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December 24 2018


It was Sunday morning. The time was 7.35 AM. The place was the seawall between the Kitty pump station and Camp Road. My dog was jumping from one riprap bolder to another. I was on top of one of the boulders when my cell rang. I do not leave my cell in the car but I did this time.My daughter has gone abroad to do graduate studies so my wife is alone at home and I make sure I have my mobile (I have a “mango pelter”) on me every moment of every minute of each day.I jumped off the boulder I was on, left my dog to wander, and ran to my car. It was my wife on the phone. She said Charran wants to speak to me urgently and I must go to a safe house to take the call. I think Charran knows my phone would be monitored.
I went to the safe house. Charran’s first set of words to me were; “I need your advice.” He explained he is forming a political party to contest the 2019 general elections. He said to me; “I want to know now if you would help me.” My response was evocative, spontaneous and automatic.

Charrandas Persaud and I have shared a close friendship for thirty-two years now. Charran is one of the nicest friends I have. Come February, I would have been married for forty years and one of the fondest memories I have in that marriage is with Charran in 2014. He took me and my wife from one end of the Canje Creek to the other.He showed me where Cuffy started his revolution. We cooked one of the most bizarre cook-up anyone could put on a fire. We threw everything into the pot. My wife insists that it remains one of the nicest moments of her journey to see her country. I asked Charran to stop shooting the wild animals. He told me that would spoil his fun. But he reluctantly did so.

This is the Christmas season where tangerine is bountiful. But on that journey on the Canje Creek I ate a phenomenally sweet tangerine whose saccharine content cannot be reproduced elsewhere. It had to do with the soil there.Last year, Charran told me that if there was a no confidence motion he would vote yes but would only be deterred by fear for his safety. I told only one person that and exacted a promise from him to never reveal it. That was David Hinds when we were at Nicky’s Fish Shop.A few months back Charran said come January 2019 he will be finished with the AFC. I knew Charran was going to vote yes for the motion. I told only one person the night before. That person I deeply trust because he saved my life once when I was attacked by goons late one night. The goons were sent by central actors in the corridors of power.I will not name him but to ensure the integrity of my commentary, I would briefly say that he is one of the finest, dedicated, political activists the ruling coalition is lucky to have. If in the coming days, he indicates to me that he can be indentified I will do so.

My conversation with Charran lasted about half an hour. He asked me to say in this column that he would like to have Dr. Ramaya and Ryan “effing” Crawford on his slate. If they are reading this then they could contact Charran through me.
I am not at liberty to identify a woman in Berbice that will form the party with Charran but she is certain to bring in votes. Some other names will be vote-catchers. So the famous or infamous (for me he is not infamous) Charrandas Persaud will be contesting the 2019 general elections. He said his campaign will concentrate on Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

I guess this will be my last throw of the dice. Campaigning for Charran will be my last election campaign. I am getting on in age and I think it is time I hang up my gloves. I definitely want to see more than two parties in parliament. I definitely want to see a configuration in which the PNC or the PPP does not have a majority in Parliament.Can the Amerindian party, Charran’s party and the other third party that is being formed prevent a majority rule in the 2019 results? For me the answer is yes. And that should be a biology that all Guyanese should wish for. I hope Charran is successful in 2019.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka posted:

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The call was made to Freddie on Sunday morning, so is he bluffing ?

Freddie had information how Charrandas intented to vote at NC, which he shared with two persons, one of the person was told the night before and  from the coalition gov't.

Anyway let's see who is bluffing in January, next year.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The call was made to Freddie on Sunday morning, so is he bluffing ?

Freddie had information how Charrandas intented to vote at NC, which he shared with two persons, one of the person was told the night before and  from the coalition gov't.

Anyway let's see who is bluffing in January, next year.

Freddie don't know Schitttttt!

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted: 

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The Amerindian party is back on the political agenda, funded by Nigel and Cathy Hughes.  Watch for a coalition with the PNC if this comes to fruition.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted: 

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The Amerindian party is back on the political agenda, funded by Nigel and Cathy Hughes.  Watch for a coalition with the PNC if this comes to fruition.

I was thinking Shuman's Party  will join forces with the PPP.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted: 

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The Amerindian party is back on the political agenda, funded by Nigel and Cathy Hughes.  Watch for a coalition with the PNC if this comes to fruition.

I was thinking Shuman's Party  will join forces with the PPP.

