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Django posted:
Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

If i were you those threads should be deleted from the inception.

are they little children who need to find their respective corners, or they grown adults and should act their age?

True, their private lives shouldn't be exposed here. You have the authority to stop such disclosure.

like I said, they are adults

Iguana posted:

@Former Member

An example is Ksazma's overt racism for over a week and dozens if not a hundred posts. No sanction from you. Posting of monkey pictures to represent black people from Dave, you finally acted. But Dave got the impression that was fine because Amral did it! You all need to get your shit together!

This site is viewed in many places as an Indo supremacist black hating site.  Even Bajans have cited it as evidence when they wanted to round up reasons why Indo Guyanese should have been tossed out of Barbados.  This in 2006 when Bajan police and immigration knocked on their doors before dawn and sent half naked people on LIAT flights nonstop to GY.

Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

If i were you those threads should be deleted from the inception.

are they little children who need to find their respective corners, or they grown adults and should act their age?


No you joker, you are the moderator.  People could go off but you are the moderator to rein it in.  Look up the term โ€œModerator!โ€

And why did you and Amral allow the things that was being said of me when I had quit...not here!

So stop with your lies and pretense.  I was not here and YOU were taking part.  So shut up with your crap!

Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

If i were you those threads should be deleted from the inception.

are they little children who need to find their respective corners, or they grown adults and should act their age?

True, their private lives shouldn't be exposed here. You have the authority to stop such disclosure.

like I said, they are adults

How pathetic!!  But what to expect from โ€œModeratorsโ€ who join in and post Blacks and monkey and laugh like hyenas!

How pathetic!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Say what you please about DrugB. He is a hard-hitter and a painful thorn in the sides of many of you who consider yourselves an authority on politics and economics. DrugB is constantly being demeaned by some posters who resort to personal attacks whenever he counters their arguments. 

Really?  To most of us he is a sad pathetic clown, and a very ignorant one at that.  How often do you see me engaging him in serious dialogue?  I usually remind him to stop stressing himself out and go and find black vegetables that he can ingest. He is one step above Nehru, but far more entertaining so I don't block him.

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

@Former Member

An example is Ksazma's overt racism for over a week and dozens if not a hundred posts. No sanction from you. Posting of monkey pictures to represent black people from Dave, you finally acted. But Dave got the impression that was fine because Amral did it! You all need to get your shit together!

This site is viewed in many places as an Indo supremacist black hating site.  Even Bajans have cited it as evidence when they wanted to round up reasons why Indo Guyanese should have been tossed out of Barbados.  This in 2006 when Bajan police and immigration knocked on their doors before dawn and sent half naked people on LIAT flights nonstop to GY.

If Bajans view this site as Indo supremacist black hating site then I am sorry to say they are terribly wrong. However, knowing you for the time you have been here I won't be surprised if this is a figment of your imagination that you want to become a reality with your constant pourings of misinformation with the sole objective blemishing the image of a part your country's population. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

If i were you those threads should be deleted from the inception.

are they little children who need to find their respective corners, or they grown adults and should act their age?

True, their private lives shouldn't be exposed here. You have the authority to stop such disclosure.

If I make the appropriate animal analogy here, I know I will get banned!  But there is!

Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

Stop your bloody shameless pretense!

Dude, I am not that infantile crap for your partners

No, you are worse than her.  I understand her sometimes, but not you!

like I said, I aint yuh woman...I really don't need you to understand me

Neither of you two racist and hacks should be moderators.  You seem not to understand your role!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many.

Like how Jagdeo's regime benefitted so many.  Black people got nothing from him.  The joke is that Indians didn't anything either, so insist its because blacks got everything.

and yet in the corridors of wealth Jaggy and his buddies lurk, pulling the NCV stunt to make sure that they take all. The stupid Coalition virtually handing the goodies to them.  I guess they think he will drop a few crumbs in their hands as he did with Corbin. 

