Some of you people behave like you are chained to GNI. If you have a problem with it, why don't you either leave it for another avenue or create and operate one if you can't find one to your liking. With a bit of patience, seems like GNI will be available for new ownership next year so some of you who moan and groan about GNI will get the golden opportunity to own and operate it to your own liking. Looks like Amral isn't going to seek any goodwill when ownership is transferred to it will be a win win situation all around. Good luck.
And given that Barbados a scant 166 sq. miles with just over 1/3 of Guyana's population has a GDP considerably bigger just reveals that peals of laughter from Bajans when they read the "Black man cyant run a cake shop". They wanted to know why if this was true why so many PPP supporters fled their Indo run "paradise" to live in Barbados when few wish them to be there.
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:2015 ushered in a new Coalition Government which is far better than 23 yrs Elected Dictatorship
The term "Elected Dictatorhsip" was commonly used by haters of democracy from 1992 when the PPP won.
Anyone who uses that term is up to something sinister.
No Sir, different strokes for Guyana's Ethnic population, you can't shut out segments of the population. 23 yrs of PPP continuous rule, winning elections by a small margin, wasn't healthy for true Democracy.
ksazma posted:Some of you people behave like you are chained to GNI.luck.
I am here because I will NOT allow people like you to tarnish blacks in general or Afro Guyanese in particular. You might think that this is a rumshop where drunken PPP frauds bellow their bigotry, but it is in fact very visible to non Guyanese as they attempt to learn about Guyana.
I bet the folks at Exxon have seen it. In fact letter writers to KN and SN used to regularly reference it in their commentaries.
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:caribny posted:Iguana posted:@Former Member
An example is Ksazma's overt racism for over a week and dozens if not a hundred posts. No sanction from you. Posting of monkey pictures to represent black people from Dave, you finally acted. But Dave got the impression that was fine because Amral did it! You all need to get your shit together!
This site is viewed in many places as an Indo supremacist black hating site. Even Bajans have cited it as evidence when they wanted to round up reasons why Indo Guyanese should have been tossed out of Barbados. This in 2006 when Bajan police and immigration knocked on their doors before dawn and sent half naked people on LIAT flights nonstop to GY.
If Bajans view this site as Indo supremacist black hating site then I am sorry to say they are terribly wrong. However, knowing you for the time you have been here I won't be surprised if this is a figment of your imagination that you want to become a reality with your constant pourings of misinformation with the sole objective blemishing the image of a part your country's population.
Plus, do we really give a shit what Bajans think of us? I can't remember ever asking any Bajan for anything. Blacks don't needs any help from Indians for them to be prejudiced to Indians.
Iguana posted:You are using a sledgehammer to kill a flea with all this "full disclosure" bullshit. No one is calling for "intellectual" discourse. The challenge is for civil discourse. I'm not a politician or well connected politically. I think most who post here are the same. You don't need a Phd to conduct yourself properly. The problem here arises from the gutter snipe lowlives who know little to nothing about Guyana other than "we is PPP people" and will "cuss" those who are not.
Secondly, there is a lack of moderation. Yet to see Mitwah's offensive post as Raymond promised yesterday. The admins are both busy, but more than that they have their favorites and friends, so like anything Guyanese is "who yuh kno".
And who cares who used to post here? I don't know who Leonora is talking about, nor do I care. That gentleman does not affect what I read or how I interact here. He is just a part of this place's history. Why does that bother you so much?
all this is so true.
caribny posted:ksazma posted:Some of you people behave like you are chained to GNI.luck.
I am here because I will NOT allow people like you to tarnish blacks in general or Afro Guyanese in particular. You might think that this is a rumshop where drunken PPP frauds bellow their bigotry, but it is in fact very visible to non Guyanese as they attempt to learn about Guyana.
I bet the folks at Exxon have seen it. In fact letter writers to KN and SN used to regularly reference it in their commentaries.
Bai, you being here isn't disallowing me from doing anything. If you think it is, you are sadly mistaken.
Well they do and folks like you are to blame for this. The endless screamings of "black man lazy, black man cyant run a cake shop". Blaming all the ills of Guyana on blacks. Calling blacks a bunch of useless criminals whose only goal is to rape, rob and kill Indians.
I have never singled out Black people this way nor insinuated it in any shape or form. I have attacked the PNC for supporting Afro-criminals in Buxton who targeted Indo-Guyanese for robbery, rape, kidnappings, and murder. Even black people took a stand against these people who were housed up in Buxton and given support by supporters of the PNC. You by your false accusations are trying to turn blacks against Indians in your quest to build a country dominated by one racial group. Your political views is designed to divide our people.
ksazma posted:. No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians.
So let us compare.
1. Blacks are ugly, stink, cannot run anything properly (reference usually made to a cake shop). The Afro Creole cultures that Caribbean blacks have developed are ridiculed and considered nothing as we are seen as having no culture of our own. To suggest that a family member might marry a black is so insulting that the poster can freely state that this would deserve an honor killing. Pictures of black monkeys to represent blacks. Blacks called lazy and you calling us a global scourge. That we must show gratitude to Indians because Guyana would have been Haiti (not Barbados or any of the majority black islands which are ahead of Guyana, despite lacking its bountiful resources). And of course Druggie having a mental collapse every time evidence of Afro Guyanese success was shown, even going lengthily to negate the wonderful work that some Afro Guyanese have performed where many INCLUDING INDIANS have benefitted from.
