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Originally Posted by asj:

In this thread, there are twenty pages with more than eight hundred reasons why it will be a waste of time to vote for the corrupt PPP/C.

Maybe we should make this one thousand reasons, why it will be a waste of time and effort to vote for a Corrupt PPP/C

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Guyanese voters in Guyana are not reading this. So what difference would 1000 reasons make? There can be 10,000 throwing water on duck's back.

Skelly, the post says some 34,106 read this; rest assured that young voters are reading this, even if a few thousands were to have a mindset of dumping the PPP/C, (they will be voters come next election) then that number will  come back to haunt those crooks in the PPP/C 


Young people are largely forgotten

February 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

Half of Guyana’s population (about 50.9 per cent) is below the age of 24. And more than one-third (about 36.9 per cent) is between 25 and 54 years of age. The government, however, persists in the non-implementation of a coherent national policy to cater to the needs of this large number of young Guyanese. Young people are the nation’s future but they face monumental challenges. The spate of suicides among adolescents, the rising number of teenage pregnancies, the large number of school dropouts, the unavailability of new job opportunities, the reports of their being victims of police brutality and torture, the huge prison population (of which youth are said to comprise 75 per cent) and the predicament of juveniles in the New Opportunity Corps are all signs of a dangerous and deteriorating social situation. The Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport publicly announced on several occasions that the National Youth Policy would be reviewed. The problem is that he has promulgated no such ‘Policy.’ The result has been that youths continue to face difficult lives in the land of their birth. The single biggest problem at the national level, with dire implications for the future, has been the growing number of illiterate and innumerate youths. The Ministry of Education reports that nearly 7,000 children drop out of our primary and secondary schools every year. Youths who do not complete their basic education satisfactorily will find it difficult to get jobs. Joblessness among young people in the Caribbean Community, at an average of 23 per cent, is higher than many other developed and developing countries. The majority of young university graduates in Guyana, unable to find employment, are forced to migrate or remain out-of-work. The National Employment Report published by the International Labour Organisation, estimated that, based on Guyana’s Household Income and Expenditure Survey which was last undertaken over a decade ago, about 44 per cent of the population of working age are “not economically active.” This situation has arisen, in part, because the ‘one-size-fits-all’ education model has failed. For many students, it has little relevance to the needs in the communities in which they live. The economies of most regions, for example, are based on farming and fishing. There is also a great need for the expansion of public physical infrastructure such as airstrips, bridges, roads and stellings.  The education system therefore, should emphasise agricultural, engineering and technology so that school-leavers could be equipped with the skills to enable them to live and work comfortably in their areas of residence. It does not. The government is aware of the mismatch between education and employment. Its response, in the absence of a coherent policy, however, has been hopelessly haphazard. Five government ministries – the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs; Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Labour – jostle each other to offer a variety of unrelated, short-term training courses all aimed at unemployed, out-of-school young people. They all promise but do not provide, the long-term careers that youths desperately seek. The Ministry of Amerindian Affairs conducts a multi-million dollar Youth Apprenticeship and Entrepreneur Programme (YAEP).  The Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport conducts the Youth Entrepreneurial Skills Training (YEST) programme. The Ministry of Home Affairs offers training in what it calls “life skills” under its Citizen Security Programme (CSP). The Ministry of Labour conducts a two-year programme called the National Training Project for Youth Empowerment (NTPYE). Programmes such as the President’s Youth Choice initiative (PYCI) and the President’s Youth Award Republic of Guyana (PYARG) have failed long ago. They had little impact on youths over the years. There are many programmes but there has been little progress in solving the problems facing young people. Despite the ferment of initiatives – CSP; NTPYE; PYCI; PYARG; YAEP and YEST – there have been few new job opportunities. Too many Guyanese youths still leave school unskilled, enter the workforce for the first time and are obliged to resort to the informal sector for employment in low-paying occupations.  Four out of every ten youths face a jobless future.


It would seem that APNU/AFC is targeting this group, the PPPC is scared to death.


UG staff and students need to hold their strain and refuse to go back to work unless their demands are met else sit out till may 11.


Basically they need to ramp up their protests. The Coalition needs to join these workers and Sugar workers and rice farmers and every other group that is persecuted by this government needs to come together and protest at Turkeyen.


23-Y-O Corentyne man allegedly drugged, gang raped

February 18, 2015 5:46 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

[] – The family of a 23 – year -old man is crying out for justice, after they reported that he was allegedly raped by three men in the Corentyne Berbice area.

iNews understands that he was allegedly drugged and sodomized by the men while working with them on January 29, 2015. His mother told iNews that her son only came forward and related to the family what had occurred on February 04‎.

She explained that the incident has left him in a state of shock and shame, which initially prompted him to remain quiet for days before reporting the matter to the police.

The 23 – year – old recently got married. iNews understands that the young man felt “paralyzed” after consuming an alcoholic beverage that was given to him by one of the friends and he subsequently fainted.

It was noted that he woke up at his place of work after the alleged rape and then went home without revealing what happened to anyone.

However, after returning to work, his alleged rapists verbally abused him and it only came to a stop when he chopped one of them. This then prompted a police investigation which uncovered that the 23 – year – old was allegedly raped.

The victim continues to receive medical and psychological treatment to help him cope with the stress and trauma of the incident.

The woman has since accused some police ranks in the Corentyne area of trying to cover up the matter; however Commander of ‘B’ Division, Brian Joseph reassured iNews that this is not the case.

He explained that a statement was obtained from the victim after a report of rape was made and the accused men were arrested and placed on bail as investigations continue.




Hughes: Sentence for PM’s son vacated with magistrate’s firing

Feb 20, 2015
0 2

Just posted on Nigel Hughes’ FB page re the firing today of Magistrate Geeta Chandan Edmund, the consequence of which is that Sam Hinds Jr who was found guilty of wounding will have to be retried.

“Press Release. On the 16th day of January 2014 Magistrate Geeta Chandan Edmund was written to by the Judicial Service Commission in relation to the following allegations Absence from a Magistrate’s Association meeting to discuss the Sexual Offenses Act Medical leave for two days between the 5th and 7th June 2013 Absence for sick leave. Failure to report absence of work to the Chancellor. Inability to deliver 19 decisions Failure to respond to queries from the Chief Magistrate. Departure from Guyana on the 20th day of January 2013 without approval. There was no allegation of misconduct leveled against Ms Chandan Edmund. There was no hearing or any invitation to any hearing on the allegations for the entire year of 2014. Samuel Hinds Junior was charged with a serious criminal offense of unlawful wounding on the 3rd March 2014. Magistrate Geeta Chandan Edmund conducted the trial and found Samuel Hinds Junior guilty on the 6th February 2015. The Magistrate deferred sentencing Mr. Hinds to allow a Probation Report to be prepared and adjourned the matter to 20th February 2015. On the 13th day of February 2015 at 4.15 PM the Judicial Service Commission in excess of one year after they laid the above allegations against Magistrate and four days before the date sent for sentencing of Samuel Hinds Junior, the Judicial Service Commission instructed Magistrate Chandan Edmund to attend a hearing on the 18th day of February 2015. On Monday the 16th day of February 2015 Counsel for the Magistrate wrote to the Judicial Service Commission inquiring bout the format and procedure which the Commission intended to pursue at the hearing. On the 18th day of February 2015 the Magistrate in the company of her Attorney attended the Judicial Service Commission where Counsel for the Magistrate inquired about the rules under which the Commission intended to deliberate , the procedure to be adopted particularly whether it was an adversarial or inquisitorial proceeding. Counsel further pointed out to the JSC that there was no rule which required the Magistrate to notify the Chancellor and or seek his permission prior to her departure from the Country. The Commission conceded that there was no such rule in existence either in the Judicial Service Commission Rules or the Public Service Rules but said that there was a standard administrative practice that the Chancellor approve her departure The Commission further informed the Magistrate that they were not obliged to specify what procedure they intended to pursue as they were going ahead with the inquiry. The complainant and the adjudicator in the entire proceedings was the the Judicial Service Commission. Every single allegation leveled against the Magistrate was answered and refuted with the production of documentary evidence including a letter from the Doctor who examined Ms Chandan Edmund. On Friday the 20th February 2015 when the case of the Police V Samuel Hinds Junior was called, the probation officer was unable to produce a Probation Report thereby forcing an adjournment. At 2.15 pm on the same day the Magistrate was informed “ the Commission therefore considers it both necessary and appropriate, that it is in the public interest that you be forthwith discharged from further magisterial duty”. The immediate effect of the termination of the Magistrate’s service is that the verdict against Mr. Hinds is vacated and a new trial before a different Magistrate will now follow. The Magistrate intends to pursue all legal remedies available to her up to the Caribbean Court of Justice


Cheddi and Janet Jagan must be turning in their graves – says daughter at memorial

April 4, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Ms Jagan-Brancier speaking to the audience

“My parents were probably the most incorruptible people you would ever find; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards, but unfortunately do not exist or I don’t see it in many of the leaders of the party and government.” The comments came from the daughter of the late Guyanese leaders Dr Cheddi Jagan and Mrs Janet Jagan. She said that the current leaders of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and government lack “the very, very, very high moral standards” which her parents embodied when they were alive. Mrs Nadira Jagan-Brancier scolded the party for putting out platforms using her parents’ name— particularly her father’s— and not living up really and truly to what her parents had stood for. “It is not enough to go out there and make lovely speeches about who my parents were, what they did and the legacy that we’re carrying on”. She said that her parents fought for sugar workers, the poor and down-trodden in Guyana and in the world. “That’s who they stood for, and again, I think the party has moved away— not the party but certain elements in the party— from these very, very important values that held the party together and what makes the PPP what it is and so for me, when I look at some of the things happening, my parents must be turning in their graves— but they must be churning up in the waters of the rivers (in which their ashes were sprinkled)”. She said that if the PPP is saying that it is following Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan as a living guide, “the only way you can follow them is to return to basics, return to who this party is which is the working- class party, obviously you have to support other people, but the base of this party is a working- class party, get back to being a non- corruptible party, so people can’t point a finger and say ‘there is so much corruption, why should we worry?” The daughter of the late leaders then pleaded with the PPP/C leaders and members to get back to the high and moral values. “If the leaders don’t show the moral values then people won’t do it, and you’re children won’t grow up with moral values. And if your families don’t show moral values, then society as a whole will lose that”. “Their lives were involved in politics so their time for me and my brother was very limitedâ€ĶThey weren’t there the amount of hours that most people would have their parents around, but the times that they were, it was what they called quality time, not quantityâ€Ķso the times they spent with us— memories that I will have for the rest of my life”. She noted that her parents were very normal, simple, and humble people and a “very, very loving couple”. She recalled sitting down for breakfast in the mornings around the family table and listening to the news from Guyana or the BBC “and you weren’t allowed to talk”. She noted that they lived very simple lives and told the gathering that the house in which her parents once lived, is now open to the public. “The house is there and I really encourage people to use the opportunity to go in Bel Air and see the house where they livedâ€ĶThey lived a very simple life; they didn’t have big ostentatious homes that you see nowadays that government officials and party officials have, which is a very sad thing, personally”. Ms Jagan- Brancier also encouraged persons to visit the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre in Kingston. “This was when my father was Premier from 1961 to 1964”. “Most people think of my mom as only writing for the Mirror and other political things; my mom wrote a lot of children stories— I hope that people who have children would know this. She was also a poet and wrote some beautiful poems.” Mrs Jagan’s prison diary, she said, are all important documents that Mrs Jagan-Brancier urged persons to read. The Cheddi Jagan website is also another feature that she urged the public to access information “and on this website, you will find information”.


Burnhan use to say....No Big Thing....

One Door Shut ......another Door Open


PPP History

Comrades who left the PPP (1950- 1992)

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham -

Also Known as Odo/ Fatboy/Stinker


Hamilton Green


Dr Reid


Sydney King - Also Known as Eusie Kuyana.

 4th of July Fireworks



Dr Mohamed Sahabadeen


Ambassador Insanally


Martin Carter


Vincent Teekah


Ranji Chandlisingh


Mohamed Saffee


Halim Majeed


Mohamed Nissar


Balwant Singh Rai


Ravi Dev


Batoram Rambarrack


Prem Misir


Pandit Sharma




This is Just a few on the Very Long List



Comrades who Join the PPP

and Got Top Jobs at Freedom House

and at Office of the President...



Odinga Lamumba -

Dangerous/Black PNC House of Israel Thug


Kwame McCoy -

Dangerous/Black PNC House of Israel Thug

+ B@tty Boy


Hamilton -

Dangerous/Black PNC House of Israel Thug


Philip Bynoe -

Dangerous/Black PNC Thug From Linden

+ Treason Accused

Crab louse Picture Slideshow 

Whiticka -

Dangerous/Black PNC Thug



Edgehill -


Dangerous/Black PNC Thug


Manniram -

PNC city Councilor... Member of CREEP

+ B@tty Boy




Eddie Boyer

PNC Financer....

