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Kari posted:
Mars posted:

That's what you fools resort to whenever you are confronted with facts. What don't you understand about me seeing the excuses here, Numpty? 

Yeah, time to slap this Numpty ole man, eh! I live in Ozone Park and work in Manahttan. I'm around. Time to slap me silly big boy. Stop hiding in your dainty skirt and slap the sh1t out of me.

You always talking about slapping people. First of all, I've told you before that it is a federal offence to threaten someone over the internet. You couldn't even slap yourself out of a paper bag so how the hell you think you'd be able to handle me? I just have to give your fat ole ass a little push and you'd fall over on your bald head. 

caribny posted:
Chief posted:
Kari posted:

CARIBNY, you're no different from Donald Trump by spreading this hatred of Muslims.

Believe as you wish while you ignore the slaughter of hundreds of people.


If a Muslim kills 100 Americans on Labor Day in the USA Trump becomes president.


As a matter of fact the black guy who killed the 5 policemen in Texas already propelled Trump 



Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


Dude, American non Muslims have come up with the conspiracy that WTC was brought down by Govt...Muslims have called AlQueda and Taliban non Muslims because what they do is terms of the west attack or not attack ISIS (leaving them to duke it out), even Trump has said US should not be involved in ME wars etc etc

No Muslims here has defended terrorism....we all may have differing opionions on how to proceed, but no one has defended these, wheel and come again!

RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


Dude, American non Muslims have come up with the conspiracy that WTC was brought down by Govt...Muslims have called AlQueda and Taliban non Muslims because what they do is terms of the west attack or not attack ISIS (leaving them to duke it out), even Trump has said US should not be involved in ME wars etc etc

No Muslims here has defended terrorism....we all may have differing opionions on how to proceed, but no one has defended these, wheel and come again!

You said that you haven't seen anyone making excuses for terrorism. I gave you the excuses.


And all of those Muslims on GNI chatting.  Now imagine if you were a Christian in a majority Muslim country.  What freedom would you have to practice your religion?

If a Christian decides to become an atheist or convert to Islam there are no consequences.  Let a Muslim try that in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, and you know fully well what will happen.  And this is NOT ISIS.

Just be glad that Christians abandoned archaic interpretations of the bible over 100 years ago.  I only wish that Muslims in Pakistan and in the Middle East would do the same.

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Kari, your Buddy Chief said many times on GNI that Sharia Law is a good thing, do you also believe this???

Again, like Cobra you are making wild statements.

Go back and check your Posts cause I aint gun do it for you.

RiffRaff posted:

No Muslims here has defended terrorism....we all may have differing opionions on how to proceed, but no one has defended these, wheel and come again!

Muslims watch other Muslims commit savage acts because of how they interpret the Koran.  Not because they are criminals who kill and steal for personal gain, but because they think that this is what Allah commands.

Even as those thugs use all the symbolism of Islam you all really think that you can call them un Islamic and all is taken care of. 

Well they call people like YOU un Islamic and Saudi Arabian behavior is little different within that country. 

Look at how Saudi Arabia is making threats rather than owning up to the fact that private Saudi individuals (well connected to those who run that nation) underwrote 9/11 and the creation of terrorist groups like Al Qaeda.

So when will Muslims boycott Mecca until Saudi changes its attitude?

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Why is it when I called for Mosques to be monitored, its Finance scrutinize, the Imams be on watchful eyes and listening ears, some get dem Panties all hot???  WHY????  Why would any foreign Country Finance million of dollars and not want some leverage???


Do these hypocrites expect we Americans to sit like idle ducks waiting to be slaughtered???   Dont we Americans have the RIGHT to use every resources to ensure our safety in our own country????


I will not go back and forth with you.

Let me spell it out clearly for you. All the Guyanese Mosques that are being constructed in Queens is done by funds raised from within the community. All of the Masjids are filing taxes  as religious organizations and their books are open to the Public.


Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


Dude, American non Muslims have come up with the conspiracy that WTC was brought down by Govt...Muslims have called AlQueda and Taliban non Muslims because what they do is terms of the west attack or not attack ISIS (leaving them to duke it out), even Trump has said US should not be involved in ME wars etc etc

No Muslims here has defended terrorism....we all may have differing opionions on how to proceed, but no one has defended these, wheel and come again!

You said that you haven't seen anyone making excuses for terrorism. I gave you the excuses.