2. Describe what is said about Indians that arises to this. And I have asked this questions at least 100 times and still await an answer.
Iguana posted:@Former Member
Bibi likewise has posted things she has no proof of. Ray, I'm not defending Mitwah. I am saying to you there are actions from posters here that are far worse than Mitwah's. Yet you and Amral let it slide. There needs to be fairness in your moderation. That is not the case, and the excuse that you can't "see everything" is worn out. You somehow manage to see every post that attacks Bibi!
I am starting to get the feeling that you are madly in love with me.
Bibi Haniffa posted:Iguana posted:@Former Member
Bibi likewise has posted things she has no proof of. Ray, I'm not defending Mitwah. I am saying to you there are actions from posters here that are far worse than Mitwah's. Yet you and Amral let it slide. There needs to be fairness in your moderation. That is not the case, and the excuse that you can't "see everything" is worn out. You somehow manage to see every post that attacks Bibi!
I am starting to get the feeling that you are madly in love with me.
Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.
This thread really gone out of hand, blackman here to defend blacks by attacking Indians. Indians attacking blacks. Admin /moderator now getting personal with posters and fighting. This is classic Rumson brawl on a Friday afternoon, looks like everyone drunk, intoxicated with lil power. SUSPEND the site for a week then do a restart , let cooler heads prevail. CHEERS.
Bibi Girl,
I think you wearing too much of red lipstick. You got them fellas going crazy. A woman is like a catalyst. She can speed up or slow down a reaction and remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. Just a nice joke for Friday.
caribny posted:ksazma posted:. No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians.So let us compare.
1. Blacks are ugly, stink, cannot run anything properly (reference usually made to a cake shop). The Afro Creole cultures that Caribbean blacks have developed are ridiculed and considered nothing as we are seen as having no culture of our own. To suggest that a family member might marry a black is so insulting that the poster can freely state that this would deserve an honor killing. Pictures of black monkeys to represent blacks. Blacks called lazy and you calling us a global scourge. That we must show gratitude to Indians because Guyana would have been Haiti (not Barbados or any of the majority black islands which are ahead of Guyana, despite lacking its bountiful resources). And of course Druggie having a mental collapse every time evidence of Afro Guyanese success was shown, even going lengthily to negate the wonderful work that some Afro Guyanese have performed where many INCLUDING INDIANS have benefitted from.
2. Describe what is said about Indians that arises to this. And I have asked this questions at least 100 times and still await an answer.
Banna, you have nuff time on yuh hands to devote to this waste person Ksazma. In this interconnected world where online presence is at a premium this wastrel cannot grasp how offensive and odious he is. When it comes to Guyana, he says he doesn't care, yet he is here from 4 day morning mekkin' law and breaking law.
This clown meanders uselessly thru life. He stands for nothing and justifies everything. Confusion personified. You'd do best to address those who actually contribute something here. He is known for what he is. There's an old saying - karma is a bytch. The younger generation is not as toxic as he is. One day his front door will open and who strolls thru it will drive him to the nuthouse.
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:Bibi Girl,
I think you wearing too much of red lipstick. You got them fellas going crazy. A woman is like a catalyst. She can speed up or slow down a reaction and remains unchanged at the end of the reaction.
Just a nice joke for Friday.
Let's not get carried away now. Her post, and mine, were in jest.
Iguana posted:Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.
Just be aware of what Skeldon/Yuji thinks about such a pairing and the threats that were made.
Iguana posted:caribny posted:ksazma posted:. No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians.So let us compare.
1. Blacks are ugly, stink, cannot run anything properly (reference usually made to a cake shop). The Afro Creole cultures that Caribbean blacks have developed are ridiculed and considered nothing as we are seen as having no culture of our own. To suggest that a family member might marry a black is so insulting that the poster can freely state that this would deserve an honor killing. Pictures of black monkeys to represent blacks. Blacks called lazy and you calling us a global scourge. That we must show gratitude to Indians because Guyana would have been Haiti (not Barbados or any of the majority black islands which are ahead of Guyana, despite lacking its bountiful resources). And of course Druggie having a mental collapse every time evidence of Afro Guyanese success was shown, even going lengthily to negate the wonderful work that some Afro Guyanese have performed where many INCLUDING INDIANS have benefitted from.
2. Describe what is said about Indians that arises to this. And I have asked this questions at least 100 times and still await an answer.
Banna, you have nuff time on yuh hands to devote to this waste person Ksazma. .
I don't speak to Ksazma. I speak to those who will read what he says and will query as to what kind of losers Afro Guyanese are. I have randomly Googled Guyana and seen this site pop out, often when one of the primates is tossing fecal matter at another, or baseman and Bibi engaging in their lovefest.
Not good given that non Caribbean people don't know much about Guyana or Guyanese.
caribny posted:Iguana posted:Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.
Just be aware of what Skeldon/Yuji thinks about such a pairing and the threats that were made.
...doan worry. Ah gon protect Bibi. She just gotta lose lil weight and run lil faster.
Iguana posted:The younger generation is not as toxic as he is. One day his front door will open and who strolls thru it will drive him to the nuthouse.
I already told these ageing PPP racists that many of their grandkids in North America see themselves as "black". That is what brought out Skeldon/Yuji's threat to kill any relative of his with this view. Such a reaction is quite revealing, and also revealing is that the mods let it pass.
