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Baseman posted:

Great.  he needs to meet with Ravi Dev and Reyhaan Shah.  


So that they can plot to turn Guyana into the intolerant Hindu state that this man is attempting to do in India?  Muslims killed because they eat beef!

if he meets with those clowns Eric should be given his 15k square miles and this should include G/T.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

The Muslims really like what Modi's fans are doing to them.  Yes killing them for eating beef.  Explain to me what Modi is doing to stop this.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

The Muslims really like what Modi's fans are doing to them.  Yes killing them for eating beef.  Explain to me what Modi is doing to stop this.

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.

Tola posted:


Anti-black racism in East Indian spaces is rampant. I understand this as a colonial haunting. When the British brought Indians to work the plantations, slavery was recently abolished and the British gave Indians work that would have gone to Afro-Guyanese, shaping the relationship between the newly freed people and the newly imported labor. Members of my own family like to say things like β€œwe were never slaves” when the truth is we absolutely were; we have more cultural commonalities and values with Afro-Guyanese than we do with anyone from the Indian subcontinent. India is not β€œhome”—it is a mythological homeland.

In her essay, β€œThe Indo-Caribbean Experience: Now and Then,” Elizabeth Jaikaran writes about this racism as a way for the British to keep two major ethnic groups divided, so that they would not unite against their common oppressor:

β€œDo not speak to the Indians,” said the British to the Africans. β€œThey are vile and carry diseases.”

 β€œDo not speak to the Africans,” said the British to the Indians. β€œThey are vile and carry diseases.”

Surprised no Indians commented on Tola's post. I extracted the above on racism. What Rajiv Mohabir wrote is instructive for some of the Indian racists who run around here spreading fairy tales of Indian supremacy. Touches on the root of animosity between the 2 groups.

Lots of other useful info on some things we discussed on Anta's thread re domestic violence and alcoholism, might actually be rooted in this period of history and due to the suffering endured under indentureship. Interesting stuff.

yuji22 posted:

Carib with his racist BS early morning. Carib, did you brush your teeth this morning ?

Yuji as usually objecting to the fact that I deplore tactics to exclude blacks.

You see yuji, seignet, baseman and the rest of the Indo KKK scream that blacks must accept some combination of slavery and ethnic exclusion and if they don't then they are racists.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

The Muslims really like what Modi's fans are doing to them.  Yes killing them for eating beef.  Explain to me what Modi is doing to stop this.

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.

First, what has Saudi Arabia have to do with this discussion ? Second, you have evidently never been to Saudi Arabia so you should now be man enough to apologize to everyone in this forum and retract your uninformed statement because the straight answer to your question is a 'big fat nothing'. Thousands of people from numerous countries, the Indian sub-continent included, go to Saudi Arabia during the peak seasons to sell all sorts of merchandise; food items included ! Under Saudi law they are required to satisfy stringent health and food production requirements/standards before they can obtain required permits. It never ceases to amaze me that, despite their ignorance and bigotry, some people boldly post such lies/trash; in the hope that their rubbish and dishonesty will escape scrutiny !

Dave posted:


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Guyana in December, Minister of State Joseph Harmon confirmed Monday morning.

The exact date of the visit is not known at this time.

The commissioning of the Indian Indentureship Monument at Palmyra is expected to be a highlight of the visit.

Monday morning, Harmon announced a $38 million contract to build a visitors gallery and security hut at the area.

The 12’ by 12’ bronze monument was designed and constructed in India and cost US$150, 000.

The monument describes the lives of ordinary Indian people in their routine everyday life with each carrying something of importance – their jahaji bhandal (ship bundle) loaded with food, spices, herbs, clothing, jewellery, their gods, religious texts, drum, karaahi (cooking pan) tawa (flat circular metal for cooking roti), grass knives (scythe), cutlass and rice plants. The figures are presented in a straightforward realism with the human factor ever present.


Guyana had agreed to construct the base upon which it will rest but in an embarrassing turn, the structure, for which $97 million was allocated, collapsed and is now being rebuilt.

Under the new project, which is being managed by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, the works entail construction of the monument base and podium, as well as peripheral components such as the walkway, landscaping details, internal drainage, roadway, lighting, visitor’s gallery, security hut, and fencing.

All of the works are expected to be complete in time for Modi’s visit.

This year marks 180 years since the arrival of the first Indian indentured workers to Guyana.

