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Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC only has places for five Indians should they win the next election, and TK is not one of them..

At least they have 5 Indians.  The PPP has space for ONE.  Roger.  The others are tokens.


You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.  The Luckhoos, Cammie Ramsaroop, Shahabudeen, and several others.


You all do not even allow Sam Hinds to be anything other than a stooge.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC only has places for five Indians should they win the next election, and TK is not one of them..

At least they have 5 Indians.  The PPP has space for ONE.  Roger.  The others are tokens.


You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.  The Luckhoos, Cammie Ramsaroop, Shahabudeen, and several others.


You all do not even allow Sam Hinds to be anything other than a stooge.

HEHEHE Even Hoyte was a STOOGE to Bunham.  I have to LOL

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC only has places for five Indians should they win the next election, and TK is not one of them..

At least they have 5 Indians.  The PPP has space for ONE.  Roger.  The others are tokens.


You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.  The Luckhoos, Cammie Ramsaroop, Shahabudeen, and several others.


You all do not even allow Sam Hinds to be anything other than a stooge.

HEHEHE Even Hoyte was a STOOGE to Bunham.  I have to LOL

Yes well several Indians who had top positions were NOT.


The PPP is a racist outfit which has a goal of excluding blacks.  You then whine when they dont vote for you.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The writing is on the wall, the AFC is facing the end of their days.....


The high level defections represent a severe, almost catastrophic blow to the AFC.




Time to celebrate !!!!!


It was only time before the Katahar Party AFC implode. Mitwah was reported to having chest pains.  Looks like Rev's return brought good news for the future of Guyana's politics.


I am back ! Let us celebrate the failure of a party that was hell bent in destroying the future of Guyana. TK is now like a stray donkey, going with cup in  hand from door to door. PPP/C, ROAR, AFC and now PNC. This man's political future is finished. 



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.


You arent going to tell me that the likes of the Luckhoos, and Shridath Ramphal, all of which moved on to have regional and/or intrenational prominence, were tokens.   They didnt need Burnham.  Burnham needed THEM!


Now aside from Roger Luncheon I invite you to discuss the names of the AfroGuyanese who have the leadership and decision making capabilities and the clout that these, and several other IndoGuyanese had under Burnham.



The point is if you accuse the PNC of being racist towards Indians, and there is some merit in that view point, then the PPP stands doubly accused of being racist towards blacks.  Just open up any Guyanese newspere and note who is #1, and #2 in almost all state controlled entities. Aside from the Gov of the Bank of Guyana, I cant think of any.  And I do not think that the Bank of GY enters into the day to day determination of resource allocations.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now like a stray donkey, going with cup in  hand from door to door. PPP/C, ROAR, AFC and now PNC. This man's political future is finished. 




Tarron Khemraj is a severely delusional man!


Here you have a 3rd rate intellect who graduated from 3rd rate colleges and teaches at a 3rd rate college in Florida, and he fancies himself a big time intellect superior to most.




He complained that the AFC stopped paying heed to him after the 2011 election.


Well, the AFC found him out----he is just a TALKER----no substance.


By the way, where is TK's alter ego redux----is redux still around ?





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now like a stray donkey, going with cup in  hand from door to door. PPP/C, ROAR, AFC and now PNC. This man's political future is finished. 




Tarron Khemraj is a severely delusional man!


Here you have a 3rd rate intellect who graduated from 3rd rate colleges and teaches at a 3rd rate college in Florida, and he fancies himself a big time intellect superior to most.




He complained that the AFC stopped paying heed to him after the 2011 election.


Well, the AFC found him out----he is just a TALKER----no substance.


By the way, where is TK's alter ego redux----is redux still around ?





TK morphed into Redux as of yesterday.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.


You arent going to tell me that the likes of the Luckhoos, and Shridath Ramphal, all of which moved on to have regional and/or intrenational prominence, were tokens.


They didnt need Burnham.  Burnham needed THEM!

Take a long deep breath and carefully assess your presentation.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.


You arent going to tell me that the likes of the Luckhoos, and Shridath Ramphal, all of which moved on to have regional and/or intrenational prominence, were tokens.   They didnt need Burnham.  Burnham needed THEM!


Now aside from Roger Luncheon I invite you to discuss the names of the AfroGuyanese who have the leadership and decision making capabilities and the clout that these, and several other IndoGuyanese had under Burnham.



The point is if you accuse the PNC of being racist towards Indians, and there is some merit in that view point, then the PPP stands doubly accused of being racist towards blacks.  Just open up any Guyanese newspere and note who is #1, and #2 in almost all state controlled entities. Aside from the Gov of the Bank of Guyana, I cant think of any.  And I do not think that the Bank of GY enters into the day to day determination of resource allocations.