Everyone ( muslims & non muslims), look for explanations why terrorists do what they do...there may be no good explanation, but when crimes are committed, that's what people do...they look for causes. This does not mean that the crime is being excused or defended, people just look for a way to stop it

caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:

No Muslims here has defended terrorism....we all may have differing opionions on how to proceed, but no one has defended these, wheel and come again!

Muslims watch other Muslims commit savage acts because of how they interpret the Koran.  Not because they are criminals who kill and steal for personal gain, but because they think that this is what Allah commands.

Even as those thugs use all the symbolism of Islam you all really think that you can call them un Islamic and all is taken care of. 

Well they call people like YOU un Islamic and Saudi Arabian behavior is little different within that country. 

Look at how Saudi Arabia is making threats rather than owning up to the fact that private Saudi individuals (well connected to those who run that nation) underwrote 9/11 and the creation of terrorist groups like Al Qaeda.

So when will Muslims boycott Mecca until Saudi changes its attitude?

Let's play this would boycotting Mecca stop terrorism? Maybe the US and UK can start by not being in bed with the Saudis...

RiffRaff posted:

Let's play this would boycotting Mecca stop terrorism? Maybe the US and UK can start by not being in bed with the Saudis...

Because it will signal to the fanatics in Saudi Arabia that the rest of the Muslim world no longer accepts their world view.

Jump and scream as you wish but the Wahhabi-ization of Islam was the root of all of this terror.

The USA and the UK will happily scape goat Muslims who live in their countries.  If there is a major terrorist act in the USA (not involving gays which most Americans only pretend to like, especially as the majority happened to be Puerto Ricans) Trump is president.

If you wish President Trump, just continue to think that Muslims don't need to determine what is wrong with how their religion is being interpreted by fringe elements, or the savagery that is practiced on  a daily basis in Saudi Arabia.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


Dude, American non Muslims have come up with the conspiracy that WTC was brought down by Govt...Muslims have called AlQueda and Taliban non Muslims because what they do is terms of the west attack or not attack ISIS (leaving them to duke it out), even Trump has said US should not be involved in ME wars etc etc

No Muslims here has defended terrorism....we all may have differing opionions on how to proceed, but no one has defended these, wheel and come again!

You said that you haven't seen anyone making excuses for terrorism. I gave you the excuses.

Everyone ( muslims & non muslims), look for explanations why terrorists do what they do...there may be no good explanation, but when crimes are committed, that's what people do...they look for causes. This does not mean that the crime is being excused or defended, people just look for a way to stop it

To deny the obvious with lies just doesn't cut it. To tell us that Bush brought down the twin towers is an insult to our intelligence. You are not looking for a way to stop terrorism when you deny that it exists within the Muslim Community by saying that the perpetrators were not Muslim or that Bush bombed the Towers. You are burying your head in the sand and turning a blind eye to the problem.

It makes me believe that Muslims follow what is written in the hadith where a Muslim is given a free pass for his sins on Judgement Day if he turns a blind eye to crimes committed by Muslims in this life. 

Chief posted:

Carib J is trying to say something but he is all over. 

Caribj isn't allowing you and Kari to bury your heads.

So Chief how about if you tell those desert Arabs that Islam is a global religion and cease to use books with Arabic script, or to pray in Arabic (when most don't understand that language)?

Because when you give power to the Arabs, you import culturally practices which are them seen as being Islamic.  Like killing apostates.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

Carib J is trying to say something but he is all over. 

Caribj isn't allowing you and Kari to bury your heads.


We are not.

What is disappointing is you out of all people should be aware not to use a braoad  brush.

Chief posted:


We are not.

What is disappointing is you out of all people should be aware not to use a braoad  brush.

Too busy denying that there is serious rot in how Islam is practiced.  Too busy denying that while other religions have moved on from savage interpretations of their holy books sadly some Muslims haven't.  Too intent in denying that the land which you all revere as holy, and trek to for annual pilgrims, sanctions evil because of how they interpret the Koran.


Now pat yourselves on the head and be glad that you can practice Islam freely in most majority Christians lands, yet you say NOTHING about the fact that to be Christian in most majority Muslim lands is a DEATH sentence!

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:
caribny posted:
Chief posted:

Carib J is trying to say something but he is all over. 

Caribj isn't allowing you and Kari to bury your heads.


We are not.

What is disappointing is you out of all people should be aware not to use a braoad  brush.

use a broad's called un-intellectualism.

