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According to Carib J in his past contributions here on GNI he was amazed and even annoyed when non blacks keep saying they know what  are black people problem . On this thread he knows more about Muslim problems and the problems with Muslim.

caribny posted:

I think that my denunciation is about tribal customs which are disguised as Muslim behavior. 

Do you support honor killing, genital mutilation, abuse of females, or murderous religious  intolerance? No you don't.  Do you consider that to be Islamic?  No you don't.

Do you know that others justify their thuggery by insisting that this is Islamic? Yes you do. 

So ought you not as a Muslim, within communities where you participate as a Muslim, insist that this not be passed off as "pure" Islam?  I say the collective "you" because for all I know some at your mosque might have no problem with tribal Islam.  So you as an individual might be powerless.

As to the military might of the West.   Hmmm.  Between the ambitions of Israel and the desire to ensure access to the densest source of energy on this planet I think that you will agree that encouraging Muslims to kill each other is definitely a plan.  

It has already been commented that the West only cares about terror victims if they exist in Paris, Brussels, or MAYBE Istanbul, as many visit there.  So to think that the solution lies from those sources is really simple.

  The West will make life very difficult for Muslims who live in the West if terrorism continues.  There was a movie a few years ago when all the Muslims living in NYC were put in concentration camps. Think on this, especially if Trump wins.

I live in Florida and go to several mosques in my neighborhood. I don't hear anyone preaching terrorism. I don't hear anyone criticizing the US government either. I don't see any of them coming to the mosques on camels. Nobody preach honor killing, genital mutilation, female abuse, religious killing, or intolerance. Sure we have a lot of people who dress like Arabs, and speak like Arabs any of late they have moved away from the palourie and potato balls and replaced them with dates for iftar   so I don't see a problem in the mosques in my neighborhood. Now someone can still be secretly devious but the mosques do their part to point out that the actions of the terrorists is not Islam.

caribny posted:

I rest my case because the fact that some madrasahs are used as terror training camps suggest that there is institutional support for this behavior from a segment of the Muslim religion.

Why do Muslims not close down such places?

Which Muslim should close down which place?


I live in Florida and go to several mosques in my neighborhood. I don't hear anyone preaching terrorism. I don't hear anyone criticizing the US government either. I don't see any of them coming to the mosques on camels. Nobody preach honor killing, genital mutilation, female abuse, religious killing, or intolerance. Sure we have a lot of people who dress like Arabs, and speak like Arabs any of late they have moved away from the palourie and potato balls and replaced them with dates for iftar   so I don't see a problem in the mosques in my neighborhood. Now someone can still be secretly devious but the mosques do their part to point out that the actions of the terrorists is not Islam.

I keep saying the same thing to Baseman, Cobra and Nehru.

If they have proof that any mosque is preaching about  terrorism   then they have all right to go to the authorities. I for one will not tolerate any such sermons, it amaze me how our fellow Guyanese such as Nehru and Cobra, people who Muslims rub shoulders with in Richmondhill, can be so mischievous. 

When I call them out and say produce evidence that Masjids are preaching hate, their only response is that I hate Hindus.


What we are witnessing here on GNI is the worse form of bigotry by Guyanese.

I do ask God to open the heart of these bigots so they can recognize that  their actions and the things they are doing and saying are  just not right.

Last edited by Chief
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
. That feeling of peace and tranquility I experience when I make prostration ..

If I were Mars or Redux I would say something but I will leave that alone.

But you are lot more decent than I usually give you credit for.   I knew the ramifications even as I wrote it but it is undoubtedly the most fulfilling posture in the entire prayer. I once mentioned this here. Back in the nineties, by brother in law and I were doing a concrete slab in my yard and we were mixing the mortar in a wheel-borrow so it took the entire day to finish the slab. Since I was messy from the cement, I did not do any of my prayer until I was down and cleaned up. Most of the time, one can shower away their tiredness but that was not enough to relieve me of my aches and pains. But when I made my first prostration, I felt the pain literally moving through my body to my head and unto my rug. That was a very telling experience for me. So Mars and Redux can have their fun and my buddy Stormy or whichever personality he choses today can talk about us butting our heads but while it may not be their thing we are perfectly fine with it.

ksazma posted:

Of course the West will gladly demonize Islam which explains why so many Muslims don't lose sleep over them since they cannot take away their faith. .

Well I suggest that you begin to lose sleep. It is quite PC to abuse Muslims when even gays can no longer be openly targeted.

Chief posted:

.On this thread he knows more about Muslim problems and the problems with Muslim.

I don't care less about Muslim problems. What I care is how Muslims impact my life.  

Why should boarding a plane be like trying to enter a jail?  Even though you check in online you have to get to the airport 2 hours before departure to ensure that your bags are loaded, and you get through TSA before the doors close.  The plane unable to take off until there is full reconciliation between passengers boarded and bags loaded.

To the extent that Muslims impact my life I will make it my business to comment. 