Very indicative of way Guyana is the Sick Man of the Caribbean, only a degree or so less than Haiti.
caribny posted:I don't speak to Ksazma. I speak to those who will read what he says and will query as to what kind of losers Afro Guyanese are. I have randomly Googled Guyana and seen this site pop out, often when one of the primates is tossing fecal matter at another, or baseman and Bibi engaging in their lovefest.
Not good given that non Caribbean people don't know much about Guyana or Guyanese.
I get your point. My main purpose for being here is to confront the racist Indian clowns here who belittle blacks of any nationality and want to see a return of rat man and his teefmen to power. In between I have a lil fun. You have a lot more patience and tolerance than I do. kudos to you. I can only pop by once in a while every few days. Contrary to dem indian bais portrayal of the "lazy black man", I do have a business to run and a family to take care of.
caribny posted:That is what brought out Skeldon/Yuji's threat to kill any relative of his with this view. Such a reaction is quite revealing, and also revealing is that the mods let it pass. joking about this right? dem bais actually believe in honor killing their relatives who cohabit with black people? holy shit. dis is wuss dan de kkk. never saw them post that.
caribny posted:ksazma posted:No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians.So let us compare.
1. Blacks are ugly, stink, cannot run anything properly (reference usually made to a cake shop). The Afro Creole cultures that Caribbean blacks have developed are ridiculed and considered nothing as we are seen as having no culture of our own. To suggest that a family member might marry a black is so insulting that the poster can freely state that this would deserve an honor killing. Pictures of black monkeys to represent blacks. Blacks called lazy and you calling us a global scourge. That we must show gratitude to Indians because Guyana would have been Haiti (not Barbados or any of the majority black islands which are ahead of Guyana, despite lacking its bountiful resources). And of course Druggie having a mental collapse every time evidence of Afro Guyanese success was shown, even going lengthily to negate the wonderful work that some Afro Guyanese have performed where many INCLUDING INDIANS have benefitted from.
2. Describe what is said about Indians that arises to this. And I have asked this questions at least 100 times and still await an answer.
My two statements above are independent of each other. There is no need for any comparison.
caribny posted:Iguana posted:caribny posted:ksazma posted:No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians.So let us compare.
1. Blacks are ugly, stink, cannot run anything properly (reference usually made to a cake shop). The Afro Creole cultures that Caribbean blacks have developed are ridiculed and considered nothing as we are seen as having no culture of our own. To suggest that a family member might marry a black is so insulting that the poster can freely state that this would deserve an honor killing. Pictures of black monkeys to represent blacks. Blacks called lazy and you calling us a global scourge. That we must show gratitude to Indians because Guyana would have been Haiti (not Barbados or any of the majority black islands which are ahead of Guyana, despite lacking its bountiful resources). And of course Druggie having a mental collapse every time evidence of Afro Guyanese success was shown, even going lengthily to negate the wonderful work that some Afro Guyanese have performed where many INCLUDING INDIANS have benefitted from.
2. Describe what is said about Indians that arises to this. And I have asked this questions at least 100 times and still await an answer.
Banna, you have nuff time on yuh hands to devote to this waste person Ksazma. .
I don't speak to Ksazma. I speak to those who will read what he says and will query as to what kind of losers Afro Guyanese are. I have randomly Googled Guyana and seen this site pop out, often when one of the primates is tossing fecal matter at another, or baseman and Bibi engaging in their lovefest.
Not good given that non Caribbean people don't know much about Guyana or Guyanese.
Are you able to gauge what effect your effort is having?
Iguana posted:Django posted:Dave posted:Provocation is what causes members to react, no one will stay calm when they are cuss out.
Interesting observation, who are the regular provocateurs and who are the victims ?
Genetic racists like Dave, Nehru, Skeldon Klansman, Yuji etc are provoked by any criticism of the PPP. Or any post that is odds with their narrow, barefoot primitive worldview.
Lacking the requisite qualities to rebut someone or prove their position, these village louts (as Stormborn calls them) resort to what they know best. Nasty cussdowns, buggery themes and if we were in person I'm sure some good chopping up would take place. That's what you're dealing with here with these low class people from Guyana.
Full moon ð lunacy in full swing.
This lunatic guana man brings nothing constructive to discuss, he has a history of showing up a few days before full moon attacking every Indo on this site, poor uncle Django was also criticized... and this nincompoop calling others racist.. just imagine Django of all person get trashed.... Django say he hand fall, is a few days before DJ hit the key board.
Guanna man, When I posted a monkey.. it was never in reference to any black person. I posted the monkey skinning his teeth in regards to comments in a mocking way.
I challenge you or anyone to show I make a black person reference, resembling a monkey.
You keep making reference to the damn monkey in many post , donât know what offends you about a monkey rass.
I man donât know you, what you look like, if you is a man, woman or antiman... I donât give a shit who you are and what you look like...
Unfortunately Dave, displaying a photograph can sometimes say a lot more than we can write, unless a caption is placed regarding its meaning.
In my opinion, considering the racist nature of this site. A photograph of a monkey can have lots of meanings regarding a person's race and this might be what is offensive to Iguana.
I do photography in different countries [cultures] and some pictures can be offensive. So I ask for permission before it posted, or the consequences can be severe.
I am not taking sides, just explaining.
The race continues to go beyond eleven or twelve pages ...
Tola posted:Unfortunately Dave, displaying a photograph can sometimes say a lot more than we can write, unless a caption is placed regarding its meaning.
In my opinion, considering the racist nature of this site. A photograph of a monkey can have lots of meanings regarding a person's race and this might be what is offensive to Iguana.
