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Originally Posted by asj:
My Aunt at the Airport wanted to get on her way, but the PPP/C custom Officer thinks differently and says well 'if the top echelons of the PPP/C is doing this and get away then I can.' And so the PPP/C is almost converting Guyana to criminality.


The Electorate of 49% in Guyana elected the PPP/C to Govern. Instead of Governing, corruptions is widespread all over. Of those 49% who went and vote, this time around that margin will decrease to 42%

As I mentioned, your aunt's action is critical to the pervasiveness of corruption, as long as there are weak people who don't stand up for justice, you will always have predators like the pnc/afc custom officers in question. Your aunt contribute to the problem because she caved in. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by asj:
My Aunt at the Airport wanted to get on her way, but the PPP/C custom Officer thinks differently and says well 'if the top echelons of the PPP/C is doing this and get away then I can.' And so the PPP/C is almost converting Guyana to criminality.


The Electorate of 49% in Guyana elected the PPP/C to Govern. Instead of Governing, corruptions is widespread all over. Of those 49% who went and vote, this time around that margin will decrease to 42%

As I mentioned, your aunt's action is critical to the pervasiveness of corruption, as long as there are weak people who don't stand up for justice, you will always have predators like the pnc/afc custom officers in question. Your aunt contribute to the problem because she caved in. 

Yes my Aunt was weak, an old lady who can hardly walk but yet the PPP/C and their Customs Officer took advantage on her. There can undoubtedly no shame whatsover with the PPP/C. And when someone like you who would think and know what is right and what is wrong........turn your back on the poor and sickly and helpless, then so help me god.....I can only hope that devastation come to those who makes people suffer.........I do not know if you falls within this lot.


Also I can tell you this, there are Hundreds of Indians who came from the United States To Guyana and were really pissed off with the treatment that were given to them by the same Govt whom they themselves helped to put in power, these visitors really thought that the PPP/C would have been on the ball and their trips would have been perfect, but many were in for a surprise of their life..........never again would they trust the PPP/C.


Thanks for the recap Bro Jalil.


They spend for the Sugar Factory US$200 Million, and another US$200 Million for continuous Repairs, of which many were major Repairs, and unto this day they are still having repairs hiccups with the jinxed Sugar Factory, re


Several hiccups as Skeldon Factory

restarts – GuySuCo CEO

August 28, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


The problem-plagued US$200M Skeldon Sugar Factory has been up and running since last Saturday, but certainly not without several hiccups.
According to Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), Paul Bhim, the encountered problems were resolved. He declined to say what the problems were, but noted that there have been continuous repairs.
Fixtures on the problematic punt dumper however, may not be completed until the next “out-of-crop” season, during December/January.
Bhim said that information on the amount of cane processed at the Skeldon factory thus far was not readily available, but promised to give an update during the course of this week.
The Skeldon Sugar Factory’s 2013 target is 400,000 tonnes of cane. This is equivalent to 36,000 tonnes of sugar. Both Bhim, and the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, are hopeful that the mark will be met.
Shortly after it was commissioned in 2009, functions at the facility had to be halted in order to aid repairs. These were carried out by South Africa’s Bosch Engineering at an additional cost of US $3M.
Because of the hefty amount of money spent, and the fact that a number of aspects had to be repaired soon after construction, the factory was labeled as a “let down”. And like several other projects undertaken by the state, the construction of the Skeldon factory project saw questions raised as to whether Guyana had received value for its money.
Financing for the factory came from a mixture of state funds, grants from the European Union (EU) and loans from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and World Bank.
It was reported that even if the factory never begins producing sugar to its optimum, as is currently the case, Guyana still has to repay the loans.
The Skeldon factory, one of Guyana’s most costly projects, was the effort made by the Guyana government to salvage what is left of the suffering sugar industry which has, over the years, been seen to be spiraling downwards.
Production for the first crop of this year plunged to approximately 23,000 tonnes or more below the target, and despite prices offered by Europe – Guyana’s biggest customer – being almost double on the world market, poor production has continued to threaten the viability of the industry.
Those who remain employed with the Corporation are worried about the outcome of the approaching crop, since it would determine whether or not they would receive bonuses.


Every year Guysuco starts out with a lie, that they will produce a gazillion tons of sugar....and as the crop starts to wind down....then they would shed crocodile tears like their mothers and fathers has died. That is the PPP/C for you.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

And I know many Ministers in the Govt

who voted and agreed for the plant to be Built By India

3 of those Ministers are Dead Now....

But many others are still Alive....