Son-in-law of PNC CIA Agent Richard Ishmael.


Kit Nascimento

PNC Communication Expert

Cover-up PNC Rigged Elections & Jonestown

American Cockroach Illustration 

Norman McClean

Burnham Chief of Security

Head of National Service

Head of The GDF

Involved in Stealing Ballot Boxes

Walter Rodney Murder



So Burnham was Right


PPP Lost the Some of the

Brightest & Best in Guyana....

Between 1950 - 1992

And Can only attract

those Crab Louse

from the Bottom Of The Barrel

Between 1998 - 2015


Prime Minister’s son up for retrial following dismissal of Magistrate

February 21, 2015 6:24 am Category: latest news A+ / A-



Geeta Chandan-Edmond

[] – Prime Minister Samuel Hinds’ son will be up for a retrial after Geeta Chandan-Edmond, the Magistrate that found him guilty of an offence in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on February 6 was fired by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) on Friday, February 20.

The Magistrate was slated to sentence Hinds Jr on Friday. According to a release from the Attorney representing the Magistrate, Nigel Hughes, “the immediate effect of the termination of the Magistrate’s service is that the verdict against Mr. Hinds (Samuel Hinds Jnr.) is vacated and a new trial before a different Magistrate will now follow.

Hughes in the statement to the media made it clear that his client intends to legally challenge the decision, even if that means going to the Caribbean Court of Justice.

iNews understands that Magistrate Chandan-Edmond was hauled before the JSC, chaired by Chancellor Carl Singh on Wednesday, February 18, where it was claimed that a Minutes Book went missing while she was on maternity leave. Several other matters were also raised which date back from as far as 2013.

But Hughes in the statement said that every single allegation leveled against the Magistrate was answered and refuted with the production of documentary evidence including a letter from the Doctor who examined Chandan Edmond.

Sam Hinds Jr.

“There was no allegation of misconduct leveled against Ms Chandan Edmond. There was no hearing or any invitation to any hearing on the allegations for the entire year of 2014,” the statement noted.

iNews understands that on Friday, February 2015 when the case of the Police Vs Samuel Hinds Junior was called, the probation officer was unable to produce a Probation Report thereby forcing an adjournment.

“At 2.15 pm on the same day, the Magistrate was informed ‘the Commission therefore considers it both necessary and appropriate, that it is in the public interest that you be forthwith discharged from further magisterial duty.”

Hinds Jr. was accused of assaulting his sister-in-law, Tenza Lane.


BREAKING NEWS: Elderly Essequibo Coast woman raped, murdered.

BREAKING NEWS: Elderly Essequibo Coast woman raped, murdered

Demerara Waves This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
An elderly woman, who lived alone, was raped and killed at her home on the Essequibo Coast. The body of 73-year old Surspattie Ramlakhan was found in her house at Richmond Village Friday morning. Investigators told Demerara Waves Online News that Singh’s body had marks of violence on her neck and vagina. The house was not ransacked and preliminarily there is no evidence that anything was stolen. She was last seen alive on Thursday.Neighbours thought was something was amiss after they did not see her praying and doing chores around the yard.

teenager tortured by the guyana police force

Guyana cops who did this dastardly act was promoted recently, seems like to be with the Blessings from the Corrupt PPP/C Government, of course one
know that the PPP/C does not make the decision for Police Promotions but the Minister of Home Affairs would normally sanction the decisions. So one would think that it is the same as the PPP/C made the decision.



Situations where no other than the President of Guyana would make promises and do not stand by his promise/s making him a fokking liar.



I hope President Ramotar will remember to fulfill his promise

April 2, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Sometime in February 2015, I was watching my TV when I was lucky to catch a live call-in programme on a local channel featuring our President, Mr Donald Ramotar, a person whom I always admire for his humility and honesty, and along with him, Mr Seeraj from the RPA. During this programme, a female called in to complain about the loud music emanating from two popular discos, especially on Mondays, causing great discomfort and annoyance to the residents of Charity and to a greater extent, the Catholic Church and the hospital. This woman’s complaint could not be more true, as I could attest through this letter that I as a Catholic had this experience with the noise from these discos. Because of this noise, the priests of the Catholic Church cannot perform their duties in a place of tranquility and more so have proper evening classes with the children staying at the Catholic dormitory. The priest of this church has made several complaints to the Charity Police Station which I am sure are recorded. The President’s answer to the female caller was that he would have discussed this matter with the Divisional Commander, and himself and Mr Seeraj publicly said that residents have a constitutional right to enjoy the peace, tranquility and comfort of their surroundings. My reason for this letter is because it seems that the President has forgotten his promise when he walked out of the TV studio, because up to this day this nuisance has continued unabated, compliments of the Charity Police Station. There are two questions to this matter: Could it be that the proprietors of these places have high political connections and/or maybe in the Guyana Police Force, making them a part of the untouchables in Guyana. The Easter Monday holiday is coming up, and this is a day when the volume of the music increases ten-fold, without any intervention by the police to curb the noise. I feel, like many others in Guyana, that strong laws and systems should be legislated on noise pollution to protect the people, especially the sick, the elderly and the school children from this scourge in our society, not forgetting places of worship and hospitals. I would like to share this thought in this letter for the ruling politicians to ponder on. You could have two super rich friends go into a polling booth with two bags full of cash, but what counts are only their thumb prints, and twenty poor persons with no cash against you going into that booth are more powerful than your two friends. I hope President Ramotar will have an opportunity to read this letter and remember to fulfill his promise.

Member of the Catholic fraternity

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Amral:
A few phone calls to folks on the WCD and they talking PPP   Who knows PPP could run away with a landslide win


I made several phone calls to Berbice and the same sentiment is being expressed.


The PPP is headed for a landslide victory.


AFC/PNC die hards are being misled by the motorcades that are running around the country. Motorcades do not win elections, voters decide elections.

Originally Posted by cain:

Yall does make nuff calls eh. One call to one friend and is everybody votin for tiefman party, hehehehe

People tend to mix with those of like mind, so obviously phone calls will reinforce people's positions.


It will be a CLOSE election, and no one knows who will win!


1.  Will young voters in PNC strongholds, who haven't been voting, show up?


2.  Will the PPP racial panic incite Indo fence sitters to vote PPP and hope that they change?


3.  Will the coalition increase its inroads into the Amerindian areas which is began last time, when the PNC significantly increased its Region 9 votes, taking those previously cast for the UF, and AFC doing the same in Region 8.


4. Is the vote more motivated in PNC strongholds than in PPP strongholds.


No one truly knows the answer as many will decide what they will do on election day.   Its really two mediocre dogs chasing each other.  The notion that Moses is some Jesus Christ, or the return of Cheddi Jagan, walking on earth is ludicrous.


As Kari said, what will determine the event is if Guyanese are ready for change or not.  It does appear as if they might be, but who really knows.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:

Yall does make nuff calls eh. One call to one friend and is everybody votin for tiefman party, hehehehe

People tend to mix with those of like mind, so obviously phone calls will reinforce people's positions.


It will be a CLOSE election, and no one knows who will win!


1.  Will young voters in PNC strongholds, who haven't been voting, show up?


2.  Will the PPP racial panic incite Indo fence sitters to vote PPP and hope that they change?


3.  Will the coalition increase its inroads into the Amerindian areas which is began last time, when the PNC significantly increased its Region 9 votes, taking those previously cast for the UF, and AFC doing the same in Region 8.


4. Is the vote more motivated in PNC strongholds than in PPP strongholds.


No one truly knows the answer as many will decide what they will do on election day.   Its really two mediocre dogs chasing each other.  The notion that Moses is some Jesus Christ, or the return of Cheddi Jagan, walking on earth is ludicrous.


As Kari said, what will determine the event is if Guyanese are ready for change or not.  It does appear as if they might be, but who really knows.

If If If.


Listen, Indos will not vote for a racist PNC which is 30 Percent of the population and takes 75 Percent representation in parliament.


Stop daydreaming of the Burnhama and Hoyte's dictatorship era.


PPP is headed for a landslide victory. Indos will not downgrade from the PPP to a known racist PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Listen, Indos will not vote for a racist PNC


Yes I know that in your Indo KKK land only Indians matter.  News flash, over 50% of the voters ARE NOT INDIAN!


So what do blacks think of a PPP which screams that blacks are lazy, incompetent and criminal, and that if a crowd is 95% black a riot will undoubtedly occur!   Remember that even though some people say that they are mixed, they act as if they are black.  40%.


US wades into Minister for ‘slap and strip’ threats

April 24, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

- another tape surfaces as pressure mounts for his resignation

Even as he has received criticism from at least one member of the diplomatic corps, dozens of political

Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsaran

Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsaran

commentators and even members of his own party, Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran has once again lashed out at women rights activist, Sherlina Nageer. Mere hours after issuing a public apology for his “harsh words” the previous day, Ramsaran yesterday launched another tirade against Nageer. This time the Health Minister was recorded labeling Nageer a “miscreant,” saying that she was in need of “psychiatric help.” Yesterday, as he addressed a meeting of Regional Health Officers at the Main Street Plaza, Georgetown, Ramsaran, who is also a People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) candidate, was heard on a recording saying “So we have these miscreants who sometimes they are supported by the international community because they are rights activists; right to come spit in my face but not collect two slap, you understand me, or one of my ladies who love me, wreck her up, you understand me?” “Well you know I’m Bheri best, all the ladies like me. Suppose one of my big strong women seh “wuh yuh do we doctor, wuh yuh do dis innocent lil man?’ Wacks! Wacks! Then she’s going to become a hero; some of us will make sure we give her a medal. Right, spit in my face. I don’t know if she got rabies or what, I know she was rabid. That woman needs psychiatric help. She needs psychiatric help,” Ramsaran emphasised in the second recording. The Health Minister has already received condemnation from PPP/C’s Prime Ministerial Candidate

US Charge d’Affaires, Bryan Hunt

US Charge d’Affaires, Bryan Hunt

Elisabeth Harper, Education Minister Priya Manickchand, former President Bharrat Jagdeo and the youth and women arms of the APNU+AFC for the first attack against Nageer. US Charge d’Affaires Bryan Hunt is reported to have told online news agency,, that such statements have no place in a country like Guyana that has a high rate of domestic violence and sexual and gender-based violence. Hunt was recorded as saying “In a country that has a domestic violence rate as high as Guyana’s and a sexual assault rate as high as Guyana’s, it is downright irresponsible for any senior politician to make the statement to any woman, in public or in private, that the Minister of Health made the other day. It is completely unacceptable.” Hunt went on to state that “there is no possible reason or rationale to threaten sexual violence against anyone, but especially against a woman, given Guyana’s very serious gender-based violence problem”. Though he said he was pleased at the response of Ramsaran’s colleagues who took him to task for his comments, he considered the conduct “quite frankly to be a disgrace.” Hunt explained that while it was important and appropriate for the Minister to apologise for his conduct, “what would have been more appropriate was for him to never have made the statement in the first place”. “Do I think it is enough? I don’t think you can un-ring a bell. I don’t think you can take back the damage

Women’s Rights Activist, Sherlina Nageer

Women’s Rights Activist, Sherlina Nageer

that would have already been done by suggesting that sexual violence is an appropriate response to whatever sort of provocation that the Minister felt he was under.” “I think the damage is much more severe than what the woman’s activist heard or the offence that she took at the remarks. I think it conveys a sense from a senior government official that somehow sexual violence is something that is appropriate to use, appropriate to threaten, and somehow societally acceptable and it’s not. It can’t be,” Hunt told the online agency. The excuse offered by Ramsaran has also been found as unacceptable by the US envoy who made it clear that he does not believe that there is any possible provocation that any woman could have made that would legitimately result in a response in which a senior government official threatens that woman with violence. “The Minister’s conduct was beyond, it was disgracefulâ€ĶI think the question that should he be asked to resign is one the party has to struggle with internally and I will let them have their internal debates about that.” “Should he resign out of his own volition? I’m not going to prescribe to the Minister what he ought to do, but what I will say is in the United States if one of our candidate officials were to have made that sort of comment, that person would have been expected to resign without question. “I daresay, having had a conversation earlier today with some of my colleagues from the other western missions,that same principle would hold true across any number of countries that a Minister making that type of inappropriate remark for whatever reason would have chosen voluntarily to step down.” “I don’t believe that there is any possible provocation that any woman would have made that would have legitimately resulted in a response in which a senior government official threatens that woman with sexual violenceâ€ĶIt was a threat of sexual violence and I can’t imagine what possible provocation could result in that reaction,” Hunt said. A number of non-governmental organisations and activists have issued a call for the Minister to step down from office. Meanwhile, more than 250 persons from across the Caribbean and the diaspora have signed on to the CatchAFyah Caribbean Feminist Network solidarity statement in support of Sherlina Nageer. The body had said that the invocation of “provocation” is frequently used to justify and rationalise men’s fatal violence against women and has crept into state and activist responses to violence. “The language of provocation, just like the denigrating language and threats the Minister directed at Sherlina, is the language of misogyny” the body said. They noted that Nageer was verbally abused for insisting that women’s lives and health matter. “She was threatened with the misogynist and violent acts of public stripping and beating for insisting that governments have a responsibility to ensure women have access to quality sexual and reproductive health services.” The body said it recognised such “abuses of state power as a reflection of hatred of women, an unwillingness to recognise us as fully human and a refusal to treat us as equals. They also reflect the callous disregard elected officials show for the people — boys and girls, women and men — they are meant to serve.”


