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Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.



Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother was a Dirty PNC INdian.

Bai we need not get to Rev Mama,

HIs mother and father supported Burnham.

This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to shoe up at the polls on the day. On the other hane one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why you will be kicked because you lack unity. No wonder Granger is smiling because he has you K00lies in his pocket and he will twist you and turn you as he likes.  

Caribj gon kick you rass, remember abie c00lie prapa clannish.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to shoe up at the polls on the day. On the other hane one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why you will be kicked because you lack unity. No wonder Granger is smiling because he has you K00lies in his pocket and he will twist you and turn you as he likes.  

the naked scare appeal to race solidarity is a tatty old trick . . . now, ask me to pull the other finger u fool, and enlighten us all about the "morsel(s)" an impoverished PNC has on offer to anybody who 'defects' to their party 


u see, after tiefin unparalleled in Caribbean history, it is the PPP who has billions at its disposal to bribe and coerce, and its associates have effectively captured the Guyana economy


btw, Afro-Guyanese did not turn out for Corbin in 2006


so please, take your cheap racist lies/crude disinformation elsewhere

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.



Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother was a Dirty PNC INdian.

Bai we need not get to Rev Mama,

HIs mother and father supported Burnham.

Ronald Sugrim: This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to show up at the polls on the day. On the other hand one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why you will be kicked because you lack unity. No wonder Granger is smiling because he has you K00lies in his pocket and he will twist you and turn you as he likes.  

Excellent post Mr. Sugrim! Well said.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to shoe up at the polls on the day. On the other hane one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why you will be kicked because you lack unity. No wonder Granger is smiling because he has you K00lies in his pocket and he will twist you and turn you as he likes.  

the naked scare appeal to race solidarity is a tatty old trick . . . now, ask me to pull the other finger u fool, and enlighten us all about the "morsel(s)" an impoverished PNC has on offer to anybody who 'defects' to their party 


u see, after tiefin unparalleled in Caribbean history, it is the PPP who has billions at its disposal to bribe and coerce, and its associates have effectively captured the Guyana economy


btw, Afro-Guyanese did not turn out for Corbin in 2006


so please, take your cheap racist lies/crude disinformation elsewhere

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.



Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother was a Dirty PNC INdian.

Bai we need not get to Rev Mama,

HIs mother and father supported Burnham.

Ronald Sugrim: This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to shoe up at the polls on the day. On the other hane one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why you will be kicked because you lack unity. No wonder Granger is smiling because he has you K00lies in his pocket and he will twist you and turn you as he likes.  

Excellent post Mr. Sugrim! Well said.



This is extreme racism and race baiting.


Ministry of Housing and Water: A den of Corruption


Opposition Leader called the Ministry of Housing and Water (MH&W) a "den of corruption." He criticized the PPP for the fire at the MH&W building, saying it's an attempt to destroy records since an audit is scheduled soon. It sounds ridiculous, but is it? In 1996, the Ministry of Works building also burned down shortly before an audit was to be done. Neither the Police nor the Fire Service has filed reports of the cause of fire. The PPP claimed that it was electrical and that was the end of the issue.

It has been documented (by the PNC/R and acknowledged in the press) that more than 200 people have paid for housing lots in Sophia Housing Area alone (Fields A, B, and C) but are still to receive them. If we were to discards this as mere backlogged cases, how about people with receipts for house lots who cannot find matching payments in the ministry's record? Is money being accepted and not accounted for?


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.



Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother was a Dirty PNC INdian.

Bai we need not get to Rev Mama,

HIs mother and father supported Burnham.

This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to shoe up at the polls on the day. On the other hane one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why you will be kicked because you lack unity. No wonder Granger is smiling because he has you K00lies in his pocket and he will twist you and turn you as he likes.  

Don't you think we ought to look beyond the congealing of our opinions based on race rather than mind? If the idea of our political system reinforces race allegiances, is it not time for we to seek out one that reinforces mind alliances?


The people who moved from the PPP or AFC has a right to do so. They actually are more in control of their thinking than the rest of you folks who only see kind as the motivating tool and not the greater benefit for our society. Your complaints about race traitors, flip floppers etc all backtrack to your ironclad race conscious mind.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.




Thankfully, there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to deny the PPP victory in the next election in Guyana.



Rev Roly Poly Aly, you seem to forget that your mother was a Dirty PNC INdian.

Bai we need not get to Rev Mama,

HIs mother and father supported Burnham.

