don't seek credit from a message board. I leave that to you intellectuals who depend on it.

i never said u did . . . u confused fool

Shows that you don't even understand what you write. Carry on smartly.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Exclusion does not equal forceful victimization. Plus you never cared for the police and army being a forceful threat to Indians which is why you are a racist.

You don't know me and so don't know what my opinions were in the 1970s.  The fact is that I acknowledge that the Indian ethnic anxiety concerns were/are valid.


However I see that you have proven yourself to be a racist mongrel who refuses to acknowledge that the African ethnic anxiety dilemma is worthy of further investigation.


If you are not a lying dog when you say that you want dialogue then you would need to acknowledge the existence of BOTH security dilemmas as a starting point.  You don't.


Thanks for your honesty in showing your gross disrespect for AfroGuyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.

My position remains the same.  I will not let YOU or any one ignore the African population while you pander to the fears of the Indian population.

The PNC does have a sordid record and yes you can suggest/demand an apology for that.  Its rigging of elections was based on the African insecurity dilemma which was based on being out numbered by a group who they saw as ethnocentric and clannish.  With 22 years of PPP rule their fears turned out to be quite valid.

Many blacks will claim that the rigging was an ends to a means, and that was defending themselves from PPP racism and Janet vindictiveness which was quite manifest when the PPP ruled, especially after 1961.

They will ask if the apology is for corruption, incompetence, and the use of unlawful ways of keeping power than why shouldn't the equally guilty PPP not also apologize?

To make such a demand only of the PNC (supported by over 90% of the blacks) is to them another manifestation of "black man bad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  And for the past 22 years they have been humiliated because of what people claim that the PNC did.

So they will laugh at you while you claim that there isn't any racial bent to this, because they endure this, not only from the PPP, but from just about every Indo dominated entity in Guyana.

I need only quote to you what people from islands like Jamaica, St Vincent, Grenada and Barbados have said.  They have seen AfroGuyanese transform from a proud people who they had a high degree of respect for to a people who are treated like the skunks of Guyana.

Afro Guyanese feel that they are in a no win position. A defeated people.  Read David Hinds for his specific descriptions of the symptoms of this malady.

So when you do your political arithmetic based on one part of the population, and you do not factor in how the other major part will react, you are committing a HUGE error.
So your solution is if blacks can't get their way the proper way, then they should resort to crooked ways. Yuh see what I think yuh is dangerous?

I am very certain that is not what he means since I have argued with him on paths to solutions many times.

Further, people who are oppressive can seek solutions on their own terms and if it means uprooting a crooked government then that is their "legitimate" right as humans.No one can take ones right to be free of abuse.  Look around you; that  has happened, is happening and will continue to happen because it is what happens when human being feel  ignored. Further, legitimacy of the PPP to govern as a minority government rests on a dictators constitution. Their haughty demands for autocratic rule in this present circumstance is also salt in the wound. And one is not even referencing their shooting of protestors. In any modern society that would mean a reason to recall them.

They will again form the next government because the odds of them losing 15 percent more of the vote is unrealistic given our politics of race. They can retain the government even if they are 34%. However, if thy even pretend to act like they currently do with no respect for the opposition then there is "legitimacy" to boot their asses out of office by any means. It would be the moral thing to do.

One cannot stand by and pretend to be a renter in ones own house. Guyana is communal property and the right to stamp out abuse is the highest form of legitimacy one can possess. The constitution is an agreement to live by rules but it is already a set of rules we did not agree to. They did not agree with it and labeled it illegitimate.

The PPP cannot hide behind that fake document in the next cycle and demand autocratic rights if they are below 40% of the electorate They do not have the authority of the people even now since most of the people did not agree with them!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Exclusion does not equal forceful victimization. Plus you never cared for the police and army being a forceful threat to Indians which is why you are a racist.

You don't know me and so don't know what my opinions were in the 1970s.  The fact is that I acknowledge that the Indian ethnic anxiety concerns were/are valid.


However I see that you have proven yourself to be a racist mongrel who refuses to acknowledge that the African ethnic anxiety dilemma is worthy of further investigation.


If you are not a lying dog when you say that you want dialogue then you would need to acknowledge the existence of BOTH security dilemmas as a starting point.  You don't.