The Decision to give China the Contract

was decided by only 3 members in the Cabinet

Rat, Duck and Mr MBA

sound like a animal farm

Originally Posted by asj:

I should have said four things, my mistake:


1) The Chinese bribe (bakshish) would have now come into Play

Actually this is the first major Bribe that De Rat master-mined and was involved in Directly.

Before this, he was very careful and had to position himself to control the Central Committee....

so he moved Quickly to put everyone/all of them on the State payroll and pay them well.... and would keep reminding them.

He would say Privately...."Clinton, you must remember what I did for you what know Cheddi or Janet would never Do it". 


He would privately say the same to Gail, Nokta, Roger, Rohee, Killowan, Navin, Indra, Reep....and others.


But he could not carry that Nonsense to a few in the PPP who could not be Bought....Sash Swah, Moses or Doodnauth Singh.

One day I will tell you how Mr Doodnauth Singh put Jagdeo in his place.


2) Pradoville  (1) might have been on the drawing board...

Oh yes...Certainly


3) Sash Sawh would now have become a marked man and...
He was marked....and was taken out.....

Both  Jagdeo and his partner Roger knew everything....

Jagdeo was the first to Admit....

but Roger will squeal at the right time.


4) In all of these ongoings.......President Jagdoe was involved in every one?


Only De Parasites and De Crab-louse could say something different.




Originally Posted by asj:
That brings number five into play: Jalilbhai can you say how many of the House of Israel goons are with the PPP/C and if you can, then how many were in King  Jagdoe time?
All the House of Isreal Thugs were brought in by Jagdeo and remain in strategic positions he has chosen for the to be.
Ramotar is just following Instructions.....because he is most indebted to Hoyte would say...."Ramotar is  a Creature to Jagdeo"
A few names to start....Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton, Bynoe, Edghill, Tapps,







Originally Posted by asj:

Question : Was there a link between King Jagdoe, and Roger Khan. Sound like there were motives to kill those three Ministers?


 Answer : A very private Business/Working Relationship which will soon be exposed.  

And this went back from when Jagdeo was A Junior Minister Under Asgar and helping Roger set up his empire.


(1) We know Swah was a Hit.


(2) Pundit was fine up to Dr Jagan Death, Pundit led the Guyana Delegation of top officials which came to Andrews Airforce Base in 1997 to take Back Dr Jagans Boby to Guyana. He was not sick and he was still sparking on all his plugs.... still getting in trouble with some young girls.

But as soon as Jagdeo became President ....a strange sickness struck him down.....and he began to loose his marbles....and never recovered and Died.



(3)Mr Doodnoath Singh drew the line with Jagdeo. Soon after he got very sick too as his health was getting down, he was getting tired of seeing all the corruption going on....until he quietly resigned. Jagdeo was refusing to give the man his pension and he hauled the Govt to court and got his benefits thru a court order.....And he died later.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by asj:

Was there a link between King Jagdoe, and Roger Khan. Sound like there were motives to kill those three Ministers

 A very private Business/Working Relationship which will soon be exposed.  

And this went back from when Jagdeo was A Junior Minister Under Asgar and helping Roger set up his empire.


(1) We know Swah was a Hit.


(2) Pundit was fine up to Dr Jagan Death, Pundit led the Guyana Delegation of top officials which came to Andrews Airforce Base in 1997 to take Back Dr Jagans Boby to Guyana. He was not sick and he was still sparking on all his plugs.... still getting in trouble with some young girls.

But as soon as Jagdeo became President ....a strange sickness struck him down.....and he began to loose his marbles....and never recovered and Died.



(3)Mr Doodnoath Singh drew the line with Jagdeo. Soon after he got very sick too as his health was getting down, he was getting tired of seeing all the corruption going on....until he quietly resigned. Jagdeo was refusing to give the man his pension and he hauled the Govt to court and got his benefits thru a court order.....And he died later.



Wow! Amazing. My perceptive mamoo mentioned the same things. jalil and Mamoo think alike.


Indeed this is amazing......all three, Sawh, Reepu, and Doodnauth Singh, of the three we now know that two were directly connected to the Chinese Contract of the Skeldon Sugar Factory and the refusal to accept that Indian Contract, we now know that King Jagdoe, was somehow or the other seems to have something to do with the death of Sawh and later Reepu. We now know that the reason for the Chinese Contract was the bribe of nearly a Million US Dollars. We know that with a Million US Dollars Pradoville 1 went on the drawing board, took shape and then become a reality. We now know that two men knew of all the ongoings of King Jagdoe, and his shenanigans.....they lost their lives. King Jagdoe has now become a Semi God. 

But Doodnauth Singh? Why I am missing this one and cannot put together????


