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While you're waiting for an answer, Ayatollah, look at this pic. Nothing better than cooling down with kids under a coconut tree. The best things in life are free. You don't need hundreds of thousands US moolah for a little peace. I wish I were in Granger's place here.

[Sorry for this diversion, sir. Me nah derail yuh thread. Me only want a space fo park dis pickcha. ]

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Shaitaan....Balwant Claim he got Copies of the records to prove everything.


Why GINA, NCN, Chronicle & Guyana Times do not believe his story?

It will only take them three former AFC members to fix allyou once and for all. PPP don't have to do nothing. Don't worry who believe them, they were talking directly to the Berbice people.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Shaitaan....Balwant Claim he got Copies of the records to prove everything.


Why GINA, NCN, Chronicle & Guyana Times do not believe his story?


I don't claim to know anything about what Balwant, Yusuf, or Sextus has to say. Therefore, I am unable to comment and do not wish to.


However, I will comment based on my intimate knowledge of Cathy Hughes' financial misbehavior using the AFC as her personal piggybank. It may not be technically illegal to get paid huge sums by your own party's campaign but it betrays no ethics whatsoever as most of those monies are raised from well intentioned middle class businessmen (not the super rich) and ordinary working and middle class individuals.


One of the reasons cited by many "foreign" places for not helping the AFC is their desire to not make hefty donations to Cathy Hughes' bank account.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Our president is around children all the time, not just around election time. Uncle Donald is like a loving granddad. kutchie-kutchie

Is Ramotar still getting Jagdeo to slap AmerIndians, because dem too stupid ?

How many photos Ramotar  got of AmerIndians when its not an election?  

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Shaitaan....Balwant Claim he got Copies of the records to prove everything.


Why GINA, NCN, Chronicle & Guyana Times do not believe his story?



I don't claim to know anything about what Balwant, Yusuf, or Sextus has to say. Therefore, I am unable to comment and do not wish to.


However, I will comment based on my intimate knowledge of Cathy Hughes' financial misbehavior using the AFC as her personal piggybank.


It may not be technically illegal to get paid huge sums by your own party's campaign but it betrays no ethics whatsoever as most of those monies are raised from well intentioned middle class businessmen (not the super rich) and ordinary working and middle class individuals.


One of the reasons cited by many "foreign" places for not helping the AFC is their desire to not make hefty donations to Cathy Hughes' bank account.


if your intimate knowledge

has any truth to it,

why are you refusing to expose them....



And you claim your truth 

is based on One of the reasons

cited by many "foreign" places.


This is beginning to sound like a next 

"$500.Fortnightly pay Check - Federal Agent"

Who you say does Engineer Facts....


Isn't That's a Federal Crime

if that is going on.

Check with CaribJ

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Shaitaan....Balwant Claim he got Copies of the records to prove everything.


Why GINA, NCN, Chronicle & Guyana Times do not believe his story?



I don't claim to know anything about what Balwant, Yusuf, or Sextus has to say. Therefore, I am unable to comment and do not wish to.


However, I will comment based on my intimate knowledge of Cathy Hughes' financial misbehavior using the AFC as her personal piggybank.


It may not be technically illegal to get paid huge sums by your own party's campaign but it betrays no ethics whatsoever as most of those monies are raised from well intentioned middle class businessmen (not the super rich) and ordinary working and middle class individuals.


One of the reasons cited by many "foreign" places for not helping the AFC is their desire to not make hefty donations to Cathy Hughes' bank account.


if your intimate knowledge

has any truth to it,

why are you refusing to expose them....



And you claim your truth 

is based on One of the reasons

cited by many "foreign" places.


This is beginning to sound like a next 

"$500.Fortnightly pay Check - Federal Agent"

Who you say does Engineer Facts....


Isn't That's a Federal Crime

if that is going on.

Check with CaribJ


I'd be careful, with the sole exception of Nagamootoo, in the AFC, NONE are immune from instances of provable corruption.


However, Cathy Hughes stands out as the worst offender and should be pushed out. I say Cathy Hughes because I take great pains to not guilt by association her husband Nigel.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No time like the present to chat about this.


Wrong is wrong. Which is why I have next to zero confidence in the AFC being just another round of thieves-in-waiting.

