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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Alright, two days now and I cant get any answers. But I m happy to see GNI busy.   However, from what I am reading the PPP will RULE Guyana FOREVER.

And even that would be faster than the great leader of the RHEDC who was a VIP attendee at the Granger gathering will summarize what Granger said.

Originally Posted by JB:

Interesting race bait tred. Theme of tred. Blackman bad have to apologise. Indian good and entitle to apology. 

Kari's thread title exemplifies the mindset . . . 41% of APNU voters are [apparently] not to be respected as "Guyanese"


only the PPP 48% count


the banna [perhaps?] doan even realize what his tribal unconscious up to . . . read carefully

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:


 CaribJ, it's not about the Indians getting the PPP (what they deserve). They already got it. They ain't the problem. Indians will survive no matter what -whether they get the screws form Burnham or the PPP.


PNC's great ideas mean beans when Indians will always vote PPP. They are the majority, man.


The PNC can't address anybody's issues until they are in a position to. That is why the Indians losing this mistrust is the Key.


Got a problem with this logic?

let me parse your "logic" and deconstruct it so that the uninitiated can understand and not be fooled:


'Indians will always vote PPP because of people like y'all who so carefully cultivate the "mistrust" and the hate, demand apology from the weak and feed that demand and its fake 'justification' to the generations of Indo-Guyanese born after the death of Forbes Burnham or came of age in the era of PPP rule'


how else?


isn't it is interesting that all the proud Indo-racists on GNI, the posing PPP reformers here, and the execrable PPP Chronicle propagandists are of one will on this subject


this kind of stuff y'all engaging in is so mealy-mouthed, so racially tendentious and intellectually dishonest that it brings into sharp focus the skimpiness of the democratic, non-tribal bona fides being fielded by many AFC 'well-wishers' whose biggest disappointment is that Moses, Khemraj and Nigel et al did not play the role of PPP lite - designated polishers for the rough edges of Guyana's tribal hegemon


kishan/rev at least has the 'honesty' to cop to intent to destroy the PNC in at least one of the personality modes he 'entertains' us with on this BB


do Basil Williams, James Bond and the not insignificant multitude of visionless and corrupt clowns in APNU thrill me? . . . not really


truth be told . . . i am no fan of David Granger, but i don't regard him as a threat to democracy in Guyana either


if there is a genuine appetite to discipline the PPP by moving them to the opposition benches, i suggest y'all stop investing in dividing the people with sly appeals for sanctification of victimhood and expend your energies educating folks about the benefits of change, strong/independent institutions, coalition building, and divided government under a proper constitution


true democracy in the current dispensation can ONLY come about with the REMOVAL of the PPP from executive power - at least for a while . . . it is the only thing that can build momentum for true constitutional reform and bring a sea change in the way politics is conducted in Guyana


the AFC is key to this process . . . with all their faults, they are the essential ingredient


unfortunately, i am not optimistic regarding my appeal to abjure tribalism . . . i rather suspect that 15 years from now [God forbid the gangster regime is still in power], when the last of the old codger PNC leaders are long gone from the scene, the slightly less old-codger, 'former PPP' usual suspects here will still be wringing their hands telling a bewildered generation of Afro-Guyanese in the throes of insurrection that they need to apologize for Burnham as the price of Indo-Guyanese favor


the exercise of powah with all its contemp for the other . . . save us from these 'friends of Democracy'



Are you Dr. David Hinds?

what a dumb question . . . i don't even know the man

Yuh understand the problem.


We look for Blacks to support an Indian leader. Would Indians support a Black Leader. Or are we thinking that excellent governance could only come from an Indian.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:


 CaribJ, it's not about the Indians getting the PPP (what they deserve). They already got it. They ain't the problem. Indians will survive no matter what -whether they get the screws form Burnham or the PPP.


PNC's great ideas mean beans when Indians will always vote PPP. They are the majority, man.


The PNC can't address anybody's issues until they are in a position to. That is why the Indians losing this mistrust is the Key.


