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yuji22 posted:

This a political decision that the PNC made a long time ago. SN roasted them for a decision that will come back to haunt them. The PPP can now tell investors, you see this is what the PNC is capable of doing, they did it in the past and they are repeating a habit of theirs. 

This is a PNC political blunder. I do not reject that the PPP made mistakes regarding the bridge but Guyana is positioning themselves as a pro investment country and now this blunder. When we take out the emotional aspect of the decision, this  blunder will come back to haunt them. 

Anyway, SN tells it plainly and like it is:

“The seizure of the bridge will roil the investment climate and make it even more difficult for the government to attract buyers for the sugar estates and to mobilise investors in other sectors of the economy – even oil and gas.

What makes the seizure of the bridge even more galling is the absence of any credible attempt by the government to negotiate an end to the original impasse with BBCI failing which it still would have had recourse to compulsory acquisition. There is no evidence that the government was prepared to even consider the terms presented to it. Indeed, in an act of gross duplicity, while assuring that Cabinet would be apprised of the offer of BBCI at tomorrow’s meeting, the government was preparing to seize the bridge.”

Simple....guh tek dem to court!!!!

Tola posted:


1 - What is your solution to this problem ? 

2 - Allow the toll increase to take place on unemployed Berbicians  ?  

That bhai have no answers to your questions.

Here's my take, this issue will play out a little, gov't will buy out the other investors and own the bridge.

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

This a political decision that the PNC made a long time ago. SN roasted them for a decision that will come back to haunt them. The PPP can now tell investors, you see this is what the PNC is capable of doing, they did it in the past and they are repeating a habit of theirs. 

This is a PNC political blunder. I do not reject that the PPP made mistakes regarding the bridge but Guyana is positioning themselves as a pro investment country and now this blunder. When we take out the emotional aspect of the decision, this  blunder will come back to haunt them. 

Anyway, SN tells it plainly and like it is:

“The seizure of the bridge will roil the investment climate and make it even more difficult for the government to attract buyers for the sugar estates and to mobilise investors in other sectors of the economy – even oil and gas.

What makes the seizure of the bridge even more galling is the absence of any credible attempt by the government to negotiate an end to the original impasse with BBCI failing which it still would have had recourse to compulsory acquisition. There is no evidence that the government was prepared to even consider the terms presented to it. Indeed, in an act of gross duplicity, while assuring that Cabinet would be apprised of the offer of BBCI at tomorrow’s meeting, the government was preparing to seize the bridge.”

Simple....guh tek dem to court!!!!

Is that your response ?

Tola posted:


1 - What is your solution to this problem ? 

2 - Allow the toll increase to take place on unemployed Berbicians  ?  

Before I answer, Moses is on Video stating that the AFC/PNC will investigate the bridge and reduce the toll by half. What have they done to keep that promise ? I can post the video later tonight. Ask Moses and the PNC to fulfill that election promise before you start swinging at me. Why don’t you ask Moses how come the toll has not been reduced by half ?


Django posted:
Tola posted:


1 - What is your solution to this problem ? 

2 - Allow the toll increase to take place on unemployed Berbicians  ?  

That bhai have no answers to your questions.

Here's my take, this issue will play out a little, gov't will buy out the other investors and own the bridge.

The government doesn’t have money to pay sugar workers severance. Two weeks ago several public servants went unpaid.  They have no money to buy out investors.  They are existing on borrowed funds.  The private investors were just robbed in broad daylight.

Bibi Haniffa

Bibi, leff dem, let this blow over. They are not ready for the backlash. These chaps are clueless. 

SN editorial on this matter sums it up very nicely. It is posted right here. 

The AFC and PNC are like the dumb leading the blind. It reminds me of the picture of tola chasing the cow. That is their concept of progress and economic development. 

Last edited by Former Member

Rev used to put pepper sauce in dem AFC/PNC bais eyes. I personally do not know the Honourable Rev but dem bais used to accuse me of being the honourable Rev after he left GNI. It would be a blast if he returns. 

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

They should now change the name to GuyBridge in the spirit of the kakaba. Go pnc and the slop can crew. 