But chief I see that you love the tribal aspects of Islam, which are well known to all.  Trying to kill a poor girl because she is bright and wants an education.  Attempts to kill her because some tribals believe that its unIslamic for a girl to be educated and to demand equality.  But that is OK with you.  Because if it wasn't OK with you, then you wouldn't have a problem with what I say.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

I rest my case because the fact that some madrasahs are used as terror training camps suggest that there is institutional support for this behavior from a segment of the Muslim religion.

Why do Muslims not close down such places?

Which Muslim should close down which place?

OK keep open the madrasahs where terrorists are trained to be Jihadis out to ensure that "pure" Islam prevails.  You know that tribal kind where females are only allowed one eye to see.  With the rest of their face covered, because of course they have nothing to say.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
  There have been several female Muslim head of states .

And how about the other females.  How are they treated?  They aren't even allowed into the main part of the mosque, shoved to the side, like Jim Crow cinemas in the 60s.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

I. Nobody preach honor killing, genital mutilation, female abuse, religious killing, or intolerance. Sure we have a lot of people who dress like Arabs, and speak like Arabs any of late they have moved away from the palourie and potato balls and replaced them with dates for iftar   

You and Kari scream that you shouldn't be blamed for Arab tribal behavior yet here go folks wanting to be Arab tribalists.  Why? 

Does one have to behave like an Arab to be a good Muslim?  Well you cannot then distance yourself from being seen as condoning Arab tribal behavior.

Here is the notion that in the 21st century some in one religion claim that their religious doctrine justifies genital mutilation, rampant abuse and harassment of women, and the potential killing of Muslims who decide to leave the religion.

SILENCE from the rest of you. Too scared to anger the tribal Arabs?   Then you blame others who then see this religion is such a poor light.  And then you demand that the rest of us use OUR money to put a squeeze on the Saudis?

So what do Muslims have to say about the fact that some of your co religionists justify horrendous behavior as part of "pure" Islam?

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:


If practices like all those Phillippinos who pale themselves at Easter time don't define Christianity, why do you think that more than 95% of Muslims will care to lose sleep worrying if the actions of these terrorists defines Islam or if non-Muslims feel that way?  

1.  These Filipinos hurt themselves.  Not others.

2.  That is NOT mainstream Catholic doctrine. 

Now when a band of Filipino Catholics run a bus down 5th Avenue because the NY Catholics refuse to beat and bleed then we can talk, because this is what Jihadis are doing.


Muslims from different parts of the world keep their faith. A great many are not familiar or care to know how Mid-East Muslims interpret the Koran.

But it is Mid-East Muslims who drives the quest for muslim domination of the world. I consider those of the less informed as the foot soldiers whenever their end-times prophecies unfolds. Eventually all muslims have a hand in those events.

Since the time they marched out of Arabia, there are documented cases of how they treat their captives. Whilst many of their conquest resulted in the conversions in the mid-east, India and Europe gave us the Koranic treatment of the infidels. Higher taxes, restrictions of travels and penalties for not being a muslim and living in the conquered nation. Perhaps, it is this stigma Hindu Guyanese remembers when they cast bad remarks about muslims.

I have observed their intolerance for those muslims who intermingle with non-muslims in the area that I live in. Muslims were demanded to withdraw themselves from such interactions in the Guyanese community.

Apart from the celestial expectancy, mid-east muslims feels the infidels are required pay a financial penalty for just not being a muslim. They consider the financial aid given to Egypt and Pakistan by the USA and the West as a payment for that Koranic imposition. As a matter of fact, it became more believable when Obama increased its aid to Egypt when the Brotherhood won the elections.

Mid-East Muslims also expects the Third Jihad of the West.

These are issues I take into account. It is the play towards their hopeful achievements in the West. And it certainly moving swiftly. Whether Guyanese Muslims believes it or not, they are of no consequence. The Saudies and their holy men are determined to make it happen. Simply, because the prophet said so 1600 year ago. And it is Biblical. But never said Muslims, It said Anti-Christ. However, Mohammad had a problem with the Christian and Jews. There was a falling out and he murdered the Jewish men and sold their women and children into slavery. Perhaps, 1600 years ago, he decided, "I will show those infidel bastards."

One can take notice of Saudie influence in Guyana, where muslims just bombarded communities with arabic incantations on loud speakers day and night, for years.   

Maybe, those pages of the Arabic Koran were removed about the end-times from the other Korans. They are the guardians. Perhaps, they should find it and read it. Ask the Immams. But I hear, asking questions, gets lesser muslim some stiff rebuff to the point of a fist fight and even murder. 

No one challenge the faith or forces a renouncement of it. But if it is written as the Mid_East muslim claims, of world domination. Then there has to be a fight.

Chief posted:

I live in Florida and go to several mosques in my neighborhood. I don't hear anyone preaching terrorism. I don't hear anyone criticizing the US government either. I don't see any of them coming to the mosques on camels. Nobody preach honor killing, genital mutilation, female abuse, religious killing, or intolerance. Sure we have a lot of people who dress like Arabs, and speak like Arabs any of late they have moved away from the palourie and potato balls and replaced them with dates for iftar   so I don't see a problem in the mosques in my neighborhood. Now someone can still be secretly devious but the mosques do their part to point out that the actions of the terrorists is not Islam.

