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Originally Posted by Jalil:

Vote them Out:

A big turnout at Coalition meeting at North Zeelugt was punctuated with shouts from the crowd, "vote them out!"


At the time Moses Nagamootoo, APNU+AFC prime ministerial candidate, was giving examples of widespread corruption by the PPP/C regime.


Moses lambasted the Jagdeo-Ramotar clique for destroying the sugar industry and short-changing rice farmers.


A new government will open lands to farmers, secure markets for cash crops, better manage the sugar industry, build canning and other factories to create jobs, etc.

APNUAFC's photo.

2 hrs ·
 Brig. Granger visits Kamarang, Upper Mazaruni
- April 14, 2015 — with Sandra Granger and George Norton.

On Tuesday Brigadier David Granger, Leader of the People's National Congress and Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC, attended a public meeting with roughly ...125 residents from the Indigenous communities of Kamarang, Waramadong, Paruima, and Warawatta.


The meeting was held at the Kamarang Sports Ground and began with a number of formal presentations made by representatives of the four communities.


The issues raised in the presentations were diverse and included, but were not limited to,

trafficking in persons and child prostitution;

high cost-of-living due to the need to bring in supplies via small aircraft; the need for banking facilities;

guarding against the negative effects of development;

and demarcation of lands.


Granger replied that APNU has been articulating positions on most, if not all, of the issues that were raised since its formation four years ago.


To underscore this he presented booklets that he had authored on youth, hinterland development and the Tenth Parliament for the representatives present to disseminate within their communities upon their return.


He said that while his government would be proactive in addressing the many concerns that were expressed that was ultimately needed was strong local government.


Granger said that his vision was that the ten administrative regions would have a level of strength and independence somewhat akin to states in the USA;

establishing Bartica as a municipality and capital of the region,

he said, was the first step in supporting this vision.





'Kamarang airstrip. According to pilots familiar with hinterland airstrips this is one of the better ones.'Brigadier David Granger's photo.Brigadier David Granger's photo.Brigadier David Granger's photo.



Nigel Hughes's photo.
Nigel Hughes
Hopetown West Coast Berbice

It was a privilege

to have been able to share some thoughts

with the good people of Hopetown West Coast Berbice.

Better Must come


Nigel Hughes's photo.
Nigel Hughes

In a sign of the destruction of the walls

which previously kept us apart,

the people of neighbouring Armadale

attended the Hopetown meeting.

We must guard protect

and continie to nuture this unity.


Better Must Come.



APNUAFC's photo.



Nigel Hughes

in Bel Air HopeTown.



"No Government in this country

can say they are giving us a house lot as a favor.


Every square inch of this land

had been bought and paid for

by the sweat of our fore parents"



Lesley Benjamin
I know that fully well, they not doing us any favour,
its our bonafide entitlement ,
only brainwashing some ppl with sheer lies...

Nigel Hughes

in Bel Air HopeTown.


"After you're finish voting on May 11th....
make sure you guard the ballot boxes.
This Government is getting really desperate. 
Make sure they try no fancy  tactics.
  Brothers & sisters Peace! "
Better Must Come.


APNUAFC's photo.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by simple:

It seems like only Guyanese showing up to PNC/AFC meetings. The same faces all the time.

And All Dem Guyanese

showing up in Record Numbers....

No Guysuco Trucks.....

No BK Trucks.....

No Chiney Food......

No Free T-Shirt........

No Free Ride with Kwame.....

No Small Piece Either.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:


come on people lets deal with the facts... this is a very informative pppc on may 11 for continued progress

The facts are we have no productive industry to speak of except the drug trade. Sugar is dead, bauxite is dead, rice is dying. killing our environment for gold is not bringing in returns at today's prices. The only thing the PPP has done for us is turn us into a beggar state so they can leech off half of the borrowings to their friends and family


Vreed En Hoop:

APNUAFC's photo.


Moses Nagamooto comes to the podium

to a thunderous welcome!


We cannot move forward as a country divided..

We are all fruits of the Guyana tree!