Shuman is a PNC guy living in Canada.  He wants to use the same formula as the AFC in 2015.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted: 

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The Amerindian party is back on the political agenda, funded by Nigel and Cathy Hughes.  Watch for a coalition with the PNC if this comes to fruition.

I was thinking Shuman's Party  will join forces with the PPP.

Shuman is a PNC guy living in Canada.  He wants to use the same formula as the AFC in 2015.  

Damn I am fooled, If this is true PPP cork duck.

Last edited by Django

Even Freddie isn't enough to help Charrandas form a successful party for the upcoming elections. Not that there is a deficiency in Charrandas but that parties do not become successful overnight.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The call was made to Freddie on Sunday morning, so is he bluffing ?

Freddie had information how Charrandas intented to vote at NC, which he shared with two persons, one of the person was told the night before and  from the coalition gov't.

Anyway let's see who is bluffing in January, next year.

Freddie don't know Schitttttt!


Can the Amerindian party, Charran’s party and the other third party that is being formed prevent a majority rule in the 2019 results? For me the answer is yes. And that should be a biology that all Guyanese should wish for. I hope Charran is successful in 2019. FK.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted: 

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The Amerindian party is back on the political agenda, funded by Nigel and Cathy Hughes.  Watch for a coalition with the PNC if this comes to fruition.

After the last coalition, not sure if the PNC is a good partner.  None of the minority seemed happy. 

ksazma posted:

Even Freddie isn't enough to help Charrandas form a successful party for the upcoming elections. Not that there is a deficiency in Charrandas but that parties do not become successful overnight.

Bhai Kaz,

Charrandass is a recent hero and from Berbice, the party will take away votes from the PPP. Them bhais in freedom house will be sweating, if his party is declared.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted: 

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The Amerindian party is back on the political agenda, funded by Nigel and Cathy Hughes.  Watch for a coalition with the PNC if this comes to fruition.

I was thinking Shuman's Party  will join forces with the PPP.

Shuman is a PNC guy living in Canada.  He wants to use the same formula as the AFC in 2015.  

Damn I am fooled, If this is true PPP cork duck.

He is a Canadian Citizen. So he might not be able to become a Presidential Candidate. Time is against him. The Amerinds represent 10% of the votes and if he can secure 1 seat, this can make a difference as we see in the recent NCV. 

How about a party of young women running against all the old farts?

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted: 

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The Amerindian party is back on the political agenda, funded by Nigel and Cathy Hughes.  Watch for a coalition with the PNC if this comes to fruition.

After the last coalition, not sure if the PNC is a good partner.  None of the minority seemed happy. 

AFC fared well as a Coalition with the PNC but there were signs that PNC was beginning to think that AFC got too much from the coalition. Seems like AFC was being asked to reprove their worth. It would be interesting if the AFC trust the PNC the same way going forward. Maybe they may be content with being the major disrupter in a third force. I refer to it as PNC because APNU is essentially the PNC. Most of the parties outside of the WPA were not even roll called in the APNU board of directors. I am not sure that those will want to play another meaningless role being part of a coalition with the PNC. Other parties may not feel confident with any agreement they make the PNC either. I am not thinking about any coalition with the PPP because I think that the PPP is strong enough to stand on their own. Heck, it took every other existing political party to come together to have just one more seat than the number of sets that the PPP acquired. Most of the Indian support that the AFC had up to 2015 are probably back in PPP camp anyway. And those who are not Indian should find it very easy to differentiate between the PPP investment and job creating environment and the last three years when investment shrunk drastically and unemployment rose significantly. I have never counted on the PPP winning on Indian votes only so I focus on the dwindling Indian population for comfort.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Even Freddie isn't enough to help Charrandas form a successful party for the upcoming elections. Not that there is a deficiency in Charrandas but that parties do not become successful overnight.

Bhai Kaz,

Charrandass is a recent hero and from Berbice, the party will take away votes from the PPP. Them bhais in freedom house will be sweating, if his party is declared.

Crawford would also be a great pick . 

Last edited by Mitwah
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted: 

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The Amerindian party is back on the political agenda, funded by Nigel and Cathy Hughes.  Watch for a coalition with the PNC if this comes to fruition.

I was thinking Shuman's Party  will join forces with the PPP.

Shuman is a PNC guy living in Canada.  He wants to use the same formula as the AFC in 2015.  

Damn I am fooled, If this is true PPP cork duck.

