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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Every child in Guyana knows about PPP theft so do not even try to pretend that you dont. 


BGurd: So this is your evidence, "every child in Guyana knows"? Its a good thing the international community don't listen to the likes of you who hurl unsubstantiated accusations. My family provide gainful employment to hundreds of Guyanese, what have you and yours done? Nothing, just badmouth the doers and become consummate sour pusses. 


The pnc and you are intent on destroying the nation, you preach to your people the life of entitlement and slacking off while others break their back working for what they achieve. You then turn around and tell your people that they were robbed of their birthright and they should kill and maim Indian because they deserve it. Sounds familiar? Yes Hitler did the same to the Jews. 


The PNC/afc operatives will continue to flock to Barbados to push drugs and rob and kill. That is why the Bajans want them out. Guyana has lots of opportunity that is why we see all the housing boom and labor shortages. Life is good, only pnc/afc types will cry out that they are suffering because they are too lazy to work and prefer to rob.

Excellent! Well said BGurd!

Carib bai can holler and scream about PPP theft and corruption from now until thy kingdom come---the reality is his beloved PNC will never, ever win an election in Guyana.



Originally Posted by cain:

PPP dat good at riggin eh?

They got good at leeching. All of those suckere from Jagdeo to Jabba the Hutt ramorat were church mice with barely a pot to piss in an they are now all fat cats on  Guyanese politicians salary of under 30K us a year! Yes, th ey made less than A mickey dees manager and they turned that into assets a hundred fold these past two decades! Why did they not most of them not even own a room in a logie before they entered office?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many people say, PPP boys tief and build big mansions and estates in Guyana.  PNC tief and buy mansions abroad and keep their stash in foreign banks.  Whenever the PPP leaves power, all the stolen property will revert to the people.  Not the same with the PNC.  So, who do we want, a dishonest thief (PNC) or an honest thief (PPP).  Take your pick

baseman, the enormity of PPP crimes and betrayal of Guyana must truly frighten you. You're now in a sad mental state, crudely turning reality on its head, projecting . . . your vile inner bigotry overwhelming dignity and common sense 


i will not waste time rebutting the putrid essence of your racist lies and foolishness, it's been done to death elsewhere


but your meek surrender to illiterate sloganeering and incoherence is instructive: "who do we want, a dishonest thief (PNC) or an honest thief (PPP)" . . . huh?


dude, do you even want to maintain a façade of interest in intelligent conversation or simply aspire to give drugabeer stiff competition for GNI's jackass-in-chief seat?

In your little feeble mind.  The PNC stole the goose and starved the nation.  Yes, I think some PPP boys filling their pockets, but they stealing the eggs not the goose.  In the end, it will be returned to the nation as they are investing in Guyana as opposed to the USA, Canada and the Islands.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Many people say, PPP boys tief and build big mansions and estates in Guyana.  PNC tief and buy mansions abroad and keep their stash in foreign banks.  Whenever the PPP leaves power, all the stolen property will revert to the people.  Not the same with the PNC.  So, who do we want, a dishonest thief (PNC) or an honest thief (PPP).  Take your pick

baseman, the enormity of PPP crimes and betrayal of Guyana must truly frighten you. You're now in a sad mental state, crudely turning reality on its head, projecting . . . your vile inner bigotry overwhelming dignity and common sense 


i will not waste time rebutting the putrid essence of your racist lies and foolishness, it's been done to death elsewhere


but your meek surrender to illiterate sloganeering and incoherence is instructive: "who do we want, a dishonest thief (PNC) or an honest thief (PPP)" . . . huh?


dude, do you even want to maintain a façade of interest in intelligent conversation or simply aspire to give drugabeer stiff competition for GNI's jackass-in-chief seat?

In your little feeble mind.  The PNC stole the goose and starved the nation.  Yes, I think some PPP boys filling their pockets, but they stealing the eggs not the goose.  In the end, it will be returned to the nation as they are investing in Guyana as opposed to the USA, Canada and the Islands.

ow bai, is nah me pen the (below) 'lament' in a flash of clarity earlier on the thread . . .


baseman: "When the PPP is defeated, don't expect Jagdeo and much of his camp to remain in Guyana."


i guess fip, brazzie, mannie, the dacta dacta dacta ex-prezzie, anchor babeee robbert, and green cyard/ foreign passport holding tiefmen like de presidential best fren's worst-case retirement plan is Social Security in Region 11 . . . nah suh bai?


logical consistency is not your strong suit, especially when 'thinking' on your knees

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:

People who has applies for house lots years ago, are  being turn away by the Ministry of Home Affairs, whils't PPP/C cronies are give priveledges

Who in their righted mind will vote for this Corrupted PPP/C. If elections were held today.......the PPP/C would lose miserably.