Thanks for your honesty in showing your gross disrespect for AfroGuyanese.

You are right that I don't know you but you are wrong that I don't know what you position was then because I asked you and you said that you did not advocate for Indians because they had advocates of their own. No one who believe in a cause ever not include themselves because others are involved. People only exclude themselves when they don't care.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

seriously . . . this is your takeaway?


alyuh tribals in a world of y'all own . . . the diseased mindset slowly taking up permanent residence

immediately following your logging on.

bai, peltin wan wan pebble in my general direction from the safety of the bushes does u no credit

I don't seek credit from a message board. I leave that to you intellectuals who depend on it.

i never said u did . . . u confused fool

Shows that you don't even understand what you write. Carry on smartly.

it's idiomatic dummy . . . look it up

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Exclusion does not equal forceful victimization. Plus you never cared for the police and army being a forceful threat to Indians which is why you are a racist.

You don't know me and so don't know what my opinions were in the 1970s.  The fact is that I acknowledge that the Indian ethnic anxiety concerns were/are valid.


However I see that you have proven yourself to be a racist mongrel who refuses to acknowledge that the African ethnic anxiety dilemma is worthy of further investigation.


If you are not a lying dog when you say that you want dialogue then you would need to acknowledge the existence of BOTH security dilemmas as a starting point.  You don't.


Thanks for your honesty in showing your gross disrespect for AfroGuyanese.

You are right that I don't know you but you are wrong that I don't know what you position was then because I asked you and you said that you did not advocate for Indians because they had advocates of their own. No one who believe in a cause ever not include themselves because others are involved. People only exclude themselves when they don't care.

 Let me clarify since I called him out on this on numerous occasions and I  agree he has a point.


He maintains that he is arguing a moral position that oppression is wrong. He argues framing in terms of his existential circumstances since that is what he knows best.


His position is that  since its ethics is grounded, it is therefore a universal position. It makes sense to me. and should to you.


If indians argue their view from an ethical perspective it would coincide with any point of view. It is inevitable since we are the same specie.



The necessary human ethical needs based viewpoint is never different even if we argue it from our experience and our experience is of  our tribe, clan or creed.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bannas Al YUh gat Nuff time and energy to prove these MORONS are IDIOTS and RACISTS

yeah bai, a confession like that, looking directly into the mirror, must be seriously cathartic for a low-functioning banna like u

And dem say yuh nah brite, look how quick you realise you are an IDIOT AND A MORON!!!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.

My position remains the same.  I will not let YOU or any one ignore the African population while you pander to the fears of the Indian population.

The PNC does have a sordid record and yes you can suggest/demand an apology for that.  Its rigging of elections was based on the African insecurity dilemma which was based on being out numbered by a group who they saw as ethnocentric and clannish.  With 22 years of PPP rule their fears turned out to be quite valid.

Many blacks will claim that the rigging was an ends to a means, and that was defending themselves from PPP racism and Janet vindictiveness which was quite manifest when the PPP ruled, especially after 1961.

They will ask if the apology is for corruption, incompetence, and the use of unlawful ways of keeping power than why shouldn't the equally guilty PPP not also apologize?

To make such a demand only of the PNC (supported by over 90% of the blacks) is to them another manifestation of "black man bad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  And for the past 22 years they have been humiliated because of what people claim that the PNC did.

So they will laugh at you while you claim that there isn't any racial bent to this, because they endure this, not only from the PPP, but from just about every Indo dominated entity in Guyana.

I need only quote to you what people from islands like Jamaica, St Vincent, Grenada and Barbados have said.  They have seen AfroGuyanese transform from a proud people who they had a high degree of respect for to a people who are treated like the skunks of Guyana.

Afro Guyanese feel that they are in a no win position. A defeated people.  Read David Hinds for his specific descriptions of the symptoms of this malady.

So when you do your political arithmetic based on one part of the population, and you do not factor in how the other major part will react, you are committing a HUGE error.
So your solution is if blacks can't get their way the proper way, then they should resort to crooked ways. Yuh see what I think yuh is dangerous?

I am very certain that is not what he means since I have argued with him on paths to solutions many times.