We dont want to deal with

building hotels and casino

when our women are two and three on a bed - 


We dont want to follow

the behaviour of this government


An apology is unacceptable

(Bheri Ramsaran issue)


My hands are clean!

My hands are clean!

My hands do not have glue,

I do not steal the peoples money!


We have no confidence in this government

because they are stealing your money!


This election is about saving Guyana!

We will follow the constitution and

establish the Public Procurement Commission .

We have to stop the corruption!-


We want to ensure

your leaders are clean as a whistle!


We want contracts

where guyanese will be employed first!


We are making realistic targets


.....Moses Nagamootoo



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

A most heart-warming shot, TK. When I first saw it lots of kind feelings passed my way. Guyana will soon be governed by strong and loving arms.


Politic aside, this is a very nice picture. It displays love and humility. 

Granger got Class...Junuka Doman's photo.

Ramotar has to learn

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Hey Conscience, go and start a "PPP on the campaign" thread.


He cannot. Not enough people are showing up.

He is enraged that Granger can meet with the Muslims but black people boycott PPP events.

Was organized by Chief.


Aubrey Norton:

"If Guyana is to grow the PPP must go."

Speaking now at the Multi Purpose Centre in St John's Antigua at an APNU+AFC Town Hall Meeting in our sister CARICOM state



Well, that's his opinion and he can stick it where the sun don't shine or convince he populace.  Thus far, the latter ain't seem to be happening.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Aubrey Norton:

"If Guyana is to grow the PPP must go."

Speaking now at the Multi Purpose Centre in St John's Antigua at an APNU+AFC Town Hall Meeting in our sister CARICOM state



Well, that's his opinion and he can stick it where the sun don't shine or convince he populace.  Thus far, the latter ain't seem to be happening.

Thanks to the PPP large numbers of Afro Guyanese PROFESSIONALS have fled to Antigua to secure opportunities for themselves.  As one of them said, she likes Antigua because one feels "good to be black there", unlike Guyana where Afro Guyanese are treated like third class citizenship.



APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

Dr George Norton

speaks about lack of

a procurement commission

for delivery, stocking

and restocking of medications.


He also said that the ministry is run by

a slapper and stripper.

 ‎it is time for a procurement commission 

‎it is time for a new Health Minister

Dr. Norton speaks about the ills of our health system.

Expired drugs, lack of specialist doctors.


Dawn Hastings

said that 
#‎itistime‮ to stop the fake Santa Claus

who does not come around at Christmas time

but only comes around at election time.





APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Local Businesswoman Kamal Persaud

speaks about the deteriorating

state of the Bartica Stelling.

After 23 years they are promising.

Pure promises!!

#‎itistime‮ to stop the promises


Shaun Nedd

Little work done on da stelling n claims is in th region of millions


Randi Beaton

Go Kamal Persaud let them know

we ain't want no mo promises .

We had Alice in wonder land

no more Guyana in promise land

hell no #Itistime.



APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Updated Photo at Bartica Rally!

APNUAFC's photo.


Lallman Basdeo

APNUAFC all the way.


Shondell Downer-Allen

Barticians in full support,

lovin it APNU all the way


Local Businesswoman Kamal Persaud

The PPPC has forgotten Bartica!


Look at that stelling!

Our children and old ppl

have to hop skip and jump!


Our nurses, teachers and police officers

need to be paid better esp. in

far flung communities like Bartica


After 22 years

the first thing that comes to my mind

is pack up and leave

Randi Beaton

Lmfao owwww ma belly this is too much.

Hoping to see u soon in the apple

dear Kamal Persaud

u still must visit wen wen #TeamUnity wins


On May 11 there will be no more IMC!


Where was Mr Sam Hinds

when we were suffering

from weeks of blackout?!


Barticians are Guyanese too!


Bartica is one square mile and

we got roads that worse than the bush

Randi Beaton

Lol so true.

We have trails and tracks that's not roads


Mothers dont need to go

to the hospital to deliver....

just travel on the road

and (bump) 

Randi Beaton

Woiiii lyricksssss Kamal Persaud on fiya!!!!