Whatever happens, we do have an insight into.....Thanks to JalilBhai, and I think that if we were to connect all the dots and cross our Tees, we now know the Ruthlessness of King Jagdoe....can we say that he is a bribe taker and a murderer??????? your guess is as good as mine.


I am sure now we do have a different perspective of the PPP/C.....a Party of Corruptors and Murders and the murderer is  still out there.

Pradoville 1 was sold at a fantastic price, Pradoville 2 might go the same way, there are still connections with Trawlers and other businesses in Maimi Florida, who know maybe some more business aligned with Bobby the Golden Boy.


We have seen where Guyana has been parcelled out and handed on a platter to close cronies and friends of the PPP/C. We have seen the poor and those who supported the PPP/C who really needs house lots, were stalled, we have seen another king in the making in the Ministry of Housing.


Jalilbhai, much thanks for your insights, you have opened the eyes of many here, but I am forced to ask you one more q


With Roger Khan coming out in a matter of a few years, with all his close associates gone to the great beyond, think that we will see some more serious action??


How come the International Community like the US, Canada, and UK are not up to the Crimes and Criminality of the Guyana Godfather.



Originally Posted by asj:

Also I can tell you this, there are Hundreds of Indians who came from the United States To Guyana and were really pissed off with the treatment that were given to them by the same Govt whom they themselves helped to put in power, these visitors really thought that the PPP/C would have been on the ball and their trips would have been perfect, but many were in for a surprise of their life..........never again would they trust the PPP/C.

Indirectly the PPP/c is to blame for allowing the afc/pnc customs for harassing people without the necessary controls. However note that they are the lesser of the 3 evils. The PPP are caught between a rock and a hard place, if they fire the pnc/afc custom, they will be threatened with mo fiah slow fian and Ramjattan et al will bring lawsuits against govt. Don't brush aside the afc/pnc role in corruption in Guyana, they are very well part of the conspiracy in conjunction with your aunt who condone the matter. My mother was once accosted similarly by customs but she stood her ground and prevailed, so your belly aching of how your aunt is old is bull crap. You and your family are part of the corruption as you will dig into your pockets and feed these cretins under duress. 


Jalilbhai, much thanks for your insights, you have opened the eyes of many here, but I am forced to ask you one more q


With Roger Khan coming out in a matter of a few years, with all his close associates gone to the great beyond, think that we will see some more serious action??


How come the International Community like the US, Canada, and UK are not up to the Crimes and Criminality of the Guyana Godfather.



Asj the International Community is playing their part,

just look at the secret leaked wiki leaks  documents and

you will know the US is on to all of jagdeo's Criminal operations,

look at the trials of all of the guyanese drug lords

and other personal friends of jagdeo like ed....

Uncle sam is collecting all the evidence.


The US, British and Canadian Govt

have all been showing the Guyanese people

they are not playing with this Corrupt Jagdeo Admin.


The International Community 

all said in one voice

cancelling Regional Elections for 20 years

is much worst than Calling Elections and Rigging them.


The International Community is appealing to the Guyanese to

wake up from their slumber....

stop supporting Race Politics and

stop supporting those Corrupt Leaders

cut ties with those who Incite Racial division.


Stop supporting Drug Lords and

Stop supporting Money Launderers.... and


Do not vote for Politicians who thief ...or...

who are associated with Narco Trafficing,

Gun Smuggling,  and Money Laundering. not feel Guyanese are not getting help...

things are happening...

How do you think De Amaila Project Collapse

How do you think Jagdeo & Ramotar fat-talk about Oil disappear?

How yuh think all de Oil Drilling come to a sudden halt?

How yuh think them Bank closing de valve on Guyana?

How yuh think nuff of dem Visa get tek away?

How yuh think nuff a dem cannot leave Guyana?

Why yuh think dem now begging the APNU & AFC fuh Help?

How yuh think  for the first time Overseas auditors in Guyana now?


Isn't is Strange that the Biggest Drug Lord get Captured

under a Big International operation

Involving Guyana/Suriname/Trinidad/USA....

and all the US Govt went to the extreme to

 Roger Khan was working together with Jagdeo

and they were protecting each other interest....

Nothing about the actual Drugs they were smuggleing,

How, where, Why or who are the other Players involved..

Roger talk like a Guyanese Parrot

eee tell them more than

the full page ad ee publish in De Guyana Paper

And they got the Info they need.......

 the whole story will come out at the right Time



Asj again....Isn't is Strange that

the Biggest Mortgage Scam and Fraud involving Guyanese

another Big International Ring

Involving Guyanese, Caribbean, Chinese and Top US Politicians 

International Cricket and Alan Sandford Connections


and the US Govt went to all the extreme to

Ed Ahmad was the Personal Business Partner of Jagdeo

got Guysuco Property, PPP Property (Mirror) and other Govt Assets

in exchange for Containers of Building Materials 

for Pradoville Mansion and handling De Business Interest in China.