Kari posted:
caribny posted:

 We are AGAINST all Muslims being blames.  

hahahaha. Whoooaaah. ROTFLMAO

Kari if you were intelligent you would decipher that there is a difference between blaming all Muslims and demanding that Muslims take a look at how their religion is organized, and who is allowed to be clerics and how mosques are being run.

Now when we see folks screaming Jesus Christ, before blowing themselves up and killing 50 people then we can equate how Islam is being practiced and what is happening in Christianity.

And of course as you descend into hysteria you will never agree to admit that you as a Muslim can feel free to practice your religion in most majority Christian lands, where as in most Muslim countries being a Christian is a death sentence.

Mars posted:

The entire religion should not be blamed for the actions of a few. However, to deny that the people who commit these crimes are Muslim is simply ludicrous. One does not somehow lose your religion because you commit a sin. We all commit sins and do things that are against the teachings of the religious books but this does not disqualify us from the religion. If that were the case all you sinners would have already been disqualified from being Muslim, Christian or whatever religion you belong to. The Catholic priests who molested children are Catholics who committed grave sins. Convicts who convert to Islam in the prison are Muslims with a rap sheet. It does not disqualify them from being Muslims because they have a rap sheet. Many of you were saying duas for Osama Bin Laden the night he went to swim with the fishes because he was a Muslim like yourselves.

All valid points. The issue is not that they are not Muslims but the media's insatiable desire to identify the person(s) as Muslims rather than criminals. It seems like it is very important to them. Then you have all the experts insisting that it is some Islamic ideology. If it was so much some Islamic ideology, why do most of their victims turn out to be Muslims? Which Islamic ideology says that one Muslim can kill another Muslim? Which Islamic ideology says that a Muslim can fight/kill a non-Muslim who is not at war with him? Which Islamic ideology says that Muslims can kill women or children whether they are non-Muslims or not? So while they are indeed Muslims, the world would be more successful in defeating them if they stop over-obsessing with their religion and focus on their crimes for that they can defeat. The world is wasting its time thinking it can defeat Islam. A FoxNews guest last night quoted the saying that "When the wise man points at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger". That has been happening a lot on TV with all their experts hence their failure to defeat these terrorists.

Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Are other individuals specifically identified by their ethnic or religious associations when criminal activities are committed?

Yes, Muslims rip into Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians.

Those were probably done as reciprocations. We Muslims don't come on the board starting topics on other peoples' religions or religious practices. My man Tola came on some time back in late 2014 with a very impotent opening to his thread and took what he probably thought was a smart swipe at the Qur'an. So I asked him to indulge me in what was his concerns with the Qur'an. He very impotently said that he was busy right then and will let me know when he has some time. It is coming up on two years since then and I guess he is still busy with his suicide prevention efforts in Guyana. Although I will admit that his suicide prevention effort in Guyana is by far more important than any discourse he and I can have on the Qur'an.

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

The entire religion should not be blamed for the actions of a few. However, to deny that the people who commit these crimes are Muslim is simply ludicrous. One does not somehow lose your religion because you commit a sin. We all commit sins and do things that are against the teachings of the religious books but this does not disqualify us from the religion. If that were the case all you sinners would have already been disqualified from being Muslim, Christian or whatever religion you belong to. The Catholic priests who molested children are Catholics who committed grave sins. Convicts who convert to Islam in the prison are Muslims with a rap sheet. It does not disqualify them from being Muslims because they have a rap sheet. Many of you were saying duas for Osama Bin Laden the night he went to swim with the fishes because he was a Muslim like yourselves.

All valid points. The issue is not that they are not Muslims but the media's insatiable desire to identify the person(s) as Muslims rather than criminals. It seems like it is very important to them. Then you have all the experts insisting that it is some Islamic ideology. If it was so much some Islamic ideology, why do most of their victims turn out to be Muslims? Which Islamic ideology says that one Muslim can kill another Muslim? Which Islamic ideology says that a Muslim can fight/kill a non-Muslim who is not at war with him? Which Islamic ideology says that Muslims can kill women or children whether they are non-Muslims or not? So while they are indeed Muslims, the world would be more successful in defeating them if they stop over-obsessing with their religion and focus on their crimes for that they can defeat. The world is wasting its time thinking it can defeat Islam. A FoxNews guest last night quoted the saying that "When the wise man points at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger". That has been happening a lot on TV with all their experts hence their failure to defeat these terrorists.

One of the issues is that the perpetrators are Muslim and that's the specific issue I'm addressing. I'm doing so because there are people who deny this and will come up with all kinds of bullshit excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. 

