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PPP running from public scrutiny, debates – APNU+AFC Ramjattan

April 19, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

By Sunita Samaroo The continued *****footing by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to engage in electioneering

APNU+AFC Executive, Khemraj Ramjattan

APNU+AFC Executive, Khemraj Ramjattan


debates as well as a public forum organised by civil society is being viewed by A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) as a tactic employed to avoid public scrutiny. Hot on their campaign trails, the two main political parties for weeks were engaged in talks of two public engagements: Presidential and Prime Ministerial debates to be organised by the Private Sector Commission (PSC) as well as public fora organised by the Guyana Women’s Roundtable (GWR) and Guyana National Youth Council (GNYC). Despite offering his assurance weeks ago that his party is willing to have its Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates stand on a public platform and debate those representing APNU+AFC, President Donald Ramotar is yet to make good on his promise. The coalition has insisted that it would not participate in any debate unless it comes as a package deal involving both Presidential and Prime Ministerial debates and Ramotar accepted the challenge. He conveyed a message to the effect that the PPP/C Prime Ministerial candidate Elisabeth Harper is pumped and ready to debate Nagamootoo. The President had, in fact, boasted, “Nagamootoo is no match for Harper, I am sure Harper can account for herself.” A ‘change of heart’ seemingly followed as the PPP later officially communicated last week that the “handlers” of Harper have decided against such a move. The debates have not been the only source of contention. A forum arranged to facilitate public interaction between Ramotar, his Prime Ministerial running

PPP Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar

PPP Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar


mate and members of the public was postponed after the party cited “air conditioning” and “space” constraints. This came two days after APNU+AFC Presidential candidate, Brigadier David Granger (Ret’d) and party executive, Catherine Hughes would have already made good on their promise and faced the public for a two-hour interactive session last Monday. Their counterparts were expected to face the public in like fashion but when the PPP/C’s turn came, an excuse was sent ahead of their scheduled appearance. “Space” and air-conditioning” had become the problem but both the organizers of the public forum and Hughes have rubbished claims that either element was an issue. Moreover, when contacted yesterday PPP’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee told Kaieteur News that when his party makes a decision with respect to participation, they will let the sponsors of the event know. These “turn of events” have led Vice Presidential Candidate of APNU+AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan to conclude that the incumbent PPP/C is running from the public. In fact, the longstanding politician is convinced that the ruling party is “scared to death” and has been using excuses to avoid public scrutiny. The APNU+AFC Executive Member told Kaieteur News that the excuses put forth by the PPP/C for avoiding these public engagements is simply the tactic the party employed to avoid exhibiting the low quality of the politics they are offering.

APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate, David Granger

APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate, David Granger


“They would not be able to answer certain questions coming from an open floor,” opined the former Presidential Candidate of the Alliance for Change (AFC). “They want to avoid questions because they would not have credible answers for what may be coming from an audience. They want to avoid and evade the people – that’s what they’re doing…I could conceive no other reason but that they are running away,” he added. The APNU+AFC politician is of the belief that the PPP/C Leaders will only participate in “propaganda” and would at all times avoid fora that weigh in on accountability. According to Ramjattan, it is clear that the PPP/C Presidential and Prime Ministerial hopefuls do not compare to those from the APNU+AFC camp. He is certain that should the parties appear on any forum together, his party will trump the PPP/C. Ramjattan said, “Every politician in a democracy certainly must allow him or herself to be examined…but they don’t want to be examined, they don’t want to be scrutinized. Everything that they say, the public will see through. They are scared to death and I understand why: they are going to lose; this is why they are jumping like a kangaroo,” the politician emphasised. “The Important thing in all of this for the PPP is to not exhibit the substandard quality of politicians they have. I am certain that Moses is going to annihilate Harper and I am certain that Granger will destroy Donald

PPP Prime Ministerial Candidate, Elisabeth Harper

PPP Prime Ministerial Candidate, Elisabeth Harper


Ramotar…by their (PPP/C Candidates) own demeanor and answers, they are going to self-destruct,” Ramjattan affirmed. Additionally, GWR Founder, Dr. Dawn Stewart yesterday said though she had received no word from the PPP, she remains hopeful that the public forum will be executed since it presents a great opportunity for leaders to address the public on relevant issues and policies. She said that persons have had a chance to view the first forum since it was not restricted. Asked about supporting bodies and their view on the delay, Dr. Stewart said, “Everyone is willing and waiting…as soon as they give us a date, we will make it happen.” “We’ve been receiving many phone calls and messages from the public asking when will the forum be rescheduled and we have promised that as soon as we get a date (from the PPP) we will inform the public.” “They promised that they’ll give a date. I want to stay optimistic – everyone says I shouldn’t – but I see this as a great opportunity for the leaders to address to talk to the public,” Dr. Stewart said.


Discrimination, corruption and intolerance have become the hallmark of Ramotar’s presidency

April 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, President Ramotar, more than any other president, had the opportunity to be the nation’s finest. Were he committed to this nation and her people he could have used the experiences of his predecessors and the mistakes they made to help mould a 21st century Guyana. And when I speak about 21st century society, it is one built on the foundation that good governance has to be grounded in respect for universal principles, rights and the rule of law. Had he followed these tenets in our diverse society, his call now for another chance come May 11th could have been taken seriously by the citizens. Instead, what Guyanese received from the president is a continuation of Bharrat Jagdeo’s disregard for good governance, and like conjoined twins the two continue to preside over the nation’s patrimony as though it is their plantation and the people are their subjects. The people of Region 10 who Ramotar regaled with promises, sprinkled with the usual crass politicking, more than any other region bears testimony to a government that has no regard for its citizens, to the extent where after abusing and mistreating them, they have the gall to turn up at their doors and ask for another chance. It is one thing in politics to ask for a chance and another to seek this chance when you are digging in on violating the rights of those whom you rely on to give you that chance. Hadn’t Ramotar come to office with this abuser sense of entitlement, an attitude in politics that for too long is working against this nation’s development, he would have factored in the lessons of the 2011 elections. He would have taken note of the call by the citizens, through their ballot, for the political parties to work together in the interest of all. Instead, he chose to disregard the will of the people as though the people are mad. In so doing he refused to undo the reckless abuse of workers’/taxpayers’ moneys and continues the violation of the law in the management of the Consolidated Fund. He outrightly disregarded the will of the people through their elected representatives to restore prudent and accountable management for their moneys via the National Budget and other parliamentary actions. The president has refused to listen to the voices outside of those within his enclave and has abused his authority to silence the voice of the masses by shutting down parliament, in order that he can rule by decree rather than govern in the interest of the people. He continues in the footsteps of his conjoined twin, Jagdeo, to run roughshod over the people. He has demonstrated no regard for the representative nature of our system of government and the society’s principal political objective of inclusionary democracy (Article 13, Guyana Constitution) Specifically to Region 10, even though his government in 2012 signed an agreement with this region to work with them to ensure their wellbeing he has reneged on the agreement, following in the footsteps of his political twin who signed agreements and never honoured them. The workers at BCGI/RUSAL who were dismissed, their rights transgressed, his cabinet refused to have these workers’ grievances addressed, the laws respected and the recognised union speak on their behalf. This is the same tactic applied by Bharrat Jagdeo when he closed down the bauxite companies and sold them to foreign capital for next to nothing. President Ramotar, whom some thought would have departed from Jagdeo’s bad policies and governance, has instead chosen to dig in and continue the process of violating laws and transgressing rights. Early in his presidency, I chose through this said medium, to encourage him to choose a different path from Jagdeo for the good of the nation, but he continues to embrace and implement these bad practices lock, stock and barrel. My greatest disappointment is that Donald Ramotar, who I know personally, had some of his apprenticeship in the trade union movement, which is a rights organisation, but the form of governance he embraces is in conflict with every principle the trade union embraces. Discrimination, corruption and intolerance have become the hallmark of his presidency. In this 21st century, he and Jagdeo are still settling scores for what they perceived happened in the 20th century, even though the major protagonists of that era, Forbes Burnham and Cheddi Jagan, had a cordial working relationship than what exists today in the political culture. In this same medium, I drew to the attention of the current crop of politicians the strengths of Burnham and Jagan in negotiating and arriving at consensus, where both parties were able to say to their constituents that we are able to deliver something for you. Instead, even as Ramotar claims that the PPP today is following in Jagan’s footsteps they refuse to negotiate and work with the opposition and independent sections of civil society. For him to now ask Guyanese for another chance come 11th May is tantamount to an abuser asking the abused to give them another. It requires strength to say, enough is enough. The abused, the people of this society, have a right to get up and say no more. What the Jagdeo/Ramotar leadership needs is time out from government to correct their evil ways. What this nation and her people need is breathing space to develop the appropriate climate and programmes to recoup from the lost ground we suffered by these two men leadership. Lincoln Lewis




