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Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Banna this is all ansy pansy. You said that Caribbean leaders 'had a deep hatred for Burnham.' I asked you for the proof and you can't deliver.    

Sugrim were you not the little ignoramus that you are you would know that heads of govt never PUBLICLY criticize heads of govt with whom they have to work along side.  Only when there is a clear ideological agenda as between Syria and the USA, Chavez vs Bush, etc, does one see public criticisms.


Now Canada and the UK usually have a dim view of US foreign policy, but I challenge you to find any evidence that they have loudly criticized any US President.  This is because they usually are forced to work together in international forums.


Take it from me.  Eugenia HATED Burnham,  Eric Williams had absolute contempt for Burnham.  Errol Barrow was as friendly with Burnham as Cheddi was.  Not only that but many of these islands went behind Burnham to deal with Venezuela, even though there was an active dispute with Guyana at the time.


So sad little idiot when you learn that what Heads of Govt say publicly might be in complete contradiction to their private opinions, when their interests collide then we can talk.  Guyana was in CARICOM, the ACP, and many other forums where other CARICOM nations had to coordinate policies and cooperate with Guyana.


So they may totally dislike Ramotar, but you will never know this.



The issue is that your main premise is that Burnham got support for RACIAL reasons.  Well that being the case then the PPP should face daily hostility.


Indeed more than once the AFC expressed rage at how silent CARICOM heads were about PPP abuses.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Carib wiggling by introducing Jagdeo into the conversation when we were not discussing him. This was about Burnham and you can't prove that any head of state in the Caribbean was openly critical of him when he Burnham was in power.

You claimed that CARICOM Heads supported Burnham for racial reasons.  So your line of argument will suggest that they will have criticized Jagdeo who is not black.


Jagdeo was treated by the same public silence that Burnham was, though certainly private negative remarks have been made.


Show me PUBLISHED evidence that Tony Blair criticized Bush and then we can discuss whether the lack of easily found public criticisms of Burnham suggests support for him. 


YOU were the one who screamed that CARICOM HEADs loved Burnham because he was a fellow black man (even though more than a few of them would not have seen themselves as being black, many being mixed, Eugenia Charles, Eric Williams and Michael Manley among them).

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Eugenia hated Burnham bad bad and Burnham did not like Eugenia also.  Listen to those speeches on the radio or internet and you will hear him refer to her as Miss Eugenia Charles Miss Eugenia Charles which may mean the woman is a stubborn old maid.

Every single Heads of Govt meeting she used to agitate that the Secretariat should be moved from Guyana.


Burnham used to comment about her lack of an active sex life.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie the worst I say about Indians as that you all are clannish.  Even you admit this when you compare how douglas are treated by blacks and Indians.


You however spend all day trying to show that blacks are inferior.  Together with your fellow racists, baseman (though he seems to be trying to reform), skeldon, rev, and yuji.

From 10 years back when you were guyanaj you always displayed hatred of the Indian, some posters claimed you were spurned by an Indian woman  and hence your hatred. 


I have Black family who worship me for the valuable advice which I dispensed over the years that has changed their lives for the better, why can't you accept my advice rather than be insulted by it?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Eugenia hated Burnham bad bad and Burnham did not like Eugenia also.  Listen to those speeches on the radio or internet and you will hear him refer to her as Miss Eugenia Charles Miss Eugenia Charles which may mean the woman is a stubborn old maid.

Every single Heads of Govt meeting she used to agitate that the Secretariat should be moved from Guyana.


Burnham used to comment about her lack of an active sex life.

More made up stories. And you had to throw in sex for good measure. 'Burnham had to comment about her lack of active sex life' to who? She was the one that said that it was better to have a rigged election when Burnham rigged it. 



Source: U.S. Library of Congress

Relations with the Commonwealth Caribbean

Despite a trend toward economic union since the 1960s, political relations between Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean occasionally have been poor. Except for Jamaica and Grenada in the 1970s, all of the English-speaking Caribbean countries were pro-Western and procapitalist. This stance put them in direct conflict with the often anti-Western, anticapitalist rhetoric of the Guyanese government.