Got a problem with this logic?

let me parse your "logic" and deconstruct it so that the uninitiated can understand and not be fooled:


'Indians will always vote PPP because of people like y'all who so carefully cultivate the "mistrust" and the hate, demand apology from the weak and feed that demand and its fake 'justification' to the generations of Indo-Guyanese born after the death of Forbes Burnham or came of age in the era of PPP rule'


how else?


isn't it is interesting that all the proud Indo-racists on GNI, the posing PPP reformers here, and the execrable PPP Chronicle propagandists are of one will on this subject


this kind of stuff y'all engaging in is so mealy-mouthed, so racially tendentious and intellectually dishonest that it brings into sharp focus the skimpiness of the democratic, non-tribal bona fides being fielded by many AFC 'well-wishers' whose biggest disappointment is that Moses, Khemraj and Nigel et al did not play the role of PPP lite - designated polishers for the rough edges of Guyana's tribal hegemon


kishan/rev at least has the 'honesty' to cop to intent to destroy the PNC in at least one of the personality modes he 'entertains' us with on this BB


do Basil Williams, James Bond and the not insignificant multitude of visionless and corrupt clowns in APNU thrill me? . . . not really


truth be told . . . i am no fan of David Granger, but i don't regard him as a threat to democracy in Guyana either


if there is a genuine appetite to discipline the PPP by moving them to the opposition benches, i suggest y'all stop investing in dividing the people with sly appeals for sanctification of victimhood and expend your energies educating folks about the benefits of change, strong/independent institutions, coalition building, and divided government under a proper constitution


true democracy in the current dispensation can ONLY come about with the REMOVAL of the PPP from executive power - at least for a while . . . it is the only thing that can build momentum for true constitutional reform and bring a sea change in the way politics is conducted in Guyana


the AFC is key to this process . . . with all their faults, they are the essential ingredient


unfortunately, i am not optimistic regarding my appeal to abjure tribalism . . . i rather suspect that 15 years from now [God forbid the gangster regime is still in power], when the last of the old codger PNC leaders are long gone from the scene, the slightly less old-codger, 'former PPP' usual suspects here will still be wringing their hands telling a bewildered generation of Afro-Guyanese in the throes of insurrection that they need to apologize for Burnham as the price of Indo-Guyanese favor


the exercise of powah with all its contemp for the other . . . save us from these 'friends of Democracy'



Are you Dr. David Hinds?

what a dumb question . . . i don't even know the man

Yuh understand the problem.


We look for Blacks to support an Indian leader. Would Indians support a Black Leader. Or are we thinking that excellent governance could only come from an Indian.

Guyana needs proper political institutions and proper, democratic, political processes to serve all its people, enforce the rule of law [not man] and minimize corruption - not an "Indian" or "Black" leader . . . that is/was for another age


we neeed change agents - modern people - with commitment and integrity (no matter what race) to fight the real fight to get us from here to there . . . not score-settling smartman and racial ignars posing in AFC clothing


certainly not this tribal farce we get on GNI year-in and year-out from supposedely intelligent people

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:


 CaribJ, it's not about the Indians getting the PPP (what they deserve). They already got it. They ain't the problem. Indians will survive no matter what -whether they get the screws form Burnham or the PPP.


PNC's great ideas mean beans when Indians will always vote PPP. They are the majority, man.


The PNC can't address anybody's issues until they are in a position to. That is why the Indians losing this mistrust is the Key.


Got a problem with this logic?

let me parse your "logic" and deconstruct it so that the uninitiated can understand and not be fooled:


'Indians will always vote PPP because of people like y'all who so carefully cultivate the "mistrust" and the hate, demand apology from the weak and feed that demand and its fake 'justification' to the generations of Indo-Guyanese born after the death of Forbes Burnham or came of age in the era of PPP rule'


how else?


isn't it is interesting that all the proud Indo-racists on GNI, the posing PPP reformers here, and the execrable PPP Chronicle propagandists are of one will on this subject


this kind of stuff y'all engaging in is so mealy-mouthed, so racially tendentious and intellectually dishonest that it brings into sharp focus the skimpiness of the democratic, non-tribal bona fides being fielded by many AFC 'well-wishers' whose biggest disappointment is that Moses, Khemraj and Nigel et al did not play the role of PPP lite - designated polishers for the rough edges of Guyana's tribal hegemon


kishan/rev at least has the 'honesty' to cop to intent to destroy the PNC in at least one of the personality modes he 'entertains' us with on this BB