As of now, the pendulum is swinging both ways, but I predict a W for



The count now stands at 53 percent APNU/AFC:


PPP/C 44 - 45 percent:


The corrupt PPP/C is losing grounds,



Last edited by Former Member

A change is needed in the direction our country is going

May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The elimination of Minister Ramsaran from the political landscape at this moment in time (even though he should have been sacked the same day he destroyed his political career), is not the end of this story because if the PPP wins , comrade Bheri will certainly be partially re-instated in a lower position. Check out Mr. Kellawan Lall, who, embarrassed himself and the PPP government, but was never penalized, became ambassador to Brazil, embarrassed us again, and is now home in Guyana, and on the PPP list of candidates – the post -Jagan era of the PPP is scandal-driven and devoid of discipline and devotion to the peoples’ welfare; when Jagan was in charge of the PPP, one never heard any scandals rocking that party’s core foundation. The point of the matter is that comrade Bheri was never up to the task of Minister of Health and everyone in the government and most health providers knew very well that Ramsaran was not capable of running such a complex ministry, even if his duties had been cut in half. The voters, women voters in particular, should wonder if Bheri Ramsaran’s boorish attitude is an isolated case in this government or whether, as the saying goes, “birds of a feather, flock together” and Bheri’s behaviour is accepted in the big shot hierarchy of the PPP. Furthermore, all voters should wonder about the calibre of persons who are given a ministry and do not perform well, with comrade Bheri as an example. Thus the most important questions: 1.What have Ministers Benn, Persaud, Nandlall, Manickchand and Sukhai done for us, the citizens of Guyana? Go and examine each of these ministers and their accomplishments and the voter would be shocked by what his taxpayer dollar has bought. 2. And as the saying goes – where’s the beef? Where are the benefits for us from their job performances? 3. Has Mr. Benn’s road and sea defence works bettered our lives; has Mr. Persaud’s policies protected our natural resources instead of creating havoc in our rich interior; has Mr. Nandlall’s policies bettered our legal framework where we have more easier access to find justice in our courts; has Ms. Manickchand’s tenure brought school buses for our children and hope for our university graduates; has Ms. Sukhai’s rule over the Amerindians relieved their poverty and protected their traditional lands ? The answer to those questions tells us who to vote for, if we can put aside our fears, our prejudices, our blind loyalties, and accept that a change is needed in the direction our country is going. Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)


APNU+AFC blasts BaiShanLin for

failure to honor promises to Guyana

May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– As furor against Chinese company continues to rise A Partnership for National Unity plus Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC)’s Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine and

APNU+AFC Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine

APNU+AFC Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine

Khemraj Ramjattan have both condemned the alarming rate at which concessions are being handed to BaiShanLin. They say that this is being done at the expense of local businessmen. They also point to the company’s failure to honour its commitments to provide Guyanese employment. These issues recently came to the fore with the revelations of the large tax concessions granted to the Chinese-owned company. BaiShanLin has been under scrutiny for its large scale extraction and export of Guyana’s timber using a primarily Chinese workforce. Though the Government of Guyana has protested that BaiShanLin’s export level remains within the parameters of the law, the Chinese company has not created jobs within Guyana’s sector for Guyanese or made any serious attempt to give back to the Guyanese people. Despite the fact that the company has been in Guyana since 2005, BaiShanLin is yet to honour its commitment to Guyana to establish a wood processing plant, instead exporting all of the extracted timber almost instantaneously. Roopnaraine expressed his dismay at the entire situation, stating that the local private sector and the small miner and forester were the ones whose livelihood suffered the most, but that Guyana was also deriving no benefit in the entire process.

APNU+AFC Khemraj Ramjattan

APNU+AFC Khemraj Ramjattan

Roopnaraine stated that it was necessary for the government to implement a more consistent tax regime and to provide more incentives and a level playing field for local miners and foresters, who have long complained of the domination of BaiShanLin on the country’s timber market. The politician nevertheless noted that the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) was just caught up in the imbroglio, being mandated to fulfill the Government’s policies. Any change in the tax policy towards foreign investors must come from the Government itself, Roopnaraine said. Ramjattan was critical of the company, noting that the non-implementation of the timber processing plant in Linden, was a fundamental violation of the company’s agreement, when they would have had to lay out a proposal upon approaching the Government of Guyana. He also cited the huge amounts of logs being exported as another violation that the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) was tacitly allowing. Financial analyst Ramon Gaskin had blasted the government’s “sweetheart deal” with BaiShanLin in the latest Thursday night broadcast of Nation Watch with Christopher Ram. He stated that the Chinese company’s continued presence in Guyana was doing nothing more than

Financial Analyst Ramon Gaskin

Financial Analyst Ramon Gaskin

harm to the economy. Added to this was the fact that BaiShanLin was in a virtual ‘tax paradise’ not having to pay any royalties or applicable value added taxes (VAT) among other concessions. Gaskin had described it as Guyana having to subsidize the Chinese economy. China is currently rated as the world’s second largest economy, far ahead of Guyana’s. The company is reported to have benefitted from billions of dollars worth in tax concessions, remissions and tax holidays, but when enquiries into its failure to honour its commitment to build the wood processing plant started last year, it blamed the Guyana Office for Investment (Go- Invest) for delaying its application for the factory. Within the last week, however, it has shifted the blame to “hostile” media reports in 2014 for discouraging financers, singling out Kaieteur News as the leader of the “hostile campaign”. It also claimed that the newspaper had no evidence to support many of its claims. BaiShanLin, in its statement, insisted that it is a privately-owned company and does not receive capital from the Government of Guyana. Kaieteur News at no time contended that BaiShanLin receives funding from the Government of Guyana. But even in its response to the article, BaiShanLin does not deny that it was approved ‘US$70M’ for certain activities. With regard to the wood processing plant in the Linden area that was to be constructed, BaiShanLin, one of the largest exporters of the country’s prime species of wood, complained that it has indeed suffered major setbacks in completing its wood processing facility that will create hundreds of jobs for Guyanese. It claimed that these “setbacks” directly relate to lack of adequate funding from its financiers, who, since last year “when these sustained attacks began,” became concerned about the “soundness of investing further in what appeared to be a hostile environment.” It would contradict what the company said in August last year when local media reported on the extent of BaiShanLin’s operations in Guyana. Back then, the company failed to mention in its published advertisements that “financiers” were scared to invest. Instead, back then BaiShanLin sought to throw the blame on GO-Invest for the delays. In one of its advertisements, the company stated that in 2008, it applied to the “Government of Guyana through the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) and other agencies to lease lands to set up a factory to process logs and engage in value-added production, such as the making of furniture, craft and hardwood flooring.” It had said then that it was experiencing delays. Kaieteur News later reported that GO-Invest had had no such application. BaiShanLin had nothing to say when this was revealed. This caused many, including the opposition, to challenge the government to make public the investment agreement it signed on to with the Chinese logging company. To date, this is yet to be done. Further, on the note of logging, BaiShanLin said that as it relates to operations, it has consistently remained well within the regulations governing the forestry sector. It has been reported on extensively, by insiders and other well-informed critics, including Dr. Janette Bulkan, a forestry specialist, that BaiShanLin practices landlordism. The Timber Sales Agreement (TSAs) which governs logging does not allow that. BaiShanLin also sought to justify its great access to the mining sector. The regulations stipulate that only Guyanese can participate in auctions and bid for mining lands. It said that the company’s owner in Guyana, Mr. Chu Hongbo is a naturalized Guyanese and that he is entitled to benefit from that clause. He did not say whether all the statutory requirements for naturalisation were met. BaiShanLin failed to point out that it has been granted hundreds of millions of dollars in duty free concessions and other breaks and therefore has an unfair advantage when it comes to competing with local operators.