The low point in relations came after the United States invasion of Grenada. Burnham heavily criticized other Caribbean leaders for their support of the operation, especially Dominica's prime minister, Eugenia Charles, who played a leading role. The rift between Burnham and the other Commonwealth leaders grew so great that it threatened the future of Caricom.

After Burnham's death in 1985, President Hoyte moved quickly to repair relations. At a well-publicized meeting of Caricom heads of government in 1986, Hoyte posed for a picture with the other leaders. Relations generally were good after that conference.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Caribj and Prashad is right on that one there was absolutely no love between Charles and Burnham.


Charles was a right wing politician who did not like Burnham, Bishop, Cord and Jagan.  The degrees of hate depended on how left they were.

I have to add Fidel and Manley to the list.  Fidel would be the most hated at the end of the list just after Dr.Jagan.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Caribj and Prashad is right on that one there was absolutely no love between Charles and Burnham.


Charles was a right wing politician who did not like Burnham, Bishop, Cord and Jagan.  The degrees of hate depended on how left they were.

I have to add Fidel and Manley to the list.  Fidel would be the most hated at the end of the list just after Dr.Jagan.

Dr. Jagan is not hated. You may not like his policies but you or anyone else dont really hate him. In fact with each passing day respect for him grows.


Surgrin why don't you shut your r-ss.  Keep your garbage to your self.  The western powers put a bomb in freedom house with Mrs Jagan a few feet away and you tell me that is not hate.   Let me tell you cr-b lo-se some thing.  I like Dr Jagan's free education, health care and poverty reduction policies.  You and other profit oriented people like CaribNY who sponge off of poor people suffering can go jump in the Atlantic.   

Originally Posted by God:


Source: U.S. Library of Congress

Relations with the Commonwealth Caribbean


Despite a trend toward economic union since the 1960s, political relations between Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean occasionally have been poor. Except for Jamaica and Grenada in the 1970s, all of the English-speaking Caribbean countries were pro-Western and procapitalist. This stance put them in direct conflict with the often anti-Western, anticapitalist rhetoric of the Guyanese government.

The low point in relations came after the United States invasion of Grenada. Burnham heavily criticized other Caribbean leaders for their support of the operation, especially Dominica's prime minister, Eugenia Charles, who played a leading role. The rift between Burnham and the other Commonwealth leaders grew so great that it threatened the future of Caricom.

After Burnham's death in 1985, President Hoyte moved quickly to repair relations. At a well-publicized meeting of Caricom heads of government in 1986, Hoyte posed for a picture with the other leaders. Relations generally were good after that conference.

Now that the white man has said what I have said Ronald Sugrim will say nothing.


Burnham was as disrespected after he killed Walter Rodney, and totally trashed Guyana.  And led to Guyanese wandering around like stray dogs begging for some island to admit them.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I have Black family

Who you lambasted as lazy welfare recipients.  And you used them as examples to portray blacks as being inadequate.


I can only wonder why they idolize a man who doesn't know that 10% of 43% is 4.3%.

Where did I not know this simple math?  No wonder your PNC friends muck up Guyana with their simplistic thinking. 

In fact, because of my superior guidance, my Black relatives excel in all their endeavors, unlike you and yours.  If you had listened to me 10 years ago when I was drumming useful lessons in your head, you would be a millionaire today instead of a bitter man contemplating opportunity lost and blaming the Indians. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  I'm sure Caribj and his clan were dancing and prancing when burnham was plundering the national assets and making Afros the new "massa".



Like many in Guyana I was happy about the rumors of Burnham's "death" in 1980, until it turned out to be false.  Indeed by 1980 MOST black people were.


Because you support the PPP because of race only doesn't mean that I am like you.  If a black party does wrong I will NOT support them.


So you were happy about the rumors of Burnham's death. But what about when he was alive and rigging the elections? What did YOU do? Did you show some some spine? Did you man up and take to the streets with placards demonstrating or did you sit supine in your couch and watch it pass before your eyes and did nothing?