I do photography in different countries [cultures] and some pictures can be offensive. So I ask for permission before it posted, or the consequences can be severe.
I am not taking sides, just explaining.
Them rass didnât give me a chance to explain the picture, by the time me wink, me get suspended... you think dat is fair, not even a trial.
I man de plan to hire Django, I hear he mo bad than Basil willie.
Demerara_Guy posted:The race continues to go beyond eleven or twelve pages ...
Bhai, look at flying colours in the lead, follow by Guyana star .. them days bhai... lots a memories.
Demerara_Guy posted:The race continues to go beyond eleven or twelve pages ...
Is that why the winning horse[Storm] lost the race ?
Dave posted:Tola posted:Unfortunately Dave, displaying a photograph can sometimes say a lot more than we can write, unless a caption is placed regarding its meaning.
In my opinion, considering the racist nature of this site. A photograph of a monkey can have lots of meanings regarding a person's race and this might be what is offensive to Iguana.
I do photography in different countries [cultures] and some pictures can be offensive. So I ask for permission before it posted, or the consequences can be severe.
I am not taking sides, just explaining.
Them rass didnât give me a chance to explain the picture, by the time me wink, me get suspended... you think dat is fair, not even a trial.
I man de plan to hire Django, I hear he mo bad than Basil willie.
I believe posters should be given an explanation why they are being suspended, so we all learn from a mistake.
But just to say '*******is suspended' is not a learning experience to any one and heavy handed that its my site and I can do anything to you as a guest. This is true, but it pisses off posters and discourage them from posting.
Django seems to be a good guy with information and he knows where to find it.
Now that you explained to Iguana about the photo, I think he should accept your explanation.
antabanta posted:Drugb posted:TK is/was a dunce, not sure how you came up with the claim that he is reliable. Same with the other self proclaimed pundits.
Prove it.
anta, bai you forget many of us oldtimers would take tk to task over his lack of knowledge. that dunce had to settle for second rate university professor job in florida. Then he bounce around from afc to pnc etc and got kicked in the balls and sent packing like many other knuckleheads. He even claimed to coin the "dankey cart economy" when indeed it was a phrase stolen from Cheddi.
Iguana posted:caribny posted:Iguana posted:Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.
Just be aware of what Skeldon/Yuji thinks about such a pairing and the threats that were made.
...doan worry. Ah gon protect Bibi. She just gotta lose lil weight and run lil faster.
How do you know she has to lose some weight? Seriously, I think she would prefer the extinction of mankind before she gets with you.
skeldon_man posted:Iguana posted:caribny posted:Iguana posted:Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.
Just be aware of what Skeldon/Yuji thinks about such a pairing and the threats that were made.
...doan worry. Ah gon protect Bibi. She just gotta lose lil weight and run lil faster.
How do you know she has to lose some weight? Seriously, I think she would prefer the extinction of mankind before she gets with you.
It,s a life long dream of him to be with a pretty coolie gal.
Drugb posted:antabanta posted:Drugb posted:TK is/was a dunce, not sure how you came up with the claim that he is reliable. Same with the other self proclaimed pundits.
Prove it.
anta, bai you forget many of us oldtimers would take tk to task over his lack of knowledge. that dunce had to settle for second rate university professor job in florida. Then he bounce around from afc to pnc etc and got kicked in the balls and sent packing like many other knuckleheads. He even claimed to coin the "dankey cart economy" when indeed it was a phrase stolen from Cheddi.
You claiming anyone is a dunce is a laugh. No one ever take TK to task on any issue reliably. The man never extend himself on issues he does not have a full grasp of like you do. For someone who took seven years to get out of undergrad you do have a big mouth. As for second rate university that apparently is your universal refuge. I do not know what makes where you went first rate. Each university serves a niche in the society and usually it is the state schools that do the most.
skeldon_man posted:Iguana posted:caribny posted:Iguana posted:Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.
Just be aware of what Skeldon/Yuji thinks about such a pairing and the threats that were made.
...doan worry. Ah gon protect Bibi. She just gotta lose lil weight and run lil faster.
How do you know she has to lose some weight? Seriously, I think she would prefer the extinction of mankind before she gets with you.
Why dont you give her the chance to speak for her self and to say why. Your slip is showing or is it your droopy drawers? .
Was anything accomplished from the initial post of this thread.
Amral posted:Was anything accomplished from the initial post of this thread.
Yes. My post count got a significant boost.
Amral posted:Was anything accomplished from the initial post of this thread.
I think so I do not see anyone hurling racist bombs. I see folks accusing others of having hurled bombs previously. That is a start. The fighting is normal
You cannot teach Old Dogs new tricks. GNI is medicine to soothe the soul only Ray takes it serious to suspend subscribers to impose his unwanted authority.
If it's not broken ,don't try fixing it, this is a unique site it draws attention.
Stormborn posted:skeldon_man posted:Iguana posted:caribny posted:Iguana posted:Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.
Just be aware of what Skeldon/Yuji thinks about such a pairing and the threats that were made.
...doan worry. Ah gon protect Bibi. She just gotta lose lil weight and run lil faster.
How do you know she has to lose some weight? Seriously, I think she would prefer the extinction of mankind before she gets with you.
Why dont you give her the chance to speak for her self and to say why. Your slip is showing or is it your droopy drawers? .
