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AFC presidential candidate, Khemraj Ramjattan told a public meeting held Friday night at Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara that the PPPC was trying to score political points out of the libel case.
“The PPP members, some of whom are involved in that case, are going around spouting a language of race by telling their supporters that Ramjattan and Nigel Hughes are out there indicating that East Indians with qualifications must not get jobs,”

Addressing a handful of persons , Ramjattan explained that “a lot of things going wrong” when it comes to discrimination.” “It is a far more fundamental problem, one in which we are saying that everybody in this country is entitled to equality,” he argued.

Demerara Waves

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"Ramjattan also promised to introduce civic education, lower taxes, revamp the education system, professionalize the police force and bring in the United States Drug Enforcement Administration to set up a base here."

Originally posted by SJ4321:
More evidence of irrelevance

Evidence of irrelevance is when Ramotar tags on Jagdeo's shirt-tail at taxpayers expense.
We dont see other OP advisor following Jagdeo as a lapdog.
I did some recognizance at this meeting they had about 150 ppl at this meeting. I wouldn't call it a large crowd but I also would not underestimate it.

Compare this meeting to our meeting in enmore they are doing not too bad considering we had to bus in people.

SJ when you chaps lie i warned you about this before it will come back and bite us in the ass when people find out we are lying.
Originally posted by Alexander:
In 1992 the PNC was in power. In 2011 the PPP is in and democracy is assured. Then why would the AFC have only a handful at Uitvlugt, a mixed community?

If you were honest, you would be ashamed of the fact that FEAR is more pervasive in Jagdeo's "assured" democracy than under Burnham.

Quite an achievement!!. . . puff your chest out some more bro, the Kabaka would be real proud.
Man either you are MAD or just simply a LIAR and CHEAT like no other. SHAMELESS PRICK!!!!
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Alexander:
In 1992 the PNC was in power. In 2011 the PPP is in and democracy is assured. Then why would the AFC have only a handful at Uitvlugt, a mixed community?

If you were honest you would be ashamed of the fact that FEAR is more pervasive in Jagdeo's "assured" democracy than under Burnham.

Quite an achievement!!. . . puff your chest out some more bro, the Kabaka would be real proud.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Man either you are MAD or just simply a LIAR and CHEAT like no other. SHAMELESS PRICK!!!!
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Alexander:
In 1992 the PNC was in power. In 2011 the PPP is in and democracy is assured. Then why would the AFC have only a handful at Uitvlugt, a mixed community?

If you were honest you would be ashamed of the fact that FEAR is more pervasive in Jagdeo's "assured" democracy than under Burnham.

Quite an achievement!!. . . puff your chest out some more bro, the Kabaka would be real proud.

Do you ever discuss anything with some thought, purpose or intelligence? Go milk your snake pee and ketch bed.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Man either you are MAD or just simply a LIAR and CHEAT like no other. SHAMELESS PRICK!!!!
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Alexander:
In 1992 the PNC was in power. In 2011 the PPP is in and democracy is assured. Then why would the AFC have only a handful at Uitvlugt, a mixed community?

If you were honest you would be ashamed of the fact that FEAR is more pervasive in Jagdeo's "assured" democracy than under Burnham.

Quite an achievement!!. . . puff your chest out some more bro, the Kabaka would be real proud.

I stand by my statement.

The nexus of the uber-vindictive PPP/NEPS under Jagdeo and the murdering drug barons has raised the stakes and introduced a qualitative threat to life and livelihood that did not exist heretofore.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
In 92 I attended PPP meetings with 5 people. It is not a big deal.

TK how can I make this clear to you.

The PPP and the PNC have been in existence longer than 90% of the voters in guyana. They have a support base given our history of racial voting. While their support is increasingly weak and we expect low voter turnout habit will ensure at least the older members of each tribe to support their criminal gang.

My aunt, when she was alive, was very eager for us to leave Guyana becasue she saw no hope in the early 80s for young professional people under Forbes Burnham. Were she alive today she would vote PNC.

Last election we had a mild argument when she said that she didnt know why a nice boy like Trotman was leaving the PNC for some unknown party, thus destroying his political future. She cant help her behavior as she voted for the PNC since 1957 (except of course in 1978 and 1985 when it didnt matter as votes werent counted in any case, and she was fully aware of this).

The AFC has been in existence for a mere five years. Minor parties in Guyana have a history of not lasting long as they lack that well of ethnic insecurity to tap into. Please dont dwell on the 5 seats that you have now as the UF in its time did equally well yet where are they today. Had there been fair elections in the early 1980s the WPA would have also done well, yet where are they today.

