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Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

That is because up to now the Indian vote has been large enough to guarantee them victory.


But now that they have lost control of the parliament, the Indian vote continues to shrink, and the black/mixed vote remains hostile rigging is a distinct possibility.  The PPP feels that they have a god given right to have power, and will not accept defeat!

The record will always trump speculation.


But back to my earlier question. Why did you think that blacks thought that Hoyte gave the country to coolie?

I do not know if there is a generalized sentiment that Hoyte failed the Black population by turning power over to the PPP without negotiating proper checks and balance to Power.  Only he could have unilaterally force constitutional changes that firms up the electoral system that is an institution existing outside political dictates.


He could for example made sure the PPP agree to a constitutional clause that compels local elections. Elections should never be at the whims of any administration.  He could have also demanded true republicanism before agreeing to elections. The Carter institute would have gone along with him. If there were local constituencies electing their representatives, the PPP could never make the demands for absolute control as the presently do. They could also not make the crooked deals the presently make.


Again, I do not know what Africans complain about that is considered to be the failings of the Hoyte regime before agreeing to transition to democracy. I say he was a complete fool and made a mess of things so we presently pay for his neglect with the elected dictatorship of the PPP. I agree is anyone complain he let his constituency down.  The PPP dominate the political landscape based on race and by definition the black population is their footstool.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Since you were so involved at the time, why didn't you find out why they thought that Hoyte gave the country away to coolie?

I don't indulge in intellectual masturbation the way you do.  Walking around G/town these are the comments that were being made.  In the stores, in the vans, on the streets, EVERY WHERE!

So speculating that blacks will resort to street justice is not intellectual masturbation? Your reluctance to address this question leaves me no other option but to resort to my earlier position that a future PNC government will see a re-emergence of elections rigging in Guyana.  

No it is not speculation. It is a reality of what happens in societies as ours with our racially bifurcated political alliances and our racial demographics so closely aligned. 


Nat only the PNC will be prone to padding the ballots. The PPP has already begun to do so by recent stories of them forcing Amerinds to join the PYO.


Nigil Dharamlal rant about who Amerinds should align themselves with is also a sign the PPP will seek to conserve their political dominance by any means necessary. That Ashni, LUncheon, Shukai, should be present as that little stinker Nigil chastise Amerind leaders about their associations is evidence enough of PPP cheating.








Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

They are asking for the PNC to apologize, not the blackman. The PNC is a multi-racial party.

The PNC Is a predominantly black party with less than a percent of others. Further, they should not apologize under any circumstance. It will solve nothing. This is not a casual remark but an informed remark based on what is key  to conflict resolution/conflict transformation. No one should accept blame. All should commit to being better.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Indians don't own Guyana so why would blacks think that they do?

Funny, when this is one issue where BOTH blacks and Indians agree, even if blacks don't like it.


The problem though is that an elite 5% of Indians own Guyana, and the remaining 95% need to understand this and stop supporting them.  This 5% have bought out the PPP and are attempting to run Guyana like some feudal estate.

5% is too high . It is most likely in one half of that.

Originally Posted by Kari:

CaribJ's opinion that Georgetown, Buxton, Agricola, Linden, etc. will become garrison-towns like Kingston, Jamaica has no currency. Look what happened in Enmore in the 2002-03 FF vs Phantoms. Regular folks had ways to bypass the burning tires. You know what Indians will think of such garrison towns, CaribJ?. Like Laventille in Trinidad, they will say, have your garrison towns black people. Indians will live in their rural areas and in urban areas with their 2nd Amendment-style means. This is not the 70s CaribJ. You are condemning Blacks to a garrison life and proudly so. Is that what you want?

You are very funny Kari. You have examples of the kinds of reactions of populations when the do not accept central authority and yet you lampoon the man to suggest that t his is possible in Guyana. It does not take the seventies or eighties or nineties. It takes a prevailing social condition that is percieved to be unjust.  Further, suggesting this kind of reaction is possible is not in anyway facilitating it or suggesting it is inevitable. It is just that it is a possibility with racially apocalyptic war for our society.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

You are a very confused person. You do more harm to black people than you would ever know.

