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Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:



I totally agree that a vote for the AFC results in a PNC Minority Presidency. So what?


How can that possibly be worse than the current kleptocracy?

You would have to be quite a young fellow to not know the answer to that question.


So its a choice between a Black dominated kleptocracy and an Indian dominated kleptocracy is it?


If those are the only two choices, I would go for the thieves who tief less which is clearly our Black kleptocrats.

I would go with the thief who did not kill the goose while stealing the eggs.  In real terms the PNC stole much more than the PPP did.  Furthermore, the PNC destroyed by stealing and stole by destroying.  If they are "stealing", then they are more thoughtful about the implications.

Just as you have provided no evidence that the PPP sought to collaborate with the AFC, but preach that the AFC does not want to collaborate, you again make a sweeping statement with no evidence.  


Or is it because mostly blacks died under the PPP's watch, it makes them less murderous?  Or is widespread white collar crime, including the destruction of NIS, less debilitating to our nation than Burnham flying horses to Mathews Ridge?


But if I am missing something though, I'd be grateful for the evidence toward both of your assertions.  Thanks, and I wish you all the best in the coming new year.


Yes, as usual you are missing the point GR.  Isn't Joker's statement similarly sweeping and fill with conjecture?  This point is a matter of perception and who one prefers to support in spite of some levels of corruption.


You are talking gibrich, you see under the PNC the nation's treasury was robbed bare, the economy decimated, civil society collapsed and there was no hope.  Even the criminal were having a hard time who to rob as few had anything. This is a far cry from what we have today.  Even street criminals are finding life easier.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

[PNC] stole by destroying . . . 

u just so love spouting illiterate shyte . . . Oswald Bates with an internet connection, smh

Yuh trying yuh best to score points on Baseman. But I will explain: you should have understood " The PNC stole and thus destroyed Guyana (They stole every drop). On this Board most of us are doing multiple things at the same time. I would expect some one with a Pea brain to have understood BUT NOT YOU.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Or is it because mostly blacks died under the PPP's watch... 




The blacks who have been eliminated under the PPP watch were mostly murderers, criminals, gangsters, robbers, looters, etc, etc





Other terrorist elements will be dealt with appropriately if they get out of hand---those 2 above riled up the folks in Linden---resulting in a school being burned and 700 children being displaced.



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

[PNC] stole by destroying . . . 

u just so love spouting illiterate shyte . . . Oswald Bates with an internet connection, smh

Yuh trying yuh best to score points on Baseman. But I will explain: you should have understood " The PNC stole and thus destroyed Guyana (They stole every drop). On this Board most of us are doing multiple things at the same time. I would expect some one with a Pea brain to have understood BUT NOT YOU.

i totally understand y'all prablems bai; but since u volunteering fah step in and help the beleaguered Herr Baseman . . . explain how the PNC "stole by destroying" nah

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:



I totally agree that a vote for the AFC results in a PNC Minority Presidency. So what?


How can that possibly be worse than the current kleptocracy?

You would have to be quite a young fellow to not know the answer to that question.


So its a choice between a Black dominated kleptocracy and an Indian dominated kleptocracy is it?


If those are the only two choices, I would go for the thieves who tief less which is clearly our Black kleptocrats.

I would go with the thief who did not kill the goose while stealing the eggs.  In real terms the PNC stole much more than the PPP did.  Furthermore, the PNC destroyed by stealing and stole by destroying.  If they are "stealing", then they are more thoughtful about the implications.

Just as you have provided no evidence that the PPP sought to collaborate with the AFC, but preach that the AFC does not want to collaborate, you again make a sweeping statement with no evidence.  


Or is it because mostly blacks died under the PPP's watch, it makes them less murderous?  Or is widespread white collar crime, including the destruction of NIS, less debilitating to our nation than Burnham flying horses to Mathews Ridge?


But if I am missing something though, I'd be grateful for the evidence toward both of your assertions.  Thanks, and I wish you all the best in the coming new year.


Yes, as usual you are missing the point GR.  Isn't Joker's statement similarly sweeping and fill with conjecture?  This point is a matter of perception and who one prefers to support in spite of some levels of corruption.


You are talking gibrich, you see under the PNC the nation's treasury was robbed bare, the economy decimated, civil society collapsed and there was no hope.  Even the criminal were having a hard time who to rob as few had anything. This is a far cry from what we have today.  Even street criminals are finding life easier.

Is this your evidence, baseman?  What about your other assertion that the AFC does not want to collaborate with the PPP?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Or is it because mostly blacks died under the PPP's watch... 




The blacks who have been eliminated under the PPP watch were mostly murderers, criminals, gangsters, robbers, looters, etc, etc





Other terrorist elements will be dealt with appropriately if they get out of hand---those 2 above riled up the folks in Linden---resulting in a school being burned and 700 children being displaced.