So dont fool yourselves by a comparison with the PPP and the PNC, which to many Guyanese, are like dysfunctional members of their family.
Scanty attendance at your REGION FOUR meetings reflects your over emphasis on region 6 and Region 4 no longer see you all as credible. You may still have some time to correct this but if you waste time with excuses this will not happen.

You can call me a racist. You can call me a PNCite. You can wish all sorts of ill on me. This does not change the fact that, notwithstanding the wide spread disatisfaction with your competitors, Guyanese see teh AFC is lacking credibility and a bunch of well meaning folks who lack the clout to do anything.

Better to admit that your support in region 4 has dropped off than to fool yourselves otherwise. It makes no sense to engage in arrogant petulant behavior every time some one points out the obvious. Poorly attended meetings means weak support.

But the AFc will rather wait until the day after the results are announced and then rant that Guyanese are a bunch of racists because they ignored the AFC.

I hope the AFC is reaching deep within their souls to figure out why a region which rewarded them richly with votes in 2006 seems to have forgotten about them now.
CaribJ, you're confusing me.

Were you not complaining the last time around that the AFC failed to make a dent (voteswise) in the PPP IndoGuyanese support base?

Surely then, you must realize that Regions 5 and 6 must be put in play for the AFC to break through this time around. The ground campaign in those 2 regions will take disproportionate effort and resources to make a difference (IMHO) given the overwhelming, built-in advantages of the PPP (media, incumbency & 'intangibles') that they do not enjoy in Region 4.

To argue that the AFC has abandoned Regions 4 and 10 to the APNU/PNC is just not true. To aim at re-arranging deck chairs (somewhat - since APNU will get their share of the 'ethnic' vote) in AfroGuyanese strongholds whilst conceding Berbice to the regime is not good strategy if you plan to win . . . remember, this is now a true 3-horse race.
Originally posted by redux:
CaribJ, you're confusing me.

Were you not complaining the last time around that the AFC failed to make a dent (voteswise) in the PPP IndoGuyanese support base?

Surely then, you must realize that Regions 5 and 6 must be put in play for the AFC to break through this time around. The ground campaign in those 2 regions will take dispropionate effort and resources to make a difference (IMHO) given the overwhelming, built-in advantages of the PPP (media, incumbency & 'intangibles') that they do not enjoy in Region 4.

To argue that the AFC has abandoned Regions 4 and 10 to the APNU/PNC is just not true. To aim at re-arranging deck chairs (somewhat - since APNU will get their share of the 'ethnic' vote) in AfroGuyanese strongholds whilst conceding Berbice to the regime is not good strategy if you plan to win . . . remember, this is now a true 3-horse race.

Caribj does sound like a rumbling weed he is all over the map one day the PPP is racist next day PNC is racist he is pnc but he likes the AFC who knows where the heck this guy is.

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

In 92 I attended PPP meetings with 5 people. It is not a big deal.

TK how can I make this clear to you.

.. the AFc will rather wait until the day after the results are announced and then rant that Guyanese are a bunch of racists because they ignored the AFC.

I hope the AFC is reaching deep within their souls to figure out why a region which rewarded them richly with votes in 2006 seems to have forgotten about them now.

Interesting insight.
Originally posted by redux:
CaribJ, you're confusing me.

Were you not complaining the last time around that the AFC failed to make a dent (voteswise) in the PPP IndoGuyanese support base?

Surely then, you must realize that Regions 5 and 6 must be put in play for the AFC to break through this time around. The ground campaign in those 2 regions will take disproportionate effort and resources to make a difference (IMHO) given the overwhelming, built-in advantages of the PPP (media, incumbency & 'intangibles') that they do not enjoy in Region 4.

To argue that the AFC has abandoned Regions 4 and 10 to the APNU/PNC is just not true. To aim at re-arranging deck chairs (somewhat - since APNU will get their share of the 'ethnic' vote) in AfroGuyanese strongholds whilst conceding Berbice to the regime is not good strategy if you plan to win . . . remember, this is now a true 3-horse race.

If the AFC cannot simultaneously make inroads into the Indo vote while seeking to expand their share into the PNC bloc they dont deserve to win. Region 4 has MORE Indian votes than Region 6, indeed it has 40% of the voters> How can you win if you ignore this the point where the voters now ignore you by refusing to attend your meetings.