They are selling the lands to their buddies so-called private developers who offer kick backs and charge the people lots of money.


Who will vote for these crooks:


Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:

This is a multi million dollar mission - Importation of poor quality stones from a Trinidadian Construction Company for an Essequibo Road Project. And we supposed to 'gat stones'.

Low-grade vegetable milk was supplied to SIMAP in place of cream milk by Hanson Import and Export. The multi-million scam saw PPP MP Hugely Hamnoman resigned from his seat and migrating, missing out on police prosecution while a low level officer was dismissed.

After being paid million of dollars the infamous BK International’s shoddy work on the Sea Defense left Cane Grove farmers (all diligent supporters of the PPP) at the mercy of the sea.
BK was not prosecuted but was rewarded with more government projects.

Well it sank, after billions of dollars was used to build it. (what a fraud - but evidence is underwater!)

Over US$200,000 dollar contract to update law books given to PPP friend Kawal Totaram’s company New Global Consults Inc.
Never advertised locally; the contractor was no legal expert and a law student reviewed the sample copies of the laws. Please Don’t Ask!

This saw more than 50 vehicles being imported by persons who falsely declared remigrant status - some of these were/are PPP supporters and businessmen who evaded millions of dollars in duty.

Export of precious wildlife amounting to more than $50 million and who gets blamed? EPA’s head Bal Persaud was blamed but jumped to the media to refute the claims and guess who is the advisor to the President named in this one?

Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005
More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.

$300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the  wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).

These are but a small list of the many scams of the proud PPP administration. This is where my money is going!