President Burnham certainly needed them. My reading said one of hem helped to write the constitution? In that case President Burnham needed them. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now like a stray donkey, going with cup in  hand from door to door. PPP/C, ROAR, AFC and now PNC. This man's political future is finished. 




Tarron Khemraj is a severely delusional man!


Here you have a 3rd rate intellect who graduated from 3rd rate colleges and teaches at a 3rd rate college in Florida, and he fancies himself a big time intellect superior to most.




He complained that the AFC stopped paying heed to him after the 2011 election.


Well, the AFC found him out----he is just a TALKER----no substance.


By the way, where is TK's alter ego redux----is redux still around ?





The third rate college grad is the poster boy for cup in hand and door to door political reject who just hangs his hat where he see soup flowing but was never given an opportunity to be part of any organized party. His is what he is and that is a total reject.


The funny thing is that he now joins the brutal PNC dictatorship party. Let us not forget the PNC's attempt to exterminate an entire Indo Guyanese race. Let us not forget the current top PNC thug Carl Greenidge who made Guyana a basket case economy where Indo Guyanese had to line up for basic food items.


You were right all along about the PNC Indians. They are finally coming out of the closet.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I was on the East Coast during the last election and Moses and TK were on the same soapbox attacking the PPP. Now they will be attacking each other. It would be interesting to hear what they would say to each other as both are defectors.    

AS far as I am concern, Moses is a sinking Ship, a lost cause. I hope his Children Educate him before it is too late!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I was on the East Coast during the last election and Moses and TK were on the same soapbox attacking the PPP. Now they will be attacking each other. It would be interesting to hear what they would say to each other as both are defectors.    

AS far as I am concern, Moses is a sinking Ship, a lost cause. I hope his Children Educate him before it is too late!!!

You can't train an old dog new tricks.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why they cchose APNU over the PPP/C?

Mr Mitwah that's a very good question. 

I have limited internet access, but here I have often said, these guys are anti-PPP, not pro- Guyana.  That is the reason. TK used to cuss PNC.



The PPP are not pro-Guyana with the massive tiefin of taxpayers' money so opposing the PPP and the selling out of Guyana is in effect being pro-Guyana.

Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.




I couldn't agree with you more.  I have followed TK's musings for a while and have great respect for his integrity, intellect and insights.  However, I think he has made the biggest political blunder in his short political career. I did not hear him say that he had any profound disagreement with the AFC over policy matters, just that they did not seek his counsel nor listen to him.  I wish him good luck if he believes that that will change in APNU.  If indeed he had any issues with his party the appropriate thing to do might have been to stay and fight it, not to cut and run.  This is especially so since, from my reading, his party had no issues with him.  In any case, I wish him well.



Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Please tell me what Rai said to Forbes Burnham when he Kabaka offered him any cabinet position he wanted?

Forbes Burnham never offered a cabinet position to Balram Singh Rai.

Cheddi didn't tell you?

 DG is correct.  Burnham never offered a cabinet position to Rai.  The scenario developed by both their handlers, the Americans and the British, was for Rai and his expressly formed Justice Party to siphon off enough of Jagan's support to deny him a victory.  The result was supposed to have been a PNC/JP coalition.  In this scenario, of course Rai was going to be a Minister, even Deputy Prime Minister.  Rai, however, did not keep his end of the bargain by failing to win a single seat, even under PR.  As a consequence no offer of any kind was ever made to Rai as soon as Burnham realised that Rai was dead weight for whom he had absolutely no use.   He dropped him like a hot potato.   He was then forced to accept the UF as his coalition partner and the rest is history.

Originally Posted by Errol:
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.




I couldn't agree with you more.  I have followed TK's musings for a while and have great respect for his integrity, intellect and insights.  However, I think he has made the biggest political blunder in his short political career. I did not hear him say that he had any profound disagreement with the AFC over policy matters, just that they did not seek his counsel nor listen to him.  I wish him good luck if he believes that that will change in APNU.  If indeed he had any issues with his party the appropriate thing to do might have been to stay and fight it, not to cut and run.  This is especially so since, from my reading, his party had no issues with him.  In any case, I wish him well.



People like TK are blood sucking Leaches pretending to CARE!!!

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why they cchose APNU over the PPP/C?

Mr Mitwah that's a very good question. 

I have limited internet access, but here I have often said, these guys are anti-PPP, not pro- Guyana.  That is the reason. TK used to cuss PNC.



The PPP is pro-thieving. My family don't support these crooks. And boy they make life hard for our business. But my mamoo and dad do well in spite of the obstacles of the thieves.

Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.



I was not totally surprised.  TK, like others are despondent and seeking the spotlight and struggling for relevance. The issues of the AFC and complex and multi-fold and reflects the personalities of the people. There is a mix of vindictiveness, personal animosity and selfish corruption at work.  It also reflect issues of the Indian community and why Indian will always be a dysfunctional people when left to their own devices.


