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Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Have you fellas visited Guyana lately, forget, the president's and ministers properties, there are massive properties every where owned by the average Joe. I have seen a large house in Tuschen owned by a factory worker at Uitvlugt sugar estate.Travel from Crabwood Creek to Charity and you would see hundreds of houses that are bigger than the million dollar houses in Toronto Canada. What it tell you every one is doing well, Guyanese are returning home to retire, because they can now live in a much better life style than they presently have abroad. Have you seen Georgetown lately???

and you choose to stay in north america and pay mortgages all your life 


Don't kid yourself, everyone is not doing well.


Business people, shop people and contractors are doing well. The masses of people in retail, stores, security guards, teachers, nurses, govt workers are barely scraping through.


Every race punishing!

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh Nadira want Jagdeo to live hand to mouth like CBJ(according to those who claimed the Jagans had a frugal life-style)


CBJ did not dream big enough. His dream was destruction-chase the white man and their investments out of BG. Soon perhaps, the sugar workers will feel the brunt of CBJ aspirations.


They too will have to live hand to mouth.


Jagdeo is a modern man, living in a modern world.


HE IS HIS OWN MAN. Cult worship is not his baggage. If Indoes stupid enough to follow him when he call the name of Jagan, then dem stupid.


I think Indian people gone past the Jagans a long time ago. And so, also is the old guard of the PPP party. Dem nah offended wah JAGDEO SAID.



Okay, Siggy, let's set aside Jagan for a moment.

Big bad Burnham didn't build a mansion when he was president or prime minister before that. He ruled for nearly 21 years.

Desmond Hoyte didn't build a mansion when he was president. He ruled for 7 years and lived in his own house on North Road that he bought with his income and bank loan.

In the context of Guyana, a small poor country with less than one million people, Jagdeo's swift acquisition of two mansions must raise eyebrows and questions of concern.

It doesn't mean that he has to live in a logie.

Believe me, the extravagant lifestyles of the PPP elite will certainly be an election issue.

The despicable things going on Guyana stems from the lack of authority. The crooks are every where. The lack of fearing God makes it a free for all by the bullies. They are like mafioli. It is not only in Guyana. Recently, I believe it is Saunders who wrote an article about the lawlessness of Indo-Guyanese living in the States. I am tempted to say Guyana does not have the laws to curb corruption, but America has the laws and eventually brings judgement to lawbreakers. Yet, Indo-Guyanse excel in their crimes. Is like Kulie people are generally crooks. It is an inherent trait going back to India. It is in the genes to subject fellow people into servitude. Jagdeo life style certainly brings that into focus. His benefit package will make Guyanese work forever for him until he is dead. Shame. That, I doan think he has (shame)-likewise all the others who have cheated the citizens of Guyana.


Commentators have said, during the PNC years, Indo-Guyana were psychologically damaged. They became thieves just to survive-maybe only the ones with crime in their genes. The influential ones, made deals-you give me this and I will give that. Then, their were the bullies who simply took. And Jagdeo just took whatever he needed. Moses Nagamootoo agreed to it, Ralph Ramkarran agreed to it, Janet Jagan agreed to it, CBJ anointed him. The Opposition under Corbin sold the rights to Jagdeo. Suh, President Jagdeo had it free for all. The only man who stood up was C.N. Sharma. And no one backed him.


They say, the public has a short memory.


Jagdeo is still a young man, just think how many more years he could be around in the PPP. He could pull off a Putin, and no one will oppose him in the party.


But Nadira could banish him. She needs to do it. To correct her parents mistake. If she truly believes her parents party was a working class party( I believe the party was more for Stalin's interest), then she needs to start a movement to banish Bharrat Jagdeo from the Peoples Progressive Party.


Any, after this election, Jagdeo going to have a long distance relationship with the PPP. He be living in Florida permanently. Because the wicked gat no peace-Khemraj Ramjattan goan see to that. Jail waiting for some of them or they getting away from Guyana like dem Putucs.  


Was Jagdeo smoking cow dung?