Sugar in deep trouble

October 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 



- Workers livelihood threatened

By Rajendra Bisessar

GuySuCo is in shambles. Production in 2013 is lowest in two decades. 1993 and 1999 production was 246,528 and 321,438 respectively. GuySuCo will not meet its target of 240,000 tonnes or the 190,000 tonnes intended for the European market. There is an information shutdown. A director of the corporation refused to disclose information saying GuySuCo took a decision not to, and so the situation seems ominous. Insider information indicates that production at present may be around 150,000 tonnes. If sugar falls under 200,000 tonnes its very existence is threatened. Despite Government’s injection of $5B last year, sugar recorded its lowest production of 218,069 tonnes in two decades, a consequence of neglect for the workers, incompetence of the Board, neglect of best practices, imposition of Jagdeo’s Chinese-built factory and refusal by the government to listen to the AFC and the sugar unions. The Skeldon factory was to solve the problems, however it is producing just 36% of rated capacity. The Indians, the Australians, the Americans, the English, the South Africans and the Brazilians know about sugar, but China does not. The AFC insists that the GuySuCo Board did not carry out due diligence on the “Turnaround Plan” or the “Jagdeo white elephant”. No one, including President Ramotar, acted responsibly and sought to interrogate those plans carefully. So Guyana got shafted, thanks to the incompetence and cowardice of this GuySuCo Board. The AFC and the sugar unions warned GuySuCo, since 2009, of the imminent challenges facing the sugar industry. AFC pleaded with the Government to lessen the risks by investing more in the field infrastructure to enhance productivity. Best practice, now abandoned, allows for flooding and replanting to be every five years instead of the present 8-12 years, resulting in poorer canes for the factories. Consequently the industry moved from around 3.4 tonnes of sugar per acre to around 2.4. The spin-off effect was large quantities of fish let loose into the canals. What has caused this deterioration? The AFC is of the view that among the Board of Directors of GuySuCo, friends of the PPP, who want to live the high life off the sweat of the workers, have abandoned the one thing that would turnaround GuySuCoâ€Ķ good quality cane. The AFC had called for redirecting resources from the “fat cats” to the field and factories to raise the cane/sugar ratio from 12.69 in 2012 to the pre-1999 levels of 10.88. Skeldon Factory is at 16.29 while Albion is just over 10. AFC notes that in 1990, when 129,722 tonnes were produced, factories were grinding for a mean of 44% of the in-crop season. In 2012, factories were grinding for a mean of 50% of the in-crop season while international standard, net grinding time is over 80%. Why such a low rate? It is due to poor and visionless leadership, which is why AFC has called for the entire Board of Directors to be revamped. This brings us to the recent debate regarding the Chairman of the Board. Ashni Singh says that the Chairman Mr. Raj Singh is “eminently qualified, worked in sugar at a senior level, [and] has expertise in areas relevant to the management of organisations like the sugar company”. However, according to GuySuCo’s Newsletter of October 2007 – Mr. Singh “joined the Sugar Industry in 1975 as an Industrial Relations Officer and left the industry as a Regional Industrial Relations Manager”. But never with a factory nor field team. In the USA, he was employed in the human resource field and is presently employed as a Head of a Division within the Human Resources Department. Mr. Raj Singh is definitely not qualified for the specialized task of rejuvenating sugar, Public service Minister, yes, if PPP wants to repay him for services rendered to the party. Raj Singh’s monthly emolument is excessive. “You cannot throw bacon for the boys and bones to the workers,” was the response of Alliance for Change (AFC) Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo. When Booker Tate took over in 1990, they recognized the most important input was the human resource. They increased the wages by over 200% between 1990 and 1992. Labour unrest reduced significantly and there was an influx of new labour into the industry. The AFC in its 2011 campaign demanded a 20% across the board increase in wages for all workers. The AFC has since amended its demand to 10% for those at the bottom of the wage scale to stimulate a repeat of the labour relations success achieved by Booker Tate. The PPP overlords refused to budge. Ashni Singh stated that sugar in Guyana has a comparative advantage, so it’s inexplicable that our citizens could have gone to Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados and worked in the fields and sent back money to accomplish so much for their families, but the workers in sugar here are catching hell. Does the AFC have proposals? Yes it has and these among others were made public. Diversification Production of ethanol; the AFC Action Plan advocates a National E10 (10% blend of ethanol and gasoline) thus enhancing the cash-inflows, therefore guaranteeing Workers’ wages. The AFC would transform sugar from a subsistence level industry, with “slave-like” conditions of employment, to a value added industry that focuses on mechanised harvesting, ethanol production, packaged sugar, refined sugar and alcohol production. Emolument The AFC has mapped the funding for increased pay: charging NDIA a premium rate for technical assistance in times of flooding; re-negotiating the shipping contracts to secure better value; negotiating a reduction in the interest rates with the banks; cutting administrative cost by weeding out multi-million-dollar perks for cronies; asking the Ministry of Commerce to foot the bill for Marketing and Distribution expenses; identifying more non-value added cost streams in the industry and weeding them out swiftly without political interference. The members of the new Board must have access to line managers to share ideas on a programme of rehabilitation and rationalization to enhance the efficiency on each estate by allowing them to contribute towards fixing the problem. Such a plan will ensure GuySuCo’s Board, senior management and line-managers have cash flow numbers per estate/cost centre on a weekly basis to make decision at different levels. Increase and mechAnise cane cultivation Private farmers at Skeldon are hesitant and uneasy about growing more cane because of the financial risks. The AFC suggests public/private partnerships with the private planters to get all the new fields at Skeldon mechanised and planted within a defined time by using the billions from NICIL/LOTTO funds finally for a national project that is beneficial to the nation. The AFC advocates the use of these funds to leverage more funds from the banking sector to accelerate the mechanisation and planting schedule CONSOLIDATION  OF ESTATES The CEO needs full freedom to cap financial leaks and to consolidate the operations of more Estates – one Administrative Manager for West Demerara and one for East Demerara – and to sell some of the excess houses. FULL TRANSPARENCY Involve all stakeholders, the Unions, the Parliament and the Private Sector. GuySuCo’s books must be open for the key stakeholders. Minister Singh must lay the new three-year turnaround plan in Parliament and publish it in the national newspapers to build a winning coalition to save the industry.


Transparency International continued to rank Guyana as among one of the most corrupt countries in the world, Jagdeo was quick to they were coming to the country and making “blanket statements”.

But a number of scams and frauds committed has left one asking where are the serious investigations and prosecutions.

Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:


$300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).

Originally Posted by asj:


Private developers awarded lands

before it was advertised



â€ĶOpposition says full blown probe needed


The Opposition has expressed alarm over admissions earlier this week that Government gave out lands to private developers over a year ago but only opened the process publicly to other players.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Stabroek News, October 7, 2013


Dear Editor,


I was in the audience (as a scribe reporting for community publications) last Friday evening at the Queens public meeting where President Donald Ramotar updated the diaspora on the state of affairs in their homeland and fielded questions.Donald was booed a couple times (for remarks contrasting crime and sanitation with other countries and on corruption) and praised several times. What struck my attention was not what the President said but what he did not do or say. He failed to acknowledge and recognize the significant contributions of some towering New York-based personalities who helped to put the PPP into office and who played a critical role in the restoration of democracy in Guyana. He should have used his trip and or the speech to bring healing to and unite the disparate factions of the PPP’s support group, Association of Concerned Guyanese.