Further, people who are oppressive can seek solutions on their own terms and if it means uprooting a crooked government then that is their "legitimate" right as humans.No one can take ones right to be free of abuse.  Look around you; that  has happened, is happening and will continue to happen because it is what happens when human being feel  ignored. Further, legitimacy of the PPP to govern as a minority government rests on a dictators constitution. Their haughty demands for autocratic rule in this present circumstance is also salt in the wound. And one is not even referencing their shooting of protestors. In any modern society that would mean a reason to recall them.

They will again form the next government because the odds of them losing 15 percent more of the vote is unrealistic given our politics of race. They can retain the government even if they are 34%. However, if thy even pretend to act like they currently do with no respect for the opposition then there is "legitimacy" to boot their asses out of office by any means. It would be the moral thing to do.

One cannot stand by and pretend to be a renter in ones own house. Guyana is communal property and the right to stamp out abuse is the highest form of legitimacy one can possess. The constitution is an agreement to live by rules but it is already a set of rules we did not agree to. They did not agree with it and labeled it illegitimate.

The PPP cannot hide behind that fake document in the next cycle and demand autocratic rights if they are below 40% of the electorate They do not have the authority of the people even now since most of the people did not agree with them!

I don't know caribny outside of what he writes here and so have to assess him based on that and his above writing suggest that his solution is that if blacks can't get things the proper way then they should resort to crooked ones. One would have to sugarcoat his statements to suggest otherwise.

I respect you so wouldn't argue with your comments above but I don't accept rogue approaches to dealing with any conflict because eventually those fighting for what is 'right' resort to doing what is wrong.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

seriously . . . this is your takeaway?


alyuh tribals in a world of y'all own . . . the diseased mindset slowly taking up permanent residence

immediately following your logging on.

bai, peltin wan wan pebble in my general direction from the safety of the bushes does u no credit

I don't seek credit from a message board. I leave that to you intellectuals who depend on it.

i never said u did . . . u confused fool

Shows that you don't even understand what you write. Carry on smartly.

it's idiomatic dummy . . . look it up

Didn't take long for you to become emotionally out of control. You are like clock-work. Maybe this message board is therapy for you but do not forget to take your meds.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

You are right that I don't know you but you are wrong that I don't know what you position was then because I asked you and you said that you did not advocate for Indians because they had advocates of their own. No one who believe in a cause ever not include themselves because others are involved. People only exclude themselves when they don't care.

I see comprehension is your issue.


My comment was that I was NOT going to query how Indians felt under Forbes Burnham because BEING INDIAN, and therefore experiencing TREATMENT AS INDIANS they knew more about what was happening to them than I know.


You however are NOT black but yet you scream that they are WRONG to feel that they suffer discrimination.


I am so glad that you so openly show your disdain for AfroGuyanese, because when you level charges against me being a racist you really look silly.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

seriously . . . this is your takeaway?


alyuh tribals in a world of y'all own . . . the diseased mindset slowly taking up permanent residence

immediately following your logging on.

bai, peltin wan wan pebble in my general direction from the safety of the bushes does u no credit

I don't seek credit from a message board. I leave that to you intellectuals who depend on it.

i never said u did . . . u confused fool

Shows that you don't even understand what you write. Carry on smartly.

it's idiomatic dummy . . . look it up

Didn't take long for you to become emotionally out of control. You are like clock-work. Maybe this message board is therapy for you but do not forget to take your meds.

HHEHE  He just came out of Berbice Mad House, please excuse the LUNATIC.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Exclusion does not equal forceful victimization. Plus you never cared for the police and army being a forceful threat to Indians which is why you are a racist.

You don't know me and so don't know what my opinions were in the 1970s.  The fact is that I acknowledge that the Indian ethnic anxiety concerns were/are valid.


However I see that you have proven yourself to be a racist mongrel who refuses to acknowledge that the African ethnic anxiety dilemma is worthy of further investigation.


If you are not a lying dog when you say that you want dialogue then you would need to acknowledge the existence of BOTH security dilemmas as a starting point.  You don't.


Thanks for your honesty in showing your gross disrespect for AfroGuyanese.

You are right that I don't know you but you are wrong that I don't know what you position was then because I asked you and you said that you did not advocate for Indians because they had advocates of their own. No one who believe in a cause ever not include themselves because others are involved. People only exclude themselves when they don't care.

 Let me clarify since I called him out on this on numerous occasions and I  agree he has a point.


