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The Speaker of the National Assembly must receive at least 51 per cent of the votes of the House so it is up to APNU to endorse the AFC’s candidate. If not, it should be open season for the AFC to solicit the votes from the PPP for its candidate,” Nagamootoo said. Nagamootoo, who served for more than 50 years with the PPP, resigned from the party and joined the AFC weeks before the November 28 polls.

Trotman indicated that Nagamootoo’s statements were not the party’s position. “Nothing comes for free,” Trotman said, while indicating that seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter would inevitably lead to the PPP/C requesting certain favours later. The AFC, Trotman added, had campaigned on certain issues, including curbing the excessiveness and abuse by the government and has a duty to the persons that voted for the party. He said that by seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter, it may compromise the party’s ability to rein in the PPP/C on its abuses and excesses in the future.

Excerpts from the Stabroek News

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Nuff:
Easy resolution.

Throw Nagamootoo out of the AFC. It's that simple if he wants to be a loose cannon.

Exactly, throw out all stupid coolies. He bring the votes and seat, now he aint worth sh1t, chew him up, spit him out, same foa Ramjattan and the rest. See how slick Afros are. Coolies learn a good lesson in 2011.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Easy resolution.

Throw Nagamootoo out of the AFC. It's that simple if he wants to be a loose cannon.

Two can play this game.
What about if Naga or any other AFC MP decide to throw his/her vote behind the PPP candidate or just sick-out. Party Leader Trotman can later recall him/her but the vote would have already counted.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Yo ... I'm an APNU man. Big Grin

I'm not worried about the AFC ... unless they step on my toes.

Mi know bai. AFC step oin yuh toes when coolie speak up.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Easy resolution.

Throw Nagamootoo out of the AFC. It's that simple if he wants to be a loose cannon.

Two can play this game.
What about if Naga or any other AFC MP decide to throw his/her vote behind the PPP candidate or just sick-out. Party Leader Trotman can later recall him/her but the vote would have already counted.

SG if people wanted the PPP to control parliament, in addition to the executive they would ahve voted for them to have a majority.

They did not, so naively assuming that the PPP will back Nagamootoo with nothing in exchange is like wishing that snow will harden on the streets of Georgetown. How do you know that Naga isnt trying to prepare a way to go home to the PPP by seeing whether they will support him or not? After all he had an opportunity to leave the PPP when Ramjattan did and chose not to. So can he really be trusted, or was this just some power play between him and Jagdeo?

If APNU and the AFC cant agree on a Speaker thats life, but for one of them to hand it over to the PPP is being very stupid.
Originally posted by albert:
The Speaker of the National Assembly must receive at least 51 per cent of the votes of the House so it is up to APNU to endorse the AFC’s candidate. If not, it should be open season for the AFC to solicit the votes from the PPP for its candidate,” Nagamootoo said. Nagamootoo, who served for more than 50 years with the PPP, resigned from the party and joined the AFC weeks before the November 28 polls.

Trotman indicated that Nagamootoo’s statements were not the party’s position. “Nothing comes for free,” Trotman said, while indicating that seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter would inevitably lead to the PPP/C requesting certain favours later. The AFC, Trotman added, had campaigned on certain issues, including curbing the excessiveness and abuse by the government and has a duty to the persons that voted for the party. He said that by seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter, it may compromise the party’s ability to rein in the PPP/C on its abuses and excesses in the future.

Excerpts from the Stabroek News

I said it before and I'll say it again, again and again. Trotman was, is and always be a PNC man. He is not to be trusted, he is a traitor of the highest order
Originally posted by Nuff:
Easy resolution.

Throw Nagamootoo out of the AFC. It's that simple if he wants to be a loose cannon.

The man is more than a loose cannot.

Can you believe the balls he has to ask the PPP for help?
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Easy resolution.

Throw Nagamootoo out of the AFC. It's that simple if he wants to be a loose cannon.

Two can play this game.
What about if Naga or any other AFC MP decide to throw his/her vote behind the PPP candidate or just sick-out. Party Leader Trotman can later recall him/her but the vote would have already counted.

I am predicting a Deborah backer win.
See how y'all AFC bais mess up a good thing. Now Moses wants to come on board in the last month of election rallies and play God. Big Grin

Sounds kind of infantile to me. Send him back to to PPP.