I keep saying the same thing to Baseman, Cobra and Nehru.

If they have proof that any mosque is preaching about  terrorism   then they have all right to go to the authorities. I for one will not tolerate any such sermons, it amaze me how our fellow Guyanese such as Nehru and Cobra, people who Muslims rub shoulders with in Richmondhill, can be so mischievous. 

When I call them out and say produce evidence that Masjids are preaching hate, their only response is that I hate Hindus.


What we are witnessing here on GNI is the worse form of bigotry by Guyanese.

I do ask God to open the heart of these bigots so they can recognize that  their actions and the things they are doing and saying are  just not right.

Man shut your behind. My first argument with you was on account of your statement that Muslims are not supposed to give up another Muslim even in event the Muslim committed a wrongful act. I said you were nuts then and the belief antithetical to what we called secular life hence poisonous to our society. It is not hateful to tell you that what you believe is opposite to what I believe and not convenient for my well being and especially if that matches what is real for all in the society.

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:

I live in Florida and go to several mosques in my neighborhood. I don't hear anyone preaching terrorism. I don't hear anyone criticizing the US government either. I don't see any of them coming to the mosques on camels. Nobody preach honor killing, genital mutilation, female abuse, religious killing, or intolerance. Sure we have a lot of people who dress like Arabs, and speak like Arabs any of late they have moved away from the palourie and potato balls and replaced them with dates for iftar   so I don't see a problem in the mosques in my neighborhood. Now someone can still be secretly devious but the mosques do their part to point out that the actions of the terrorists is not Islam.

I keep saying the same thing to Baseman, Cobra and Nehru.

If they have proof that any mosque is preaching about  terrorism   then they have all right to go to the authorities. I for one will not tolerate any such sermons, it amaze me how our fellow Guyanese such as Nehru and Cobra, people who Muslims rub shoulders with in Richmondhill, can be so mischievous. 

When I call them out and say produce evidence that Masjids are preaching hate, their only response is that I hate Hindus.


What we are witnessing here on GNI is the worse form of bigotry by Guyanese.

I do ask God to open the heart of these bigots so they can recognize that  their actions and the things they are doing and saying are  just not right.

But you do hate Hindus/Christians, etc.  It's well documented here!

seignet posted:

Muslims from different parts of the world keep their faith. A great many are not familiar or care to know how Mid-East Muslims interpret the Koran.

But it is Mid-East Muslims who drives the quest for muslim domination of the world. I consider those of the less informed as the foot soldiers whenever their end-times prophecies unfolds. Eventually all muslims have a hand in those events.

Since the time they marched out of Arabia, there are documented cases of how they treat their captives. Whilst many of their conquest resulted in the conversions in the mid-east, India and Europe gave us the Koranic treatment of the infidels. Higher taxes, restrictions of travels and penalties for not being a muslim and living in the conquered nation. Perhaps, it is this stigma Hindu Guyanese remembers when they cast bad remarks about muslims.

I have observed their intolerance for those muslims who intermingle with non-muslims in the area that I live in. Muslims were demanded to withdraw themselves from such interactions in the Guyanese community.

Apart from the celestial expectancy, mid-east muslims feels the infidels are required pay a financial penalty for just not being a muslim. They consider the financial aid given to Egypt and Pakistan by the USA and the West as a payment for that Koranic imposition. As a matter of fact, it became more believable when Obama increased its aid to Egypt when the Brotherhood won the elections.

Mid-East Muslims also expects the Third Jihad of the West.

These are issues I take into account. It is the play towards their hopeful achievements in the West. And it certainly moving swiftly. Whether Guyanese Muslims believes it or not, they are of no consequence. The Saudies and their holy men are determined to make it happen. Simply, because the prophet said so 1600 year ago. And it is Biblical. But never said Muslims, It said Anti-Christ. However, Mohammad had a problem with the Christian and Jews. There was a falling out and he murdered the Jewish men and sold their women and children into slavery. Perhaps, 1600 years ago, he decided, "I will show those infidel bastards."

One can take notice of Saudie influence in Guyana, where muslims just bombarded communities with arabic incantations on loud speakers day and night, for years.   

Maybe, those pages of the Arabic Koran were removed about the end-times from the other Korans. They are the guardians. Perhaps, they should find it and read it. Ask the Immams. But I hear, asking questions, gets lesser muslim some stiff rebuff to the point of a fist fight and even murder. 

No one challenge the faith or forces a renouncement of it. But if it is written as the Mid_East muslim claims, of world domination. Then there has to be a fight.

Maybe Caribj could use his influence to get Granger to outlaw all that shyte.  It's called noise pollution, but exempt will lil rum-shop juke box!!