"Hundreds of Thousands . . ."?? wow!


the AFC have that kind of $US to throw at Kathy Hughes for PR work?


i say u are an idle little man, and u LIE like a skunk!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Our president is around children all the time, not just around election time. Uncle Donald is like a loving granddad. kutchie-kutchie

You miss the point.  The notion is Granger in close quarters with an Indian female and child and no bands of irate Indian men threatening to chop him up.


The PNC is proving to be less of the bogey man than the PPP will want to believe.  Will he get Indian votes?  No!  Will every Indian react to him in fear as they decide which party they will support? NO!


The AFC will need to prove itself, and stop being insulted when people tell them that this is what they must do, and if they do so, the PPP is OVER!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No time like the present to chat about this.


Wrong is wrong. Which is why I have next to zero confidence in the AFC being just another round of thieves-in-waiting.

"Hundreds of Thousands . . ."?? wow!


the AFC have that kind of $US to throw at Kathy Hughes for PR work?


i say u are an idle little man, and u LIE like a skunk!

Redux one day you will gain the intelligence to understand that in politics it isn't what is true that is important.  It is what people BELIEVE to be true.


The PPP is playing a smart game.  They know that if disgruntled PPP supporters PERCEIVE the AFC as corrupt then they will stay with the corrupt party which they know.  The # 1 reason that people cite for dumping the PPP is corruption, and so if APNU AFC are also tainted with this brush then that means that the PPP keeps its support base.


The AFC is so often too little too late.  If there is no truth in the accusations of internal party corruption, or if they can prove that former AFC officials who make these accusations are themselves being corrupt (PPP soup drinking) then they ought to discuss this.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No time like the present to chat about this.


Wrong is wrong. Which is why I have next to zero confidence in the AFC being just another round of thieves-in-waiting.

"Hundreds of Thousands . . ."?? wow!


the AFC have that kind of $US to throw at Kathy Hughes for PR work?


i say u are an idle little man, and u LIE like a skunk!

Redux one day you will gain the intelligence to understand that in politics it isn't what is true that is important.  It is what people BELIEVE to be true.


The PPP is playing a smart game.  They know that if disgruntled PPP supporters PERCEIVE the AFC as corrupt then they will stay with the corrupt party which they know.  The # 1 reason that people cite for dumping the PPP is corruption, and so if APNU AFC are also tainted with this brush then that means that the PPP keeps its support base.


The AFC is so often too little too late.  If there is no truth in the accusations of internal party corruption, or if they can prove that former AFC officials who make these accusations are themselves being corrupt (PPP soup drinking) then they ought to discuss this.


Redux's defense of the AFC seems to be that Cathy Hughes stole a lessor amount than what is being alleged

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No time like the present to chat about this.


Wrong is wrong. Which is why I have next to zero confidence in the AFC being just another round of thieves-in-waiting.

"Hundreds of Thousands . . ."?? wow!


the AFC have that kind of $US to throw at Kathy Hughes for PR work?


i say u are an idle little man, and u LIE like a skunk!

Redux one day you will gain the intelligence to understand that in politics it isn't what is true that is important.  It is what people BELIEVE to be true.


The PPP is playing a smart game.  They know that if disgruntled PPP supporters PERCEIVE the AFC as corrupt then they will stay with the corrupt party which they know.  The # 1 reason that people cite for dumping the PPP is corruption, and so if APNU AFC are also tainted with this brush then that means that the PPP keeps its support base.


The AFC is so often too little too late.  If there is no truth in the accusations of internal party corruption, or if they can prove that former AFC officials who make these accusations are themselves being corrupt (PPP soup drinking) then they ought to discuss this.


Redux's defense of the AFC seems to be that Cathy Hughes stole a lessor amount than what is being alleged

Until you can show some proof of your allegations, it's just cheap rum shop gossip.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No time like the present to chat about this.


Wrong is wrong. Which is why I have next to zero confidence in the AFC being just another round of thieves-in-waiting.

"Hundreds of Thousands . . ."?? wow!


the AFC have that kind of $US to throw at Kathy Hughes for PR work?


i say u are an idle little man, and u LIE like a skunk!

Redux one day you will gain the intelligence to understand that in politics it isn't what is true that is important.  It is what people BELIEVE to be true.