Di you not get a warning, or you pompous ?

Warning above what? If you were properly educated you would conclude that no forum rules were violated. As a non intellectual you would not understand the concept of freedom of speech. You can not arbitrarily decide that certain words or phrases are not permitted on a public forum.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sadly there will be no backlash.  The private investors just have to cut their losses and move on with their lives.  

I meant the inability of these chaps to operate the bridge. They are incapable. 

This sends shockwaves across Guyana with potential investors shaking in their boots.

Let them try and take over The Oil Wells next. Uncle Sam na ready for them yet.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

They should now change the name to GuyBridge in the spirit of the kakaba. Go pnc and the slop can crew. 

Di you not get a warning, or you pompous ?

Warning above what? If you were properly educated you would conclude that no forum rules were violated. As a non intellectual you would not understand the concept of freedom of speech. You can not arbitrarily decide that certain words or phrases are not permitted on a public forum.


Continue, when the hammer hits don't bawl.Freedom of speech doesn't give the right to abuse. Take note of the highlighted.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

Bibi, leff dem, let this blow over. They are not ready for the backlash. These chaps are clueless. 

SN editorial on this matter sums it up very nicely. It is posted right here. 

The AFC and PNC are like the dumb leading the blind. It reminds me of the picture of tola chasing the cow. That is their concept of progress and economic development. 

So now you leaning towards SN.

yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

This a political decision that the PNC made a long time ago. SN roasted them for a decision that will come back to haunt them. The PPP can now tell investors, you see this is what the PNC is capable of doing, they did it in the past and they are repeating a habit of theirs. 

This is a PNC political blunder. I do not reject that the PPP made mistakes regarding the bridge but Guyana is positioning themselves as a pro investment country and now this blunder. When we take out the emotional aspect of the decision, this  blunder will come back to haunt them. 

Anyway, SN tells it plainly and like it is:

“The seizure of the bridge will roil the investment climate and make it even more difficult for the government to attract buyers for the sugar estates and to mobilise investors in other sectors of the economy – even oil and gas.

What makes the seizure of the bridge even more galling is the absence of any credible attempt by the government to negotiate an end to the original impasse with BBCI failing which it still would have had recourse to compulsory acquisition. There is no evidence that the government was prepared to even consider the terms presented to it. Indeed, in an act of gross duplicity, while assuring that Cabinet would be apprised of the offer of BBCI at tomorrow’s meeting, the government was preparing to seize the bridge.”

Simple....guh tek dem to court!!!!

Is that your response ?

Yes that’s my response because you claim lawyers are lining up, you claim it will go to court, you claim the agreement obliges the govt as such, begin the legal process to force the govt to comply and protect the investors.

If they have no legal avenues, then whoever draw those investors in without any legal avenues to defend their interest should be sued by the investors.  And if the investors’ lawyers did not ensure they were covered, they should also be sued.

This whole mess is because they pursued an investment that the WB and other external advisors said was not viable.  Why and how did they expect they will make it happen?

listen, if this was purely a commercial venture and customers don’t buy your product, you go out of business and lose your investment.  Unfortunately, because of the nature, the govt just cannot let it go under.

I don’t know why you so hyper, there will be a settlement but investors will need to take a haircut.  I believe the GoG will do exactly as I said, issue bonds and cancel the equity.

alena06 posted:

Yugi you know Rev who posted here? 😀

Rev was very intelligent!!  He understood economics, money supply, capital markets. 

His parting comment was stick s fork in the PPP!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sadly there will be no backlash.  The private investors just have to cut their losses and move on with their lives.  

There will be no backlash because investors went in with their eyes open, made a bad bet and the government had to intervene!  Who to blame?

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sadly there will be no backlash.  The private investors just have to cut their losses and move on with their lives.  

I meant the inability of these chaps to operate the bridge. They are incapable. 

This sends shockwaves across Guyana with potential investors shaking in their boots.

Let them try and take over The Oil Wells next. Uncle Sam na ready for them yet.

There will be no shockwaves.  They made a bad investment!   Happens all the time!  The people of Berbice might be happy.  

Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Yugi you know Rev who posted here? 😀

Rev was very intelligent!!  He understood economics, money supply, capital markets. 

His parting comment was stick s fork in the PPP!!

Rev was very upset because he warned them to work the Amerindian communities more and for them to work harder and no one listened. He left very frustrated.

The PPP had grown into a very arrogant party and felt that they were invincible. It took them 23 years to become like that and only 3 years for APNU to become exactly like that. 

That is why we are seeing a red tsunami in Guyana for LGE.

You never know, Rev can reincarnate. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Yugi you know Rev who posted here? 😀

Rev was very intelligent!!  He understood economics, money supply, capital markets. 

His parting comment was stick s fork in the PPP!!

Rev was very upset because he warned them to work the Amerindian communities more and for them to work harder and no one listened. He left very frustrated.

The PPP had grown into a very arrogant party and felt that they were invincible. It took them 23 years to become like that and only 3 years for APNU to become exactly like that. 

That is why we are seeing a red tsunami in Guyana for LGE.

You never know, Rev can reincarnate. 

The PPP had grown arrogant many years prior.  People in Guyana says the see more PPP in the past three years than the previous 23.  

The PPP in power with the same cabal will be no different!

Rev said he will return on 2020. 


Look out for these Signs of the Second Coming of the Rev: tables, charts, graphs, other illustrations, varicoloured highlights, "Cuffy lovers", "disembowel Nagamootoo and Ramjattan", etc.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Since the government is an expert at managing infrastructure, I expect the Berbice Bridge to be floating downstream in just a matter of time.  

Is it interesting that the Demerara bridge seems less controversial? I didn't detect it in the middle of the Atlantic nor do folks complain about the tolls.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The government doesn’t have money to pay sugar workers severance. Two weeks ago several public servants went unpaid.  They have no money to buy out investors.  They are existing on borrowed funds.  The private investors were just robbed in broad daylight.

So they should have let Jagdeo and his gang of these charge US$40 to use the bridge.  I bet that his base in Berbice would have been overjoyed.

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sadly there will be no backlash.  The private investors just have to cut their losses and move on with their lives.  

I meant the inability of these chaps to operate the bridge. They are incapable. 


No they should have allowed the toll to be increased to US$40 and told Berbicians that Jagdeo is pocketing the money.

Gilbakka posted:

Look out for these Signs of the Second Coming of the Rev: tables, charts, graphs, other illustrations, varicoloured highlights, "Cuffy lovers", "disembowel Nagamootoo and Ramjattan", etc.

Why not. He, like you, is a PPP supporter and this is what they do. Run bottom house campaigns aiming to terrify Indians, thinking that blacks and mixed people will not find out. Well they did last time, they voted in record numbers and the PPP is now where they are.

I bet that Granger hopes that the PPP mounts a "black man gun kill all straight hair people" just as they did in 2015.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Look out for these Signs of the Second Coming of the Rev: tables, charts, graphs, other illustrations, varicoloured highlights, "Cuffy lovers", "disembowel Nagamootoo and Ramjattan", etc.

Why not. He, like you, is a PPP supporter and this is what they do. 

Gilbakka never used those Revian terms quoted above. And I scalded him for that.

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sadly there will be no backlash.  The private investors just have to cut their losses and move on with their lives.  

I meant the inability of these chaps to operate the bridge. They are incapable. 

This sends shockwaves across Guyana with potential investors shaking in their boots.

Let them try and take over The Oil Wells next. Uncle Sam na ready for them yet.

Who built and operated the Demerara Bridge?

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sadly there will be no backlash.  The private investors just have to cut their losses and move on with their lives.  

I meant the inability of these chaps to operate the bridge. They are incapable. 

This sends shockwaves across Guyana with potential investors shaking in their boots.

Let them try and take over The Oil Wells next. Uncle Sam na ready for them yet.

Who built and operated the Demerara Bridge?