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
can talk about us butting

Please. If you continue I will have to reveal what Muslims in prayer look to non Muslims. I am trying to be nice.

You don't need to bai because it is right here. And guess what, I saw LeBron prostrated the same way when he won championship the other day. I see it a lot from other sports players when they win so if it is not undignified for those superheroes to do it why should I or any other Muslim worry about what someone else think?

seignet posted:



One can take notice of Saudie influence in Guyana, where muslims just bombarded communities with arabic incantations on loud speakers day and night, for years.   


Man, this is what bothers you? This is a fairly new thing in Guyana whereas we had to put up with all those bell ringing for much longer. When that Anglican church near us start ringing its bell early on a Sunday morning (keep in mind that Sunday was the only day people did not go to work for 8AM) how come we did not let it bother us? And we are the intolerant of society.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

.On this thread he knows more about Muslim problems and the problems with Muslim.

I don't care less about Muslim problems. What I care is how Muslims impact my life.  


The same rhetoric from Whites about blacks and minorities.

You sounding the same like Trump supporters....ignorant and foolish!

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

I live in Florida and go to several mosques in my neighborhood. I don't hear anyone preaching terrorism. I don't hear anyone criticizing the US government either. I don't see any of them coming to the mosques on camels. Nobody preach honor killing, genital mutilation, female abuse, religious killing, or intolerance. Sure we have a lot of people who dress like Arabs, and speak like Arabs any of late they have moved away from the palourie and potato balls and replaced them with dates for iftar   so I don't see a problem in the mosques in my neighborhood. Now someone can still be secretly devious but the mosques do their part to point out that the actions of the terrorists is not Islam.

I keep saying the same thing to Baseman, Cobra and Nehru.

If they have proof that any mosque is preaching about  terrorism   then they have all right to go to the authorities. I for one will not tolerate any such sermons, it amaze me how our fellow Guyanese such as Nehru and Cobra, people who Muslims rub shoulders with in Richmondhill, can be so mischievous. 

When I call them out and say produce evidence that Masjids are preaching hate, their only response is that I hate Hindus.


What we are witnessing here on GNI is the worse form of bigotry by Guyanese.

I do ask God to open the heart of these bigots so they can recognize that  their actions and the things they are doing and saying are  just not right.

But you do hate Hindus/Christians, etc.  It's well documented here!

Now you are mathematician, adding Christians to the picture.

Just like how you lie and fabricate  about Masjids , you are doing the same to me.Produce one post where I ever say that I hate any religion, you cannot.

Don't play deaf because God will cause you to get deaf. How many times do I have to say that ChieF does not hate. i HAVE NO HATE IN MY HEART AND gOD KNOWS THAT BUT YOU GUYS WHO ARE POINTING FINGERS are the ones that the fingers are pointing back to.


Chief posted:


Now you are mathematician, adding Christians to the picture.

Just like how you lie and fabricate  about Masjids , you are doing the same to me.Produce one post where I ever say that I hate any religion, you cannot.

Don't play deaf because God will cause you to get deaf. How many times do I have to say that ChieF does not hate. i HAVE NO HATE IN MY HEART AND gOD KNOWS THAT BUT YOU GUYS WHO ARE POINTING FINGERS are the ones that the fingers are pointing back to.


Don't tek dem bais on Chief. They are just trying to rile you up.

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:



One can take notice of Saudie influence in Guyana, where muslims just bombarded communities with arabic incantations on loud speakers day and night, for years.   


Man, this is what bothers you? This is a fairly new thing in Guyana whereas we had to put up with all those bell ringing for much longer. When that Anglican church near us start ringing its bell early on a Sunday morning (keep in mind that Sunday was the only day people did not go to work for 8AM) how come we did not let it bother us? And we are the intolerant of society.

For u arabic is natural language to the ear. bells are like 10 minutes. the incantations was non-stop, day and night for years until some bandits broke into the muslim fellas house. 

Intolerant, yes. I had a muslim woman deemed me as a black boy. prejudiced people in guyana. pious  and clannish.

never bothered me. i thought there was something special about them in my village. then i realized it had nothing to do with their faith. it is the life style, and did appear to live a clean one, without the vices of the hindus. they depended on consumerism for their life styles-be it mostly hindu purchasers. patronizing shop keepers and butchers.


Last edited by seignet
Nehru posted:

If you drink Rum, eat Poke and get lil outside Punani under the Table, is that Haram????

Whah yuh gat against lil outside punani.   Btw, by using an upper case 'P' were you emphasizing that it was a big punani?

seignet posted:

For u arabic is natural language to the ear. bells are like 10 minutes. the incantations was non-stop, day and night for years until some bandits broke into the muslim fellas house. 

Intolerant, yes. I had a muslim woman deemed me as a black boy. prejudiced people in guyana. pious  and clannish.

never bothered me. i thought there was something special about them in my village. then i realized it had nothing to do with their faith. it is the life style, and did appear to live a clean one, without the vices of the hindus. they depended on consumerism for their life styles-be it mostly hindu purchasers. patronizing shop keepers and butchers.


