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Alleged gang rape after night club outing…Three questioned, cops seek legal advice


Police have questioned three young men who allegedly gang-raped a 20-year-old girl while taking her home from a Berbice night club a week ago.
A senior police official said that police are seeking legal advice to ascertain if the trio can be charged.
The girl, who was not fully dressed,  ran into a police station early last week Sunday and told a police rank she had been sexually assaulted.
Ranks from the Force’s Sexual Offences Unit investigated the case.
Residents in the vicinity of the station helped clothe the victim, after hearing her screaming outside the building. They took her first to a hospital, and then to two other police stations.
According to reports, the 20-year-old had visited a popular Berbice night club on Saturday night. She told relatives she then left with three male friends, who had a vehicle and had promised to drop her home. Kaieteur News understands that she was in an intoxicated state at the time.
However, during the journey, the men allegedly said that they had to take someone to the Corentyne. Then, instead of taking her home, allegedly took her to a house, where they threatened and sexually assaulted her.
She claimed that she managed to flee from the house and flag down a truck driver, who took her to a police station.
A police official said that the young woman recounted that she came out of the night club at around 04.30 hrs. She was reportedly under the influence. Her three male friends, who were going further up the Corentyne, offered to drop her home.
“They (allegedly) drove to the Corentyne and had sex with her against her will. She reported the matter, and we are making efforts to locate the suspects.”
A resident who lives near to the station where the alleged victim made a report said that he heard her screaming in the station at around 06.00 hrs. She had apparently become hysterical after the lone rank there indicated that he could not leave the station.
According to the resident, the young woman, who was not fully dressed, ran out of the station. Two women helped to ensure she was decently clothed before assisting in taking her to a private hospital. Staff there informed them that they would have to take her to a public hospital, and this was done. She then made a report at another police station after being medically examined.


Looks like the PNC punishing PPP supporters via "mo fiah slow fiah" a slogan coined by the PNC during their time in opposition when they used fire as a tool to terrorize the Indian population.

Arsonist may have started Cummings Street drug store fire


– cops say man in black fled scene

An arsonist is believed to have started Saturday night’s fire, which gutted several businesses housed in a building on Cummings Street.
Police and fire fighters shared this view, after finding evidence of forced entry at the building.
Reports have revealed that persons in the vicinity smelled gasoline, just before the fire started at Ram’s Pharmacy. ‘A’ Division Commander, Assistant Commissioner Clifton Hicken said police ranks chased a man dressed in black who was seen running away from the building. The man escaped.

Several business destroyed by Cummings street fire

Several business destroyed by Cummings street fire

Ram’s Pharmacy where the fire originated

Ram’s Pharmacy where the fire originated

Police Officials said there is evidence of forced entry to the lower flat of the building as two holes were found in the concrete wall aback Ram’s Pharmacy and another leading from the drug store into a clothing store.

The hole where lawman believe alleged arsonist gained entry.

The hole where lawman believe alleged arsonist gained entry.

Kaieteuer News spoke with the owners of a cell shop which was also gutted by the fire. This business is also housed in the same building. The owners said the fire started around 23:00 hrs Saturday night. The owner added that she was unable to estimate her losses at the moment and revealed that the business was uninsured.
“This is the second time we have had a fire, the first one was a small fire,” the business owner lamented.
Operations Officer at the Guyana Fire Service (GFS), Compton Sparman said the GFS responded with four tenders and were able to extinguish the blaze. Sparman commended the Guyana Water Incorporated which increased water pressure to the area.


Carpenter found dead on Berbice public road


– Relatives suspect foul play

A 26-year-old carpenter was found dead yesterday afternoon on the No 70 Public Road.

Dead: Faiyaz Narinedatt [inset) and the clothes reportedly worn by the carpenter.

Dead: Faiyaz Narinedatt (inset) and the clothes reportedly worn by the carpenter.

Dead is Faiyaz Narinedatt, of 36 No. 70 Village, Berbice. Narinedatt reportedly left his home early yesterday morning.
According to reports reaching Kaieteur News, the victim’s lifeless body was found at approximately 15:45 hrs, with what appeared to be marks of violence about the body and head.
Kaieteur News during a visit to the dead man’s home, spoke to his grieving mother, Bibi Shakera Aziz, who told this publication that her son left home yesterday at approximately 11:35 hrs, and she saw him later in the day at a shop nearby.
The woman stated, “meh son get up and ask meh wha wrang and me seh nothing na wrang ,and he go away, but me see am later at the shop opposite me hay, and after that me nah see he back”. She stated that she received a call stating that her son ‘met with an accident’ and was dead.
Meanwhile, Chandra Datt, an uncle of the now dead man, told Kaieteur News that his nephew’s death was not caused by an accident as they were told previously by police. According to Datt, his nephew was at a party in the village where a fight broke out, he disclosed that his nephew was allegedly beaten with pickets and thrown in a nearby drain located one lot away from where the party was being held. He stated that his nephew was allegedly beaten and then dumped on the public road.
When this publication visited the area where Narinedatt was allegedly beaten, some neighbours were tight-lipped on the situation, while expressing fear if anything was said.
One neighbour stated that “they beat the man and dash he pon the road”. He stated that he heard arguing outside the house where the party was being held, but didn’t think much of it.
As the investigation continues, there are rumours that persons who were at the party, hosted by an overseas-based businessman, could be responsible for the death of the young man.
During further investigation by this publication, broken pickets were seen thrown nearby a drain located not far from the businessman’s home. A shirt allegedly belonging to Narinedatt was also discovered on the parapet nearby. However, one of the businessman’s bodyguards is claiming that the shirt belongs to him, but relatives of the dead man are denying it is, as they indicated that it was the said shirt Narinedatt left his home with.
The body of the father of two was found on the public road, located a street away from where the alleged beating took place.
Meanwhile Divisional Commander Kevin Adonis confirmed that no-one has been arrested, as investigators are still taking statements. He also divulged that they are awaiting a Post Mortem to be conducted to determine whether or not it was a murder or it was indeed an accident.
Investigations are ongoing.


Gunman trails and robs woman outside Grove home

A Grove, East Bank Demerara woman was left in a state of shock after a gunman in a heavily-tinted car robbed her in front on her home at around 19.00 hrs on Monday.
Dolores Thompson says she was held at gunpoint minutes after exiting her vehicle outside her Block Y residence. The robber relieved Thompson of a bag containing $90,000, her driver’s licence, bank card and other documents.
Thompson works in Georgetown, and had driven home from her place of employment. She is unsure whether the robber trailed her from the city.
It was when she was in her street that she realised that a vehicle was behind her. Thompson said that when she arrived home, the occupants of the heavily-tinted white Toyota Premio drove past her and stopped on her neighbour’s bridge.
Thompson said she opened her gate and drove into her yard. She was about to close her gate when a slim, brown-complexioned man, with a flop-hat pulled down in his face, exited the parked car. The man walked up to Thompson, pointed a gun at her, and ordered her to hand over her valuables.
“I was caught off-guard. I never expected to be robbed. I was cold, I was numb,” Thompson said.
The robber then headed back to the car and escaped. Thompson said that the bandit had an accomplice, who was driving.
She said that police later told her that the vehicle was fitted with false number plates.
The attack on Thompson occurred even as police officials insist that there has been a drop in serious crimes.


Cattle farmer survives home invasion


A resident of Catherina’s Lust, West Coast Berbice, is happy to be alive after what is believed to be an attempted robbery, was thwarted by his neighbours on Monday night last.

A wounded Raymond Walters [inset) and his house.

A wounded Raymond Walters (inset) and his house.

Fifty-year-old Raymond Walters, a livestock farmer, who also works as a security guard at the Blairmont Sugar Estate, lives alone at Catherina’s Lust South, aback of a rapidly developing Hopetown Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society housing scheme.
According to Mr. Walters, it was about midnight when he went outside to use his detached toilet and was returning to the house. He was nearing the top of the stairs when three men suddenly pounced upon him, raining blows, while one man held him by the throat as they dragged him into the house and demanded money.
Walters recalled being bitten on the ears by the man who was choking him, and he was able to push him away during the struggle to be able to shout for help.
His neighbours responded promptly, and the approaching lights were enough to force the attackers to beat a hasty retreat, leaving their victim bleeding from the head and the ear.
The matter was reported at the Fort Wellington Police Station, and Walters was taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital where he was kept overnight.
A traumatized Walters disclosed that he was robbed twice before in recent times, but the police were never able to solve the cases. He however claims that he was able to recognize one of the attackers in this reported incident.
The police are investigating.


Bandit shot dead in Diamond home invasion

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One of two armed bandits was shot and killed by a licensed firearm holder, early Wednesday morning as they attempted to break into his 5th Avenue Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara home.

