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Mars posted:
Kari posted:

I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

You morons jump to accuse people of hating your religion as soon as someone does not agree with your warped ideology. It's not my problem if you can't handle the truth. You can continue to walk around with your head up your ass and make all kinds of excuses for the terrorists. It's people like you that Infidels have to be careful of. You pretend to be a moderate Muslim yet you find all kinds of nonsensical excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. You would no sooner stab us Infidels in the back if we are not careful with you. 

Hey Jackass, get off the people thread. Yuh stinky patacake smelling up de joint. Gwan suh!

Kari posted:
Mars posted:
Kari posted:

I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

You morons jump to accuse people of hating your religion as soon as someone does not agree with your warped ideology. It's not my problem if you can't handle the truth. You can continue to walk around with your head up your ass and make all kinds of excuses for the terrorists. It's people like you that Infidels have to be careful of. You pretend to be a moderate Muslim yet you find all kinds of nonsensical excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. You would no sooner stab us Infidels in the back if we are not careful with you. 

Hey Jackass, get off the people thread. Yuh stinky patacake smelling up de joint. Gwan suh!


caribny posted:


If a Christian decides to become an atheist or convert to Islam there are no consequences.  Let a Muslim try that in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, and you know fully well what will happen.  And this is NOT ISIS.


That is not just religion, it is everything in that part of the world. Just recently a young woman who eloped with her boyfriend and got married was eventually set on fire by her own mother. And guess what, both young people were Muslims so its not like she eloped with a non-Muslim. Could she have killed her daughter any worse if it was a non-Muslim boy?

Kari posted:
Mars posted:
Kari posted:

I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

You morons jump to accuse people of hating your religion as soon as someone does not agree with your warped ideology. It's not my problem if you can't handle the truth. You can continue to walk around with your head up your ass and make all kinds of excuses for the terrorists. It's people like you that Infidels have to be careful of. You pretend to be a moderate Muslim yet you find all kinds of nonsensical excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. You would no sooner stab us Infidels in the back if we are not careful with you. 

Hey Jackass, get off the people thread. Yuh stinky patacake smelling up de joint. Gwan suh!

Oh Please! An ole fat fagg0t like you talking when you're the one who became single after it was discovered that you like men climbing up your back. 

Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


Dude, American non Muslims have come up with the conspiracy that WTC was brought down by Govt...Muslims have called AlQueda and Taliban non Muslims because what they do is terms of the west attack or not attack ISIS (leaving them to duke it out), even Trump has said US should not be involved in ME wars etc etc

No Muslims here has defended terrorism....we all may have differing opionions on how to proceed, but no one has defended these, wheel and come again!

You said that you haven't seen anyone making excuses for terrorism. I gave you the excuses.

Everyone ( muslims & non muslims), look for explanations why terrorists do what they do...there may be no good explanation, but when crimes are committed, that's what people do...they look for causes. This does not mean that the crime is being excused or defended, people just look for a way to stop it

To deny the obvious with lies just doesn't cut it. To tell us that Bush brought down the twin towers is an insult to our intelligence. You are not looking for a way to stop terrorism when you deny that it exists within the Muslim Community by saying that the perpetrators were not Muslim or that Bush bombed the Towers. You are burying your head in the sand and turning a blind eye to the problem.

It makes me believe that Muslims follow what is written in the hadith where a Muslim is given a free pass for his sins on Judgement Day if he turns a blind eye to crimes committed by Muslims in this life. 

Muslims did not claim Bush bombed the towers....yuh talkin sheer fart

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:
Mars posted:
Kari posted:

I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

You morons jump to accuse people of hating your religion as soon as someone does not agree with your warped ideology. It's not my problem if you can't handle the truth. You can continue to walk around with your head up your ass and make all kinds of excuses for the terrorists. It's people like you that Infidels have to be careful of. You pretend to be a moderate Muslim yet you find all kinds of nonsensical excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. You would no sooner stab us Infidels in the back if we are not careful with you. 

Hey Jackass, get off the people thread. Yuh stinky patacake smelling up de joint. Gwan suh!


Bannas, QC had their share of dunces and Kari is one of them. The man had to repeat 5th form since he wasn't ready for prime time. Burnham had him marching up and down in the hot sun like a jackass with the cadet corps when he should have been studying.

RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


Dude, American non Muslims have come up with the conspiracy that WTC was brought down by Govt...Muslims have called AlQueda and Taliban non Muslims because what they do is terms of the west attack or not attack ISIS (leaving them to duke it out), even Trump has said US should not be involved in ME wars etc etc

No Muslims here has defended terrorism....we all may have differing opionions on how to proceed, but no one has defended these, wheel and come again!

You said that you haven't seen anyone making excuses for terrorism. I gave you the excuses.

Everyone ( muslims & non muslims), look for explanations why terrorists do what they do...there may be no good explanation, but when crimes are committed, that's what people do...they look for causes. This does not mean that the crime is being excused or defended, people just look for a way to stop it

To deny the obvious with lies just doesn't cut it. To tell us that Bush brought down the twin towers is an insult to our intelligence. You are not looking for a way to stop terrorism when you deny that it exists within the Muslim Community by saying that the perpetrators were not Muslim or that Bush bombed the Towers. You are burying your head in the sand and turning a blind eye to the problem.

It makes me believe that Muslims follow what is written in the hadith where a Muslim is given a free pass for his sins on Judgement Day if he turns a blind eye to crimes committed by Muslims in this life. 

Muslims did not claim Bush bombed the towers....yuh talkin sheer fart

Oh really! I saw a couple make that claim on this very forum and on social media there are a ton more of those looneys.

RiffRaff posted:


Let's play this would boycotting Mecca stop terrorism? Maybe the US and UK can start by not being in bed with the Saudis...

If America wants to punish Saudi, they should stop buying their oil. That will affect the Wahabi movement more than any boycott of the pilgrimage can do. Are we ready and willing to stop buying that oil right now?


They are lots of looneys in general on social media who make such claim...but people claim all kinda crap like 6 headed babies...if yu choose to believe nonsense, it's your perogative

RiffRaff posted:

They are lots of looneys in general on social media who make such claim...but people claim all kinda crap like 6 headed babies...if yu choose to believe nonsense, it's your perogative

I didn't say that I believe it. I said that there are some of those looneys who make that claim. 

Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:
Mars posted:
Kari posted:

I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

You morons jump to accuse people of hating your religion as soon as someone does not agree with your warped ideology. It's not my problem if you can't handle the truth. You can continue to walk around with your head up your ass and make all kinds of excuses for the terrorists. It's people like you that Infidels have to be careful of. You pretend to be a moderate Muslim yet you find all kinds of nonsensical excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. You would no sooner stab us Infidels in the back if we are not careful with you. 

Hey Jackass, get off the people thread. Yuh stinky patacake smelling up de joint. Gwan suh!


Bannas, QC had their share of dunces and Kari is one of them. The man had to repeat 5th form since he wasn't ready for prime time. Burnham had him marching up and down in the hot sun like a jackass with the cadet corps when he should have been studying.

WTR, alyuh wutliss bad bad!!

caribny posted:

So Chief how about if you tell those desert Arabs that Islam is a global religion and cease to use books with Arabic script, or to pray in Arabic (when most don't understand that language)?


No need for this extreme. The Arabic Qur'an was alive and well even when Saudi was a pauper nation. The Arabic Qur'an is not what made them rich, arrogant and evil. It is the oil they got around 1932. If we really want to punish them, we can do so by letting them drink all of their oil. As a Muslim who was active in the comparative religion arena, answering islam has no credibility to me.

Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:

They are lots of looneys in general on social media who make such claim...but people claim all kinda crap like 6 headed babies...if yu choose to believe nonsense, it's your perogative

I didn't say that I believe it. I said that there are some of those looneys who make that claim. 

people make all kinda claim...sometimes some of it true, sometimes false....who knows the whole truth...lots of things we don't know

ksazma posted:
RiffRaff posted:


Let's play this would boycotting Mecca stop terrorism? Maybe the US and UK can start by not being in bed with the Saudis...

If America wants to punish Saudi, they should stop buying their oil. That will affect the Wahabi movement more than any boycott of the pilgrimage can do. Are we ready and willing to stop buying that oil right now?

It's not so much America.  The US buys less than 5% from [terror] Saud, it's a function of global markets.  What the US needs to do is bring down their production and keep oil prices low and bankrupt the terrorists!  They have no indigenous technology to fall back on!

RiffRaff posted:

How would bringing down production lower oil price???