Granger says Nagamootoo not best person for Speaker -APNU has put forward Deborah Backer, ‘Cammie’ Ramsaroop
By Stabroek staff

APNU Leader David Granger says that his party remains committed to negotiating with the AFC over the position of Speaker in the National Assembly, but says that the opposition coalition does not feel that the AFC nominee Moses Nagamootoo would be the best person for the job.

Granger said that the coalition has put forward two nominees in Deborah Backer and Bishwaishwar `Cammie’ Ramsaroop for the post and was sticking by them. He said that the negotiations between APNU and the AFC were ongoing and added that the parties hoped to settle on the issue soon. APNU, he said, was committed to reaching consensus on the matter with the AFC and ruled out seeking the support of the PPP/C on the matter.

APNU Deputy Leader Dr Rupert Roopnaraine told Stabroek News last week that the APNU and the AFC intended to settle on the matter before the parties next engage the government. A meeting among the parties is tentatively set for today, Granger indicated to Stabroek News yesterday, but he would not say whether a decision would be made on the matter of the Speaker before then. Granger said though that the parties had other issues to discuss other than just who would be the Speaker.

David Granger
When asked if he considered Nagamootoo to be a polarizing figure, Granger answered in the negative but pointed to his close association with the PPP over the years.

Nagamootoo, Granger said, had been a long-standing member of the PPP who was a member of the party’s Central Committee and a member of the National Assembly when some of the abuses by the PPP/C administration were being committed. “We would like someone who is not so easily and closely identifiable with the PPP,” Granger said. Granger said that over 175,000 people voted for change at the last elections by not voting for the PPP/C, and said that the opposition parties should agree to offer the electorate this. In plugging the candidature of Nagamootoo, AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan last week said Nagamootoo possessed all the qualities to be an outstanding Speaker. “Experience, legal knowledge, knowing the Sir Michael Davies report (on parliamentary reforms), being with the constitutional reform commission from day one, understanding what needs to make parliament the premier institution of the land, a capacity to be diplomatic when that is required, a capacity to be very brutal if that is required,” Ramjattan listed as the qualities.

The ruling PPP/C would like for Ralph Ramkarran to be returned as Speaker of the House and has been mum on the other names being mooted for the post. Nagamootoo recently told Stabroek News that the AFC should be given the speakership of the National Assembly even if it had to secure some votes from the PPP/C. However, AFC Leader Raphael Trotman later distanced the party from Nagamootoo’s statements, insisting that the AFC did not intend to seek support from the PPP/C. While indicating that the party was still supporting Nagamootoo for the post, Trotman said that his party is committed to having the Speaker come from the Opposition.

“Nothing comes for free,” Trotman said, while indicating that seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter would inevitably lead to the PPP/C requesting certain favours later. The AFC, Trotman added, had campaigned on certain issues, including curbing the excessiveness and abuse by the government and has a duty to the persons that voted for the party. He said that by seeking the support of the PPP/C on this matter, it may compromise the party’s ability to rein in the PPP/C on its abuses and excesses in the future.

The PPP/C for the first time since coming to power in 1992 does not have control of the 65-seat National Assembly. It secured 32 seats at the recent elections. APNU and the AFC together control the remaining 33 seats. The Speaker is elected by a simple majority in the House.
Originally posted by Nuff:
See how y'all AFC bais mess up a good thing. Now Moses wants to come on board in the last month of election rallies and play God. Big Grin

Tell dem deh nah...e-nuff of dem Coolies, dem want too much. Nagamootoo brought the votes, but who gi he rights to talk, now throw he rass out, he served his purpose, move out and give to PNC. Afros prapa smart mi tell yuh. Mi tell mi Indo frens abie muss learn from Afros, dem a watch we.
now I didn't say all of that.

I am saying Moses is the new kid on the block and he wants to call the shots. Ramjattan needs to reel him in. No wonder the PPP had put him (Moses) on ice.
The AFC is not the ideal party as it advertised itself to be. This party is made up of die-hard PPPites and PNCites. Don't hope Change with these chaps. They will fight among themselves and the Party will end up being no different from the PNC or the PPP... party's that extract most of their votes from one group. The PPP is less such a party since it garnered the majority of the Amerindian votes.

With what's happening between Moses and Trotman it reminds me of the conflict between Gaumattis Singh and the AFC leader. Things are getting spicy.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Nuff:
Easy resolution.