Govt. violates court order, AG admits

April 24, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The action brought by former Finance Minister Carl Greenidge against Dr. Ashni Singh, the current

Former Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge

Former Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge

Finance Minister, could not continue yesterday owing to the absence of the plaintiff (Greenidge) who is currently out of the jurisdiction. Roysdale Forde, Greenidge’s Attorney, told the Court that while the reply was prepared it could not be filed, since a personal signature of Greenidge was required. Greenidge’s lawyer was scheduled to respond to submissions presented by the Attorney General, (AG) Anil Nandlall. The action, which began on March 20, last, is to prevent the government from spending US$32.16M in loans it received from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The defendants in the case are Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh and Attorney General, (AG) Anil Nandlall. The writ specifically asks that the proceeds under the Loan Agreements signed between Dr. Singh and the IDB be paid into the Consolidated Fund and that there be no withdrawal of the  proceeds  of  the said Loan  Agreements,  except  by  an  Appropriation  Act  as directed by Article  217  of  the  Constitution. Greenidge noted concerns over government’s misuse of the loan. An order was subsequently handed down by Chief Justice, (Ag) Ian Chang in the High Court blocking the government from making any disbursements. The order is to remain in force until determination by the court. Last week, Nandlall released a statement detailing his response to the court action. The AG argued that it is routine practice that the proceeds of the loan having been paid into the Consolidated Fund is no longer

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

IDB money; it forms “part of the pool of resources indistinguishable from other receipts, including tax and non-tax revenue.” Nandlall held that given the circumstance “Any one month funds are withdrawn and spent from the Consolidated Fund to meet the operations of Government, without any identification being made of the original source of those Funds.” But the former Finance Minister begs to differ. In a statement issued yesterday, Greenidge noted that having given the Court the assurance that the Government will not spend the funds, Nandlall in his last two court appearances, has been peddling a line that in his view borders on reckless contempt. Greenidge explained “that line is that the Court Order cannot be obeyed because it is already being violated. I believe this to be a most dangerous situation”. The former Finance Minister said that in commenting on the case, the respondents made two points, that they do not understand how the Consolidated Fund works or they will ignore it. Greenidge underlined the fact that the CJ has already ruled that the Government broke the law in spending monies that were not approved under the 2014 Budget and by incorrectly seeking approval under a Statement of Excess which was never considered or approved by the National Assembly. On this occasion, he noted the Courts have an undertaking by the AG and the Minister of Finance and yet Nandlall now boldly states that the Government is continuing to spend the money. “While we wait to see how condignly the Courts will deal with this outrage, we hope the IDB is taking note.” Greenidge said.

Originally Posted by asj:

Demerara Waves Online News was told that the company has already drawn down US$3,636,000 as a mobilization advance.


Jagdoe and Donald Duck, I cannot believe they are such frigging dunces

Why, because the fire a corrupt contractor?  Now, what if they had covered it up and remain quiet< what would you say then?


Yes, but you don't drive forward by looking in the rear view mirror all the time.


If you are reversing, then you look in the rear view mirror all the time.


The PPP's problem is that its successes are also its weaknesses.  So when it talks about look at the courthouse we built for $46 million, instead of that being on the plus side, it becomes a negative because they have paid $46 million for a $20 million product.


So since it cannot talk about its scam projects, it digs up Burnham's jumbie from 30 years ago.


Time for a change.  The PPP had a long run, but they have outlived their usefulness.


The heckling and booing of President Ramotar by his own supporters

May 4, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The heckling and booing of President Ramotar in his own yard serves as a reminder that you can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Never in the history of Guyana can it be recalled any PPP leader being booed by their supporters and since the PPP engineered resuscitated FITUG, no PPP and union leaders have ever been heckled at their May Day Rally. What these actions made clear is that the workers have had enough and while for years many have quietly expressed their disappointment in the stewardship of their country, on May Day that quiet expression became vocal and overwhelming. This should be a lesson not only for the PPP, but for those labour leaders who continue to fool and exploit the people and become extensions of political parties, and lose the focus of their labour mandate to represent the workers who rely on them to help create a worker-friendly industrial climate. What these developments signal is the evolution of our political environment from the maximum and charismatic leaders to people exercising their power to give direction to their desires. And more so, removing from government officials that carte blanche opinion that they can use state and political power to silence the masses and secure complicity. This rebirth of political revolution to question leaders in the 21st century was made real in the 2012 Linden/Region 10 struggles under the youthful leadership of Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon. It was this community that stood up to the national leaders and their party leaders, demanding respect for their right to inclusion in decision making, consistent with Article 13 of the Guyana Constitution that requires of the nation the practice of inclusionary democracy. This Principal Political Objective of the State requires the involvement of persons in decision-making that affect their wellbeing and while some may not be aware of this constitutional requirement, instinctively man’s desire for equality, respect and to be treated with dignity, will make him react against forces that seek to suppress and trample these principles and values. What we are witnessing in Guyana today is an advancement of the masses to take control of their destiny and to put public leadership in its rightful place as servant not master. This progressive thinking and movement is also influenced by information communication technologies where we have the benefit of observing in real time how other societies function and deal with their challenges, as we too become involve in expressing our views to what is taking place internationally and what we desire at home. Any government or political party that ignores the tea leaves does so at their peril. People are more empowered today about their rights in society which are guided by acceptable international standards. And these are the tenets upon which they expect their business to be transacted. The failure of any government to confirm will evoke the wrath of the people who are not afraid today to stridently take position to fire a government and to hire a new one! This society is conscious that the moneys that pay the parliamentarians and those entrusted the responsibility of the state belong to the people and not a political party. And more so, that the moneys come from the people through taxation. While change in Guyana appears to come slowly, the benefit of it is that it advances stability and is likely to last longer. A humbug to this change is that of the slow takeover of the minds through years of brainwashing that would make it take longer to unlearn. Coming to office in 1992 on the wave of the nation’s goodwill rather than build on the foundation laid and working towards developing a nation and national unity, some leaders in the PPP spent the time enriching themselves, families and cronies; securing personal gains; undermining state institutions and national security; trampling on the citizens’ rights; securing themselves through misrepresentation and undermining of laws. The rule of fear and ruthlessness become the order by which they instituted themselves in government. The PPP squandered several opportunities to make all Guyanese feel represented, protected and a beneficiary in the Guyanese economy. For the first time in the history of post independent Guyana, Guyanese can truly say that there is a growing sense, based on indisputable evidence and not orchestrated political propaganda that the government does not care about them. All Guyanese deserve to be led by a government that recognises that post-election must be a period of healing, of moving forward, building bridges and governing in the interest of all, and resist the temptation of serving only supporters. The moneys to run a country come not only from the elected government supporters but also from those who did not support them as their choice for leadership. Societies are best served by leaders who recognise the importance of forging a nation and united people for national development.

Lincoln Lewis


Another home alone woman raped in


May 2, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

A Richmond Housing Scheme woman has lodged a report with the police at Anna Regina Police station indicating that she was raped. The police have so far been conducting investigations into the matter. One suspect was pulled in for questioning but has since been released. According to reports, the victim who is in her sixties was at her Richmond Housing Scheme home Tuesday night, when someone apparently invaded her house and proceeded to rape her. The woman was left with a scratch on her neck during a fight she had with her aggressor. A report regarding the recent incident was lodged with the police, at the Anna Regina Police station. They are currently pursuing the alleged incident. During last year and earlier this year, a number of women complained of being attacked by an intruder, who preys on women who live alone. A peaceful protest was organized by several women in Henrietta Village. They appealed to the police to exercise vigilance in an attempt to curb the distasteful issue where women were deprived of sleeping in their homes for fear of being attacked and raped. One La Belle Alliance man has since been charged for rape. He was on remand and has reportedly confessed to at least 20 incidences of rape.




Dear Editor, The heckling and booing of President Ramotar in his own yard serves as a reminder that you can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Never in the history of Guyana can it be recalled any PPP leader being booed by their supporters and since the PPP engineered resuscitated FITUG, no PPP and union leaders have ever been heckled at their May Day Rally. What these actions made clear is that the workers have had enough and while for years many have quietly expressed their disappointment in the stewardship of their country, on May Day that quiet expression became vocal and overwhelming


I have said time and time again this elections people will be voting AGAINST the PPP not necessarily for the APNU+AFC.

Originally Posted by asj:

For the past year, how much raped............could be over 12, Sleep Rohee, Sleep Rohee, whils't Guyanese Women are being Raped left right and center.


The PPP/C Government for you.

But Dizzie lizzie says she cares and the PPP has been the best stewards for women ever.................Yawn, no one is buying your bullshit Lisp Happer.


Trinidad refuses entry to 32 Guyanese

May 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

–    Passports lodged with local police


No one that boarded a Caribbean Airlines flight on Monday morning expected that hours later they would be back in Guyana. However, that is now the reality for 32 Guyanese who were reportedly sent back without explanation after being held for hours at the Piarco International Airport. One of the passengers told Kaieteur News that she went to Trinidad for vacation and medical purposes. She explained that she was a frequent traveler to the country and even had relatives there. She emphasised that at no time did she spend more than a few months in the country at a time. According to the woman, everything had been going well until the flight arrived at Piarco. There, some persons were allowed to leave while others were forced to remain at the airport by staff. From 10:20am right up until about 3pm, the passengers were not told why they were being held at the airport. “They just offered us a little juice but didn’t tell us a thing,” the woman said. She added that a pregnant woman and elderly persons were amongst those being kept at the airport. The passengers were subsequently sent back to Guyana on the flights they had initially been scheduled to. On their return to Guyana, the passengers immediately complained to staff of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. However, instead of helping, the woman said the representatives simply laughed. “I’m not going back to Trinidad; that was just an embarrassing, crude experience,” she said. Meanwhile, the passengers’ passports have been lodged with the Brickdam police station.



Bai Shan Lin selling Providence lots

for up to $24M

May 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Chinese investor, Bai Shan Lin, as part of its plans for Guyana, says it is working to bai shan lin housingbuild a five-star, state-of-the-art gated community in Providence with homes costing from $40M upwards. Lands have been advertising by Sunset Lakes Inc., the Bai Shan Lin subsidiary developing the community, on its Facebook page as selling for between US$40,000 ($8M) and US$105,000 ($24M). The community which has amenities like a supermarket, a bar, a post office, telecommunication, swimming pool, gymnasium and playground, is said to be in keeping with European standards. The gated community, offering 24-hour armed guard service, sidewalks and roads will also feature solar powered street lights and the “most advanced water filtration system” along with 24-hour access to potable water. There will also be backup electricity for power failure and an underground drainage system. “The villas can be equipped with air-conditioners and solar water heaters at the request of our clients.” Know as “New Life”, the housing developer says that the different models of villas will be fireproof and earthquake resistant. Sunset Lakes is also offering to customize villas for its clients. The development was unveiled last October during GuyExpo at Sophia where Sunset Lakes had an impressive booth showcasing its plans for “New Life”. When Kaieteur News visited the booth at GuyExpo, the newspaper was told that the houses range “to suit all kinds of people”. The company has decided to have different sizes of houses, with the smallest house costing $50M and the largest, $130M. A brochure shared out at GuyExpo stated, “We at Sunset Lakes Inc. take great pleasure in introducing to you, for the first time in Guyana, a Five Star State-of-the-Art Gated Residence, offering all prestigious and modern amenities to ensure you live that deeply desired New Life.” Bai Shan Lin, the company behind the ambitious community, is a Chinese-owned company which is aggressively engaged in a number of initiatives in Guyana, in logging and gold mining. Its activities have raised questions after it became known that the company was able to become one of the largest holders of logging and mining concessions in Guyana. Log exports have seen a significant increase in recent years, with an explosion of harvesting in especially the Region Ten, Upper Berbice area.