Quote "Khemraj Ramjattan have both condemned the alarming rate at which concessions are being handed to BaiShanLin. They say that this is being done at the expense of local businessmen. They also point to the company’s failure to honour its commitments to provide Guyanese employment. These issues recently came to the fore with the revelations of the large tax concessions granted to the Chinese-owned company."unquote


What is the people from Guyana getting from Bai Shan Lin? Nothing as it would seem that the Politician (Government) is filling their pockets.


More Bribery and Corruptions.


Shaik Baksh’s son writes off gov’t.


May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

The son of the Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Water Inc. Shaik Baksh is now hospitalized after writing off a Toyota Hilux double cab pick-up that is attached to the state owned utility company.

The GWI vehicle is a total wreck.

The GWI vehicle is a total wreck.

The young Baksh was reportedly heading towards the mining town of Linden when in the vicinity of Yarrowkabra, the vehicle he was driving clipped an oncoming car before turning turtle several times and then land in the nearby bushes. The impact caused the tray of the pick-up to separate from the cab. The driver reportedly suffered a fractured foot and hand and was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted. According to a source, the young Baksh was not authorized to drive the vehicle, since he was not carrying out the official business of the GWI. “That vehicle belonged to the GWI and was not a Baksh family vehicle,” the source said. Kaieteur News understands that the elder Baksh, who once held at least two Cabinet posts in the Bharrat Jagdeo Administration, was out of the country at the time of the accident. He flew into the country early yesterday morning after learning about the mishap.


Quote "According to a source, the young Baksh was not authorized to drive the vehicle, since he was not carrying out the official business of the GWI. “That vehicle belonged to the GWI and was not a Baksh family vehicle,”unquote


Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cable… Dax contract is born out of corrupt intentions – Lawyers

May 4, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– agreement ignores termination and penalty clauses, time frame for completion

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate and Lawyer, Moses Nagamootoo

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate and Lawyer, Moses Nagamootoo

Most, if not all contracts between Government and any contractor for any national project are supposed to have certain central conditions. The contract must have, at least, the timeframe within which that project must be completed, a termination clause, a penalty clause and comments regarding insurance. But these very fundamental conditions are absent from the recent two-page agreement signed between the current administration and Dax Contracting Services Ltd. on the rehabilitation of the Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cable project. In fact, the contract between the two, sees Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed, receiving billions of dollars worth in concessions with Government even making a commitment to provide a financial contribution to the local contractor. It is against this background that lawyers are of the firm opinion that the ‘Dax agreement’ lacks the makings of a legal contract. They went further to state that it is “nothing but another give away, a sweetheart deal and another move in Government’s plans to grab and control the telecommunications sector.” The termination clause describes what will happen if the contract is ended early or defaulted on. It can make the contractor that is responsible for the default or termination pay damages to the other party. As for the penalty clause, this provides a form of punishment, such as a fine or forfeit if the contractor, for example, fails to fulfill the obligations of the contract. Moses Nagamootoo, one of the lawyers, said that a contract without any penalty clause for the contractor in case he fails to carry out the outlined obligations, is “nothing but a joke.” Another lawyer, who has practised Contract Law for a number of years, said, “The fact that Government failed to take into account the possibility of the contractor not living up to the agreed arrangements, points to the scope of the illegality that they plan to be involved in and as such the contract itself is born out of corrupt intentions.” The lawyer emphasized that penalties are included in contracts to ensure that there is a binding commitment to the tasks being carried out by the contractor in a timely and efficient manner. “So since that is absent, the contractor can take his sweet time. And so we see another contract with all the makings of a giveaway package. It has the corrupt style of the former President, Bharrat Jagdeo all over it. “Agreements normally cite obligations and responsibilities of the contractor and the Dax agreement does not even follow this procedure. “It does not outline specifically, the nature of the works to be completed and the extent of the damage done. “Nothing in that regard is specific except the concessions. This just goes to show the disrespect this government has for the electorate, the people who entrusted them with the responsibility to manage wisely, their resources. “But this represents a spit in their (electorate) faces,” the lawyer expressed.

AFC Leader and Attorney-at-Law, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader and Attorney-at-Law, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, also expressed similar sentiments, He went further to state that once the APNU+AFC assumes office, the contract will be pulled from Mohamed. Additionally, well known economist, Dr. Clive Thomas, on Saturday last lashed out at the architects of the agreement. He had said that the deal which allows Mohamed some exclusive shares in a state cable is not only disrespectful to the Guyanese people, but highly illegal. He had said, too, that the crafters of the contract should be made to face the court. On March 16, last, Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon on behalf of the government, negotiated with and signed a special agreement with Dax Contracting Services Ltd. Under the agreement, Dax will undertake the repair and maintain the fibre optic cable from Brazil. This contract is for an initial 25 years with an option to renew it for a further 15 years. This gives Dax a total of 40 years of cable rights. Government has also undertaken to provide Mohamed with the necessary support to receive and transmit data by way of the cable after granting the company an operating licence. And for free, Mohamed will be able to use the Government-owned fibre optic cables and structures including, roads, the poles, access to repeater stations and other things. Dax Contracting Services would also be provided with tax exemptions and incentives, including but not limited to tax holidays, remissions, tax waivers and duty free concessions on equipment, spares, tools  and vehicles. The government insists that it will retain possession and use of most of the bandwidth, as agreed to between Dax and the government. As the owner of parts of the cable, Mohamed can invite and sign with any company or entity to use them to transmit and receive data and information from any part of the world in the same way that today’s telephone companies operate. To add insult to injury, the government has agreed to pay Dax for specific emergency maintenance. In exchange for the operating licence, Mohamed will accept the risks involved in accepting and using the operating licence even before the telecommunications legislation is passed. This arrangement will insulate the government from any legal challenge from the monopoly holder of the landline service, the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T) Company. Should the telephone company pursue legal avenues, it would be Mohamed facing the fire. This same contracting service owned by Mohamed, was one of the five contractors hired to lay the cable from Lethem to Georgetown. When a Kaieteur News reporter contacted Mohamed, he told her, “Hey, hey listen. You can go and f**k youself.”


Quote"The contract must have, at least, the timeframe within which that project must be completed, a termination clause, a penalty clause and comments regarding insurance. But these very fundamental conditions are absent from the recent two-page agreement signed between the current administration and Dax Contracting Services Ltd. on the rehabilitation of the Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cable project."unquote




 This just goes to show the disrespect this government has for the electorate, the people who entrusted them with the responsibility to manage wisely, their resources. “But this represents a spit in their (electorate) faces,” the lawyer expressed.


These are the disrespect shown by the Corrupt PPP/C of which they will pay dearly for.

Originally Posted by cain:

This is one heck of a setup to steal the country's resources yet again.


These guys have no friken shame, dam.

For stealing and some Middle Eastern Countries they would have been blindfolded and shot to death, and if not then both their two hands would be chopped off.