PPP has heavy hitters covering the Amerindian community.  Pauline Sukhai, Alistair Charlie, and Yvonne Pearson has this nailed down.  

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Even Freddie isn't enough to help Charrandas form a successful party for the upcoming elections. Not that there is a deficiency in Charrandas but that parties do not become successful overnight.

Bhai Kaz,

Charrandass is a recent hero and from Berbice, the party will take away votes from the PPP. Them bhais in freedom house will be sweating, if his party is declared.

I think those people in Berbice as well as in other places have learned how dangerous it is to take a shot on something just for the purpose of taking a shot on it. Plus if Jagdeo really did pay Charrandas for his vote Friday night, he can double that payment or even triple it to encourage Charrandas to stay put in Canada. He would be able to afford it now that hile is about to flow. 

Seriously, Charrandas is educated and should have no trouble figuring out that momentous popularity needs something more to keep it going. He would have seen how long Nagamootoo fought in the trenches with the PPP only to become a PM with no real port folio with the Coalition government. Ramjattan has been nurturing the AFC for a decade before it got a chance in government and to do so, it had to sign a deal with the devil (PNC). Many people who were parroting change in 2015 were quickly regretful of doing so. 


I don’t know what stupidness Django deh pun.  Because some banna from Canada parachute in, Amerindians going to fall in Line like sheep.  

The PPP has a strong position with that community. They going PPP.  

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted: 

Charrandas might have indicated that to Kissoon but after what happened Friday night he may change his mind. His life is definitely in danger if he returns to Guyana.

The Amerindian party is back on the political agenda, funded by Nigel and Cathy Hughes.  Watch for a coalition with the PNC if this comes to fruition.

I was thinking Shuman's Party  will join forces with the PPP.

Shuman is a PNC guy living in Canada.  He wants to use the same formula as the AFC in 2015.  

Damn I am fooled, If this is true PPP cork duck.

He is a Canadian Citizen. So he might not be able to become a Presidential Candidate. Time is against him. The Amerinds represent 10% of the votes and if he can secure 1 seat, this can make a difference as we see in the recent NCV. 

How about a party of young women running against all the old farts?

He is also completely clueless about anything going on in Guyana.  He is doing this to help put the PNC stronghold in The Toronto area.  Canada is going to play a big role in this election.  Like they did in 2015.  But I think my boys Mani Singh and Doobay got this for the PPP.  Let's wait and see.

Bibi Haniffa

Oh, by the way Django bhai. I don't think the PPP are sweating anything. Look at their body language last Friday when there were no guarantees that their NC motion would pass. Look a the nonchalant manner in which Nandlall stated his yes vote. He didn't even adjust his body and was looking the opposite direction from the Speaker and Clerk. Jagdeo said yes in a very uninteresting manner on a motion that bears his name. Conversely, look at the nervousness of the government MPs.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Even Freddie isn't enough to help Charrandas form a successful party for the upcoming elections. Not that there is a deficiency in Charrandas but that parties do not become successful overnight.

Bhai Kaz,

Charrandass is a recent hero and from Berbice, the party will take away votes from the PPP. Them bhais in freedom house will be sweating, if his party is declared.

Crawford would also be a great pick . 

"I am not at liberty to identify a woman in Berbice that will form the party with Charran but she is certain to bring in votes."


There is also this mysterious female.

Mitwah posted:

How about a party of young women running against all the old farts?

I hope that the candidates are somewhat young regardless of their gender. They should also possess substance.

ksazma posted:

Oh, by the way Django bhai. I don't think the PPP are sweating anything. Look at their body language last Friday when there were no guarantees that their NC motion would pass. Look a the nonchalant manner in which Nandlall stated his yes vote. He didn't even adjust his body and was looking the opposite direction from the Speaker and Clerk. Jagdeo said yes in a very uninteresting manner on a motion that bears his name. Conversely, look at the nervousness of the government MPs.


Check this video, me thinks both sides seems shocked.

Baseman posted:

I don’t know what stupidness Django deh pun.  Because some banna from Canada parachute in, Amerindians going to fall in Line like sheep.  

The PPP has a strong position with that community. They going PPP.  

Especially after dem PNC bais called them avaricious. Imagine a PNC bai who gave himself a 50% raise calling someone else avaricious.

Anyone remember the justification that Jordon gave for the raise. He said that it will keep them from thiefing all over the place. 


