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Originally Posted by Danyael:

If something happen more than once then one may cautiously hint at a pattern of behavior. When it is so much familiar, ie the sun coming up in the morning then it is predictable in science and society it constitute a practice.


It is clearly a matter of the expectations of the society from the privileged untouchable class created by the PPP . Ramotar’s son, Repu’s son, Nanda’s son too privileges no less in their serious criminal infractions before the state.


If the young lady could not get acknowledgement in  a criminal case and the young man walked despite the serious accusation of rape and aggravated assault while in possession of a fire arm, do you think she stand much of a chance otherwise in a system not geared for civil suits?


How can the society take back its authority if not rescinding the authority of the PPP? I think you would not want that. Preventing that  is the reason you are here making the devils bargain daily and lying your ass off on their account.


In the US there are systems in place to address the issue or rape. Ask those indo boys who are ending up in Rikers or put out of their homes on account of abusing ( even verbally) their wife . No one is suggesting that there are not too many of these cases presenting but victims are not subjected to systematic neglect and political abused when they complain.

You have to be joking, in the US men abuse their spouse and the police don't even hold them overnight, they walk in a few hours and show up in family court a week later. Don't try to hold up the US as a shining star of women's rights. Canada is much more rigorous in this type of crime.  It is a case of assault with questionable rape allegations. Don't know the laws of Guyana that well but it seems that the police did not have enough evidence to hold the man, not even an eyewitness. It was a he said she said story. The black eye is evidence of abuse but in no way shows that it was perpetrated by the suspect. It is circumstantial evidence at most. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

If something happen more than once then one may cautiously hint at a pattern of behavior. When it is so much familiar, ie the sun coming up in the morning then it is predictable in science and society it constitute a practice.


It is clearly a matter of the expectations of the society from the privileged untouchable class created by the PPP . Ramotar’s son, Repu’s son, Nanda’s son too privileges no less in their serious criminal infractions before the state.


If the young lady could not get acknowledgement in  a criminal case and the young man walked despite the serious accusation of rape and aggravated assault while in possession of a fire arm, do you think she stand much of a chance otherwise in a system not geared for civil suits?


How can the society take back its authority if not rescinding the authority of the PPP? I think you would not want that. Preventing that  is the reason you are here making the devils bargain daily and lying your ass off on their account.


In the US there are systems in place to address the issue or rape. Ask those indo boys who are ending up in Rikers or put out of their homes on account of abusing ( even verbally) their wife . No one is suggesting that there are not too many of these cases presenting but victims are not subjected to systematic neglect and political abused when they complain.

You have to be joking, in the US men abuse their spouse and the police don't even hold them overnight, they walk in a few hours and show up in family court a week later. Don't try to hold up the US as a shining star of women's rights. Canada is much more rigorous in this type of crime.  It is a case of assault with questionable rape allegations. Don't know the laws of Guyana that well but it seems that the police did not have enough evidence to hold the man, not even an eyewitness. It was a he said she said story. The black eye is evidence of abuse but in no way shows that it was perpetrated by the suspect. It is circumstantial evidence at most. 

you waste my time with various and sundry non sequiturs. This form of argument is the sister of hasty generalization; over generalization. Because it happens in the good old USOFA it cannot be wrong for it to happen in Guyana. Well, the release of this serial abuser for the umpteenth time is a travesty in the law and emerges from the unaccountability of the elites. It is the reason the Chief of Police stupidly suggests that maybe we need a specially constituted body to deal with "high profile persons". Like you he is mad and a dunce.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

you waste my time with various and sundry non sequiturs. This form of argument is the sister of hasty generalization; over generalization. Because it happens in the good old USOFA it cannot be wrong for it to happen in Guyana. Well, the release of this serial abuser for the umpteenth time is a travesty in the law and emerges from the unaccountability of the elites. It is the reason the Chief of Police stupidly suggests that maybe we need a specially constituted body to deal with "high profile persons". Like you he is mad and a dunce.

hahaha, you were the one who brought the US into the conversation, holding it up as a knight in shining armor until I deflated your balloon. 

I don't know that this man is guilty of the crime, I may have an opinion to his guilt but given the afc/pnc's track record of staging situations, most recently the Amerindian kids fetching firewood. 