Freddie K is already singing for his Jagdeo milk with a ruthless venom at that.  And we know this because suddenly everyone is bad..........except Jagdeo! His change was too sudden and extreme when a few weeks ago he was calling Jagdeo a scourge.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If Bajans view this site as Indo supremacist black hating site then I am sorry to say they are terribly wrong. . 

Well they do and folks like you are to blame for this.  The endless screamings of "black man lazy, black man cyant run a cake shop". Blaming all the ills of Guyana on blacks.  Calling blacks a bunch of useless criminals whose only goal is to rape, rob and kill Indians.

Yes that was the chatter in those days and Bajans saw this and began to understand the Afro Guyanese living in Barbados a bit more.

That you fail to see this just proves how right they are because NONE of this was ever sanctioned the way that it would be on most responsible forums. 

The moderators even wail that they see no anti black racism here.  Even when Skeldon/Yuji screamed that they would kill any family member of theirs who marries a black person, and Ksazma bellowed that blacks are a scourge.


Some of you people behave like you are chained to GNI. If you have a problem with it, why don't you either leave it for another avenue or create and operate one if you can't find one to your liking. With a bit of patience, seems like GNI will be available for new ownership next year so some of you who moan and groan about GNI will get the golden opportunity to own and operate it to your own liking. Looks like Amral isn't going to seek any goodwill when ownership is transferred to it will be a win win situation all around. Good luck.


And given that Barbados a scant 166 sq. miles with just over 1/3 of Guyana's population has a GDP considerably bigger just reveals that peals of laughter from Bajans when they read the "Black man cyant run a cake shop".  They wanted to know why if this was true why so many PPP supporters fled their Indo run "paradise" to live in Barbados when few wish them to be there.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

2015 ushered in a new Coalition Government which is far better than 23 yrs Elected Dictatorship

The term "Elected Dictatorhsip" was commonly used by haters of democracy from 1992 when the PPP won. 

Anyone who uses that term is up to something sinister. 

No Sir, different strokes for Guyana's Ethnic population, you can't shut out segments of the population. 23 yrs of PPP continuous rule, winning elections by a small margin, wasn't healthy for true Democracy.

ksazma posted:

Some of you people behave like you are chained to GNI.luck.

I am here because I will NOT allow people like you to tarnish blacks in general or Afro Guyanese in particular.  You might think that this is a rumshop where drunken PPP frauds bellow their bigotry, but it is in fact very visible to non Guyanese as they attempt to learn about Guyana.

I bet the folks at Exxon have seen it.  In fact letter writers to KN and SN used to regularly reference it in their commentaries.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

@Former Member

An example is Ksazma's overt racism for over a week and dozens if not a hundred posts. No sanction from you. Posting of monkey pictures to represent black people from Dave, you finally acted. But Dave got the impression that was fine because Amral did it! You all need to get your shit together!

This site is viewed in many places as an Indo supremacist black hating site.  Even Bajans have cited it as evidence when they wanted to round up reasons why Indo Guyanese should have been tossed out of Barbados.  This in 2006 when Bajan police and immigration knocked on their doors before dawn and sent half naked people on LIAT flights nonstop to GY.

If Bajans view this site as Indo supremacist black hating site then I am sorry to say they are terribly wrong. However, knowing you for the time you have been here I won't be surprised if this is a figment of your imagination that you want to become a reality with your constant pourings of misinformation with the sole objective blemishing the image of a part your country's population. 

Plus, do we really give a shit what Bajans think of us? I can't remember ever asking any Bajan for anything. Blacks don't needs any help from Indians for them to be prejudiced to Indians.

Iguana posted:


You are using a sledgehammer to kill a flea with all this "full disclosure" bullshit. No one is calling for "intellectual" discourse. The challenge is for civil discourse. I'm not a politician or well connected politically. I think most who post here are the same. You don't need a Phd to conduct yourself properly. The problem here arises from the gutter snipe lowlives who know little to nothing about Guyana other than "we is PPP people" and will "cuss" those who are not.