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Are other individuals specifically identified by their ethnic or religious associations when criminal activities are committed?

Yes, Muslims rip into Catholic priests for molesting children and Jews for killing Palestinians.

Those were probably done as reciprocations. We Muslims don't come on the board starting topics on other peoples' religions or religious practices. My man Tola came on some time back in late 2014 with a very impotent opening to his thread and took what he probably thought was a smart swipe at the Qur'an. So I asked him to indulge me in what was his concerns with the Qur'an. He very impotently said that he was busy right then and will let me know when he has some time. It is coming up on two years since then and I guess he is still busy with his suicide prevention efforts in Guyana. Although I will admit that his suicide prevention effort in Guyana is by far more important than any discourse he and I can have on the Qur'an.

Dude, stop pretending like y'all are angels. There are Muslims who rip into Catholics and Jews unprovoked. I see this all the time on social media. I know what my eyes are seeing.

caribny posted:

And yet segments of Islam continue to commit these barbarous acts against other Muslims usually.

What are Muslims doing to undo the damage of the Wahhabis, who sent a bunch of criminals who dressed themselves up as imams, and then brainwashed confused European kids that they could kill in the name of Allah and they would get a fast track to the Muslim heaven.

To say that "this isn't Muslim behavior" when these people are being instigated by Muslim clerics is no longer enough.  Not when we see that Saudi Arabia sanctions the murder of apostates.  Did any Muslim group suggest the boycott of Mecca until that government changed its ways?

A few weeks ago, a man drinking at a bar stood up on the counter and declared that he was ISIS. Everyone began scrambling for cover. It turned out that the guy was not a Muslim, not ISIS and was charged only with public intoxication. The same day I believe, in another state, someone called police saying that another person seems to be ISIS and that he said Allahu Akbar. It turned out that that person was also not Muslim or ISIS connected and the police was contemplating charging the person who called them with false reporting. Anyone can say that they are ISIS or Muslim and commit heinous acts while they may not be. So are some who are Muslims who commit heinous acts. The only thing in common between the two are that they commit heinous acts. Being over-obsessed with whether they are Muslims or not doesn't do one thing to eradicate their evil although it can help those who hate Muslims and Islam have orgasms. Mind you, I have a very important desire for an end to all these terrorists because firstly there are to many people hurt and killed by them but also because I don't want anyone committing these unholy acts in Islam's name.

Mars posted:


Dude, stop pretending like y'all are angels. There are Muslims who rip into Catholics and Jews unprovoked. I see this all the time on social media. I know what my eyes are seeing.

My bad. When I read your comment, I thought you meant on GNI.

Secondly, I never claimed to be an angel. I can't state it any more clearly that I am not religious so I don't fit into your pretending to be angels group.

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:


Dude, stop pretending like y'all are angels. There are Muslims who rip into Catholics and Jews unprovoked. I see this all the time on social media. I know what my eyes are seeing.

My bad. When I read your comment, I thought you meant on GNI.

Secondly, I never claimed to be an angel. I can't state it any more clearly that I am not religious so I don't fit into your pretending to be angels group.

You rass no angel fuh sure.  You like too much to "fat-eye" dem pretty White gyaals on Fox!!

Mars posted:

One of the issues is that the perpetrators are Muslim and that's the specific issue I'm addressing. I'm doing so because there are people who deny this and will come up with all kinds of bullshit excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. 

I don't deny that they are Muslims. That is for God to judge. I don't deny that their commit very horrible acts. But I would say that they have to be extremely evil commit the heinous crimes they do.

ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:


Dude, stop pretending like y'all are angels. There are Muslims who rip into Catholics and Jews unprovoked. I see this all the time on social media. I know what my eyes are seeing.

My bad. When I read your comment, I thought you meant on GNI.

Secondly, I never claimed to be an angel. I can't state it any more clearly that I am not religious so I don't fit into your pretending to be angels group.

You rass no angel fuh sure.  You like too much to "fat-eye" dem pretty White gyaals on Fox!!

Bai, that Fox shit is going to come to an end soon. Gretchen Carlson has sued Ailes for sexual harassment.

Ainsley Earhardt said that there is no leg cam. Yeah right.

ksazma posted:
 So while they are indeed Muslims, the world would be more successful in defeating them if they stop over-obsessing with their religion and focus on their crimes for that they can defeat. The world is wasting its time thinking it can defeat Islam.

One religion seems to attract lots of lunatics.  Christians aren't blowing up hundreds and screaming "the Lord our Savior".