I have to admit I have absolutely no idea what you meant to write here bai. But regarding the adhan, it last only a few minutes.

ksazma posted:

You don't need to bai because it is right here. And guess what, I saw LeBron prostrated the same way when he won championship the other day. I see it a lot from other sports players when they win so if it is not undignified for those superheroes to do it why should I or any other Muslim worry about what someone else think?

Man on man sex is well known in Arab/Muslim societies.


Chief posted:

The same rhetoric from Whites about blacks and minorities.

You sounding the same like Trump supporters....ignorant and foolish!

So says the man who sees nothing wrong with Tribal Islamic culture as practiced in Saudi Arabia.

Chief continue to support those folks and you give the Trump supporters ammunition to come after you because no civilized person in the 21st century can excuse the barbarity which exists in Saudi Arabia due to their austere interpretation of the Koran.

So why do you?

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:


Man, this is what bothers you? This is a fairly new thing in Guyana whereas we had to put up with all those bell ringing for much longer. When that Anglican church near us start ringing its bell early on a Sunday morning (keep in mind that Sunday was the only day people did not go to work for 8AM) how come we did not let it bother us? And we are the intolerant of society.

So here we go. First the veil.  Then demands that the rest of us must adhere to tribal Islam as they do in Saudi Arabia.  Because this is what the jihadis demand.

To expect tolerant people to be tolerant towards an intolerant society is asking a bit much.

ksazma posted:
Chief posted:


Now you are mathematician, adding Christians to the picture.

Just like how you lie and fabricate  about Masjids , you are doing the same to me.Produce one post where I ever say that I hate any religion, you cannot.

Don't play deaf because God will cause you to get deaf. How many times do I have to say that ChieF does not hate. i HAVE NO HATE IN MY HEART AND gOD KNOWS THAT BUT YOU GUYS WHO ARE POINTING FINGERS are the ones that the fingers are pointing back to.


Don't tek dem bais on Chief. They are just trying to rile you up.

At least you understand the problems of tribal Islam, even if you are too passive to condemn it.

Chief looks like he will be right at home in Saudi Arabia, and probably damns us as infidels who deserve the full wrath of Allah for not accepting "pure" Islam.

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

If you drink Rum, eat Poke and get lil outside Punani under the Table, is that Haram????

Whah yuh gat against lil outside punani.   Btw, by using an upper case 'P' were you emphasizing that it was a big punani?

Yessssssss very nice post, excellent Kaz, keep it up ma man.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

You don't need to bai because it is right here. And guess what, I saw LeBron prostrated the same way when he won championship the other day. I see it a lot from other sports players when they win so if it is not undignified for those superheroes to do it why should I or any other Muslim worry about what someone else think?

Man on man sex is well known in Arab/Muslim societies.


Man on man sex is very prevalent in western Christian societies too so what is your point. Even the Pope seems inclined to ratify it.

ksazma posted:


Man on man sex is very prevalent in western Christian societies too so what is your point. Even the Pope seems inclined to ratify it.

We don't "assume the position" when we pray.  Maybe that's why women aren't allowed to pray with men.

caribny posted:

We don't "assume the position" when we pray.  Maybe that's why women aren't allowed to pray with men.

You are assuming the position somewhere because you are not denying that you are getting it up there. So why condemn others while you ignore yourself?

cain posted:
ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

If you drink Rum, eat Poke and get lil outside Punani under the Table, is that Haram????

Whah yuh gat against lil outside punani.   Btw, by using an upper case 'P' were you emphasizing that it was a big punani?

Yessssssss very nice post, excellent Kaz, keep it up ma man.

I focus on the important things bai. Them other bais can squander their time worrying about others.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

We don't "assume the position" when we pray.  Maybe that's why women aren't allowed to pray with men.

You are assuming the position somewhere because you are not denying that you are getting it up there. So why condemn others while you ignore yourself?

I don't "assume the position" you do and enjoy it.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:


Man on man sex is very prevalent in western Christian societies too so what is your point. Even the Pope seems inclined to ratify it.

We don't "assume the position" when we pray.  Maybe that's why women aren't allowed to pray with men.

Bai, you gone all over the place again, but then again, you may have a point!  I saw a Saudi cleric years ago on interview with Ted Koppel alluded to that.  He called it's "a provocative" pose!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


Who on GNI make excuses for these AS$HOLES?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist....

You really need to furnish proof of this statement or else this is a statement of hate and it's bigotry pure and simple. It's hatred by Bibi against a people based on religion. BTW, why do you co-opt that Muslim moniker when you are not a Muslim. I know you're not because I know ho you are.

So here to help you out is the template of the proof you need to furnish:

Mr. so-and-so excuses the Terrorists from their evil, murderous deeds because they are Muslims and because they are faithfully following the religion of Islam. Show where on this forum someone excused these scoundrels and waste of the earth. If not I must call you a hateful bigot.