The world is awash with oil.  Drill in Guyana, drill in the US, the Iranians will increase.  Help the Yemeni knock out a few terminals!

caribny posted:

Now when we see folks screaming Jesus Christ, before blowing themselves up and killing 50 people then we can equate how Islam is being practiced and what is happening in Christianity.


They don't need to dude. They can count on their government to do it for them. Take a walk down memory lane and see how many Christian organizations were having multiple orgasms just before we invaded Iraq in 2003. They couldn't wait for us to win the war so they can move Jesus in not giving any attention to the fact that Iraq already had a sizeable Christian population.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
 So while they are indeed Muslims, the world would be more successful in defeating them if they stop over-obsessing with their religion and focus on their crimes for that they can defeat. The world is wasting its time thinking it can defeat Islam.

One religion seems to attract lots of lunatics.  Christians aren't blowing up hundreds and screaming "the Lord our Savior".

The fact that so many incidents appear to consist of Muslims purporting to act on behalf of Allah should give Muslims pause. Especially as it is Muslims who are the most victimized.

1.  Most of the victims are Muslims.

2. Even when the West is targeted Muslims also die.

3. Muslims have earned the distrust of non Muslims as a result of this, and increasingly bigotry towards them will be tolerated by non Muslims.

Now it will appear to be that Muslims, for their own safety, should be leading the charge to remove the ability of these folks to claim that they acting on behalf of their God.  But it appears as if too many Muslims prefer to roll into a cocoon, even though the growth of this scourge impacts them most of all.

All I need to do is take off my shoes, belt, empty my pockets and then stand in front of a machine, as if I am visiting some one in jail.  Inconvenient and irritating, but I will survive.

Muslims (and those perceived to also be such) will encounter increasing "Flying while Muslim" incidents and will see the likes of Marie Le Pen and Donald Trump drawing more crowds.

Muslims aren't doing the rest of us a favor by trying to figure out why so many lunatics are drawn to their faith, feeling compelled to kill in its name.  They do THEMSELVES a favor. 

If they don't eliminate irresponsible behavior by renegade Muslim clerics, and try to correct the damage caused on impressionable and confused minds then the day might well come that to be a Muslim in a majority Christian society will be as hard as being a Christian in a majority Muslim one.

I note by the way that the goodly Muslims here don't respond to the fact that they are treated with greater respect in Christian lands than they Muslims afford non Muslims in their lands

Yet thousands of people who are Christians commit thousands of very horrible crimes right here in America. They were born in Christian homes, being baptized and had some degree of Christendom in their lives. Yet it seems not enough to prevent them from the heinous crimes they commit. Why do you expect that Islam would automatically either make a person good or evil?

I don't know how people in the Muslim world treat others. I have never been to the Muslim world. That is irrelevant since that reported behavior has more to do with their culture than their religion. Guyanese in Guyana don't treat people with respect and only about 10% of Guyanese are Muslims.

Long before we in Guyana knew anything about terrorism, Muslims were called scamps. That is an over-obsession with Muslims. People wanted to feel sorry for us that we "starved" ourselves every day for a month, how we must be tired from all that praying and waking up so early to pray. That over-obsession still exist. One thing I know for sure is that that is not going to stop the horrible acts that have become like a weekly recurrence. We need a different approach for destroying these terrorists. Calling them Islamists or insisting that they are identified as Muslim will only give those who care the orgasms they want. As President Obama said, none of his security advisors have ever told him that if he were to start calling them Islamic terrorists, that will win the war on terrorism. It is like looking at the finger instead of the moon. We start treating these people as criminals and eradicate them as criminals. Insisting it as Islamic is silly because more than 95% of Muslims don't have these terrorist inclinations.

ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

One of the issues is that the perpetrators are Muslim and that's the specific issue I'm addressing. I'm doing so because there are people who deny this and will come up with all kinds of bullshit excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. 

I don't deny that they are Muslims. That is for God to judge. I don't deny that their commit very horrible acts. But I would say that they have to be extremely evil commit the heinous crimes they do.

Ksazma, you re one of the good Muslims on here and anywhere.  Regardless, there must be more ownership from the Muslim community.  Unfortunately, Saudi and other Gulf states own these terrorists.  It's a tough situation, but good Muslims need to pick a side on principle!