Investigations revealed that about 02:15h, the 38-year-old miner was awaken by a loud noise coming from the lower flat of his house, and upon investigating saw two males one armed with a handgun, attempting to gain entry into a southern door.

He made an alarm and during this process, discharged his firearm in the bandits’ direction, hitting one of them who fell, whilst his accomplice with the firearm managed to scale the fenced yard and escaped.

The matter was reported and ranks of a mobile patrol responded promptly and rushed the shot bandit, who was clad in a three quarter pants and a black vest tied around his neck, to the Diamond Diagnostic Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

He sustained two suspected gunshot wounds to his neck. His identity is yet to be ascertained. The body is presently at the Lyken Funeral Home. A 27-year-old male from West Ruimveldt who was arrested in the vicinity of the crime scene, is assisting with the investigation.


Bandits rob, burn Cane Grove store

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The gutted building which stored millions of dollars in supplies that went up in flames Wednesday morning

BANDITS in the wee hours of Wednesday morning robbed a pharmacy and hardware store at Lot 38, Virginia Village, Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara before setting the building on fire.The building located next to a police station was under construction and had commenced business some two years ago.

The owner, Dr Shivaram Itwaru, who is also a businessman, said the bandits entered the premises and torched the building using diesel after stealing his supplies. He was unable to save any item in stock and estimated his losses at $30M.

A depressed Dr Shivaram Itwaru being comforted by his wife in the aftermath of the fire
A depressed Dr Shivaram Itwaru being comforted by his wife in the aftermath of the fire

The medical doctor employed at the Georgetown Public Hospital and who has been practicing for over a decade, said he was out of the country for three months and only returned to Guyana Tuesday last.

“Last night, I was sleeping and my brother-in-law came to my house and started rapping on the door like 03:00 hrs and he told me the building was on fire. When I rush to the scene, I saw a lot of villagers assisting in putting the fire out and the fire truck came a little after that,” he recalled.

The doctor noted that there are cameras at all corners of his premises but noted that some of their positions were moved.

He also noted that the robbers burnt the camera’s DVR system in a bid to cover their identity.

“The investigators said the fire didn’t happen in one place, it happened in multiple places and diesel was used since bottles with the flammable liquid were found,” he said.

The bandits knocked out a grill from a window on the western side of the building to gain access to the business, Dr Itwaru said, pointing out that inside the building investigators also found coconut shells soaked with diesel.

The building stored groceries, confectionaries and hardware, as well as pharmaceutical supplies.

The doctor has since given a statement to the police and has related to them his suspicions.

His business is not insured and he related that it was too expensive at the time since he had to his repay creditors.


Man goes berserk, decapitates neighbor

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Undertakers removing the body of Bhulmattie Delall called "Mommy Gold", 53, from her home

BHULMATTIE Delall called “Mommy Gold”, 53, of Belvedere Squatting Area, Corentyne, Berbice, was on Wednesday decapitated by a berserk man.At the time of the incident, the woman was at home relaxing with her two-year- old grandson, who was not hurt in the vicious attack.

Dead: Bhulmattie Delall called
Dead: Bhulmattie Delall called “Mommy Gold”

According to information, the suspect Jainarine Balgobin called “Payo” had gone over to the woman’s house and threatened her.

Soon after he returned and committed the gruesome act.

Payo had also threatened three other neighbours before returning to Delall’s house where he severed her head with two chops.

“He went over by Mommy Gold and then he go over by them other people house and cuss them up and then he went over back by she with the cutlass in he hand and chop she and like he corner she by the fireside and how he chop she the head fall and left pon one side,” one neighbour related.

Payo was released from the Albion Police Station lockups on Tuesday after spending three days there for allegedly stealing his mother’s money.

He reportedly tripped out Wednesday morning and threatened several neighbours before going to Delall.

Delall is said to be very close to Payo’s mother and would rescue her whenever he abuses her.

The man, soon after committing the act, was arrested and taken into police custody.

According to residents, Payo had tripped out once before.

“Yesterday when he come he went over by (Bhulmattie) and touch she up and she holler for he mother. His mother come over and had to carry he home. When he drink he does behave really bad and treat he mother bad. One time before he trip out too but this me can’t believe he kill that lady so this thing mek everybody shock — that was a good lady. She does be the one to help out he mother,” another resident at the scene related.

Residents converged on the scene of the murder
Residents converged on the scene of the murder

Delall’s daughter, Purinima Nandram, 27, who was traumatised by the incident, said she was at work in New Amsterdam when she received a call informing her to go home immediately.

Nandram said she left only to come home to find her mother dead.

“I can’t believe this. Why he had to do this to mommy? She is a good lady always want to help people, she never like see advantage tek pon people,” the daughter cried.

Nandram said when she left home earlier her mother was in good spirits. Her two elder children ages seven and eight went to school while her two-year-old grandson stayed with Delall.


Bandits beat, rob owner of Chinese restaurant

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The Hing Fa Restaurant which was robbed by bandits who pretended to be customers

FIFTY-TWO-YEAR-OLD Chinese national Caa Aza Huo who operates the Hing Fa Restaurant at Garnett and Republic Streets in Newtown, Georgetown was on Thursday assaulted during a robbery at his place of business.Police say that at approximately 23:30hrs on Thursday, three men posing as customers entered the restaurant and made an order. While waiting on their food to be served, two of the three robbers instructed the proprietor to open the counter door, whereupon they held him at gunpoint.

Caa Aza Huo complied with the armed bandits’ order, but was beaten in the face with a gun while the bandits entered the heart of his business and carted off an undisclosed amount of cash, one laptop computer and two Samsung Galaxy cellphones.

After the robbery, the restaurant owner reportedly tried to summon the police via 911, but calls for assistance went unanswered by the police.

Neighbours recalled hearing loud screams for help when the Chinese national was being beaten by the bandits. They reported that they wanted to assist him, but were afraid to venture out of their homes because a gunshot had been discharged by the robbers, who fled the scene unchallenged.

Having received injuries to his mouth, the restaurant owner was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), where he was treated and sent away.

Police say the bandits were not masked, and the building was not outfitted with surveillance cameras. By the time the police arrived the men had already escaped.

When the Guyana Chronicle visited the restaurant on Friday, the business remained closed until further notice.


Brazen bandits tie up, beat, rob Black Bush gas station owner


Two brazen bandits yesterday terrorised a Yakusari North, Black Bush Polder, Berbice businessman before escaping with cash and phone cards.

The robbed business place at Yakusari North, Black Bush Polder, Corentyne, Berbice.

The robbed business place at Yakusari North, Black Bush Polder, Corentyne, Berbice.

According to residents of the farming community, the businessman was tied up and badly beaten and left in his shop during the high noon ordeal.
The businessman, 71, whose name was given as Jhodan but is known as ‘Django’, operates a gas station, drinking spot and general store. He apparently lived alone.
A resident who went to the business to purchase gas found the place deserted.
After calling for several minutes, the resident reportedly heard muffled sounds and pushed open a side door and found the businessman tied up and on the floor.
He was gagged, his hands were tied behind his back and he was bloodied from having been badly beaten on the face.
According to reports, the two young bandits had a cutlass and a knife.
They escaped with over $150,000 in cash, phone cards and cell phones.
Residents expressed surprise at the brazen act as the business place is located on a busy road that is traversed by vehicles all day long.
Yakusari North, Black Bush Polder, is located about seven miles in from the Corentyne Public Road at Number 43 Village.


Robbed three times in four months…La Grange gas station offers reward for information on bandits


The D and L Gas Station at La Grange, West Bank Demerara (WBD) Public Road is

The two bandits [in hoodie) harassing the two pump attendants.

The two bandits (in hoodie) harassing the two pump attendants.

offering a reward for any information that would lead to the arrest of two bandits who pounced on two staffers at the company last Thursday.
Surveillance footage showed one man, armed with a firearm entering the Gas Station. He grabbed a bag from a female pump attendant and then started to punch a male employee, who was standing in front of the pump.
By this time, another gunman entered and grabbed the female’s chain and took the cap that the male was wearing.
Both men then ran out of the gas station.
Kaieteur News was told that the gas station opened last June and was robbed twice in that same month. Last Thursday’s attack was the third since the gas station opened.