If indeed you and the court of public opinion were the final arbiter of guilt and innocence then we wouldn't the courts would we? Let the law take its course and stop passing judgement from your armchair in the West.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

you waste my time with various and sundry non sequiturs. This form of argument is the sister of hasty generalization; over generalization. Because it happens in the good old USOFA it cannot be wrong for it to happen in Guyana. Well, the release of this serial abuser for the umpteenth time is a travesty in the law and emerges from the unaccountability of the elites. It is the reason the Chief of Police stupidly suggests that maybe we need a specially constituted body to deal with "high profile persons". Like you he is mad and a dunce.

hahaha, you were the one who brought the US into the conversation, holding it up as a knight in shining armor until I deflated your balloon. 

I don't know that this man is guilty of the crime, I may have an opinion to his guilt but given the afc/pnc's track record of staging situations, most recently the Amerindian kids fetching firewood. 


If indeed you and the court of public opinion were the final arbiter of guilt and innocence then we wouldn't the courts would we? Let the law take its course and stop passing judgement from your armchair in the West.  


These are your words knuckle head "Many of you naysayers should look in your own backyards and see the same situation in the US where assault cases are given lenient punishment and defendants are given bail or set free until a court date." I am responding to that. You are introducing the US as your evidence that this can be tolerable so any balloons to be deflated would more likely be your head.


No one is saying this gentleman should not get his day. That he is left to his own and not held on bail etc means he is not considered to have done anything worthy of concern in the eye of the law. That is what infuriates those of us who see this as another plague on our society, "preferential treatment before the law".


For one who celebrates the extrajudicial practices of Jagdeo you need to be speaking to your own conscience about letting the legal system work. But as usual, you are an inconsistent twit.


I am allowed to pass judgement as a thinking being with a moral framework from which to look at the world. The PPP are not special in any way except as crooks.

Originally Posted by Danyael:


No one is saying this gentleman should not get his day. That he is left to his own and not held on bail etc means he is not considered to have done anything worthy of concern in the eye of the law. That is what infuriates those of us who see this as another plague on our society, "preferential treatment before the law".


For one who celebrates the extrajudicial practices of Jagdeo you need to be speaking to your own conscience about letting the legal system work. But as usual, you are an inconsistent twit.


I am allowed to pass judgement as a thinking being with a moral framework from which to look at the world. The PPP are not special in any way except as crooks.

 As a person with an alleged black kid, you should sympathize with Benn, especially if he was setup by the woman's Indo relatives. It is known that Indians view a Black man with an Indian woman as the ultimate disgrace worthy of a honor killing. Who is to say that the Indian relatives didn't black and blue the woman's eye and blame it on Benn, a black man?


Your hatred of the PPP have clouded your judgment once again as you fall for the traps set by the Indos and are willing to circumvent the rule of law in your thirst for blood. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:


No one is saying this gentleman should not get his day. That he is left to his own and not held on bail etc means he is not considered to have done anything worthy of concern in the eye of the law. That is what infuriates those of us who see this as another plague on our society, "preferential treatment before the law".


For one who celebrates the extrajudicial practices of Jagdeo you need to be speaking to your own conscience about letting the legal system work. But as usual, you are an inconsistent twit.


I am allowed to pass judgement as a thinking being with a moral framework from which to look at the world. The PPP are not special in any way except as crooks.

 As a person with an alleged black kid, you should sympathize with Benn, especially if he was setup by the woman's Indo relatives. It is known that Indians view a Black man with an Indian woman as the ultimate disgrace worthy of a honor killing. Who is to say that the Indian relatives didn't black and blue the woman's eye and blame it on Benn, a black man?


Your hatred of the PPP have clouded your judgment once again as you fall for the traps set by the Indos and are willing to circumvent the rule of law in your thirst for blood. 

You need to check your habits to investigate if some particular ingredient you consume is making you into an idiot. Why would the cultural designation of my child urges sympathy for a clearly defective human being? Your racial slip showing here again and it is your mental defect to which assumes everything is parsed in terms of race and  that even morality is subservient to it.


I do not know that in Guyana any Indian has pursued their child to the point of death in any honor code. You are imagining shit. Hindus came and immediately began "consorting with the negresse.s"  is re recounting of the first to do a serious study of indentureship. Scoble. He was speaking to the first arrivals on the Hersperus.


Let me remind you, some 86 percent of the Indians who came were out-castes...untouchables. Any idea of they were compelled to take positions based on their superior cultural notions are farcical. These are recent occurrences, a recasting based on our political alignment coerced by the British and heavily invested in by subsequent politicians.


