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Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump calls for GOP unity

(CNN) Donald Trump urged Republicans to unite behind his candidacy Wednesday, following a trio of victories on Tuesday night in Mississippi, Michigan and Hawaii.

"If we could embrace this moment as a party, we're going to win so easily," the billionaire businessman told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day."

Trump said the record-breaking turnout his march to the Republican presidential nomination had produced is "absolutely unique and special."

Mississippi has such a wonderful record of a coming together of Americans.

What is so amazing is how the Indo supremacists are so embracing of white supremacy.

I suggest that they engage the Trump red necks. Yes let them bring their Bollywood, and their Hinduism (jhandi flags) to those clowns, and see if they don't get a sound thrashing, and screams to "act American, or leave!".

One would think that non whites, who are also non Christian, would embrace the concept of diversity. Instead they scream that the USA is a white man's country.

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:


All who thinks Hillary will have a field day, be careful!!

the only people who think that any win is guaranteed are fascist Trump lovers like you.

You shiver in anticipation of acceptance by the white supremacists, thinking that they will love you because both you and they hate blacks.

You will be severely disappointed.

Not sure what your judgements of baseman are based on.  Baseman have no illusions of the White extremist and never want to see a roll back or debasing of the civil rights accomplishments in general and Black rights in particular!

A Trump presidency will do none of that!

Baseman never had any apprehension of dealing with the White world, US or Europe.  In fact it's a good world to deal within!  It's a world of hard work but accountability and results!

The White world is not on top by a mere stroke of luck and the Black world is not at the bottom by a mere stroke of bad luck!!

There are no "Black rights in particular". You are a moron. I do not know what kind of luck you call slavery or jim crow or segregation or the various institutional red lining etc of black people.  What ever is this special ingredients you speak of that keeps one group "on top" of another has no other prescription except  rottenness and evil.

You must not be following Black Lives Matter. They think ONLY black lives matter; not all lives matter.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:


All who thinks Hillary will have a field day, be careful!!

the only people who think that any win is guaranteed are fascist Trump lovers like you.

You shiver in anticipation of acceptance by the white supremacists, thinking that they will love you because both you and they hate blacks.

You will be severely disappointed.

Not sure what your judgements of baseman are based on.  Baseman have no illusions of the White extremist and never want to see a roll back or debasing of the civil rights accomplishments in general and Black rights in particular!

A Trump presidency will do none of that!

Baseman never had any apprehension of dealing with the White world, US or Europe.  In fact it's a good world to deal within!  It's a world of hard work but accountability and results!

The White world is not on top by a mere stroke of luck and the Black world is not at the bottom by a mere stroke of bad luck!!

There are no "Black rights in particular". You are a moron. I do not know what kind of luck you call slavery or jim crow or segregation or the various institutional red lining etc of black people.  What ever is this special ingredients you speak of that keeps one group "on top" of another has no other prescription except  rottenness and evil.

You must not be following Black Lives Matter. They think ONLY black lives matter; not all lives matter.

Black lives matter are not seeking special rights. They are seeking equal rights. I do not know why you pivot to them except you are plainly ignorant and to detract from your dumb mistake. I do not follow black lives matter. I agree with them on much of what they represent.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:


All who thinks Hillary will have a field day, be careful!!

the only people who think that any win is guaranteed are fascist Trump lovers like you.

You shiver in anticipation of acceptance by the white supremacists, thinking that they will love you because both you and they hate blacks.

You will be severely disappointed.

Not sure what your judgements of baseman are based on.  Baseman have no illusions of the White extremist and never want to see a roll back or debasing of the civil rights accomplishments in general and Black rights in particular!

A Trump presidency will do none of that!

Baseman never had any apprehension of dealing with the White world, US or Europe.  In fact it's a good world to deal within!  It's a world of hard work but accountability and results!

The White world is not on top by a mere stroke of luck and the Black world is not at the bottom by a mere stroke of bad luck!!

There are no "Black rights in particular". You are a moron. I do not know what kind of luck you call slavery or jim crow or segregation or the various institutional red lining etc of black people.  What ever is this special ingredients you speak of that keeps one group "on top" of another has no other prescription except  rottenness and evil.

You must not be following Black Lives Matter. They think ONLY black lives matter; not all lives matter.