Throw Nagamootoo out of the AFC. It's that simple if he wants to be a loose cannon.
WHy is he a loose cannon? Has he a history of irratic behavior? Does he possess a legacy of corrupt practices? And who are the ones leveraging such accusations? Ms Baker was directly a part of a financial entity that has not met its obligation of transparency to its depositors. She has to explain her role in this and to this point refused to do so to. Nagamotto has no such baggage. If being linked to a corrupt party is his baggage then we ought to look to the party membership of those making the claim and has they broken away from such affiliations or have they made public conciliatory statements to the public satisfaction for their former alliances.
Moses is trying to threaten the APNU by talking about garnering votes from the PPP. Let him take the AFC back to the PPP fold. The citizens voted the PPP out for a reason. Let him run back to the comforts of his 40 year tenure with the PPP.

Like I said, I am for the APNU because I know what I am getting with the APNU opposition. The AFC is not surefooted.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The AFC is not the ideal party as it advertised itself to be. This party is made up of die-hard PPPites and PNCites. Don't hope Change with these chaps. They will fight among themselves and the Party will end up being no different from the PNC or the PPP... party's that extract most of their votes from one group. The PPP is less such a party since it garnered the majority of the Amerindian votes.

With what's happening between Moses and Trotman it reminds me of the conflict between Gaumattis Singh and the AFC leader. Things are getting spicy.
No party is ideal since expectations of attaining the ideal type is for dreamers of the June bud kind. There is a sliding scale of authenticity with respect to noble ideals and were the scale decimal the AFC would be around six or seven and the OPPP/APNU would be operating around the one region of the scale.

Id gaumattie is the AFC sins then a lil grah puja will trake care of that. I do not think the flow rate of the waters of the Ganga and Jamuna over a month can wash those two clean of their sins.
If Moses takes his party's 7 seats to the PPP just to ensure he gets the speaker slot, the people will be aware that the AFC cannot be trusted and they are nothing more than PPP soupies. because the PPP speaker endorsement for Moses will come with certain demands from the ruling party.

I say let the AFC join the PPP like the CIVIC. We know where we stand with the AFC. They have been PPPites for 40+ years and will remain PPPites.
Originally posted by Nuff:
If Moses takes his party's 7 seats to the PPP just to ensure he gets the speaker slot, the people will be aware that the AFC cannot be trusted and they are nothing more than PPP soupies. because the PPP speaker endorsement for Moses will come with certain demands from the ruling party.

I say let the AFC join the PPP like the CIVIC. We know where we stand with the AFC. They have been PPPites for 40+ years and will remain PPPites.
I do not get your reasoning. The PPP and the APNU have been at other's throat for 6 decades and they are both extremist race based parties. Mediation is necessary and that could only be played by the AFC. The speaker ship in the hands of APNU will be like the presidency in the hands of the PPP. We need a difference from these two and a means to instruct them on the habit of moderation.
Moses cannot come on the block 6 weeks ago and "demand" the speaker role. 2 months ago he was with the PPP. I don't know if I can trust him. After 40+ years with the PPP he may dislike Jagdeo, but I bet he is buddy buddy with those 32 PPP MPs.

Just my view.
Ramjattan needs to let Moses know who is in charge. It seems like Moses is a loose cannon. He's saying one thing and Trotman is saying another. The dude has only been in the AFC for 6 weeks.

This is the kind of guy who sounds like he will cross party lines.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Moses is trying to threaten the APNU by talking about garnering votes from the PPP. Let him take the AFC back to the PPP fold. The citizens voted the PPP out for a reason. Let him run back to the comforts of his 40 year tenure with the PPP.

Like I said, I am for the APNU because I know what I am getting with the APNU opposition. The AFC is not surefooted.
all you getting with APNU right now is blackness,carefull your racist personalty will say is all that is being post here.let use our sence if guyana stay voting race the APNU will say in the fields,the AFC is the light at the end of the tunnel for black people.the APNU have no choice but to vote for moses.when i see APNU PUT UP RAMSROOP name i know they is only bluffing,this man is one of the biggist fool and thief in guyana politics.APNU have to think about the future of its people,to get indians to stay away from the ppp they have to show that they is supporting AFC.what better way to do so than to give moses the speaker of the house
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Moses is trying to threaten the APNU by talking about garnering votes from the PPP. Let him take the AFC back to the PPP fold. The citizens voted the PPP out for a reason. Let him run back to the comforts of his 40 year tenure with the PPP.

