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caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Nonsense, the bauxite workers termed the phrase "father of the nation" in reference to Jagdeo with the various safety nets that the then govt put in place to ease their pain. 

Why did bauxite workers consider Jagdeo to be "father of the nation" when in NO election did the PPP win more than 20% of the votes in region 10?   You repeat what some starving PPP milk drinker said when Jagdeo visited.  Obviously few bauxite workers agreed with him, based on the thrashings that the PPP has received in virtually every single election.

I will remind you that 10% of the population are Amerindians because this area includes many riverain areas and not just Linden.  So this means that the PPP did even worse among the bauxite workers.  In fact 2015 showed almost record voter turnout.

Apparently the beating that I used to give you continue to prevent you from thinking clearly.  If you direct posts at me I will continue to treat you like the pathetic idiot that you are.  Go play with Nehru!


caribny posted: 

Why did bauxite workers consider Jagdeo to be "father of the nation" when in NO election did the PPP win more than 20% of the votes in region 10?   You repeat what some starving PPP milk drinker said when Jagdeo visited.  Obviously few bauxite workers agreed with him, based on the thrashings that the PPP has received in virtually every single election.

I will remind you that 10% of the population are Amerindians because this area includes many riverain areas and not just Linden.  So this means that the PPP did even worse among the bauxite workers.  In fact 2015 showed almost record voter turnout.

Apparently the beating that I used to give you continue to prevent you from thinking clearly.  If you direct posts at me I will continue to treat you like the pathetic idiot that you are.  Go play with Nehru!

You know very well this topic and the people of Linden at the time who called Jagdeo the father of the nation. In fact one blackman mentioned that PPP give milk while PNC gave black tea. Don't play stupidie with your forgetful self. 


These topics must be discussed during the next election and the PPP must bring up these injustices that Indos and Natives Face. 

PNC is displaying blatant pre 1992 racism and they try to label anyone who challenges them. The are labelling all Indos as wife abusers, thieves and drug smugglers and Indos do not dare bring up Social Ills, it is branded as racist. 

They are branding Indos and when Indos fight back, they are muzzled PNC Apartheid style. 

Look at how Broomes have been shielded by Granger despite her attacking and harassing Security Personnel. I am sure that she will be in charge of securing Ballot Boxes.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander. PPP must NOT waste their time and resources on certain group of voters and focus on the Native Votes and a few Douglas and they will cross the line with a Massive Indo turnout.

In the meanwhile, Linden continues to receive Billions in subsidies and now this news of massive subsidies and assistance exclusive to Afros only.

Sugar workers and their families are going to bed hungry belly and white mouth is returning pre 1992.

Time to speak out !!!!! PNC pre 1992 Apartheid has returned !!!!!!!

Last edited by Former Member

what is it about the PPP that their partially educated surrogates feel the need to LIE straight up without reflection or pause with infantile 'arguments' a Seventh-Grade child can shred with minimal effort?

. . . RACE BAIT being the (Goebbelsian) go-to comfort zone for this particular specie of retard political vermin

i have not seen this phenomenon manifested in ANY other political party in Guyana

another 5 years in the political wilderness will jump start the cleanse

yuji22 posted:

And when CNN's Don Lemon talks about 72 percent Afors births are out of wedlock, all you vex up and swell up all you mouth:

so . . . who "vex and swell up [dem] mouth"?

little child, stop fantasizing that you important

obviously you not getting enuf 'respect' at home . . . but this is really not the place to compensate

other than that, what's your point?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey foh afro business but coolie is not foh army...hey hey hey...look all dem ROAR coolie jumbie and coolie bank na give dem peopkle loan money...hey hey love do gooder Mr Ronan muss be celebrate since dem coolie bank doan give dem black peopkle money...hey hey hey...

Who stop them bhai ?? maybe you can write wan paper on the recruiting methods that stymied their enrollment.

Django, let me tell you this. I had a high school friend from one of the villages(I think 67 or 68). He was 5' 10". He passed a couple subjects GCE and applied for a job in the police force. He never heard from them. What does that tell you?

Since he has couple subjects GCE, then he was overqualified for the police force.

Bibi Haniffa

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