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caribny posted:
baseman posted:
 It's one rooted in prejudice and racism against what is deemed a White party!


So using your logic Indians must like the PNC, and only reject them because they are the "black man party".

The GOP has been very evil to blacks, embracing the most racist elements of the USA.  Strom Thurmond, and the other Klansmen took off their white hoods, and became proud Republicans, and NEVER apologized for their history towards blacks.  In fact they perpetuated the myth that MLK was a communist criminal, and REFUSED to accept his being acknowledged as an American hero.

When white racists became angry with the Democrats, who passed the civil rights bills, the GOP welcomed this bigots into their party.

And yet you feel that blacks must accept the GOP.

Why?  And if so, why don't you accept the PNC?

40% of whites vote Democrat.  In fact MORE whites vote Democrat, than non whites, so why is the GOP the "white party" when 40% of whites reject them?

And given that the GOP is the "white party" with all that implies about rejection of non whites being treated and respected as EQUALS. then why should blacks support them?

Blacks only voted for a black man as president on two occasions.  They have been voting white men for many decades.

Why are you falling into the race baiting trap of those bigots? 63 percent of the votes to date has been anti trump and that is mainly white GOP people who find him offensive.

Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
 It's one rooted in prejudice and racism against what is deemed a White party!


So using your logic Indians must like the PNC, and only reject them because they are the "black man party".

The GOP has been very evil to blacks, embracing the most racist elements of the USA.  Strom Thurmond, and the other Klansmen took off their white hoods, and became proud Republicans, and NEVER apologized for their history towards blacks.  In fact they perpetuated the myth that MLK was a communist criminal, and REFUSED to accept his being acknowledged as an American hero.

When white racists became angry with the Democrats, who passed the civil rights bills, the GOP welcomed this bigots into their party.

And yet you feel that blacks must accept the GOP.

Why?  And if so, why don't you accept the PNC?

40% of whites vote Democrat.  In fact MORE whites vote Democrat, than non whites, so why is the GOP the "white party" when 40% of whites reject them?

And given that the GOP is the "white party" with all that implies about rejection of non whites being treated and respected as EQUALS. then why should blacks support them?

Blacks only voted for a black man as president on two occasions.  They have been voting white men for many decades.

Why are you falling into the race baiting trap of those bigots? 63 percent of the votes to date has been anti trump and that is mainly white GOP people who find him offensive.

The field is getting smaller!!

Cobra posted:

Trump rally in Chicago postponed amid growing security concerns

White Americans are ready to fight for Donald Trump and their country against Black protesters.

Source: CNN

The more "presidential" tone Trump is adopting is now more a concerns to the Dems and Liberal Left.  He is now shifting gears to widen his appeal and this has everyone off guard.

They called him a clown, bafoon etc.  He was laps ahead and working his game plan!  He is more clever than many understand!!

Cobra posted:

Trump rally in Chicago postponed amid growing security concerns

White Americans are ready to fight for Donald Trump and their country against Black protesters.

Source: CNN

The KKK is attacking blacks, and Trump cheers them on. Racists like yuji, cobra, skeldon and baseman are so happy that the KKK can do to blacks what they wish that they can do.

But now the Trump/KKK beat up a WHITE female reporter, and she is NOT going to let that go.

BTW the protesters were MULTIRACIAL, whites, blacks, Hispanics and Asians.


baseman posted:

The more "presidential" tone Trump is adopting is now more a concerns to the Dems and Liberal Left.  He is now shifting gears to widen his appeal and this has everyone off guard.

They called him a clown, bafoon etc.  He was laps ahead and working his game plan!  He is more clever than many understand!!

That's what YOU think. While you rant WHITE media personalities are revealing how they were attacked at Trump rallies.


Good thing, as the more Trump shows fascist tendencies the greater the possibility that Hillary might even add GA, and NC to the states which Obama won last time.

alena06 posted:

The Chicago incident is surely a 'show stopper' for Trump.  I really believe America can do better than elect a 'loud mouth', insensitive, unprofessional, inexperienced candidate.