Reality says that the PNC vote is softer. Why? they have never won a free and fair election on their own and are clearly quite demoralized, confused and their supportt base disappointed with them. So why ignore this group?

You can wish all you want but we have yet to see a well attended AFC meeting in Gtwn. We saw many in 2006. Why not now? I await your comments. I look forward to you proving to me that the AFC is packed with "intelligent amateurs" who opine at length and forget that they get no where unless they have a support base. ANd if people refuse their meetings clearly they do not have this.

You do the AFC no service by encouraging them to push their head in teh sand and ignore the onbvious. THEY HAVE LOST GTWN VOTERS!!!!

Also dont worry about "APNU?". At least they are honest enough to know they cant win and are trying desperately to hold on to the little that they had in the past. Their problem is that more AfroGuyanese than they care to admit will vote PPP as they feel this party is bound to win so they might as well position themselves to drink some soup. This will be especially true of the professionals and business men.
Originally posted by redux:
. remember, this is now a true 3-horse race.

How. The PPP and teh PNC have their voters who have supported them through the generations...and who will vote based on their racial fears.

Who do you all have? Indians have never abandoned the PPP, not even for ROAR. Maybe they will this time, maybe they will not...they told Ravi dev nice things in 2001...we know what happened then.

Blacks refuse to attend your meetings so why think they will vote AFC when 2006 showed taht many are happy not to vote at all. Compare 2001 results with 2006 in region 10 if you disbelieve. Most who lost interest with the PNC simply didnt vote.

Just because you wish to think you are in the running doesnt mean you are.

PROVE IT!!!!! Host a meeting with thousands so that even the PPP has to admit they are wrong about you all.
Not so long ago, when dem AFC bai were crowing about big turnout at their Berbice public meetings, I predicted that the AFC would run out of steam as election draws near.
Now I'm reading about small turnout and cancelled AFC meetings.
When we PPP launches its campaign in earnest soon, less people will bother with the AFC public meetings. Watch and see.
It could be that them AFC guys peek too early sometimes this happens in election campaigns. I saw it happen to Steve Forbes and Joe Biden in their first Presidential campaigns.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Not so long ago, when dem AFC bai were crowing about big turnout at their Berbice public meetings, I predicted that the AFC would run out of steam as election draws near.
Now I'm reading about small turnout and cancelled AFC meetings.
When we PPP launches its campaign in earnest soon, less people will bother with the AFC public meetings. Watch and see.

My friend if we are going to put stock in Robert Persaud the man who said he paid medical bills for Davekumar Jainarine in region 5 me area here and The press later on expose him as lying we are going to believe him when he say the AFC is not resonating with the population?

We are going to put stock in Robert persaud the man who chose to have anchor babies in the US and believe what he is saying in chronicle vs. what none of the other main stream media is reporting?

we were begging them to pay this man medical bills for Davekumar dem refuse. The AFC pay the bills and that was the thing that broke the camels back in region 5 here and turn sugar workers against the PPP.

Do you think if the AFC was not getting traction that Stabroek and Kaieteur and Demerara waves would not have been all over this story? Do not take stock in what these comrades are telling us. They have developed a reputation of lying to our people and this is wrong.
Uncle Wally / Uncle Book, more for you to think about, in Bushlot right here, Robert Persaud and Manickchand hold a meeting about a month ago, abee try fuh get at least 100 people. You know how much show up for that meeting? 30, 30 people show up dat include some lil pickney.

30 people. This ah why mi a tell ayuh dese, Listen to Robert Persaud and dem chap dis when dem open dem mouth dem a give more fiah to dem people in de region here and people a cuss abee and seh we a lie.

Dis a why mi a tell dem chap dis stop with the lying and focus on doing the right thing. We in the PPP are so focused on all the wrong things that we totally miss the boat on what is important to the people and what will win this election. Mi can tell all yuh one thing, lying not gonna win.

You know what one sugar worker told me last week, if ayuh a lie and tief from abee by rigging da scale wha all yuh nah guh lie about?
One nada one chime in if all yuh a lie and seh ayuh pay davekumar and ayuh nah pay one blind cent wha ayuh nah guh lie bout?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by redux:
CaribJ, you're confusing me.

Were you not complaining the last time around that the AFC failed to make a dent (voteswise) in the PPP IndoGuyanese support base?

Surely then, you must realize that Regions 5 and 6 must be put in play for the AFC to break through this time around. The ground campaign in those 2 regions will take disproportionate effort and resources to make a difference (IMHO) given the overwhelming, built-in advantages of the PPP (media, incumbency & 'intangibles') that they do not enjoy in Region 4.