The hijack of the NY apparatus by a clan of Indians and friends were the death nail for the AFC.  When Trotman was leader, there was wide participation in party operations.  After Ramjattan took over, it was his clan who moved in and made it their personal domain deciding who is in and who is out.  The few used their money to control everyone.  This bred enormous bitterness.


I'm surprised the Ramjattan claimed ignorance to the issues in the NY chapter.  It was all over the internet and in hundreds of emails which he was party to.  This bitterness started before the last elections but was held in check due to electoral priorities and the personal hatred of the AFC "kuhlies" against the PPP Indians.  The same attributes which bread the hatred of the PPP also manifested in hatred for each other in the AFC.  Every Indian thinks he should be king or king maker. Remember, the AFC was filled with PPP defectors who wanted their own little kingdoms.


Baseman saw these issues early but they were convinced at winning, something which I could not see.  I don't see any hope for the AFC and limited hope for the PPP unless they move for further diversification.


Guyana's hope is not in the PPP or PNC, but in a national Govt born out of a merger of these two political forces.  Nothing else will work, this I am convinced.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.



I was not totally surprised.  TK, like others are despondent and seeking the spotlight and struggling for relevance. The issues of the AFC and complex and multi-fold and reflects the personalities of the people. There is a mix of vindictiveness, personal animosity and selfish corruption at work.  It also reflect issues of the Indian community and why Indian will always be a dysfunctional people when left to their own devices.


The hijack of the NY apparatus by a clan of Indians and friends were the death nail for the AFC.  When Trotman was leader, there was wide participation in party operations.  After Ramjattan took over, it was his clan who moved in and made it their personal domain deciding who is in and who is out.  The few used their money to control everyone.  This bred enormous bitterness.


I'm surprised the Ramjattan claimed ignorance to the issues in the NY chapter.  It was all over the internet and in hundreds of emails which he was party to.  This bitterness started before the last elections but was held in check due to electoral priorities and the personal hatred of the AFC "kuhlies" against the PPP Indians.  The same attributes which bread the hatred of the PPP also manifested in hatred for each other in the AFC.  Every Indian thinks he should be king or king maker. Remember, the AFC was filled with PPP defectors who wanted their own little kingdoms.


Baseman saw these issues early but they were convinced at winning, something which I could not see.  I don't see any hope for the AFC and limited hope for the PPP unless they move for further diversification.


Guyana's hope is not in the PPP or PNC, but in a national Govt born out of a merger of these two political forces.  Nothing else will work, this I am convinced.


This is a nice piece. Your conclusion seems innocent and and you mean well. However, you will not get rid of the PPP and PNC any time soon. The two party system is here to stay. As Dr Khemraj wrote on SN blog, there might be enough of a voting bloc willing to vote on issues and ditch personalities. That we we have regular change in government like TT. You will never have the pure party.   


The AFC will try damage control which is normal when there is a gaping wound. But it shows hoe ineffective a leader Ramjattan is as he can't control his flock. He failed to sort out the NY mess and even when TK and others indicated they were unhappy Ramjattan claimed that they were in fact staying. Ramjattan is not fit to lead and the AFC will lost its multi-racial character after this and more defections happen.Mitwah is about to jump ship.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.



I was not totally surprised.  TK, like others are despondent and seeking the spotlight and struggling for relevance. The issues of the AFC and complex and multi-fold and reflects the personalities of the people. There is a mix of vindictiveness, personal animosity and selfish corruption at work.  It also reflect issues of the Indian community and why Indian will always be a dysfunctional people when left to their own devices.


The hijack of the NY apparatus by a clan of Indians and friends were the death nail for the AFC.  When Trotman was leader, there was wide participation in party operations.  After Ramjattan took over, it was his clan who moved in and made it their personal domain deciding who is in and who is out.  The few used their money to control everyone.  This bred enormous bitterness.


I'm surprised the Ramjattan claimed ignorance to the issues in the NY chapter.  It was all over the internet and in hundreds of emails which he was party to.  This bitterness started before the last elections but was held in check due to electoral priorities and the personal hatred of the AFC "kuhlies" against the PPP Indians.  The same attributes which bread the hatred of the PPP also manifested in hatred for each other in the AFC.  Every Indian thinks he should be king or king maker. Remember, the AFC was filled with PPP defectors who wanted their own little kingdoms.


Baseman saw these issues early but they were convinced at winning, something which I could not see.  I don't see any hope for the AFC and limited hope for the PPP unless they move for further diversification.


Guyana's hope is not in the PPP or PNC, but in a national Govt born out of a merger of these two political forces.  Nothing else will work, this I am convinced.