Demerara bridge is a different animal. Nuff nuff traffic during rush hours, hence significant more revenue based on volume. Your own people in the AFC were part and parcel to the debacle of the Berbice bridge after they unanimously went against the WB recommendations. There is no record of Nagamootoo and Ramjattan voting against the bridge. Even you now who suddenly wake up and discovered that the WB was advocating better ferry service were a supporter of the Berbice bridge until the falling out with the PPP.,  Nagamootoo, Ramjattan and even the slop can boys were supporters of the initiative. Is only when they parted ways with the PPP to form the AFC that they shamelessly pretended not to have supported the bridge initiative. 

Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sadly there will be no backlash.  The private investors just have to cut their losses and move on with their lives.  

I meant the inability of these chaps to operate the bridge. They are incapable. 

This sends shockwaves across Guyana with potential investors shaking in their boots.

Let them try and take over The Oil Wells next. Uncle Sam na ready for them yet.

Who built and operated the Demerara Bridge?

Demerara bridge is a different animal. Nuff nuff traffic during rush hours, hence significant more revenue based on volume. Your own people in the AFC were part and parcel to the debacle of the Berbice bridge after they unanimously went against the WB recommendations. There is no record of Nagamootoo and Ramjattan voting against the bridge. Even you now who suddenly wake up and discovered that the WB was advocating better ferry service were a supporter of the Berbice bridge until the falling out with the PPP.,  Nagamootoo, Ramjattan and even the slop can boys were supporters of the initiative. Is only when they parted ways with the PPP to form the AFC that they shamelessly pretended not to have supported the bridge initiative. 

What a shittypost.

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sadly there will be no backlash.  The private investors just have to cut their losses and move on with their lives.  

I meant the inability of these chaps to operate the bridge. They are incapable. 

This sends shockwaves across Guyana with potential investors shaking in their boots.

Let them try and take over The Oil Wells next. Uncle Sam na ready for them yet.

Who built and operated the Demerara Bridge?

Demerara bridge is a different animal. Nuff nuff traffic during rush hours, hence significant more revenue based on volume. Your own people in the AFC were part and parcel to the debacle of the Berbice bridge after they unanimously went against the WB recommendations. There is no record of Nagamootoo and Ramjattan voting against the bridge. Even you now who suddenly wake up and discovered that the WB was advocating better ferry service were a supporter of the Berbice bridge until the falling out with the PPP.,  Nagamootoo, Ramjattan and even the slop can boys were supporters of the initiative. Is only when they parted ways with the PPP to form the AFC that they shamelessly pretended not to have supported the bridge initiative. 

What a shittypost.


Bannas, tamesh will buss your tail for exhibiting such rudeness to the great drugb. Show respect to your superiors. 

Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Sadly there will be no backlash.  The private investors just have to cut their losses and move on with their lives.  

I meant the inability of these chaps to operate the bridge. They are incapable. 

This sends shockwaves across Guyana with potential investors shaking in their boots.

Let them try and take over The Oil Wells next. Uncle Sam na ready for them yet.

Who built and operated the Demerara Bridge?

Demerara bridge is a different animal. Nuff nuff traffic during rush hours, hence significant more revenue based on volume. . 

Thank you!  And there-in lies the crux of the matter.  The WB and other external advisors advised against the bridge as the volume was not there for viability.  Who pushed it and sucked in investors?  Why did these investors not do their own due-diligence and stress test the business case before jumping in?  Every prudent investor do their own due-diligence before committing.

Listen banna, given the challenges, this should have been a Gov't strategic investment, something NOT for private investors who need to see a return early.

The APNU (PNC) recently rejected the expensive Chinese proposal to replace the Demerara bridge, so clearly they are being prudent.  Not bad for a party who "cannot run a cake shop!"

Mitwah posted:

They should bring back the ferry service and start rebuilding New Amsterdam that was destroyed by the PPP.

Ask lillym why he went along those many years ago with the Bbice bridge when afc and pnc were one. Nuff of yall now wakeup and ketch sense but now seek to wash your behinds clean of this debacle. Now suddenly you wake up and calling for ferry service. 

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

They should bring back the ferry service and start rebuilding New Amsterdam that was destroyed by the PPP.

I saw there ferries in service in Germany.  They are fast and efficient!  The ferry that operated was inefficient!


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