Gunman shoots money changer in fast food outlet


– bike bandits rob gas station

In the latest brazen acts by criminals, an unmasked gunman walked into a Popeye’s outlet in Water Street at around 16.00 hrs yesterday and pumped a bullet into a money changer who was dining with his girlfriend.
Hours later, bandits on a motorcycle robbed the Atlantic Petroleum filling station at Eccles, East Bank Demerara.
Shot and in a critical condition is money-chager Vishwahnauth Nouwbat, also known as ‘Vishal’, 36, of ‘C’ Field Sophia. He underwent emergency surgery at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
Reports are that the father of one and his girlfriend were having a meal when the gunman, who reportedly had an accomplice waiting outside, approached Nouwbat and ordered him to hand over money.
The man’s girlfriend said that he refused to comply, and the gunman shot her partner to the left side abdomen.
The woman, who was not injured, said that bandit fled without taking anything.
Eyewitnesses alleged that the bandits had to have been watching Nouwbat, who has been plying his trade outside the restaurant for a number of years.
Police investigators were on the scene trying to review CCTV footage. However, staffers were reportedly unable to locate sections of the footage linked to the botched robbery. Family members of Nouwbat told this publication that this is the second time he had been shot during a robbery.

Public spirited citizens assisting with carrying the injured man to an ambulance

Public spirited citizens assisting with carrying the injured man to an ambulance

SHOT: Vishwahnauth Nouwbat

SHOT: Vishwahnauth Nouwbat

It was just two months ago that another money-changer, Mahendra Deonarine, was shot in the abdomen just as he had disembarked from a boat at the Georgetown Ferry Stelling.
The robber relieved Deonarine of a haversack which contained an undisclosed sum of local and foreign currency, before fleeing on a motorcycle.
And at around 22.00 hrs last night, two men on a motorcycle, which bore no number plates, reportedly escaped with cash after a robbery at the Atlantic Petroleum filling station at Eccles.
When Kaieteur News arrived at the scene, the business was shut and employees declined to give details, beyond confirming the robbery.
The attacks occurred even as police and Government officials face increased criticism about what appears to be a rise in similar brazen attacks.
But lawmen and Government officials have insisted that there has been a decrease in serious crimes, while stating that efforts are being made to reduce the number of unlicensed weapons, while putting more stringent screening in place for persons who apply for firearms.


Last edited by Former Member

Thieves escape with $3.5M from Bartica Deputy Mayor’s store

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Bartica’s Deputy Mayor Kamal Persaud, owner of Kamal’s Gift Centre, is counting her losses after thieves in the wee hours of Sunday broke and entered her business, which has been in operation for over a decade. Reports are that sometime between 03:00h and 05:00h, bandits made their way through a window on the upper flat at the WK Shopping Mall, Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) and made off with jewellery, watches, mobile phones and portable DVD players. This follows another robbery committed on the store in September when mobile phones, to the value of $1.2 million, were stolen.

Bartica’s Deputy Mayor, Kamal Persaud
Bartica’s Deputy Mayor, Kamal Persaud

According to preliminary investigations, this latest robbery is similar in nature to the previous incident. Speaking with this publication on Sunday evening, Persaud expressed much frustration over being robbed twice in less than three months. The Deputy Mayor also explained that the lock on the door to the boutique was broken, while the showcase inside the establishment was also damaged.

The store’s showcase was vandalised
The store’s showcase was vandalised

She explained that while she appreciated the quick response of the Police, more needed to be done to restore safety to the nation’s newest town. The Deputy Mayor pointed out that this was the fourth time she has been robbed in 12 years since the establishment of her business. Persaud further explained that the first incident was in 2006, and the second occurred shortly after in 2007, and she has lost millions of dollars cumulatively.
“Bartica was the safest place in Guyana, but over the years, there have been a lot of criminal elements harbouring themselves here,” Persaud expressed. She added too with a population increase and movement of people, there has been an increase in crime.
Police are continuing their investigations.


Bandits attack car importer office, escape with $15M cash


Bandits, in an early morning raid, yesterday, attacked the head office of a car importer in Kingston, escaping with millions of dollars in local and foreign currency.

The robbed headquarters of Yokohama Trading, Kingston.

The robbed headquarters of Yokohama Trading, Kingston.

Staffers of the Yokohama Trading were left traumatized during the 10 minute ordeal in which the security guard was gun-butted.
Yokohama, a prominent Suriname-based car importer that set up operations here several months ago, had only recently opened a stockyard on the Rupert Craig Highway, East Coast Demerara, signlling intentions to expand operations here.
According to police sources as well as staffers, the Barrack Street headquarters had only opened for business for a few minutes when the bandits struck yesterday.
It was around 08:15hrs.
A security guard had left his post to get a cup of coffee in the outside office located in the lobby area when he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head. He had been using the water cooler. As he slipped to the floor, he saw a gun man hovering over him threateningly.
Another staffer, who acts as a cashier, was reportedly attending to her duties when she heard the commotion.
Suspecting something was amiss, she ran into the inner office to inform other staffers. They came back hurriedly and saw a man with a gun pointed at the head of her colleague, a Customer Service representative.
He demanded she open the door leading to the cashier area.
The two bandits, who were not masked, appeared to know what they were doing. They locked the entire office and it appeared as if a third person was outside on the lookout.
They demanded cash and led one of the staff members to a safe. The cash, said to be almost $15M in local and foreign currencies, was dumped in a bag and the staffers were ordered to lie on the ground.
The bandits, said to be in their 20s, quickly exited the Barrack Street building into a waiting car, said to be a Toyota NZE sedan.
The escape was reportedly captured on surveillance cameras.
Kaieteur News was told that the bandits may have cased the office on Saturday as two men were seen acting suspiciously in the office. One had been seen peering into the cashier cage and around the customer services area.
He had wanted a quotation on a vehicle but later changed his mind after receiving a call.
The police were yesterday called in and were said to be investigating the matter.


Berbice joiner beaten, robbed


Mohamed Azad Boodram, called “Haribold” 56, a joiner and father of three of No 19, East Coast Berbice was on Sunday brutally attacked and robbed by three men, one of whom he knew. This occurred around 14:30 hrs.

Beaten and robbed: Mohamed Azad Boodram

Beaten and robbed: Mohamed Azad Boodram

He was badly beaten about his body with a cutlass and relieved of the money he had.
Boodram identified the mastermind as someone of mixed ancestry with whom he has been acquainted for about two year and had spoken to a few minutes earlier. The man’s parents also bought furniture from him in the past.
According to Boodram he would deliver furniture on a ‘hold over’ basis. Persons would subsequently deliver money to his home or he would go around and make collections on weekends.
He left home around 12:30 hrs to make some collections and was in the Fyrish area when he encountered the mastermind on the road. They had a conversation and he left to go into the village to collect money from debtors.
Whilst in the village he saw the same suspect and two other guys sitting on a stall. One had a cutlass. He did not pay them much mind since he knew the mastermind. He subsequently stopped to buy a snow cone from a vendor when he felt a hand in his pocket. He held on to the hand and upon looking around he noticed it was the same suspect.
Thinking it was a joke, he asking the man if he needs a ‘small piece’. With that the man began broadsiding him. He was struck several times about his body including his head, back and belly.
He was then relieved of the $35,000 he had collected so far as the culprits made good their escape.
Boodram collapsed and was subsequently assisted by a resident to the Albion Police Station where a report was made. The police subsequently arrived and scoured the area, but the suspects had disappeared.
Boodram, who also cultivates a cash crop farm behind his home, saw his entire three acres of cultivation completely destroyed by fire. The man, who has been planting and cultivating the area for over 10 years, grew permanent crops that included oranges, tangerines, limes, lemons, guavas and sugar apples. He had over 500 bearing trees.
That fire had emanated from the rice field behind the farm owned by one Ravi of No19 Village. Boodram had made a report to the relevant authorities including the police, fire service and the Ministry of Agriculture, but got no help.
Again this year his entire crop was burnt by the said perpetrator and nothing is being done.
Boodram, who lost a son in 1994 in a road accident on the No19 Public Road due to the careless use of the road by a recalcitrant driver, said he received nothing from that incident.
The man plans to contact the Commissioner of Police with his plight.