This is a nice piece. Your conclusion seems innocent and and you mean well. However, you will not get rid of the PPP and PNC any time soon. The two party system is here to stay. As Dr Khemraj wrote on SN blog, there might be enough of a voting bloc willing to vote on issues and ditch personalities. That we we have regular change in government like TT. You will never have the pure party.   

Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism.  A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.



I was not totally surprised.  TK, like others are despondent and seeking the spotlight and struggling for relevance. The issues of the AFC and complex and multi-fold and reflects the personalities of the people. There is a mix of vindictiveness, personal animosity and selfish corruption at work.  It also reflect issues of the Indian community and why Indian will always be a dysfunctional people when left to their own devices.


The hijack of the NY apparatus by a clan of Indians and friends were the death nail for the AFC.  When Trotman was leader, there was wide participation in party operations.  After Ramjattan took over, it was his clan who moved in and made it their personal domain deciding who is in and who is out.  The few used their money to control everyone.  This bred enormous bitterness.


I'm surprised the Ramjattan claimed ignorance to the issues in the NY chapter.  It was all over the internet and in hundreds of emails which he was party to.  This bitterness started before the last elections but was held in check due to electoral priorities and the personal hatred of the AFC "kuhlies" against the PPP Indians.  The same attributes which bread the hatred of the PPP also manifested in hatred for each other in the AFC.  Every Indian thinks he should be king or king maker. Remember, the AFC was filled with PPP defectors who wanted their own little kingdoms.


Baseman saw these issues early but they were convinced at winning, something which I could not see.  I don't see any hope for the AFC and limited hope for the PPP unless they move for further diversification.


Guyana's hope is not in the PPP or PNC, but in a national Govt born out of a merger of these two political forces.  Nothing else will work, this I am convinced.


This is a nice piece. Your conclusion seems innocent and and you mean well. However, you will not get rid of the PPP and PNC any time soon. The two party system is here to stay. As Dr Khemraj wrote on SN blog, there might be enough of a voting bloc willing to vote on issues and ditch personalities. That we we have regular change in government like TT. You will never have the pure party.   

Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism.  A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.

A Notional Front Govt has NEVER been successful buy MAYBE Guyana will be able to pull it off.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.



I was not totally surprised.  TK, like others are despondent and seeking the spotlight and struggling for relevance. The issues of the AFC and complex and multi-fold and reflects the personalities of the people. There is a mix of vindictiveness, personal animosity and selfish corruption at work.  It also reflect issues of the Indian community and why Indian will always be a dysfunctional people when left to their own devices.


The hijack of the NY apparatus by a clan of Indians and friends were the death nail for the AFC.  When Trotman was leader, there was wide participation in party operations.  After Ramjattan took over, it was his clan who moved in and made it their personal domain deciding who is in and who is out.  The few used their money to control everyone.  This bred enormous bitterness.


I'm surprised the Ramjattan claimed ignorance to the issues in the NY chapter.  It was all over the internet and in hundreds of emails which he was party to.  This bitterness started before the last elections but was held in check due to electoral priorities and the personal hatred of the AFC "kuhlies" against the PPP Indians.  The same attributes which bread the hatred of the PPP also manifested in hatred for each other in the AFC.  Every Indian thinks he should be king or king maker. Remember, the AFC was filled with PPP defectors who wanted their own little kingdoms.


Baseman saw these issues early but they were convinced at winning, something which I could not see.  I don't see any hope for the AFC and limited hope for the PPP unless they move for further diversification.


Guyana's hope is not in the PPP or PNC, but in a national Govt born out of a merger of these two political forces.  Nothing else will work, this I am convinced.


This is a nice piece. Your conclusion seems innocent and and you mean well. However, you will not get rid of the PPP and PNC any time soon. The two party system is here to stay. As Dr Khemraj wrote on SN blog, there might be enough of a voting bloc willing to vote on issues and ditch personalities. That we we have regular change in government like TT. You will never have the pure party.   

Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism.  A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.

A Notional Front Govt has NEVER been successful buy MAYBE Guyana will be able to pull it off.

The definition of insanity is to try the same thing every time and expect a different result.  BTW, not "Notional", we have had that for nearly 60 years.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism.  A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.

How is this possible when we have a diabolic racist like you apologoizing for the PPP? How can you claim to be pragmatic when you know this is not practical?
PS. Don't start the labelling or name calling with me.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism.  A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.

How is this possible when we have a diabolic racist like you apologoizing for the PPP? How can you claim to be pragmatic when you know this is not practical?
PS. Don't start the labelling or name calling with me.

Hi katahar, I see you join up the PNC.  Good luck!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism.  A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.

How is this possible when we have a diabolic racist like you apologoizing for the PPP? How can you claim to be pragmatic when you know this is not practical?
PS. Don't start the labelling or name calling with me.