Govt. continues old ways of “no transparency” with Dax contract – Ralph Ramkarran

May 4, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The Government has come under heavy fire from Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran, who described its recent contract with Dax Contracting Services Ltd (Dax) as having “all the hallmarks of criticisms made against the Government in relation to procurement.”

Former Speaker of the National ssembly, Ralph Ramkarran

Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran

That agreement sees Dax being given a 25 year maintenance contract with the option to renew for an additional 15 years. The maintenance contract is for the rehabilitation of the Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cable. Dax, which is owned by Faisal Mohamed, was also granted millions worth in tax breaks and holidays in exchange for the maintenance of the cable. The Former Speaker aired his criticism on the agreement in a recent post on his blog, The Conversation Tree entitled “Axe the Dax”. The former House Speaker said that this particular cable project has been plagued with controversy, as it was to be part of the E-Governance Project, which had the objective of providing Government agencies with the capacity to develop ICT capabilities. This is despite the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T) Company’s fibre optic cable having the capacity to satisfy all of Guyana’s Telecommunication need. With the implementation of another fibre optic cable, the Government is being accused of undermining GT&T, as they could have purchased the cable from the telephone company which would have proven to be far more cost effective. “The contract between the Government and Dax Engineering Company Inc. in relation to the E-governance Georgetown to Brazil fibre optic cable, drew loud objections from APNU (A Partnership for National Unity) and the WPA (Working People’s Alliance), both vowing to rescind it,” wrote Ramkarran. The political commentator further highlighted the provisions which were granted to Dax under the Government contract; that being the access Dax has to use the entire fibre optic cable, repeater stations, infrastructure and equipment for 25 years, with an option a 15 renewal. The agreement also includes enormous tax benefits, in return for repairing the cable as well as Dax being given licenses to “transmit and receive data and information”. In his article, Ramkarran explained that while the constitution and other legal avenues do not object to the contract, “entering into important contractual obligations or arrangements by the Government after the announcement of elections is prohibited by convention.” To this end, Ramkarran posited that the Government is unbothered by the principles of transparent governance, as the recent timing of the agreement with Dax is testament of that. Moreover, the former politician outlined three issues that arise from Government’s most recent procurement. The first of which being the timing of the contract so close to elections with the second being that the terms appear to have already been negotiated and is a “complete giveaway”. The latter he said is contrary to Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon’s indication that negotiations were still necessary to determine the number of “pairs” in the cable that Dax would eventually receive. The third of these issues, according to Ramkarran, is the failure of the Government to transparently advertise bids for the project. According to the former PPP member, such issues present a clear vindication of those who were initially against the project due to the suspicion that it was being set up in competition to the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T) to benefit cronies. However, Ramkarran said that the Government may claim that circumstances necessitated the privatisation of the project, but stressed that this move will result in a “destructive competitive environment”, with respect to a product which will be in oversupply as a result of Government action. “It will result in an undermining of market forces and loss of confidence by the business community in the Government’s bonafides with respect to creating fair conditions for creative competition to flourish,” wrote Ramkarran. In concluding his article, Ramkarran stated that the awarding of a contract more suitable for competitive bidding and has implications for an entire industry, continues the Government’s “old ways” of “no transparency”. This, he said, is despite the PPP/C’s promise to deal with corruption. “The other companies which have been granted permission to lay fibre optic cables have also been undermined by this act,” concluded the former speaker. !


Port Kaituma residents refuse to return Gov’t-issued solar panels

May 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Residents of Citrus Grove, Port Kaituma, are locked in a battle with the government which is demanding that they return the solar panels given to them last Monday. The residents have vowed not to hand over the panels

Residents of Citrus Grove, Port Kaituma are refusing to return solar panels given to them by the government.

Residents of Citrus Grove, Port Kaituma are refusing to return solar panels given to them by the government.

despite threats from officials to engage the services of the police to retrieve them. The residents believe that the panels are being recalled because of the perceived non-support for the People’s Progressive Party. The panels were given to the about 100 residents on Monday, in keeping with a promise made three years ago, when the Citrus Grove community was without electricity. Kaieteur News understands that since the request for the panels was made, the area was subsequently given electricity by the power company at Port Kaituma. The confusion reportedly arose when the residents were invited to a meeting on Wednesday, a day after government officials visited the area, and were told that since the area is now being powered by the Port Kaituma Power Company, they no longer needed the panels. The residents were told that they would have to return the panels and if they did not it would be forcibly taken from them. One resident who spoke to this newspaper is of the opinion that the people of Citrus Grove are being penalized for not showing support for the government when the officials visited the community. He explained that the reason given for demanding the return of the panels does not hold water, since residents of another location – Oronoque – are not being asked to return theirs although their community too is being powered by company electricity. “Dem ain’t taking back dem own, but dey want we fuh give back we own. De president come hey Tuesday and Wednesdayâ€Ķdey asking we fuh give back de panels,” the resident stated. They are blaming the Chairman of the area’s Interim Management Committee for the current situation. This newspaper understands that the IMC Chairperson did turn up with the police yesterday to recover the solar panels. The police briefly detained the chairman of the community development committee Neville La Rose. He told this newspaper after his release that the police “wisely” decided that the matter was not one for them to deal with. “What is causing the problem is that this whole thing was not explained properly,” La Rose stated. He said that the residents will resist any attempt to repossess the panels especially since the electricity supply from the power company is unreliable. “Right now, the generator break down and we not getting power. So why give back de panels?” a resident questioned.


Joey Jagan endorses APNU+AFC; says Jagdeo is the 'coolie bully of politics' ; welcomes ex-military in politics

Dr. Cheddi &quot;Joey&quot; JaganDr. Cheddi "Joey" Jagan


by Zena Henry

With seven days left to General polls son of former President Dr. Cheddi Jagan has come out in full support of A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance for Change (APNU +AFC) Coalition, and has urged all Guyanese to vote for the opposition party.
Addressing media operatives at his dental office located at Charlotte Street, Jagan endorsed the Coailtion saying that it is the best choice for Guyana.
Jagan alluded to what he considered the poor management of the country by the current administration and concluded that, "it is time for change."
He said that in the last election, he supported the People's Progressive Party (PPP), which his father was one of the founding fathers of, because they had promised several things such as the activation of the party's civic arm, a passport office in Berbice among other things he wished to see develop in the country. The PPP has said the civic is very informal and loose grouping. Government has decentralised the issuance of passports.
However, a mere two months later he realized that the party’s current leaders were not genuine in their utterances. Jagan said that while persons might say that he is bumping around the political arena from one party to the other, he said he has not lost his vision for inclusive governance; something he has been unable to convince the PPP about.
Jagan has thus asked the electorate, specifically the Indian population to, “throw aside your prejudices; throw aside your blind loyalties to people who cannot help you anymore. After 23-years of rule it is time for a Change,” he said.
Jagan said not everything the PPP/C did was wrong but claimed that they have done enough bad things that are not supposed to give them another term in office.
Jagan said that, “I have to come to the conclusion after living here that if this whole population was East Indian and the Coalition’s presidential candidate David Granger was an Indian, the PPP couldn’t even get 25 percent of the votes.” He continued that, Guyana has had serious ethnic problems, especially politics, and it has wrecked the country.
He noted, however, that Guyana has great potential for every one; “a slice of the Guyanese pie for everyoneâ€Ķ everybody must get a slice and that is why I endorse Mr. Granger for President and this change in government to bring the alliance of APNU and the AFC Coalition to the forefront to run our affairs”
Jagan also shot down possible assertions that Granger should not be president because he is black, stating that such a statement could not get pass him.
The former president’s son also waded into the ruling party for neglecting the country. “Yes we have a Marriott, but where is the drinking water? Where is our city going?” he questioned. Jagan ridiculed that the government boast of a five star hotel, which they have set in a “one star city.” He pointed to other infrastructure going up but no buses to take kids to school and funds to provide meals for poor students. 
He took the opportunity also to address claims of militarization being made by former president Bharrat Jagdeo in relation to Granger being a former military officer. Jagan said he was also a military man in the US and there is nothing wrong with having a military background. He said in fact, that that is exactly what is needed in Guyana “disciplined people to run our country.”
He reiterated that a Coalition government is perfect for Guyana given its ethnic divide. Jagan noted that he met with President Donald Ramotar months ago advising that he make Granger his Prime Minister and offer a free hand to the opposition. However, to avoid inclusive governance, Jagan said they refused his advice.
As it relates to former President Bharrat Jaagdeo who is being accused of race baiting and inciting race division on the campaign trail, Jagan described him as the “coolie bully of politics.” He said that Jagdeo is in attack mode and he has no other way to go.
“Mr. Jagdeo resurrecting the past and cussing out the military and doing all that is a part of his game plan, to be that way to bully the Indians, locking in on them. The East Indians in this country are in a trap. They are locked in and when you use this type of description of people you got the scare tactic that works for them.”
Jagan said if the Coalition asks for his assistance he will help in any way possible. He did not shy away from accepting a position in the Coalition if offered.



Rohee divorces PPP/C from government following alleged solar panels repossession

A solar panel being handed over to an interior resident [GINA/file photo)A solar panel being handed over to an interior resident (GINA/file photo)

by Zena Henry

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party /Civic (PPP/C), Clement Rohee has refuted the organisation’s involvement or consent in the Port Kaituma matter which alleges that residents had their government-issued solar panels taken away because they were believed to be supporting opposition party, A Partnership for National Unity +Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition.
Rohee during his regular press briefing at Freedom House on Robb Street May 4 did not deny the incident but noted that the matter would be one involving the government and not the PPP/C. He told media workers that they must keep the distinction between the two entities, after explaining that he would not be aware of what takes place at government level in regard to this matter.
It is alleged that the Region 1 location of Port Kaituma, particularly Citrus Grove were being demanded to return solar panels issued by the PPP/C government after they would have reportedly indicated support for the opposition.
When asked about the matter, Rohee said, “I can’t speak on matters like that which I do not have the facts on.” He said, “Solar panels were not given out by the PPP, they were given out by the government, that’s a government matter.” 
The GS said he is not aware that the PPP as a political party sends out its members to engage in matters involving government. “You have to make the distinction,” he said, “We don’t involve our party activists in those mattersâ€Ķ”
It is understood that members of the police force became involved in the government’s alleged solar panel recovery mission, but residents did not take the matter lightly. The panels were handed out based on promises government made years ago about aiding the interior communities with their electricity problem.
Demerara Waves understands that the community was being asked to return the panels since they were now receiving power from the Port Kaituma Power Company. They have refused however saying that electricity from the company is not reliable and solar panels are not being requested from another location despite that area also receiving electricity from the power company.
Some 100 persons were said to have received the apparatus.


Residents of Citrus Grove, Port Kaituma, are locked in a battle with the government which is demanding that they return the solar panels given to them last Monday. The residents have vowed not to hand over the panels

Residents of Citrus Grove, Port Kaituma are refusing to return solar panels given to them by the government.

Residents of Citrus Grove, Port Kaituma are refusing to return solar panels given to them by the government.

despite threats from officials to engage the services of the police to retrieve them. The residents believe that the panels are being recalled because of the perceived non-support for the People’s Progressive Party.


