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baseman posted:
susan posted:
baseman posted:
susan posted:

And, I know it's difficult for you to envision, but baseman is a man of love for all!!  No child, regardless of race, religion of sex should be deprived of a chance to make the most of life!!

Well boy if you and trump are as you say, you sure got a whole lot of people fooled! they would never believe it from what you spout in very public fora! 

Don't be fooled by optics!!  All that glitters is not Gold and the opposite is also true!!

True dat!

A really good friend, a gem of a man, used to say, something like "it is the biggest illusion  to think that something that appears beautiful to the eye is also necessarily good".  

I shall be hoping that you are right about The Trump! 

Listen lady, I'm also hoping I'm right.  I don't hold any deep trust for politicians, but he is not.  However, if I have to accept Hillary, well as long as she allows Bill to move in with her, I'd by ok with that!!

Nice! Hillary will be good for us all! Yes would love to see Bill's hand supporting! That is the way to go! 

baseman posted:
susan posted:
baseman posted:
susan posted:

True dat!

A really good friend, a gem of a man, used to say, something like "it is the biggest illusion  to think that something that appears beautiful to the eye is also necessarily good".  

I shall be hoping that you are right about The Trump! 

Listen lady, I'm also hoping I'm right.  I don't hold any deep trust for politicians, but he is not.  However, if I have to accept Hillary, well as long as she allows Bill to move in with her, I'd by ok with that!!

Nice! Hillary will be good for us all! Yes would love to see Bill's hand supporting! That is the way to go! 

Hold your horses dear lady, I'm for Trump, I don't trust Hillary.  She is like "dough", she takes a position, after "she takes a position"!!  She does not come across genuine at all, shady and hide and seek!  I don't know what to make of her!!

Truth is, I believe Trump will do a "deal" with the GOP and we will get Ryan!  Then Hillary has some real problems!

Hey your special name for me is Dough or rather sour dough among your other signature labels, so  don't spread it around too much now! 

Boy you just said you ok with Hill once Bill there, and he will be they are a team. You know how teams work right?!

Dont spin around too much you might lose balance and fall too fast 

baseman posted:

Trump is not only a TV personality

He is actually REALITY TV personality, adept at telling lies to excite simpletons like you.

Trump cannot ban imports. He cannot build a wall. He cannot deport 11 million undocumented (some of them are even HIS employees).

He knows all this, but he still sells illiterates a bill of goods.

So let us look at this fact. Germany is a HUGE exporter of industrial products to China.  WHY? Because German workers are highly skilled and American workers are not. 

As it is there aren't even enough Americans workers with skills to meet EXISTING demand!  employers cry out about the low quality labor which is available.

So why don't Trump take a leaf out of Hillary's book and devise ways to UPGRADE the quality of US labor? 

Oh yes, I know the red necks think that being white is all they need to be, as they ridicule the notion of being educated. But they really do need to be helped out of their ignorance! Trump is NOT going to do this!

baseman posted:

I've always done well in the "White" world,

Are you aware that most whites DO NOT like Trump.  60% of the GOP votes against Trump, and then we can add the 40% of whites who always vote Democrat.

That looks to me like 75% of whites wish there was some one other than Trump to vote for!

So stop insulting whites by suggesting that a foul mouth fascist bigot is who they want.

skeldon_man posted:

Just like Bernie?

Here is the difference.  Bernie really believes what he says, even if he is naÃŊve and wrong.

Trump is a reality TV host, who is giving the masses what they want to hear. He is laughing at them, and even shocked that they fall for this stunt.  He even boasted that he could commit murder and the fools will still support him.

baseman posted:
susan posted:

Well boy if you and trump are as you say, you sure got a whole lot of people fooled! they would never believe it from what you spout in very public fora! 

Don't be fooled by optics!!  All that glitters is not Gold and the opposite is also true!!

You talkin bout Trump's "hair" right?

Or just Trump himself?

Last edited by cain
baseman posted:
susan posted:
baseman posted:
susan posted:

Nice! Hillary will be good for us all! Yes would love to see Bill's hand supporting! That is the way to go! 

Hold your horses dear lady, I'm for Trump, I don't trust Hillary.  She is like "dough", she takes a position, after "she takes a position"!!  She does not come across genuine at all, shady and hide and seek!  I don't know what to make of her!!