Who died and made you King or should I say Chief? Do you really want to know whose drawers are hanging on the line? Or is it your diaper is full and leaking and you need to change it? Go ahead and take your time.
Iguana posted:VishMahabir posted:We are not asking for "personal" information...simply who the posters are and their professional affiliation.
Banna, sometimes when I read wha shite you write I duz wish you could be restricted to reading only.
He sounds like VVP who wanted an Intellectual Forum to weed out the riffraff. That idea was quickly trashed. Maybe he can use his facebook account as an intellectual forum.
skeldon_man posted:How do you know she has to lose some weight? Seriously, I think she would prefer the extinction of mankind before she gets with you.
@Former Member
I know a lot of things. For instance, I know the fat white wobbins from Montana or Minnesota didn't care who they "got with" in order to give them a green card. Kapeesh gunga din? Now guh fetch liquor and hunt some venison. Yuh still gat a few more years to pay off the green card debt.
kp posted:It,s a life long dream of him to be with a pretty coolie gal.
That's YOUR fantasy. Been there done that. Unsatisfying. Suh nowadays I like mah women THICK and sexy. Love mah black sisteren. No flat batty women fuh me.
Iguana posted:skeldon_man posted:How do you know she has to lose some weight? Seriously, I think she would prefer the extinction of mankind before she gets with you.
@Former Member
I know a lot of things. For instance, I know the fat white wobbins from Montana or Minnesota didn't care who they "got with" in order to give them a green card. Kapeesh gunga din? Now guh fetch liquor and hunt some venison. Yuh still gat a few more years to pay off the green card debt.
Good that you know so much of Montana and Minnesota. Not even the white fat women wanted you and rejected you the reason you are so bitter. Maybe you are surrounded by tons of morbidly obese black women and can't do any better.
skeldon_man posted:Good that you know so much of Montana and Minnesota. Not even the white fat women wanted you and rejected you the reason you are so bitter. Maybe you are surrounded by tons of morbidly obese black women and can't do any better.
@Former Member
Banna, I didn't need to go paying fat white wobbins to marry meh for a green card. Came to America with a green card. Bitter? I'm not the one threatening to kill meh relatives if they marry black (or Indian).
BTW....."thick" doesn't mean "morbidly obese". Real men know what I'm talking about. I don't expect you to know, seeing you just used to fat white venison eating wobbins. Now run along and fetch their liquor and venison. Yuh gat a few years left.
No one comes to America with a green card. It is issued only after they are first admitted with a resident alien visa.
technically correct. Came with a resident alien visa and get meh green card 6 weeks later. Point for the anal retentive, OCD scum sucking racist - ah come hay LEGAL and didn't have to guh hunt fuh and pay a fat white homan to marry meh.
Iguana posted:skeldon_man posted:Good that you know so much of Montana and Minnesota. Not even the white fat women wanted you and rejected you the reason you are so bitter. Maybe you are surrounded by tons of morbidly obese black women and can't do any better.
@Former Member
Banna, I didn't need to go paying fat white wobbins to marry meh for a green card. Came to America with a green card. Bitter? I'm not the one threatening to kill meh relatives if they marry black (or Indian).
BTW....."thick" doesn't mean "morbidly obese". Real men know what I'm talking about. I don't expect you to know, seeing you just used to fat white venison eating wobbins. Now run along and fetch their liquor and venison. Yuh gat a few years left.
Dude, you came and freeloaded. I came on a student visa and earned what I owned. I never asked for a handout or a hand up. Never took out a student loan or robbed anyone. Getting a green card after school was not my problem. My company was willing to sponsor me.
Yeah, your kind is both thick and obese. Don't go splitting hairs. Look a the lips and rear. Everything they eat goes into their back pockets.
skeldon_man posted:Iguana posted:skeldon_man posted:Good that you know so much of Montana and Minnesota. Not even the white fat women wanted you and rejected you the reason you are so bitter. Maybe you are surrounded by tons of morbidly obese black women and can't do any better.
@Former Member
Banna, I didn't need to go paying fat white wobbins to marry meh for a green card. Came to America with a green card. Bitter? I'm not the one threatening to kill meh relatives if they marry black (or Indian).
BTW....."thick" doesn't mean "morbidly obese". Real men know what I'm talking about. I don't expect you to know, seeing you just used to fat white venison eating wobbins. Now run along and fetch their liquor and venison. Yuh gat a few years left.
Dude, you came and freeloaded. I came on a student visa and earned what I owned. I never asked for a handout or a hand up. Never took out a student loan or robbed anyone. Getting a green card after school was not my problem. My company was willing to sponsor me.
Yeah, your kind is both thick and obese. Don't go splitting hairs. Look a the lips and rear. Everything they eat goes into their back pockets.
Unlike you, who came out of the backdam with mud in your toes and never rode in a car until the day you went to Timheri, my family was well established in GT. Migration for our folks started in the late 60's and continued thru the 70's, some to England others to the US.
Unlike you, my clan was educated. A long line of teachers, nurses, and other professionals. Soooooo....we came here and had skills to WORK. I was raised on hard WORK.
Your idle insinuations that we "freeloaded" is simply because I am BLACK. It is expected of you. As are your comments about physical characteristics. It is who you are - a full out black hating bigot. Maybe you were taught this by the fat, white, Montana folks from whom you seek approval daily.
Eh salipenta deh pon fire this marnin. Hey hey hey...
Wow !!! this thread wins for 2019
1,104 views, 9 pages.
skeldon_man posted:Stormborn posted:skeldon_man posted:Iguana posted:caribny posted:Iguana posted:Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.