Corentyne Chamber says…Three years later Ramotar still to fulfill tax reform promise

December 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

…Calls on Government to address high taxes, crime and unemployment

The performance of the government came under serious scrutiny on Friday when the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce (CCCC) held its 10th Anniversary Dinner and fourth Bi-Annual Awards ceremony at the Chamber’s new $35M office at Williamsburg, Rose Hall Town, Corentyne. President of CCCC, Mr. Tajpaul Adjodhea, blasted the government on its stewardship and ineptitude when it comes to serious matters that affect a number of Guyanese.


President of the CCCC Taijpaul Adjodhea

President of the CCCC Taijpaul Adjodhea


He touched on high taxes, unemployment and crime which he feels that the government has failed miserably to address. Adjodhea stated that while the chamber is not a political organisation it has the right to make representation on certain issues. Being a representative of the business community, statements that it makes must not be seen as political. Giving a philosophical overview of what a chamber is expected to do, he said, “One of the objectives of the chamber is to make representation to Government on matters of industrial and commercial development, and to pursue the impact of psychical and economic policies as they impact on development of the community.” He said the Chamber has a right to make representation. He said that the country is being overtaxed. President Donald Ramotar came to Berbice three years ago and promised a reform of the tax system. He even went as far as appointing a three-man tribunal, but three years has gone and there is no tax reform. “We have been so complacent that the matter has just slid off the table.” Adjodhea said that only recently the Private Sector Commission made a statement on tax on gasoline. He said that what is happening to Guyanese in connection with the tax on fuel is an eye pass. “In the USA people pay US$3 per gallon. We pay in excess of US$5 a gallon. If there was any tax reform there could have been no justification that an important commodity like gasoline that impacts on every facet of the community—transportation, manufacturing—will attract an unbelievable tax of 40 percent and yet nothing is done.” Touching on crime, Adjodhea said, it is a worrying aspect of Guyanese lives. Recently it was said that there was a drop in crime, but the rate for armed robberies, rape and murder has gone up significantly. “The business community must be concerned. It is not a matter of when it will happen, but who will be targeted next. Every single day you look into the newspapers, businesses are being robbed; businessmen are being murdered.” “When we engaged the Commander ten years ago he told us that they have manpower issues, they don’t have enough people in the police force to police the community that they have issued with gear and equipment and vehicles. “Ten years down the road the Commissioner and Commander tell you the same thing.  Where is the plan to fight crime?” There is none, he concluded. “We are at the mercy of criminals. Years ago we use to hear about hijacking on sea, now we have hijacking on the roads and in our homes. “We talking about tourist, but when the tourists and foreigners come they are trailed from the airport and robbed as soon as they get home.” “The police never seem to be able to find the bandits and whenever they find them they can’t prosecute them, because they have Corporals prosecuting against the brightest criminal lawyers in the country.” Commenting on employment, Adjodhea said that it begs the question as to why the Police Force and the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) office cannot attract the best minds from secondary school and university to work with these organizations. The country is swamped with lawyers who would have graduation yearly, but yet the government and DPP cannot attract some of these lawyers to prosecute cases. “Something is definitely wrong, persons prefer to migrate.  It is time to revise policies.”


Guyanese travel the world to sustain their families while Govt. gives away our assets

May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, The gifting of the US$30m taxpayer-funded fibre optic cable from Brazil to Dax Contracting Services should be condemned by every Guyanese. There is no limit to the extent the PPP Government would go to transfer state assets to their friends. The transfer of the Sanata Textile Mill property to a friend of the former President for G$600M after taxpayer-funded refurbishment of a similar amount, the sale of Duke Lodge Hotel to a friend of the former President after G$90M was spent on refurbishment, an expenditure in excess of G$100M per month to cover Marriott Hotel’s expenses after spending US$58M in capital cost, the gifting of US$30M from NIS to Clico, the Trinidadian firm, a US$200M Skeldon Sugar Factory which now has Guysuco bankrupted – all while telling us “show the evidence” the list of incompetence, fraud and corruption in the past 22 years –  is endless. Guyanese must understand why we remain the poorest in the region with a per capita income of less that US$4000 per annum, and have no decent level of health care nor pension. Why and how long would we continue to allow a corrupt group to loot our assets and destroy our country? Guyanese travel all over the world in search of jobs to sustain their families while our Government levies repressive taxes and gives away our assets to their friends. The Donald Ramotar administration recently warned that no increase in salaries or reduction in taxes is possible without a deep fiscal deficit, in response to the APNU/AFC’s plans to do so if elected, but spare no moment in laundering our taxes on uneconomic projects, the object of which is to transfer these to their friends. In the case of the fibre optic ýcable, the explanation by Roger Luncheon to the local media is even more absurd. This apart, where was the justification to spend US$30M on such a project in the first place when current local capacity far exceeds local demand? By what process was Dax selected? Why the need to rehabilitate recently installed cables before being put to use? Isn’t Dax, as the Contractor, liable for such corrective works in the first place? What is the financial capability of Dax to insulate the Government of Guyana from legal liability and cover maintenance cost? Would Roger Luncheon publish Dax’s balance sheet from its last GRA filing to show its financial capability? Wouldn’t much needed legislation (delayed by the administration) to liberalize the telecommunication sector combined with fiscal incentives for private investments have been a better option? And why does an entire nation have to wait until its Government makes up its mind on the timing of such legislation when Digicel has for more than five years justified this by promising more than 60% reduction in current rates for local and international calls and other benefits to us and our economy? Isn’t it a shame that despite massive public spending on this sector Guyana is the only country in the region whose telecommunication operates on two G networks instead of 4G.This shows the motivation of the Government and those whose interest it serves by compromising the interest of the masses. This gifting of taxpayers’ assets is unpatriotic, corrupt and criminal. Guyanese must spare no effort in removing this corrupt Government and review transactions like the one with Dax. Robert Badal


Govt. lies about free fibre optic cable repairs

May 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Government’s claim that Dax Contracting Services would be repairing the Brazil fibre optic cable at no cost to

Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed

Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed

taxpayers, is false and misleading. The government has granted Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed hundreds of millions of dollars in duty free concessions on luxury vehicles. In the agreement signed March 16, Dax is allowed to import two SUVs and three 4-door pickups every three years for the life of the 25-year agreement. This contract has a 15-year extension clause that is attached to the 25-year contract. Two high-end SUVs (Mercedes or Lexus 570, or BMW) and three 4-door pick-ups attract some $250M in duty and taxes. This represents a hefty payment to Dax Contracting Services, according to one contractor. Dax, if he desires, could sell them and rake in a very tidy profit. This is just one of the many concessions that Government allowed Dax Contracting Services in the agreement that it says comes at no cost to taxpayers. A fortnight ago, Dr Roger Luncheon, the chief Government spokesman, announced that he signed an agreement with Dax Contracting Services Limited of Eccles, East Bank Demerara, to repair the damaged Brazilian fibre optic cable. He said that the repairs would come at no cost to Government. The deal with Dax Contracting has raised anger as Government is on record for spending at least US$100M on what it calls the Information Communication Technology (ICT) project. This project includes the Brazil fibre optic cable that runs from Lethem to

High end vehicles like the Lexus 570 and the Mercedes SUV see duties running up to $100M for each.

High end vehicles like the Lexus 570 and the Mercedes SUV see duties running up to $100M for each.