Like I said, I am for the APNU because I know what I am getting with the APNU opposition. The AFC is not surefooted.
all you getting with APNU right now is blackness,carefull your racist personalty will say is all that is being post here.let use our sence if guyana stay voting race the APNU will say in the fields,the AFC is the light at the end of the tunnel for black people.the APNU have no choice but to vote for moses.when i see APNU PUT UP RAMSROOP name i know they is only bluffing,this man is one of the biggist fool and thief in guyana politics.APNU have to think about the future of its people,to get indians to stay away from the ppp they have to show that they is supporting AFC.what better way to do so than to give moses the speaker of the house
Check yuhself homey.

You are calling me racist because I differ from your point of view? Is that the best you can do?

There's a reason the AFC only got 7 seats. Go think about it, it's not rocket science. The reason is because the people didn't feel they were up to the task at hand. It's that simple.
Originally posted by Nuff:
If Moses takes his party's 7 seats to the PPP just to ensure he gets the speaker slot, the people will be aware that the AFC cannot be trusted and they are nothing more than PPP soupies. because the PPP speaker endorsement for Moses will come with certain demands from the ruling party.

I say let the AFC join the PPP like the CIVIC. We know where we stand with the AFC. They have been PPPites for 40+ years and will remain PPPites.
you speaking like a spoil child,sorry to say this,but if the AFC go back to the ppp,the indians come from the indians will stay in power. me and you will die and leave guyana a indian if we do that we will not be true guyanese.we must want what is good for our country and not our skin.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Moses cannot come on the block 6 weeks ago and "demand" the speaker role. 2 months ago he with the PPP. I don't know if I can trust him. After 40+ years with the PPP he may dislike Jagdeo, but I bet he is buddy buddy with those 26 PPP MPs.

Just my view.
Six months or six days; the axis on which this revolves is integrity and moderation. The PPP or the PNC are not bad. It is the leadership ahd there they have taken their party. Every one has a chance to jump off the bus.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nuff:
If Moses takes his party's 7 seats to the PPP just to ensure he gets the speaker slot, the people will be aware that the AFC cannot be trusted and they are nothing more than PPP soupies. because the PPP speaker endorsement for Moses will come with certain demands from the ruling party.

I say let the AFC join the PPP like the CIVIC. We know where we stand with the AFC. They have been PPPites for 40+ years and will remain PPPites.
you speaking like a spoil child,sorry to say this,but if the AFC go back to the ppp,the indians come from the indians will stay in power. me and you will die and leave guyana a indian if we do that we will not be true guyanese.we must want what is good for our country and not our skin.
I say ... let the AFC show their true colors and go back to the PPP. Isn't that what Moses stated recently that he would align himself with the PPP in an effort to get the speaker position. Is he now negotiating with the PPP for his own fortune without consulting his party leaders?
Nagamootoo recently told Stabroek News that the AFC should be given the speakership of the National Assembly even if it had to secure some votes from the PPP/C.

That's all I have to say! Big Grin
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Moses is trying to threaten the APNU by talking about garnering votes from the PPP. Let him take the AFC back to the PPP fold. The citizens voted the PPP out for a reason. Let him run back to the comforts of his 40 year tenure with the PPP.

Like I said, I am for the APNU because I know what I am getting with the APNU opposition. The AFC is not surefooted.
all you getting with APNU right now is blackness,carefull your racist personalty will say is all that is being post here.let use our sence if guyana stay voting race the APNU will say in the fields,the AFC is the light at the end of the tunnel for black people.the APNU have no choice but to vote for moses.when i see APNU PUT UP RAMSROOP name i know they is only bluffing,this man is one of the biggist fool and thief in guyana politics.APNU have to think about the future of its people,to get indians to stay away from the ppp they have to show that they is supporting AFC.what better way to do so than to give moses the speaker of the house
Check yuhself homey.

You are calling me racist because I differ from your point of view? Is that the best you can do?

There's a reason the AFC only got 7 seats. Go think about it, it's not rocket science. The reason is because the people didn't feel they were up to the task at hand. It's that simple.
that bull shit,the reason is that the people keep voting race.the black stay racist and mose of the indians stay racist.only the true honest guyanese vote AFC.and yes i call you a racist,show me different and i will beg for your giveness
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Moses cannot come on the block 6 weeks ago and "demand" the speaker role. 2 months ago he with the PPP. I don't know if I can trust him. After 40+ years with the PPP he may dislike Jagdeo, but I bet he is buddy buddy with those 26 PPP MPs.

Just my view.
Six months or six days; the axis on which this revolves is integrity and moderation. The PPP or the PNC are not bad. It is the leadership ahd there they have taken their party. Every one has a chance to jump off the bus.
My point is why did Moses wait so long to leave the PPP. Even when it was predicted he was leaving he said he was unsure .... he only committed himself to the AFC publicly 6 weeks ago.

