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Former Member

The Elite Sushi Club(ESC)



OK Folks!


The Rev will introduce all of you to the world's most elite and exclusive club---it's called the Elite Sushi Club(ESC)---only Men are allowed membership into the ESC.


To become a member of the ESC a man has to be a world class sushi connoisseur.


Every man on this planet knows that sushi is the most delectable, divine, heavenly and pleasurable delicacy that exists--nothing comes close.


Listen folks! There is nothing on god's earth that is more alluring, more enticing, more captivating and more beguiling than sushi--nothing!


The problem faced by 99.9% of all men is they are amateurs, rookies, and greenhorns when it comes to feasting on sushi.


As a result 99.9% of all men on this planet are rejected for membership into the Elite Sushi Club(ESC).


It is every man's dream to gain membership into the Elite Sushi Club(ESC)---infact most men would sacrifice their wealth, their fortunes, their worldly possessions just to gain entry into the ESC.


Henry Thoreau once wrote, the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation---that's a true statement for men who cannot gain membership in the exclusive Elite Sushi Club(ESC).


Any sushi connoisseur and proud member of the exclusive ESC will say this: It's a heavenly, supernatural, sublime, and celestial experience feasting on sushi.  



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Prashad:

But Rev Al I is not a fish savage. 

But Pras every man's dream is to be a sushi connoisseur--didn't you read the lead post---men would surrender all their wealth and riches just to be a sushi connoisseur.


Seriously Pras, you never eat sushi in your life ?hahahahaha


How old are you Pras ?


You never tried sushi before ? Not even once ?lol



Originally Posted by Rev Al:

The Elite Sushi Club(ESC)



OK Folks!


The Rev will introduce all of you to the world's most elite and exclusive club---it's called the Elite Sushi Club(ESC)---only Men are allowed membership into the ESC.


To become a member of the ESC a man has to be a world class sushi connoisseur.


Every man on this planet knows that sushi is the most delectable, divine, heavenly and pleasurable delicacy that exists--nothing comes close.


Listen folks! There is nothing on god's earth that is more alluring, more enticing, more captivating and more beguiling than sushi--nothing!


The problem faced by 99.9% of all men is they are amateurs, rookies, and greenhorns when it comes to feasting on sushi.


As a result 99.9% of all men on this planet are rejected for membership into the Elite Sushi Club(ESC).


It is every man's dream to gain membership into the Elite Sushi Club(ESC)---infact most men would sacrifice their wealth, their fortunes, their worldly possessions just to gain entry into the ESC.


Henry Thoreau once wrote, the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation---that's a true statement for men who cannot gain membership in the exclusive Elite Sushi Club(ESC).


Any sushi connoisseur and proud member of the exclusive ESC will say this: It's a heavenly, supernatural, sublime, and celestial experience feasting on sushi.  



So.... you're saying men like sushi?

Originally Posted by antabanta:

So.... you're saying men like sushi?




No heterosexual male should ever ask that question!


You listened to Sparrow above ?hahahahaha


Listen my bwoy! It's every man's dream and desire to gain entry into the Elite Sushi Club(ESC)---many are called---few are chosen!lol



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

So.... you're saying men like sushi?




No heterosexual male should ever ask that question!


You listened to Sparrow above ?hahahahaha


Listen my bwoy! It's every man's dream and desire to gain entry into the Elite Sushi Club(ESC)---many are called---few are chosen!lol



Revie... you misunderstand. I'm not asking if men like sushi... I'm asking if you're trying to say that men like sushi...seeing as how you mentioned it so many times. You know ... sarcasm just doesn't work if you have to explain it.

anyway.... so... this heah club is just about nyaming business?

Originally Posted by antabanta:

anyway.... so... this heah club is just about nyaming business ?



Based on the comments above it is crystal clear that you, ball, freaky, and bai Prasad are greenhorns, maybe virgins, when it comes to feasting on quality and delectable sushi.hahahahaha


Anyway, this thread focuses on the exclusivity of the ESC---only 0.01% of men on this planet are members of the Elite Sushi Club(ESC).


Check this out antabanta:


Men who don't qualify for membership in the exclusive ESC tend to be bad-tempered, cantankerous, irritable, thin-skinned, and quarrelsome---the next time you come across such a man---and there are millions of such men---you now why they act the way they do--they are inadequate.