The young woman experienced the beatings; more than once, reported this more than once, sought counsel more than once and now you have the gall to say she and her relatives concocted the whole thing? That man is a scumbag and you trying to concoct excuse to explain  why he walks despite reports of grievous criminal behavior inclusive of rape and use of a fire arm in the process is truly despicable.


But let me reiterate; you have no moral center and is an idiot. Whatever this crooked PPP government does is available for any convenient excuse you can invent and your are dumb enough to think we should believe it. Well we are not of your moral vacuousness and increasingly very few reach for the received wisdom of the gods in the PPP. Mose now conclude that they are the devil disciples and represent all that is reprehensible and morally corrupt.

Originally Posted by Danyael:


The young woman experienced the beatings; more than once, reported this more than once, sought counsel more than once and now you have the gall to say she and her relatives concocted the whole thing? That man is a scumbag and you trying to concoct excuse to explain  why he walks despite reports of grievous criminal behavior inclusive of rape and use of a fire arm in the process is truly despicable.



The woman also dropped charges more than once hence the police's reluctance to take her seriously.  You are looking for blood in the wrong place. The only reason this story made headlines is because it was adopted  by the afc trying to milk the misfortune of this young lady for all the political hay they can make.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:


The young woman experienced the beatings; more than once, reported this more than once, sought counsel more than once and now you have the gall to say she and her relatives concocted the whole thing? That man is a scumbag and you trying to concoct excuse to explain  why he walks despite reports of grievous criminal behavior inclusive of rape and use of a fire arm in the process is truly despicable.



The woman also dropped charges more than once hence the police's reluctance to take her seriously.  You are looking for blood in the wrong place. The only reason this story made headlines is because it was adopted  by the afc trying to milk the misfortune of this young lady for all the political hay they can make.

I am not a follower. The AFC are not my life coach. I am responsible for what I say and I say this is a horrible serial abuser who needs to be brought to justice.


Note also the AFC has been silent on this issue. One of the things one notes in  corrupt societies is that there is an incestuous behavior among its elites and their intersecting relationships sometimes coerces a willful neglect to address many salient issues.  If something does not get appropriate  political mileage it  does not get attention. The AFC has been missing from this story as I noted elsewhere.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

'Danyael" it seems wants a pound of flesh from the issue, and cheap political points, the matter has been referred to the DPP for advice,he/she needs to hold their horses.

why a case like this have to go to the DPP NO WONDER guyana is a third and forth  world country let the police do their job the lady make a report she have a med record so let the court decide this is a every day case around the world and the police do what they have to do not taking a simple case to the DPP for advice

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Warrior" do yourself a favor, and read up on the functions of the Director of Public  Persecutions (D.P.P)

i know the function of the DDP AND IN THIS CASE ITS A WASTE OF TIME and in simple words BULLSHIT in any other country he would have been charge and already facing the courts and let me tell you about the canadian law as soon as she make a report like this to the police it out of her hands she  cannot drop the case it turn into a police case 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

'Danyael" it seems wants a pound of flesh from the issue, and cheap political points, the matter has been referred to the DPP for advice,he/she needs to hold their horses.

I want his ass in to answer the piper. If that is cheap to this crooked system then one knows the expensive part...he gets a pass and goes on to repeat his serial abusive behavior.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Warrior" do yourself a favor, and read up on the functions of the Director of Public  Persecutions (D.P.P)

It is an investment of too much power in one person and while it may not be in her nature to be corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Each district should have its public prosecutor and it should be an earned position ie work in the field as a trial lawyer and respect of peers. The People need to appoint him or her. The post should not be held by an appointed hack.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am not a follower. The AFC are not my life coach. I am responsible for what I say and I say this is a horrible serial abuser who needs to be brought to justice.


Note also the AFC has been silent on this issue. One of the things one notes in  corrupt societies is that there is an incestuous behavior among its elites and their intersecting relationships sometimes coerces a willful neglect to address many salient issues.  If something does not get appropriate  political mileage it  does not get attention. The AFC has been missing from this story as I noted elsewhere.

Maybe the AFC/PNC are silent because it is a police matter and not a political one? In fact it is the AFC/PNC agents in the police that are responsible for bringing charges, you conveniently gave them a pass in your attempt to make this a political matter. 