    Let me tell you what I did. First of all I refused to buy the New Nation when they brought it to my office. Secondly, I refused to go and demonstrate in front of Parliament Buildings when they were pulling out government workers to show how powerful the Party was at the time.

     They found out about me. I was blacklisted literally and transferred to Berbice to make my life difficult. So I resigned and went to planting rice. What did YOU do? Tell us and don't wiggle.       

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  I'm sure Caribj and his clan were dancing and prancing when burnham was plundering the national assets and making Afros the new "massa".



Like many in Guyana I was happy about the rumors of Burnham's "death" in 1980, until it turned out to be false.  Indeed by 1980 MOST black people were.


Because you support the PPP because of race only doesn't mean that I am like you.  If a black party does wrong I will NOT support them.


So you were happy about the rumors of Burnham's death. But what about when he was alive and rigging the elections? What did YOU do? Did you show some some spine? Did you man up and take to the streets with placards demonstrating or did you sit supine in your couch and watch it pass before your eyes and did nothing?

    Let me tell you what I did. First of all I refused to buy the New Nation when they brought it to my office. Secondly, I refused to go and demonstrate in front of Parliament Buildings when they were pulling out government workers to show how powerful the Party was at the time.

     They found out about me. I was blacklisted literally and transferred to Berbice to make my life difficult. So I resigned and went to planting rice. What did YOU do? Tell us and don't wiggle.       

We do not know what he did, cannot surmise his views so the patronizing apish jeering does nothing.Insisting he was spineless is also a waste of time. Burnham had 26 thousand military and paramilitary  folks at his command and until Rodney came along and the urban black folks revolted not a damn thing could be done.


It is great you did your part. Just living and doing well was protest.


Originally Posted by Prashad:

Surgrin why don't you shut your r-ss.  Keep your garbage to your self.  The western powers put a bomb in freedom house with Mrs Jagan a few feet away and you tell me that is not hate.   Let me tell you cr-b lo-se some thing.  I like Dr Jagan's free education, health care and poverty reduction policies.  You and other profit oriented people like CaribNY who sponge off of poor people suffering can go jump in the Atlantic.   

You are a political novice. But you did say that you like Dr. Jagan's policies, merely confirming what I said earlier that you don't hate him. The other part of your post is redundant and does not warrant any comment.    

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

First of all I refused to buy the New Nation when they brought it to my office. Secondly, I refused to go and demonstrate in front of Parliament Buildings . . .      

what a 'hero' . . .

not really, just a small person doing his little bit to show that he did not like what was happening. So what did you do bai?   

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

First of all I refused to buy the New Nation when they brought it to my office. Secondly, I refused to go and demonstrate in front of Parliament Buildings . . .      

what a 'hero' . . .

not really, just a small person doing his little bit to show that he did not like what was happening. So what did you do bai?   

sarcasm . . . look it up bai


besides, i seem to remember people getting beat up and going to jail for doing real stuff opposing Burnham


but typical panty-wearing u, coming hay beating yuh chest, talking bout how u showed "spine" fighting the dictator by "refusing" to buy de PNC rag



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

First of all I refused to buy the New Nation when they brought it to my office. Secondly, I refused to go and demonstrate in front of Parliament Buildings . . .      

what a 'hero' . . .

not really, just a small person doing his little bit to show that he did not like what was happening. So what did you do bai?   

sarcasm . . . look it up bai


besides, i seem to remember people getting beat up and going to jail for doing real stuff opposing Burnham


but typical panty-wearing u, coming hay beating yuh chest, talking bout how u showed "spine" fighting the dictator by "refusing" to buy de PNC rag



Ha Ha Oh we looked you up all alright. We found that when Burnham threw you in prison you devoted yourself to that burly fellow sharing your cell. By the time he released you from his crotches your brain was so messed up that you come here posting crap to regain what little manhood you have is evident by your constant sexual references.     