Just be aware of what Skeldon/Yuji thinks about such a pairing and the threats that were made.
...doan worry. Ah gon protect Bibi. She just gotta lose lil weight and run lil faster.
How do you know she has to lose some weight? Seriously, I think she would prefer the extinction of mankind before she gets with you.
Why dont you give her the chance to speak for her self and to say why. Your slip is showing or is it your droopy drawers? .
Who died and made you King or should I say Chief? Do you really want to know whose drawers are hanging on the line? Or is it your diaper is full and leaking and you need to change it? Go ahead and take your time.
I am just inferring from the standard bigoted template that Indian women ( in whom are invested the idea they are Guardians of the culture and definer of its cultural borders) are too good for non Indian men so she would rather be extracted from the company of men than consort with one. I would love to see you explain yourself. For that reason I said you let her make that choice not have cultural patriarchy do it.
Django posted:Wow !!! this thread wins for 2019
1,104 views, 9 pages.
The only thing that can possibly challenge it may be a Muslim bashing thread. ð
Labba posted:Eh salipenta deh pon fire this marnin. Hey hey hey...
Django, y'all got any "statistics" on how many barefoot, primitive, never graduated high school, people left Guyana in 1970 on a "student visa"?????
Ah not talking about dem brite, indian country bais dat guh to QC, Saints or suh on. Ah talking about dem bais from Skeldon dat barely learn fuh read and write and run away because dem had a "job" and de blackman boss was lil hard pon dem.
Ah gat a POSER fuh expose! Thanks in advance.
Stormborn posted:skeldon_man posted:Stormborn posted:skeldon_man posted:Iguana posted:caribny posted:Iguana posted:Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.
Just be aware of what Skeldon/Yuji thinks about such a pairing and the threats that were made.
...doan worry. Ah gon protect Bibi. She just gotta lose lil weight and run lil faster.
How do you know she has to lose some weight? Seriously, I think she would prefer the extinction of mankind before she gets with you.
Why dont you give her the chance to speak for her self and to say why. Your slip is showing or is it your droopy drawers? .
Who died and made you King or should I say Chief? Do you really want to know whose drawers are hanging on the line? Or is it your diaper is full and leaking and you need to change it? Go ahead and take your time.
I am just inferring from the standard bigoted template that Indian women ( in whom are invested the idea they are Guardians of the culture and definer of its cultural borders) are too good for non Indian men so she would rather be extracted from the company of men than consort with one. I would love to see you explain yourself. For that reason I said you let her make that choice not have cultural patriarchy do it.
Go FOAD!!!!
Iguana posted:Labba posted:Eh salipenta deh pon fire this marnin. Hey hey hey...
Django, y'all got any "statistics" on how many barefoot, primitive, never graduated high school, people left Guyana in 1970 on a "student visa"?????
Ah not talking about dem brite, indian country bais dat guh to QC, Saints or suh on. Ah talking about dem bais from Skeldon dat barely learn fuh read and write and run away because dem had a "job" and de blackman boss was lil hard pon dem.
Ah gat a POSER fuh expose! Thanks in advance.
1970's will be tough call, I have 2012 stats for all the villages in the Regions.
Anyway Skelly did well to educate himself in Guyana and the USA, he is a good guy, sometimes we are stuck in his own ways.
Django posted:Iguana posted:Labba posted:Eh salipenta deh pon fire this marnin. Hey hey hey...
Django, y'all got any "statistics" on how many barefoot, primitive, never graduated high school, people left Guyana in 1970 on a "student visa"?????
Ah not talking about dem brite, indian country bais dat guh to QC, Saints or suh on. Ah talking about dem bais from Skeldon dat barely learn fuh read and write and run away because dem had a "job" and de blackman boss was lil hard pon dem.
Ah gat a POSER fuh expose! Thanks in advance.
1970's will be tough call, I have 2012 stats for all the villages in the Regions.
Anyway Skelly did well to educate himself in Guyana and the USA, he is a good guy, sometimes we are stuck in his own ways.
Don't disappoint the reptile make up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???
Drugb posted:antabanta posted:Drugb posted:TK is/was a dunce, not sure how you came up with the claim that he is reliable. Same with the other self proclaimed pundits.
Prove it.
anta, bai you forget many of us oldtimers would take tk to task over his lack of knowledge. that dunce had to settle for second rate university professor job in florida. Then he bounce around from afc to pnc etc and got kicked in the balls and sent packing like many other knuckleheads. He even claimed to coin the "dankey cart economy" when indeed it was a phrase stolen from Cheddi.
Hey hey hey...yea dat man TK does copy and plagarise like dem bais who does buy dem tings online
Labba posted:Drugb posted:antabanta posted:Drugb posted:TK is/was a dunce, not sure how you came up with the claim that he is reliable. Same with the other self proclaimed pundits.
Prove it.
anta, bai you forget many of us oldtimers would take tk to task over his lack of knowledge. that dunce had to settle for second rate university professor job in florida. Then he bounce around from afc to pnc etc and got kicked in the balls and sent packing like many other knuckleheads. He even claimed to coin the "dankey cart economy" when indeed it was a phrase stolen from Cheddi.
Hey hey hey...yea dat man TK does copy and plagarise like dem bais who does buy dem tings online
Correct, de man is a political prostitute, pimped out to the highest bidder, except dem bais does ransack he and leff without paying.