Ronald Sugrim: This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to show up at the polls on the day. On the other hand one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why..
Excellent post Mr. Sugrim! Well said.



Excellence in the mind of backward, retrogressive and culturally bound. One sees that in you in your appeal to the color code of caste and remake your own unclean, untouchable,  in the phrase "dirty indians". You  are that vestigial element that is as useful to the  culture as an appendix to the body.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I said it here before that many Indian supporters will either stay away or vote with their feet.

Many Indian supporters are disenchanted by the PPP/C, so when supporters who knows that their parents, themselves and families supported PPP/C for dankey years, and when the PPP/C makes a promise  for something very easy, and they failed miserably to deliver, then it is time that Indian kick their asses out.

 The alternative to the PPP is afc/pnc supported by the pedophile gang led by mjuanita and company. It is a case of the lesser of evils. I doubt that enough time has passed for Indians to forget the cruelty and destruction of the pnc/afc.

Druggie, do you think that I actually cares who rules Guyana? Any other Government rules Guyana will be a better choice for Guyana.

And the PNC is setting up the PPP/C for the next election.


1) Lets hinder the PPP/C from making life better for their supporters:

Like fools and Dummy: The PPP is falling for this


More later

I care who rules Guyana as I don't want to see the country run into the ground. Neither the PNC or AFC must ever get the chance to ruin the nation again. We know there are rotten eggs in the PPP but not to the same extent that we see in the PNC/AFC crime family.


The points you make about corruption is a matter for the pnc/afc police to remedy, I see you give no accountability there. Legislation is the only hope to root out corruption and I don't see the afc/pnc majority in parliament proposing any of substance. All they care about is retaining guns in the hands of the criminals as we see their vote against the gun legislation.


With regards to services, garbage, parks etc, we again see how misguided many of you are. You look to central govt to solve these ills when it should be a function of the local govt, funded by tax payers. Many of you critics live in the US and Canada and pay huge amounts of property taxes without complaining and those funds go to pay for parks, garbage cleanup, police service.  


You and the rest are bottom house debaters, holding one set of standards for the Guyana govt and another set for the country where you live. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I said it here before that many Indian supporters will either stay away or vote with their feet.

Many Indian supporters are disenchanted by the PPP/C, so when supporters who knows that their parents, themselves and families supported PPP/C for dankey years, and when the PPP/C makes a promise  for something very easy, and they failed miserably to deliver, then it is time that Indian kick their asses out.

 The alternative to the PPP is afc/pnc supported by the pedophile gang led by mjuanita and company. It is a case of the lesser of evils. I doubt that enough time has passed for Indians to forget the cruelty and destruction of the pnc/afc.

Druggie, do you think that I actually cares who rules Guyana? Any other Government rules Guyana will be a better choice for Guyana.

And the PNC is setting up the PPP/C for the next election.


1) Lets hinder the PPP/C from making life better for their supporters:

Like fools and Dummy: The PPP is falling for this


More later

I care who rules Guyana as I don't want to see the country run into the ground. Neither the PNC or AFC must ever get the chance to ruin the nation again. We know there are rotten eggs in the PPP but not to the same extent that we see in the PNC/AFC crime family.


The points you make about corruption is a matter for the pnc/afc police to remedy, I see you give no accountability there. Legislation is the only hope to root out corruption and I don't see the afc/pnc majority in parliament proposing any of substance. All they care about is retaining guns in the hands of the criminals as we see their vote against the gun legislation.


With regards to services, garbage, parks etc, we again see how misguided many of you are. You look to central govt to solve these ills when it should be a function of the local govt, funded by tax payers. Many of you critics live in the US and Canada and pay huge amounts of property taxes without complaining and those funds go to pay for parks, garbage cleanup, police service.  


You and the rest are bottom house debaters, holding one set of standards for the Guyana govt and another set for the country where you live. 

The primary function of any administration is the security of its people. The PPP has failed terribly here. They add to the misery of the nation by being the most prolific and rapacious pillagers of the state ever. You and debating are as oil and water.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The primary function of any administration is the security of its people. The PPP has failed terribly here. They add to the misery of the nation by being the most prolific and rapacious pillagers of the state ever. You and debating are as oil and water.

And that job belongs to the pnc/afc police. You don't expect Ramotar to pick up a gun and roam the streets?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The primary function of any administration is the security of its people. The PPP has failed terribly here. They add to the misery of the nation by being the most prolific and rapacious pillagers of the state ever. You and debating are as oil and water.