Black lives matter are not seeking special rights. They are seeking equal rights. I do not know why you pivot to them except you are plainly ignorant and to detract from your dumb mistake. I do not follow black lives matter. I agree with them on much of what they represent.

You spoke of "seeking special rights" What equal rights are they seeking? How come not all black people are seeking equal rights? Your warped thinking never cease to amaze us.


Trump or Cruz? GOP leaders shake their heads, prepare to choose

Washington (CNN) In the bowels of the Capitol and over meals with high-powered donors, Republican Party elders are begrudgingly coming to grips with what once was unthinkable: Choosing between Ted Cruz or Donald Trump as their party's nominee.

With the two remaining establishment favorites Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich needing to both win their home states in order to survive and factor in a contested convention, Cruz and Trump could soon be the only choices left in the bitter GOP battle.

Two dominant lines of thinking are emerging, according to a wide range of interviews with more than a dozen senior party leaders.

On one side: The likes of Sen. Lindsey Graham, a former presidential candidate is now leading the pro-Cruz charge, arguing that having a life-long Republican with extreme message discipline at the top of the ticket will be less harmful than the highly unpredictable and brash Trump. That feeling persists even if Cruz is hated by many his fellow GOP senators.

This is stupid by Sen. Lindsey Graham. He will also come and go with the wind like Mitt Romney.

baseman posted:

Oh, you are so bitter. 

The Indians of Guyana and the Afros of the USA have as much in common regarding the fight against oppression and the politics of apartheid and exclusion.  But they and not you!!

Yes and yet you endorse a Trump who is the MOST loved by those responsibility for the oppression of black Americans.  It was the red neck white supremacists who oppressed blacks for 400 years.  It is these SAME people who prefer Trump over Cruz, Rubio, Kasich,Sanders and Clinton.

The idiot that you are, doesn't even PRETEND to ask yourself why do white supremacists love Trump so.

Come November TRump on the ballot will motivate blacks to pour out for Hillary (or Sanders).  Just the KKK endorsing Trump will get them to do so.

ESPECIALLY in states like VA, NC, and FL with their traditions of KKK activity.  Hell the Dems might even win LA at this point!

skeldon_man posted:

You must not be following Black Lives Matter. They think ONLY black lives matter; not all lives matter.

Typical Trump racists.  When blacks are killed by the police for having a broken tail light, or being a CHILD with a toy gun, then you can talk.

In this country blacks lives do NOT matter, and "Blacks Lives Matter" is there to tell racists like YOU that black lives DO matter.

Now report how often white executives tell their college age kids to be careful of the police as they might SHOOT you.

Report when white cops have to report being afraid that other cops might shoot them as many BLACK cops have to fear.

When you do that then you can pretend that in this country blacks have the same rights to life as do blacks.

This is why blacks will NOT support Trump!

skeldon_man posted:
 What equal rights are they seeking? How come not all black people are seeking equal rights? Your warped thinking never cease to amaze us.

Listen, maybe you racist clowns think that you are inferior to whites, so scoff at the notion that non whites demand EQUITABLE treatment.

I have yet to meet the black American who is as stupid as you are, and so grateful to whites for being treated as an inferior animal!


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stands with former presidential candidate Ben Carson as he receives his endorsement at the Mar-A-Lago Club on March 11, 2016 in Palm Beach, Florida. Presidential candidates continue to campaign before Florida's March 15th primary day. [Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Ben Carson endorses Donald Trump

baseman posted:

Go meet pastor Manning!!


Pastor Manning is a clown who is hanging his mouth for Trump $$$, just like that female Omarosa.  Manning has NO following with blacks, and NOTHING constructive to say.

This is what racists like you do. You find some black clown and then hold him up as an example.

I can walk around and easily find some Indian who hates being Indian, wishes he was black, and then used by blacks to damn other Indians.  Many of them existed during the Burnham era, and loudly castigated other Indians for calling Burnham a dictator.

What is your point?

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:

Progressive Blacks understand the real issues and the solutions!!  They cut to the chase and don't talk around the real issues and try to find excuses!!

Let us hear Caribj and the rest of his "followers" rant and cuss the good doctor!!

A loser politician who was rejected by his own party.