Georgetown, construction of a wireless and terrestrial network from Moleson Creek, Corentyne, to Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast, and the distribution of 90,000 laptops to poor families. The contract with Dax Contracting is seen as a giveaway with serious questions being raised as to who Dax is fronting for. The ICT project has been under scrutiny for a number of years after evidence emerged that a plan, under the direction of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, was hatched to take over the telecoms industry. He directed under draft telecoms legislations that three companies be granted Operators Licence once new liberalizations laws come into place. Those companies included Quark Communication, E-Networks and Global Technology. All three companies have directors that are close to Jagdeo, including his niece, Sabrina Singh, and buddy friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop along with Winston Brassington, whose privatization of state assets has raised glaring questions. In December, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, admitted that the project, headed by Alexei Ramotar, was in trouble, and talks were underway with a local contractor and a consortium to resurrect it. The contract reveals that Dax will enjoy unlimited benefits, as well as uncontrolled usage of the cable and every aspect of the US$100 million ICT project. The agreement is for the repair, use and maintenance of the fibre optic cable from Brazil. Government spokesman, Dr Roger Luncheon, said that the Brazil cable has 12 pairs of fibre. Dax was granted a few for his exclusive use. Government also granted tax exemptions, incentives, tax holidays and remissions. Dax will use and maintain the said fibre optic cable, repeater stations and equipment for the 40-year duration of the contract. He will also have access to and approval for use of the Government of Guyana-owned fibre optic structure equipment including road access, and access to poles. ”The Government of Guyana will provide Dax Contracting Services with the necessary support, according to the law, in obtaining licences to transmit and receive data via the fibre optic cable. When contacted recently by this newspaper for a comment, the contractor, Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed said, “Hey, hey listen, you can go and f***k yourself.” He hung up the phone immediately after.contract


Govt.’s process of granting tax concessions lacks transparency –APNU+AFC

May 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

“The criteria government uses to grant tax breaks is very clear and known to all by now. You have to be either a family member or relative, a close friend, known for lending support to the PPP/C and /or willing to stoop to any level to carry out their corrupt bidding”

The Financial point man of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Carl Greenidge, is outraged at the recent “sweetheart deal” between government and a local contractor. The deal sees Dax Contracting Services receiving billions of dollars worth in tax concessions, holidays, remissions and waivers for the rehabilitation of the Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cable. This is not the only contract of this nature between government and certain persons who are closely linked to it.

Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh

Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh

Greenidge said that this “illegal” arrangement” is the “last straw” for the electorate. In fact, he said that the “Dax Deal” is just another prime example of the “ad hoc” manner in which government grants tax concessions. He said that such behaviour strays far from what the tax laws stipulate. According to the Fiscal Incentives Institutional Framework for Investment, incentives are supposed to be granted in such a manner that it fosters and promotes a suitable investment climate for both local and foreign investors. The document says that Government’s commitment to investment is also set out in the Investment Act (No. 1 of 2004), which was crafted -”….to stimulate the socio economic development of Guyana, and to attract and facilitate investment.” In his interview with Kaieteur News yesterday, the APNU Executive Member expressed, that tax concessions are supposed to be granted in a transparent manner and one that promotes the adherence to international best practices regarding investment. He stressed that based on how government operates, as is evident in the case with its recent “Dax Deal”, favoritism plays out when giving out tax breaks and holidays to entrepreneurs. “It is obvious that such behaviour defeats the purpose for which tax concessions are to be granted. How government grants these tax holidays obviously leads to the death of certain companies. It creates unfair competition,” the former Finance Minister added.

APNU’s Shadow Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge

APNU’s Shadow Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge

While the granting of the tax concessions is at the discretion of the Minister of Finance , Dr. Ashni Singh, Greenidge opined that the magnitude of certain tax breaks gives the clear impression that “Dr. Singh lacks a conscience, and / or is acting under the influence of former President Bharrat Jagdeo.” The tax laws also state that government should not discriminate against types of investments, investors (local or foreign), or types of ventures (company, joint venture, partnerships or sole trading) so long as the investment is sound and duly effected by a legally constituted body/person. Greenidge said that this principle is totally thrown out of the window, as some contracts which attract certain tax concessions clearly show that government discriminates when it comes to investments. The APNU Executive Member reminded of the billions of dollars worth in tax breaks, holidays and concessions granted to the Marriott Hotel. He then pointed to the details of the recent contract between the government and Dax Contracting Services which is owned by Faisal Mohamed. Under the agreement, Dax will undertake the repair and maintain the fibre optic cable from Brazil. This contract is for an initial 25 years with an option to renew it for a further 15 years. This gives Dax a total of 40 years of cable rights. Government has also undertaken to provide Mohamed with the necessary support to receive and transmit data by way of the cable after granting the company an operating licence. And for free, Mohamed will be able to use the Government-owned fibre optic cables and structures including, roads, the poles, access to repeater stations and other things. Dax Contracting Services would also be provided with tax exemptions and incentives, including but not limited to tax holidays, remissions, tax waivers and duty free concessions on equipment, spares, tools and vehicles. The government insists that it will retain possession and use of most of the bandwidth, as agreed to between Dax and the government. As the owner of parts of the cable, Mohamed can invite and sign with any company or entity to use them to transmit and receive data and information from any part of the world in the same way that today’s telephone companies operate. To add insult to injury, the government has agreed to pay Dax for specific emergency maintenance. What is even more alarming is that with all the concessions granted to Dax, there is no mention of a penalty clause, a termination clause anything in relation to insurance. These are all basic features of any legal contract. Since the government is often claiming that there is no discrimination in the dispensation of tax concessions between local and foreign investors or businesses, Greenidge is now challenging the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) to say which entity or person without links to it, was privileged enough to benefit from a “sweetheart deal” like the ones given to the Marriott Hotel and Dax Engineering. “Government would be unable to do this because it is only concerned about increasing the ill-gotten wealth of its families and friends. This dying administration cannot deny that it is guilty of granting these concessions in an ad hoc fashion. It ignores the fair and equitable manner it is supposed to be distributed. And Ashni knows very well why he has deliberately failed to monitor all the concessions granted, for if a trail were really to be documented it would lead all the way to Jagdeo. The criteria government uses to grant tax breaks is very clear and known to all by now. You have to be either:  a family member or relative, a close friend, known for lending support to the PPP/C and /or willing to stoop to any level to carry out their corrupt bidding,” Greenidge concluded.


Jagdeo must say “what his cut was” on the CJIA contract – Harmon

May 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

General Secretary of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Joseph Harmon has lashed out at a paid political advertisement in yesterday’s edition of the Stabroek News.

APNU’s General Secretary, Joseph Harmon

APNU’s General Secretary, Joseph Harmon

The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) advertisement focused on the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Expansion Project which is often criticized by the political opposition. It said that Harmon was one who enjoyed the perks of an all expense paid trip to Jamaica, facilitated by the project contractor, China Harbour Engineering Company. Harmon in a statement to the media acknowledged that it is true that he was invited on a trip to Jamaica by the company. He said however, that it only came after his criticisms of the contractor, China Harbour, on the poor execution of the contract for the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). The APNU General Secretary said that he was not invited for a luxurious vacation but rather to visit several public infrastructural projects the contractor was undertaking in Jamaica. With the blessings of the Ministry of Public Works in Jamaica, Harmon said that he has visited and inspected the works done by China Harbour, on projects in the CARICOM country. The lawyer said that while the work done by China Harbour  in the Caribbean territory was found to be of good quality, he maintains his position, that the handling of the CJIA Expansion Project by the current administration was not transparent and that value for money is seriously in doubt. “The former President Bharrat Jagdeo on the other hand, who brought the company, China Harbour Inc. to Guyana must now say what financial consideration, if any, he and his advisor received out of the contract sum up front for the airport.  What was Jagdeo’s cut?  He is the architect of modern day corruption in Guyana,” Harmon categorically stated. The APNU Shadow Minister of Public Works asserted that it would appear that after his visit to Jamaica no further consideration was given by China Harbour Inc. to Jagdeo. He reminded that after interventions by Jagdeo, this very company was the one to subsequently acquire the bid for the construction of a section of the four -lane highway on the East Coast of Demerara. Based on his actions, Harmon emphasized that the former President “should never again be given the opportunity by the Guyanese people to serve in any public office which represents their interest.”