And that job belongs to the pnc/afc police. You don't expect Ramotar to pick up a gun and roam the streets?

The job of managers are to manage. If the manager is not in control of the employees the business fail. Ramotar knew who are the agents of his will and if the ones there are allowed to do things poorly then they are also expressions of his will. To this date it is piss poor.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The job of managers are to manage. If the manager is not in control of the employees the business fail. Ramotar knew who are the agents of his will and if the ones there are allowed to do things poorly then they are also expressions of his will. To this date it is piss poor.

True enough, however you discount the effect of mo fiah slow fiah as Brummel and the PNC/AFC police directly report to Granger, bypassing Rhoee. Now given this, the govt is stuck between a rock and a hard place as they are not allowed to micromanage Brummel. Any attempt to erradicated the PNC/afc elements from the GPF will result in protests and burnings. The govt have to walk a tight rope, compromising effective policing for political stability.

If the PNC were in power this crime situation would not exist as the police would be able to manhandle the criminals without the likes of Benschop and you protesting. Your claims of police brutality would turn to cheers of justice.


But more importantly, let us separate the facts from fiction, the crime rate in Guyana is no worse than its peers in the Caribbean. The only difference is that it is much more visible in opposition media giving the perception of widespread crime for political purposes.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The job of managers are to manage. If the manager is not in control of the employees the business fail. Ramotar knew who are the agents of his will and if the ones there are allowed to do things poorly then they are also expressions of his will. To this date it is piss poor.

True enough, however you discount the effect of mo fiah slow fiah as Brummel and the PNC/AFC police directly report to Granger, bypassing Rhoee. Now given this, the govt is stuck between a rock and a hard place as they are not allowed to micromanage Brummel. Any attempt to erradicated the PNC/afc elements from the GPF will result in protests and burnings. The govt have to walk a tight rope, compromising effective policing for political stability.

If the PNC were in power this crime situation would not exist as the police would be able to manhandle the criminals without the likes of Benschop and you protesting. Your claims of police brutality would turn to cheers of justice . . .

drugabeer attempting to mask idiot grade reasoning skills with 'comedy' . . . hmmm?



Last edited by Former Member

The PPP/C have isolated themselves from their own supporters for the longest while, today most Ministers are scared of getting booed in visiting areas/villages  of  their own supporters. Most of the Ministers would not visit simply because they are ashamed of the deterioration. The PPP/C has failed miserably those that have supported them and they ( PPP/C) realised this, do they have a plan to bounced back? The answer is simply no, they are a tired bunch that are begging to be kicked out.


Would not be surprising if they continues to stalled the local government elections, because they know that their support has dwindled. 



Originally Posted by asj:

The PPP/C have isolated themselves from their own supporters for the longest while, today most Ministers are scared of getting booed in visiting areas/villages  of  their own supporters. Most of the Ministers would not visit simply because they are ashamed of the deterioration. The PPP/C has failed miserably those that have supported them and they ( PPP/C) realised this, do they have a plan to bounced back? The answer is simply no, they are a tired bunch that are begging to be kicked out.


Would not be surprising if they continues to stalled the local government elections, because they know that their support has dwindled. 



Those PPP boys are now fatt cyats.  This is why change is good.  The problem is they have the choice of the evil PNC who will destroy the nation once gain.

Originally Posted by asj:


Would not be surprising if they continues to stalled the local government elections, because they know that their support has dwindled. 



The PPP will one day lose power in Guyana. But thankfully the PPP will not lose power to proven loser and failure David Granger and the treacherous PNC. And all of Guyana now know how corrupt the AFC leaders are. So it looks like you will be sulking for decades to come. The PPP will continue to lead Guyana.



Last edited by Former Member

Guyana’s “development” is influenced

by corruption

June 30, 2013 | By


Corruption has become pervasive in Guyana with some Government officials compromising quality of works executed by contractors for kickbacks on projects; manipulating inside information to enrich themselves through surrogates and providing information to influential businessmen.