There is something wrong with this monument.  There were 14 East Indian males to every one East Indian female who came over on the ships.  Those East Indian males experienced competition from not only Chinese males (who had even fewer Chinese women) who were looking for East Indian wives and White Plantation male workers who were looking for East Indian women as mistresses.  So Prashad thanks the African Guyanese females from the bottom of his heart for getting the East Indian Guyanese population off the mark and on its way to an unbeaten 100 not out. 

Last edited by Prashad
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

The Muslims really like what Modi's fans are doing to them.  Yes killing them for eating beef.  Explain to me what Modi is doing to stop this.

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.

First, what has Saudi Arabia have to do with this discussion ? Second, you have evidently never been to Saudi Arabia so you should now be man enough to apologize to everyone in this forum and retract your uninformed statement because the straight answer to your question is a 'big fat nothing'. Thousands of people from numerous countries, the Indian sub-continent included, go to Saudi Arabia during the peak seasons to sell all sorts of merchandise; food items included ! Under Saudi law they are required to satisfy stringent health and food production requirements/standards before they can obtain required permits. It never ceases to amaze me that, despite their ignorance and bigotry, some people boldly post such lies/trash; in the hope that their rubbish and dishonesty will escape scrutiny !

It was not an insult to Islam or to Muslims. I was just making a point that in some Muslim countries pork is not allowed to be consumed. The same goes for beef in some parts of India.

skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

The Muslims really like what Modi's fans are doing to them.  Yes killing them for eating beef.  Explain to me what Modi is doing to stop this.

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.

First, what has Saudi Arabia have to do with this discussion ? Second, you have evidently never been to Saudi Arabia so you should now be man enough to apologize to everyone in this forum and retract your uninformed statement because the straight answer to your question is a 'big fat nothing'. Thousands of people from numerous countries, the Indian sub-continent included, go to Saudi Arabia during the peak seasons to sell all sorts of merchandise; food items included ! Under Saudi law they are required to satisfy stringent health and food production requirements/standards before they can obtain required permits. It never ceases to amaze me that, despite their ignorance and bigotry, some people boldly post such lies/trash; in the hope that their rubbish and dishonesty will escape scrutiny !

It was not an insult to Islam or to Muslims. I was just making a point that in some Muslim countries pork is not allowed to be consumed. The same goes for beef in some parts of India.

Stop writing BS ! There is no statute that prohibits the consumption of beef in any part of India ! Do not take my word for it; call their embassy on this and then come back and call me a liar. Furthermore, by his long track record, Modi has time and again clearly demonstrated to Indians and to the world at large that he is nothing but a deeply bigoted hater of Muslims ! This despicable piece of excrement deliberately 1) delayed calling out Gujrat police and 2) requesting support from the central government when large numbers of Muslims were being wantonly and openly slaughtered in the infamous train incident in Gujrat a few years ago. By your assessment he was being very kind to them as they were being butchered, raped and killed; isn't that so ? Your attempt to present Modi as anything other than a hate-filled bigot cannot be treated as anything other than rubbish !     

Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

The Muslims really like what Modi's fans are doing to them.  Yes killing them for eating beef.  Explain to me what Modi is doing to stop this.

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.

First, what has Saudi Arabia have to do with this discussion ? Second, you have evidently never been to Saudi Arabia so you should now be man enough to apologize to everyone in this forum and retract your uninformed statement because the straight answer to your question is a 'big fat nothing'. Thousands of people from numerous countries, the Indian sub-continent included, go to Saudi Arabia during the peak seasons to sell all sorts of merchandise; food items included ! Under Saudi law they are required to satisfy stringent health and food production requirements/standards before they can obtain required permits. It never ceases to amaze me that, despite their ignorance and bigotry, some people boldly post such lies/trash; in the hope that their rubbish and dishonesty will escape scrutiny !

It was not an insult to Islam or to Muslims. I was just making a point that in some Muslim countries pork is not allowed to be consumed. The same goes for beef in some parts of India.