Quote " “The former President Bharrat Jagdeo on the other hand, who brought the company, China Harbour Inc. to Guyana must now say what financial consideration, if any, he and his advisor received out of the contract sum up front for the airport.  What was Jagdeo’s cut?  He is the architect of modern day corruption in Guyana,” Harmon categorically stated."unquote


What makes you think that he received a CUTBACK? Where is the Proof?


If you accuse the President of a crime and can't substanciate your allegations, then that is tantamount to treason.  Watch your mannerisms bukko...

Last edited by Ramakant-P

Reading the statement and understanding same, you will find that Jagdoe brought China Harbour to Guyana.


The statement asks to say what financial consideration,if any, he and his advisor received out of the contract sum up front for the airport. 


It is a question asked and not an allegation leveled at Jagdoe.

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote " “The former President Bharrat Jagdeo on the other hand, who brought the company, China Harbour Inc. to Guyana must now say what financial consideration, if any, he and his advisor received out of the contract sum up front for the airport.  What was Jagdeo’s cut?  He is the architect of modern day corruption in Guyana,” Harmon categorically stated."unquote

Do you have proof that Jagdeo received any compensation for this? No hearsay or assumption please. Need to see hardcopy proof.


A change is needed in the direction our country is going

May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The elimination of Minister Ramsaran from the political landscape at this moment in time (even though he should have been sacked the same day he destroyed his political career), is not the end of this story because if the PPP wins , comrade Bheri will certainly be partially re-instated in a lower position. Check out Mr. Kellawan Lall, who, embarrassed himself and the PPP government, but was never penalized, became ambassador to Brazil, embarrassed us again, and is now home in Guyana, and on the PPP list of candidates – the post -Jagan era of the PPP is scandal-driven and devoid of discipline and devotion to the peoples’ welfare; when Jagan was in charge of the PPP, one never heard any scandals rocking that party’s core foundation. The point of the matter is that comrade Bheri was never up to the task of Minister of Health and everyone in the government and most health providers knew very well that Ramsaran was not capable of running such a complex ministry, even if his duties had been cut in half. The voters, women voters in particular, should wonder if Bheri Ramsaran’s boorish attitude is an isolated case in this government or whether, as the saying goes, “birds of a feather, flock together” and Bheri’s behaviour is accepted in the big shot hierarchy of the PPP. Furthermore, all voters should wonder about the calibre of persons who are given a ministry and do not perform well, with comrade Bheri as an example. Thus the most important questions: 1.What have Ministers Benn, Persaud, Nandlall, Manickchand and Sukhai done for us, the citizens of Guyana? Go and examine each of these ministers and their accomplishments and the voter would be shocked by what his taxpayer dollar has bought. 2. And as the saying goes – where’s the beef? Where are the benefits for us from their job performances? 3. Has Mr. Benn’s road and sea defence works bettered our lives; has Mr. Persaud’s policies protected our natural resources instead of creating havoc in our rich interior; has Mr. Nandlall’s policies bettered our legal framework where we have more easier access to find justice in our courts; has Ms. Manickchand’s tenure brought school buses for our children and hope for our university graduates; has Ms. Sukhai’s rule over the Amerindians relieved their poverty and protected their traditional lands ? The answer to those questions tells us who to vote for, if we can put aside our fears, our prejudices, our blind loyalties, and accept that a change is needed in the direction our country is going.

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote " “The former President Bharrat Jagdeo on the other hand, who brought the company, China Harbour Inc. to Guyana must now say what financial consideration, if any, he and his advisor received out of the contract sum up front for the airport.  What was Jagdeo’s cut?  He is the architect of modern day corruption in Guyana,” Harmon categorically stated."unquote

Do you have proof that Jagdeo received any compensation for this? No hearsay or assumption please. Need to see hardcopy proof.

If you need a better explanation that  is given, then channel your question to Harmon, he will give you a good schooling.


Jagdeo is back from the dead to haunt

Guyana – Roopnarine

May 2, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

As A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition launched its

APNU candidate Dr. Rupert Roopnarine

APNU candidate Dr. Rupert Roopnarine

manifesto on Thursday last, it used the opportunity to appeal to voters not to allow the incumbent People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to return to Administrative office. Speakers who addressed those gathered at Stabroek Square, warned that a return of PPP to office means a return of former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, “who has already put Guyana through a lot.” Setting the stage was APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate, David Granger who asked, “Do who want PPP to rule for the next five years?” The response was a resounding “No.” Granger proceeded to point out all the “good things” that the coalition has in store for Guyana including a salary hike for public servants. He then pointed out reasons why the PPP should not be given the chance to return to office. Granger said that the PPP has harboured corruption for too long “and that must change.”  The Presidential hopeful also told supporters and curious onlookers, that the PPP/C is a dictatorship regime “it is time for Guyana to move away from that as well…never again are you going to have a President who prorogues Parliament or dissolve it, you will not have a President who obeys the will of the legislative which is elected by the people.” Further, Granger criticized PPP rulers for indulgence in cronyism and other traits that does not coincide with good governance. However, what took the cake in getting the audience all riled up was APNU+AFC candidate Dr. Rupert

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

Roopnarine’s bid to remind them of the “hell” they endured under Dr. Jagdeo’s rule. Dr. Roopnarine said that Jagdeo took Guyana to a new form of hell. Alluding to Dr. Jagdeo’s absence from the political scene over the last three years, Roopnarine said that Jagdeo has risen from the dead with an agenda to “haunt Guyana.”  “But we had enough, so we must now tell Jagdeo that he will haunt us no more. We must resist.” The politician then called on those gathered to vote wisely and encourage their friends and family to do the same “so that Jagdeo will no longer be able to haunt us.” Further, Dr. Roopnarine said, “After independence, the British knew that the only way to keep us under their control was to divide us…the PPP learnt too well from the British.” With that being said, Roopnarine called on all right thinking Guyanese to send a strong message to the PPP to the effect that the time to divide and conquer is over “no longer will we allow ourselves to live divided.  The time for healing is here, the time for unity is here.”


Luncheon denies being Cabinet

Secretary after March – Court hears

May 7, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Facing a court battle over the legality of him being a candidate for the ruling People’s Progressive

Dr. Roger Luncheon

Dr. Roger Luncheon

Party/Civic (PPP/C) while being the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon has made public that he has since resigned from the latter post weeks ago. As the matter was called before Chief Justice (Ag), Ian Chang in the Georgetown High Court yesterday, Attorney-at-Law Adrian Smith, who represents Dr. Luncheon’s interest, stated that Dr. Luncheon had sent him a letter to say that he resigned from his office as Secretary to the Cabinet and Secretary to the Defence Board on March 18, last. Dr. Luncheon’s reported resignation is sure to bring questions on the gifting, by Cabinet, of multi-million dollar projects and drug contracts, recently, as well as the authorization of $2.6M for a PPP/C delegation to reach out to members of the Diaspora. Of note, the said date Dr. Luncheon claims he resigned is also that on which he signed the Fibre Optic Cable project over to Dax Contracting Services, headed by Faisal Mohamed. Just last week, Dr. Luncheon held a press conference at which he was introduced as Cabinet Secretary seeking to brief media operatives on discussions at Cabinet. Saphier Husain-Subedar, a lawyer known for taking on complex constitutional matters, last month moved