Man busted with 130lbs ganja


… Thought he was transporting dry coconuts
-court hears

One of two men, who were allegedly held with almost 130 pounds of marijuana concealed in (salt) bags, after police intercepted a car at Kitty, Georgetown, during a high speed chase, is claiming that he thought dry coconuts were in the bags.
The man, Fawad Hamid, also known as ‘Not Nice’, 22, of Blairmont Estate, Berbice and Mark Douglas of Number Three Village, West Coast Berbice, are accused of having 58.843 kilogrammes of marijuana in their possession for the purpose of trafficking on March 12, at David Street, Kitty, Georgetown.
Hamid and Douglas who are represented by Attorneys Mark Waldron and Clyde Forde respectively are out on bail.
Police acting on information travelled to the vicinity of Subs and Salads, Sheriff Street, Georgetown, where two vehicles were seen. Hamid, who was the driver of one of the vehicles, turned into David Street, Georgetown after seeing police ranks. Ranks intercepted the vehicle after an exchange of gunfire and conducted a search during which a quantity of compressed marijuana was found in five bags in the trunk of the vehicle.
Last week, Hamid was called on to lead a defence after trial Magistrate Judy Latchman ruled that a Prima Facie case was made out against him based on evidence led by Police Prosecutor Vishnu Hunt.
Guided by his Attorney, the defendant elected to give a sworn testimony, during which he told the court that Douglas had given him five white salt bags and told him that dry coconuts were inside.
According to Hamid whilst leaving his home on the day in question, Douglas approached him at a park at Rosignol, Berbice and asked if he wanted a taxi to Georgetown. Hamid recalled that Douglas told him he had some bags to take to the city. He said that Douglas left and returned with five salt bags and placed them into the trunk of the vehicle.
“He (Douglas) tell me the bags got to go to Georgetown and he gave me a phone number to call somebody. I put it (the phone number) in my cell phone. He said when I go on Sheriff Street call the (phone number) and a man will come and collect the (salt) bags.”
The witness said that he drove the car from Berbice and called the cell phone number given to him while on Sheriff Street, but got no answer which resulted in him calling Douglas who told him he would be there in two minutes.
Hamid said, “When Mark Douglas arrived he parked behind my car. When I stepped out my car to talk to Douglas I see a burgundy 212 (motorcar) pull up alongside Douglas car with four plainclothes policemen.”
The defendant stated that he rushed into his car and sped off after police ranks with guns approached his co-accused. He stated that police chased after him firing gunshot and he surrendered; stepping out of the car.
Hamid told the court that he was taken to Police Narcotics Branch, Eve Leary, Georgetown, where police ranks opened the salt bags in the presence of Mark Douglas and disclosed that the bag contained marijuana.
Hamid related that he told police that the drug belonged to Mark Douglas and they promised to send him home if he testified against Douglas.
In spite of the promise, Hamid told the court police later informed him that he would be charged for the offence.
This matter is continuing.


Cricket Coach’s wife robbed at knifepoint

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Wife of current coach of the National Cricket Team Guyana Jaguars, Esuan Crandon was on Monday robbed at knife point on Sheriff Street, Georgetown.
Lestra Crandon was in the company of her two daughters when two men pounced on her as she stopped to make a purchase at a fast food outlet.
One of the men reportedly exited a car and grabbed onto the woman’s bag, while another attempted to relieve her of the keys to her car.
Although she resisted, the men made good their escape with her handbag containing a cheque worth $300,000, $140,000 in cash, debit cards, passports, mobile phones and other important documents.
In tears, the traumatised woman related that she stopped to purchase pizza for her daughter who celebrated her birthday on Monday. When she stopped, a man confronted her and held onto her bag and soon after the other joined in and attempted to relieve the car keys from her.
At the time, she noted, she was fearful for her life and that of her two daughters.
She explained that prior to the robbery, she did a bank city transaction and believes that she might have been followed by the men. “I don’t know where these guys came from… they came onto me suddenly but I tried to fight them off… one of them remain in a car and the two others were fighting with me,” she added. An alarm was raised and persons around ran to her rescue but by then the men had already taken her handbag.
However a man was subsequently arrested but has since denied his involvement in the robbery, although the woman has positively identified him. He was not found with anything in his possession, leaving detectives to suspect he handed over the bag to his accomplices. He was taken into custody and is assisting with investigations as Police launched a manhunt for the two others.


Bandits nabbed in Republic Park hideout

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Caught! Robbery convict Eon Godfrey Lynch

ROBBERY convict Eon Godfrey Lynch was among two wanted men cornered and arrested by police in the Eccles Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, as they attempted to escape lawmen who discovered them hiding out in an abandoned house in Republic Park, EBD, on Tuesday afternoon.

The other man arrested is a 22-year-old resident of Georgetown’s Costello Housing Scheme, who is a prime suspect in two recent robberies committed on gas stations in Georgetown and Eccles.

Superintendent Jairam Ramlakhan, in a statement from the Guyana Police Force, said the 19-year-old Lynch has given his places of abode as Agricola, East Bank Demerara and Lot 16 Second Bridge, Cow Dam, Diamond, East Bank Demerara.

Magistrate Judy Lutchman has sentenced him in absentia to a five-year term of imprisonment after finding him guilty of robbing Yvonne Moe of $13M at gunpoint on April 25, 2016 at Republic Park, East Bank Demerara.

On the day in question, Lynch, while in the company of another, allegedly held Moe at gunpoint and robbed her of the cash, jewellery and a pistol, all property of Harry Narine.

Lynch has had several other brushes with the law, the Police Public Relations Officer, Superintendent Jairam Ramlakhan, has said.

It is also alleged that on February 18, at Agricola, East Bank Demerara, while being in the company of another, and armed with a gun, Lynch robbed Dexter Richards of one Jialing motorcycle valued at $175,000, property of Shondell Mars. Lynch was also accused of robbing Richards, on the same day, of one gold ring worth $50,000 while brandishing a gun.

According to police facts, Richards was riding his motorcycle in Agricola when it encountered some mechanical problems. As he stopped to check, Lynch, with an accomplice who was armed with a cutlass, confronted him at gunpoint. They relieved him of the bike and gold ring, as stated in the charge, before escaping. The teen was later caught and positively identified by Richards during an identification (ID) parade.

Lynch was also charged with escaping from the lawful custody of Police Constable Boyce on March 1, while he was arrested for allegations of sexual assault.

He also was before the Providence Magistrate to face another robbery charge.

In yesterday’s dramatic afternoon confrontation, one of the men was caught in a residential compound while the occupants of the home were not at home. The other was cornered and arrested a block away, after they had both sprinted away in their failed attempt at escape.

At about 15:00 hours yesterday, police promptly responded to a call received from a public-spirited citizen, informing them that the men were seen acting suspiciously in the unoccupied house. The due, on seeing the police, reportedly fled, but were captured in Eccles.

“The Guyana Police Force wishes to acknowledge the excellent support it is receiving from members of the public in its crime-fighting strategies,” the police have said.


Bandits snatch Alesie payroll in Harbour Bridge ambush


The Ruimzeight Rice Processors Incorporated (Alesie), is once again counting its losses after one of its staffer and a taxi-driver, were robbed at gunpoint yesterday afternoon in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Bus Stop on the eastern side of the link.
According to reports, the staffer – who requested anonymity – had just uplifted the company’s payroll from a City bank. The staffer hailed a known taxi driver to transport her to the company’s headquarters on the West Coast of Demerara.
It was some time around 16:30hrs at the bridge when the duo was robbed. An eyewitness reported that a motorcar bearing licence plate number PSS 7213 pulled up to the taxi where a lone gunman exited the vehicle and began his assault on the taxi-driver.
The driver was reportedly gun-butted several times to the head as the gunman specifically requested the “envelope with the US$”.
The matter was reported at the Vreed-en-Hoop Police station and investigations are still ongoing.
Back in April this year, six heavily armed gunmen managed to gain entry into the Alesie compound minutes after midnight, overpowered the two on-duty guards and carted off $3M and other valuables. The guards were duct-taped and beaten during the ordeal.


Armed bandits invade Rohee’s house – Maids beaten, tied up

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PPP General -Secretary Clement Rohee speaks with the media after investigators had left his Eccles, East Bank Demerara home

– Car used in robbery found abandoned in Georgetown

LAW enforcement officers are in search of three men who Wednesday robbed the Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD) home of Clement Rohee, a former Home Affairs Minister and the current general-secretary of the opposition PPP, and beat his two maids in their search for money and gold. The police have since recovered the car that was used to drop and pick up the men. It was found abandoned on Croal street in Georgetown hours after the robbery. The police were also able to get fingerprints from the vehicle and from Rohee’s house.
At approximately 11:30 hrs, the men, armed with guns and a knife, entered the back door of Rohee’s home and held his two maids hostage as they searched for gold and money. The backdoor of the Eccles property was left open by one of the maids.