Here d2, you claim that US have laws in place to protect against abuse and that Guyana's incident with Benn was politically motivated.

Why then is 50Cents a free man?


Alleged victim in 50 Cent's domestic violence case is model, actress

By Michael Martinez and Matthew Carey, CNN
updated 6:54 PM EDT, Fri July 5, 2013
Rapper Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson.
Rapper Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson.
  • Rapper 50 Cent riffs on Twitter about what he's doing while "I'm not in jail"
  • The alleged victim releases her name through attorneys: Daphne Joy
  • The Philippine-born actress had a part in "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"
  • She has a baby with 50 Cent, aka Curtis Jackson, now accused of kicking her

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The Los Angeles woman whom rapper 50 Cent is accused of kicking in a domestic violence incident is a model and an actress who had a part in a "Pirates of the Caribbean" film, her representative told CNN Friday.

Daphne Joy, who was born in the Philippines, has a baby by the rapper and is now focusing on safety for the child and herself, said Jim Yeager, a spokesman for the Los Angeles law firm of Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers, which is representing her.

The alleged victim, whose name wasn't earlier disclosed by authorities, released her name Friday through Yeager.

Joy played a principal mermaid in 2011's "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides." She's also had roles on TV's "CSI: Las Vegas," "Criminal Minds," "Curb Your Enthusiasm," and "Wild 'N Out," her website says.

50 Cent's real name is Curtis Jackson. The 37-year-old is facing one count of domestic violence and four counts of vandalism.

"Daphne Joy and Curtis Jackson have been together for a few years in an exclusive relationship," said a statement by the law firm. "They had a child and now Daphne's number one priority is to ensure both her and the baby's safety during this difficult time. We also hope everyone will respect her and the baby's privacy."

This week, however, Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer's office described Joy as "a former girlfriend" of Curtis. The alleged victim "had previously been in a three-year relationship with Jackson," the city prosecutor's office said.

Jackson denies the allegations, said his attorney, Scott Leemon.

"It is important to note, Mr. Jackson has not been arrested and there is no warrant outstanding for his arrest," Leemon said. "We have been in contact with the LA City Attorney's Office and are currently conducting our own investigation into these allegations."

Jackson is accused of ransacking Joy's bedroom during an argument at her Los Angeles condo last month. Joy lives in the city's Toluca Lake neighborhood.

Joy alleges she was injured when Jackson kicked her on June 23, the city attorney said.

Authorities allege Jackson caused $7,100 in damaged property and left the scene before police arrived.

"During an argument, Jackson allegedly began destroying the female's property," the city prosecutor's office said in a written statement. "Allegedly when the female locked herself in her bedroom, Jackson kicked open the bedroom door and kicked her, causing an injury."

Police found broken chandeliers and furniture throughout the home. The bedroom closet was ransacked, with clothes thrown all over the floor, and there was a broken television and lamp, the prosecutor's office said.

Jackson's arraignment is set for July 22 at Van Nuys Superior Court.

If convicted on all five counts, he would face up to five years in jail and $46,000 in fines.

On Twitter, the rapper has appeared to give a lighthearted response to the accusations. On Friday, he shared a series of photos of himself lounging around with playful captions such as, "I'm not in jail I'm by my pool," and, "I'm not in jail I'm on my Gucci couc


THis fellow is facing five years for kicking his girlfriend. The Minister's son pistol whipped his ex and raped her and he walked. I do not see a comparison here. Further, this girl will be walking away with a couple of hundreds of millions of dollars if they split since she gets a significant portion of his money plus support for their kids. The two situations are completely different.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

THis fellow is facing five years for kicking his girlfriend. The Minister's son pistol whipped his ex and raped her and he walked. I do not see a comparison here. Further, this girl will be walking away with a couple of hundreds of millions of dollars if they split since she gets a significant portion of his money plus support for their kids. The two situations are completely different.

Alleged pistol whip and rape, or did you already tried and convicted him?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

THis fellow is facing five years for kicking his girlfriend. The Minister's son pistol whipped his ex and raped her and he walked. I do not see a comparison here. Further, this girl will be walking away with a couple of hundreds of millions of dollars if they split since she gets a significant portion of his money plus support for their kids. The two situations are completely different.

Alleged pistol whip and rape, or did you already tried and convicted him?

Is not an alleged "kicking" that has the chap above on charges?


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