To argue that the AFC has abandoned Regions 4 and 10 to the APNU/PNC is just not true. To aim at re-arranging deck chairs (somewhat - since APNU will get their share of the 'ethnic' vote) in AfroGuyanese strongholds whilst conceding Berbice to the regime is not good strategy if you plan to win . . . remember, this is now a true 3-horse race.

If the AFC cannot simultaneously make inroads into the Indo vote while seeking to expand their share into the PNC bloc they dont deserve to win. Region 4 has MORE Indian votes than Region 6, indeed it has 40% of the voters> How can you win if you ignore this the point where the voters now ignore you by refusing to attend your meetings.

Reality says that the PNC vote is softer. Why? they have never won a free and fair election on their own and are clearly quite demoralized, confused and their supportt base disappointed with them. So why ignore this group?

You can wish all you want but we have yet to see a well attended AFC meeting in Gtwn. We saw many in 2006. Why not now? I await your comments. I look forward to you proving to me that the AFC is packed with "intelligent amateurs" who opine at length and forget that they get no where unless they have a support base. ANd if people refuse their meetings clearly they do not have this.

You do the AFC no service by encouraging them to push their head in teh sand and ignore the onbvious. THEY HAVE LOST GTWN VOTERS!!!!

Also dont worry about "APNU?". At least they are honest enough to know they cant win and are trying desperately to hold on to the little that they had in the past. Their problem is that more AfroGuyanese than they care to admit will vote PPP as they feel this party is bound to win so they might as well position themselves to drink some soup. This will be especially true of the professionals and business men.

Caribj bwoy, you are being a true victim of your own interpretations. Doan tek on worries, yuh shudda been at Linden las' nite!
My PPP contact in linden just reported back from their linden meeting 600 people and here is a direct excerpt from his note to me.......

"Linden, I counted about 600 and they were fired up. The theme and I quote: WE ARE ALL LIVING IN THE KINGDOM OF KONG - Nigel Hughes and the crowd went wild, shouting AFC, AFC, AFC."

So folks lets be clear lying to the people is not going to work. People in linden will watch robert persaud saying that the AFC is faltering and they are going to figure out we are full of shit and it will fire them up even more to make their votes count.
In response [to CaribJ], I am constrained to repeat [again] that I speak only for myself and not the AFC. As far as I know, Gerhard and TK are the only contributors to this BB capable of speaking on behalf of the party.

First, your claim that the AFC is ignoring Region4/Georgetown is a (false) premise presented without evidence that herds your argument(s) into logical swampland such as: voters in Georgetown are refusing to attend (ignoring) AFC meetings because the AFC is ignoring them (by having these meetings?) . . .??!
The “don’t deserve to win” rhetorical flourish in your initial post is nothing but wish fulfillment on your part rather than analysis, and speaks volumes about your mindset.

Second, I have to remind you that drawing a crowd on the stump in Georgetown is but one metric to gauge future support at the polls. The history of Guyana elections under authoritarian conditions (1992?) should teach us that the optics of the ‘political rally’ must be placed in a larger (more intelligent) context if we are to engage in serious conversation - the recent PPP propaganda exercise at Providence Stadium is a case in point. Therefore, reducing the discussion to which party is currently pulling the bigger crowd at Georgetown street corners for an election whose date has not yet been set serves little purpose; and common sense would have cautioned a wait for the formal campaign season to start before all this pompous finger pointing. I will submit that messaging and media are more important than mass rallies in political campaigns today, and I suspect that is part of the reason why APNU is floating the absurd US$6M figure as a campaign fund raising goal. IMO, the AFC should be more aggressive and innovative in using new media tools such as Twitter and Facebook to get their message out as part of an asymmetrical approach to offset the massive PPP funding advantage for conventional media . . . but that’s a discussion on tactics that deserves another thread.

Finally, your baffling exhortation (challenge) to the AFC to “host a meeting with thousands” to prove (to you?) that they are “in the running” is devious and self-important in the extreme, deserving nothing more than the back of the hand. Sorry.

CaribJ, you have spoken many necessary truths on this BB in the couple of years I have been here and, from what I understand, you have been taking on the racist filth peddlers for nearly a decade before that. But what gives with the hate on the one party that can forever change the dynamics of politics in Guyana for the good? The first area of 'concern' you obsessed over was the AFC decision not to link up with APNU, and then it was the 'alienation' of Raphael Trotman and takeover of the AFC by ROAR. We are now left with an 'ignoring' of the “base” in Regions 10 and 4. That’s NOT tough love, Sir.