Bump and baby come out woiii.

Not only baby other organs in the process too..


Nafieza Daniels



After 23 yrs it is time

for a better tomorrow!


Shelly Robinson-Thomas

Amen amen lord let it  b.!!


Better days are coming!


Fathers tell your children,

mothers keep a smile

on the children face


Call your family and friends!


Call yuh cha cha...

Call yuh Chachee!

Cause is full 



Last edited by Former Member


APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Mr. Trotman is the next speaker.

The crowd is electrified. 



Lets get together and feel alright!


On Feb. 14 a historic thing happened:

the key and the hand came together


It is time for Bheri to go!


Annie Pluck

He needs to be given 12 hot slaps

and then sent to jail.


It is time for National Unity!


It is time

that a percentage

of what comes out of here

must stay here! -


It is time for a change in government!

Shelly Robinson-Thomas



This is destiny!


Granger is a danger to corruption!


Granger is a danger to rapists!


Granger is a danger

to those who steal from the national funds!


Moses is one of the finest sons of the soil


These are the two finest men to lead our nation!


Its is time for our women to be respected!


Get up in your numbers!


Ensure our women are protected!


This region is entitled to two seats...

claim both seats!!!

Shelly Robinson-Thomas

Yes yes yes .!!!.


We know after 23 yrs

whom you can trust!






Last edited by Former Member

Bartician native,

Simona Broomes

walks to the podium

to a resounding welcome.

Bartica is READY!



APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Women dont run around the bush...

we run the bush!


Women dont run around Bartica...

we run Bartica!

Sirimavo Gonsalves

That is what women suppose to do.

Instead they are been abused by men

who should be role models.


An APNU+AFC platform is saying

zero tolerance to Traficking in Person-TIP.

Marjorie Mendonza

Love the work you are doing ms Broomes


A 13 yr old got twins and

nobody has been charged!

Sirimavo Gonsalves

Don't tell me Elizabeth Harper

can't even offer a comment on that!

She suppose to advocate for women and children abuse


Annie Pluck

You know it will all end on May 11. 

Lawlessness is the PPP motto.


Tonight ah come home and

ah tellin yuh vote APNUAFC!


It is a serious time!


This PPP government has built a park..

to park the mining buisness!


It is time to lift the guyanese women!


All the women of Guyana,

we will take care of you!


Bartica 11 May vote APNUAFC!


Brandon Dasilva

We got them


Claudette Patrick



Prime Minister in-waiting,

Mr Moses V. Nagamootoo

is our next messenger to the podium.



APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Moses Nagamootoo

asks the crowd

to shine a light for Fazil Azeez.

Mr. Azeez is the Fmr. Magistrate

and Broadcaster

who was shot by

unknown perpetrator at Eccles.


Brandon Dasilva

That's my boy,uncle moses i like he bad.


Randi Beaton

Pm thank u for bringing the msg of freedom.


We know that guns are many in Guyana


We will have a period of amnesty

for all illegal guns to be turned in

Conrad Fraser

That's badly needed


Caroline Nurse

Put de country pun lock down

and bring in all illegal weapons


All public servants

deserve a living wage


We will cut out waste and corruption!


Randi Beaton

Let them know Pm tell them.

One suggestion please,black list them at the air port

cause they will try to make gud their escape

black list them at all borders.


We will bring the monies back

into the condolidated fund


There will be no vendettas...

there will be justice


We have too much hatred.

Guyana can move forward in unity


Nicholas Harrinandan

That's what I was saying all along.

We are divided right down the middle.

Whoever wins needs to start a process

of national healing and reconciliation.

We can't go forward like this.

United we stand devided we fail.


We want to have national unity

because it is only through unity

that we can have healing.

On May 11 it must be a healing touch!


Hold out your hands to

your brothers of another race

and let us move forward in unity.


We are walking forward

and not looking back!


This must be a genuine transition.

From a corrupt bunch

to the Guyanese people


It is destiny that has brought us together.