Bai Baseman, the vast majority of Muslims have already picked a side. They don't side with the terrorists. Beyond that, they can't do anything to stop another person from doing horrible things. I can vouch for the actions of the four people who live in our house. I can't vouch for what my neighbor whether they are Muslim or not will do. Heck, that woman in Colorado couldn't even vouch for what her own son was up to before he killed those people in that movie theatre. And no one has held her responsible for her son's actions. It is unfair to hold me responsible for what another Muslim do somewhere halfway across the world. 

Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:



Muslims did not claim Bush bombed the towers....yuh talkin sheer fart

Oh really! I saw a couple make that claim on this very forum and on social media there are a ton more of those looneys.

I may be one of those lunatics. But I must admit that was not my original knowledge. Folks like Jesse Ventura were peddling that stuff too.

ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
RiffRaff posted:


Let's play this would boycotting Mecca stop terrorism? Maybe the US and UK can start by not being in bed with the Saudis...

If America wants to punish Saudi, they should stop buying their oil. That will affect the Wahabi movement more than any boycott of the pilgrimage can do. Are we ready and willing to stop buying that oil right now?

It's not so much America.  The US buys less than 5% from [terror] Saud, it's a function of global markets.  What the US needs to do is bring down their production and keep oil prices low and bankrupt the terrorists!  They have no indigenous technology to fall back on!

Whatever it takes. The vast majority of Saudi oil is sold to the West. The West is currently under siege by Saudi influenced Muslims. All those countries should plan a global boycott of Saudi oil and that will cripple the Saudi ability to influence others. I think that will defeat these terrorists more than any amount of focusing on their religion because for all we know these people are only hiding behind the religion.

Kari posted:


It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

Kari your hysterical screams are amusing.

Now go and do nothing while lunatics snatch your religion from you.

ksazma posted:
.. . And no one has held her responsible for her son's actions..

Her son didn't kill in her name.  Thousands of lunatics kill in the name of your religion.

Now doesn't that bother you? Apparently not.

ksazma posted:
.. All those countries should plan a global boycott of Saudi oil and that will cripple the Saudi ability to influence others..

If the West does this to Saudi Arabia then we will be accused of harassing the Muslim "holy land."

Now why don't you Muslims behave like a global religion. Long gone are the days when Christian services were performed in Latin.

Maybe you all need to give Saudi Arabia a rest for a while, and start using the local languages in your mosque instead of praying in Arabic. No wonder some Muslims are ignorant of the religion if it is conducted in a language other than their own.

Mars posted:
Kari posted:
Mars posted:
Kari posted:

I'm glad sensible people have decided to stay away from this thread, after the ideologues and bigoted haters of Islam the religion took over.

It is clear that CARIBNY, Mars and Bibi not only hate Islam, but they believe that Muslims support terrorists who have mis-used Islam for their evil deeds. They therefore hate Muslims. To the Muslims who are decent and generous to them on this Board, like Kzaaazzz, they say they are weak and do not call out these scums of the earth.

These people here will be forever stained with their hatred and bigotry in a land where Donald Trump's backers support using the same hate and bigotry of them to kick them out of this country.

It is interesting to note that Bibi has put aside her angst against Mars and CARIBNY to pogrom Muslims here. It's a kumbaya moment for these haters and bigots.

You morons jump to accuse people of hating your religion as soon as someone does not agree with your warped ideology. It's not my problem if you can't handle the truth. You can continue to walk around with your head up your ass and make all kinds of excuses for the terrorists. It's people like you that Infidels have to be careful of. You pretend to be a moderate Muslim yet you find all kinds of nonsensical excuses for the wicked deeds of the terrorists. You would no sooner stab us Infidels in the back if we are not careful with you. 

Hey Jackass, get off the people thread. Yuh stinky patacake smelling up de joint. Gwan suh!

Oh Please! An ole fat fagg0t like you talking when you're the one who became single after it was discovered that you like men climbing up your back. 

So wait, Mars is Albert writing from a prison cell?! Or is this someone close to him? You just gave me a clue there fellah. You gotta be in that Albert Baldeo circle. Let me see.....mmmmm.

That was Albert's line....oh crap.....

Mars posted:

Bannas, QC had their share of dunces and Kari is one of them. The man had to repeat 5th form since he wasn't ready for prime time. Burnham had him marching up and down in the hot sun like a jackass with the cadet corps when he should have been studying.

Another clue.............the 5th form repeat is true, as is the Cadet Corps (though not the Burnham thing and jackass thing). So Mars IS someone who knows me well. A QC boy? Girl/Boy? Someone who is jealous of me in some ways? I know Albert once called my office to say I'm part of Al Qaeda. He probably did not know I was buried in the soot and debris on 9/11 on Maiden Lane.