Dear Editor,
With less than two months until the 2015 elections, the political falsehoods from that PPP pesky “cuss bird” continue to roll-in. Trying to brand himself as a regular Guyanese who toiled for his wealth, Jagdeo, the ass kicker, said at Babu Jaan – “It is not only Jagdeo and a couple of Minister who have big houses.  Go around the country and you shall see what is happening.”
Well it seems this ass kicker never went to Plastic City or Pigeon Island or hundreds of other locations across the length and breadth of Guyana.
But to embellish this untruthful statement, Jagdeo went to the post Babu Jaan press conference and alleged that the founder leader of the PPP, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, lived in a mansion at Bel Air Village.  Well, as a younger man, I visited Cheddi Jagan house and even ordinary taxi drivers had a similar sized houses.  My conclusions were reinforced by former Speaker Ralph Ramkarran, who further exposed this political charlatan and his bagful of untruths. According to Ramkarran, “in the early 1960’s Dr. Cheddi Jagan purchased the plot of land for $2,000″. Ramkarran stated that a house was built with three bedrooms upstairs and a small study, a small kitchen and a living room downstairs.
My recollection of the downstairs is exactly as Ramkarran said it.  What really was this fella smoking or drinking at Babu Jaan?  Piwari with cow dung?
The ass kicker has now moved to besmirching the great legacy of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, as a means to explaining his personal wealth that seems to have no audit trail or no legitimate sources.  But that Protestant Pastor warned us before, when he told us “they came for the Jews and we did not speak up”.
Well let me tell KING KONG this; we all are Courtney Crum-Ewing, we all have our bull horns and we all shall continue speaking up until you and your thieving clan are banished from power.
Sase Singh


Sase Singh, yuh full of pure shyte (too early in the morning), but the statement needs to be qualified.


Yuh think Jagdeo just waiting for you all to come and alter his life style. From what you all sey about the man, do you all really believe he doan have a plan for all yuh. Correction for Granger, Nagamoottoo, Ramjattan and company.


I think Granger knows what is going to go down. He went to have a talk wid Selall Persaud already. 


There could be more Crum-Ewing-kulie, black, putagee, buck, dougla, buffiandahs and mixed up races.


The PPP has alot of criminals just like the PNC. 


So you saying the PPP phantom gang has been released from Fredump House?


Thanks for telling us, but we know and we ready for them, we shall TARRASS them tail.  We got the GDF.



Originally Posted by KishanB:

So you saying the PPP phantom gang has been released from Fredump House?


Thanks for telling us, but we know and we ready for them, we shall TARRASS them tail.  We got the GDF.



Big mouths to prove themselves yet. But the Phantom gang prove demselves already. 


Coming soon:


"The legacy of the PPP - From Democracy to Kleptocracy: How Jagotar Stole Guyana, Sold Out Indians, and Punished the Working Poor."




"The legacy of the PPP: How Pension and Mansion Derailed the PPP from Govt to Opposition."

Originally Posted by seignet:

Sase Singh, yuh full of pure shyte (too early in the morning), but the statement needs to be qualified.


Yuh think Jagdeo just waiting for you all to come and alter his life style. From what you all sey about the man, do you all really believe he doan have a plan for all yuh. Correction for Granger, Nagamoottoo, Ramjattan and company.


I think Granger knows what is going to go down. He went to have a talk wid Selall Persaud already. 


There could be more Crum-Ewing-kulie, black, putagee, buck, dougla, buffiandahs and mixed up races.


The PPP has alot of criminals just like the PNC. 

as a guyanese you sound so proud 

Originally Posted by Mars:

Was Jagdeo smoking cow dung?


My recollection of the downstairs is exactly as Ramkarran said it.  What really was this fella smoking or drinking at Babu Jaan?  Piwari with cow dung?..................

Why Piwari? Could he not use our standard, banks, for familiar flavoring?

Last edited by Former Member

Moses, Ramjattan and Ralph all feel sorry for themselves.  They were jealous of Jagdeo when Janet Nominated him for Prime Minister.

They are crying now for what could have been. Moses does not have what it takes to run a country.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Ralph has been a member of the Guyana elite class for many many years. Did he ever had to work and pay for tuition like some of us when we studied at Western institutions?

Wally, Ralph Ramkarran has been a practising attorney-at-law for over 40 years. With his earnings he built a house in his father Boysie Ramkarran's yard.

The professional class of lawyers and doctors in Guyana are relatively elite in the sense of their occupational accomplishments.

Ralph Ramkarran didn't have to pay for his legal studies in England because Boysie paid it from honestly earned and taxable income. Ralph in turn paid for his two sons' legal studies.

Whatever Ralph Ramkarran possesses today, he earned the honest way. And he has every right to comment on the get-rich-quick PPP cabal. 

While in England as a law student in the late 1960s, Ralph Ramkarran helped to organize picketing exercises against Burnham and the Guyana High Commission. In an interview published in the UK “Times” newspaper, he helped the PPP to expose the PNC rigging of the overseas vote in the 1968 general elections. It was Ralph Ramkarran who led delegations to the High Commissioner, trudged the streets of London mobilizing Guyanese, and organized and sold tickets for numerous fund raising activities. He helped to build the UK Branch of the PPP, and conducted seminars and other educational programmes. All those things he did during his university student years.