Attorney-at-Law, Saphier Husain-Subedar

Attorney-at-Law, Saphier Husain-Subedar

to court over the issue. He had challenged the legality of the ruling party to hold meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers and making decisions even though Parliament has been dissolved. In a motion filed on April 24, last seeking to block Dr. Luncheon from contesting the upcoming May 11 General and Regional Elections, Husain-Subedar also named the Attorney General and the Guyana Elections Commission as the respondents. He asked the court to grant a declaration that Luncheon is a public officer holding/occupying a public office under Article 117 of the Constitution. He also wants a declaration that Luncheon’s name on the list of candidates for PPP/C as submitted to GECOM on April 7 last is void as he has failed to vacate his public office and should be disqualified from being a candidate. The lawyer, also Leader of the National Independent Party of Guyana which is contesting the elections, wants the court to also declare that all acts and things done by the Cabinet after the dissolution of Parliament on February 28, last and Nomination Day, on April 7, last are unconstitutional, void and have no pursuant to Article 117 of the Constitution of Guyana when read together with Article 106 of the Constitution of Guyana. He argued that the Cabinet ceased to exist on the dissolution of Parliament and that it is responsible to Parliament, pursuant to Article 106 of the Constitution of Guyana. Husain-Subedar wants the court to declare, also, that the acts and things done by Secretary to the Cabinet as from the date of dissolution of Parliament are inconsistent with democracy,  unconstitutional and in violation of various  Articles of the Constitution and sections of the Representation of the People’s Act  requiring free and fair elections. In his affidavit in support of the motion, the lawyer said that he is also a rice and cattle farmer and that his party’s list of candidates has been accepted by GECOM to contest the General Elections as published in the Kaieteur Newspaper on April 19, last. He said that Article 155 (6) (c) (1) and other articles of the Constitution point out that “anyone who holds or acting in or performing the functions” of any public office shall not be qualified for elections as a member of the National Assembly”. The lawyer said that Luncheon continued until the present time to hold Cabinet meetings with ulterior motives as Secretary of Cabinet and used said information as “propaganda” for the People’s Progressive Party through the Government Information Agency publication on various television stations in contravention of the Constitution. Husain-Subedar said he believes that Luncheon’s actions interfere with the fairness of the General Elections to be held next Monday.


Quote "Saphier Husain-Subedar, a lawyer known for taking on complex constitutional matters, last month moved

Attorney-at-Law, Saphier Husain-Subedar

Attorney-at-Law, Saphier Husain-Subedar

to court over the issue. He had challenged the legality of the ruling party to hold meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers and making decisions even though Parliament has been dissolved. In a motion filed on April 24, last seeking to block Dr. Luncheon from contesting the upcoming May 11 General and Regional Elections, Husain-Subedar also named the Attorney General and the Guyana Elections Commission as the respondents. He asked the court to grant a declaration that Luncheon is a public officer holding/occupying a public office under Article 117 of the Constitution. He also wants a declaration that Luncheon’s name on the list of candidates for PPP/C as submitted to GECOM on April 7 last is void as he has failed to vacate his public office and should be disqualified from being a candidate."unquote




Former Magistrate says …Shooting was an execution attempt

May 7, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

…loses kidney, suffers spinal damage Former Magistrate, Fazil Azeez, believes the attack he suffered two Saturdays ago that resulted in him being shot, was definitely not a robbery attempt but a clear case of a “hit”.

Fazil Azeez

Fazil Azeez

Azeez, who is recovering at home after more than a week in a private hospital following the shooting, told this newspaper that he is still puzzled why an attempt was made on his life. He is hoping that the police will provide some answers. On April 25, last, a lone gunman shot Azeez in the stomach after turning up at a construction site in the Eccles Housing Scheme, where Azeez is building his house, under the pretext of looking for a job. As Azeez slumped to the ground the gunman fled the scene making no attempt to grab the bag of money that the former Magistrate had in his hand. Azeez was picked up and rushed to the hospital where he was immediately admitted. Doctors were forced to remove one of his kidneys, a part of his spleen and he is also suffering from spinal injuries. When contacted by this newspaper yesterday, Azeez said that he has been at pains to point out to the police that the attack was not a robbery. He based his belief on the fact that he had a large amount of cash on him at the time and that the gunman made no attempt to even request the money, nor did he attempt to forcibly retrieve it. “This guy came to kill. I am still puzzled to determine what motivated him to do it,” Azeez told Kaieteur News. Workers at his construction site said that the gunman apparently abandoned his mission when he saw that they were closing in on him after Azeez fell to the ground. The incident occurred a few days after Azeez and a group of Muslims from West Coast Demerara paid a courtesy call on members of the opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC). “The police have this theory of robbery…robbery from whom?” “I told them (police) not to pursue robbery (as a motive) that it will get them nowhere,” he added. Kaieteur News understands that the police have detained a man whom they believe is the shooter but they are awaiting the results of an identification parade. “The police did call me to tell me that they held the guy last Saturday. I sent my guy to see if he could identify him,” Azeez disclosed. It is believed that the suspect was picked up during a police raid on the East Bank Demerara over the past weekend. Divisional Commander Clifton Hicken would only confirm, yesterday, that the police had several persons in custody, without specifying if they were connected to the Azeez shooting. Azeez was a broadcaster at the Guyana Broadcasting Corporation before serving for several years as the General Manager. He then pursued studies in law and later became a Magistrate for a few years before returning to private practice.


 On April 25, last, a lone gunman shot Azeez in the stomach after turning up at a construction site in the Eccles Housing Scheme, where Azeez is building his house, under the pretext of looking for a job. As Azeez slumped to the ground the gunman fled the scene making no attempt to grab the bag of money that the former Magistrate had in his hand.


Gov’t. grants tax concessions in three packages: Gold, Silver and Bronze -APNU+AFC

May 7, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

A Partnership for National Unity plus Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has been highlighting the “ad hoc” manner in which Government seems to be handing out tax concessions and tax holidays to foreign investors and local businessmen.

One of APNU+AFC’s financial advisor, Jaipaul Sharma

One of APNU+AFC’s financial advisor, Jaipaul Sharma

These criticisms were made before but are on the frontburner again given the recent deal struck between Government and a local contractor. That contract signed by Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon and Faisal Mohamed of Dax Contracting Services sees the latter party receiving billions of dollars worth in concessions. Apart from the magnitude of the tax concessions granted, what is a serious matter of concern to the opposition is the fact that the contract says nothing about penalties to be effected if Dax does not follow through with the obligations of the arrangement to repair and maintain the Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cable. The contract lacks a termination clause and even a time for completion. The opposition has also highlighted the controversial Marriott Hotel which has been the recipient of extravagant tax holidays and tax breaks similar to Dax. Given the aforementioned “concession-trend”, the party has concluded that the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) grants concessions in three packages: Gold, Silver and Bronze. One of APNU+AFC’s financial advisors, Jaipaul Sharma, said, “The gold package is the first-class tax concessions that Government grants through the Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh to its family and best friends. “The silver package is for party members and the bronze package represents the tax concessions