I'm on to you anti-man. You'z a real wus. De patacake tingie is correct, you battyman. I'm on to ya. No wonder he goes after hard working people like Dr. Dookie.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
.. . And no one has held her responsible for her son's actions..

Her son didn't kill in her name.  Thousands of lunatics kill in the name of your religion.

Now doesn't that bother you? Apparently not.

When that white dude went in to that Black Church and killed 9 people in the name of Whites, no one blamed the white race.

Kari posted:
Mars posted:

That's what you fools resort to whenever you are confronted with facts. What don't you understand about me seeing the excuses here, Numpty? 

Yeah, time to slap this Numpty ole man, eh! I live in Ozone Park and work in Manahttan. I'm around. Time to slap me silly big boy. Stop hiding in your dainty skirt and slap the sh1t out of me.

I should show up as Mars then yo rass would (try fo) run 'way.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
.. All those countries should plan a global boycott of Saudi oil and that will cripple the Saudi ability to influence others..

If the West does this to Saudi Arabia then we will be accused of harassing the Muslim "holy land."

Now why don't you Muslims behave like a global religion. Long gone are the days when Christian services were performed in Latin.

Maybe you all need to give Saudi Arabia a rest for a while, and start using the local languages in your mosque instead of praying in Arabic. No wonder some Muslims are ignorant of the religion if it is conducted in a language other than their own.

Carib J

Sheer nonsense you talking shit.

Kari posted:
Mars posted:

Bannas, QC had their share of dunces and Kari is one of them. The man had to repeat 5th form since he wasn't ready for prime time. Burnham had him marching up and down in the hot sun like a jackass with the cadet corps when he should have been studying.

Another clue.............the 5th form repeat is true, as is the Cadet Corps (though not the Burnham thing and jackass thing). So Mars IS someone who knows me well. A QC boy? Girl/Boy? Someone who is jealous of me in some ways? I know Albert once called my office to say I'm part of Al Qaeda. He probably did not know I was buried in the soot and debris on 9/11 on Maiden Lane.

I'm on to you anti-man. You'z a real wus. De patacake tingie is correct, you battyman. I'm on to ya. No wonder he goes after hard working people like Dr. Dookie.

Of course it's true that you're a dunce. You display those qualities here everyday so it should come as a surprise to no one. Instead of jumping around in the hot sun like a hyena in the cadet corps, you should have been studying, then you might have done a little better at school. But then again, some thick headed people are not really cut out for academics so it probably would not have made a difference in your case. Imagine you have the nerve to call someone an antiman. You're well known in the Richmond Hill Community as the man who got a divorce after he was caught with a man climbing his back in his own bed.

Kari posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
.. . And no one has held her responsible for her son's actions..

Her son didn't kill in her name.  Thousands of lunatics kill in the name of your religion.

Now doesn't that bother you? Apparently not.

When that white dude went in to that Black Church and killed 9 people in the name of Whites, no one blamed the white race.

Actually, yes, people did blame attitudes in the White South which led to the Confederate flag being taken down and laws changed!

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
.. . And no one has held her responsible for her son's actions..

Her son didn't kill in her name.  Thousands of lunatics kill in the name of your religion.

Now doesn't that bother you? Apparently not.

While I am clearly bothered by people committing heinous acts in the name of the religion that I profess, my point above was in response to you suggesting that I can do something to stop it. I am curious to know what you think I can do. So I brought up the argument that I can confidently assert for the actions of the four people that live in our house. I have no control over what my next door neighbor thinks or does. That woman lived in the same house as her son and she said that she had no idea that he could commit such a terrible act. No one points out to her that she lived the in the same house and can't be responsible for her son's actions. If she can't be responsible for her son's actions who is living in the same house as she is, then it is extremely silly for someone to expect me to be responsible for the actions of some lunatic living halfway across the world.

Plus I don't own Islam. While I would like Muslims to act in a manner in which I think they should, I can't control anyone who identify themselves as a Muslim from doing so. Their action is a reflection of them not Islam because some ninety something percentage of Muslims while religious can still live very harmoniously with their neighbors. Muhammad once said that "a Muslim is he in whom his neighbor is safe". That is the mantra of most Muslims and it was the mantra of the Muslims in Guyana who were still labeled as scamps for no other reason than they were Muslims. But there were degrees of scampishness in Muslimdom in Guyana. People used to say that "the longer the beard the bigger the scampishness". That was how we were labeled in Guyana when we represented less than 10% of the population.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
.. All those countries should plan a global boycott of Saudi oil and that will cripple the Saudi ability to influence others..