TK, please take note.  The racist here has reared its ugly head, unmasked.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

[PNC] stole by destroying . . . 

u just so love spouting illiterate shyte . . . Oswald Bates with an internet connection, smh

Yuh trying yuh best to score points on Baseman. But I will explain: you should have understood " The PNC stole and thus destroyed Guyana (They stole every drop). On this Board most of us are doing multiple things at the same time. I would expect some one with a Pea brain to have understood BUT NOT YOU.

i totally understand y'all prablems bai; but since u volunteering fah step in and help the beleaguered Herr Baseman . . . explain how the PNC "stole by destroying" nah

Destroy the institutions, destroyed the private sector by nationalizing, then sucked then dry.  Sometimes stealing destroys, sometimes to steal, you need to destroy the controls, the protections, etc.  Without doing that, you cannot realize the stealing.


Over the 28 years, the PNC has actively participated in both.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:



I totally agree that a vote for the AFC results in a PNC Minority Presidency. So what?


How can that possibly be worse than the current kleptocracy?

You would have to be quite a young fellow to not know the answer to that question.


So its a choice between a Black dominated kleptocracy and an Indian dominated kleptocracy is it?


If those are the only two choices, I would go for the thieves who tief less which is clearly our Black kleptocrats.

I would go with the thief who did not kill the goose while stealing the eggs.  In real terms the PNC stole much more than the PPP did.  Furthermore, the PNC destroyed by stealing and stole by destroying.  If they are "stealing", then they are more thoughtful about the implications.

Just as you have provided no evidence that the PPP sought to collaborate with the AFC, but preach that the AFC does not want to collaborate, you again make a sweeping statement with no evidence.  


Or is it because mostly blacks died under the PPP's watch, it makes them less murderous?  Or is widespread white collar crime, including the destruction of NIS, less debilitating to our nation than Burnham flying horses to Mathews Ridge?


But if I am missing something though, I'd be grateful for the evidence toward both of your assertions.  Thanks, and I wish you all the best in the coming new year.


Yes, as usual you are missing the point GR.  Isn't Joker's statement similarly sweeping and fill with conjecture?  This point is a matter of perception and who one prefers to support in spite of some levels of corruption.


You are talking gibrich, you see under the PNC the nation's treasury was robbed bare, the economy decimated, civil society collapsed and there was no hope.  Even the criminal were having a hard time who to rob as few had anything. This is a far cry from what we have today.  Even street criminals are finding life easier.

Is this your evidence, baseman?  What about your other assertion that the AFC does not want to collaborate with the PPP?

Have you guys ever listened to yourselves?  I have no more evidence that the PNC stole than you have the PPP stealing.  Anyway, I believe both did but I prefer the PPP thiefs and Joker prefers the PNC thiefs.  That's what this conversation was about.  So you are on a different path, as usual.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:



I totally agree that a vote for the AFC results in a PNC Minority Presidency. So what?


How can that possibly be worse than the current kleptocracy?

You would have to be quite a young fellow to not know the answer to that question.


So its a choice between a Black dominated kleptocracy and an Indian dominated kleptocracy is it?


If those are the only two choices, I would go for the thieves who tief less which is clearly our Black kleptocrats.

I would go with the thief who did not kill the goose while stealing the eggs.  In real terms the PNC stole much more than the PPP did.  Furthermore, the PNC destroyed by stealing and stole by destroying.  If they are "stealing", then they are more thoughtful about the implications.

Just as you have provided no evidence that the PPP sought to collaborate with the AFC, but preach that the AFC does not want to collaborate, you again make a sweeping statement with no evidence.  


Or is it because mostly blacks died under the PPP's watch, it makes them less murderous?  Or is widespread white collar crime, including the destruction of NIS, less debilitating to our nation than Burnham flying horses to Mathews Ridge?


But if I am missing something though, I'd be grateful for the evidence toward both of your assertions.  Thanks, and I wish you all the best in the coming new year.


Yes, as usual you are missing the point GR.  Isn't Joker's statement similarly sweeping and fill with conjecture?  This point is a matter of perception and who one prefers to support in spite of some levels of corruption.


You are talking gibrich, you see under the PNC the nation's treasury was robbed bare, the economy decimated, civil society collapsed and there was no hope.  Even the criminal were having a hard time who to rob as few had anything. This is a far cry from what we have today.  Even street criminals are finding life easier.

Is this your evidence, baseman?  What about your other assertion that the AFC does not want to collaborate with the PPP?

Have you guys ever listened to yourselves?  I have no more evidence that the PNC stole than you have the PPP stealing.  Anyway, I believe both did but I prefer the PPP thiefs and Joker prefers the PNC thiefs.  That's what this conversation was about.  So you are on a different path, as usual.