do Basil Williams, James Bond and the not insignificant multitude of visionless and corrupt clowns in APNU thrill me? . . . not really


truth be told . . . i am no fan of David Granger, but i don't regard him as a threat to democracy in Guyana either


if there is a genuine appetite to discipline the PPP by moving them to the opposition benches, i suggest y'all stop investing in dividing the people with sly appeals for sanctification of victimhood and expend your energies educating folks about the benefits of change, strong/independent institutions, coalition building, and divided government under a proper constitution


true democracy in the current dispensation can ONLY come about with the REMOVAL of the PPP from executive power - at least for a while . . . it is the only thing that can build momentum for true constitutional reform and bring a sea change in the way politics is conducted in Guyana


the AFC is key to this process . . . with all their faults, they are the essential ingredient


unfortunately, i am not optimistic regarding my appeal to abjure tribalism . . . i rather suspect that 15 years from now [God forbid the gangster regime is still in power], when the last of the old codger PNC leaders are long gone from the scene, the slightly less old-codger, 'former PPP' usual suspects here will still be wringing their hands telling a bewildered generation of Afro-Guyanese in the throes of insurrection that they need to apologize for Burnham as the price of Indo-Guyanese favor


the exercise of powah with all its contemp for the other . . . save us from these 'friends of Democracy'



Are you Dr. David Hinds?

what a dumb question . . . i don't even know the man

Yuh understand the problem.


We look for Blacks to support an Indian leader. Would Indians support a Black Leader. Or are we thinking that excellent governance could only come from an Indian.

Guyana needs proper political institutions and proper, democratic, political processes to serve all its people, enforce the rule of law [not man] and minimize corruption - not an "Indian" or "Black" leader . . . that is/was for another age


we neeed change agents - modern people - with commitment and integrity (no matter what race) to fight the real fight to get us from here to there . . . not score-settling smartman and racial ignars posing in AFC clothing


certainly not this tribal farce we get on GNI year-in and year-out from supposedly intelligent people

at present now guyana do not need only intelligent people but honest brave guyanese,who is willing to shed their blood to take back their election will change guyana how long they have the present constitution  the ppp will always be a minority unless the people rise up.the future only spell problem and more conflict in guyana with the ppp government using the court to bully their way into more courruption    

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Redux - I know that you can separate reality from passion. The thesis advanced is what does it take to change Guyana's governance by removing the PPP from power or forcing them to change, and the key advanced (no, not the AFC's key) is for the majority electorate body - the Indians - to lose the mistrust of the PNC. And how? The new PNC must divorce itself from the PNC period. You take umbrage with this as only the PNC must apologize and that we are not holding the PPP culpable. that's the whole point - we don't care about the PPP, we want them to lose, so why ask them to apologuize? They hold the upper hand. Samje? Reality!!!




CaribJ, I see the same trait in Redux to unravel reality from passion. What about the PPP's electoral dominance escapes you? What about a blueprint that says pull the Indian vote away from the PPP and the combined opposition will force the PPP out is alien to your thinking? Why do you conjoin this tactic with an inference that I want to make Indians comfortable and giving the PPP a pass. You and Redux are the ones giving this PPP party a pass. Think about it. Chief says the same thing. Kzaz says the PNC cannot win by some fictitious street protest. Get into this century friend.

dude, when u want a proper response from me  . . . address me and my ideas directly


don't hide behind plenty useless, google psychology, ad hominen [same ol, same ol . . .] verbiage and conflation as a form of guerrilla 'warfare'


like chief and the lies . . . it's cowardly

....address me and my ideas directly




don't hide behind plenty useless, google psychology, ad hominen [same ol, same ol . . .] verbiage and conflation as a form of guerrilla 'warfare'


like chief and the lies





Hey Stormy, you have competition in the most inane posts on GNI

And so it goes...the dumb and the deaf pretending they can speak and hear! All of you are in line like the rats behind the piper but you do not even care about his tune.


Redux and Caribj are reviled and reticule because the reject your absurd proposition. Get it in  your silly head the only reason the PNC apology will have residence is with the racist pigs in the PPP who need validation for their sacred sense of victimization.


The PPP was out to exterminate Indians as Baseman notes. Indians were enslaved according to Yugi; there was a duglarization project chimed Cobra, Indian women were raped everyday insisted Rama and yes, the PNC even banned indian staple diet of bread, dhal and flour for rotie! They must apologize!