PS. Did you see that sparrow video antabanta ?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Check this out antabanta:

 Men who don't qualify for membership in the exclusive ESC tend to be bad-tempered, cantankerous, irritable, thin-skinned, and quarrelsome---the next time you come across such a man---and there are millions of such men---you know why they act the way they do--they are inadequate.


So da mean you must be kyant even walk down the same street... rant bai.. is why you mekkin so much a stnk () about dis rotten salfish place?

Originally Posted by warrior:

 the only sushi Rev ever eat is some cockabellie he catch in the sideline trench





Sushi connoisseurs will only feast on to the highest grade sushi--Grade A+


The masses of men will settle for the lower grades.


warrior bai mentioned cacabelly--it is clear that warrior bai has a preference for the lower grade sushi.hahahahaha




You folks see that D- and F grades ? Sushi graded D- and F are unhealthy, contaminated, infected, diseased---only a hard up, desperate man will feast on diseased sushi.






This thread is about a divine and heavenly subject--Sushi!


And here you are posting rubbish and filth--and feeling all happy about it.


You may not realize it bruddaman, but you are revealing your true self to your fellow posters.


That's right Bruddaman. You are coming across as a deeply frustrated, disheartened and defeated man.


The Rev empathizes with your plight Bruddaman. Hopefully in your next life you'll be happier and more delightful--you'll be like the Rev. Who knows God may even take a liking to you and bring you back as a sushi connoisseur.hahahaha





Originally Posted by Rev Al:



This thread is about a divine and heavenly subject--Sushi!


And here you are posting rubbish and filth--and feeling all happy about it.


You may not realize it bruddaman, but you are revealing your true self to your fellow posters.


That's right Bruddaman. You are coming across as a deeply frustrated, disheartened and defeated man.


The Rev empathizes with your plight Bruddaman. Hopefully in your next life you'll be happier and more delightful--you'll be like the Rev. Who knows God may even take a liking to you and bring you back as a sushi connoisseur.hahahaha





 Dude, give it a break. Whether you are selling real sushi or selling you particular brand of whorish pay-as-you- go ***** eating, that is  your  preference.  The claims that these particular treats are delectable morsels are so to you. Do not be displeased if you find few takers. Real sushi has no appeal and clubbing to eat metaphoric sushi is definitely not in the cards for any of us. You can put that on a plate with peas and rice and I for one do not want.


Insisting yours is the only way  won't make it so.  If a man is not happy at your offerings does not make him less of a man. It can, on the other the other hand,  you seem a sad empty man always with a need for ostentatious consumption to make fill that great nothing inside you. 


Contentment comes comes naturally with having kindness and moderation and originates in ones heart. It does not reside in possessions. If a rolex is needed to make you feel good, you have a problem. I have an imperial my wife give me many years ago but I wish I wish she had bought as vintage Martin D 28!  I do not think I wore the thing more than 5 times.


I do not even wear a watch presently. Before my android phones I used a Garmin Forerunner 305 sport watch. Now I  only have the Galaxy s3 and that is all the time keeping I need.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Real sushi has no appeal and clubbing to eat metaphoric sushi is definitely not in the cards for any of us. You can put that on a plate with peas and rice and I for one do not want.


Jane Russell




Good Jesus Lord!


Are you admitting to the forum that you stormborn, a 53 year old man, have have never, ever, ever feasted on sushi in your life ?


This is a human tragedy!


Listen storm! A life without sushi is empty, meaningless and barren!


Got to give you credit stormy--you are a brave man---a very brave man--admitting to the world you have never feasted on sushi.


The Rev wishes to extend his deepest sympathies to you stormborn.


Hopefully in your next life God is kinder to you stormborn---this life is over for you--but hopefully in your next life you get to experience and enjoy the heavenly bliss of sushi.hahahahahahaha





Originally Posted by Freaky:
Ya Allah pls shut the hell up You annoying twit





This is not the thread for you to display disgust and nauseousness, unless, of course, you have never in your life feasted on quality sushi.hahahaha


The Rev is stunned by the amount of neophytes and amateurs on this




Rev. The day you stop posting lies on GNI will be the day that I become the happiest person. All of my disheartedness, frustration and defeat will be -- well, defeated. All of my happiness rest in the tips of your fingers oh dear Reverebd Rev. Bring me to peace ewith myself and the world and GNI and all the PPP propagandist. Please, please I beg oh master connessieur of elitist sushi. Relieve me from my distress.