If the West does this to Saudi Arabia then we will be accused of harassing the Muslim "holy land."

Now why don't you Muslims behave like a global religion. Long gone are the days when Christian services were performed in Latin.

Maybe you all need to give Saudi Arabia a rest for a while, and start using the local languages in your mosque instead of praying in Arabic. No wonder some Muslims are ignorant of the religion if it is conducted in a language other than their own.

From all the bigotry I see on television, I doubt any of those people care if they are accused as harassing the Muslim "holy land". This is a very weak argument and I know you are much smarter to think that it would get by me even though I am a high school dropout.

My experience is that more Muslims understand Islam much more than people of other religions understand their religion. We were single digits years kids who through the teachings gained at our madrassahs explain our religion, its concepts, beliefs and rituals. We used to attend madrassahs every weekday afternoons and learned to read the Qur'an in Arabic, Muslim songs in Urdu and the teachings of Islam in English. Muslim priests do sermons in English or whatever language is their local language. The Qur'an cannot be read the same way in other language as it could in Arabic and frankly I don't see how this is an issue. There are kids as young as 5 who can read the Qur'an from memory. Reading the Qur'an in Arabic is a ritual and not how Muslims around the world learn about Islam. That is no different from how the Jews recite the Talmud.

Like I said, you can take elementary school age Muslim kids who can very competently explain Muslim beliefs. Seeking to eradicate the Arabic Qur'an is more an objective of the people who operate that website. I didn't think it would be yours.  Nor do I think it provides the answer to the Saudi influence around the Muslim world. Oil does and that is where the West can squeeze the Saudis balls but no one wants to do so. It is almost like no one wants a resolution to all this terrorism going on around the world.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is why I am saying that the good Muslims have to stand up and condemn these terrorist acts.  Several here on GNI are looking for excuses for the terrorist rather than condemning him.  Why are all the Muslim religious leaders silent?  They need to stand up against terrorism if they really want peace.  Charity begins at home.  Until that happens, the crime spree will escalate with Islam on one side and the rest of the world on the other side of the war.


name names instead of wildly accusing people on GNI of making excuses...I have not seen anyone make excuses for terrorism...instead, people have said not to blame the entire religion for the acts of these crazy people

Muslim organizations have condemned terrorism, maybe you should google it

I've seen the excuses here time and again. Bush brought down the twin towers, Al Qaeda, the Taliban are not Muslims. The West should not attack ISIS, leave them to duke it out. It creates an air of distrust when people deny the obvious. 


Dude, American non Muslims have come up with the conspiracy that WTC was brought down by Govt...Muslims have called AlQueda and Taliban non Muslims because what they do is terms of the west attack or not attack ISIS (leaving them to duke it out), even Trump has said US should not be involved in ME wars etc etc

No Muslims here has defended terrorism....we all may have differing opionions on how to proceed, but no one has defended these, wheel and come again!

You said that you haven't seen anyone making excuses for terrorism. I gave you the excuses.

Everyone ( muslims & non muslims), look for explanations why terrorists do what they do...there may be no good explanation, but when crimes are committed, that's what people do...they look for causes. This does not mean that the crime is being excused or defended, people just look for a way to stop it

To deny the obvious with lies just doesn't cut it. To tell us that Bush brought down the twin towers is an insult to our intelligence. You are not looking for a way to stop terrorism when you deny that it exists within the Muslim Community by saying that the perpetrators were not Muslim or that Bush bombed the Towers. You are burying your head in the sand and turning a blind eye to the problem.

It makes me believe that Muslims follow what is written in the hadith where a Muslim is given a free pass for his sins on Judgement Day if he turns a blind eye to crimes committed by Muslims in this life. 

Muslims did not claim Bush bombed the towers....yuh talkin sheer fart

But some that I know were willing to express that opinion. And, also claiming that the Jews were absent from the Towers that day. Making it appear as a conspiracy.

Couple of guys from Pakistan tried to convince me of it.