Ed is wired and Jagdeo is Scared

Ed talk like Mille the Macaw

who Burnham sent to Expo 67 in Canada

and they got all the Info they want....

and the whole story will come out at the right Time


Asj again....Isn't is Strange that

the Biggest Insurance Scam and Fraud involving Guyanese

another Big International Ring

Pulling off the Biggest Scam on Met Life

Involving Guyanese, Liberty Avenue Businessmen,

Doctors, Lawyers, Real Estate & Mortgage players....

and even Richmond Hill Drunks.... 


and the US Govt went to all the extreme to prove...

Richard James is a very close & Personal Friend of Jagdeo

Showing pictures with them Together

at the Cricket in Guyana and in the Bars in Richmond Hill.

Porr Richard James Whistle like a to-wa-to-wa

and the whole story will come out at the right Time


So Asj....we have to keep exposing them

the Guyanese People are seeing the Truth

and they are changing

Parasites, Pimps, Prostitutes and the Crab-Louse

will tell us Different.

ASJ.... Time & The International  Community

Support is on Our side

and the whole story will come out at the right Time

Last edited by Former Member


The Guyanese people are already familiar with the truths jalil bhai has posted, and in 2011 48.62% voted for Donald Ramotar and the PPP.


The PNC got 40.83%; the AFC 10.33%


So you folks can keep BLAMING and COMPLAINING, the fact is the people who matter---the Guyanese voters---they have chosen not to walk backwards to the barbaric days of the PNC.







Last edited by Former Member

So Asj....we have to keep exposing them

the Guyanese People are seeing the Truth

and they are changing....



Parasites, Pimps, Prostitutes and the Crab-Louse

will tell us Different.



ASJ.... Time & The International  Community

Support is on Our side



and the whole story will come out at the right Time





Rev I Understand your position.

Rev, Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton & Bynoe

all now share the same Position

But..I do not know why you believe

48% is something to be excited about

I do not understand why you continue to

Celebrate Burnham Constitution.

Rev, Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton & Bynoe

all now share the same Position

Neither PPP or PNC

should be happy if AFC in only a few years

took away 10.33% of their Votes and Supporters.

However you bend or twist it

AFC got more than 20%  of the PPP/C Total Votes



AFC got more than 25%  of the APNU Total Votes



Not too bad following 

those that Broke away

and who are not afraid....

to speak.... the


Bro Jalil Thanks for your very comprehensive analysis. The more people read this the more they will accept that we did not really have a Government as Per se in Guyana but a bunch of corruptors, gang of criminals and murderers. It is reasonable to believe that the demise of Cheddi was when the PPP/C was no more the PPP as we knew it.


Jagan has dabbled with Politics for decades, when he died he was the President of Guyana, he died very poor and humble maybe he did not have a penny to his look at Past President Jagdoe, and all those Ministers....that tells us one thing........that to achieve all those wealth that they possess, there was only one way they could have done so, Me know, You know and if Rev wants to be truthful to us he can also tell us that he knows too


It is scary of what the PPP/C has evolved to today.


After Collecting US$10.7 Million, another screws up by the PPP/C


APA protests land titling project; claim

govt pressuring Toshaos

  • Wednesday, 23 October

President Donald Ramotar drives past a group of Amerindian protesters on the eastern entrance to the Guyana International Conference Centre where the National Toshaos Conference is being held.

A group of Amerindians under the banner of the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) on Wednesday protested against the signing earlier this week of the US$10.7 million land titling project, warning that it would yield conflict with occupants of traditional lands.

APA spokeswoman, Laura George said the project was signed on Monday without the knowledge of communities and the absence of a mechanism to resolve the issue of traditional lands.

She explained that the current laws do not recognize the lands that Amerindians have been occupying. “A lot of land titles that are granted leave out lands that we are occupying and use up to today- our traditional lands- so you have huge conflicts,” said George.
toshaos westAnother section of the Amerindians on the western exit from the Guyana International Conference CentreShe noted that communities in the Upper Mazaruni area were opposed to demarcation until their traditional lands were recognized.

Among the APA’s recommendations to address concerns about land demarcation is the establishment of Commission to study the implications of the protest.

The protesters also demanded that Toshaos (village chiefs) meeting at participating in the National Toshaos Conference (NTC) at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) do not bow to pressure from government officials on a  number of key issues.