Giving aid and comfort to the acknowledged enemy out of spite is never honorable.
Originally posted by Bookman:

Not so long ago, when dem AFC bai were crowing about big turnout at their Berbice public meetings, I predicted that the AFC would run out of steam as election draws near.

Now I'm reading about small turnout and cancelled AFC meetings.

When we PPP launches its campaign in earnest soon, less people will bother with the AFC public meetings. Watch and see.

October will be an interesting time.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Bookman:

Not so long ago, when dem AFC bai were crowing about big turnout at their Berbice public meetings, I predicted that the AFC would run out of steam as election draws near.

Now I'm reading about small turnout and cancelled AFC meetings.

When we PPP launches its campaign in earnest soon, less people will bother with the AFC public meetings. Watch and see.

October will be an interesting time.

Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Bookman:

Not so long ago, when dem AFC bai were crowing about big turnout at their Berbice public meetings, I predicted that the AFC would run out of steam as election draws near.

Now I'm reading about small turnout and cancelled AFC meetings.

When we PPP launches its campaign in earnest soon, less people will bother with the AFC public meetings. Watch and see.

October will be an interesting time.

It will, it's my birthday around then.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

October will be an interesting time.

It will, it's my birthday around then.

Were you to be in Alberta, it would be my pleasure to host your birthday party. Big Grin

Mine was a few days ago. Smile
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

October will be an interesting time.

It will, it's my birthday around then.

Were you to be in Alberta, it would be my pleasure to host your birthday party. Big Grin

Mine was a few days ago. Smile

Happy Belated birthday DG.

You can still host my birday from afar, I can cash cheques you know.
Originally posted by cain:

Happy Belated birthday DG.

You can still host my birday from afar, I can cash cheques you know.

Thank-you, Cain.

With your approval, I can ask Administrator's permission to host your "birthday party" on GNI political. Big Grin
Originally posted by Alexander:

DG happy Birthday. Prof Bacchus would be proud of you.

Thank-you Alexander.

Prof. Bacchus was not only my uncle, but an excellent educator who devoted his time to nurture others.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Not so long ago, when dem AFC bai were crowing about big turnout at their Berbice public meetings, I predicted that the AFC would run out of steam as election draws near.
Now I'm reading about small turnout and cancelled AFC meetings.
When we PPP launches its campaign in earnest soon, less people will bother with the AFC public meetings. Watch and see.

I spoke at the AFC Uitvlugt and there was about 100 person with 50 yards of the platform and over 150 peoplee on their bridges listen. We share over 1,000 key newspaper that afternoon, so it is clear that this is another attempt by the PPP and Bookman at political gimmicks.

By the way, my PPP source told me that the stadium was the dry run and those 10,000 people who were there will be bused around the country. So yes PPP, 10,000 at each rally but it is the same 10,000 faces generally.

Look out for the buses at Albion next week. Guysuco trucks and more use of state resources.

Guyana, the land of king kong, no justice, much extravagance.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by Bookman:
Not so long ago, when dem AFC bai were crowing about big turnout at their Berbice public meetings, I predicted that the AFC would run out of steam as election draws near.
Now I'm reading about small turnout and cancelled AFC meetings.
When we PPP launches its campaign in earnest soon, less people will bother with the AFC public meetings. Watch and see.

I spoke at the AFC Uitvlugt and there was about 100 person with 50 yards of the platform and over 150 peoplee on their bridges listen. We share over 1,000 key newspaper that afternoon, so it is clear that this is another attempt by the PPP and Bookman at political gimmicks.

By the way, my PPP source told me that the stadium was the dry run and those 10,000 people who were there will be bused around the country. So yes PPP, 10,000 at each rally but it is the same 10,000 faces generally.

Look out for the buses at Albion next week. Guysuco trucks and more use of state resources.

Guyana, the land of king kong, no justice, much extravagance.

Speaking about Berbice, Guyanese will fall for any political meeting that gives chicken fry rice dinner and a raise, with free transportation.

Like the stadium, ask who is paying for the Albion cricket grounds when the PPP uses it vs other political parties.

The cricket club dont like these public events because of damage done to the field by vehicles. The PPP dont care as they did at the Berbice Expo.
Also Guyanese are starved for entertainment so sometimes a lot of people attend these things because there is nothing better to do and as you quite rightfully stated why not go and get something free?

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