Again, this exposes the shameless nature of the PPP. Any payment to a client is made to the lawyer, regardless of the terms of representation. Moreover, this payment will be made publicly.
Ramjattan was yesterday 'privately' badgering the AG to release the cheque to him during a side discussion in the lobby of parliament.
The victim in this matter was apparently paid off and left the jurisdiction so my question to you is; why is Ramjattan who claimed to have offered his services pro bono still interested in obtaining this cheque?
Could it be that he has been instructed by his client to do so?
If that's the case why didn't Ramjattan urge his client who was absent on 17 occasions, causing the case to be dismissed, to go to court?
Did Ramjattan facilitate the 'paying off' of his client by the tow accused?
All that you have said here amounts to conjecture, which you yourself have made clear by the use of words such as "apparently" and "could it be", all framed as questions. Nothing you have said negates the fact that it is the lawyer who is paid. That Ramjattan is enquiring into the payment simply means he is doing his job on behalf of his client.