Stop writing BS ! There is no statute that prohibits the consumption of beef in any part of India ! Do not take my word for it; call their embassy on this and then come back and call me a liar. Furthermore, by his long track record, Modi has time and again clearly demonstrated to Indians and to the world at large that he is nothing but a deeply bigoted hater of Muslims ! This despicable piece of excrement deliberately 1) delayed calling out Gujrat police and 2) requesting support from the central government when large numbers of Muslims were being wantonly and openly slaughtered in the infamous train incident in Gujrat a few years ago. By your assessment he was being very kind to them as they were being butchered, raped and killed; isn't that so ? Your attempt to present Modi as anything other than a hate-filled bigot cannot be treated as anything other than rubbish !     

Listen banna, don’t you refer to this great Hindu in those terms.  

And yes, there is no law against beef.  There are local practices and customs which are followed like law.  

Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

The Muslims really like what Modi's fans are doing to them.  Yes killing them for eating beef.  Explain to me what Modi is doing to stop this.

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.

First, what has Saudi Arabia have to do with this discussion ? Second, you have evidently never been to Saudi Arabia so you should now be man enough to apologize to everyone in this forum and retract your uninformed statement because the straight answer to your question is a 'big fat nothing'. Thousands of people from numerous countries, the Indian sub-continent included, go to Saudi Arabia during the peak seasons to sell all sorts of merchandise; food items included ! Under Saudi law they are required to satisfy stringent health and food production requirements/standards before they can obtain required permits. It never ceases to amaze me that, despite their ignorance and bigotry, some people boldly post such lies/trash; in the hope that their rubbish and dishonesty will escape scrutiny !

It was not an insult to Islam or to Muslims. I was just making a point that in some Muslim countries pork is not allowed to be consumed. The same goes for beef in some parts of India.

Stop writing BS ! There is no statute that prohibits the consumption of beef in any part of India ! Do not take my word for it; call their embassy on this and then come back and call me a liar. Furthermore, by his long track record, Modi has time and again clearly demonstrated to Indians and to the world at large that he is nothing but a deeply bigoted hater of Muslims ! This despicable piece of excrement deliberately 1) delayed calling out Gujrat police and 2) requesting support from the central government when large numbers of Muslims were being wantonly and openly slaughtered in the infamous train incident in Gujrat a few years ago. By your assessment he was being very kind to them as they were being butchered, raped and killed; isn't that so ? Your attempt to present Modi as anything other than a hate-filled bigot cannot be treated as anything other than rubbish !     

Listen banna, don’t you refer to this great Hindu in those terms.  

And yes, there is no law against beef.  There are local practices and customs which are followed like law.  

And I suppose those customs and practices trump respect and tolerance of religion?


Prashad likes a good plate of curry beef with rice or roti. Nevertheless, cow meat should be banned in India. ( I cannot expect to eat bacon for breakfast in Pakistan even though Jinnah uses to eat it in England.) Cow meat should be completely replaced in India with water buffalo meat.  If Keffer does not like it then he should go to Mcdonalds.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Prashad likes a good plate of curry beef with rice or roti. Nevertheless, cow meat should be banned in India. ( I cannot expect to eat bacon for breakfast in Pakistan even though Jinnah uses to eat it in England.) Cow meat should be completely replaced in India with water buffalo meat.  If Keffer does not like it then he should go to Mcdonalds.

First of all, you're Guyanese so it BEEF CURRY. Second, you cannot preach religious tolerance and tell people what they should or should not eat. However, in my opinion, the onus is on people to respect the beliefs of their friends or neighbors. I am muslim and my wife is hindu. I would never bring beef into the house or transport it in the car. When we go out to eat, she has no problem with me eating beef. It's all about respect. Whenever any of my relatives hold religious functions, they never cook beef because they have friends, neighbors and sometimes other relatives who are hindu.


86 percent of Muslims voted for the creation of Pakistan. If you don't like living in Hindustan then move to Pakistan.  When in Rome do as the Romans do.  I cannot expect to eat pork in Pakistan, Arabia or in Israel.  Therefore don't expect to eat cow meat in Hindustan. You can easily substitute it for water buffalo meat which is healthier.  You just cannot have your cake and eat it too.  

GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad likes a good plate of curry beef with rice or roti. Nevertheless, cow meat should be banned in India. ( I cannot expect to eat bacon for breakfast in Pakistan even though Jinnah uses to eat it in England.) Cow meat should be completely replaced in India with water buffalo meat.  If Keffer does not like it then he should go to Mcdonalds.