Granger had hand picked his successor but the No Confidence vote now opens up the field to a vote.  This is good news for the PNC because Burnham Part 3 would have suffered a resounding loss to the PPP.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has heavy hitters covering the Amerindian community.  Pauline Sukhai, Alistair Charlie, and Yvonne Pearson has this nailed down.  


Urgent reforms are needed if the PPP is to retain enough support to ensure a majority at the polls, former PPP stalwart, Ralph Ramkarran has said.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Oh, by the way Django bhai. I don't think the PPP are sweating anything. Look at their body language last Friday when there were no guarantees that their NC motion would pass. Look a the nonchalant manner in which Nandlall stated his yes vote. He didn't even adjust his body and was looking the opposite direction from the Speaker and Clerk. Jagdeo said yes in a very uninteresting manner on a motion that bears his name. Conversely, look at the nervousness of the government MPs.


Check this video, me thinks both sides seems shocked.

No doubt everyone was shocked. The government kept saying that no one from their bench will vote for the motion and Jagdeo while not sure if he was able to convince anyone to cross the isle was hopeful that he had convinced at least one. That said, he was not sweating anything. He was there to do a job as normal and that he did. Successfully.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Granger had hand picked his successor but the No Confidence vote now opens up the field to a vote.  This is good news for the PNC because Burnham Part 3 would have suffered a resounding loss to the PPP.

Thread lightly, don't count on that as a certainty, 2015 was only 3 yrs ago.


All these parties including the one Charrandass will form field the same faces of ppl in the government. Corruption will prevail.

As it stands, there is no electoral solutions.

I hope, some political commentator steps up to the plate with a clean slate of people to govern. Those ppl cannot be afraid to place their names in the public.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has heavy hitters covering the Amerindian community.  Pauline Sukhai, Alistair Charlie, and Yvonne Pearson has this nailed down.  


Urgent reforms are needed if the PPP is to retain enough support to ensure a majority at the polls, former PPP stalwart, Ralph Ramkarran has said.

I think Ramkarran was looking for a more refined PPP party but since that time in 2012 and especially since 2015, he has come to realize that only God is perfect. The PPP should always be looking for ways to improve their party as people nowadays are really interested in 'what have you done for me lately'.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Granger had hand picked his successor but the No Confidence vote now opens up the field to a vote.  This is good news for the PNC because Burnham Part 3 would have suffered a resounding loss to the PPP.

Thread lightly, don't count on that as a certainty, 2015 was only 3 yrs ago.

In politics 3 years is equivalent to three lifetimes.  Ask Charandas.

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted: 

No doubt everyone was shocked. The government kept saying that no one from their bench will vote for the motion and Jagdeo while not sure if he was able to convince anyone to cross the isle was hopeful that he had convinced at least one. That said, he was not sweating anything. He was there to do a job as normal and that he did. Successfully.

No doubt about that, the NC will have all the contesting party (s) back to the drawing board. The fittest will form the government.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Granger had hand picked his successor but the No Confidence vote now opens up the field to a vote.  This is good news for the PNC because Burnham Part 3 would have suffered a resounding loss to the PPP.

Thread lightly, don't count on that as a certainty, 2015 was only 3 yrs ago.

In politics 3 years is equivalent to three lifetimes.  Ask Charandas.

Charandass NC vote, may be a blessing in disguise, probably will motivate more voters to turn out .

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Granger had hand picked his successor but the No Confidence vote now opens up the field to a vote.  This is good news for the PNC because Burnham Part 3 would have suffered a resounding loss to the PPP.

A 3 year vacation for the PPP is too short. The average PPP supporters , in Guyana, are not charismatic and  leaderless in his or her community.

Baseman posted:

I will not underestimate the PNC, but they are on the back foot here.  And after their dismal performance in the LGE, well they have their job cut out and little time. 

Base, the recent LGE is not the real benchmark for Regional and General Elections.I have been repeating this for awhile, you guys seem to think otherwise.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Granger had hand picked his successor but the No Confidence vote now opens up the field to a vote.  This is good news for the PNC because Burnham Part 3 would have suffered a resounding loss to the PPP.

Thread lightly, don't count on that as a certainty, 2015 was only 3 yrs ago.

In politics 3 years is equivalent to three lifetimes.  Ask Charandas.

Charandass vote, may be a blessing in disguise, probably will motivate more voters to turn out .

He is very popular as a lawyer. I suspect he is probably more popular, in Berbice, than Naga and Prak.


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