Chief just showed you evidence that this guy was on nobody's watch list and had no religion to speak of and yet all I hear from you is how people on this Board are excusing murders like this fellow.

I'll repeat what you wrote - "Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him." Give me the evidence who is looking for an excuse for this Algerian-French murderer and who is not condemning. It's a simple enough task so do it. Show the evidence.

Why are we blaming this act on the terrorist's divorce rather than facing the truth?  Over 40% of American marriages face divorce,  I don't see them driving a truck into innocent people and killing them because they are getting divorced.

By defending a terrorist, you have shown the rest of us what side of the fence you are on.  Clear and simple as that!!!!

Have you been following the news about Americans mass killings.


here see how many were by people with Muslim names and how many are by others.

Hope you can count let me know if you need beads.


#DateLocationDeadInjuredShooter(s)News articles
24607/17/2016Baton Rouge, LA43
Gavin Eugene Long
24507/16/2016Bakersfield, CA014
24407/16/2016Cleveland, OH05
24307/16/2016Clarksville, TN06
24207/16/2016Dallas, TX05
24107/16/2016San Bernardino, CA04
24007/15/2016Woodland, WA31
Brent W. Luyster
23907/14/2016Decatur, GA04
23807/14/2016Akron, OH22
23707/14/2016Houston, TX31
23607/14/2016Oakland, CA04
23507/13/2016St. Louis, MO22
23407/13/2016Warner Robins, GA05
23307/12/2016Tumwater, WA04
23207/11/2016St. Joseph, MI32
Larry Darnell Gordon
23107/11/2016Baltimore, MD05
23007/11/2016Jackson, MI04
22907/07/2016Bristol, TN14
Lakeem Keon Scott
22807/07/2016Dallas, TX59
Micah X. Johnson
22707/07/2016Baton Rouge, LA04
22607/07/2016Shreveport, LA13
22507/05/2016Los Angeles, CA13
22407/05/2016Hiram, GA22
22307/04/2016New York (Brooklyn), NY07
22207/04/2016Chattanooga, TN23
22107/04/2016Pittsburgh, PA04
22007/04/2016Phoenix, AZ26
21907/04/2016Houston, TX32
21807/04/2016Cleveland, OH04
21707/04/2016Chicago (Englewood), IL04
21607/03/2016Monroe, LA23
Jaterrious Godfrey
Michael Oshea White Jr.
21507/03/2016Chattanooga, TN04
21407/02/2016Providence, RI04
21306/30/2016Chicago (Washington Heights), IL14
21206/29/2016Las Vegas, NV50
Jason Hagan Dej-Odoum
21106/28/2016Los Angeles, CA13
21006/28/2016Chicago (North Lawndale), IL06
20906/27/2016Woodburn, OR31
Bonifacio Oseguera-Gonzalez
20806/26/2016Charlotte, NC05
Treon Livingston
20706/26/2016Atlanta, GA14
20606/26/2016Corpus Christi, TX04
Jorge Hernandez
20506/26/2016Houston, TX13
20406/26/2016Lyman, SC04
Jody Thompson
20306/26/2016Bennettsville, SC04
20206/25/2016Forth Worth, TX25
Tommy Lee Ward
20106/25/2016Chicago (Morgan Park), IL04
20006/25/2016Norfolk, VA04
19906/24/2016District Heights, MD32
Lawrence Sylvester Rogers Jr
19806/24/2016Hartford, CT04
19706/24/2016Kansas City, KS04
19606/22/2016Lacey, WA31
19506/22/2016DeKalb Co., GA15
19406/22/2016Chicago (East Garfield Park), IL04
19306/21/2016Willingboro, NJ04
19206/21/2016Louisville, KY22
Eric Lee Anthony
19106/20/2016Baltimore, MD04
19006/19/2016Exmore, VA13
Alexander Picott-Cleveland
18906/19/2016Syracuse, NY13
18806/19/2016Roanoke, VA04
18706/18/2016Warren, OH24
18606/18/2016Chicago (South Shore), IL04
18506/18/2016Waycross, GA22
18406/17/2016Berwick, LA04
18306/14/2016Oakland, CA13
18206/14/2016Wilmington, DE05
18106/13/2016Fresno, CA04
18006/13/2016New York (Brooklyn), NY05
Bernard Bellony
17906/13/2016College Park, GA31
17806/13/2016Chicago (East Garfield Park), IL05
17706/12/2016Orlando, FL5053
Omar Marteen
17606/11/2016Roswell, NM50
Juan Villegas
17506/11/2016Charlotte, NC13
17406/11/2016Los Angeles, CA32
17306/11/2016Stockton, CA13