Hi katahar, I see you join up the PNC.  Good luck!

Hi Katahar, look at how the  PPP has raped the treasury for their personal enrichment. Would they allow the PNC to do the same? The PNC is calling for Accountability and Transparency and yet you support the secretive and exclusive policies and practices of the PPP/Crooks. Go lick the butta from Kwame BT.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism.  A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.

How is this possible when we have a diabolic racist like you apologoizing for the PPP? How can you claim to be pragmatic when you know this is not practical?
PS. Don't start the labelling or name calling with me.

Hi katahar, I see you join up the PNC.  Good luck!

Hi Katahar, look at how the  PPP has raped the treasury for their personal enrichment. Would they allow the PNC to do the same? The PNC is calling for Accountability and Transparency and yet you support the secretive and exclusive policies and practices of the PPP/Crooks. Go lick the butta from Kwame BT.


Katax, you are the definition of insanity.  Even the AFC championed a new day, fresh face calling for accountability and transparency just to find out they are as corrupt as the other two.


The PNC talking like the PPP was when the PPP was in opposition, they will do the same if they get their hands on the cooky jar again.


It is not about the party, it about the people and mindset.  A new approach needs to be tried as anyone who feels invincible will repeat the same mistakes.  The PNC felt they have the GDF on their side which guaranteed them eternal power.  The PPP feels they have the numbers on their side which guarantees them eternal power.


The PNC would be a good break if there is a clean hard-stop from the GDF hijacking the electoral process.


I know you will not agree however, you are one of the like-minded persons who bred corruption and nepotism into the AFC which led to its demise.  You are a dunce, a hypocrite and possibly even insane, or insanely stupid.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism.  A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.

How is this possible when we have a diabolic racist like you apologoizing for the PPP? How can you claim to be pragmatic when you know this is not practical?
PS. Don't start the labelling or name calling with me.

Hi katahar, I see you join up the PNC.  Good luck!

Hi Katahar, look at how the  PPP has raped the treasury for their personal enrichment. Would they allow the PNC to do the same? The PNC is calling for Accountability and Transparency and yet you support the secretive and exclusive policies and practices of the PPP/Crooks. Go lick the butta from Kwame BT.


Katax, you are the definition of insanity.  Even the AFC championed a new day, fresh face calling for accountability and transparency just to find out they are as corrupt as the other two.


The PNC talking like the PPP was when the PPP was in opposition, they will do the same if they get their hands on the cooky jar again.


It is not about the party, it about the people and mindset.  A new approach needs to be tried as anyone who feels invincible will repeat the same mistakes.  The PNC felt they have the GDF on their side which guaranteed them eternal power.  The PPP feels they have the numbers on their side which guarantees them eternal power.


The PNC would be a good break if there is a clean hard-stop from the GDF hijacking the electoral process.


I know you will not agree however, you are one of the like-minded persons who bred corruption and nepotism into the AFC which led to its demise.  You are a dunce, a hypocrite and possibly even insane, or insanely stupid.

You are a classical ass hole. I see, these past few days when you went missing you had your head too far up your poop shoot. Do you actually read the shit you post?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism.  A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.

How is this possible when we have a diabolic racist like you apologoizing for the PPP? How can you claim to be pragmatic when you know this is not practical?
PS. Don't start the labelling or name calling with me.

Hi katahar, I see you join up the PNC.  Good luck!

Hi Katahar, look at how the  PPP has raped the treasury for their personal enrichment. Would they allow the PNC to do the same? The PNC is calling for Accountability and Transparency and yet you support the secretive and exclusive policies and practices of the PPP/Crooks. Go lick the butta from Kwame BT.


Katax, you are the definition of insanity.  Even the AFC championed a new day, fresh face calling for accountability and transparency just to find out they are as corrupt as the other two.


The PNC talking like the PPP was when the PPP was in opposition, they will do the same if they get their hands on the cooky jar again.


It is not about the party, it about the people and mindset.  A new approach needs to be tried as anyone who feels invincible will repeat the same mistakes.  The PNC felt they have the GDF on their side which guaranteed them eternal power.  The PPP feels they have the numbers on their side which guarantees them eternal power.


The PNC would be a good break if there is a clean hard-stop from the GDF hijacking the electoral process.


I know you will not agree however, you are one of the like-minded persons who bred corruption and nepotism into the AFC which led to its demise.  You are a dunce, a hypocrite and possibly even insane, or insanely stupid.

You are a classical ass hole. I see, these past few days when you went missing you had your head too far up your poop shoot. Do you actually read the shit you post?