It is destiny that we have brought

#‎Green‮ and 
#‎Gold‮ together


It is destiny that we have brought

the hand and the key.

Vote for a new Guyana


Are you ready



Lisa Punch sings

A change is gonna come

by Sam Cooke!


Lisa Mary Johanna Punch

Thank you I love it here!!!


Randi Beaton

Bartica loves u more dear.




Sandra Granger

comes  to introduce David Granger!

Marjorie Mendonza

Our first lady in waiting


Guyana's president in waiting,

Mr. David Arthur Granger

comes to the podium.

Jacqueline Thomas

Is that his Middle name?

I remembered the first

President of the Republic of Guyana

was President Arthur Chung


Adio Wrights

Is there a rally goin on up there right now


APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Without Bartica

Guyana cannot move forward!


Your wealth can

propel this country forward!


Bartica will be a town

before the 26 May 2016!


11th May is

revival day for Bartica!


We have a security to plan

to ensure all Barticians are protected!

The police force needs ATVs

and to be better paid!


Infrastructure is investment


Too many young girls

are getting pregnant too soon!


It is time to add value

to our resources


We have to deal

with the small miners fairly


What can be done for sugar

can be done for mining!


The young ppl of Region 7

will inherit this land.

We must ensure that we

give them proper infrastructure.


Young people need to be protected.

We are on your side and

we will protect our girl children!


We will ensure our children

get school buses and school boats!


We will give Bartica a prpper stadium

so our young ppl can get proper facilities

right here in the region


For our plans to come to pass

we must remove the PPP.

I want all of you to be the elections watchdogs.

Make sure there are no bogus voters!


Every single polling station

must have an opposition peresence!

Claude David

now you talking...

that is a must or cat eat all our dinner


Nafieza Daniels

There should be more than one to change shift

and they must be VIGILANT!


Bartica, Region 7

your destiny is in your hands!


We won in 2011

and with your support

we will win in 2015!


All of us win

in the APNUAFC coalition.

Let's do it Bartica!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:


Hey Chap,


Whah happen to dat ANALysis you posted which I shredded for your benefit?

Stop spamming my thread before I report you to The Admin

I posted an article for discussion. You do ANALysis on Bisram's pole so you should be the last to talk.
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:


Hey Chap,


Whah happen to dat ANALysis you posted which I shredded for your benefit?

Stop spamming my thread before I report you to The Admin

I posted an article for discussion. You do ANALysis on Bisram's pole so you should be the last to talk.




Anyways, my position on Bisram's poll stands. He predicted at least 13 seats for the PPP. Do you disagree that the PPP will win at least 13 seats out of 65 next month? If you don't then you agree with me and Bisram's poll.


I notice how you tuck tail and ran away as soon as I shredded GTMosquito idiotic analysis based on made up law and made up bullshyte fractions. GTMosquito even pulled the article fast fast before anyone got a screenshot to embarrass them with it.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:


Hey Chap,


Whah happen to dat ANALysis you posted which I shredded for your benefit?

Stop spamming my thread before I report you to The Admin

I posted an article for discussion. You do ANALysis on Bisram's pole so you should be the last to talk.




Anyways, my position on Bisram's poll stands. He predicted at least 13 seats for the PPP. Do you disagree that the PPP will win at least 13 seats out of 65 next month? If you don't then you agree with me and Bisram's poll.


I notice how you tuck tail and ran away as soon as I shredded GTMosquito idiotic analysis based on made up law and made up bullshyte fractions. GTMosquito even pulled the article fast fast before anyone got a screenshot to embarrass them with it.


If I post an article for discussion, it does not necessarily mean that I endorse everything that is stated in the article. I saw the article and it was a topical subject so I posted it for discussion. You are taking a fake poll by a PPP fraud and analyzing bogus numbers. The poll is fraudulent to begin with so who really cares about that crap. I've never run from anyone or anything on this forum. I can represent myself against anyone here so there's no reason for me to hide from anyone. I have a life beyond GNI and when I'm not here, it's because I'm either working or enjoying leisure time with my family. Do you really think that I take this rum shop seriously?
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:


Hey Chap,


Whah happen to dat ANALysis you posted which I shredded for your benefit?