Truth is, I believe Trump will do a "deal" with the GOP and we will get Ryan!  Then Hillary has some real problems!

Hey your special name for me is Dough or rather sour dough among your other signature labels, so  don't spread it around too much now! 

Boy you just said you ok with Hill once Bill there, and he will be they are a team. You know how teams work right?!

Dont spin around too much you might lose balance and fall too fast 

Nah, me ain't spinning around, just reflecting some realism.  That's my way of being an optimist regardless of the outcome.  Hillary is a very credible force, that's a fact and no one's perfect!  However, I'd rather see a GOP president this time.  The Liberal Democrat agenda needs to be reined back a few notches!

And don't worry, dough is not especially for you, Hillary have those attributes.  It's a term I learned in Indian for people/politicians who shape with the events rather than shape the events!!

The appropriate theme song for her campaign should be "All Kinds Of Everything"!!

Boy baseman don't try to insult me again. Your definition of "dough" seems most apt to you and your hero trump, as you seem to be saying in this thread that trump is prime "dough" and your will shift in the direction of the wind.  

No way is your definition of dough but applicable to Hillary  and certainly not to me. 



The so called credibility issues you mention seem to be trumped up (no pun intended). Where are the indictments? 

She is a strong, consistent woman. 

Political expediency seems to have been mastered by your hero trump. As you say yourself you don't really expect him be as extremist as he seems to be on the campaign trail, right?!  He instigates to get a following by some like persons and believes that is without serious consequence.

And Who again ordered the Iraq invasion? You know. Shifting again huh? 

Oh well as I say you might get eye turn  boy! 

Last edited by Former Member
susan posted:

The so called credibility issues you mention seem to be trumped up (no pun intended). Where are the indictments? 

She is a strong, consistent woman. 

Political expediency seems to have been mastered by your hero trump. As you say yourself you don't really expect him be as extremist as he seems to be on the campaign trail, right?!  He instigates to get a following by some like persons and believes that is without serious consequence.

And Who again ordered the Iraq invasion? You know. Shifting again huh? 

Oh well as I say you might get eye turn  boy! 

Baseman doesn't understand the GOP.  They want to dump Trump, not because he is vulgar and foul, but because they fear that he isn't conservative enough.  They know that he is all bluff, but what he actually does will be quite different.

So I don't know what GOP position is baseman babbling about.  There is Trump, Cruz, and Kasich.  Three radically different agendas.

caribny posted:
susan posted:

The so called credibility issues you mention seem to be trumped up (no pun intended). Where are the indictments? 

She is a strong, consistent woman. 

Political expediency seems to have been mastered by your hero trump. As you say yourself you don't really expect him be as extremist as he seems to be on the campaign trail, right?!  He instigates to get a following by some like persons and believes that is without serious consequence.

And Who again ordered the Iraq invasion? You know. Shifting again huh? 

Oh well as I say you might get eye turn  boy! 

Baseman doesn't understand the GOP.  They want to dump Trump, not because he is vulgar and foul, but because they fear that he isn't conservative enough.  They know that he is all bluff, but what he actually does will be quite different.

So I don't know what GOP position is baseman babbling about.  There is Trump, Cruz, and Kasich.  Three radically different agendas.

The GOP knows they will loose with Trump as their candidate. People are not going to trust him as their president. Just imagine Trump on foreign policy and on the international stage.  It will be a nightmare.

susan posted:

The so called credibility issues you mention seem to be trumped up (no pun intended). Where are the indictments? 

She is a strong, consistent woman. 

Political expediency seems to have been mastered by your hero trump. As you say yourself you don't really expect him be as extremist as he seems to be on the campaign trail, right?!  He instigates to get a following by some like persons and believes that is without serious consequence.

And Who again ordered the Iraq invasion? You know. Shifting again huh? 

Oh well as I say you might get eye turn  boy! 

We all know who ordered it.  The question with Hilary, why did she voted for it when many in her party did not?  Baseman did not agree with that war!

She also supported the Libyan invasion and presided over the Benghazi debacle!

She did not take a position on Keystone, then took a position against it, after it was defeated.

Listen, I was a big Hillaryites back in 2008 but since then have seen things about her that is a bit not so attractive!

And the credibility gap is not only in baseman's head, it's out there and Hillary has yet to get over.  She is NOT Bill.