Secondly, there is a lack of moderation. Yet to see Mitwah's offensive post as Raymond promised yesterday. The admins are both busy, but more than that they have their favorites and friends, so like anything Guyanese is "who yuh kno".

And who cares who used to post here? I don't know who Leonora is talking about, nor do I care. That gentleman does not affect what I read or how I interact here. He is just a part of this place's history. Why does that bother you so much?

all this is so true.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Some of you people behave like you are chained to GNI.luck.

I am here because I will NOT allow people like you to tarnish blacks in general or Afro Guyanese in particular.  You might think that this is a rumshop where drunken PPP frauds bellow their bigotry, but it is in fact very visible to non Guyanese as they attempt to learn about Guyana.

I bet the folks at Exxon have seen it.  In fact letter writers to KN and SN used to regularly reference it in their commentaries.

Bai, you being here isn't disallowing me from doing anything. If you think it is, you are sadly mistaken. 


Well they do and folks like you are to blame for this.  The endless screamings of "black man lazy, black man cyant run a cake shop". Blaming all the ills of Guyana on blacks.  Calling blacks a bunch of useless criminals whose only goal is to rape, rob and kill Indians.


I have never singled out Black people this way nor insinuated it in any shape or form.  I have attacked the PNC for supporting Afro-criminals in Buxton who targeted Indo-Guyanese for robbery, rape, kidnappings, and murder.  Even black people took a stand against these people who were housed up in Buxton and given support by supporters of the PNC. You by your false accusations are trying to turn blacks against Indians in your quest to build a country dominated by one racial group.  Your political views is designed to divide our people. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
ksazma posted:
. No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians.

So let us compare.

1. Blacks are ugly, stink, cannot run anything properly (reference usually made to a cake shop). The Afro Creole cultures that Caribbean blacks have developed are ridiculed and considered nothing as we are seen as having no culture of our own. To suggest that a family member might marry a black is so insulting that the poster can freely state that this would deserve an honor killing.  Pictures of black monkeys to represent blacks.  Blacks called lazy and you calling us a global scourge.  That we must show gratitude to Indians because Guyana would have been Haiti (not Barbados or any of the majority black islands which are ahead of Guyana, despite lacking its bountiful resources).  And of course Druggie having a mental collapse every time evidence of Afro Guyanese success was shown, even going lengthily to negate the wonderful work that some Afro Guyanese have performed where many INCLUDING INDIANS have benefitted from.

2.  Describe what is said about Indians that arises to this.  And I have asked this questions at least 100 times and still await an answer.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:

@Former Member

Bibi likewise has posted things she has no proof of. Ray, I'm not defending Mitwah. I am saying to you there are actions from posters here that are far worse than Mitwah's. Yet you and Amral let it slide. There needs to be fairness in your moderation. That is not the case, and the excuse that you can't "see everything" is worn out. You somehow manage to see every post that attacks Bibi!

I am starting to get the feeling that you are madly in love with me.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Iguana posted:

@Former Member

Bibi likewise has posted things she has no proof of. Ray, I'm not defending Mitwah. I am saying to you there are actions from posters here that are far worse than Mitwah's. Yet you and Amral let it slide. There needs to be fairness in your moderation. That is not the case, and the excuse that you can't "see everything" is worn out. You somehow manage to see every post that attacks Bibi!

I am starting to get the feeling that you are madly in love with me.  

Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
. No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians.

So let us compare.

1. Blacks are ugly, stink, cannot run anything properly (reference usually made to a cake shop). The Afro Creole cultures that Caribbean blacks have developed are ridiculed and considered nothing as we are seen as having no culture of our own. To suggest that a family member might marry a black is so insulting that the poster can freely state that this would deserve an honor killing.  Pictures of black monkeys to represent blacks.  Blacks called lazy and you calling us a global scourge.  That we must show gratitude to Indians because Guyana would have been Haiti (not Barbados or any of the majority black islands which are ahead of Guyana, despite lacking its bountiful resources).  And of course Druggie having a mental collapse every time evidence of Afro Guyanese success was shown, even going lengthily to negate the wonderful work that some Afro Guyanese have performed where many INCLUDING INDIANS have benefitted from.