First of all, you're Guyanese so it BEEF CURRY. Second, you cannot preach religious tolerance and tell people what they should or should not eat. However, in my opinion, the onus is on people to respect the beliefs of their friends or neighbors. I am muslim and my wife is hindu. I would never bring beef into the house or transport it in the car. When we go out to eat, she has no problem with me eating beef. It's all about respect. Whenever any of my relatives hold religious functions, they never cook beef because they have friends, neighbors and sometimes other relatives who are hindu.

My wife is not Hindu so I eat my beef curry at home.

Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

The Muslims really like what Modi's fans are doing to them.  Yes killing them for eating beef.  Explain to me what Modi is doing to stop this.

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.

First, what has Saudi Arabia have to do with this discussion ? Second, you have evidently never been to Saudi Arabia so you should now be man enough to apologize to everyone in this forum and retract your uninformed statement because the straight answer to your question is a 'big fat nothing'. Thousands of people from numerous countries, the Indian sub-continent included, go to Saudi Arabia during the peak seasons to sell all sorts of merchandise; food items included ! Under Saudi law they are required to satisfy stringent health and food production requirements/standards before they can obtain required permits. It never ceases to amaze me that, despite their ignorance and bigotry, some people boldly post such lies/trash; in the hope that their rubbish and dishonesty will escape scrutiny !

It was not an insult to Islam or to Muslims. I was just making a point that in some Muslim countries pork is not allowed to be consumed. The same goes for beef in some parts of India.

Stop writing BS ! There is no statute that prohibits the consumption of beef in any part of India ! Do not take my word for it; call their embassy on this and then come back and call me a liar. Furthermore, by his long track record, Modi has time and again clearly demonstrated to Indians and to the world at large that he is nothing but a deeply bigoted hater of Muslims ! This despicable piece of excrement deliberately 1) delayed calling out Gujrat police and 2) requesting support from the central government when large numbers of Muslims were being wantonly and openly slaughtered in the infamous train incident in Gujrat a few years ago. By your assessment he was being very kind to them as they were being butchered, raped and killed; isn't that so ? Your attempt to present Modi as anything other than a hate-filled bigot cannot be treated as anything other than rubbish !     

Listen banna, don’t you refer to this great Hindu in those terms.  

And yes, there is no law against beef.  There are local practices and customs which are followed like law.  

What great Hindu ? The Mahatma said 'satya aur ahimsa mere eshwar hain' ! Do the speech and action of Modi come anywhere close to that ? Your words make you a woeful discredit to your faith ! Let me spell it out for you once more, you oversized jackass ! Your comprehension and command of English are unquestionably severely limited and your bigotry, like that of of your idol Modi, is there for everyone to read and see; as plain as daylight ! Narinder Modi is nothing but a first-rate hater of Muslims and he has displayed his emotion and venom time and time again for all to see ! Have you ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your answer will be NO ! Because of my profession, I have been there multiple times and I have travelled all across the length and breadth of the country ! I can detect biased and uneducated armchair experts like you from miles away because of the tone and unsubstantiated shyte that you post. You began by writing rubbish about Saudi Arabia; a country that you have never set foot in and I called you out on that because you were clearly intent on posting something as negative as your undersized brain would allow you to for reason(s) you and I both know quite well ! Have you  ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your response will be 'No' ! I am willing to post copies of the pages of my passport to clearly display how many trips I have so far made to that country ! How sad it is that dunces like you come to sites such as this one to disseminate the hatred and filth that you apparently took pleasure accumulating from your childhood; instead of doing something positive to make the lives of others more meaningful ! I really hope that shitheads like you and your idol Modi will one day, before it is too late, understand that truth, integrity and decency have nothing whatsoever to do with one's ethnicity or one's religion !  


Last edited by Keffer
Prashad posted:

Prashad likes a good plate of curry beef with rice or roti. Nevertheless, cow meat should be banned in India. ( I cannot expect to eat bacon for breakfast in Pakistan even though Jinnah uses to eat it in England.) Cow meat should be completely replaced in India with water buffalo meat.  If Keffer does not like it then he should go to Mcdonalds.

Prash, what you expect is completely irrelevant to this discussion ! I told you before 'it is much better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you are an idiot .... than to open it and remove all doubt' !!

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad likes a good plate of curry beef with rice or roti. Nevertheless, cow meat should be banned in India. ( I cannot expect to eat bacon for breakfast in Pakistan even though Jinnah uses to eat it in England.) Cow meat should be completely replaced in India with water buffalo meat.  If Keffer does not like it then he should go to Mcdonalds.