Be that as it may, please address your assertion that the AFC does not want to collaborate with the PPP.  I'd really appreciate that.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Destroy the institutions, destroyed the private sector by nationalizing, then sucked then dry.  Sometimes stealing destroys, sometimes to steal, you need to destroy the controls, the protections, etc.  Without doing that, you cannot realize the stealing.


Over the 28 years, the PNC has actively participated in both.




Guyana is being showered with praise worldwide by institutions like the Caribbean Development Bank, the IDB, the IMF, the world bank, etc, etc for the remarkable progress being made in the country.


Check out this video titled "THE CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT BANK & GUYANA"




Listen Baseman! Many of the PNC and AFC supporters and members are jealous of the progress that has been made in Guyana under the PPP.


And check this out:




They know how politics work---the politicians controlling the executive branch get to negotiate numerous under the table deals---and enrich themselves in the process.




Folks like Gerhard Ramsaroo---he is currently struggling with his lil flower shop business---if the AFC were to win the executive branch--Gerard would likely be rewarded with a Ministry---and a Ministry would mean millions in moola(bribes, payoffs, payola, gifts, etc, etc for Gerhard.hahahahahaha





Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Folks like Gerhard Ramsaroo---he is currently struggling with his lil flower shop business---if the AFC were to win the executive branch--Gerard would likely be rewarded with a Ministry---and a Ministry would mean millions in moola(bribes, payoffs, payola, gifts, etc, etc for Gerhard.hahahahahaha





This is understandable, as this is all the PPP and its cronies, like the Rev (Paul Chandra) know.  Servant-leadership is unheard of.  Therefore, they project their nastiness on others.  Flawed thinking, but perfectly logical for the PPP and their ilk.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Have you guys ever listened to yourselves?  I have no more evidence that the PNC stole than you have the PPP stealing.  Anyway, I believe both did but I prefer the PPP thiefs and Joker prefers the PNC thiefs.  That's what this conversation was about.  So you are on a different path, as usual.

actually, you have NO evidence that the PNC stole in any way remotely approaching what the PPP mafia is engaged in today [again, please do not embarrass yourself by asking for examples] . . . but you find it a useful rhetorical 'equivalence' to shield your criminal friends @ Freedom House from the scrutiny and exposure that could enlighten the people and lead to the loss of PPP power you so fear.


borrowing drugb's reasoning/methods is no credit to U since he is a self-acknowledged Klown 

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:


Servant-leadership is unheard of.




Servant leadership, huh ?


Is that what you folks in the AFC are promising the masses in Guyana---that you'll be a servant of the people if elected ?




Before a politician is elected he makes the world of promises to the people---promising to be servants of the people once elected.


But once elected no politician fancies himself a servant of the people---he carries himself as a MASTER of the people.


That's the way it is Gerhard----politicians fancy themsleves a servant of the people before they are elected---but once elected---they view themselves as master of the people.


Listen Gerhard! If you and your cronies in the AFC ever win the executive branch---you'll understand what the Rev just wrote.


In the meantime, don't bring that "servant-leadership" bull-crap to the Rev---but you can keep lying to the 10% of voters who support the AFC in Guyana---the servant leadership nonsense may appeal to them.






Again, Rev, what you are saying only confirms what the PPP has become, and its shameless remorselessness.  Fine by me, as Indian supremacists like Vishnu Bisram and our own baseman wish for there to be some remorse, as they know without that the PPP is doomed.  It's a fitting irony that the PPP is doomed because of people like you.


Rev can you answer this Question


This is a simple Question......

and I am asking you for the answer...Please.....

the Doo-ru's comments are not important


The daughter of the late leaders then pleaded with the PPP/C leaders and members to get back to the high and moral values.


“If the leaders don’t show the moral values then people won’t do it, and you’re children won’t grow up with no moral values.


And if your families don’t show moral values, then society as a whole will lose that”.



I know Nehru & Baseman like patsalt and dem like be in everything......

and den cant answer this simple Question.....

but lets hear from De #2 Man himself. REV



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

...It's a fitting irony that the PPP is doomed because of people like you.




The PPP still controls the executive branch--that is where the milk and honey is my bwoy---the bribes, the payoffs, the under the table deals, the payola, etc, etc---and as long as the PPP controls the executive branch they cannot be doomed.


Right now, Granger, Ramjattan, Hughes, Trotman, etc, etc are drooling to get a taste of the "milk and honey" that is flowing in the executive branch.hahahaha


Listen! The AFC and PNC could win an addition 5 seats in parliament in the next election---NO BIGGIE---as long as the PPP controls the executive branch---the PPP politicians will continue to enrich themselves.




Right now you might fancy yourself an honest man Gerhard---but if you are every blessed to control a ministry---you'll find it impossible to refuse the "gifts".hahahahahaha








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