Gifting fibre optic cable reminiscent of radio frequencies giveaway – Greenidge

May 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) point man on Finance, Carl

APNU’s Carl Greenidge

APNU’s Carl Greenidge


Greenidge, and financial analyst, Ramon Gaskin, have blasted the Government’s “sweetheart” deal with Dax Contracting Services. He described the transaction as evidence of the government’s many questionable transactions and disregard for the rights of the general public to access of information. According to the contract, Dax Contracting Services has sole rights to the repair, use and maintenance of the fibre optic cable, for an initial 25 years, with an option to extend it for a further 15 years. Dax Contracting will also have access to and use of all structural components of the fibre optic project, including road access, access to poles and repeater stations. In the contract, Dax will also enjoy uncapped benefits from the state such as tax exemptions, tax holidays, duty free concessions on tools, equipment and vehicles. Greenidge, a former Minister of Finance, strongly condemned the deal, stating that the government should not be engaged in signing any long term contracts, in the run up to general and regional elections. This, he stated, is the rule in any democratic country. He also compared it to the radio licences giveaway before the 2011 General and Regional elections. “This Government believes it is not bound by rules. These are things they do in spite of the law for the benefit of a select few.” Greenidge, who in March filed a writ in the High Court against Finance Minister Ashni Singh and Attorney

Dax Contracting Services Faisal Mohamed

Dax Contracting Services Faisal Mohamed


General Anil Nandlall, barring them from accessing a US$17M Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) loan, also stated that the court was an option that was open to his party. “The fact is, however, they have already signed (the contract). We will, however, challenge the legitimacy of the contract. We will leave it for the courts to decide.” Financial analyst, Ramon Gaskin, has also blasted the Government’s agreement with Dax Contracting Services, whereby the Brazil/Guyana fibre optic cable has been virtually ‘gifted’ to the company. Describing it as an obscene ‘illegality’, Gaskin expressed the necessity of having the project stopped, citing the timing of the transaction, with just days before General and Regional elections. “Of course it should be stopped. The entire thing is illegal. Just days before elections, (Government) will be giving away these state assets? There should be a statutory prohibition on giving anything to anybody in the run up to elections,” Gaskin said. Gaskin, who has long been an outspoken critic on many Government policies, also drew comparisons with the situation just before the last elections, when radio licences were controversially gifted to a few persons who had close ties to the administration, while longstanding private media houses were bypassed. “Someone should approach the courts and have it stopped dead in its tracks.” The issue of new radio stations, which bears a marked resemblance to the Government of Guyana/Dax agreement, was an embarrassing one for the Donald Ramotar administration after revelations that

Financial Analyst Ramon Gaskin

Financial Analyst Ramon Gaskin


Jagdeo bypassed a standing agreement with the Opposition. He unilaterally granted several radio and cable licences to not only his friends but also to close party members and even to the ruling PPP newspaper, The Mirror, just before he left office. It was widely seen as part of a bigger plan by Jagdeo to gain control of the airwaves. Several prominent media houses were ignored by Jagdeo, leading to condemnation locally and internationally, and to protests. Among those granted approvals for radio licences were Telcor & Cultural Broadcasting Inc, the former owner of IRadio 90.1 FM, the company closely linked to Minister Persaud. Also granted five frequencies were Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, Jagdeo’s close buddy. He was allowed also to buy over a television Channel (TVG) from its former owner Tony Vieira under controversial circumstances. The Mirror, owned by the PPP, was also granted five frequencies through Dharamkumar Seeraj, a senior member of the ruling party.


Ordinary man pays three times more than Jagdeo for same size house lot

April 26, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

â€ĶJagdeo pays $114 per sq ft, Ordinary citizen pays $317 per sq ft

The presence of former President Bharrat Jagdeo on the campaign trail for the ruling People’s Progressive

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

Party/Civic (PPP/C) is to protect the questionable wealth he has accumulated. That is the view of the political opposition spokesman, Joseph Harmon. One of the pieces of evidence to support this argument is his large mansion and unlimited benefits at Pradoville Two, according to a full page advertisement in the newspapers, yesterday. According to the advertisement, while serving his last term in office, Jagdeo along with close friends and Ministers, arranged for a large section of Sparendaam lands, which overlook the Atlantic Ocean on the East Coast of Demerara, to be converted into house lots. Jagdeo not only used state resources to develop the lands, but positioned himself to buy two acres. In the process, he paid three times less than what ordinary citizens in the Diamond and Grove Housing Schemes, East Bank Demerara, paid. Jagdeo paid $5M per acre which works out at $114 per square foot; the ordinary man paid $317 per square foot for their plot. Remigrants paid more than ten times the price Jagdeo paid for the same size house lot. They paid $1,111 per square foot. These lots are not ocean front, but are located on East Bank Demerara in the former cane fields. The advertisement also said that Jagdeo is fighting desperately to protectJagdeo Maphis unlimited use of water, electricity and telephone as is guaranteed by benefits he helped to make into laws and which he assented to. As part of that ex-president’s benefits he signed, he also has unlimited personal and household staff including an attendant and gardener. There are also full-time personal security and services of the Presidential Guard Service at his place of residence along with an unspecified number of motor vehicles to be maintained by the state. His tax exemption status is identical to that enjoyed by a serving President, meaning no tax on income, on property or capital gain. His monthly package of $5 million is the equivalent to 125 persons working for the Minimum Wage or 400 Old Age Pensioners.



Guyanese spend millions of dollars and yet they cannot get their transport for land purchase for over one year ago. Wake up Irfat, wake up, do some work.


PPP/C desperate for money like a w hore in heat: Manifesto: PPP/C to approach Norway for another financing plan; promises job creation

April 25, 2015 5:15 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

A section of the gathering at the launch of the PPP/C Manifesto at the Guyana Marriott.

A section of the gathering at the launch of the PPP/C Manifesto at the Guyana Marriott.

[] – As part of its economic plan for the next five years, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic plans to approach Norway to acquire another financing deal with the European country as a follow up to the Low Carbon Development Strategy [LCDS].

The Party’s official manifesto – Our Vision: Guyana Version 2.0 – states that it recognizes that a greener economy in Guyana will require progress across all sectors, and the Party remains dedicated to leading the transition towards a green economy brand through sustainable, green economic growth and job creation initiatives.

The commitments include “A Second commitment period of financing with the Kingdom of Norway will be pursued, as well as other financing for avoided deforestation and ecosystem services. Using funds earned from the sale of forest climate services to support a new suite of projects aimed at: creating new, low carbon jobs for small entrepreneurs, micro-enterprises and hinterland communities; improving and expanding infrastructure on the coast and hinterland to support climate change adaptation; and improving early warning systems and forecasting capabilities and emergency response mechanisms and iplementing a programme in collaboration with international partners and expertise to improve energy efficiency and install low-carbon technology in key productive sectors aimed at value-adding. Emphasis will be placed on agriculture, forestry and manufacturing.”

Incumbent President, Donald Ramotar arrives for the launching of the Manifesto.

Incumbent President, Donald Ramotar arrives for the launching of the Manifesto.

It was stated that through Guyana’s oil and gas sector which is expected to boom sometime this year, the PPP administration has promulgated that the oil and gas sector will provide hundreds of jobs which will prove to be an additional boost to Guyana’s economy.

“Our agenda for the sustainable development of the mining sector acknowledges the country’s rich mineral resources, coupled with the need to respect its forests and wildlife and the rights of the Amerindian communities, balanced with the necessity of encouraging wider economic growth and creating employment opportunities,” the document noted.

According to the PPP, it will continue to secure and maintain the natural capital of Guyana by protecting 99.5% of forests while at the same time promoting sustainable utilization for the benefit of all Guyanese. We will ensure the highest level of environmental performance by industries and guarantee a safe and healthy environment for all citizens.

Over the next five years, three new large modern gold mines will be operational which will create hundreds of new jobs, as well as new investments in oil and gas exploration and possibly development, the manifesto said.

It was also stated that, a review of the current Incentives Portfolio for the mining sector will be undertaken with emphasis on small and medium scale mining for gold and diamond mining.

Meanwhile, the document also detailed intended policies for economic growth, the creation of jobs and wealth such as the construction of Call Centres in Enmore, East Coast Demerara, Tushen, West Coast Demerara, Corentyne, Linden and Essequibo Coast.

It was noted that the call centres will create more than 5000 direct jobs. Additionally, should they be voted back into the office, the Party has promised the construction of Chip Factories in Wakenaam and Leguan, which are expected to create more than 40 direct jobs for women and youths.

View the full manifesto here:


A Piece of Garbage, nothing for the poor man




President to have “further talks” with Ramsaran over Nageer insults

April 24, 2015 1:46 pm Category: Politics A+ / A-

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran and President Donald Ramotar

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran and President Donald Ramotar

[] – President Donald Ramotar has signalled his intention to have “further talks” with Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran over a recent verbal assault of women’s rights activist, Sherlina Nageer.

The Health Minister launched a scathing verbal onslaught on Nageer on Monday, April 20 outside the Whim Magistrate’s Court where he called the woman “a little piece of sh@t” and also told her that he would slap her “just for fun.”

After Ramsaran would have been widely condemned for his reproachable statements, he issued an apology, but mere hours after was back at it again, this time labelling Nageer as a “miscreant” and someone who is in need of “psychiatric” help.

President Ramotar in a statement on Friday, April 24 said that “the statements and behaviour of the Minister do not reflect the high-standards I have set for Ministerial conduct nor the public’s expectations of an office holder. It is outright disrespectful and improper. I intend to have further discussions with the Minister on this matter.”

Both the US and British Envoys have condemned the Minister’s utterances saying that had that happened in either of their government, the person would have been expected to tender his/her resignation.


Bheri Scandal: “A decent President would have sacked him already” – Legal Fraternity

April 29, 2015 6:11 am Category: latest news A+ / A-



Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran and Sherlina Nageer during the exchange in front the Whim's Magistrate's Court. [Mark Jacobs' Photo]

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran and Sherlina Nageer during the exchange in front the Whim’s Magistrate’s Court. [Mark Jacobs’ Photo]

[] –
The Guyana Bar Association (GBA), the Guyana Women Lawyers Association (GWLA) and Justice Institute Guyana (JIG) have said that President Donald Ramotar’s reluctance to sack Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran is an indication of some form of indecency.


Ramsaran is currently embroiled in a nasty scandal involving women’s rights activist, Sherlina Nageer.

A recording had surfaced where the Minister in an invective with Nageer during which he promised to “slap” and “strip” the woman all the while telling her that she was a little piece of “sh!t.”

The legal bodies in a release to the media on Tuesday, April 28 made it clear that the utterances are not to be condoned by the sitting Minister of Government.

“Dr Ramsaran’s threat to slap and strip a young woman would be a disgusting conduct by any man. They are particularly reprehensible coming from a Member of Parliament and Minister of Government. A decent Minister would have resigned by now. A decent President would have sacked him already,” noted the joint statement from the legal fraternity.

The statement said that the Minister’s behaviour was “intolerable, abusive, insulting and obscene.”

“Dr Ramsaran’s behaviour has been reported across the globe. He has become a national, as well as an international embarrassment. If President Ramotar does not sack Dr Ramsaran for the sake of the voters of Guyana he must do it for Guyana’s international standing,” read the joint statement.

The President has been receiving calls from a wide cross section of civil society to seriously reprimand the Minister by asking for him to tender his resignation; however to date despite the numerous calls no such has been done nor has the President offered a response to the calls.


Ramsaran’s verbal attack is “disturbing” – Canadian High Commission

April 25, 2015 10:53 am Category: latest news A+ / A-


Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran and Sherlina Nageer during the exchange in front the Whim's Magistrate's Court. [Mark Jacobs' Photo]

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran and Sherlina Nageer during the exchange in front the Whim’s Magistrate’s Court. [Mark Jacobs’ Photo]

[] –
he Canadian High Commission has joined the list of  organisations in condemning the verbal assault against women’s rights activist, Sherlina Nageer by Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran.


A press statement from the High Commission said it “noted with great disappointment the comments made” by Dr Ramsaran.

“The remarks uttered are disturbing and the High Commission of Canada condemns any form of abuse, including verbal and threatened, towards women. Threats of violence against women are never acceptable,” the statement noted.  

According to the statement, the struggle to fully attain women’s rights, in Guyana and around the world, is an ongoing battle that must be won.

“Such incidents weaken the progress that has been made.” According to the High Commission, all partners should be unwaveringly committed to advancing the rights of women.

“Political leaders have a special responsibility because they have the largest platforms, influence and decision-making ability. The High Commission of Canada hopes that leaders recognise the critical role they play in governance, including providing leadership and empowering the citizens of Guyana, including women.”

The Health Minister launched a scathing verbal onslaught on Nageer on Monday, April 20 outside the Whim Magistrate’s Court where he called the woman “a little piece of sh@t” and also told her that he would slap her “just for fun.”

After Ramsaran would have been widely condemned for his reproachable statements, he issued an apology, but mere hours after was back at it again, this time labelling Nageer as a “miscreant” and someone who is in need of “psychiatric” help.

Both the US and British Envoys have condemned the Minister’s utterances saying that had that happened in either of their government, the person would have been expected to tender his/her resignation.