Investigators leaving Rohee’s premises Rohee on Wednesday
Investigators leaving Rohee’s premises Rohee on Wednesday

Rohee told reporters that he received a call Wednesday morning while at work informing him of the robbery. He said his domestic helpers were duct-taped and beaten by the angry men who had demanded money and gold from them. When the maids claimed they had no knowledge of the valuables in the house, they were kicked about their bodies. The ordeal lasted approximately 20 minutes, they said.
“[They] tied them up with duct tape, took them upstairs to the upper flat [and] began demanding gold and cash. Of course, they know nothing about that. They assaulted them for a brief while, a few kicks and so on; they began to ransack the house from top to bottom,” said Rohee.
Neither Rohee nor his wife was at home at the time of the incident. He said the police are currently reviewing security surveillance to determine who the three men are and the owner of the vehicle used to drop and pick them up from the location.
An undisclosed amount of local and foreign cash and jewellery were removed from the house, said Rohee, who disclosed that his wife had left for work around 07:30 hrs, while he left around 09:30 hrs.
“We have not been able to establish the total sum of money – a combination of foreign and local currency,” he told reporters after investigators left his Lot 6&7 Ixora Avenue, Eccles, EBD home.
The former Minister of Home Affairs said his firearm was not removed from where it was stowed and can only assume that the bandits did not see or touch it. It was only Monday when Rohee had expressed concern about the state of crime in Guyana during his party’s weekly press conference.
He is unsure of whether the robbery was random, noting, “I can’t say really you know… there had to be something make they came to this specific house and leave the others in the neighbourhood.”
Rohee explained that his wife is the owner of the property and noted that “nobody lived there before; this house was built by my wife when she came back from working with the embassy in Washington.”
He said the robbery of the Eccles house was not isolated, as there have been similar cases in the area as of recent.
“This kind of incident is very prevalent in the Eccles area…not because it has touched me, but a significant number of people have come to recognise that the crime situation is becoming more or less intolerable.”
As word spread of the robbery, members of the PPP/C visited Rohee’s home to provide support. Many of them were heard condemning the crime situation in the country while noting that “nothing is being done to reduce crime.”

The Eccles house belonging to Rohee and his wife
The Eccles house belonging to Rohee and his wife

Former Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai ,who lives opposite Rohee and Member of Parliament Nigel Dharamlall, along with other well-wishers, were seen at the Eccles house as a team of investigators carried out their investigations.
Meanwhile, a surveillance video seen by the Guyana Chronicle shows three persons being dropped off by a car; one of the bandits was carrying a backpack. Neighbours were in shock when they learnt of the robbery, noting that they had no clue that the former minister’s house was being robbed.
“Excuse me, is what happening over there by Mr Rohee?” asked one neighbour who when told said, “Oh my God, we were right here and we didn’t see anything.”
The said Eccles resident requested anonymity and told the Guyana Chronicle that recently she saw a young man on a bicycle traversing the street. The man spoke with Rohee’s security and told him he was looking for the wake of his aunt.
The said man was seen observing that resident’s house and when the resident enquired as to his motive, he said he was looking for the wake of his uncle.
“This is sickening, people work very hard for their things; something has got to be done about these people,” the angry resident stated.
Last week, President David Granger pleaded with citizens to be patient as his government works to implement crime-fighting strategies. He believes that the initiatives already implemented by the Ministry of Public Security are having an effect on the crime situation facing the country.
The Guyana Police Force had stated that as of September, serious crimes were down 19 per cent across the country.


ourteen women killed in 11 months


Fourteen women have lost their lives in domestic dispute between January and October 2016. According to data, compiled by the Ministry of Social Protection Documentation Centre, that figure represents three fewer women who were killed by their husbands, boyfriends or ex-partners, for the same period last year. The victims were between the ages 28 and 75 years old.
Representatives of the documentation centre noted the slight decline in the number of women killed in domestic violence scenarios will easily go unnoticed since it has become a norm.
They pointed to the 2015 Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) survey which showed that domestic violence is relatively accepted in Guyana.
According to surveys carried out between 2006 and 2014, respondents were asked whether they would or would not approve of a man hitting his wife if she had been unfaithful. They were also asked whether they would not approve but understand the abuse.
LAPOP recorded 10.2% of respondents approved while 25.4% of respondents did not approve of the abuse but understood. Further, 64.4% of respondents neither approved nor understood the abuse.
“This has been the cultural norm and the nation needs to move away from this. Try to eradicate domestic violence killing and gender-based violence.”
The information compiled by the documentation centre outlined that the first domestic murder for the year was committed against Hafeeza Rohoman, 28 of Helena Mahiachony on January 7, 2016. The next act was committed against Leolyn Sullivan, of Wismar Linden. She was stabbed 31 times in a neighbour’s yard after she had jumped through a window in an effort to escape.
She died while receiving treatment at the Linden Hospital.
Her reputed husband, Lawrence Carter, was taken into custody shortly after. On January 21, the battered body of 41-year-old Bibi Zabida Khan was found in a trench at Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo, one day after she went missing from her Seaview, Stewartville home.
A postmortem revealed that the woman had been beaten and strangled. Her reputed husband, Randolph Williams, who disappeared after the woman went missing, committed suicide a few months later.
On April 18, the partially decomposed body of 23-year-old Simone Hackett was discovered in a trench at Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara, a few days after she left her home to collect a package which her reputed husband had reportedly sent from the interior with a friend.
Her throat was slit and she was stabbed at least twice to her back and neck.
A few days after the discovery was made, her reputed husband, Clevon Hamilton, and an alleged accomplice were charged.
On May 9, 50-year-old Bagwanttie Persaud, called “Kamini” of 196 Mangroo Street, Rose Hall was chopped to death, allegedly by her reputed husband, 52-year-old Desmond Gordon.
On May 31, security guard Latchmin Shivpujan called “Radika” of Lot 3233 Crane Old Road, West Coast Demerara (WCD) was found murdered in her home. Her body bore several stab wounds.
Neighbours said that they heard the woman screaming for help the night before the gruesome discovery was made but no one saw anyone entering her home.
A male security guard, with whom she had a relationship, is among four taken into custody for questioning.


Even top PNC brown noser Chris Ram ain't immune from the ravages of crime under the PNC.

Burglars invade home of Christopher Ram’s son

The door that was broken by the bandits

The door that was broken by the bandits

Burglars invaded the home of the son of prominent accountant, Christopher Ram, early yesterday and escaped with approximately $1.2M in valuables.
This occurred some time between 01:00 hr and 04:00 hrs at the 34-year-old man’s Delhi Street, Prashad Nagar home.
The suspects escaped with a television, a music set, a watch, computer, electrical appliances, clothing and foreign currency.
In a statement yesterday, Christopher Ram Jnr said, “Between the hours of 11:00 PM on Tuesday when I turned in to bed, and 4:00 AM on Wednesday, when I woke up, my home in Prashad Nagar was burgled and almost every portable thing of value taken away.”
The victim said that he relied on his two dogs for protection purposes but one of the animals was injured—He suggested that the bandits might have had something to do with this.
The men gained entry into Ram’s home by damaging the lock on his door in the upper flat of the property.
Ram said that he was disappointed when he called 911 to report what had happened.
“When I called 911, I was cut off on three occasions and on the fourth occasion I was told that since the burglars had already left I would need to go down to the Police Station to make a report.”
He explained that the area where he lived has been a target for burglars and bandits.
“The President has said that he would like to see fewer weapons in the hands of private citizens and that these should be left to the law enforcement agencies. As good as this may sound, in practice, it means that citizens are left to the mercy of the bandits and an ineffective public security system.”
He lamented that “even though I am a US citizen, I returned to Guyana to pursue a career and to live in a country I would love to call home.
I am the Manager and CEO of a Human Resources company, Accedo, and part of our efforts is to persuade members of the Diaspora to return and work in Guyana.
“This experience will affect the conviction with which I can continue to do so.
Indeed, the incompetence and insensitivity of the Police now force me to reconsider my decision about Guyana.”


Man walks into hospital with ‘ice pick’ in back


…after telling Rasta man to eat salt

A 23-year-old man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) around 15:00 hrs yesterday with an ice-pick stuck in his back. This was after he reportedly told a “Rasta man” to eat salt.

Seyon Persaud

Seyon Persaud

The victim has been identified as Seyon Persaud of Leopold Street, Georgetown.
According to information received, Persaud was walking near Stabroek Market in Georgetown with a friend, Sherwin Anthony, when the suspect looked at them and shouted, “fire, fire.”
The victim reportedly then told the suspect to go and eat salt. This resulted in the assailant going into his bag and rushing up to the man with an ice-pick in his hand and stabbing him in the back.
Upon seeing his friend attacked, Anthony ran for his life. Persaud was rushed to the hospital with the weapon protruding from his body.
Police sources yesterday said that no one has been arrested. Statements were taken from Anthony and a description of the suspect was given to the police.
At the hospital yesterday, Anthony said that he and Persaud were heading to the Wales Police Station on the West Bank Demerara to bail Persaud’s partner when the attack took place.
Up to press time, the victim was still receiving treatment at the GPHC’s Emergency Unit.