When Ralph Ramkarran returned to Guyana after completing his studies successfully, he was immediately appointed as a PPP representative in the Elections Commission. He campaigned for the Party in the 1973 elections. I saw him at Queen's College on that elections night while some votes were being counted and witnessed him answering questions during a live radio interview. Later, he was engaged in legal defence year after year on behalf of dozens of PPP activists and supporters. He played a big part in reworking the PPP constitution. He also got himself involved in writing articles, lecturing and doing seminars, etc. for the Party. Indeed, he served the PPP in various capacities with distinction for decades.
Ralph never used the PPP to get rich like Jagdeo and compeers.
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

How many of you stupid people wished that you were in Jagdeo's shoes?


How did Burnham enriched himself and his family?

I think you are arguing from ignorance having not known us  or ever been inculcated in a life of normal moral mainstream understandings.


The accepting of institutionalized thievery, wife abuse, lying and a life of complete vindictiveness as normal is a disease.


His shoes are diseased. No one with a health conscious mind cares to be close to them much less in them.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

How many of you stupid people wished that you were in Jagdeo's shoes?


How did Burnham enriched himself and his family?

I think you are arguing from ignorance having not known us  or ever been inculcated in a life of normal moral mainstream understandings.


The accepting of institutionalized thievery, wife abuse, lying and a life of complete vindictiveness as normal is a disease.


His shoes are diseased. No one with a health conscious mind cares to be close to them much less in them.

You haven't answered the question.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Ralph has been a member of the Guyana elite class for many many years. Did he ever had to work and pay for tuition like some of us when we studied at Western institutions?

Wally, Ralph Ramkarran has been a practising attorney-at-law for over 40 years. With his earnings he built a house in his father Boysie Ramkarran's yard.

The professional class of lawyers and doctors in Guyana are relatively elite in the sense of their occupational accomplishments.

Ralph Ramkarran didn't have to pay for his legal studies in England because Boysie paid it from honestly earned and taxable income. Ralph in turn paid for his two sons' legal studies.

Whatever Ralph Ramkarran possesses today, he earned the honest way. And he has every right to comment on the get-rich-quick PPP cabal. 

While in England as a law student in the late 1960s, Ralph Ramkarran helped to organize picketing exercises against Burnham and the Guyana High Commission. In an interview published in the UK “Times” newspaper, he helped the PPP to expose the PNC rigging of the overseas vote in the 1968 general elections. It was Ralph Ramkarran who led delegations to the High Commissioner, trudged the streets of London mobilizing Guyanese, and organized and sold tickets for numerous fund raising activities. He helped to build the UK Branch of the PPP, and conducted seminars and other educational programmes. All those things he did during his university student years.

When Ralph Ramkarran returned to Guyana after completing his studies successfully, he was immediately appointed as a PPP representative in the Elections Commission. He campaigned for the Party in the 1973 elections. I saw him at Queen's College on that elections night while some votes were being counted and witnessed him answering questions during a live radio interview. Later, he was engaged in legal defence year after year on behalf of dozens of PPP activists and supporters. He played a big part in reworking the PPP constitution. He also got himself involved in writing articles, lecturing and doing seminars, etc. for the Party. Indeed, he served the PPP in various capacities with distinction for decades.
Ralph never used the PPP to get rich like Jagdeo and compeers.

That may be so Comrade Gilbakka AKA Bookman.  Did he ever experience the hardship of working and paying for tuition in the cold of winter ?.  If not then he may not have experienced what many common Guyanese men and women have experienced ?.  Was Ralph ever detained or spent any time in Jail for his protest against the Burnham administration like what happened to several members of the PPP party?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Have you fellas visited Guyana lately, forget, the president's and ministers properties, there are massive properties every where owned by the average Joe. I have seen a large house in Tuschen owned by a factory worker at Uitvlugt sugar estate.Travel from Crabwood Creek to Charity and you would see hundreds of houses that are bigger than the million dollar houses in Toronto Canada. What it tell you every one is doing well, Guyanese are returning home to retire, because they can now live in a much better life style than they presently have abroad. Have you seen Georgetown lately???

and you choose to stay in north america and pay mortgages all your life 

You don't know me, and at this moment I am not in North America. I am in Guyana quite often, I choose to retire a long time, where you still have to toil for you meal. You all want to be DR. JAGDEO.


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