Under watchful eyes of a small number of unarmed police, the more than 30 protesters carried placards that summed up their concerns. “Allow our Toshaos to speak freely without intimidation,” “UNDP you are making decisions without consulting us,” “In support of our Toshaos,” “We need our land title and our proposed extension to be demarcated now,” “Do not beat around, settle our land issue now,” “UNDP you did not consult us,” “Toshaos speak out for our land rights, we are here to support you,” “Respect our Indigenous Rights,” and “In the name of Jesus, we have the victory.”

George claimed that the Toshaos were under pressure to accept programmes and policies and “our peoples have not fully understood what the pros and the cons are.” She accused government of intensifying its pressure on Amerindian village leaders since the advent of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).“We are here to tell the Toshaos that we support them, tell the government not to pressure our Toshaos into endorsing projects that we do not fully understand in order to support but to listen to our Toshaos, to respect our leaders when they speak up for our rights and to adequately deal with lots of problems that we have in the communities,” she said.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and President Donald Ramotar were among those who whisked past the protesters in their cars on entering the GICC to participate in day three off the NTC Conference.

Relations between the Guyana government and the APA have not been healthy, especially when it comes to land issues, mining related pollution and the granting of mining permits in Amerindian lands.Amerindians do not enjoy subsurface rights to minerals.

President Donald Ramotar, in addresssing the opening of the NTC's conference, had suggested that efforts by a few to derail the land titling project had flopped.

The three-year project woul involve the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission and the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.

Funding for the land titling project was drawn down from Norway's payments to Guyana for preserving its tropical forests to absorb carbon emissions and reduce the rate and impact of climate change.


EX PPP/C member could not stand the corruptions so he spoke out and will continue to speak out.

Guyana’s “development” is influenced

by corruption

June 30, 2013 | By


Corruption has become pervasive in Guyana with some Government officials compromising quality of works executed by contractors for kickbacks on projects; manipulating inside information to enrich themselves through surrogates and providing information to influential businessmen.

Ralph Ramkarran


Originally Posted by asj:

Bro Jalil Thanks for your very comprehensive analysis. The more people read this the more they will accept that we did not really have a Government as Per se in Guyana but a bunch of corruptors, gang of criminals and murderers. It is reasonable to believe that the demise of Cheddi was when the PPP/C was no more the PPP as we knew it.


Jagan has dabbled with Politics for decades, when he died he was the President of Guyana, he died very poor and humble maybe he did not have a penny to his look at Past President Jagdoe, and all those Ministers....that tells us one thing........that to achieve all those wealth that they possess, there was only one way they could have done so, Me know, You know and if Rev wants to be truthful to us he can also tell us that he knows too


It is scary of what the PPP/C has evolved to today.

My Brother Asj,

Rev like both you and I .....know Jagdeo is a thief

I can show you in the past where Rev has publicly stated

Jagdeo thief and full his pocket with Millions US Dollars

But Rev is now exactly like Kwame,

We know Kwame turn round and turn over easy,

we know Kwame, Lamumba, Edghill,

Hamilton, Tapps, Bynoe and all them

Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs

Attack Indians who follow Jagan.

Indians suffer Rape, Rob, Injury, Murder

at the hands of these Black Thugs.


If they follow Jagan....

Indians were called "Dirty Indians"

by these Black PNC Thugs


Jagan encouraged his followers to fight

against Thieving, Crime, Corruption in Govt 

the govt must look after the Working class Interest

Govt must be lean and clean

Rev has turn over like Kwame

and attacking Indians who are followers of Jagan

and Doing exactly what Jagan said

Rev calling them "Dirty Indians"


The man who was a PPPite buss their



Guyana’s “development” is influenced

by corruption

June 30, 2013 | By


Corruption has become pervasive in Guyana with some Government officials compromising quality of works executed by contractors for kickbacks on projects; manipulating inside information to enrich themselves through surrogates and providing information to influential businessmen.

Ralph Ramkarran


Ramkarran, who had been a party stalwart since 1962, resigned from the PPP/C in June 2012. According to party sources, Ramkarran’s resignation was triggered by abuses from party insiders following his comments on the need for the party to address allegations of corruption.
However, only recently and perhaps because of growing pressure from members of the Opposition, private sector and media fraternity for the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission Ramkarran on his blog addressed the matter of corruption and Government’s unwillingness for this Commission.
According to Ramkarran, since the November 2011 National Elections, several revelations have emerged of corrupt, and even potentially criminal activities by persons currently or previously associated with the PPP and who have friends in the leadership or access thereto.
He added that corruption could no longer be hidden from the press and police. And, the evidence that is now present was not as a result of any action initiated by the Government without prior exposure.


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