Govt. violates court order, AG admits

April 24, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The action brought by former Finance Minister Carl Greenidge against Dr. Ashni Singh, the current

Former Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge

Former Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge


Finance Minister, could not continue yesterday owing to the absence of the plaintiff (Greenidge) who is currently out of the jurisdiction. Roysdale Forde, Greenidge’s Attorney, told the Court that while the reply was prepared it could not be filed, since a personal signature of Greenidge was required. Greenidge’s lawyer was scheduled to respond to submissions presented by the Attorney General, (AG) Anil Nandlall. The action, which began on March 20, last, is to prevent the government from spending US$32.16M in loans it received from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The defendants in the case are Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh and Attorney General, (AG) Anil Nandlall. The writ specifically asks that the proceeds under the Loan Agreements signed between Dr. Singh and the IDB be paid into the Consolidated Fund and that there be no withdrawal of the  proceeds  of  the said Loan  Agreements,  except  by  an  Appropriation  Act  as directed by Article  217  of  the  Constitution. Greenidge noted concerns over government’s misuse of the loan. An order was subsequently handed down by Chief Justice, (Ag) Ian Chang in the High Court blocking the government from making any disbursements. The order is to remain in force until determination by the court. Last week, Nandlall released a statement detailing his response to the court action. The AG argued that it is routine practice that the proceeds of the loan having been paid into the Consolidated Fund is no longer

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall


IDB money; it forms “part of the pool of resources indistinguishable from other receipts, including tax and non-tax revenue.” Nandlall held that given the circumstance “Any one month funds are withdrawn and spent from the Consolidated Fund to meet the operations of Government, without any identification being made of the original source of those Funds.” But the former Finance Minister begs to differ. In a statement issued yesterday, Greenidge noted that having given the Court the assurance that the Government will not spend the funds, Nandlall in his last two court appearances, has been peddling a line that in his view borders on reckless contempt. Greenidge explained “that line is that the Court Order cannot be obeyed because it is already being violated. I believe this to be a most dangerous situation”. The former Finance Minister said that in commenting on the case, the respondents made two points, that they do not understand how the Consolidated Fund works or they will ignore it. Greenidge underlined the fact that the CJ has already ruled that the Government broke the law in spending monies that were not approved under the 2014 Budget and by incorrectly seeking approval under a Statement of Excess which was never considered or approved by the National Assembly. On this occasion, he noted the Courts have an undertaking by the AG and the Minister of Finance and yet Nandlall now boldly states that the Government is continuing to spend the money. “While we wait to see how condignly the Courts will deal with this outrage, we hope the IDB is taking note.” Greenidge said.


PPP running from public scrutiny, debates – APNU+AFC Ramjattan

April 19, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

By Sunita Samaroo The continued *****footing by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to engage in electioneering

APNU+AFC Executive, Khemraj Ramjattan

APNU+AFC Executive, Khemraj Ramjattan


debates as well as a public forum organised by civil society is being viewed by A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) as a tactic employed to avoid public scrutiny. Hot on their campaign trails, the two main political parties for weeks were engaged in talks of two public engagements: Presidential and Prime Ministerial debates to be organised by the Private Sector Commission (PSC) as well as public fora organised by the Guyana Women’s Roundtable (GWR) and Guyana National Youth Council (GNYC). Despite offering his assurance weeks ago that his party is willing to have its Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates stand on a public platform and debate those representing APNU+AFC, President Donald Ramotar is yet to make good on his promise. The coalition has insisted that it would not participate in any debate unless it comes as a package deal involving both Presidential and Prime Ministerial debates and Ramotar accepted the challenge. He conveyed a message to the effect that the PPP/C Prime Ministerial candidate Elisabeth Harper is pumped and ready to debate Nagamootoo. The President had, in fact, boasted, “Nagamootoo is no match for Harper, I am sure Harper can account for herself.” A ‘change of heart’ seemingly followed as the PPP later officially communicated last week that the “handlers” of Harper have decided against such a move. The debates have not been the only source of contention. A forum arranged to facilitate public interaction between Ramotar, his Prime Ministerial running

PPP Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar

PPP Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar


mate and members of the public was postponed after the party cited “air conditioning” and “space” constraints. This came two days after APNU+AFC Presidential candidate, Brigadier David Granger (Ret’d) and party executive, Catherine Hughes would have already made good on their promise and faced the public for a two-hour interactive session last Monday. Their counterparts were expected to face the public in like fashion but when the PPP/C’s turn came, an excuse was sent ahead of their scheduled appearance. “Space” and air-conditioning” had become the problem but both the organizers of the public forum and Hughes have rubbished claims that either element was an issue. Moreover, when contacted yesterday PPP’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee told Kaieteur News that when his party makes a decision with respect to participation, they will let the sponsors of the event know. These “turn of events” have led Vice Presidential Candidate of APNU+AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan to conclude that the incumbent PPP/C is running from the public. In fact, the longstanding politician is convinced that the ruling party is “scared to death” and has been using excuses to avoid public scrutiny. The APNU+AFC Executive Member told Kaieteur News that the excuses put forth by the PPP/C for avoiding these public engagements is simply the tactic the party employed to avoid exhibiting the low quality of the politics they are offering.

APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate, David Granger

APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate, David Granger


“They would not be able to answer certain questions coming from an open floor,” opined the former Presidential Candidate of the Alliance for Change (AFC). “They want to avoid questions because they would not have credible answers for what may be coming from an audience. They want to avoid and evade the people – that’s what they’re doingâ€ĶI could conceive no other reason but that they are running away,” he added. The APNU+AFC politician is of the belief that the PPP/C Leaders will only participate in “propaganda” and would at all times avoid fora that weigh in on accountability. According to Ramjattan, it is clear that the PPP/C Presidential and Prime Ministerial hopefuls do not compare to those from the APNU+AFC camp. He is certain that should the parties appear on any forum together, his party will trump the PPP/C. Ramjattan said, “Every politician in a democracy certainly must allow him or herself to be examinedâ€Ķbut they don’t want to be examined, they don’t want to be scrutinized. Everything that they say, the public will see through. They are scared to death and I understand why: they are going to lose; this is why they are jumping like a kangaroo,” the politician emphasised. “The Important thing in all of this for the PPP is to not exhibit the substandard quality of politicians they have. I am certain that Moses is going to annihilate Harper and I am certain that Granger will destroy Donald

PPP Prime Ministerial Candidate, Elisabeth Harper

PPP Prime Ministerial Candidate, Elisabeth Harper


Ramotarâ€Ķby their (PPP/C Candidates) own demeanor and answers, they are going to self-destruct,” Ramjattan affirmed. Additionally, GWR Founder, Dr. Dawn Stewart yesterday said though she had received no word from the PPP, she remains hopeful that the public forum will be executed since it presents a great opportunity for leaders to address the public on relevant issues and policies. She said that persons have had a chance to view the first forum since it was not restricted. Asked about supporting bodies and their view on the delay, Dr. Stewart said, “Everyone is willing and waitingâ€Ķas soon as they give us a date, we will make it happen.” “We’ve been receiving many phone calls and messages from the public asking when will the forum be rescheduled and we have promised that as soon as we get a date (from the PPP) we will inform the public.” “They promised that they’ll give a date. I want to stay optimistic – everyone says I shouldn’t – but I see this as a great opportunity for the leaders to address to talk to the public,” Dr. Stewart said.


Discrimination, corruption and intolerance have become the hallmark of Ramotar’s presidency

April 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, President Ramotar, more than any other president, had the opportunity to be the nation’s finest. Were he committed to this nation and her people he could have used the experiences of his predecessors and the mistakes they made to help mould a 21st century Guyana. And when I speak about 21st century society, it is one built on the foundation that good governance has to be grounded in respect for universal principles, rights and the rule of law. Had he followed these tenets in our diverse society, his call now for another chance come May 11th could have been taken seriously by the citizens. Instead, what Guyanese received from the president is a continuation of Bharrat Jagdeo’s disregard for good governance, and like conjoined twins the two continue to preside over the nation’s patrimony as though it is their plantation and the people are their subjects. The people of Region 10 who Ramotar regaled with promises, sprinkled with the usual crass politicking, more than any other region bears testimony to a government that has no regard for its citizens, to the extent where after abusing and mistreating them, they have the gall to turn up at their doors and ask for another chance. It is one thing in politics to ask for a chance and another to seek this chance when you are digging in on violating the rights of those whom you rely on to give you that chance. Hadn’t Ramotar come to office with this abuser sense of entitlement, an attitude in politics that for too long is working against this nation’s development, he would have factored in the lessons of the 2011 elections. He would have taken note of the call by the citizens, through their ballot, for the political parties to work together in the interest of all. Instead, he chose to disregard the will of the people as though the people are mad. In so doing he refused to undo the reckless abuse of workers’/taxpayers’ moneys and continues the violation of the law in the management of the Consolidated Fund. He outrightly disregarded the will of the people through their elected representatives to restore prudent and accountable management for their moneys via the National Budget and other parliamentary actions. The president has refused to listen to the voices outside of those within his enclave and has abused his authority to silence the voice of the masses by shutting down parliament, in order that he can rule by decree rather than govern in the interest of the people. He continues in the footsteps of his conjoined twin, Jagdeo, to run roughshod over the people. He has demonstrated no regard for the representative nature of our system of government and the society’s principal political objective of inclusionary democracy (Article 13, Guyana Constitution) Specifically to Region 10, even though his government in 2012 signed an agreement with this region to work with them to ensure their wellbeing he has reneged on the agreement, following in the footsteps of his political twin who signed agreements and never honoured them. The workers at BCGI/RUSAL who were dismissed, their rights transgressed, his cabinet refused to have these workers’ grievances addressed, the laws respected and the recognised union speak on their behalf. This is the same tactic applied by Bharrat Jagdeo when he closed down the bauxite companies and sold them to foreign capital for next to nothing. President Ramotar, whom some thought would have departed from Jagdeo’s bad policies and governance, has instead chosen to dig in and continue the process of violating laws and transgressing rights. Early in his presidency, I chose through this said medium, to encourage him to choose a different path from Jagdeo for the good of the nation, but he continues to embrace and implement these bad practices lock, stock and barrel. My greatest disappointment is that Donald Ramotar, who I know personally, had some of his apprenticeship in the trade union movement, which is a rights organisation, but the form of governance he embraces is in conflict with every principle the trade union embraces. Discrimination, corruption and intolerance have become the hallmark of his presidency. In this 21st century, he and Jagdeo are still settling scores for what they perceived happened in the 20th century, even though the major protagonists of that era, Forbes Burnham and Cheddi Jagan, had a cordial working relationship than what exists today in the political culture. In this same medium, I drew to the attention of the current crop of politicians the strengths of Burnham and Jagan in negotiating and arriving at consensus, where both parties were able to say to their constituents that we are able to deliver something for you. Instead, even as Ramotar claims that the PPP today is following in Jagan’s footsteps they refuse to negotiate and work with the opposition and independent sections of civil society. For him to now ask Guyanese for another chance come 11th May is tantamount to an abuser asking the abused to give them another. It requires strength to say, enough is enough. The abused, the people of this society, have a right to get up and say no more. What the Jagdeo/Ramotar leadership needs is time out from government to correct their evil ways. What this nation and her people need is breathing space to develop the appropriate climate and programmes to recoup from the lost ground we suffered by these two men leadership. Lincoln Lewis




A change is needed in the direction our country is going

May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The elimination of Minister Ramsaran from the political landscape at this moment in time (even though he should have been sacked the same day he destroyed his political career), is not the end of this story because if the PPP wins , comrade Bheri will certainly be partially re-instated in a lower position. Check out Mr. Kellawan Lall, who, embarrassed himself and the PPP government, but was never penalized, became ambassador to Brazil, embarrassed us again, and is now home in Guyana, and on the PPP list of candidates – the post -Jagan era of the PPP is scandal-driven and devoid of discipline and devotion to the peoples’ welfare; when Jagan was in charge of the PPP, one never heard any scandals rocking that party’s core foundation. The point of the matter is that comrade Bheri was never up to the task of Minister of Health and everyone in the government and most health providers knew very well that Ramsaran was not capable of running such a complex ministry, even if his duties had been cut in half. The voters, women voters in particular, should wonder if Bheri Ramsaran’s boorish attitude is an isolated case in this government or whether, as the saying goes, “birds of a feather, flock together” and Bheri’s behaviour is accepted in the big shot hierarchy of the PPP. Furthermore, all voters should wonder about the calibre of persons who are given a ministry and do not perform well, with comrade Bheri as an example. Thus the most important questions: 1.What have Ministers Benn, Persaud, Nandlall, Manickchand and Sukhai done for us, the citizens of Guyana? Go and examine each of these ministers and their accomplishments and the voter would be shocked by what his taxpayer dollar has bought. 2. And as the saying goes – where’s the beef? Where are the benefits for us from their job performances? 3. Has Mr. Benn’s road and sea defence works bettered our lives; has Mr. Persaud’s policies protected our natural resources instead of creating havoc in our rich interior; has Mr. Nandlall’s policies bettered our legal framework where we have more easier access to find justice in our courts; has Ms. Manickchand’s tenure brought school buses for our children and hope for our university graduates; has Ms. Sukhai’s rule over the Amerindians relieved their poverty and protected their traditional lands ? The answer to those questions tells us who to vote for, if we can put aside our fears, our prejudices, our blind loyalties, and accept that a change is needed in the direction our country is going. Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)


APNU+AFC blasts BaiShanLin for

failure to honor promises to Guyana

May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– As furor against Chinese company continues to rise A Partnership for National Unity plus Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC)’s Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine and

APNU+AFC Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine

APNU+AFC Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine

Khemraj Ramjattan have both condemned the alarming rate at which concessions are being handed to BaiShanLin. They say that this is being done at the expense of local businessmen. They also point to the company’s failure to honour its commitments to provide Guyanese employment. These issues recently came to the fore with the revelations of the large tax concessions granted to the Chinese-owned company. BaiShanLin has been under scrutiny for its large scale extraction and export of Guyana’s timber using a primarily Chinese workforce. Though the Government of Guyana has protested that BaiShanLin’s export level remains within the parameters of the law, the Chinese company has not created jobs within Guyana’s sector for Guyanese or made any serious attempt to give back to the Guyanese people. Despite the fact that the company has been in Guyana since 2005, BaiShanLin is yet to honour its commitment to Guyana to establish a wood processing plant, instead exporting all of the extracted timber almost instantaneously. Roopnaraine expressed his dismay at the entire situation, stating that the local private sector and the small miner and forester were the ones whose livelihood suffered the most, but that Guyana was also deriving no benefit in the entire process.