And an Engineering Professor from a university in my area, expressed the opinion that the Towers came down from a delayed blast. After viewing a video. He is a Jamaican, we work together on Wind and Solar Energy Designs for Caribbean Islands.  

Mars posted:
Kari posted:
Mars posted:

Bannas, QC had their share of dunces and Kari is one of them. The man had to repeat 5th form since he wasn't ready for prime time. Burnham had him marching up and down in the hot sun like a jackass with the cadet corps when he should have been studying.

Another clue.............the 5th form repeat is true, as is the Cadet Corps (though not the Burnham thing and jackass thing). So Mars IS someone who knows me well. A QC boy? Girl/Boy? Someone who is jealous of me in some ways? I know Albert once called my office to say I'm part of Al Qaeda. He probably did not know I was buried in the soot and debris on 9/11 on Maiden Lane.

I'm on to you anti-man. You'z a real wus. De patacake tingie is correct, you battyman. I'm on to ya. No wonder he goes after hard working people like Dr. Dookie.

Of course it's true that you're a dunce. You display those qualities here everyday so it should come as a surprise to no one. Instead of jumping around in the hot sun like a hyena in the cadet corps, you should have been studying, then you might have done a little better at school. But then again, some thick headed people are not really cut out for academics so it probably would not have made a difference in your case. Imagine you have the nerve to call someone an antiman. You're well known in the Richmond Hill Community as the man who got a divorce after he was caught with a man climbing his back in his own bed.

Ok Mars, you need to throttle back and stick to the topic of the thread.  Dem story dah is fuh Social!

Chief posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
.. All those countries should plan a global boycott of Saudi oil and that will cripple the Saudi ability to influence others..

If the West does this to Saudi Arabia then we will be accused of harassing the Muslim "holy land."

Now why don't you Muslims behave like a global religion. Long gone are the days when Christian services were performed in Latin.

Maybe you all need to give Saudi Arabia a rest for a while, and start using the local languages in your mosque instead of praying in Arabic. No wonder some Muslims are ignorant of the religion if it is conducted in a language other than their own.

Carib J

Sheer nonsense you talking shit.

Looks like my man Carib has been spending lots of time on that website.

seignet posted:


But some that I know were willing to express that opinion. And, also claiming that the Jews were absent from the Towers that day. Making it appear as a conspiracy.

Couple of guys from Pakistan tried to convince me of it.

And an Engineering Professor from a university in my area, expressed the opinion that the Towers came down from a delayed blast. After viewing a video. He is a Jamaican, we work together on Wind and Solar Energy Designs for Caribbean Islands.  

Lots of conspiracy theories were going on at the time. Lots of us Muslims couldn't believe that Muslim youths can carry out such a sophisticated operation. Muslims main action each day is praying 5 times a day and on many occasions when the call to prayer is announced, many Muslims very haplessly get themselves ready for that prayer. One would think that something they did so regularly would make them perfect at it but that is not the case. They are generally hapless on normal things.

When the conspiracy theories started spinning, I too found them more plausible than regular Muslims being able to pull off such a sophisticated operation. The story of all those Jews not showing up for work that day also played into that narrative since it is not secret that Jews are very smart sophisticated people. Maybe it was a Jewish holiday which no one paid any attention to. Then you had those Americans who didn't like George Bush adding fuel to that theory. And then you had Jesse Ventura who was making money on stuff like that.

So while it is not an excuse for all of us being duped into thinking that there was a conspiracy, there were enough elements which lent assistance to it. But thankfully many have moved on from those silly arguments and the only ones who still bring them up are people like Trump because somehow he foolishly thinks it will get him elected. What the Repubs continue to fail to realize is that they tried to label Obama a Muslim and terrorist sympathizer in 2008 and he still won the elections. They tried in 2012 to double down on the terrorist sympathizer label on him and he was still reelected. I don't know why they think that is their trump card this year completely ignoring the fact that they have lost the race card now that no blacks are running for President. But they continue to foolishly go down that path because they are foolish.

ksazma posted:

Yet thousands of people who are Christians commit thousands of very horrible crimes right here in America. They were born in Christian homes, being baptized and had some degree of Christendom in their lives. Yet it seems not enough to prevent them from the heinous crimes they commit. Why do you expect that Islam would automatically either make a person good or evil?

I don't know how people in the Muslim world treat others. I have never been to the Muslim world. That is irrelevant since that reported behavior has more to do with their culture than their religion. Guyanese in Guyana don't treat people with respect and only about 10% of Guyanese are Muslims.