The PPP is playing a smart game.  They know that if disgruntled PPP supporters PERCEIVE the AFC as corrupt then they will stay with the corrupt party which they know.  The # 1 reason that people cite for dumping the PPP is corruption, and so if APNU AFC are also tainted with this brush then that means that the PPP keeps its support base.


The AFC is so often too little too late.  If there is no truth in the accusations of internal party corruption, or if they can prove that former AFC officials who make these accusations are themselves being corrupt (PPP soup drinking) then they ought to discuss this.


Redux's defense of the AFC seems to be that Cathy Hughes stole a lessor amount than what is being alleged

Until you can show some proof of your allegations, it's just cheap rum shop gossip.


Well then them foreign embassies in GT must be reporting "cheap rum shop gossip" back to their home capitals.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Redux's defense of the AFC seems to be that Cathy Hughes stole a lessor amount than what is being alleged

Redux is an angry ideologue.  So he gets stuck in the mud.  So you make a joke about Cathy stealing "hundreds of thousands", he fixates on that.


What he doesn't seem to understand is that the PPP, and maybe you, are deliberately tarnishing the AFC as also being corrupt.


So if PPP=corrupt=AFC, they trick is to tell its supporters that electing the AFC will not end corruption, so they might as well continue to support the PPP.


Redux needs to focus on the fact that most Guyanese still don't really trust the AFC's ability to win votes, and so are often reluctant to listen to them, so it is up to the AFC to prove themselves. 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No time like the present to chat about this.


Wrong is wrong. Which is why I have next to zero confidence in the AFC being just another round of thieves-in-waiting.

"Hundreds of Thousands . . ."?? wow!


the AFC have that kind of $US to throw at Kathy Hughes for PR work?


i say u are an idle little man, and u LIE like a skunk!

Redux one day you will gain the intelligence to understand that in politics it isn't what is true that is important.  It is what people BELIEVE to be true.


The PPP is playing a smart game.  They know that if disgruntled PPP supporters PERCEIVE the AFC as corrupt then they will stay with the corrupt party which they know.  The # 1 reason that people cite for dumping the PPP is corruption, and so if APNU AFC are also tainted with this brush then that means that the PPP keeps its support base.


The AFC is so often too little too late.  If there is no truth in the accusations of internal party corruption, or if they can prove that former AFC officials who make these accusations are themselves being corrupt (PPP soup drinking) then they ought to discuss this.


Redux's defense of the AFC seems to be that Cathy Hughes stole a lessor amount than what is being alleged

A thief is a thief, in the court of law , does the amount matter? only for the penalty.

Originally Posted by Mars:

Until you can show some proof of your allegations, it's just cheap rum shop gossip.

People on GNI think that they are so important.  Its not up to Shaitaan to prove anything as he is merely repeating those accusations, and embellishing them.


It is up to the AFC to show proof that allegations of internal party corruption are lies, and that those who make them are PPP soup drinkers.


Because the PPP doesn't care whether these accusations are true or not.  They want to highlight to Guyanese, that the AFC is no less corrupt than is the PPP.  Silence on the part of the AFC then suggests that they are unable to discredit these reports.


No party can afford to have bad news sink in without responding to it, and definitely NOT the AFC, which already made a risky move by joining with the PNC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Redux's defense of the AFC seems to be that Cathy Hughes stole a lessor amount than what is being alleged

Redux is an angry ideologue.  So he gets stuck in the mud.  So you make a joke about Cathy stealing "hundreds of thousands", he fixates on that.


What he doesn't seem to understand is that the PPP, and maybe you, are deliberately tarnishing the AFC as also being corrupt.


So if PPP=corrupt=AFC, they trick is to tell its supporters that electing the AFC will not end corruption, so they might as well continue to support the PPP.


Redux needs to focus on the fact that most Guyanese still don't really trust the AFC's ability to win votes, and so are often reluctant to listen to them, so it is up to the AFC to prove themselves. 


I'm not tarnishing the AFC. I'm tarnishing Cathy Hughes because she deserves to be tarnished.


I've known about this for years and have kept quiet. Now I know the PPP knows about Cathy Hughes so no point in being quiet anymore.


There is another AFC Big One who also has a grubby hand that I will remain silent about because the PPP doan know about those runnings and I'm not gonna spill the beans. (You're welcome AFC goons.)


The AFC lucky people like me don't tek buyout.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Until you can show some proof of your allegations, it's just cheap rum shop gossip.