Your point?  Plus Carson will scream racial discrimination, when it suits is purposes, and in fact has done exactly that.

BTW Carson is considered by blacks as a hero for his own personal story, and an idiot for his politics.  He is good at being a brain surgeon, but clearly not for much else.

BTW how come you didn't tell us that Ben would have starved to death, had his family not had access to food stamps, when he was growing up.  Or the fact that his auto biography is full of lies.

baseman posted:

How about Carson?

Burnham was a brilliant man.  Much respected, even by those who hated him.  He was considered a bright man with an evil mentality.

The fact that Carson was a brilliant neurosurgeon, and has received LOTS of recognition from blacks for his success, and has been held up as a role model, doesn't mean that his politics is of relevance.

The man's achievements were as a neurosurgeon.  As a young man, he was an ANTI WAR supporter, and voted for George McGovern.  So when Carson was in college his values were that of a LEFT wing Democratic.

His political views are nonsense, and motivated by being a bible thumper.  He asserts that the Egyptian pyramids were built by Joseph and not the Egyptian pharaohs.  Given that he is a scientist, the fact that he doesn't believe in the evolution, but instead in the weird "Adam and Eve creationism" is quite weird.  This when ample evidence exists of the evolution theory.

And as to his rise to success.  Well Michelle Obama also arose out of poverty, and Barack Obama certainly didn't have an easy life.  Oprah Winfrey probably had the hardest life of them all, and has become the WEALTHIEST self made female on the planet.

Yet you don't cite them as examples!

The weakest aspect of Carson's life is his politics, which comes not from the values that his mother transmitted to him and his brother, nor from his politics when he was in college.  But from his anti abortion, and anti gay rights stance.

What racists like you need to accept is, notwithstanding the rampant racism that still exists, there is rampant evidence of black success. Almost all of these successful blacks will be voting for Hillary in November.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
 It's only the welfare class who don't want to listen to his politics.  !!


95% of blacks STOPPED listening to Carson, once he became a right wing nut.

Are you implying that 95% of blacks are welfare cases?

So here are some facts.  Over 75% of blacks have NEVER received ANY welfare benefits in their lives.


When Ben Carson was going to college and when he was in Med school his politics were like that of most Northern blacks, slightly left of center, and firmly a Democrat.  He voted for George McGovern, who was slightly conservative.

The values which motivated him to go to school and to achieve success were the SAME as those of other middle class blacks, 90% of whom will vote for Hillary in November

His politics shifted to the right, AFTER HE HAD ALREADY ACHIEVED his success.  It was motivated by his religious beliefs, which meant that even though he is a scientist he scoffs as scientific evidence, and believes that Adam & Eve are real.  Like the Wahabis, he has a LITERAL interpretation of the bible.

baseman posted:

And therein lies a problem!  It's one rooted in prejudice and racism against

The part of Carson, which is inspiring, that of being a brilliant neurosurgeon, inspires many blacks.

The part of Carson, which is ignorant, his belief that Adam & Eve and not evolution, explains the earth, they don't.  In fact Carson's politics emanates from that side.

It goes to show that one can be a brilliant neurosurgeon, and a stupid politician.  Note that the GOP quickly abandoned Carson, as soon as the debates began, and they began to learn more about him.


baseman posted:
 It's one rooted in prejudice and racism against what is deemed a White party!


So using your logic Indians must like the PNC, and only reject them because they are the "black man party".

The GOP has been very evil to blacks, embracing the most racist elements of the USA.  Strom Thurmond, and the other Klansmen took off their white hoods, and became proud Republicans, and NEVER apologized for their history towards blacks.  In fact they perpetuated the myth that MLK was a communist criminal, and REFUSED to accept his being acknowledged as an American hero.

When white racists became angry with the Democrats, who passed the civil rights bills, the GOP welcomed this bigots into their party.

And yet you feel that blacks must accept the GOP.

Why?  And if so, why don't you accept the PNC?

40% of whites vote Democrat.  In fact MORE whites vote Democrat, than non whites, so why is the GOP the "white party" when 40% of whites reject them?

And given that the GOP is the "white party" with all that implies about rejection of non whites being treated and respected as EQUALS. then why should blacks support them?

Blacks only voted for a black man as president on two occasions.  They have been voting white men for many decades.


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