At the Ramotar public engagement, I saw former loyalists of the Association of Concerned Guyanese, support group of the PPP in America, who had a public fall-out with Mr Ramotar and who were very critical of him prior to the November 2011 elections. I know these individuals very well since 1977 having joined them (though I am not an ACG member) in protests, rallies, picketing exercises, etc, against the 24 year old PNC dictatorship. They were a small group but very dedicated to the cause and effective at organizing public actions and several of them attended numerous protest events and rallies organized by myself, Dr Baytoram Ramharack and Vassan Ramracha – all pioneers and founding fathers of the New York Guyanese revolutionary movement that helped to usher in democracy in the homeland. The PPP and Guyanese owe the ACG early activists (such as Arjune Karshan, Chuck Mohan, Mel Carpen, Joe Kanhai, Flatty Singh, Danny Singh, John Drepaul, ‘V’, etc), and later ones like Joe Kanhai, Abudul Hafeez, Chris Sarabit and his brother Michael, Samad Ally, individuals like Ramharack, Ramracha, Joe Ragnauth (DLM), Mahadeo Persaud, Dr Ravi Dev, Pandit Ramlall, Ramesh Kalicharran, Vishnu Bandhu, others activists of the WPA support group, etc a debt of gratitude for their commitment to the struggle. Political struggle was not easy. Very few people were interested in Guyana and we could not raise a dollar from them. Only a handful of us took up the cudgel — unrelenting in our activism to lobby international organizations and governments for the restoration of democracy in our former homeland. Even a Chinese Jamaican, Richard Chin, who joined us in the struggle, deserves kudos. Many of the activists suffered tremendously because of their commitment to the struggle – families were neglected and broken. Because they were so strongly wedded to the anti-dictatorial movement, some marriages ended in divorce. Some of the activists like Ramharack, Vassan, and myself gave virtually all of our financial resources to the movement; our incomes were used to fund activities and print literature for free public distribution. Virtually no New Yorker, apart from Karshan who served as Ambassador to Suriname for over 10 years, who partook in the revolution was ever recognized, honoured or rewarded for their immense contributions to the struggle. A few opportunists were highly rewarded. The ACG splintered after the restoration of democracy and the departure of Karshan who was the leader of the group for many years.

President Ramotar had a historic and unique opportunity last Friday to make a gesture to those former stalwarts of the struggle of the need for healing and a desire to reconcile factions. The presence of some of these ACG founders and activists, once critics of Mr Ramotar and former President Jagdeo, at the meeting was a clear signal of their desire for reconciliation with the PPP leadership but no one paid heed. President Ramotar should have taken advantage of his presence in NY to unite the various factions and to bring former stalwarts together.

Compromise and reconciliation with critics (overseas and domestic) are critical for the PPP especially if it is to recover lost support. The former PPP activists, turned critics, are not enemies of the party. They ought to be recognized for their hard work to help liberate Guyana from oppressive rule. On the issue of reconciliation, the PPP also needs to reach out to others who left (or were pushed out) for whatever reason. One name that comes to mind (and there are several including Lionel Peters, Sasenarine Singh, etc) is the experienced and highly respected Ralph Ramkarran. The PPP cannot afford to lose one vote and it will be very difficult for the party to win a majority in the next election without Ramkarran (given that Moses Nagamootoo is campaigning against the PPP) high in the line-up. And elections are not far away with Moses threatening a no confidence vote, the PNC saying it is ready for an election, and the PPP saying elections will be held soon. Reconciliation with constructive critics and former stalwarts, overseas activists, etc, is urgently needed by President Ramotar and General Secretary Clement Rohee in order to strengthen the party.

Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Bisram

The PPP and Guyanese owe the ACG early activists (such as Arjune Karshan, Chuck Mohan, Mel Carpen, Joe Kanhai, Flatty Singh, Danny Singh, John Drepaul, ‘V’, etc),


I agree with this statement.  Some of these fellows such as Carpen and his Guyana Day are still doing their part to promote a positive image of Guyana on the American East coast. I would also include Yochanan John with these guys. 