People on GNI think that they are so important.  Its not up to Shaitaan to prove anything as he is merely repeating those accusations, and embellishing them.


It is up to the AFC to show proof that allegations of internal party corruption are lies, and that those who make them are PPP soup drinkers.


Because the PPP doesn't care whether these accusations are true or not.  They want to highlight to Guyanese, that the AFC is no less corrupt than is the PPP.  Silence on the part of the AFC then suggests that they are unable to discredit these reports.


No party can afford to have bad news sink in without responding to it, and definitely NOT the AFC, which already made a risky move by joining with the PNC.

If you make an allegation, you should have proof or you're just being a scandalous big man repeating gossip. 


If I were Cathy Hughes, how do I go about providing proof that I accepted money which was not earned? Sounds a bit like providing proof that unicorns do not exist. If the woman is doing PR work, she ought to be paid for it as a professional. In the same manner that Moses was paid by NICIL for providing legal services to citizens who were relocated by the Berbice Bridge.  

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I'm not tarnishing the AFC. I'm tarnishing Cathy Hughes because she deserves to be tarnished.


I've known about this for years and have kept quiet. Now I know the PPP knows about Cathy Hughes so no point in being quiet anymore.


There is another AFC Big One who also has a grubby hand that I will remain silent about because the PPP doan know about those runnings and I'm not gonna spill the beans. (You're welcome AFC goons.)


The AFC lucky people like me don't tek buyout.

you are a small time fraud and a LIAR!


that shyte about secret knowledge is an old baseman staple and familiar refuge of 'business people' plying their trade with no underwear

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Redux's defense of the AFC seems to be that Cathy Hughes stole a lessor amount than what is being alleged

i defend nothing . . . but u knew that already, rite?


i simply nail your LIES to the wall for all to see!


that's all

Redux you are like a mad bull stuck in the mad, thrashing and stamping and looking angrily at every one around you.


Get it straight.  The PPP is trying to muddy the waters by making a huge issue over what might be some petty corruption or conflict of interest or most likely sloppy book keeping.  They do so to tell Guyanese that "you all think that we are corrupt, but then so is the AFC".  This because the number ONE reason why they might lose is if people think that the PPP is more corrupt than the APNU AFC coalition is perceived to be.


Focus on that fact and stop stomping your foot like a mad bull stuck in mud.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I'm not tarnishing the AFC. I'm tarnishing Cathy Hughes because she deserves to be tarnished.


I've known about this for years and have kept quiet. Now I know the PPP knows about Cathy Hughes so no point in being quiet anymore.


There is another AFC Big One who also has a grubby hand that I will remain silent about because the PPP doan know about those runnings and I'm not gonna spill the beans. (You're welcome AFC goons.)


The AFC lucky people like me don't tek buyout.

you are a small time fraud and a LIAR!


And so what if he is. Shaitaan isn't the one making the allegation.


THREE former AFC officials are.  THREE people who might be seen as being credible in their accusations unless the AFC deals with it.


Now has the AFC dealt with it, or as usual, are they floating around thinking that they are angels who aren't obligated to defend their image?


THAT is what you need to be focused on!

Originally Posted by Mars:

If you make an allegation, you should have proof or you're just being a scandalous big man repeating gossip. 


If I were Cathy Hughes, how do I go about providing proof that I accepted money which was not earned? Sounds a bit like providing proof that unicorns do not exist. If the woman is doing PR work, she ought to be paid for it as a professional. In the same manner that Moses was paid by NICIL for providing legal services to citizens who were relocated by the Berbice Bridge.  

NO PPP official has been made to defend accusations of corruption, and yet the perception exists of the PPP being corrupt.


So people don't need to have proof to believe that some one is corrupt.


The PPP is no longer trying to claim not to be corrupt.  What they want to do is to cater to the notion that the ENTIRE political system is corrupt, including the AFC.


MOTIVE.  To get disgusted people to stay home, rather than voting for APNU AFC.


I assume that you are a little child because you surely think like one!



FORMER AFC OFFICIALS made certain accusations.  The AFC has to DEFEND themselves against such!  How difficult can that be?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I'm not tarnishing the AFC. I'm tarnishing Cathy Hughes because she deserves to be tarnished.