Chartered Accountant, Chris Ram

Chartered Accountant, Chris Ram

that are given to its supporters.” Sharma, an accountant, said that he is disgusted at the manner in which Government discriminates when it comes to investments. He added, “The thing that is most despicable about this administration is that in no sector or no area can you find it operating with an ounce of decency or transparency and accountability. “With these enormous concessions they are granting to their friends, family and favourites, it is clear that Government wants to control the market. “They want to control the very bread on our table and who we get it from. And the sickening thing is that they enjoy watching the poor bleed just to make ends meet in this country. This PPP/C administration has a sick and twisted mindset for development. “Everything they do is to accelerate growth for themselves. So when Ashni Singh talks about Guyana’s economy growing, that is not true, it is their pockets that they are referring to.” Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram, said that should the APNU+AFC assume office, it would be wise for it to look at a few things relating to tax concessions. Ram said that the discretion given to the Finance Minister to be the final check point for the approval of concessions needs to be reviewed. He said that the secretive manner in which tax concessions are treated need to be rejected immediately. The new government should deal with it in an open manner, forthwith. “The decisions to grant tax concessions should not be left to the Finance Minister alone. We should have some strict rules regarding concessions and tax holidays and those should be incorporated into the law. “The regulations need to provide for a strict review process and failure from certain companies to meet the relevant terms and conditions attached to the tax breaks should lead to automatic suspension and or revocation of the tax concessions granted to them by the Ministry of Finance,” Ram added. APNU’s financial point man, Carl Greenidge, had also taken a jab at the Dax deal and the PPP/C’s “carefree” granting of concessions to persons with close ties to it. Greenidge said that the “Dax Deal” is just another prime example of how the current administration strays far from what the tax laws stipulate. According to the Fiscal Incentives Institutional Framework for Investment, incentives are supposed to be granted in such a manner that they foster and promote a suitable investment climate for both local and foreign investors. The document says that Government’s commitment to investment is also set out in the Investment Act (No. 1 of 2004), which was crafted – “…to stimulate the socio economic development of Guyana, and to attract and facilitate investment.” The APNU Executive Member said that tax concessions are supposed to be granted in a transparent manner and one that promotes the adherence to international best practices regarding investment. He stressed that based on how government operates, as is evident in the case with its recent “Dax Deal”, favouritism plays out when giving out tax breaks and holidays to entrepreneurs. “It is obvious that such behaviour defeats the purpose for which tax concessions are to be granted. How Government grants these tax holidays obviously leads to the death of certain companies. It creates unfair competition,” the former Finance Minister added. The tax laws also state that Government should not discriminate against types of investments, investors (local or foreign), or types of ventures (company, joint venture, partnerships or sole trading) as long as the investment is sound and duly effected by a legally constituted body/person. The APNU Executive Member reminded of the billions of dollars worth in tax breaks, holidays and concessions granted to the Marriott Hotel. He then pointed to the details of the recent contract between the government and Dax Contracting Services. This contract is for an initial 25 years with an option to renew it for a further 15 years. This gives Dax a total of 40 years of cable rights. Government has also undertaken to provide Mohamed with the necessary support to receive and transmit data by way of the cable after granting the company an operating licence. And for free, Mohamed will be able to use the Government-owned fibre optic cables and structures including, roads, the poles, access to repeater stations and other things. Dax Contracting Services would also be provided with tax exemptions and incentives, including but not limited to tax holidays, remissions, tax waivers and duty free concessions on equipment, spares, tools and vehicles. The government insists that it will retain possession and use of most of the bandwidth, as agreed to between Dax and the government. As the owner of parts of the cable, Mohamed can invite and sign with any company or entity to use them to transmit and receive data and information from any part of the world in the same way that today’s telephone companies operate. To add insult to injury, the government has agreed to pay Dax for specific emergency maintenance. “This dying administration cannot deny that it is guilty of granting these concessions in an ad hoc fashion. It ignores the fair and equitable manner it is supposed to be distributed.” The criteria government uses to grant tax breaks is very clear and known to all by now. You have to be either:  a family member or relative, a close friend, known for lending support to the PPP/C and /or willing to stoop to any level to carry out their corrupt bidding,” Greenidge said.


“This dying administration cannot deny that it is guilty of granting these concessions in an ad hoc fashion. It ignores the fair and equitable manner it is supposed to be distributed.” The criteria government uses to grant tax breaks is very clear and known to all by now. You have to be either:  a family member or relative, a close friend, known for lending support to the PPP/C and /or willing to stoop to any level to carry out their corrupt bidding,” Greenidge said.


GPHC misplaces dead babies in overcrowded morgue

May 7, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The bodies of babies, untagged and stacked up in no particular order, is the situation that prevails at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC&rsquo morgue. This disturbing state of affairs was highlighted yesterday by

Roger Smith, father of a misplaced dead baby.

Roger Smith, father of a misplaced dead baby.

concerned father, Roger Smith. Smith said that he visited the public hospital yesterday to retrieve the body of his child but workers there were unable to honour his request. According to the man, while his eight-day old son was born at the West Demerara Regional Hospital, two days after his birth he was transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital. The child, the man said, was diagnosed with jaundice. Jaundice is a common and usually harmless condition in new born babies. It causes yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. And according to medical experts, untreated infant jaundice may lead to brain damage and even death. But Smith said, yesterday, that his baby was administered what he believe was antibiotics “or something like that” but based on his observation his child’s condition worsened. “He was given oxygen then he was placed on life support. Eventually he succumbed,” said Smith. He is suspicious about his child’s demise. “This thing with jaundice and the baby dying is kinda weird,” he intimated. The man said that while at the hospital morgue “I see like four to five drawers with babies, like 20 babies in a drawer…all just thrown in like that, like pieces of meat, no tags, no nothing and no proper records.” “They keep pulling out baby after baby looking for the (baby’s) sex and I see a whole set of babies wrapped up with no tag just tossed and thrown in,” added Smith.

Persons outside the GPHC’s morgue yesterday.

Persons outside the GPHC’s morgue yesterday.

According to him, he waited for two and a half hours while morgue workers searched but failed to locate his dead child. “I don’t know what’s going on; these people are sick,” said Smith as he recalled how the morgue workers stopped searching for his son to attend to the parents of at least two other dead babies, but were also unable to locate those too. Other parents at the morgue yesterday were too emotional to share their concerns. “They are not finding babies right now is just adults (bodies) they finding,” observed Smith who added, that the explanation given by the morgue workers for their inability to locate the remains of the babies is that “the man who is supposed to know is not around.” Although a senior official at the hospital confirmed the state of affairs, the official was not willing to formally comment on the matter yesterday.


CJ quashes GGMC’s $3B loan to Housing Ministry…Says agreement null and void

May 8, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The Chief Justice (ag.) Ian Chang in a written decision handed down yesterday afternoon, ruled that the decision

Chief Justice [ag) Ian Chang

Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang

by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) to make a loan of three billion dollars from its funds and resources to the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) was “both irrational and ultra vires.” The action brought by WPA Member of Parliament  Desmond Trotman arose out of a joint statement by the GGMC and the CHPA of a $3B loan agreement. The deal was further exposed by Mr. Ranwell Jordan, a member of the CHPA. Trotman and Jordan filed the court action to challenge the purported approval of a loan of $3B by the GGMC to the CH&PA. The action against the two state controlled entities sought to quash the agreement for the loan which the plaintiffs argued were fictitious and unlawful. GGMC and the CHPA had signed a Loan Agreement following the submission of an “Investment Proposal by the CHPA last January. According to the Statement, the money was to be used for the development of the housing sector. GGMC had touted a five percent interest rate being offered by CH&PA, which according to the GGMC, was 3.2 percent more than what was currently being earned via the commercial banks and other investment options available to the Commission. The parties involved had articulated that in the event that CH&PA fails to repay the entire amount by the deadline, the Commission has the right to increase the interest rate by seven percent. The body said that the agreement was subject to the terms and conditions enshrined in the Loan Agreement and any additional guarantees required by the Commission. However, according to the actions filed last April, the plaintiffs are arguing that should the $3B Loan Agreement between the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) materialize, it would represent the crudest form of financial lawlessness. Based on the grounds listed in the action, the Chief Justice, (CJ) had instructed that GGMC and CH&PA must prove to the court why a Writ of Certiorari should not be granted to prevent GGMC from going ahead with its decision to lend the monies to the Housing authority. Chang had also instructed that the Housing Authority should justify why a Writ of Prohibition should not be dispensed to ensure that the mining commission is inhibited from making any further move on the loan on the premise that it is in breach of the law. The judge subsequently made absolute the Orders of Certiorari and Prohibition he granted based on an application by Trotman’s attorneys-at-law Christopher Ram and Brendon Glasford. In his decision yesterday, the Chief Justice ruled that the GGMC agreement is therefore “null and void”. He further noted that while the GGMC has the discretionary powers to make loans, the power does not extend for the purpose of the development of the housing sector. Ram, in a statement on the ruling, noted that the decision by the High Court not only vindicates Trotman and other commentators about the lawlessness involved in this tainted transaction but exposes the entire Cabinet and others in an elaborate scheme to siphon off money from the GGMC to GuySuCo using the CHPA as a front. He further stated that essentially it was conceded by the CHPA that it had no authority to enter directly in any Loan Agreement to borrow any money.


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