APNU+AFC Khemraj Ramjattan

APNU+AFC Khemraj Ramjattan

Roopnaraine stated that it was necessary for the government to implement a more consistent tax regime and to provide more incentives and a level playing field for local miners and foresters, who have long complained of the domination of BaiShanLin on the country’s timber market. The politician nevertheless noted that the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) was just caught up in the imbroglio, being mandated to fulfill the Government’s policies. Any change in the tax policy towards foreign investors must come from the Government itself, Roopnaraine said. Ramjattan was critical of the company, noting that the non-implementation of the timber processing plant in Linden, was a fundamental violation of the company’s agreement, when they would have had to lay out a proposal upon approaching the Government of Guyana. He also cited the huge amounts of logs being exported as another violation that the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) was tacitly allowing. Financial analyst Ramon Gaskin had blasted the government’s “sweetheart deal” with BaiShanLin in the latest Thursday night broadcast of Nation Watch with Christopher Ram. He stated that the Chinese company’s continued presence in Guyana was doing nothing more than

Financial Analyst Ramon Gaskin

Financial Analyst Ramon Gaskin

harm to the economy. Added to this was the fact that BaiShanLin was in a virtual ‘tax paradise’ not having to pay any royalties or applicable value added taxes (VAT) among other concessions. Gaskin had described it as Guyana having to subsidize the Chinese economy. China is currently rated as the world’s second largest economy, far ahead of Guyana’s. The company is reported to have benefitted from billions of dollars worth in tax concessions, remissions and tax holidays, but when enquiries into its failure to honour its commitment to build the wood processing plant started last year, it blamed the Guyana Office for Investment (Go- Invest) for delaying its application for the factory. Within the last week, however, it has shifted the blame to “hostile” media reports in 2014 for discouraging financers, singling out Kaieteur News as the leader of the “hostile campaign”. It also claimed that the newspaper had no evidence to support many of its claims. BaiShanLin, in its statement, insisted that it is a privately-owned company and does not receive capital from the Government of Guyana. Kaieteur News at no time contended that BaiShanLin receives funding from the Government of Guyana. But even in its response to the article, BaiShanLin does not deny that it was approved ‘US$70M’ for certain activities. With regard to the wood processing plant in the Linden area that was to be constructed, BaiShanLin, one of the largest exporters of the country’s prime species of wood, complained that it has indeed suffered major setbacks in completing its wood processing facility that will create hundreds of jobs for Guyanese. It claimed that these “setbacks” directly relate to lack of adequate funding from its financiers, who, since last year “when these sustained attacks began,” became concerned about the “soundness of investing further in what appeared to be a hostile environment.” It would contradict what the company said in August last year when local media reported on the extent of BaiShanLin’s operations in Guyana. Back then, the company failed to mention in its published advertisements that “financiers” were scared to invest. Instead, back then BaiShanLin sought to throw the blame on GO-Invest for the delays. In one of its advertisements, the company stated that in 2008, it applied to the “Government of Guyana through the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) and other agencies to lease lands to set up a factory to process logs and engage in value-added production, such as the making of furniture, craft and hardwood flooring.” It had said then that it was experiencing delays. Kaieteur News later reported that GO-Invest had had no such application. BaiShanLin had nothing to say when this was revealed. This caused many, including the opposition, to challenge the government to make public the investment agreement it signed on to with the Chinese logging company. To date, this is yet to be done. Further, on the note of logging, BaiShanLin said that as it relates to operations, it has consistently remained well within the regulations governing the forestry sector. It has been reported on extensively, by insiders and other well-informed critics, including Dr. Janette Bulkan, a forestry specialist, that BaiShanLin practices landlordism. The Timber Sales Agreement (TSAs) which governs logging does not allow that. BaiShanLin also sought to justify its great access to the mining sector. The regulations stipulate that only Guyanese can participate in auctions and bid for mining lands. It said that the company’s owner in Guyana, Mr. Chu Hongbo is a naturalized Guyanese and that he is entitled to benefit from that clause. He did not say whether all the statutory requirements for naturalisation were met. BaiShanLin failed to point out that it has been granted hundreds of millions of dollars in duty free concessions and other breaks and therefore has an unfair advantage when it comes to competing with local operators.


Quote "Khemraj Ramjattan have both condemned the alarming rate at which concessions are being handed to BaiShanLin. They say that this is being done at the expense of local businessmen. They also point to the company’s failure to honour its commitments to provide Guyanese employment. These issues recently came to the fore with the revelations of the large tax concessions granted to the Chinese-owned company."unquote


What is the people from Guyana getting from Bai Shan Lin? Nothing as it would seem that the Politician (Government) is filling their pockets.


More Bribery and Corruptions.


Shaik Baksh’s son writes off gov’t.


May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

The son of the Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Water Inc. Shaik Baksh is now hospitalized after writing off a Toyota Hilux double cab pick-up that is attached to the state owned utility company.

The GWI vehicle is a total wreck.

The GWI vehicle is a total wreck.

The young Baksh was reportedly heading towards the mining town of Linden when in the vicinity of Yarrowkabra, the vehicle he was driving clipped an oncoming car before turning turtle several times and then land in the nearby bushes. The impact caused the tray of the pick-up to separate from the cab. The driver reportedly suffered a fractured foot and hand and was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted. According to a source, the young Baksh was not authorized to drive the vehicle, since he was not carrying out the official business of the GWI. “That vehicle belonged to the GWI and was not a Baksh family vehicle,” the source said. Kaieteur News understands that the elder Baksh, who once held at least two Cabinet posts in the Bharrat Jagdeo Administration, was out of the country at the time of the accident. He flew into the country early yesterday morning after learning about the mishap.


Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cableâ€Ķ Dax contract is born out of corrupt intentions – Lawyers

May 4, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– agreement ignores termination and penalty clauses, time frame for completion

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate and Lawyer, Moses Nagamootoo

APNU+AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate and Lawyer, Moses Nagamootoo

Most, if not all contracts between Government and any contractor for any national project are supposed to have certain central conditions. The contract must have, at least, the timeframe within which that project must be completed, a termination clause, a penalty clause and comments regarding insurance. But these very fundamental conditions are absent from the recent two-page agreement signed between the current administration and Dax Contracting Services Ltd. on the rehabilitation of the Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cable project. In fact, the contract between the two, sees Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed, receiving billions of dollars worth in concessions with Government even making a commitment to provide a financial contribution to the local contractor. It is against this background that lawyers are of the firm opinion that the ‘Dax agreement’ lacks the makings of a legal contract. They went further to state that it is “nothing but another give away, a sweetheart deal and another move in Government’s plans to grab and control the telecommunications sector.” The termination clause describes what will happen if the contract is ended early or defaulted on. It can make the contractor that is responsible for the default or termination pay damages to the other party. As for the penalty clause, this provides a form of punishment, such as a fine or forfeit if the contractor, for example, fails to fulfill the obligations of the contract. Moses Nagamootoo, one of the lawyers, said that a contract without any penalty clause for the contractor in case he fails to carry out the outlined obligations, is “nothing but a joke.” Another lawyer, who has practised Contract Law for a number of years, said, “The fact that Government failed to take into account the possibility of the contractor not living up to the agreed arrangements, points to the scope of the illegality that they plan to be involved in and as such the contract itself is born out of corrupt intentions.” The lawyer emphasized that penalties are included in contracts to ensure that there is a binding commitment to the tasks being carried out by the contractor in a timely and efficient manner. “So since that is absent, the contractor can take his sweet time. And so we see another contract with all the makings of a giveaway package. It has the corrupt style of the former President, Bharrat Jagdeo all over it. “Agreements normally cite obligations and responsibilities of the contractor and the Dax agreement does not even follow this procedure. “It does not outline specifically, the nature of the works to be completed and the extent of the damage done. “Nothing in that regard is specific except the concessions. This just goes to show the disrespect this government has for the electorate, the people who entrusted them with the responsibility to manage wisely, their resources. “But this represents a spit in their (electorate) faces,” the lawyer expressed.

AFC Leader and Attorney-at-Law, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader and Attorney-at-Law, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, also expressed similar sentiments, He went further to state that once the APNU+AFC assumes office, the contract will be pulled from Mohamed. Additionally, well known economist, Dr. Clive Thomas, on Saturday last lashed out at the architects of the agreement. He had said that the deal which allows Mohamed some exclusive shares in a state cable is not only disrespectful to the Guyanese people, but highly illegal. He had said, too, that the crafters of the contract should be made to face the court. On March 16, last, Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon on behalf of the government, negotiated with and signed a special agreement with Dax Contracting Services Ltd. Under the agreement, Dax will undertake the repair and maintain the fibre optic cable from Brazil. This contract is for an initial 25 years with an option to renew it for a further 15 years. This gives Dax a total of 40 years of cable rights. Government has also undertaken to provide Mohamed with the necessary support to receive and transmit data by way of the cable after granting the company an operating licence. And for free, Mohamed will be able to use the Government-owned fibre optic cables and structures including, roads, the poles, access to repeater stations and other things. Dax Contracting Services would also be provided with tax exemptions and incentives, including but not limited to tax holidays, remissions, tax waivers and duty free concessions on equipment, spares, tools  and vehicles. The government insists that it will retain possession and use of most of the bandwidth, as agreed to between Dax and the government. As the owner of parts of the cable, Mohamed can invite and sign with any company or entity to use them to transmit and receive data and information from any part of the world in the same way that today’s telephone companies operate. To add insult to injury, the government has agreed to pay Dax for specific emergency maintenance. In exchange for the operating licence, Mohamed will accept the risks involved in accepting and using the operating licence even before the telecommunications legislation is passed. This arrangement will insulate the government from any legal challenge from the monopoly holder of the landline service, the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T) Company. Should the telephone company pursue legal avenues, it would be Mohamed facing the fire. This same contracting service owned by Mohamed, was one of the five contractors hired to lay the cable from Lethem to Georgetown. When a Kaieteur News reporter contacted Mohamed, he told her, “Hey, hey listen. You can go and f**k youself.”


Quote"The contract must have, at least, the timeframe within which that project must be completed, a termination clause, a penalty clause and comments regarding insurance. But these very fundamental conditions are absent from the recent two-page agreement signed between the current administration and Dax Contracting Services Ltd. on the rehabilitation of the Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cable project."unquote




 This just goes to show the disrespect this government has for the electorate, the people who entrusted them with the responsibility to manage wisely, their resources. “But this represents a spit in their (electorate) faces,” the lawyer expressed.


These are the disrespect shown by the Corrupt PPP/C of which they will pay dearly for.


Corentyne Chamber saysâ€ĶThree years later Ramotar still to fulfill tax reform promise

December 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

â€ĶCalls on Government to address high taxes, crime and unemployment

The performance of the government came under serious scrutiny on Friday when the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce (CCCC) held its 10th Anniversary Dinner and fourth Bi-Annual Awards ceremony at the Chamber’s new $35M office at Williamsburg, Rose Hall Town, Corentyne. President of CCCC, Mr. Tajpaul Adjodhea, blasted the government on its stewardship and ineptitude when it comes to serious matters that affect a number of Guyanese.