A vote for Hillary can definitely assure us of the glory days under Bill Clinton.

What will damn Trump in the general elections are testimonies by several WHITE media operatives is that they were abused at Trump rallies, one alleging an assault by one of his STAFF!

Trump will win the GOP, and will be slaughtered in November, just as he was by Obama at that gala several years ago!

Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:

Trump rally in Chicago postponed amid growing security concerns

White Americans are ready to fight for Donald Trump and their country against Black protesters.

Source: CNN

The people looking into the camera are the protesters. Do they look predominantly black you stupid moron?

No worries.  The Indo supremacists are daily showing that they are the KKK.   Look how they champion white racism.

Drug addiction and welfare increasingly rampant among that Trump base, uneducated white males, and yet they wail about blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

Why are you falling into the race baiting trap of those bigots? 63 percent of the votes to date has been anti trump and that is mainly white GOP people who find him offensive.

With due respect to you, Trump merely reflects the chickens coming home to roost.  Since 1968 the GOP have been promoting themselves as the "white party" as they sought after the votes of Southern whites, enraged with the role of LBJ and the Civil Rights bill, and Northern whites, who were upset at the growing power of non whites in the Democratic party, especially in the Midwest, and Northeast.

Reagan took it to an even higher level, deliberately campaigning on soil soaked by the blood of Cheney, Goodman, and Schwerner, and screaming about "black welfare queens".   This in order to gain the support of the white working class, when even then was beginning to be impacted by outsourcing, and automation.

Now they all run around pretending to be appalled by the racist violence at Trump rallies, but even at the last convention, some black Republicans reported being humiliated by some who were in attendance.

The GOP were told to broaden their base, and to cease playing the race card.   They didn't.

So now Trump lands on their door step!  Being even more blatant in courting the racial insecurities of the white working class, who continue to blame non whites for their plight (blacks, immigrants, and China), instead of the white elites, who made fools of them.  Trump being a proud member if this class, given his boasts of his wealth.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:

Trump rally in Chicago postponed amid growing security concerns


White Americans are ready to fight for Donald Trump and their country against Black protesters.

Source: CNN

The people looking into the camera are the protesters. Do they look predominantly black you stupid moron?

No worries.  The Indo supremacists are daily showing that they are the KKK.   Look how they champion white racism.

Drug addiction and welfare increasingly rampant among that Trump base, uneducated white males, and yet they wail about blacks.

There is no need to reflect the nastiness coming from Ugli  and Drugabeer.  These are the bottom feeders of our society that suddenly think because they have a roof over their head they are into the class of the rich so they call everyone else welfare cheats and drug users. It is their way of coping with their own inferiority.

Yes, Trump is pulling from the disaffected and dispossessed and often the worse off than black people in this country. Poor people are always plagued with escapism hence drugs and drink and they have to eat so they apply to the what exists and rightly so for them, the national safety net of welfare and associated aid for the the poor system in the society.  Their status as the oppressed is exactly what once made the back culture suspect to drugs and crime...lack of work and hope.

Speak to the issues. Trump is a demagogue who prey on the people fears and directs their anger to others equally at the bottom of the society as their scapegoat. The poor hispanic immigrant or the almost 100 thousand of ours who are mainly indians do not cause these people to be poor. Wall street that is Trump bedfellow and class clique are the ones who oppress both.

The idea that america is not strong, is not what it was is also a myth. Many of us remember true horror of poverty here. When I landed in NYC it was a snowy night. I called a friend to come and pick me up because I could not get a connecting flight to DC. I woke up to a world of broken buildings of the south Bronx that was surreal.  But then in DC I took the bus down Georgia avenue....missed my stop and ended up down town. From U street To F street was as bombed out as the Bronx I left. That was the bad america I knew and that summer I saw the famous Harlem and saw how out people were crammed into slums working as slaves in the garment factories.

 Older people knew the horrors of slavery from their parents, experienced jim crow in their lives so Trump is just being a royal ass about the greatness that was. America is great. I traveled this country end to end and indeed pockets of misery still exist but it is the greatest nation in the world. We do not need to make america great. We need to make it whole.