I've known about this for years and have kept quiet. Now I know the PPP knows about Cathy Hughes so no point in being quiet anymore.


There is another AFC Big One who also has a grubby hand that I will remain silent about because the PPP doan know about those runnings and I'm not gonna spill the beans. (You're welcome AFC goons.)


The AFC lucky people like me don't tek buyout.

you are a small time fraud and a LIAR!


And so what if he is. Shaitaan isn't the one making the allegation.


THREE former AFC officials are.  THREE people who might be seen as being credible in their accusations unless the AFC deals with it.


Now has the AFC dealt with it, or as usual, are they floating around thinking that they are angels who aren't obligated to defend their image?


THAT is what you need to be focused on!


What should be even more worrisome is that they're making these allegations quite publicly with full knowledge of the strict provisions of the Defamation Act.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Redux's defense of the AFC seems to be that Cathy Hughes stole a lessor amount than what is being alleged

Redux is an angry ideologue.  So he gets stuck in the mud.  So you make a joke about Cathy stealing "hundreds of thousands", he fixates on that.


What he doesn't seem to understand is that the PPP, and maybe you, are deliberately tarnishing the AFC as also being corrupt.


So if PPP=corrupt=AFC, they trick is to tell its supporters that electing the AFC will not end corruption, so they might as well continue to support the PPP.


Redux needs to focus on the fact that most Guyanese still don't really trust the AFC's ability to win votes, and so are often reluctant to listen to them, so it is up to the AFC to prove themselves. 


I'm not tarnishing the AFC. I'm tarnishing Cathy Hughes because she deserves to be tarnished.


I've known about this for years and have kept quiet. Now I know the PPP knows about Cathy Hughes so no point in being quiet anymore.


There is another AFC Big One who also has a grubby hand that I will remain silent about because the PPP doan know about those runnings and I'm not gonna spill the beans. (You're welcome AFC goons.)


The AFC lucky people like me don't tek buyout.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

If you make an allegation, you should have proof or you're just being a scandalous big man repeating gossip. 


If I were Cathy Hughes, how do I go about providing proof that I accepted money which was not earned? Sounds a bit like providing proof that unicorns do not exist. If the woman is doing PR work, she ought to be paid for it as a professional. In the same manner that Moses was paid by NICIL for providing legal services to citizens who were relocated by the Berbice Bridge.  

NO PPP official has been made to defend accusations of corruption, and yet the perception exists of the PPP being corrupt.


So people don't need to have proof to believe that some one is corrupt.


The PPP is no longer trying to claim not to be corrupt.  What they want to do is to cater to the notion that the ENTIRE political system is corrupt, including the AFC.


MOTIVE.  To get disgusted people to stay home, rather than voting for APNU AFC.


I assume that you are a little child because you surely think like one!



FORMER AFC OFFICIALS made certain accusations.  The AFC has to DEFEND themselves against such!  How difficult can that be?

You talking sheer piss and I answered you. You are saying that the onus is on Cathy Hughes to provide proof that she received money that she did not earn. Tell me how Cathy Hughes is going to do that Einstein. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I'm not tarnishing the AFC. I'm tarnishing Cathy Hughes because she deserves to be tarnished.


I've known about this for years and have kept quiet. Now I know the PPP knows about Cathy Hughes so no point in being quiet anymore.


There is another AFC Big One who also has a grubby hand that I will remain silent about because the PPP doan know about those runnings and I'm not gonna spill the beans. (You're welcome AFC goons.)


The AFC lucky people like me don't tek buyout.

you are a small time fraud and a LIAR!


Shaitaan isn't the one making the allegation . . .

actually, he is


pay attention now

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

If you make an allegation, you should have proof or you're just being a scandalous big man repeating gossip. 


If I were Cathy Hughes, how do I go about providing proof that I accepted money which was not earned? Sounds a bit like providing proof that unicorns do not exist. If the woman is doing PR work, she ought to be paid for it as a professional. In the same manner that Moses was paid by NICIL for providing legal services to citizens who were relocated by the Berbice Bridge.  

NO PPP official has been made to defend accusations of corruption, and yet the perception exists of the PPP being corrupt.


So people don't need to have proof to believe that some one is corrupt.


The PPP is no longer trying to claim not to be corrupt.  What they want to do is to cater to the notion that the ENTIRE political system is corrupt, including the AFC.