I see. I am confused because I object to black people apologizing to Indians when BOTH are equally guilty and so suggest that apologies are useless as the sins of each to the other are equal so erase the sin.


You endorse "black man bad...Indian good, so black man must apologize" and you aren't confused.  Hmmmmmm.


So tell me how does black people apologizing for thirty years ago, when the Indian elite are CURRENTLY jamming dirty rods about their collective behinds help them?

Actually you are bad news for black people because you see them as people who resort to street justice and mob mentality behavior to resolve their concerns. You also claimed that they thought that the PNC owned Guyana and they punished Hoyte because they believed he gave it to coolies. Don't be surprised if blacks tell you to gwan suh.

I do believe you are missing the general picture. This is not a formula only for black people. It is the pattern we saw in Ireland, Mauritania, Malysia, Indonesia, Fiji.  People, be they for religious or racial alienation, inevitably react violently against regimes they feel oppress them. It has also happened in the US. 


One does not have to establish a sense of ownership to see Hoyte made serious mistakes. The PPP are presently making the same. If the lose power the whole lot is due for a stint in the local jails and many of their ill begotten gains will be called into question. It is already stated the Marriott deal will not be honored so in event of a PNC win the Chinese investors are on their ass. They are investing with the hope t he PPP stay in power. Other deals are also hanging to the same tenuous thread. I agree with the position. If the investors want to make underhanded deals th en they endure possible loss of capital.


Once again, Hoyte knew of t he PPP base was race based. He knew that in event of them winning they will lost likely reward their own with access and advantages since that is what happens. He therefore did not take proper steps to ensure his charge get a better deal. He left them at t he mercy of predation and the PPP is doing all it can to make them grovel. Imagine not one black face represents us abroad. A drunken scoundrel got a post to one of th e largest democracies in the world! Yes, Hoyte screwed black folks and the PPP is presently failing Indians likewise.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:


Every ethnic group   suffered under the PNC. Many intelligent blacks had to run and some even lost their lives including Dr Rodney.


Typical PNC lover cop-out.  Blacks suffered due to the destruction of the Indian/other middle class which made the pie smaller, so all suffered.  However, make no mistake, PNC was/is about Afro first.

QUit t he crap. Guyana never had a large vibrant Indian middle class. It had a large lumpen Indian and black underclass. Some 20 families owned all the wealth and the prospered in colonial times, during the dictatorship and still prosper as we speak. If drugs and political corruption did not add some of the lumpen mass to the pool they would still be the ones hogging the lions share of the wealth.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:


Every ethnic group   suffered under the PNC. Many intelligent blacks had to run and some even lost their lives including Dr Rodney.


Typical PNC lover cop-out.  Blacks suffered due to the destruction of the Indian/other middle class which made the pie smaller, so all suffered.  However, make no mistake, PNC was/is about Afro first.

QUit t he crap. Guyana never had a large vibrant Indian middle class. It had a large lumpen Indian and black underclass. Some 20 families owned all the wealth and the prospered in colonial times, during the dictatorship and still prosper as we speak. If drugs and political corruption did not add some of the lumpen mass to the pool they would still be the ones hogging the lions share of the wealth.

You are right about that.  In colonial Guyana the elites were the British/Canadians connected to Bookers/Demba.  Beneath them were the remnants of the Guyanese white population who had been leaving since WWII, when it became obvious that a changing Guyana/Caribbean meant loss of privileges.  Then were the Portuguese business community, and beneath them the "coloreds" and a few black upper middle class people and CHRISTIAN Indians like the Luckhoos, as well as the Chinese.


the vast majority of blacks and Indians were at the bottom.  Some slightly better off (African teachers and other civil servants and the more successful Indian land owners and small business people).  BUT neither were a factor, which is why when Burnham/Jagan got together they became vastly popular, and for a short time these two groups put aside their distrust for each other.  Of course it didn't last.