To do so means we do not mirror the bigots here or there Trumps of this world. He will not win because those Americans who can rise above their personal tragedies can see this is a place of hope, potential and the most wonderful place to be. It is not Trump fascist vision.


You do nor reward ignorance tit for tat. I usually like to follow the fall tree change. Once my then girlfriend and I followed the color chance south from Maine for a month. She wanted to photograph it. We stopped at a little old barn turned convenience store in West Virginia. Two fellows whittling on sticks were in front.

As I started browsing I would turn to one side of the aisle and there was always one of them looking at me suspiciously. On my way out they were on their boxes whittling away as usual.  I stopped for a little chat.

I asked if they worked there. They said yes, they watched the store. I asked if there were lots of visitors like me passing through. One said no. I asked why he was following me. He said matter of factually that he did not want me to steal. I asked him if lots of stealing takes place. He said yes.

I realized he was not following me because of what we know up north as profiling. He was just following me because his people steal so much he associated everyone with needing to be watched and made no bones about hiding the fact he  and his buddy were suspicious. It was his way.

The ignorant should not be met with ignorance. Trump people are just misdirected as to what should be their worry about. They have a demagogue doing the misdirecting and using their latent prejudice and suspicions to malicious ends.

Last edited by Former Member

If people support Trump because he legitimizes their worst racist instincts, should I applaud them? How many of these people have spoken out against the rampant bigotry occurring at Trump rallies, or even about what Trump is saying?

No I will applaud those caught in similar circumstances by globalization, or automation, who managed to discuss the problem without damning others whose positions are even worse off.  Those who support Bernie Sanders, even though I don't plan to vote for him.

Since the Reagan era the GOP sought to win office by legitimizing the prejudices of uneducated whites. Black communities were destroyed by a fraudulent war on drugs. A combination of these two facts has forced the majority of black men, who didn't graduate from high school, out of the labor force.  This along with many who graduated high school but not college.   These same bigots then wail about "irresponsible black men".

Will not shed tears for the Trump bigots.  They made their own bed, and should lie in it, as they are plainly foolish.

Last edited by Former Member

Trump is calling for 30,000 troops to fight ISIS.

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump's assertion that the United States has "no choice" but to send 20,000 to 30,000 combat troops to fight ISIS in the Middle East raises a slew of complicated questions, military analysts said Friday.

In October, Trump spoke of potential perils.

"Everybody that's touched the Middle East, they've gotten bogged down," Trump said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "I don't want to see the United States get bogged down. We've spent now $2 trillion in Iraq, probably a trillion in Afghanistan. We're destroying our country."

alena06 posted:

The Chicago incident is surely a 'show stopper' for Trump.  I really believe America can do better than elect a 'loud mouth', insensitive, unprofessional, inexperienced candidate.

A vote for Hillary can definitely assure us of the glory days under Bill Clinton.

too early to tell.  it cut both ways.  bernie sanders sent in his supporters, augmented by thugs, hooligans and illegals to make trouble.  this will backfire!!

on hillary, yes, we will get back bill!!

Last edited by Former Member

Republican presidential candidates, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., left, Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, right, stand together before the start of the Republican presidential debate sponsored by CNN, Salem Media Group and the Washington Times at the University of Miami, Thursday, March 10, 2016, in Coral Gables, Fla. [AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

Columbus, Ohio (CNN) For Republicans dead set on stopping Donald Trump, Tuesday represents a final chance to seriously impede his path to the party's presidential nomination.

On the Democratic side, it'll be yet another test of Hillary Clinton's organizational strength and backing among party loyalists against Bernie Sanders' ability to expand the electorate and win in diverse states.

Five states hold their Republican and Democratic primaries on Tuesday: Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio.


Trump Is No Accident

Cobra posted:

Trump is calling for 30,000 troops to fight ISIS.

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump's assertion that the United States has "no choice" but to send 20,000 to 30,000 combat troops to fight ISIS in the Middle East raises a slew of complicated questions, military analysts said Friday.