Stop spamming my thread before I report you to The Admin

I posted an article for discussion. You do ANALysis on Bisram's pole so you should be the last to talk.




Anyways, my position on Bisram's poll stands. He predicted at least 13 seats for the PPP. Do you disagree that the PPP will win at least 13 seats out of 65 next month? If you don't then you agree with me and Bisram's poll.


I notice how you tuck tail and ran away as soon as I shredded GTMosquito idiotic analysis based on made up law and made up bullshyte fractions. GTMosquito even pulled the article fast fast before anyone got a screenshot to embarrass them with it.

If I post an article for discussion, it does not necessarily mean that I endorse everything that is stated in the article. I saw the article and it was a topical subject so I posted it for discussion. You are taking a fake poll by a PPP fraud and analyzing bogus numbers. The poll is fraudulent to begin with so who really cares about that crap. I've never run from anyone or anything on this forum. I can represent myself against anyone here so there's no reason for me to hide from anyone. I have a life beyond GNI and when I'm not here, it's because I'm either working or enjoying leisure time with my family. Do you really think that I take this rum shop seriously?


None of the above responses answer the core issue. You tend to rubbish the analyses I offer wholesale almost solely because they're written by me and I was just pointing out that you adopted a total bullshyte analysis piece because your analytical skills were inadequate in noticing that the basic premise of the article was sheer and total bullshyte. The whole piece was nonsense. Don't weasel out now. People post articles here because they are partially or wholly in agreement with the contents.


So you were obviously making the case that the Coalition is good mathematically as they offer an edge with the Geographic Seats. The Coalition doesn't.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:


Hey Chap,


Whah happen to dat ANALysis you posted which I shredded for your benefit?

Stop spamming my thread before I report you to The Admin

I posted an article for discussion. You do ANALysis on Bisram's pole so you should be the last to talk.




Anyways, my position on Bisram's poll stands. He predicted at least 13 seats for the PPP. Do you disagree that the PPP will win at least 13 seats out of 65 next month? If you don't then you agree with me and Bisram's poll.


I notice how you tuck tail and ran away as soon as I shredded GTMosquito idiotic analysis based on made up law and made up bullshyte fractions. GTMosquito even pulled the article fast fast before anyone got a screenshot to embarrass them with it.

If I post an article for discussion, it does not necessarily mean that I endorse everything that is stated in the article. I saw the article and it was a topical subject so I posted it for discussion. You are taking a fake poll by a PPP fraud and analyzing bogus numbers. The poll is fraudulent to begin with so who really cares about that crap. I've never run from anyone or anything on this forum. I can represent myself against anyone here so there's no reason for me to hide from anyone. I have a life beyond GNI and when I'm not here, it's because I'm either working or enjoying leisure time with my family. Do you really think that I take this rum shop seriously?


None of the above responses answer the core issue. You tend to rubbish the analyses I offer wholesale almost solely because they're written by me and I was just pointing out that you adopted a total bullshyte analysis piece because your analytical skills were inadequate in noticing that the basic premise of the article was sheer and total bullshyte. The whole piece was nonsense. Don't weasel out now. People post articles here because they are partially or wholly in agreement with the contents.


So you were obviously making the case that the Coalition is good mathematically as they offer an edge with the Geographic Seats. The Coalition doesn't.

Dude, I did not analyze the article so what does it have to do with my analytical skills? I simply posted an article for discussion that I saw on the net. I do this a lot in case you haven't noticed.


I rubbish your analyses if they are rubbish. It's got nothing to do with the person posting them. I'm sure you've heard of the "Loose Change" videos. Some people jump to the conclusion that Bush bombed the Twin Towers on 9/11 because they saw it on the Loose Change video. Well, arriving at conclusions based on Bisram's poll amounts to the same thing. Lookie here, the PPP will win because Bisram's poll says so.


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