President of the CCCC Taijpaul Adjodhea

President of the CCCC Taijpaul Adjodhea


He touched on high taxes, unemployment and crime which he feels that the government has failed miserably to address. Adjodhea stated that while the chamber is not a political organisation it has the right to make representation on certain issues. Being a representative of the business community, statements that it makes must not be seen as political. Giving a philosophical overview of what a chamber is expected to do, he said, “One of the objectives of the chamber is to make representation to Government on matters of industrial and commercial development, and to pursue the impact of psychical and economic policies as they impact on development of the community.” He said the Chamber has a right to make representation. He said that the country is being overtaxed. President Donald Ramotar came to Berbice three years ago and promised a reform of the tax system. He even went as far as appointing a three-man tribunal, but three years has gone and there is no tax reform. “We have been so complacent that the matter has just slid off the table.” Adjodhea said that only recently the Private Sector Commission made a statement on tax on gasoline. He said that what is happening to Guyanese in connection with the tax on fuel is an eye pass. “In the USA people pay US$3 per gallon. We pay in excess of US$5 a gallon. If there was any tax reform there could have been no justification that an important commodity like gasoline that impacts on every facet of the community—transportation, manufacturing—will attract an unbelievable tax of 40 percent and yet nothing is done.” Touching on crime, Adjodhea said, it is a worrying aspect of Guyanese lives. Recently it was said that there was a drop in crime, but the rate for armed robberies, rape and murder has gone up significantly. “The business community must be concerned. It is not a matter of when it will happen, but who will be targeted next. Every single day you look into the newspapers, businesses are being robbed; businessmen are being murdered.” “When we engaged the Commander ten years ago he told us that they have manpower issues, they don’t have enough people in the police force to police the community that they have issued with gear and equipment and vehicles. “Ten years down the road the Commissioner and Commander tell you the same thing.  Where is the plan to fight crime?” There is none, he concluded. “We are at the mercy of criminals. Years ago we use to hear about hijacking on sea, now we have hijacking on the roads and in our homes. “We talking about tourist, but when the tourists and foreigners come they are trailed from the airport and robbed as soon as they get home.” “The police never seem to be able to find the bandits and whenever they find them they can’t prosecute them, because they have Corporals prosecuting against the brightest criminal lawyers in the country.” Commenting on employment, Adjodhea said that it begs the question as to why the Police Force and the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) office cannot attract the best minds from secondary school and university to work with these organizations. The country is swamped with lawyers who would have graduation yearly, but yet the government and DPP cannot attract some of these lawyers to prosecute cases. “Something is definitely wrong, persons prefer to migrate.  It is time to revise policies.”


Guyanese travel the world to sustain their families while Govt. gives away our assets

May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, The gifting of the US$30m taxpayer-funded fibre optic cable from Brazil to Dax Contracting Services should be condemned by every Guyanese. There is no limit to the extent the PPP Government would go to transfer state assets to their friends. The transfer of the Sanata Textile Mill property to a friend of the former President for G$600M after taxpayer-funded refurbishment of a similar amount, the sale of Duke Lodge Hotel to a friend of the former President after G$90M was spent on refurbishment, an expenditure in excess of G$100M per month to cover Marriott Hotel’s expenses after spending US$58M in capital cost, the gifting of US$30M from NIS to Clico, the Trinidadian firm, a US$200M Skeldon Sugar Factory which now has Guysuco bankrupted – all while telling us “show the evidence” the list of incompetence, fraud and corruption in the past 22 years –  is endless. Guyanese must understand why we remain the poorest in the region with a per capita income of less that US$4000 per annum, and have no decent level of health care nor pension. Why and how long would we continue to allow a corrupt group to loot our assets and destroy our country? Guyanese travel all over the world in search of jobs to sustain their families while our Government levies repressive taxes and gives away our assets to their friends. The Donald Ramotar administration recently warned that no increase in salaries or reduction in taxes is possible without a deep fiscal deficit, in response to the APNU/AFC’s plans to do so if elected, but spare no moment in laundering our taxes on uneconomic projects, the object of which is to transfer these to their friends. In the case of the fibre optic Ã―cable, the explanation by Roger Luncheon to the local media is even more absurd. This apart, where was the justification to spend US$30M on such a project in the first place when current local capacity far exceeds local demand? By what process was Dax selected? Why the need to rehabilitate recently installed cables before being put to use? Isn’t Dax, as the Contractor, liable for such corrective works in the first place? What is the financial capability of Dax to insulate the Government of Guyana from legal liability and cover maintenance cost? Would Roger Luncheon publish Dax’s balance sheet from its last GRA filing to show its financial capability? Wouldn’t much needed legislation (delayed by the administration) to liberalize the telecommunication sector combined with fiscal incentives for private investments have been a better option? And why does an entire nation have to wait until its Government makes up its mind on the timing of such legislation when Digicel has for more than five years justified this by promising more than 60% reduction in current rates for local and international calls and other benefits to us and our economy? Isn’t it a shame that despite massive public spending on this sector Guyana is the only country in the region whose telecommunication operates on two G networks instead of 4G.This shows the motivation of the Government and those whose interest it serves by compromising the interest of the masses. This gifting of taxpayers’ assets is unpatriotic, corrupt and criminal. Guyanese must spare no effort in removing this corrupt Government and review transactions like the one with Dax. Robert Badal


Govt. lies about free fibre optic cable repairs

May 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Government’s claim that Dax Contracting Services would be repairing the Brazil fibre optic cable at no cost to

Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed

Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed

taxpayers, is false and misleading. The government has granted Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed hundreds of millions of dollars in duty free concessions on luxury vehicles. In the agreement signed March 16, Dax is allowed to import two SUVs and three 4-door pickups every three years for the life of the 25-year agreement. This contract has a 15-year extension clause that is attached to the 25-year contract. Two high-end SUVs (Mercedes or Lexus 570, or BMW) and three 4-door pick-ups attract some $250M in duty and taxes. This represents a hefty payment to Dax Contracting Services, according to one contractor. Dax, if he desires, could sell them and rake in a very tidy profit. This is just one of the many concessions that Government allowed Dax Contracting Services in the agreement that it says comes at no cost to taxpayers. A fortnight ago, Dr Roger Luncheon, the chief Government spokesman, announced that he signed an agreement with Dax Contracting Services Limited of Eccles, East Bank Demerara, to repair the damaged Brazilian fibre optic cable. He said that the repairs would come at no cost to Government. The deal with Dax Contracting has raised anger as Government is on record for spending at least US$100M on what it calls the Information Communication Technology (ICT) project. This project includes the Brazil fibre optic cable that runs from Lethem to

High end vehicles like the Lexus 570 and the Mercedes SUV see duties running up to $100M for each.

High end vehicles like the Lexus 570 and the Mercedes SUV see duties running up to $100M for each.

Georgetown, construction of a wireless and terrestrial network from Moleson Creek, Corentyne, to Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast, and the distribution of 90,000 laptops to poor families. The contract with Dax Contracting is seen as a giveaway with serious questions being raised as to who Dax is fronting for. The ICT project has been under scrutiny for a number of years after evidence emerged that a plan, under the direction of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, was hatched to take over the telecoms industry. He directed under draft telecoms legislations that three companies be granted Operators Licence once new liberalizations laws come into place. Those companies included Quark Communication, E-Networks and Global Technology. All three companies have directors that are close to Jagdeo, including his niece, Sabrina Singh, and buddy friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop along with Winston Brassington, whose privatization of state assets has raised glaring questions. In December, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, admitted that the project, headed by Alexei Ramotar, was in trouble, and talks were underway with a local contractor and a consortium to resurrect it. The contract reveals that Dax will enjoy unlimited benefits, as well as uncontrolled usage of the cable and every aspect of the US$100 million ICT project. The agreement is for the repair, use and maintenance of the fibre optic cable from Brazil. Government spokesman, Dr Roger Luncheon, said that the Brazil cable has 12 pairs of fibre. Dax was granted a few for his exclusive use. Government also granted tax exemptions, incentives, tax holidays and remissions. Dax will use and maintain the said fibre optic cable, repeater stations and equipment for the 40-year duration of the contract. He will also have access to and approval for use of the Government of Guyana-owned fibre optic structure equipment including road access, and access to poles. ”The Government of Guyana will provide Dax Contracting Services with the necessary support, according to the law, in obtaining licences to transmit and receive data via the fibre optic cable. When contacted recently by this newspaper for a comment, the contractor, Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed said, “Hey, hey listen, you can go and f***k yourself.” He hung up the phone immediately after.contract


Govt.’s process of granting tax concessions lacks transparency –APNU+AFC

May 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

“The criteria government uses to grant tax breaks is very clear and known to all by now. You have to be either a family member or relative, a close friend, known for lending support to the PPP/C and /or willing to stoop to any level to carry out their corrupt bidding”

The Financial point man of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Carl Greenidge, is outraged at the recent “sweetheart deal” between government and a local contractor. The deal sees Dax Contracting Services receiving billions of dollars worth in tax concessions, holidays, remissions and waivers for the rehabilitation of the Brazil to Guyana fibre optic cable. This is not the only contract of this nature between government and certain persons who are closely linked to it.

Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh

Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh

Greenidge said that this “illegal” arrangement” is the “last straw” for the electorate. In fact, he said that the “Dax Deal” is just another prime example of the “ad hoc” manner in which government grants tax concessions. He said that such behaviour strays far from what the tax laws stipulate. According to the Fiscal Incentives Institutional Framework for Investment, incentives are supposed to be granted in such a manner that it fosters and promotes a suitable investment climate for both local and foreign investors. The document says that Government’s commitment to investment is also set out in the Investment Act (No. 1 of 2004), which was crafted -”â€Ķ.to stimulate the socio economic development of Guyana, and to attract and facilitate investment.” In his interview with Kaieteur News yesterday, the APNU Executive Member expressed, that tax concessions are supposed to be granted in a transparent manner and one that promotes the adherence to international best practices regarding investment. He stressed that based on how government operates, as is evident in the case with its recent “Dax Deal”, favoritism plays out when giving out tax breaks and holidays to entrepreneurs. “It is obvious that such behaviour defeats the purpose for which tax concessions are to be granted. How government grants these tax holidays obviously leads to the death of certain companies. It creates unfair competition,” the former Finance Minister added.

APNU’s Shadow Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge

APNU’s Shadow Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge

While the granting of the tax concessions is at the discretion of the Minister of Finance , Dr. Ashni Singh, Greenidge opined that the magnitude of certain tax breaks gives the clear impression that “Dr. Singh lacks a conscience, and / or is acting under the influence of former President Bharrat Jagdeo.” The tax laws also state that government should not discriminate against types of investments, investors (local or foreign), or types of ventures (company, joint venture, partnerships or sole trading) so long as the investment is sound and duly effected by a legally constituted body/person. Greenidge said that this principle is totally thrown out of the window, as some contracts which attract certain tax concessions clearly show that government discriminates when it comes to investments. The APNU Executive Member reminded of the billions of dollars worth in tax breaks, holidays and concessions granted to the Marriott Hotel. He then pointed to the details of the recent contract between the government and Dax Contracting Services which is owned by Faisal Mohamed. Under the agreement, Dax will undertake the repair and maintain the fibre optic cable from Brazil. This contract is for an initial 25 years with an option to renew it for a further 15 years. This gives Dax a total of 40 years of cable rights. Government has also undertaken to provide Mohamed with the necessary support to receive and transmit data by way of the cable after granting the company an operating licence. And for free, Mohamed will be able to use the Government-owned fibre optic cables and structures including, roads, the poles, access to repeater stations and other things. Dax Contracting Services would also be provided with tax exemptions and incentives, including but not limited to tax holidays, remissions, tax waivers and duty free concessions on equipment, spares, tools and vehicles. The government insists that it will retain possession and use of most of the bandwidth, as agreed to between Dax and the government. As the owner of parts of the cable, Mohamed can invite and sign with any company or entity to use them to transmit and receive data and information from any part of the world in the same way that today’s telephone companies operate. To add insult to injury, the government has agreed to pay Dax for specific emergency maintenance. What is even more alarming is that with all the concessions granted to Dax, there is no mention of a penalty clause, a termination clause anything in relation to insurance. These are all basic features of any legal contract. Since the government is often claiming that there is no discrimination in the dispensation of tax concessions between local and foreign investors or businesses, Greenidge is now challenging the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) to say which entity or person without links to it, was privileged enough to benefit from a “sweetheart deal” like the ones given to the Marriott Hotel and Dax Engineering. “Government would be unable to do this because it is only concerned about increasing the ill-gotten wealth of its families and friends. This dying administration cannot deny that it is guilty of granting these concessions in an ad hoc fashion. It ignores the fair and equitable manner it is supposed to be distributed. And Ashni knows very well why he has deliberately failed to monitor all the concessions granted, for if a trail were really to be documented it would lead all the way to Jagdeo. The criteria government uses to grant tax breaks is very clear and known to all by now. You have to be either:  a family member or relative, a close friend, known for lending support to the PPP/C and /or willing to stoop to any level to carry out their corrupt bidding,” Greenidge concluded.


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