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Fridge food reminds me of the calypso "Icy Ailene" I mek alot of noise if I have to eat cooked food out of the fridge. Put out comes to my mind.

Yes, I love peanut jelly sandwiches on White Bread.


That blasted Evelyn and she ice rice😂😂

in 1983 I met a very handsome young man who became my one true love...that man said he not eating “fridge food” 🙄 I was ok with that, caz I come from a very poor family who did not even have a fridge.
eh eh, near 5 yrs later we got our first child and when she was 16mths old I got my first real job in this beautiful country ( let’s not talk about them other factory jobs) Well not long after I started to work I see that same young man cooking and putting food in fridge😙 and he was a darn good cook. Almost 10yrs after we met, we got our second then my not so young man was eating food that was 3-4 days in fridge. Just a bit over 15 yrs after we met we had our third child ( wow, I only just realized this) and by then my not so young man was eating anything from the fridge as long as it smell good. Thirty years later, he would say let’s cook  one day so that we have enough for almost all week🙁 He was the best ever .... not that he was perfect just that I am thankful for all that he was 💔


I'm really starting to not like much now yo know. I deh here in friken redneck gold mining country barely able go get potato an carrots and you talking all dem tings dah...steups..wuh really pissin me off is I know how you cooking taste an my mouth watering like hell here.

Around the corner about a two minute walk from me I went to a small spot to order fish an chips for me and burgers for the rest. One bite and the rest of my stuff went in the friken flavour, is like they grab the fish, chuck it jus like dat in the oil and that was their style.

Dah ting was so bad, I thought of licking my butt to get rid of the taste.


Cainstah u had me buss out a big laff with  fish n chip thing. The other day I got some bangamary at no frills and I fry some to go with dhal n rice well my son came upstairs and made a fish on bread with some pepper sauce and he nyam down. Since they cooking downstairs he does hardly eat food that I cook except for curry

Ummmm as I said, drop by anytime u trek dat long drive back to civilization ( let me know ahead so I can Mek sure me gan out heheh)

today is zucchini with tomato and dem big shrimp from Costco. My daughter made a roti wrap LOL

@cain posted:

I'm lessening my shrimp intake mainly because of where most are sourced, China, Taiwan, Vietnam.

I have some frozen fine shrimps, dry fish and gilbaka from Guyana... I savour the flavour😋

today its stew red snapper with some paratha roti

i also have some ‘ice’ eddoes n shrimps curry 😃


Today I am not cooking....

I will be having home made pasta with home made pesto sauce ( my garden basil) with water Buffalo steak! I never even knew that Canada much less Ontario has a water Buffalo farm! Compliments of my son and his GF


On Saturday, I went to visit my sister in Brampton after not seeing them for almost a year!! (thank God we are all now fully vaccinated)

I cooked curried ochro with shrimps, dhaal and hot parathas. It was very delicious, if I do say so myself.

I am the only one in the family who curries ochro.

My sis made baiganee and phoulowrie, bhagee with green mango and mutton curry.

We had the best visit.


Hey Wildflower - do you keep in touch with our "lil bro" from Florida?

Always wondered what happened with him - never kept in touch with him after he left this forum.

I have two Floridian lil bros. One moved to another state though and yes DEED, I have kept in touch with both. I suspect u are asking about the one had the ability to freak some ppl out😃I will tell him you asked about him

@Wildflower posted:

I have two Floridian lil bros. I suspect u are asking about the one had the ability to freak some ppl out😃I will tell him you asked about him

Yep,  that's the one!!

When he left the forum I had only one grandbaba......let him know I now have 5 of them.

Pass on my Salaam and best regards to him.  Had some really good gyaff with that group when the Social forum was the hot place to be.


Yep,  that's the one!!

When he left the forum I had only one grandbaba......let him know I now have 5 of them.

Pass on my Salaam and best regards to him.  Had some really good gyaff with that group when the Social forum was the hot place to be.

Done! That lil bro of ours sends his Salaam for you.
yes indeed, those were some great times. We had lots of laffs

in the old days, this forum did a lot of good ( and some bad stuff happened too) relationships/ friendships were made and broken

We did fundraising for kidney recipients, got a Gnier to get meds in India etc


On the menu...made beans from garden; cooked it like bora with potatoes and tomatoes ( veg day) and roti

cain, I have so much calaloo that I’m going to pull up another batch and maybe throw in compost.


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