Long before we in Guyana knew anything about terrorism, Muslims were called scamps. That is an over-obsession with Muslims. People wanted to feel sorry for us that we "starved" ourselves every day for a month, how we must be tired from all that praying and waking up so early to pray. That over-obsession still exist. One thing I know for sure is that that is not going to stop the horrible acts that have become like a weekly recurrence. We need a different approach for destroying these terrorists. Calling them Islamists or insisting that they are identified as Muslim will only give those who care the orgasms they want. As President Obama said, none of his security advisors have ever told him that if he were to start calling them Islamic terrorists, that will win the war on terrorism. It is like looking at the finger instead of the moon. We start treating these people as criminals and eradicate them as criminals. Insisting it as Islamic is silly because more than 95% of Muslims don't have these terrorist inclinations.

That Muslim bashing thing in Guyana is your intra Indian squabble. I can assure you that non Indians vastly prefer Muslims to Hindus.  All of these anti Indian stereotypes (scampishness, clannishness, alcoholism, spousal abuse/incest) are tied to Hindus.

Muslims are seen as more ethical and not unlike Christians, except more humble.  Christians had deep respect for the Eid holidays and noted the parallels with aspects of Christianity.   And in fact Ramadan is just a multiday version of Good Friday, where Christians also fast.

Most see Hinduism as some sort of pagan religion based on worshipping cows and monkeys. They don't understand it, and few have any interest in doing so.

These Islamists are engaging in special criminal behavior, not out of greed, or power, but out of a warped interpretation of the Koran. 

Stealing cell phones, or robbing stores is one thing.  The motivation is greed.

Now what is the rationale for slamming a truck into people?  Any personal gain?  What inspires these people?

Face it.  It comes from a warped interpretation of the Koran.   This is the fact that Muslims need to change. 

Until Muslims address the underlying reasons which create people who brainwash others by offering a warped interpretation of the Koran then we will continue to have these incidents.

Muslims need to "detribalize" Islam.  Toss Saudi Arabia out of the center of the Muslim world. Go back to that classical era when it was scholars from Baghdad, Cairo, Casablanca, and Timbuktu which defined Islam.  Now it is in the hands of former nomads who have inserted their primitive tribal customs as Islam. 

So why don't Muslims speak out against Islam as practiced in Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan?  Because that is the rationalization that lunatics cite to justify their warped attitudes.  Harassing women because they don't want to  be covered from head to toe, and want to enter the modern world.

Look at Malala. Her troubles are because of some warped notion of what Islam is.  Look at the honor killings that are not uncommon throughout the Muslim world. Again justified by a warped notion of what Islam is.

Muslims need to detribalize Islam.   Do you all expect non Muslims to do this?


ksazma posted:

When the conspiracy theories started spinning, I too found them more plausible than regular Muslims being able to pull off such a sophisticated operation. The story of all those Jews not showing up for work that day also played into that narrative since it is not secret that Jews are very smart sophisticated people. ..

Muslims used to be the conduit through which sophisticated thought was transmitted around the Euro Asian African land masses.  The concept of mathematics was developed by Muslims, who were also the foundation of science.  Baghdad, Cairo, Casablanca, and Timbuktu were sophisticated intellectual centers in an era when the Germans and the British were banging each other with clubs, and where cannibalism wasn't unknown.

This is the problem that the Muslim world has to face. Some where along your history nomadic groups seized control and Islam became anti intellectual, hence your disbelief that Muslims can be sophisticated.

So here we are.  A Tribal Islam setting out to eliminate classical Islam by destroying the artifacts at Timbuktu!

In fact as recently as the 60s Egypt and Iraq were fairly sophisticated countries on par with Israel, the latter only being advanced because of the massive aid that it received from the USA. It was military dictatorships which destroyed these Arab lands.


Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Atheism, Polytheism, Zoarasterism-all had its emergence from the East.

Those people must have been really seeking the understanding. Nature and the relevance of the Divine in all of the affairs of mankind. As Ancient as they were.

There is a common thread in all of those themes, which the Brahmins expressed as the Golden Thread. Perhaps, they mean it sews humans together.

Today, we claim the prize for civilization. I wonder. Maybe we smart in stupidness.

In ancient time, people tried to find a common God. In this contemporary times, we have progressed in contemp, demonstrating whose god is real. Killing people to forced submission.



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