Ralph Ramkarran

This is according to Ralph Ramkarran, former Speaker of the National Assembly and former Executive member of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, which has been in power from 1992 to date, in a blog entitled “The Kleptocratic Republic of Guyana”.
Ramkarran, who had been a party stalwart since 1962, resigned from the PPP/C in June 2012. According to party sources, Ramkarran’s resignation was triggered by abuses from party insiders following his comments on the need for the party to address allegations of corruption.
However, only recently and perhaps because of growing pressure from members of the Opposition, private sector and media fraternity for the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission Ramkarran on his blog addressed the matter of corruption and Government’s unwillingness for this Commission.
According to Ramkarran, since the November 2011 National Elections, several revelations have emerged of corrupt, and even potentially criminal activities by persons currently or previously associated with the PPP and who have friends in the leadership or access thereto.
He added that corruption could no longer be hidden from the press and police. And, the evidence that is now present was not as a result of any action initiated by the Government without prior exposure.
“It is now clear that the adamancy of the government and the PPP in refusing to acknowledge the level of corruption in the society, and to do something about it, is linked to where the corruption is located. It is not known whether Government spokespersons are still so blind about corruption that they are still asking, where is the evidence? Guyana will soon qualify as â€˜The Kleptocratic Republic of Guyana,’ Ramkarran said.
Without mentioning names of the corrupt bureaucrats and beneficiaries of contracts, Ramkarran narrowed his comments to persons in leadership capacities and those closely aligned to the party. He also wrote of “a group of wealthy and influential businessmen who have high political connections”.
Whilst examining the various categories of corruption, the former Government insider said that there is a group of wealthy and influential businessmen, who have high political connections and access to pertinent information.
He said that these men meet regularly to examine business opportunities and potential deals and map out strategies as to how their plans can go forward, and implement those plans.
“They have access, through their political connections, to information of the potential opportunities that are likely to emerge in the near to medium term and are in a position to make the investments now so as to cash in on those opportunities down the road,” Ramkarran said.
Another level of corruption involves some bureaucrats (government official), who are usually in charge of funds, contracts, supplies and they easily maneuver around the regulations to enable them to perpetrate their corrupt deeds.
This particular group of people he speaks of, utilizes their positions to manipulate contracts so that the rewards go to them directly or through surrogates. “They establish companies with their friends or relatives and steer the contracts to these companies. This is a well known practice that is widely engaged in. They also have friends in the party leadership or access thereto”.
He said that many infrastructural projects such as roads, bridges and buildings are poorly done because some contractors are forced to give bribes to many officials.
He said, “It is not merely that the contractors are dishonest. They tell you openly that if they have to bribe so many officials, then there is not enough to spend on the works to complete them in accordance with the contracts and to make a profit for themselves at the same timeâ€Ķ Of course, they willingly collaborate with this state of affairsâ€Ķ Many of these contractors, businessmen and suppliers of goods and services have close links with the PPP, including members of the leadership.”
According to Ramkarran, “The PPP leadership is supported and financed by all of these groups and state decisions are influenced by their interests. The PPP is no longer motivated by working class ideology although it still clings to its historical connections. The reason that the Public Procurement Commission, a vital instrument in the struggle against corruption, will never be established is that the PPP is a political organization that now represents a section of the petit bourgeoisie, those three parts of which are described above, whose interests are antagonistic to those of the working class and conflict with acceptable standards of integrity.”
In explaining the genesis of corruption under this Administration, Ramkarran said it began after 1997 with the State’s interest in the Community Development Committees (CDCs) started to wane and eventually withered.
He stated that the CDC was created by Dr. Cheddi Jagan in 1992 with the intent of having community members equipped with contracts to help to monitor projects.
Using his institutional knowledge he added, “Even though the intention was not clearly articulated at the time, the CDCs would have assisted in the transformation of the functioning of Party Groups and Bodies whose roles had to be reassessed in view of the collapse of socialism and the attainment of office by the Party.
“Cheddi Jagan must have understood the great danger of the emergence of corruption which he had been fighting vehemently during the PNC years. At the same time, the focus of Party Groups needed to be shifted to development and service issues so as to keep their activities relevant to the new situation. All of that has now collapsed in the scramble which was allowed to develop for jobs, gun licences, house lots and contracts.”
According to Ramkarran, despite the extent of corruption there are thousands of public servants, businessmen, contractors and others who perform services of a high quality with dedication and integrity.


NDIA alleged fraudâ€ĶCEO approves

millions in illegal spending

October 14, 2013 | By


An audit report for April 5 to September 30, 2012 has fingered National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA)’s Chief Executive Officer in a scheme involving the approval of millions in illegal payments.
The report, which was prepared by the then Field Auditor, Pablo Singh, stated that funds, released under the Community Drainage and  Improvement Project (CDIP), were misappropriated by the Chief Executive Officer, Lionel Wordsworth, and that even the Minister of Agriculture benefited from the fraud.