To most people in G/twn Indians were short under nourished ill clad people who they allowed in to cut grass in the yard so that they could feed their cows. Indeed African incomes were HIGHER than Indians, and even in the sugar industry blacks tended to have the better jobs.


The rise of the Indians came with the collapse of the economy in the late 70s and 80s, and the opportunities for wealth accumulation that was provided through the black market economy.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not know if there is a generalized sentiment that Hoyte failed the Black population by turning power over to the PPP without negotiating proper checks and balance to Power.

The fear that black people had, as long as I can remember (the early 60s) was that if Indians ever had power they would "drive black people into the sea".  As a young child I vaguely remember the angst that the adults in the household had about the PPP and the rage that they directed towards Janet Jagan who they saw as an unmitigated racist.


So even when Burnham began to go wrong people tolerated that, fearing that the alternative was Cheddi.  By the time they had irrefutable proof that Burnham was a monster it was too late.  So many packed their bags and fled, or at least did their best to get their kids out of Guyana.


Now scroll forward to 2014.  Many black people do think that the PPP and the 3% Indian elite have driven them into the sea.  Sadly many don't understand that the average Indian is no better off. 


Guyanese are among the poorest in the English speaking Caribbean, compliments of the PNC and the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

after all the unctuous huffing & puffing, and nuff nuff ass smoke blanketing, neither mr Kari nor mr jalil can explain to us how the "learned" mr kari figure that 41% of the electorate voting for APNU doan trust Granger and/or are asking the "PNC" for an apology


the rest of your nonsense post duly evaporates like morning dew when sunlight hits am . . . nah suh bai?


alyuh keep tap dancing; i gat plenty mo music to play

  The joke is that Granger most likely comes from the more moderate, more middle class wing of the PNC.  The ones who don't like him tend to be more militant, many the residue of the Burnham era.  They aren't demanding that the PNC apologizes for anything.

kari will likely not address the issue directly . . . he fully understands that i am FULLY aware of his TRIBAL, malicious, smartman intent when he oh so carefully constructed his loaded 'question': 




the wicked and fallacious predicates are clear as day for all who have eyes to see


all tribal smartman, please come in

I don't want to have to rely on trust, I actually don't trust the PPP either.  What is needed is a constitutional hard-stop preventing and political party from co-opting the military to sustain their hold onto power against the will of the people.  I don't need an apology nor do I want to have to "trust" any politician.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JB:

Interesting race bait tred. Theme of tred. Blackman bad have to apologise. Indian good and entitle to apology. 

This is the best post on this topic.

Says you?


JB should go debate with her uncle Nehru as that contribution of hers betray a lack of political smarts. The PNC in this context dis bad not Blacks. Blacks are the majority base of the bad PNC therefore the object of the PNC is Black. That is not saying Blacks are inherently bad. And where in the question posed does it say that because the Indians are among the important category of Guyanese that the PNC has to make good to that make Indians good? JB has reduced a simple logic to a soundbite that CribMan shows as racism by Indians because the PPP has not been called out to apologize. We don't want the PPP to apologize....we want them out or change them.

Guyana reality. Not me. Get your facts about Guyana right. 



And you want to be taken seriously?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Kari:

CaribJ's opinion that Georgetown, Buxton, Agricola, Linden, etc. will become garrison-towns like Kingston, Jamaica has no currency. Look what happened in Enmore in the 2002-03 FF vs Phantoms. Regular folks had ways to bypass the burning tires. You know what Indians will think of such garrison towns, CaribJ?. Like Laventille in Trinidad, they will say, have your garrison towns black people. Indians will live in their rural areas and in urban areas with their 2nd Amendment-style means. This is not the 70s CaribJ. You are condemning Blacks to a garrison life and proudly so. Is that what you want?