I am correct, it is the likes of you and some others made me find the AFC not the place to be.  It is the likes of you whose ignorance and arrogance destroyed the AFC.  Unfortunately, there were lots like you, just too much for the org to survive.  The AFC was filled with over-bloated over-rated egos katahar rejects like you, that's why it collapsed on its own weight.  Baseman saw this early, but hoped strong leadership would have prevailed.  This was not to be.

Originally Posted by Errol:
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.




I couldn't agree with you more.  I have followed TK's musings for a while and have great respect for his integrity, intellect and insights.  However, I think he has made the biggest political blunder in his short political career. I did not hear him say that he had any profound disagreement with the AFC over policy matters, just that they did not seek his counsel nor listen to him.  I wish him good luck if he believes that that will change in APNU.  If indeed he had any issues with his party the appropriate thing to do might have been to stay and fight it, not to cut and run.  This is especially so since, from my reading, his party had no issues with him.  In any case, I wish him well.


After the Dust settles.....
Only then we can tell what the defections
does to the PNC or PPP as far as cleaning up their mess...
and being prepared for the next elections...
First let us examine 
Jagdeo & Ramotar Camp....with their PNC Defectors
A Bu@@er Man, Child Molester, Treason Accused, Criminal
all Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs, Rapist & Killers...
GDF & PNC Official thieves
who Rigged Elections & Stole Ballot Boxes for PNC
Implicated in the Murder of Walter Rodney,
Smuggling Narco, Guns, Gold in Guyana 
APNU Chairman David Granger [fourth left) and executive Joseph Harmon [right) with the three AFC defectors: Rab Mukraj [left), Dr Asquith Rose and Tarron Khemraj

APNU Chairman David Granger (fourth left)

and executive Joseph Harmon (right) with the three AFC defectors:


PNC got Three young Guyanese Professionals
PPP got the Worst Black PNC House of Isreal
Thugs, Bandits, Rapist, Murderers, Drug Smugglers
and GDF Ballot Box & Election Thieves...
According to Anil Nandalall...
Who was a rising star in Freedom House....
PPP end up with "Big Larwa"...
and today "carry De PNC Big-Godey"
He said...Despite objections at the highest level
these PNC Thugs were came to
 Freedom House & Office of the President
as part of a Private Deal between Corbin & Bharat
to protect Crime, Corruption & Narco Interest
As we wait for the Dust to Settle
Granger & PNC supporters must be saying
I have been waiting.......
And Anil &  PPP Supporters singing
"Bharrat & Ramotar Bruck dem Up"



Last edited by Former Member


Dr Tarron Khemraj, Dr Rose and Businessman Mukraj 

entering into an arrangement with APNU

to develop structures to

(1)... â€œimprove governance,

(2).....national unity and ...

(3).... advance human development.”


 This could end up be a strategic move by Dr Tarron Khemraj,

Firstly......To get the Ball rolling.....

 the PNC Leadership

will have to apologize for

all the Crimes, Corruption, Thieving,

Rigging Elections and all the many other wrong things

they have done in their 28 years of Govt....

The heart of the matter is ....

a sincere apology...

then the healing process begin....

Now we await eagerly on the apology

and on the Dust to settle.....


After the PNC Apology....we have to see....

How will APNU develop structures to......

 â€œimprove governance,"


 Then....we have to see.....

How will APNU develop structures to

"promote national unity"


How will APNU develop structures to

"advance human development"


Let us see....

Dr TK might be on to something....


I thought supporters joined the AFC because they wanted CHANGE from the old order of the PPP/PNC.  Here we see AFC people heading back to the PNC.  If this isn't the highest form of hypocrisy, what is?

Shameful indeed!




Originally Posted by TI:

I thought supporters joined the AFC because they wanted CHANGE from the old order of the PPP/PNC. (PPP1 & PPP2) 


Here we see AFC people heading back to the PNC.(PPP2)

 If this isn't the highest form of hypocrisy, what is?

Trying to use the Quaran to justify or support evil and ungodliness.

Shameful indeed!




A Cock-eye fella would think it is shameful to go back to PPP2....but it is perfect to return to PPP1.

What is shameful.....

is to put Black PNC House of Isreal thugs,

Killers, Rapist, Ballot Box Thieves and Riggers.....

plus lil Bu@@er Boys & Child Molesters like Kwame McCoy

in Freedom House 0r Office of the President.


Please Quote any religion

other than "House of Isreal" or

"Burnhamism" which says.....

"Open de door leh de

 Rapist, Killer, Aunteee-man, Thug......or

thiefman Come In"

Shameful Indeed



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:

Jalil, I think you like TK move. Yu heading over to PNC too?





TI......I think you like Kwame moves....

Yu heading over to .... McCoy?

Or yuh gon just swing between PPP1 & PPP2 ?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I don't think TK will settles well with APNU. I give him one year max. Things will definitely change for the worst.