Django posted:Iguana posted:Labba posted:Eh salipenta deh pon fire this marnin. Hey hey hey...
Django, y'all got any "statistics" on how many barefoot, primitive, never graduated high school, people left Guyana in 1970 on a "student visa"?????
Ah not talking about dem brite, indian country bais dat guh to QC, Saints or suh on. Ah talking about dem bais from Skeldon dat barely learn fuh read and write and run away because dem had a "job" and de blackman boss was lil hard pon dem.
Ah gat a POSER fuh expose! Thanks in advance.
1970's will be tough call, I have 2012 stats for all the villages in the Regions.
Anyway Skelly did well to educate himself in Guyana and the USA, he is a good guy, sometimes we are stuck in his own ways.
Django, were you one of them barefoot uneducated primitives that iguana referring? yall rass don't know when dem chaps insulting yuh.
Iguana posted:Unlike you, who came out of the backdam with mud in your toes and never rode in a car until the day you went to Timheri, my family was well established in GT. Migration for our folks started in the late 60's and continued thru the 70's, some to England others to the US.Unlike you, my clan was educated. A long line of teachers, nurses, and other professionals. Soooooo....we came here and had skills to WORK. I was raised on hard WORK.
Your idle insinuations that we "freeloaded" is simply because I am BLACK. It is expected of you. As are your comments about physical characteristics. It is who you are - a full out black hating bigot. Maybe you were taught this by the fat, white, Montana folks from whom you seek approval daily.
Good for you, only thing is that you educated lot shoulda stayed in Guyana and show jackasses like Granger, Forbes and Hoyte how a country should be properly governed and developed. Instead you fled and now support the incompetent lot who stayed behind and endured.
kp posted:Don't disappoint the reptile make up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???
Have to speak the truth. Iguana just asking, you r@ss does see i pick pun any body minus politicians ?
Is the inference here that dj has been dishing information to iguana about skelly? If so, what a lowdown despicable creature.
Django posted:Iguana posted:Labba posted:Eh salipenta deh pon fire this marnin. Hey hey hey...
Django, y'all got any "statistics" on how many barefoot, primitive, never graduated high school, people left Guyana in 1970 on a "student visa"?????
Ah not talking about dem brite, indian country bais dat guh to QC, Saints or suh on. Ah talking about dem bais from Skeldon dat barely learn fuh read and write and run away because dem had a "job" and de blackman boss was lil hard pon dem.
Ah gat a POSER fuh expose! Thanks in advance.
1970's will be tough call, I have 2012 stats for all the villages in the Regions.
Anyway Skelly did well to educate himself in Guyana and the USA, he is a good guy, sometimes we are stuck in his own ways.
You didnât see how you used eh..
what you should do, is show the snake ( who once castrate you) the stats, how many of them donât know their father.
Drugb posted:Django, were you one of them barefoot uneducated primitives that iguana referring? yall rass don't know when dem chaps insulting yuh.
I don't think so !! you think we alone in the homeland used to walk barefoot and uneducated, nuff nuff people from all ethnic group was not privileged in those days.Nothing to be shamed about, we moved on and uplift ourselves.
Django posted:kp posted:Don't disappoint the reptile make up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???
Have to speak the truth. Iguana just asking, you r@ss does see i pick pun any body minus politicians ?
From what Guana man is saying, you supply him with dirt on fellow posters, maybe you give him the shit and he dab it on GNI. The man "out source" the Dutty work to you and you even had the nerve to reply his call.
skeldon_man posted:Go FOAD!!!!
Highly probably a pending condition for you than for me! Better make good with your god least you old age take you to t he grave a mean and nasty fellow for whom St Pete will say "to the left man to the left; that is where hell is at!"
Drugb posted:Is the inference here that dj has been dishing information to iguana about skelly? If so, what a lowdown despicable creature.
Banna give it a rest, you surely don't know my credibility.
Django posted:Drugb posted:Django, were you one of them barefoot uneducated primitives that iguana referring? yall rass don't know when dem chaps insulting yuh.
I don't think so !! you think we alone in the homeland used to walk barefoot and uneducated, nuff nuff people from all ethnic group was not privileged in those days.Nothing to be shamed about, we moved on and uplift ourselves.
But Django, you are silent to the snake comment. Why?
kp posted:Django posted:kp posted:Don't disappoint the reptile make up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???
Have to speak the truth. Iguana just asking, you r@ss does see i pick pun any body minus politicians ?
From what Guana man is saying, you supply him with dirt on fellow posters, maybe you give him the shit and he dab it on GNI.
The man "out source" the Dutty work to you and you even had the nerve to reply his call.
Are you fuh real ?? give it a rest !!!
Dave posted:Django posted:Drugb posted:Django, were you one of them barefoot uneducated primitives that iguana referring? yall rass don't know when dem chaps insulting yuh.
I don't think so !! you think we alone in the homeland used to walk barefoot and uneducated, nuff nuff people from all ethnic group was not privileged in those days.Nothing to be shamed about, we moved on and uplift ourselves.
But Django, you are silent to the snake comment. Why?
Don't try to tangle me,with the way you all perceived him to be.
Sorry to say, the reptile sold out DJ.
kp posted:Don't disappoint the reptile make up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???
Django, has nothing to do with this. I know about Skeldon Man the same way I know you used to go bumming for free duck curry and fry rice wid yuh fren Mr. H.