You are very funny Kari. You have examples of the kinds of reactions of populations when the do not accept central authority and yet you lampoon the man to suggest that t his is possible in Guyana. It does not take the seventies or eighties or nineties. It takes a prevailing social condition that is percieved to be unjust.  Further, suggesting this kind of reaction is possible is not in anyway facilitating it or suggesting it is inevitable. It is just that it is a possibility with racially apocalyptic war for our society.



Another rag-tag assemblage of words.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I'll tell ya one thing....the status quo is not winning the Presidency for APNU, and the party with the most seats IS the PPP.


So blast a PNC apology for the Burnham years but do come up with an electoral strategy to make the PPP a true minority party. Emigration and demographic change will get you there but not for another 2 cycles or so. therefore we're left with another generation of useless rantings and ravings on this here forum.


Right Cainsta?

The PPP is already a minority party. One does not have to win more than 50% plus one.


Indeed the PPP can hold the government with 34% But the reality is if they lose by anything broaching 60 percent and they want the same autocratic prerogatives, they re asking to be booted from office by popular revolt.


No one can come up with a strategy for winning if the are not involved in the planning. However, one can proffer a generalized list of things that needs to be done that makes one worthy of winning. At this point, the PNC  is winning because the PPP are such corrupt and barefaced bastards.


Why do you think "I used the phrase "true" minority party. They are under 50% barely. The PPP has to be a TRUE minority party not a one-seat less than 50% minority. Comprehension is still a problem for you.

  • Originally Posted by Kari:
  • Why do you think "I used the phrase "true" minority party. They are under 50% barely. The PPP has to be a TRUE minority party not a one-seat less than 50% minority. Comprehension is still a problem for you.



"True" is redundant. A minority is any number less than 50%. What is there to comprehend in that that would make the meaning change? 



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Kari:

CaribJ's opinion that Georgetown, Buxton, Agricola, Linden, etc. will become garrison-towns like Kingston, Jamaica has no currency. Look what happened in Enmore in the 2002-03 FF vs Phantoms. Regular folks had ways to bypass the burning tires. You know what Indians will think of such garrison towns, CaribJ?. Like Laventille in Trinidad, they will say, have your garrison towns black people. Indians will live in their rural areas and in urban areas with their 2nd Amendment-style means. This is not the 70s CaribJ. You are condemning Blacks to a garrison life and proudly so. Is that what you want?

You are very funny Kari. You have examples of the kinds of reactions of populations when the do not accept central authority and yet you lampoon the man to suggest that t his is possible in Guyana. It does not take the seventies or eighties or nineties. It takes a prevailing social condition that is percieved to be unjust.  Further, suggesting this kind of reaction is possible is not in anyway facilitating it or suggesting it is inevitable. It is just that it is a possibility with racially apocalyptic war for our society.



Another rag-tag assemblage of words.

You are reduced to mirroring Nehru. If the grammar offends your, speak to it.  If the content galls you, point to the distaste. The above is just noninformational bilge.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Another rag-tag assemblage of words.

kari can't sensibly argue his points so he starts to buse off like some Bourda market woman, as usual.


Kari if you have a point make it. Leave that behavior to Nehru.


You had an idea, thinking from the perspective of an Indian who means well.  You didn't factor in how blacks will react.  You got it, so withdraw.  This apology will not achieve its goal, and might create more problems.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Another rag-tag assemblage of words.

kari can't sensibly argue his points so he starts to buse off like some Bourda market woman, as usual.


Kari if you have a point make it. Leave that behavior to Nehru.


You had an idea, thinking from the perspective of an Indian who means well.  You didn't factor in how blacks will react.  You got it, so withdraw.  This apology will not achieve its goal, and might create more problems.


You are very funny Kari. You have examples of the kinds of reactions of populations when the do not accept central authority and yet you lampoon the man to suggest that t his is possible in Guyana. It does not take the seventies or eighties or nineties. It takes a prevailing social condition that is percieved to be unjust.  Further, suggesting this kind of reaction is possible is not in anyway facilitating it or suggesting it is inevitable. It is just that it is a possibility with racially apocalyptic war for our society.


Can you translate the above in plain English?    


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