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

First of all I refused to buy the New Nation when they brought it to my office. Secondly, I refused to go and demonstrate in front of Parliament Buildings . . .      

what a 'hero' . . .

not really, just a small person doing his little bit to show that he did not like what was happening. So what did you do bai?   

sarcasm . . . look it up bai


besides, i seem to remember people getting beat up and going to jail for doing real stuff opposing Burnham


but typical panty-wearing u, coming hay beating yuh chest, talking bout how u showed "spine" fighting the dictator by "refusing" to buy de PNC rag



Ha Ha Oh we looked you up all alright. We found that when Burnham threw you in prison you devoted yourself to that burly fellow sharing your cell. By the time he released you from his crotches your brain was so messed up that you come here posting crap to regain what little manhood you have is evident by your constant sexual references.     

bai, i would respect u more if your pitifully weak effort here was at least original


poor u . . . reduced to trying to be me . . . BUT handicapped by your single digit IQ


doesn't work . . . har de har har har har harrr!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

First of all I refused to buy the New Nation when they brought it to my office. Secondly, I refused to go and demonstrate in front of Parliament Buildings . . .      

what a 'hero' . . .

not really, just a small person doing his little bit to show that he did not like what was happening. So what did you do bai?   

sarcasm . . . look it up bai


besides, i seem to remember people getting beat up and going to jail for doing real stuff opposing Burnham


but typical panty-wearing u, coming hay beating yuh chest, talking bout how u showed "spine" fighting the dictator by "refusing" to buy de PNC rag



Ha Ha Oh we looked you up all alright. We found that when Burnham threw you in prison you devoted yourself to that burly fellow sharing your cell. By the time he released you from his crotches your brain was so messed up that you come here posting crap to regain what little manhood you have is evident by your constant sexual references.     

bai, i would respect u more if your pitifully weak effort here was at least original


poor u . . . reduced to trying to be me . . . BUT handicapped by your single digit IQ


doesn't work . . . har de har har har har harrr!

WEAK... you tryin to front but you can't. Stick to what you do best here. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

First of all I refused to buy the New Nation when they brought it to my office. Secondly, I refused to go and demonstrate in front of Parliament Buildings . . .      

what a 'hero' . . .

not really, just a small person doing his little bit to show that he did not like what was happening. So what did you do bai?   

sarcasm . . . look it up bai


besides, i seem to remember people getting beat up and going to jail for doing real stuff opposing Burnham


but typical panty-wearing u, coming hay beating yuh chest, talking bout how u showed "spine" fighting the dictator by "refusing" to buy de PNC rag



Ha Ha Oh we looked you up all alright. We found that when Burnham threw you in prison you devoted yourself to that burly fellow sharing your cell. By the time he released you from his crotches your brain was so messed up that you come here posting crap to regain what little manhood you have is evident by your constant sexual references.     

bai, i would respect u more if your pitifully weak effort here was at least original


poor u . . . reduced to trying to be me . . . BUT handicapped by your single digit IQ


doesn't work . . . har de har har har har harrr!

WEAK... you tryin to front but you can't. Stick to what you do best here. 

i am not flattered . . . a 5th Grader could do better with a few weeks watching and copying

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

We did not know what he did, but he knows and that is why he was asked to explain what he did. So let's read his response. 



fyi I left Guyana in the early 80s as a 20 something year old.  Do you imagine that I as a 14 years old should have demonstrated when Burnham rigged the election in 1973?



I can tell you that in 1978 I destroyed my ballot in the Referendum.  Was too young to vote in 1973 and had already left Guyana in subsequent elections.


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

First of all I refused to buy the New Nation when they brought it to my office. Secondly, I refused to go and demonstrate in front of Parliament Buildings . . .      

what a 'hero' . . .

not really, just a small person doing his little bit to show that he did not like what was happening. So what did you do bai?   

Well if that is your criteria for being a hero then I was also one.  Never attended any march nor did I go to the National Park.


Its interesting that you imply that I loved Burnham when we have Chief and baseman calling me ungrateful because I state that Burnham destroyed AfroGuyanese.


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