Originally Posted by cain:

Veggie sushi rocks

Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!


It is great to see a real man on gni, Mr. Cain, who has something positive and inspiring to say about sushi!


Veggie sushi is not exactly the most divine and delectable of sushi---it's not highest grade sushi--doesn't rate a Grade A+, but it nevertheless rates a solid B.


Congrats to Mr. Cain on revealing his favorite sushi.


Lots of shy men on the gni forum--they are avoiding the sushi thread like the



Originally Posted by Sheik101:
I don't believe the Rev is a sushi connoissuer at all. As a matter of fact the Rev may not know what sushi look  like in the first place.  But I'm not surprised. Some guys who don't know jack always pretend they do.



It is patently clear that the Sheikster is projecting his inadequacy, his ordinariness and his mediocrity onto the Rev. The Sheikster believes if he is not good enough to be a member of the exclusive Elite Sushi Club(ESC), no other man is good enough. Keep wallowing in your distress Sheik.hahahahaha



Originally Posted by antabanta:

Rev Rev... in usual form you gon kill dis already senseless topic dead dead dead




Why are you such a miserable sourpuss ?


Listen man! Relax! Take a leaf from the Rev's book. Stop being uptight. Be cool and easy going. Learn to laugh and have fun--have a sense of humor--life is too short to be a whiner and complainer. The Rev wishes you well antabanta. Have a pleasant weekend.




Sourpuss???!!! Revie my friend.... having the ability to identify stchupidness in Rev Al's ramblings is by no means a sourpuss quality. A sourpuss is someone going out of their way with all kinds a graphics and images to discredit others ... such as Hussein. Examine your own posts Revie lad.... you'll see sourpuss staring straight back at you.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

How come the Rev abandoned his divine and heavenly thread like this. I was hoping the man was going to give us more insight on his expertise.

You NEVER did Dat??????

Bai, I want to hear from the Expert connossieur. not a novice like you.

I hate Shushi Bhai.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

How come the Rev abandoned his divine and heavenly thread like this. I was hoping the man was going to give us more insight on his expertise.

You NEVER did Dat??????

Bai, I want to hear from the Expert connossieur. not a novice like you.

I hate Shushi Bhai.

Same here, bro. But the man said I wasn't good enough. even burn the paper it write pon. Hahahaha. Dat banna is a total trip.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
And it is also patently clear that this thread has nothing to do with sushi at all...




What astonishes the Rev is you Guyanese men come on this gni forum day in and day out and verbally masturbate about Moses this, Khemraj that, Trotman this, Granger that, Ramotar this, Nigel that, Jagdeo this, Rohee that, etc, etc


And the Rev comes on this thread, full of kindness, friendliness, graciousness, magnanimity, and introduces a heavenly, divine, and omnipotent subject like sushi, and how do you Guyanese men react ? You react with antagonism, deprecation, displeasure, hostility, and repugnance.



How can an adorable and captivating subject like sushi bring out such hostility in Guyanese men ?


Could it be Guyanese men are woefully inadequate when it come to lauding and worshiping sushi and as a result they react to the divine subject with dishonor, disrespect and hate ?hahahahaha





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Could it be Guyanese men are woefully inadequate when it come to lauding and worshiping sushi and as a result they react to the divine subject with dishonor, disrespect and hate ?hahahahaha





No Revie... nothing of the sort... I regret to inform you it is actually that people on the forum find your ramblings asinine.

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Could it be Guyanese men are woefully inadequate when it come to lauding and worshiping sushi and as a result they react to the divine subject with dishonor, disrespect and hate ?hahahahaha





No Revie... nothing of the sort... I regret to inform you it is actually that people on the forum find your ramblings asinine.

Agree...Rev is annoying, racist, and an instigator. He has said things in run up to the US elections that are borderline seditious statements, yet he is still allowed here...astounding!  The Sad thing is that he and his few fans do not realize just how stupid he appears to be on this BB.


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