You wrote it here in black and white. That's how I know. Y'all forget that the internet have loooooooong memory. Skeldon Man like talk shit and big up heself. He divulged the information. Yuh notice how he run away - he knows every word I said is true!
I asked Django the question because he posts a lot of stats. No other reason. Alyuh low life dogs jump pon de man because alyuh dimwitted. I don't need Django. Y'all is yuh own wuss enemy.
Drugb posted:Good for you, only thing is that you educated lot shoulda stayed in Guyana and show jackasses like Granger, Forbes and Hoyte how a country should be properly governed and developed. Instead you fled and now support the incompetent lot who stayed behind and endured.
We didn't only have professionals in de family. We had business too. Meh grandfadda seh Cheddi gon seize everything suh de migration started. Like yuh fuhget Forbes learn de communist ting from he mentor Cheddi.
BTW...ah didn't see you run back to serve under the wonderful 23 years of PPP rule. Yuh stay hay and hide unda wan black homan skirt.
kp posted:Sorry to say, the reptile sold out DJ.
I thought you had better sense, you surely have failed.
Dave posted:You didnât see how you used eh..
what you should do, is show the snake ( who once castrate you) the stats, how many of them donât know their father.
Seeing you're your own uncle I don't think you want to delve too deeply into yuh fambly history eidda.
kp posted:Sorry to say, the reptile sold out DJ.
Yuh shud regret de day you and Skeldon man eat parrot beetie. Y'all talk too much shit. Now it come back to bite yuh and like the idiot coward you are, yuh tun and blame Django. You tell we about getting free food. And yuh fren Skeldon tell we he run away from black man in 1970 and didn't graduate high school.
Suh leff Django alone befo ah drop some mo lash pon alyuh dumb rasses.
Django posted:kp posted:Sorry to say, the reptile sold out DJ.
I thought you had better sense, you surely have failed.
...KP gets caught up running wid de wrong crowd. Dem bannas duz leff he fuh tek de blame. Yuh notice how Skeldon gone and hide.
Iguana posted:kp posted:Don't disappoint the reptile make up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???
Django, has nothing to do with this. I know about Skeldon Man the same way I know you used to go bumming for free duck curry and fry rice wid yuh fren Mr. H.
You wrote it here in black and white. That's how I know. Y'all forget that the internet have loooooooong memory. Skeldon Man like talk shit and big up heself. He divulged the information. Yuh notice how he run away - he knows every word I said is true!
I asked Django the question because he posts a lot of stats. No other reason. Alyuh low life dogs jump pon de man because alyuh dimwitted. I don't need Django. Y'all is yuh own wuss enemy.
Your behaviour here leaves all to believe that you are a "Sus Sus man" or better known as an anti-man, only such person Brings and Carries people name. It is glaring to see you contribute NOTHING to this forum other than waiting like a hungry dog to pounce on people to tarnish their name.
Agreed, Django has nothing to do with this, But you are so sneaky to put him against his fellow poster, just for you to say is not me is Django who say the shit.
If you want to Quote , better do so correctly. and if you accusing me of Bumming for free duck curry and fry rice, that I never said, maybe you mistake me for someone else at your house. Whenever you Quote, do so correctly, OK. or I can get you in a hell of a lot of trouble.
kp posted:Your behaviour here leaves all to believe that you are a "Sus Sus man" or better known as an anti-man, only such person Brings and Carries people name. It is glaring to see you contribute NOTHING to this forum other than waiting like a hungry dog to pounce on people to tarnish their name.
Agreed, Django has nothing to do with this, But you are so sneaky to put him against his fellow poster, just for you to say is not me is Django who say the shit.
If you want to Quote , better do so correctly. and if you accusing me of Bumming for free duck curry and fry rice, that I never said, maybe you mistake me for someone else at your house. Whenever you Quote, do so correctly, OK. or I can get you in a hell of a lot of trouble.
Banna, ress yuh old self befo yuh get a heart attack or something. You involved my family in more than one of your posts. And you accused me of being a teef and a choke and rob man in Guyana. Suh tek yuh own advice and watch yuh mouth! All yuh posts deh in the archives admitting to yuh deeds.
And fuh de record - I told y'all I am here fuh one reason and one reason only. To expose alyuh nasty, dutty racism, trying to mek black people an underclass in Guyana. I don't get into "constitution" and all dat shit. Dat was created by a dictator and suddenly alyuh worship it.
And I already told you - the problem in Guyana is the people. The government is merely a reflection of who they are. Suh arguing "politricks" is useless. Pointing out alyuh racism is worthwhile.
Iggy, if you beat up everyone and chase them away, this place will be a ghost town.
Leonora posted:Iggy, if you beat up everyone and chase them away, this place will be a ghost town.
Then his objective is achieved.
Iguana posted:Dave posted:You didnât see how you used eh..
what you should do, is show the snake ( who once castrate you) the stats, how many of them donât know their father.
Seeing you're your own uncle I don't think you want to delve too deeply into yuh fambly history eidda.
Too bad you was conceived in Garmont and get drop in the gutter, the stench messed up your brains.. go seek help.
I see the big blue moon took control of you.
Leonora posted:Iggy, if you beat up everyone and chase them away, this place will be a ghost town.
His Schizophrenia disorder he displayed every full moon..
Leonora posted:Iggy, if you beat up everyone and chase them away, this place will be a ghost town.
...nothing to do with me. Looks like this thread drew the attention of the PPP to their racist supporters on this board. Maybe they called off the dogs.