MOTIVE.  To get disgusted people to stay home, rather than voting for APNU AFC.


I assume that you are a little child because you surely think like one!



FORMER AFC OFFICIALS made certain accusations.  The AFC has to DEFEND themselves against such!  How difficult can that be?

You talking sheer piss and I answered you. You are saying that the onus is on Cathy Hughes to provide proof that she received money that she did not earn. Tell me how Cathy Hughes is going to do that Einstein. 


They can publicize their payments to Cathy Hughes and explain them. That would be a good start.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
They can publicize their payments to Cathy Hughes and explain them. That would be a good start.

and where would be a good end for y'all, eh smartman


this is an interesting process . . . accuse someone of misappropriating "Hundreds of Thousands" without A SHRED OF PROOF, then demanding that they provide 'evidence' of their innocence


seriously? . . . this would not be clever even in high school

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
They can publicize their payments to Cathy Hughes and explain them. That would be a good start.

and where would be a good end for y'all, eh smartman


this is an interesting process . . . accuse someone of misappropriating "Hundreds of Thousands" without A SHRED OF PROOF, then demanding that they provide 'evidence' of their innocence


seriously . . .?

the AFC had that much money is Guyanese this stupid 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
They can publicize their payments to Cathy Hughes and explain them. That would be a good start.

and where would be a good end for y'all, eh smartman


this is an interesting process . . . accuse someone of misappropriating "Hundreds of Thousands" without A SHRED OF PROOF, then demanding that they provide 'evidence' of their innocence


seriously . . .?


I believe that is how it works in politics.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
They can publicize their payments to Cathy Hughes and explain them. That would be a good start.

and where would be a good end for y'all, eh smartman


this is an interesting process . . . accuse someone of misappropriating "Hundreds of Thousands" without A SHRED OF PROOF, then demanding that they provide 'evidence' of their innocence


seriously . . .?


I believe that is how it works in politics.

get real brother,can you steal something that is not there

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
They can publicize their payments to Cathy Hughes and explain them. That would be a good start.

and where would be a good end for y'all, eh smartman


this is an interesting process . . . accuse someone of misappropriating "Hundreds of Thousands" without A SHRED OF PROOF, then demanding that they provide 'evidence' of their innocence


seriously . . .?


I believe that is how it works in politics.

get real brother,can you steal something that is not there


The AFC actually raised hundreds of thousands of USDs in each of the past two election cycles.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
They can publicize their payments to Cathy Hughes and explain them. That would be a good start.

and where would be a good end for y'all, eh smartman


this is an interesting process . . . accuse someone of misappropriating "Hundreds of Thousands" without A SHRED OF PROOF, then demanding that they provide 'evidence' of their innocence


seriously? . . . this would not be clever even in high school

 I believe that is how it works in politics.

you need to get out more and stop hanging out with kwame's Region 11 protÃĐgÃĐs

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Our president is around children all the time, not just around election time. Uncle Donald is like a loving granddad. kutchie-kutchie

You miss the point.  The notion is Granger in close quarters with an Indian female and child and no bands of irate Indian men threatening to chop him up.


The PNC is proving to be less of the bogey man than the PPP will want to believe. 

Will he get Indian votes?  No! 

Will every Indian react to him in fear as they decide which party they will support? NO!


The AFC will need to prove itself, and stop being insulted when people tell them that this is what they must do, and if they do so, the PPP is OVER!

Aya ignore CaribJ he is a

Black Racist talking Nuff $kunt.


Let us Examine the $kunt carefully......

CaribJ .....

AFC + APNU entered into an Alliance...

 Da penetrate yuh thick Skull yet


The Presidential Candidate...

is Granger

The Prime Ministerial Candidate ...

is Nagamootoo

Da penetrate yuh thick Skull yet


Everyone Voting for the

AFC/APNU Alliance...


Will be Voting for Both

 Granger and Nagamootoo


Da penetrate yuh thick Skull yet




Everyone Voting for the

AFC/APNU Alliance...


Will be Voting for Both

 A Blackman & A Coolieman


Da penetrate yuh thick Skull yet




CaribJ...Why is that Hard

for A Racist to Understant.


How you think

Or maybe he's saying,

Any lil child can tell you

Both Indians & Blacks

 will vote for Both Granger & Moses





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