Last edited by Former Member



Specialty Hospital may suffer same fate as Skeldon and Amaila – Ramjattan


AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjatan

Ramjatan told Kaieteur News yesterday that while he is not an expert on how Specialty Hospitals are priced, he knows that taking into consideration the corrupt disposition of the government and its propensity for profiting from kickbacks, the specialty hospital may very well be overpriced to cater for that. The contract for the construction and furnishing of the specialized equipment necessary for the hospital was given to Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited of India. According to Ramjatan, he knew of a reputable and legitimate consulting company from India that had built Specialty Hospitals before which submitted a bid for this Surgical Speciality Hospital at a lower price than the one Surendra Engineering provided. Ramjatan said that there is no evidence to date to show that this company ever built a specialty hospital.








Among the companies and persons granted lands for private development are Windsor Estates; Courtney Benn; Buddy’s; Caricom General Insurance and Odinga Lumumba.


According to the Member of Parliament (MP), the granting of major pieces of land to certain favoured businessmen, who then will “favour” the ruling PPP and its officials in return, is core policy under former President Bharrat Jagdeo which continues today.

“This blatant nepotism fortifies the PPP in its capacity to pay and get things done and to reveal itself as so well-oiled and organised, to the disadvantage of other social and political groups. It is corrupt and corrupting. It is a sort of rigging.”

Ramjattan said that AFC’s investigations are revealing that the “prime” lands were sold very cheaply by Government to their friends in 50 and 100 acres plots.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP is in panic mode due the lost of support from the diaspora.

Even their supporters from Berbice is saying "lets kick these bums out of Office"


They really have to go back to the grassroots as Cheddi would say. What can I say, these dunces will just kick themselves out of Office.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP is in panic mode due the lost of support from the diaspora.

Even their supporters from Berbice is saying "lets kick these bums out of Office"


They really have to go back to the grassroots as Cheddi would say. What can I say, these dunces will just kick themselves out of Office.

The people of Berbice are fed up with empty election promises. Their eyes have opened up and they will most likely not vote.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP is in panic mode due the lost of support from the diaspora.

Even their supporters from Berbice is saying "lets kick these bums out of Office"


They really have to go back to the grassroots as Cheddi would say. What can I say, these dunces will just kick themselves out of Office.

The people of Berbice are fed up with empty election promises. Their eyes have opened up and they will most likely not vote.

Lost Votes would equal to lost Ministerial Seats, I can see in the future less seats for the PPP/C, simple they are voting themselves out of Office

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So this is your evidence, "every child in Guyana knows"? Its a good thing the international community don't listen to the likes of you who hurl unsubstantiated accusations. My family provide gainful employment to hundreds of Guyanese, what have you and yours done? Nothing, just badmouth the doers and become consummate sour pusses. 


The pnc and you are intent on destroying the nation, you preach to your people the life of entitlement and slacking off while others break their back working for what they achieve. You then turn around and tell your people that they were robbed of their birthright and they should kill and maim Indian because they deserve it. Sounds familiar? Yes Hitler did the same to the Jews. 


The PNC/afc operatives will continue to flock to Barbados to push drugs and rob and kill. That is why the Bajans want them out. Guyana has lots of opportunity that is why we see all the housing boom and labor shortages. Life is good, only pnc/afc types will cry out that they are suffering because they are too lazy to work and prefer to rob.



Look how St Kitts is helping out Guyanese who are so desperate to stay on the little island!  Most of them are INDIANS who daily go to beg him not to toss them out.  BTW when I visited there not too long ago the best jobs that I saw your people doing was sales clerk jobs in tourist shops.  Certainly NOT operating the heavy equipment which are4 the best jobs in construction.  And NOT owning businesses either.  Yet they beg the PM to stay in StK/N.


FYI the Bajans tolerate the black Guyanese.  Its the Indian ones who they do not like as you all carry your hatred of blacks to a majority black island.  The Bajans say that they have enough to deal with from their own local white population and arent about to let half starved peasants fleeing a party who they voted in to bring the same racist attitudes about blacks.


Druggie tell us about how Amaila Falls has run dry and try to justify how the insistence of the PPP that Guyana ought to have sunk hundreds of millions of dollars (and have already alegedly spent US$30 million) is good for Guyana.


The hotels in Guyana are 50% empty, even though there are fewer than 500 rooms.  So tell me how adding 200 rooms is a smart idea.  Not every one who currently stays in the other hotels will go to Marriott, so where will they get the 70% AVERAGE accupany rate to be viable?


Why does CBJIA require EIGHT jetways?


Guysuco is on the brink of bankruptcy and is now almost as unviable as it was when the PNC ran it...of course.  Yes that party which was certainlt NOT a friend to that industry.


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