On Trump, truth of the matter, I don't think he will be the final GOP choice however, he has fired up a base which had gone uninterested for some time.  The Establishment needs to now walk a fine line with them and be respectful with how Trump and his hot button issues are managed and incorporate into their policy platform. Trump has served his purpose, but he has to go to the Convention floor with his bag of "goodies" and do a deal.

You take this fired up base, hand it over in-tact to a Ryan type who then pulls along the broader constituency and independents, Hilary will have problems!  The fact that there is still a large swathe of voters unconvinced with Hillary after this rockus GOP primary, tells of her weakness!!  The GOP has smelled blood!!  The fact that this "unpresidential" and "outrageous" candidate, as you like to say, can run not that far behind Hillary in a national head to head, tell of the weakness of Hillary!

Watch it, the GOP has a pathway to the WH and it includes Trump, though it may not be Trump!!

baseman posted:
susan posted:

What a contortionist you are! 

We shall see what triumphs and who emerges on top later this year! 

Could you be a little more substantive and qualitative!.  Yes, we shall all see, we all know that, lord.

I presented you a plausible scenario, whether you agree or not, it is a plausible scenario for the GOP pathway to the WH!  Now you give us yours for Hillary and the Dems and how she/they will swing that large undecided out there not gravitating to her.  That is her/their key task at hand and challenge!!

Don't lose yourself in demagoguery and infantile rants!!  I'm waiting, and don't go begging Caribj and Storm for help, be your own person!!

You are not one to debate with. You dwell in insults and sway with which ever wind blows you. You  have always characteristically done that. Always on this BB. It is all right here over the years. 

You think that you are now protected on this BB so relish it. You know exactly what I mean. This BB has become your raison d'etre. The board has delivered what you see as a "gift". I shall not elaborate further. 

Those guys you mentioned consistently demolish you. 

We shall see what happens later this year!

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
susan posted:
baseman posted:
susan posted:

What a contortionist you are! 

We shall see what triumphs and who emerges on top later this year! 

Could you be a little more substantive and qualitative!.  Yes, we shall all see, we all know that, lord.

I presented you a plausible scenario, whether you agree or not, it is a plausible scenario for the GOP pathway to the WH!  Now you give us yours for Hillary and the Dems and how she/they will swing that large undecided out there not gravitating to her.  That is her/their key task at hand and challenge!!

Don't lose yourself in demagoguery and infantile rants!!  I'm waiting, and don't go begging Caribj and Storm for help, be your own person!!

You are not one to debate with. You dwell in insults and sway with which ever wind blows you. You  have always characteristically done that. Always on this BB. It is all right here over the years. 

You think that you are now protected on this BB so relish it. You know exactly what I mean. This BB has become your raison d'etre. The board has delivered what you see as a "gift". I shall not elaborate further. 

Those guys you mentioned consistently demolish you. 

We shall see what happens later this year!

What is this, your analysis of how Hillary and the Dem will swing that undecided??  Give it some more thought, you jump the gun there lady!!

I asked you for your thoughts, no insults.  Stop running and hiding behind them bannas.  Give your "independent" thoughts.

Don't bother with "those guys" and me, I've been here with them for a long time, and we all still deh hey.  I ain't going anywhere, neither they I assume!!

I frankly don't know what the heck you ranting about lady and what's the relevance!!  I'm here to discuss Guyana and politics in general and I put it out there, so exactly what is this "protection", beats me.  What is this "gift"?  Lord, you all over the place like a chicken without a head!

Take a breath and catch yourself!!  Now, get back to the subject at hand.  Go back to the top!!  I'm waiting!!

It may appear that Susan has a lot to learn. Thanks for giving her a realistic lesson Base.

She needs to understand that she MUST respect the opinion of others.

PNC days of eye pass have long gone, we will not conform to Susan's views and opinions. Welcome to a new generation.

Susan must learn to take the heat if she wishes to dish it out.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good point Yugi.  I am waiting to see her analysis of how Hillary will create her pathway to the White House.  This board is for political discussions and let's respect each other and keep it at that.

Hillary is doing fine on her own and on the way to the WH. Respect "Bibi" ?? Examine your defamation of Baseman's estranged relatives in December. And your own name calling. Calling me "coolie hater" because I differ in opinion  from you. Think about that when you talk about respect. But those who know why you did it, know! Let us leave it at that. 

Be well sister. 


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