17206/11/2016Webster, MN04
17106/10/2016Visalia, CA04
17006/09/2016Fort Walton Beach, FL04
Mikeal Lamar Johnson-Carter
16906/08/2016Minneapolis, MN04
16806/08/2016Washington, DC04
Kevin Cole
16706/08/2016Boston, MA13
Jonathan Aguasvivas, Benzy Bain
16606/07/2016Cape Coral, FL33
Michael Moran
16506/05/2016Phoenix, AZ33
Daterryn McBride
16406/05/2016Denver, CO31
Chadd Evans, Dejuan Jones, Deashaun Turrentine
16306/05/2016New York (Brooklyn), NY04
16206/04/2016Eufaula, AL13
Demarco Rhymes
16105/31/2016Chicago (East Garfield Park), IL04
16005/31/2016Fort Wayne, IN04
15905/30/2016Baltimore, MD05
David Warren
15805/30/2016Sacramento, CA05
15705/29/2016Las Vegas, NV04
Pierre Devlin
15605/29/2016Houston, TX26
Dionisio Garza
15505/29/2016Zillah, WA05
15405/29/2016Indianapolis, IN04
15305/29/2016Trenton, NJ06
15205/25/2016New York (Manhattan), NY13
Roland Collins
15105/23/2016Newark, NJ05
15005/23/2016New York (Manhattan), NY04
14905/22/2016Nashville, TN04
14805/22/2016New Orleans, LA04
14705/21/2016Jackson, GA13
Gemarius Oneal, Christopher Walker
14605/21/2016Stockton, CA13
Robert Michael Baguindo Jr
14505/18/2016Indianapolis, IN04
14405/17/2016Ravenel, SC31
Kenneth Ancrum
14305/15/2016Moultrie, GA50
Jeffrey Allen Peacock
14205/15/2016Evansville, IN04
14105/14/2016Phoenix, AZ22
14005/14/2016Charleston, WV13
Donnell Strong, Jacques Slade
13905/14/2016Atlanta, GA05
13805/12/2016Chicago (Roseland), IL40
Kevin Robinson
13705/11/2016Burmingham, AL14
Sedrick Norris
13605/11/2016Chicago (Park Manor), IL05
13505/08/2016Austin, TX13
Osiel Benitez
13405/06/2016Bethesda, MD33
Eulalio Tordil
13305/06/2016Montgomery, AL13
13205/06/2016Detroit, MI14
13105/05/2016Las Vegas, NV22
13005/05/2016Shreveport, LA26
12905/05/2016Miami, FL13
Travis Spitler
12805/04/2016Katy, TX22
Marion Guy Williams
12705/04/2016Minneapolis, MN17
12605/03/2016Green Cove Springs, FL40
Murray Lancaster
12505/01/2016Murfreesboro, TN05
12404/29/2016St. Louis, MO04
12304/29/2016Oakland, CA05
12204/27/2016Kilmichael, MS31
Odell Hallmon
12104/27/2016Baton Rouge, LA13
12004/26/2016Forestville, MD14
11904/25/2016Goodlettsville, TN04
11804/25/2016Nashville, TN04
Demarcus Amos
11704/25/2016Miami, FL05
11604/24/2016Halifax, VA06
Malik Cobbs
11504/24/2016Denver, CO04
Nghia Trong Tran
11404/24/2016Chicago (Englewood), IL23
11304/23/2016Topeka, KS13
Orlando Collins
11204/23/2016Auburn, AL31
Tarabien Cobb
11104/23/2016New York (Manhattan), NY04
11004/23/2016Las Vegas, NV13
10904/23/2016Seattle, WA04
10804/23/2016Flint, MI05
10704/22/2016Piketon, OH80
10604/22/2016Appling, GA60
Wayne Anthony Hawes
10504/21/2016Baltimore, MD04
Stephon Carroll
10404/19/2016Blountsville, AL14
Daniel Blackmon
10304/19/2016Chicago (Auburn-Gresham), IL14
10204/19/2016Katy, TX40
Jeremy Srinivasan
10104/19/2016Chicago (Gage Park), IL13
10004/18/2016Long Beach, CA13
9904/17/2016Philadelphia, PA31
James Dickson
9804/17/2016Pelzer, SC13
9704/17/2016Edinburg, TX16
Genaro Maldonado
9604/16/2016Enterprise, AL04
Devonquez Blackmon
9504/16/2016Orlando, FL24
Christopher Miller, Lavon Shinn
9404/16/2016Detroit, MI14
9304/14/2016Orange, NJ13
9204/10/2016Milwaukee, WI13
9104/10/2016Los Angeles, CA04
9004/09/2016Albuquerque, NM04
Triston Whitmire
8904/09/2016Memphis, TN04
8804/09/2016Anniston, AL04
8704/07/2016Chicago (South Shore), IL05
8604/06/2016Cocoa, FL13
8504/05/2016St. Augustine, FL22
Johnny L. Williams Jr.
8404/01/2016Albuquerque, NM31
Dung Nguyen
8303/31/2016Richmond, VA22
James Brown III
8203/31/2016Chicago (Englewood), IL04
8103/26/2016Denver, CO04
8003/25/2016Lawrenceburg, TN22
Charles Monroe Woods
7903/25/2016Chicago (East Garfield Park), IL04
7803/22/2016Selma, CA04
7703/21/2016Chicago (Austin), IL04