Minister Leslie amsammy

Minister Leslie amsammy

CDIP was established in 2006 by the Caribbean Development Bank to the tune of US$5.050M ($1billion). The programme was funded in 2007 directly through the Ministry of Finance, with a sum of $800M and shifted to the Ministry of Agriculture under NDIA.
According to the report, which was seen by Kaieteur News, no financials for NDIA was prepared reflecting the expenditure of the project. NIDA is required to maintain its own accounting records and is subject to separate reporting and audit.
It was recommended that financial statements for NDIA should be immediately prepared monthly, including CDIP’s releases and expenditure and supporting systems put in place so that the NIDA Act of 2004 is complied with.
Singh, who was dismissed last year from NDIA for breaching protocol by sending the damning audit report to President Donald Ramotar, discovered a series of financial irregularities in the operations of the entity. Singh had recommended the dismissal of Wordsworth and a Senior Engineer Aneel Chowbay. Besides the non-renewal of Chowbay’s contract, no other action was taken at the entity.
Payment to MMA
The report stated on May 28, 2012, $2M requested by the Accountant was approved by the CEO and paid to Mahaica/Mahaicony Abary Agricultural Development Authority (MMA-ADA), Region Five, without any documented reason, appropriation or a request from the Region.
It was noted that a CDIP staff and the Accountant signed an MMA-ADA receipt as receiving the $2M cheque, instead of a designated MMA-ADA staff on June 1, 2012.
The report stated the Accountant and an individual, who was identified, confirmed no works were done, but MMA-ADA claimed $7.8M on February 24, 2013 and March 29, 2012 for the month of February 2012.
The Region was asked by Wordsworth to suspend works for the month of February due to cash flow problems.

Lionel Wordsworth, CEO

Lionel Wordsworth, CEO

“It is audit’s opinion that this disbursement by CDIP approved by the CEO-NDIA was illegal since no work was done,” the report stated.
Breach of Procurement Act
Singh reported that the procurement process was breached by NDIA deliberately sole-sourcing Phoenix payroll application from Phoenix Software for $825,000 on January 19, 2012, instead of utilizing the open tendering process. “It must be noted that there are other providers of payroll applications available at the time,” the report said.
Though there should be no negotiations between the procuring entity and bidders, NDIA re-negotiated with Phoenix Software, resulting in the procurement of the application for $799,000. “It is audit’s opinion that the breach of the Procurement Act 2003 and findings under this section were fraudulent by manipulating the open tendering/quotation procurement process avoiding the review and approval of NPTAB,” the report stated.
Minister Ali Baksh
According to the report, $10,000 of the CDIP funds was used to cover transportation costs for two truck-loads of items from Food for the Poor to Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture Ali Baksh’s residence in Campbellville. The request for payment was done by the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, George Jervis and approved by Wordsworth.
Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy
The report revealed that office furniture for Dr. Ramsammy’s office, costing $402,000 was illegally paid to Starcomm using CDIP funds. The CEO who approved the payment explained that the Permanent Secretary submitted the request.
Payments to New Thriving Restaurant
Singh’s audit unearthed that a sum of money, reportedly spent on a technical meeting under the CDIP, was actually spent for a farewell function and personal use.
The report revealed that payment of $70,000 was incorrectly made using a quotation for dinner to New Thriving Restaurant via cheque dated August 14, 2012. The dinner was for participants attending a meeting with technical staff and overseas visitors on the said date.
The Company Secretary, who was responsible for the payment of the bill, allegedly made an additional claim of $36,618 and deliberately stated the expenses were for the technical meeting.
The report said a breakdown of the total cost of $106,618 revealed that $45,702 was spent on August 14 and $2,538 and $58,378 were spent on August 17 and 24.
It was noted that upon inquiry on September 9, the Company Secretary admitted that the monies were utilized for an attachment staff’s farewell and $2,538 was used for his personal expense and proceeded to refund the money the next day.
“It is audit’s opinion that (name given) Company Secretary made an attempt to pay his personal bill using CDIP’s fund and misrepresented the additional costs by stating the monies were for the technical meeting.
Singh had recommended, “Disciplinary action should be taken against the Company Secretary for his initial misrepresentation of expenses subsequently corrected upon audit’s intervention.”


The above Reports tells of what the PPP/C has now becomes. Every NDC in the Country can be regarded as a Robbers Den, where corruptions abounds  and where the PPP/C has seems to know of the ungoings.....but are afraid to open that box of hornet's nest.


When every top Honchos of the PPP/C are expecting a cut, then no one has ability to bell the cat.


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