He maintains that he is arguing a moral position that oppression is wrong. He argues framing in terms of his existential circumstances since that is what he knows best.


His position is that  since its ethics is grounded, it is therefore a universal position. It makes sense to me. and should to you.


If indians argue their view from an ethical perspective it would coincide with any point of view. It is inevitable since we are the same specie.



The necessary human ethical needs based viewpoint is never different even if we argue it from our experience and our experience is of  our tribe, clan or creed.

A person incensed by the killing of a cat but not of a dog is not a person a person incensed by killing.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

We've seen a hardening of Caribny's position - an unrelenting obstinacy about who the PPP party is rather than what the PNC was.

My position remains the same.  I will not let YOU or any one ignore the African population while you pander to the fears of the Indian population.

The PNC does have a sordid record and yes you can suggest/demand an apology for that.  Its rigging of elections was based on the African insecurity dilemma which was based on being out numbered by a group who they saw as ethnocentric and clannish.  With 22 years of PPP rule their fears turned out to be quite valid.

Many blacks will claim that the rigging was an ends to a means, and that was defending themselves from PPP racism and Janet vindictiveness which was quite manifest when the PPP ruled, especially after 1961.

They will ask if the apology is for corruption, incompetence, and the use of unlawful ways of keeping power than why shouldn't the equally guilty PPP not also apologize?

To make such a demand only of the PNC (supported by over 90% of the blacks) is to them another manifestation of "black man bad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  And for the past 22 years they have been humiliated because of what people claim that the PNC did.

So they will laugh at you while you claim that there isn't any racial bent to this, because they endure this, not only from the PPP, but from just about every Indo dominated entity in Guyana.

I need only quote to you what people from islands like Jamaica, St Vincent, Grenada and Barbados have said.  They have seen AfroGuyanese transform from a proud people who they had a high degree of respect for to a people who are treated like the skunks of Guyana.

Afro Guyanese feel that they are in a no win position. A defeated people.  Read David Hinds for his specific descriptions of the symptoms of this malady.

So when you do your political arithmetic based on one part of the population, and you do not factor in how the other major part will react, you are committing a HUGE error.
So your solution is if blacks can't get their way the proper way, then they should resort to crooked ways. Yuh see what I think yuh is dangerous?

I am very certain that is not what he means since I have argued with him on paths to solutions many times.

Further, people who are oppressive can seek solutions on their own terms and if it means uprooting a crooked government then that is their "legitimate" right as humans.No one can take ones right to be free of abuse.  Look around you; that  has happened, is happening and will continue to happen because it is what happens when human being feel  ignored. Further, legitimacy of the PPP to govern as a minority government rests on a dictators constitution. Their haughty demands for autocratic rule in this present circumstance is also salt in the wound. And one is not even referencing their shooting of protestors. In any modern society that would mean a reason to recall them.

They will again form the next government because the odds of them losing 15 percent more of the vote is unrealistic given our politics of race. They can retain the government even if they are 34%. However, if thy even pretend to act like they currently do with no respect for the opposition then there is "legitimacy" to boot their asses out of office by any means. It would be the moral thing to do.

One cannot stand by and pretend to be a renter in ones own house. Guyana is communal property and the right to stamp out abuse is the highest form of legitimacy one can possess. The constitution is an agreement to live by rules but it is already a set of rules we did not agree to. They did not agree with it and labeled it illegitimate.

The PPP cannot hide behind that fake document in the next cycle and demand autocratic rights if they are below 40% of the electorate They do not have the authority of the people even now since most of the people did not agree with them!

I don't know caribny outside of what he writes here and so have to assess him based on that and his above writing suggest that his solution is that if blacks can't get things the proper way then they should resort to crooked ones. One would have to sugarcoat his statements to suggest otherwise.

I respect you so wouldn't argue with your comments above but I don't accept rogue approaches to dealing with any conflict because eventually those fighting for what is 'right' resort to doing what is wrong.

He never said blacks should resort to "crooked" ways. He always maintain that oppressed people will express their sense of injustice as humans do.


No one accepts rogue approaches but a minority government demanding autocratic rights and running financial schemes that are opaque as steel is itself a rogue government. One has a human right to fight against rogue authorities by any means necessary. That is the fundamental nature of legitimacy.


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