Prash, what you expect is completely irrelevant to this discussion ! I told you before 'it is much better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you are an idiot .... than to open it and remove all doubt' !!

Prash, the discussion is about consumption of beef in INDIA; it has nothing whatsoever to do with Pakistan !

Prashad posted:
GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad likes a good plate of curry beef with rice or roti. Nevertheless, cow meat should be banned in India. ( I cannot expect to eat bacon for breakfast in Pakistan even though Jinnah uses to eat it in England.) Cow meat should be completely replaced in India with water buffalo meat.  If Keffer does not like it then he should go to Mcdonalds.

First of all, you're Guyanese so it BEEF CURRY. Second, you cannot preach religious tolerance and tell people what they should or should not eat. However, in my opinion, the onus is on people to respect the beliefs of their friends or neighbors. I am muslim and my wife is hindu. I would never bring beef into the house or transport it in the car. When we go out to eat, she has no problem with me eating beef. It's all about respect. Whenever any of my relatives hold religious functions, they never cook beef because they have friends, neighbors and sometimes other relatives who are hindu.

My wife is not Hindu so I eat my beef curry at home.

The lady should put her foot up your backside !! Prash, you are a wicked guy .....

Prashad posted:

86 percent of Muslims voted for the creation of Pakistan. If you don't like living in Hindustan then move to Pakistan.  When in Rome do as the Romans do.  I cannot expect to eat pork in Pakistan, Arabia or in Israel.  Therefore don't expect to eat cow meat in Hindustan. You can easily substitute it for water buffalo meat which is healthier.  You just cannot have your cake and eat it too.  

What rubbish are you posting, Prash ?  'Doing as the Romans do' has never ever been enshrined in statute ! That is total BS; it is a recipe for anarchy, dictatorship & confusion; precisely what Narinder Modi is inclined towards ! By your reasoning, you are suggesting that it will be okay for one to use narcotics because others are indulging in illicit drugs ? Does that make sense to you ?

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:

What great Hindu ? The Mahatma said 'satya aur ahimsa mere eshwar hain' ! Do the speech and action of Modi come anywhere close to that ? Your words make you a woeful discredit to your faith ! Let me spell it out for you once more, you oversized jackass ! Your comprehension and command of English are unquestionably severely limited and your bigotry, like that of of your idol Modi, is there for everyone to read and see; as plain as daylight ! Narinder Modi is nothing but a first-rate hater of Muslims and he has displayed his emotion and venom time and time again for all to see ! Have you ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your answer will be NO ! Because of my profession, I have been there multiple times and I have travelled all across the length and breadth of the country ! I can detect biased and uneducated armchair experts like you from miles away because of the tone and unsubstantiated shyte that you post. You began by writing rubbish about Saudi Arabia; a country that you have never set foot in and I called you out on that because you were clearly intent on posting something as negative as your undersized brain would allow you to for reason(s) you and I both know quite well ! Have you  ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your response will be 'No' ! I am willing to post copies of the pages of my passport to clearly display how many trips I have so far made to that country ! How sad it is that dunces like you come to sites such as this one to disseminate the hatred and filth that you apparently took pleasure accumulating from your childhood; instead of doing something positive to make the lives of others more meaningful ! I really hope that shitheads like you and your idol Modi will one day, before it is too late, understand that truth, integrity and decency have nothing whatsoever to do with one's ethnicity or one's religion !  


this is a Guyanese political forum. Hussle back to Morocco or whateva fanatic stronghold yuh emerge from and rant and rave deh.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Keffer posted:

What great Hindu ? The Mahatma said 'satya aur ahimsa mere eshwar hain' ! Do the speech and action of Modi come anywhere close to that ? Your words make you a woeful discredit to your faith ! Let me spell it out for you once more, you oversized jackass ! Your comprehension and command of English are unquestionably severely limited and your bigotry, like that of of your idol Modi, is there for everyone to read and see; as plain as daylight ! Narinder Modi is nothing but a first-rate hater of Muslims and he has displayed his emotion and venom time and time again for all to see ! Have you ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your answer will be NO ! Because of my profession, I have been there multiple times and I have travelled all across the length and breadth of the country ! I can detect biased and uneducated armchair experts like you from miles away because of the tone and unsubstantiated shyte that you post. You began by writing rubbish about Saudi Arabia; a country that you have never set foot in and I called you out on that because you were clearly intent on posting something as negative as your undersized brain would allow you to for reason(s) you and I both know quite well ! Have you  ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your response will be 'No' ! I am willing to post copies of the pages of my passport to clearly display how many trips I have so far made to that country ! How sad it is that dunces like you come to sites such as this one to disseminate the hatred and filth that you apparently took pleasure accumulating from your childhood; instead of doing something positive to make the lives of others more meaningful ! I really hope that shitheads like you and your idol Modi will one day, before it is too late, understand that truth, integrity and decency have nothing whatsoever to do with one's ethnicity or one's religion !  