In October, Trump spoke of potential perils.

"Everybody that's touched the Middle East, they've gotten bogged down," Trump said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "I don't want to see the United States get bogged down. We've spent now $2 trillion in Iraq, probably a trillion in Afghanistan. We're destroying our country."

So we spent trillions, and killed thousands with the Iraq invasion, and now Trump wishes a repeat.

Bet he isn't sending any of HIS kids to fight.


Donald Trump speaks during a rally at the International Exposition Center March 12, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. Donald Trump is under fire from rivals who blamed his incendiary rhetoric for a violent outbreak Friday between protesters and supporters at the Republican frontrunner's rally in Chicago.

Trump: I 'should get credit, not be scorned' for tone of events

(CNN) Donald Trump is pinning the blame for escalating violence and protests at his campaign events on Bernie Sanders.

The Republican presidential front-runner said in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" Sunday that he "should get credit, not be scorned" for his handling of the tension at his events.

Cobra posted:

Donald Trump is Unstoppable.



Presidential front runner of the republican party, Donald Trump is unstoppable in the polls throughout the country on this Super Tuesday.

One thing people ought to know that illegal immigrants and foreign enemies that lives here has ruin the repetition of America for too long.              

The white supremacist that supports Trump will actually help him rather than hurt him. Donald Trump will not allowed what is happening in England to happen in United States.                                                                

His call to be tough on illegal immigrants and terrorists whose aim is to destroy the country that gave them sanctuary is justifiable. 


Indeed, unstoppable with his gimmicks and nonsense.


I am amused.  The Indo KKK (they behave like this, so I will use this word) scream support for Trump. A BLACK GOP woman has stated that she was told by them to "GO back to Africa, pick cotton".  This is a highly educated, and very successful black GOP woman, who has worked for GOP politicians.

Cobra, yuji, baseman, seignet, "we peep your  BROWN KKK card".  You're not white so you cannot gain acceptance into the white one.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
caribny posted:


Cobra, yuji, baseman, seignet, "we peep your  BROWN KKK card".  You're not white so you cannot gain acceptance into the white one.

Hey, hey, hey anything better than the PNC cyard.  At least the KKK card not needed for lil flour, milk and cheese!!

Baseman has nothing against Black/non-White Americans, however I have always been well received into the "White" world!!  I have no "bone to pick" there!!

These dudes rail against the PPP coolies, yet you see a lot of blacks straighten out their hair, put blonde streaks in them and even use some kind of bleach to change themselves. Are they ashamed of being a negro? They want to be just like the coolie next door.

skeldon_man posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:


Cobra, yuji, baseman, seignet, "we peep your  BROWN KKK card".  You're not white so you cannot gain acceptance into the white one.

Hey, hey, hey anything better than the PNC cyard.  At least the KKK card not needed for lil flour, milk and cheese!!

Baseman has nothing against Black/non-White Americans, however I have always been well received into the "White" world!!  I have no "bone to pick" there!!

These dudes rail against the PPP coolies, yet you see a lot of blacks straighten out their hair, put blonde streaks in them and even use some kind of bleach to change themselves. Are they ashamed of being a negro? They want to be just like the coolie next door.

Are you serious? According to the BBC "sales of whitening creams are far outstripping those of Coca-Cola and tea" in India.


Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:


Cobra, yuji, baseman, seignet, "we peep your  BROWN KKK card".  You're not white so you cannot gain acceptance into the white one.

Hey, hey, hey anything better than the PNC cyard.  At least the KKK card not needed for lil flour, milk and cheese!!

Baseman has nothing against Black/non-White Americans, however I have always been well received into the "White" world!!  I have no "bone to pick" there!!

These dudes rail against the PPP coolies, yet you see a lot of blacks straighten out their hair, put blonde streaks in them and even use some kind of bleach to change themselves. Are they ashamed of being a negro? They want to be just like the coolie next door.

Are you serious? According to the BBC "sales of whitening creams are far outstripping those of Coca-Cola and tea" in India.


Dude, we are talking about negroes here; not coolies.

Last edited by Former Member

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