PM reveals Mazaruni welder died from head injuries; two arrested


– mother seeks answers

A post mortem (PM) that was conducted on the body of 44-year-old Timothy Fraser, a welder who worked in the Mazaruni River, has revealed that he died from blunt trauma to the head.

Dead: Timothy Fraser

Dead: Timothy Fraser

The autopsy which was done by Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh on Wednesday further made known that Fraser would have been dead two days prior to him being reported missing by colleagues.
This has prompted investigators to launch an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Fraser’s death.
According to reports reaching Kaieteur News, two men are currently in police custody, while investigators are on the hunt for several others.
Fraser’s body was fished out of the Mazaruni River last Sunday. The welder who hails from Savannah Park Housing Scheme, New Amsterdam, was employed with a mining company when co-workers reported him missing.
Mother of the dead man, Valerie Fraser, was adamant in her belief that something was amiss in relation to her son’s death after she received conflicting stories of how he died. She said that from all initial reports given to her, Fraser drowned in the Mazaruni waters.
She was told by his colleagues that Fraser was dressed in his work attire awaiting a boat to collect him but after some time had passed he allegedly decided to go for a swim.
Her son’s colleagues alleged that when the boat arrived his clothing was seen but Fraser was nowhere in sight.
Another story given to her was that Fraser was sitting on a boat when he accidentally fell overboard. She stated that she was also told that her son would have gone to another location to work.
The distraught woman is seeking answers for her son’s demise since the family is of the firm belief that the welder was asleep and was beaten before eventually being transported by boat and dumped in the river.
None of the welder’s working equipment and clothing could be found in the camp. Investigations are continuing.


Bandits hit Mon Repos gas station twice in one week

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Police in C Division (East Coast Demerara) are on the hunt for two motorcycle bandits who attacked a gas station located on the Railway Embankment, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, on Wednesday evening.
According to reports, about 20:30h, a female pump attendant was sitting on a chair counting some cash when two men on a motorcycle rode into the service station and grabbed her. However, the woman managed to escape and alert her colleagues.
At the said time, a customer, who is a licensed firearm holder, was at the gas station and upon realising what was transpiring, drew his weapon and opened fire. This caused the two bandits to rush out of the service station. Luckily, they were unable to get any valuables.
It was reported that this service station was among three businesses that were robbed last weekend by two bandits on a motorcycle. Reports revealed that around 07:00h on Friday last, two men, one armed with a gun and the other with a knife, rode up to one of the pump attendants and snatched a sum of cash from her hand before riding off.
After reviewing surveillance footage of Wednesday’s incident, the owner of the facility, Rabindranauth Prasad, believes that the two men who attacked his business on Wednesday were the same ones who carried out last weekend’s daring robbery.
He pointed out that this was the fourth time the gas station has been robbed and the Police were unable to capture any of the perpetrators despite being provided with surveillance footage.
On June 18, 2016, armed bandits stormed the service station just after midnight and tied up the pump attendant along with the security guard before escaping with some $14,200 in cash, two cellular phones and 12 gas cylinders.
Meanwhile, with regard to Wednesday’s incident, this newspaper was told that the Police were reviewing the surveillance footage and were yet to make an arrest.


Man gunned down in Albouystown following dispute


A 27-year-old father of one was gunned down around 06:30 hrs yesterday at La Penitence

Dead: Michael Junior Payne

Dead: Michael
Junior Payne

Street, Albouystown, when he went to collect a bicycle from a man, who he was involved in an argument with the night before at Ketley Street, Charlestown.
The dead man has been identified as Michael Junior Payne of Tuckeit Street, South Ruimveldt Gardens.
Payne, who operated a small shop at Ketley Street, was shot to the head, chest and upper left hand. He was pronounced dead at the Georgetown Hospital.
According to information received, Payne and the suspect were involved in a bitter argument, around 22:00 hrs on Thursday, during which Payne left and went into his shop.
The other individual allegedly picked up Payne’s bicycle and rode away.
Around 06:00 hrs yesterday, Payne, along with a cousin, went to the suspect’s home at La Penitence Street, Albouystown, to collect the bicycle.
Acting Commander of ‘A’ Division, Calvin Brutus said that based on information received, Payne and his cousin called out for the suspect, but after receiving no response, they decided to bang on the door a couple of times.
Kaieteur News was told that it was while banging on the door that neighbours heard several gunshots coming from the suspect’s home.
Payne sustained three gunshot wounds, while his cousin managed to escape without injuries and is assisting the police with information.
The suspect, who has been identified as “Beggar” has not been arrested as yet.
At Payne’s relatives’ home in Charlestown yesterday, a female cousin named Ashanti said that they were informed that their relative was involved in an argument the night before with someone from Albouystown. They suspected that his death is linked to the same individual.
The young lady recalled that they were at home when someone came and informed them that the young man had been shot in Albouystown.
She refuted claims that the now dead man was a person of questionable character, but stressed that, “He is not a problem child, but if you come in he way, normal thing.”
Meanwhile, the family stressed that it was only a few months ago that they lost one of their relatives, O’Riley Small, who was riddled with bullets by a gunman dressed in a “hoodie”. The 31-year-old Smyth Street resident was shot at least ten times just as he returned home after a night out at one of the city’s night spots.


Irate tenant shoots landlord in legs


Police are attempting to locate a 30-year-old man who allegedly shot his landlord multiple times to his legs on Friday night because he was warned to discontinue conducting illegal business on the property.
The victim, Basil Murray, 66, of Lot 89 Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara, owns and rents a three-storey property at Lot 360 Melanie Damishana ECD, where the suspect is one of his tenants.
About 21.15 hrs on Friday, Murray was making a routine visit to his property when he met the suspect in the yard and told him he learnt that the tenant was selling narcotics on his premises.
When Murray demanded that his tenant desist, an argument ensued and the suspect allegedly whipped out a handgun and shot Murray twice to both legs before fleeing.
The victim was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted in a stable condition.
Investigators retrieved seven spent shells of a small calibre weapon at the scene.


Chinese chef shot, robbed of cash, cell phone


A twenty-eight year old Chinese chef was shot and robbed just after midnight outside his Bonasika Street, section ‘K’ Campbellville home.
A release stated that Coa Ben Fei was shot in the upper right thigh, and is in a stable condition at a private hospital.
According to the release, Ben Fei had just exited his car and opened his gate when three men, including one armed with a handgun, accosted and relieved him of his cell phone, chain and $80,000 cash.
During that process, the armed suspect shot the chef in the thigh, before escaping with his accomplices in a dark-coloured car.
The wounded man was rushed to Woodlands Hospital. Investigators retrieved a 9mm shell at the scene. No arrests have yet been made.
Fei is the latest victim of a spate of recent brazen robberies.
Just a few days ago, an unmasked gunman walked into a Popeye’s outlet in Water Street and shot money changer Vishwahnauth Nouwbat.
Reports are that the father of one and his girlfriend were having a meal when the gunman, who reportedly had an accomplice waiting outside, approached Nouwbat and ordered him to hand over money.
The man’s girlfriend said that he refused to comply, and the gunman shot her partner to the left side abdomen.


Man kills farmer, dumps corpse in river


Police are likely to charge three men soon in connection with the murder of a Kamarang farmer, who was clubbed to death and dumped in a river.
A police release stated that one of the men has confessed to killing Dexter Edwards. Police are to seek legal advice today on the case. The partially decomposed body of Edwards, a 27 year old farmer of Pariuma River, Kamarang, was discovered on November 5 in the Ochi Top River in Kamarang by a group of campers.
A post mortem revealed that Edwards died from multiple injuries.
It is alleged that Edwards was drinking with friends when an argument ensued and one of the men struck the farmer in the head with a length of wood. The assailant then dumped the body in the Pariuma River.
In another release, police said that ranks, acting on   information, searched a house at Seventeenth Avenue, Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, at around 00:30hrs yesterday.
They allegedly found a 23 year old fisherman who was hiding in the ceiling of the one-flat residence. He was allegedly in possession of an unlicensed .32 pistol with two matching rounds.
The suspect and two female occupants were detained.
A ballistic test is being conducted to determine if the weapon was used in the commission of any crime. Meanwhile, three labourers from Henrietta, Essequibo Coast, will soon be arraigned before a Magistrate to answer to a charge of break and enter and larceny, which occurred between November 9-11, 2016 at Henrietta Village, Essequibo.
Stolen and recovered are two flat screen television sets, one camera monitor, other articles and cash.