7603/21/2016Sherman, TX40
Malachi Russler
7503/20/2016Fort Lauderdale (Plantation), FL14
7403/20/2016Louisville, KY40
Brad Hettinger
7303/19/2016Wetumpka, AL22
Marcus Edwards
7203/17/2016Houston, TX22
7103/14/2016Chicago (East Garfield Park), IL13
7003/14/2016Atlanta, GA05
6903/13/2016Fort Myers, FL04
6803/12/2016Oakland, CA04
6703/12/2016Wichita Falls, TX13
6603/12/2016Elberton, GA22
6503/12/2016Portland, OR04
Bennie London
6403/11/2016Trenton, NJ05
6303/11/2016Detroit, MI22
6203/09/2016Wilkinsburg, PA63
Cheron Shelton, Robert Thomas
6103/08/2016San Antonio, TX23
6003/07/2016Kansas City, KS50
Pablo Serrano-Vitorino
5903/07/2016Lafayette, LA04
5803/06/2016Chelsea, MA16
Emanuel Marrero
5703/06/2016Compton, CA18
5603/06/2016Roswell, GA04
Jacob Weaver
5503/05/2016Wichita, KS04
5403/04/2016Columbus, OH13
Marctarius Grace
5302/28/2016Detroit, MI05
5202/28/2016Riverside (Jarupa Valley), CA13
Pedro Jorge Cardenas
5102/27/2016Woodbridge, VA22
Sgt. Ronald Hamilton
5002/25/2016Hesston, KS414
Cedric Ford
4902/25/2016Belfair, WA50
David Wayne Campbell
4802/24/2016Atlanta, GA04
Brent Morrie
4702/24/2016Bailey, CO22
Martin Wirth
4602/23/2016Glendale, AZ50
Alex Buckner
4502/23/2016Daytona Beach, FL04
Ricardo Watson, Rakim Watson
4402/21/2016Hazlewood, MO13
Tony Bailey, Jerrod Corley, Leroy Coleman
4302/21/2016Kalamazoo, MI62
Jason Dalton
4202/21/2016Houston, TX05
4102/20/2016Tampa, FL13
4002/20/2016Bessemer, AL13
Mario Desmond
3902/20/2016Orlando, FL04
Roy Stephens
3802/19/2016Vallejo, CA22
3702/19/2016Iuka, MS23
Charles Lambert
3602/19/2016Edgerton, MO40
Grayden Denham
3502/18/2016South Salt Lake, UT31
3402/14/2016Houston, TX04
3302/14/2016Eutaw, AL05
Avery Hughes, LaDexter Pelt
3202/14/2016Houston, TX14
3102/13/2016Marrero, LA04
Corey Ursin
3002/12/2016Plymouth, MN22
Corey Perry
2902/11/2016Turner Co., GA13
2802/09/2016Muskegon Heights, MI04
Clarence McCaleb
2702/07/2016Orlando, FL210
Christian Castro, Luis Cruz, Carlos Perez, Jose Hernandez
2602/07/2016Pass Christian, MS24
Malcolm Dedeaux, Donald Dedeaux, Jessie Williams, Jermaine Ratcliff, Charles Johnson
2502/07/2016Rochester, NY17
2402/07/2016Chicago (Englewood), IL04
2302/06/2016Tampa, FL26
2202/06/2016Los Angeles, CA13
2102/06/2016Uvalde, TX40
Dylan Westerburg
2002/06/2016Apopka, FL04
1902/03/2016Washington, D.C.04
1801/31/2016New Orleans, LA04
Richard Macklin
1701/30/2016Glendale, AZ35
1601/30/2016Denver, CO13
1501/29/2016Caroline Co., VA22
1401/27/2016Chesapeake, VA60
Cameron Dooley
1301/26/2016Seattle, WA23
James Taafulisia, Jerome Taafulisia, Juvenile
1201/25/2016Perris, CA14
1101/23/2016Los Angeles, CA22
1001/23/2016Crestview, FL31
Jacob Langston
901/23/2016Pearl River Co., MS22
801/21/2016Eufala, OK22
701/19/2016Chicago (Bronzeville), IL04
601/17/2016Ware Neck, VA13
Dijon Whitter
501/11/2016Wilmington, DE14
401/08/2016Chicago (North Lawndale), IL14
301/08/2016Washington, DC04
201/07/2016Memphis, TN13
101/06/2016Lakeland, FL31
Andrew Joseph, Jonathan Alcegaire, Jamaal Smith, Tavares Mack
Last edited by Pointblank

Unfortunately some media outlets have gone for stories that to some extent can be divisive. If a group of Muslims do something good, it's not mentioned or the religion is not mentioned. But if someone does something negative, it is on the front page and their religion is mentioned.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:


Man on man sex is very prevalent in western Christian societies too so what is your point. Even the Pope seems inclined to ratify it.

We don't "assume the position" when we pray.  Maybe that's why women aren't allowed to pray with men.

Because you do not pray as Jesus instructed to pray.


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