Granger made if very clear that TK will not be an executive member of the PNC but will be part of the PNC as an outsider. His role will be to muster support from abroad for the PNC.


As we all know the PNC is the most hated party abroad since thousands of Guyanese fled the brutal dictatorship of the PNC. Since TK is only a talker, he will not be able to deliver for the PNC.


This only makes TK a yard dog for the PNC. He needs to be reminded of what the PNC party did to PNC Indians like Vincent Teekha and others. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This only makes TK a yard dog for the PNC. He needs to be reminded of what the PNC party did to PNC Indians like Vincent Teekha and others. 





Thankfully, there aren't enough dirty ones--DIRTY PNC INDIANS---to put the PNC back in power.




Originally Posted by Jalil:

Ugeee do you agree that TK would have make a difference and deserves some slack if he gets PNC to apologize to the Guyanese for their 28 years of sins.

Poster boy--Dirty PNC Indian


As I said we have to let the Dust Settle to see where all this is leading to and where it Leaves PPP-One and PPP-Two.



jalil bai:


No dirty PNC Indian will ever convince the PNC to apologize for their 28 years of sin.


Listen! TK is no different from the 4 lawyers(Nigel, Khemraj, Trotman, Moses) who control the AFC---they are all consumed by self interest, self-importance, self-admiration, egotism and swellheadedness.






Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Ugeee do you agree that TK would have make a difference and deserves some slack if he gets PNC to apologize to the Guyanese for their 28 years of sins.

Poster boy--Dirty PNC Indian


As I said we have to let the Dust Settle to see where all this is leading to and where it Leaves PPP-One and PPP-Two.



jalil bai:


No dirty PNC Indian will ever convince the PNC to apologize for their 28 years of sin.


Listen! TK is no different from the 4 lawyers(Nigel, Khemraj, Trotman, Moses) who control the AFC---they are all consumed by self interest, self-importance, self-admiration, egotism and swellheadedness.







Mr Rev don't let your envy and jealousy take you over. It is not good for the blood pressure. Professor Khemraj is well known. You are a mere anonymous blogger. Go an take a walk. Pretend you are in your make believe gardens. There is no substance in what you wrote Mr Rev. 

Originally Posted by Rev:





At least three important members of the Alliance For Change (AFC) have defected to A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) after sharp irreconcilable differences about campaign strategies and party management.

The are Economist, Tarron Khemraj, businessman Rab Mukraj and Political Science Professor, Asquith Rose. Former soldier Malcolm Harripaul, who had long switched allegiance to the APNU, has been formally added to the list of defectors. This latest batch adds to the irrevocable resignation of Shamir Ally, a financier and lobbyist for the AFC, because of concerns over leadership approaches.

Rose said as many as 11 persons have decided to walk away from the AFC which holds a key seven-seat balance of power in the 65-seat National Assembly. He said several of them would go to APNU and the remainder back to the governing Peoples Progressive Party (PPP).

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan expressed disappointment at the move, saying that while he was unaware of discontent in his party’s New York Chapter he was not informed about the decision by those members to walk away.

“It is very unfortunate that there has been a fall-out of those members from that overseas group,” he said. “This is a democratic liberal party. We respect their decision and if they want to go and join APNU, that’s very unfortunate for us.”

Ramjattan said the AFC would have to “dust ourselves off”, continue its political work and in the near future reveal the names of new persons who would be joining its fold.  While Ramjattan said AFC’s members total little more than 10,000 persons, he conceded that the departure of the quartet, especially Khemraj, would affect the party’s strength.  “That comes as a big surprise to me, knowing Tarron but in any event this is the way of the world,” said Ramjattan.

News of the breakaway came in an APNU news release stating that the four New York-based members had recently held talks with that parliamentary party’s Chairman, David Granger and frontbencher, Joseph Harmon.  “The two sides examined the current economic, political and social situation in Guyana and concluded that a broad ‘pro-Guyana’ approach was needed to stimulate movement towards the attainment of their common objectives.


They agreed to work together to build structures to improve governance, promote national unity and advance human development,” according to APNU.

The AFC Leader planned to tell the defectors that disagreements with the leadership was no reason to leave a political party but instead, they should stay in. “You stay and you make your points and you try as much as democratically to influence political decisions for your party here in Guyana,” he said.

Ramjattan and Professor Rose, in separate interviews, do not believe that the endorsement and eventual membership of the APNU would affect relations between the two parliamentary political parties. “Anything less than that is committing suicide on each one of them,” said Rose, adding that Granger has been told of the need to maintain good relations with the AFC to get certain bills passed in the combined opposition-controlled House.


Professor Rose said his group that recently met with Granger and Harmon proposed that APNU embark on a brand new campaign that focussed on national unity and human development. “We see that as a winning strategy for them to win the next elections and they are moving in that direction so we are going to support them,” he told Demerara Waves Online News ( said the strategy would be crafted as the springboard for the holding of a number of conferences across Guyana next year.