Gunmen beat, rob Mahaicony family


Members of a Mahaicony family were tied up, beaten and robbed by three gunmen at around 01.30 hrs yesterday.
The family members said that unmasked men escaped with cash, jewellery and cell phones after invading their Lot 2 Planters Hall, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara home.
According to information received, the unmasked men entered the two-storey home and held the owner, Boodram Manie and his brother and nephew at gunpoint.
Kaieteur News understands that Manie, 45, a bus driver, and the other men were outside the home conversing when the bandits attacked.
They were gun butted and forced into a bedroom, where the intruders tied up Manie’s 15-year-old son, his male cousin and the two male relatives.
While one of the gunmen kept guard in that bedroom, the others carried Manie upstairs to his bedroom, where they ordered him to lie face down before tying his hands and feet.

A section of the ransacked bedroom

A section of the ransacked bedroom

The bus driver said that the gunmen ordered him to hand over cash and jewellery. He directed them to a wardrobe where he kept the items. He said that they took $100,000, $US300, a gold chain and five smartphones.
He stated that the ordeal lasted for about 10 to 15 minutes, during which the gunmen ransacked his home and threatened to kill him if he attempted to answer his cell phone.
The gunmen reportedly escaped in a waiting car. And according to Manie, he is certain they arrived in a similar manner, but might have parked the vehicle a few blocks away.
The matter was reported to the Mahaicony Police Station.
Around noon yesterday, police ranks were at the home conducting investigations.
The house where Manie and his son have been residing for several years, has no security cameras.


Essequibo trio nabbed after alleged break and enter at Henrietta

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Police in G Division (Essequibo Coast/Essequibo Islands) acting promptly on information about a break and enter at a Henrietta residence, apprehended three men who were allegedly involved in the act.
The trio: Akim Spellen, 21, Deon Dwarka, 23, and Mark McKenzie, 33, aka Bora, all of Henrietta Housing Scheme are in Police custody.
The Police nabbed the suspects and recovered the stolen items when the men admitted to committing the act.
The men allegedly broke into the home of Norma Hercules between November 9 and 10 at around 06:00h. One flat-screen television valued $200,000 and one camera monitor valued $20,000 were stolen.
According to information, on November 10, pensioner Ivy John, 69, who usually takes care of the house and who would visit regularly to clean, discovered the house was broken and the items missing.
The Police were summoned and the suspects later apprehended. Investigations are ongoing.


Bandits caught on Lamaha St after high speed chase

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One of the suspected bandits being arrested by the lawmen at the scene. (Timothy Bhagwandin photo)


Two suspected bandits were apprehended by the police along Lamaha Street in the city following a high speed chase on Monday morning.

: The car which the bandits were using. [Timothy Bhagwandin photo)
: The car which the bandits were using.
(Timothy Bhagwandin photo)

The men, who were in a Toyota Premio motorcar car bearing a false number plate, sped away from the police shortly before lunch. The police ranks on motor cycles chased the car which crashed into a drain along Lamaha Street between Vlissengen Road and Republic Street.

Police reportedly retrieved firearms and ammunition from the vehicle. The car’s original number plate HC 7294, was covered with a fake registration HB 7412.

Scores of persons gathered as the police arrested the suspected bandits.


Suspected sheep thief shot dead by police


An unidentified man was yesterday shot by police ranks in Berbice who were responding to a larceny of sheep report. The man who’s only name was given as “Blackie” allegedly pointed a loaded firearm at the lawmenberbice-shooting and was fatally shot by one of the ranks with a service revolver, about 06:20 hrs in a farm house at Lochaber Village, West Canje, Berbice.
According to the police, three police ranks, one armed with a service weapon, proceeded to a farmhouse at Lochaber Village, West Canje, and were immediately confronted at the entrance by the aforementioned individual.
The man allegedly rushed back into the house, armed himself with a handgun and attempted to shoot the armed policeman who had followed closely behind him. During the confrontation,the rank discharged his firearm several times at the suspect who fell. He was rushed to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
An unlicensed silver Taurus pistol and six live matching rounds were retrieved.
The house was searched and the following articles were found: One Plum phone, two silver finger rings, one silver chain, one Compaq Laptop Computer, and several electronic gadgets. The first four items were positively identified by Ravendra Bipram, 27, of Anchorville, Port Mourant, Berbice, as his property. He was allegedly robbed at gunpoint on November 11, 2016, at Smythfield Access Road, New Amsterdam, Berbice, by a male fitting the description of the deceased.
Police sources stated that the house is allegedly owned by a known convict who lives at Mount Sinai, New Amsterdam. As a result, a team of police went to the alleged owner’s Mount Sinai home and arrested a 28-year-old male from Sand Hills, Berbice River, after an unlicensed Taurus pistol with ten (10) live matching rounds was found on his person.
That house was also searched, and one laptop computer, seven cellular phones and a pair of binoculars were found. Two motor cycles, a motor car and a lighting plant were seized.
Meanwhile, Toolsie Baljit, speaking to Kaieteur News disclosed that his grandson Yoganand Baljit aka “Buju” had been operating a livestock farm at Industry, situated up the Canje River. He stated that his grandson had only bought the flock of sheep about a month ago.
The elder Baljit told this publication that upon a visit to his home on Saturday evening, three masked men, armed with two firearms, went to the farm and tied up his guard, he stated that the men allegedly covered the guard’s face with a bag, to avoid being identified, and then threw him into a hammock while they stole 30 sheep and left.
The man stated that his grandson went to the farm the following day and found the guard bound. He was eventually untied and both men proceeded to the nearest police station where a report was made.
According to Baljit, they received information that the sheep were offloaded from a boat at Vryheid and taken in a white canter to the location where the man was shot and killed.
Reports are that the owner identified twelve of the sheep to be his. It was after this that police approached the house and the man was shot.
Reliable sources state that the dead man lived on the Essequibo Coast, and had been engaged in farming of cannabis up the Berbice River for several months.
Investigations are ongoing.
Meanwhile, some residents in the Vryheid/Lochaber area expressed their fear and disgust, as they revealed that the area is plagued with criminal activity. According to one resident the men are “barefaced” in their actions, but very little is being done.


Barefaced thief caught red-handed with TV

The suspect who was captured yesterday

The suspect who was captured yesterday

A barefaced thief was caught yesterday morning leaving the home of a La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara (WBD) resident with a television set and other items. Residents of the community said it was as if he was the occupant of the property and was moving out.

Luckily, neighbours were able to determine that he was not from there and apprehended him.

According to information received, the young man along with other workers was doing construction work at the house a few days ago, but returned by himself around 09:45 hrs yesterday and removed a few louvre panes from a window to enter the building.

The neighbours saw the man fetching a television and other items and chased after him. He was apprehended by two men and tied up before he was handed over to the police. The young man was well dressed.



Hooded bandits raid Texila University; steal cash, laptops  

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The offices of the Critchlow Labour College and Texila University were on Tuesday night broken into by two persons who were covered with hoods.

In a statement, the Guyana Trades Union Congress which administers the CLC said the surveillance camera picked the images of two persons hooded and well covered. According to the GTUC a grill door was removed at the Administrative office, and the thieves subsequently squeezed themselves through a hole in the wall to enter the Finance Office.

From the Finance Office they opened the door and then removed window panes and gained entry into the Texilla Office. Among the items removed were: laptops, projector and money. Police have been called in and have commenced their investigations.


Bandits rob businessman at traffic light

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An East Coast Demerara businessman was left traumatised after bandits on a motorcycle robbed him at a Main Street, Georgetown traffic light.
The incident occurred just after midday on Wednesday, in front of the Finance Ministry.
Guyana Times understands that the businessman had just left a Water Street, Georgetown bank and was on his way home when he was attacked. It is believed that he was tailed by the bandits from the bank.
According to reports reaching this newspaper, the businessman was in his Toyota Hilux pickup along with another person at the traffic light, at Main and Lamaha Streets, Georgetown when two men rode up alongside them on a CG motorcycle.
This newspaper was told that the pillion rider jumped off the bike and tried to open the door of the pickup; however, it was locked. This prompted the bandit to whip out a firearm and discharged a single gunshot into the window. The gunman then grabbed a bag, containing an undisclosed sum of cash, from the men in the pickup, before joining his accomplice on the motorcycle and speeding away.
Eyewitnesses related their shock at the speed at which the perpetrators operated.
“All this happened in less than 20 seconds. What was chilling is how easily these guys operate… That was criminally motivated; that’s our reality. I’m still in awe at what I just witnessed,” one eyewitness, who was also in his vehicle at the traffic light, wrote in a social media post.
Luckily, no one was injured in the incident. The Police are investigating the matter and are reviewing CCTV footage obtained from the area.
Of recent, there have been many robberies committed by thieves on motorcycles across the country. However, some good investigative work by Police detectives recently saw the arrest of a 26-year-old serial robber of Lot 86 Nelson Street, Mocha Arcadia, East Bank Demerara, who is believed to have used a motorcycle with his accomplice to commit a spate of robberies on gas stations and supermarkets along the East Coast of Demerara (ECD).
Uriel Mentore was charged and placed before the courts on six counts of armed robbery and attempted robbery between October 19 and November 11, 2016, during which he stole in excess of $3.3 million in cash and valuables.
The first charge states that on October 19, he robbed Shivo’s Supermarket at Nonpareil, ECD; then on November 3, he robbed Wisdom Supermarket at Vryheid’s Lust, ECD; and the following day, he attempted to rob Daily’s Supermarket located at Park Street, Enterprise, ECD.
The accused was also charged for robbing R Prashad’s Service Station located on the Mon Repos Railway Embankment, ECD on November 5, attempting to rob the Shell Gas Station at Ogle, ECD on November 9, and robbing Viscom Electronics at Mon Repos Public Road, ECD on November 11, during which he was nabbed.
The Police had confiscated the motorcycle and two full-faced protective helmets that are believed to have been used during the commission of the crimes. Mentore was remanded to prison until December 15.