2.  Describe what is said about Indians that arises to this.  And I have asked this questions at least 100 times and still await an answer.

Banna, you have nuff time on yuh hands to devote to this waste person Ksazma. In this interconnected world where online presence is at a premium this wastrel cannot grasp how offensive and odious he is. When it comes to Guyana, he says he doesn't care, yet he is here from 4 day morning mekkin' law and breaking law.

This clown meanders uselessly thru life. He stands for nothing and justifies everything. Confusion personified. You'd do best to address those who actually contribute something here. He is known for what he is. There's an old saying - karma is a bytch. The younger generation is not as toxic as he is. One day his front door will open and who strolls thru it will drive him to the nuthouse.

Iguana posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
. No doubt Indians speak poorly of blacks here but blacks are not any less guilty of speaking poorly of Indians.

So let us compare.

1. Blacks are ugly, stink, cannot run anything properly (reference usually made to a cake shop). The Afro Creole cultures that Caribbean blacks have developed are ridiculed and considered nothing as we are seen as having no culture of our own. To suggest that a family member might marry a black is so insulting that the poster can freely state that this would deserve an honor killing.  Pictures of black monkeys to represent blacks.  Blacks called lazy and you calling us a global scourge.  That we must show gratitude to Indians because Guyana would have been Haiti (not Barbados or any of the majority black islands which are ahead of Guyana, despite lacking its bountiful resources).  And of course Druggie having a mental collapse every time evidence of Afro Guyanese success was shown, even going lengthily to negate the wonderful work that some Afro Guyanese have performed where many INCLUDING INDIANS have benefitted from.

2.  Describe what is said about Indians that arises to this.  And I have asked this questions at least 100 times and still await an answer.

Banna, you have nuff time on yuh hands to devote to this waste person Ksazma. .

I don't speak to Ksazma.  I speak to those who will read what he says and will query as to what kind of losers Afro Guyanese are.  I have randomly Googled Guyana and seen this site pop out, often when one of the primates is tossing fecal matter at another, or baseman and Bibi engaging in their lovefest. 

Not good given that non Caribbean people don't know much about Guyana or Guyanese.

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

Yep. Told you this since last August. You and I can straighten out this place. We'll be the picture of the "blended" couple and send all the racist shitabatties like nehru, skeldon, ksazma to the nut house.

Just be aware of what Skeldon/Yuji thinks about such a pairing and the threats that were made.

...doan worry. Ah gon protect Bibi. She just gotta lose lil weight and run lil faster.

Iguana posted:
The younger generation is not as toxic as he is. One day his front door will open and who strolls thru it will drive him to the nuthouse.

I already told these ageing PPP racists that many of their grandkids in North America see themselves as "black".  That is what brought out Skeldon/Yuji's threat to kill any relative of his with this view.  Such a reaction is quite revealing, and also revealing is that the mods let it pass.

Very indicative of way Guyana is the Sick Man of the Caribbean, only a degree or so less than Haiti.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

I don't speak to Ksazma.  I speak to those who will read what he says and will query as to what kind of losers Afro Guyanese are.  I have randomly Googled Guyana and seen this site pop out, often when one of the primates is tossing fecal matter at another, or baseman and Bibi engaging in their lovefest. 

Not good given that non Caribbean people don't know much about Guyana or Guyanese.

I get your point. My main purpose for being here is to confront the racist Indian clowns here who belittle blacks of any nationality and want to see a return of rat man and his teefmen to power. In between I have a lil fun. You have a lot more patience and tolerance than I do. kudos to you. I can only pop by once in a while every few days. Contrary to dem indian bais portrayal of the "lazy black man", I do have a business to run and a family to take care of.


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