The fact that so many incidents appear to consist of Muslims purporting to act on behalf of Allah should give Muslims pause. Especially as it is Muslims who are the most victimized.

1.  Most of the victims are Muslims.

2. Even when the West is targeted Muslims also die.

3. Muslims have earned the distrust of non Muslims as a result of this, and increasingly bigotry towards them will be tolerated by non Muslims.

Now it will appear to be that Muslims, for their own safety, should be leading the charge to remove the ability of these folks to claim that they acting on behalf of their God.  But it appears as if too many Muslims prefer to roll into a cocoon, even though the growth of this scourge impacts them most of all.

All I need to do is take off my shoes, belt, empty my pockets and then stand in front of a machine, as if I am visiting some one in jail.  Inconvenient and irritating, but I will survive.

Muslims (and those perceived to also be such) will encounter increasing "Flying while Muslim" incidents and will see the likes of Marie Le Pen and Donald Trump drawing more crowds.

Muslims aren't doing the rest of us a favor by trying to figure out why so many lunatics are drawn to their faith, feeling compelled to kill in its name.  They do THEMSELVES a favor. 

If they don't eliminate irresponsible behavior by renegade Muslim clerics, and try to correct the damage caused on impressionable and confused minds then the day might well come that to be a Muslim in a majority Christian society will be as hard as being a Christian in a majority Muslim one.

I note by the way that the goodly Muslims here don't respond to the fact that they are treated with greater respect in Christian lands than they Muslims afford non Muslims in their lands

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

One of the issues is that the perpetrators are Muslim and that's the specific issue I'm addressing. I'm doing so because there are people who deny this and will come up with all kinds of bullshit excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. 

I don't deny that they are Muslims. That is for God to judge. I don't deny that their commit very horrible acts. But I would say that they have to be extremely evil commit the heinous crimes they do.

Ksazma, you re one of the good Muslims on here and anywhere.  Regardless, there must be more ownership from the Muslim community.  Unfortunately, Saudi and other Gulf states own these terrorists.  It's a tough situation, but good Muslims need to pick a side on principle!

Chief posted:
Cobra posted:

Chief, Osama bin laden was a criminal and terorist. His young son is plotting revenge as the new head of Al Qaida. You was angry when the American buried him at sea. You said by his religious right, he should be given a proper burial. You and your fellow Muslims give dua  for a criminal and now you want to make yourself an ass?

If you take your time and try to understand Islam then you will not make foolish statements.

When a Muslim dies, regardless if he is a good or an evil person, certain rights has to be performed, among them washing and shrouding of the body and Janaza prayers. After that it is up to God to Judge the individual.


Even a serial killer who dies in prison or is executed is released to someone who will give them a decent burial. That said, I am glad they dropped Bin Laden into the sea. He doesn't deserve any better and we don't need another shrine.


I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

Kari posted:

I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

Ksazma is certainly a decent Muslim and the likes of whom should be the face of modern Islam running the Masjids, etc, not Kari, Chief and the rest of the infidel haters!

caribny posted:


Clearly Islam, as it is practiced has serious problems, and you need to admit to this, and urge that Muslims begin to figure a solution.

For the vast majority of Muslims, Islam is no hindrance to their daily existence. It does not have any serious to them and they will have little or no care for any solution since it works for them. The vast majority of Muslims wake before the sun comes up, perform a short morning prayer and then go about their daily lives trying to earn an honest day living. They pause several times during the day to remember God and do the same jut before they go to sleep at night only to do the same things the following days. They don't get involved in the daily politics so don't have to come into contact with the evil that Muslims do for political objectives. The problem is not Islam. It is wicked people using Islam to commit evil acts.

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

Ksazma is certainly a decent Muslim and the likes of whom should be the face of modern Islam running the Masjids, etc, not Kari, Chief and the rest of the infidel haters!

Ba$e, I don't go to Masjids, and if I listen to a Qutbah I would probably have words afterwards with the Imaam. KZaaaz, Chief and Pointblank are your Muslims. I'm a haarkati fullahman

Kari posted:

I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

You morons jump to accuse people of hating your religion as soon as someone does not agree with your warped ideology. It's not my problem if you can't handle the truth. You can continue to walk around with your head up your ass and make all kinds of excuses for the terrorists. It's people like you that Infidels have to be careful of. You pretend to be a moderate Muslim yet you find all kinds of nonsensical excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. You would no sooner stab us Infidels in the back if we are not careful with you. 


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