Two admit to killing Berbice carpenter on businessman’s orders


After he rejected the sexual advances of an overseas-based businessman, Faiyaz Narinedatt was

Faiyaz Narinedatt

Faiyaz Narinedatt

murdered, dumped on a roadway on the Number 70 Village, Corentyne Public Road, and a vehicle driven over his body to make it seem that he was an accident victim.
That is the bizarre admission that two of his alleged killers have given to detectives, who have detained seven suspects in connection with the murder of the 36-year-old carpenter on November 1.
Police also have a statement from a witness who revealed how the killing was staged to look like a hit-and-run accident.
The suspects include two youths aged 17 and 18, and known as ‘Bruck Hand’ and ‘Cheese Mouth.’ The ages of the others range from 20 to 49. Some of the aliases were given as “Patchie’, ‘Lloydie’’Rado’ and ‘Zubir.’
The businessman who allegedly ordered the killing has reportedly returned overseas.
The case broke this week after ranks from the Force’s Major Crimes Unit (MCU) took over the investigation.
Initially, it was reported that the father of two was killed in a hit-and-run accident around 04:00 hrs on the Number 70 Village Public Road on November1.
But the victim’s injuries seemed to suggest that he was beaten. There was also no evidence of an accident occurring at the spot where the body was found.
Raising further suspicion was the fact that Narinedatt’s bloody shirt was found about two corners from his corpse. There were also bloodstains at the scene.
One of the persons, who at first gave ranks a misleading statement, was said to be the person who washed the blood from a car the killers used to transport the body. Police have impounded two vehicles.
According to a police source, a key witness has come forward and told police that on the day of the murder, the overseas-based Guyanese had a party at his home and the victim, the eyewitness and a few other persons were present.
It is being reported that while the party was going on, the father of two went to the back of the yard to urinate after which the overseas-based Guyanese allegedly went behind him and started “feeling him up”.
“Narinedatt slapped him (the overseas-based Guyanese) and went back in front, but he (the overseas-based Guyanese) walked up and told his friends to kill him.”
According to reports, the businessman told the men that he would ensure that they weren’t caught.
Kaieteur News understands that several men then beat Narinedatt at the businessman’s premises. He was then taken to a roadway and beaten until he fell into a drain.
The men then took the seemingly unconscious carpenter by vehicle to Number 70 Village, Corentyne.
After dumping Narinedatt on the roadway, one of the men drove a vehicle over the carpenter.
The eyewitness’s statement is consistent with more than a dozen other reports that the family received from persons who called them anonymously.
The victim’s wife only delivered their second child five months ago in the US.


Lone gunman robs fruit vendor

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fruit vendor was on Friday afternoon robbed of his day’s earnings by a gunman as he was vending in Queenstown, Georgetown.

Guyana Times understands that the incident occurred at about 18:00h on Oronoque Street, Queenstown, after the man had just finalised a transaction.

According to reports, the fruit vendor was collecting goods from a vehicle and after the vehicle left, the lone gunman ran up and pointed his weapon to the vendor and snatched the money that was in the vendor’s hand.

This newspaper understands that persons who were in the vicinity did not intervene since the lone gunman fired shots in the air as he fled the scene. The Police responded quickly but were unable to capture the gunman. An investigation has been launched.


Edinburgh man robbed, shot at during home invasion


A 23-year-old truck driver of Lot 1126 Edinburgh Village, East Bank Berbice, is counting his blessings after being shot at during an armed robbery at his home.

Home of Edinburgh truck driver, Jason Hussain.

Home of Edinburgh truck driver, Jason Hussain.

According to a police source, Jason Hussain, who lives with his wife, three-month-old baby, brother-in-law and mother-in-law, was alone at home when he heard a noise in one of the rooms in the house.
Hussain told investigators that he was having dinner at the time and got up to check when he saw a man armed with a cutlass and masked, already halfway through the window entering the house. He stated that he threw his plate with food in the perpetrators face to distract him and ran towards the front door. It was while opening the door that he was confronted by two other masked men, dressed in black clothes and gloves, armed with a cutlass and gun.
The bandit holding the gun allegedly fired a shot in Hussain’s direction but he dodged, the bullet hit a refrigerator that was located behind him and passed through. Hussain told investigators that he fell to ground while both men entered the house and eventually tied him up before he could raise an alarm to alert his neighbours.
He added that while he was tied up the men ransacked the home in search of cash and jewellery. The perpetrators searched two of the three bedrooms since only two were occupied.
Hussain disclosed that the men escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash, two gold wedding rings belonging to himself and wife, a Plum cellular phone and some other gold jewellery belonging to his mother-in-law.
He stated that his mother-in-law and wife were not at home when the robbery occurred. The man also stated that after the bandits escaped he managed to untie himself and alerted the neighbours and the authorities who responded swiftly.
Hussain told police that the perpetrators would not have escaped with much money since they do not keep large sums of cash in their home due to religious beliefs.
The police source stated that the police response time has reduced tremendously as a result of the upcoming Christmas season with more patrols active on the roadways.
When Kaieteur News showed up at the house, the mother-in-law, Angelina Sattaur, stated that she was too traumatized to speak to the media. The robbery took place at approximately 20:00 hrs Friday night.
No one has since been arrested and investigations continue.


So much for jackass Granger's claim that bandits are using guns supplied by private citizens. 

Gun found in dead bandit’s possession belonged to senior police rank


Bandit was sentenced to two years in jail in absence

The gun found in the possession of the dead bandit, Romel Hoppie, has been confirmed to

Dead bandit: Rondel Hoppie

Dead bandit: Rondel Hoppie

belong to a senior police officer (Assistant Superintendent Trotz) whose firearm was stolen during a robbery at his Tuschen home.
According to a source the bandit was shot dead during an altercation with the police at Locaber, West Canje, Berbice. He was an ex-policeman who had a long list of criminal activities.
The convict went by the name Romel Hoppie called Blackie, and not Rondell Marks as was stated by his mother, Monica Marks. It was also found that the man hailed from Dartmouth, Essequibo, and not Suddie Housing Scheme, Essequibo.
According to information, the man after leaving the police force turned to a life of crime. He moved to the interior where he committed a number of misdemeanors. He is also accused of stealing a shotgun in the Pomeroon, Essequibo area during 2010.
He returned to the coast and committed a number of crimes in and around Georgetown. He was charged with robbery while being a Bus conductor
Hoppie a father of four, who police say has been avoiding serving a jail sentence, was charged with the offence of robbery with violence.
On May 28, at Plum Park, Sophia, Hoppie of 215 Guyhoc Park, Georgetown, robbed Mario Eversley of a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone valued $110,000 while making use of personal violence on the victim.
Police Prosecutor, Sergeant Gillian Simons opposed bail on the ground that the accused was currently wanted by police to serve a jail sentence. She explained that Hoppie was sentenced in absentia to two years’ imprisonment at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court.
However, Magistrate Moore stated that a warrant should have been issued for the defendant.
Prosecutor Simons also said that the defendant was currently under investigations at several police stations, including the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Eve Leary, Georgetown, in relation to similar offences.
Hoppie who defended himself, told the court that he did not rob the complainant. The route 41 bus conductor argued that the complainant had “jammed” one of his lights and gave him the cell phone.
But he did not specify whether the complainant gave him the item as compensation or for any other purpose. Hoppie claimed that the only reason why he was locked up was because Eversley has “police family”.
Initially, bail was set at $75,000 for the defendant. After telling the Magistrate that his bus was impounded by police and that he had owed one month installment, Hoppie pleaded with the court for bail reduction which was granted.
He remained on the run ever since until his demise.


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