Get it into your ignorant head, conflict resolution does not begin in blame or apologies. It begins in investigations into the core of the conflict with particular emphasis on basic human needs. Stick your cry for an apology in your rear since the only reason for the call is to humiliate black people by validating through implicitly acknowledging all the nebulous claims to being nasty and brutish. Are you going to ask the PPP to apologize for their theft and their murder and their general obscene crookedness? Well you did not ask that question, did  you

Originally Posted by Chief:

Okay CaribJ so before I hit the sack and call it a night  let me pose a question to you.


We all know what  are the problems, come up with a solution.


You are saying no apology so how does the PNC MOVE FORWARD?  What must  they do to appeal to the average citizen to get them elected into office?





I mentioned it frequently.  APNU and the AFC must come out of parlment and meet the people.  ALL of the people. Listen to them, and develop ideas to help them.  Galvanize the various stakeholders to assist in this process.


If the PPP blocks them then they go right out to the people and tell them this, and the impact that it has had on the PNCs ability to help them.


But you want black people to grovel for Indians, and black people aren't going to sanction that.


Hoyte lost G/twn because they called him Desi Persaud.  Corbin lost support because they said he groveled to Jagdeo. 


Let Granger grovel and his fate will be like Corbin's.  If black people don't vote then how does that help the PNC?


You claim that you know black people, but if you did you would know that their frustration levels are reaching boiling point, and this is especially true for the "urban" black poor, and "urban" even includes rural communities like Agricola and Buxton.  These poor black feel under siege, abandoned by all including the middle class folks who run the PNC.  Groveling to Indians will further their suspicion that middle class blacks are selling them out to get a little bowl of soup!


You and Kari do not have a clue!  Yes you probably have black friends who smile in your faces and tell you that its all OK.  But you need to know that Guyanese aren't Jamaicans. We like to tell people what they want to hear, where as Jamaicans tell people what they want THEM to hear.


I will never claim to know what is happening among Guyanese Indians, so I listen.  You and Kari refuse to listen to the few blacks on this board.



Last edited by Former Member

I'll tell ya one thing....the status quo is not winning the Presidency for APNU, and the party with the most seats IS the PPP.


So blast a PNC apology for the Burnham years but do come up with an electoral strategy to make the PPP a true minority party. Emigration and demographic change will get you there but not for another 2 cycles or so. therefore we're left with another generation of useless rantings and ravings on this here forum.


Right Cainsta?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

That is because up to now the Indian vote has been large enough to guarantee them victory.


But now that they have lost control of the parliament, the Indian vote continues to shrink, and the black/mixed vote remains hostile rigging is a distinct possibility.  The PPP feels that they have a god given right to have power, and will not accept defeat!

Originally Posted by Vish M:
We welcomed APNU to Richmond Hill, the epicenter of the Guyanese worldwide


You see this is the nonsense that I am talking about.  RH the center for GUYANESE!  NONSENSE!


Its the center for a certain subset of Guyanese.  Just accept that fact and move on.  There are many other Guyanese who have no interest in RH, do not identify with it, and have no interest in stepping foot in it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

That is because up to now the Indian vote has been large enough to guarantee them victory.


But now that they have lost control of the parliament, the Indian vote continues to shrink, and the black/mixed vote remains hostile rigging is a distinct possibility.  The PPP feels that they have a god given right to have power, and will not accept defeat!

The record will always trump speculation.


But back to my earlier question. Why did you think that blacks thought that Hoyte gave the country to coolie?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

Again, Indians no-trust of PNC = no-support for APNU = PPP laughing its way to the bank (literally and figuratively).


Strong APNU/AFC = nice PPP = either PPP Govt or Coalition Govt.


Strong APNU means PNC losing this distrust brand.


How best to achieve it? That's our dialog Redux, not that Granger apologizes for Burnham and coolie hang mala on him. Granger owes an apology to Blacks too for impoverishing them.

Black people thinking that the PNC is groveling to Indians=black people not voting=PPP winning.


We have seen TWO prior instances of this.  G/twn 1994, and the national elections in 2006.  How many Indian votes did Hoyte pick up in the 1994 local govt elections?


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