Instead of refusing to take that approach since the 2011 general election to expand its base and raise funds, he said AFC has been flip-flopping on a number of those issues. “The bottom-line of it all is that I cannot continue to put out fires in a party that’s just fighting within itself especially a third and small party like the AFC,” he said. He said AFC’s decision to renege on its stated opposition to the Amaila Falls Hydropower project pushed him and others to leave that party.


“They just made a flip-flop without telling us anything, putting us in an embarrassing situation and with all the fallout what was going on within the AFC and the conflict of interest, the party cannot uplift itself and move forward with that kind of thing,” he said.
Rose accused the existing crop of AFC leaders of not widening its core leadership beyond three persons and refusing to put in place a fund-raising mechanism while listening to one major financier. “No one there wants to listen. It’s a clique running the party and I am not going to get involved in a party that does something like that anymore,” he said.

Rose is confident that APNU was making in roads with latest opinion polls showing it attracting 42 percent while AFC has slipped from 27 percent to 14 percent since it voted for the Amaila Falls project. “For a small party ot woild be very hard to rebuild your base,’ he said.

With more of the PPP's traditional East Indian supporters migrating to other countries, Rose believes that the time his ripe for APNU to break in to the 76,000 Black non-voting supporters mostly in South Georgetown. His estimates that overall, there are 140,000 non-voters.

TK, congrats on taking this bold step. It paved the way for many more and forged the way ahead for the Coalition.


You were probably not here when dem bhais were beating you up but as it turned out, your decision was the right one.

Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.





It is absolute fun to go back and read these comments. 


I am sure those critters regret making that move to go to APNU. Spice kyat.......

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Ugeee do you agree that TK would have make a difference and deserves some slack if he gets PNC to apologize to the Guyanese for their 28 years of sins.

Poster boy--Dirty PNC Indian


As I said we have to let the Dust Settle to see where all this is leading to and where it Leaves PPP-One and PPP-Two.



jalil bai:


No dirty PNC Indian will ever convince the PNC to apologize for their 28 years of sin.


Listen! TK is no different from the 4 lawyers(Nigel, Khemraj, Trotman, Moses) who control the AFC---they are all consumed by self interest, self-importance, self-admiration, egotism and swellheadedness.







Mr Rev don't let your envy and jealousy take you over. It is not good for the blood pressure. Professor Khemraj is well known. You are a mere anonymous blogger. Go an take a walk. Pretend you are in your make believe gardens. There is no substance in what you wrote Mr Rev. 

JB, her Mamoo and her Trini fiance mussi drinking $3000 a bottle cognac today on the family yacht  

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rama-Sk*nt....yuh still deh round?

YES! You can't keep a good man down.

Watch how I will make Indians regroup and execute our Pan-indianism.

Rama can you give us any idea when will pull up your Pan(ty)-indianism and make all Guyanese feel they can be a part of PPP....and it is not the Drug Dealers, and a Jagdeo friend & Family thing.


What will you do with the House of Israel Pan Indians yuh have in Office of the President & Freedom House?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rama-Sk*nt....yuh still deh round?

YES! You can't keep a good man down.

Watch how I will make Indians regroup and execute our Pan-indianism.

I see Tarron got his good friend Gerhard and all his different handles plugging for him.


Why are these people do desperate.


There will be a role for TK and GR in the Granger/Nagamootoo administration.  Why they fighting up so much?


This looks BAD and it appears as if they are desperate for position.


You all chill and throw back.  The locals like Jaipaul Sharma and Rapahel Trotman got to be taken care of first.



Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rama-Sk*nt....yuh still deh round?

YES! You can't keep a good man down.

Watch how I will make Indians regroup and execute our Pan-indianism.

I see Tarron got his good friend Gerhard and all his different handles plugging for him.


Why are these people do desperate.


There will be a role for TK and GR in the Granger/Nagamootoo administration.  Why they fighting up so much?


This looks BAD and it appears as if they are desperate for position.


You all chill and throw back.  The locals like Jaipaul Sharma and Rapahel Trotman got to be taken care of first.



Budday...don't worry...I will not take anything from aluh okay. I will not make the mistake and visit IMF on party's behalf or write Action Plan foh party again, ok? It's all yours bai. Don't let your heart be troubled. I make my living outside party.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rama-Sk*nt....yuh still deh round?

YES! You can't keep a good man down.

Watch how I will make Indians regroup and execute our Pan-indianism.

Pan-Indianism !! You rass kak duck, Guyana changed for equality.

Go drown you self in you Brampton bush rum and invite Jagdeo to kill he self too.

Its people like you and Jagdeo who destroy Guyana.    

Last edited by Tola

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