I can't say I trust the dude to be impartial as speaker. He has many ties to the PPP.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Nagamootoo recently told Stabroek News that the AFC should be given the speakership of the National Assembly even if it had to secure some votes from the PPP/C.

That's all I have to say! Big Grin
so if APNU is stupid not to know their friends then they must face their enemy alone
Originally posted by warrior:
that bull shit,the reason is that the people keep voting race.the black stay racist and mose of the indians stay racist.only the true honest guyanese vote AFC.and yes i call you a racist,show me different and i will beg for your giveness
Not an issue.

People call people racist on GN&I when their opinions or causes differ. It's the norm on this forum.

Look if the AFC didn't come into my camp, how do you expect me to vote for them. Did the AFC spend time in the hood in GT and Linden? So how do you expect votes if you don't campaign? Are you looking for free votes.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Nagamootoo recently told Stabroek News that the AFC should be given the speakership of the National Assembly even if it had to secure some votes from the PPP/C.

That's all I have to say! Big Grin
so if APNU is stupid not to know their friends then they must face their enemy alone
I would rather the AFC do the right thing, but Moses can't come demanding. He's the new kid on the block but he's acting like he runs things.

Is this why the PPP put him on ice?
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Moses cannot come on the block 6 weeks ago and "demand" the speaker role. 2 months ago he with the PPP. I don't know if I can trust him. After 40+ years with the PPP he may dislike Jagdeo, but I bet he is buddy buddy with those 26 PPP MPs.

Just my view.
Six months or six days; the axis on which this revolves is integrity and moderation. The PPP or the PNC are not bad. It is the leadership ahd there they have taken their party. Every one has a chance to jump off the bus.
My point is why did Moses wait so long to leave the PPP. Even when it was predicted he was leaving he said he was unsure .... he only committed himself to the AFC publicly 6 weeks ago.

I can't say I trust the dude to be impartial as speaker. He has many ties to the PPP.
what donot happen in a million years happen in a minute.its hard to convict your own brothers.but when a man do it do not ask why but do know he think its time to have to give the man credit to walk away from his house when he think its evil.
Originally posted by warrior:
what donot happen in a million years happen in a minute.its hard to convict your own brothers.but when a man do it do not ask why but do know he think its time to have to give the man credit to walk away from his house when he think its evil.
OK point taken.

But now to come bullying your way for the speaker spot after only being in the party 6 weeks... and to say stuff contrary to what the AFC VP candidate (Trotman) is issuing, ie., seeking PPP votes in favor of your nomination.

Am I missing something here. The man sounds like a loose cannon. I say the AFC better let people know who's running things. It appears Moses has hijacked Ramjattan's program.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Nagamootoo recently told Stabroek News that the AFC should be given the speakership of the National Assembly even if it had to secure some votes from the PPP/C.

That's all I have to say! Big Grin
so if APNU is stupid not to know their friends then they must face their enemy alone
I would rather the AFC do the right thing, but Moses can't come demanding. He's the new kid on the block but he's acting like he runs things.

Is this why the PPP put him on ice?
what do you mean new kid on the block.does politican have to have certain amount of age in their party.mass grow thickess on dead wood.the ppp put him on ice because he is out want to tell me ramsroop is a good pick for APNU
Originally posted by warrior:
what do you mean new kid on the block.does politican have to have certain amount of age in their party.mass grow thickess on dead wood.the ppp put him on ice because he is out want to tell me ramsroop is a good pick for APNU
Speaker is a position given to people who are well qualified and hold a senior position in the party (not 6 week newbies).

I say let the AFC go tie bundle with the PPP. They may get a better deal there. Moses is too closely aligned with the PPP for the opposition to endorse him for that slot.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by warrior:
what donot happen in a million years happen in a minute.its hard to convict your own brothers.but when a man do it do not ask why but do know he think its time to have to give the man credit to walk away from his house when he think its evil.
OK point taken.

But now to come bullying your way for the speaker spot after only being in the party 6 weeks... and to say stuff contrary to what the AFC VP candidate (Trotman) is issuing, ie., seeking PPP votes in favor of your nomination.

Am I missing something here. The man sounds like a loose cannon. I say the AFC better let people know who's running things. It appears Moses has hijacked Ramjattan's program.
he did not hijack about time some body start doing some thing.and there is capable people in the AFC that can stand up beside trotman and ramjattan,like nigel

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