this is a Guyanese political forum. Hussle back to Morocco or whateva fanatic stronghold yuh emerge from and rant and rave deh.

Jackass, this discussion did not originate under my name; go back to lil abc and learn to read before posting your jaundiced views and worthless trash !

Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.


It was not an insult to Islam or to Muslims. I was just making a point that in some Muslim countries pork is not allowed to be consumed. The same goes for beef in some parts of India.

Stop writing BS ! There is no statute that prohibits the consumption of beef in any part of India ! Do not take my word for it; call their embassy on this and then come back and call me a liar. Furthermore, by his long track record, Modi has time and again clearly demonstrated to Indians and to the world at large that he is nothing but a deeply bigoted hater of Muslims ! This despicable piece of excrement deliberately 1) delayed calling out Gujrat police and 2) requesting support from the central government when large numbers of Muslims were being wantonly and openly slaughtered in the infamous train incident in Gujrat a few years ago. By your assessment he was being very kind to them as they were being butchered, raped and killed; isn't that so ? Your attempt to present Modi as anything other than a hate-filled bigot cannot be treated as anything other than rubbish !     

This is not a defend Muslim forum.

Keffer posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad likes a good plate of curry beef with rice or roti. Nevertheless, cow meat should be banned in India. ( I cannot expect to eat bacon for breakfast in Pakistan even though Jinnah uses to eat it in England.) Cow meat should be completely replaced in India with water buffalo meat.  If Keffer does not like it then he should go to Mcdonalds.

Prash, what you expect is completely irrelevant to this discussion ! I told you before 'it is much better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you are an idiot .... than to open it and remove all doubt' !!

Prash, the discussion is about consumption of beef in INDIA; it has nothing whatsoever to do with Pakistan !

Prashad posted:
GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad likes a good plate of curry beef with rice or roti. Nevertheless, cow meat should be banned in India. ( I cannot expect to eat bacon for breakfast in Pakistan even though Jinnah uses to eat it in England.) Cow meat should be completely replaced in India with water buffalo meat.  If Keffer does not like it then he should go to Mcdonalds.

First of all, you're Guyanese so it BEEF CURRY. Second, you cannot preach religious tolerance and tell people what they should or should not eat. However, in my opinion, the onus is on people to respect the beliefs of their friends or neighbors. I am muslim and my wife is hindu. I would never bring beef into the house or transport it in the car. When we go out to eat, she has no problem with me eating beef. It's all about respect. Whenever any of my relatives hold religious functions, they never cook beef because they have friends, neighbors and sometimes other relatives who are hindu.

My wife is not Hindu so I eat my beef curry at home.

The lady should put her foot up your backside !! Prash, you are a wicked guy .....

One of you guys take the keffer to Montana's grill and order him a buffalo steak before he takes my head off.

Prashad posted:

86 percent of Muslims voted for the creation of Pakistan. If you don't like living in Hindustan then move to Pakistan.  When in Rome do as the Romans do.  I cannot expect to eat pork in Pakistan, Arabia or in Israel.  Therefore don't expect to eat cow meat in Hindustan. You can easily substitute it for water buffalo meat which is healthier.  You just cannot have your cake and eat it too.  

Stop speaking rubbish. What you're advocating is intolerance across the board. So basically people everywhere should pack up and move to wherever their religious practices and social norms are accepted.

GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:

86 percent of Muslims voted for the creation of Pakistan. If you don't like living in Hindustan then move to Pakistan.  When in Rome do as the Romans do.  I cannot expect to eat pork in Pakistan, Arabia or in Israel.  Therefore don't expect to eat cow meat in Hindustan. You can easily substitute it for water buffalo meat which is healthier.  You just cannot have your cake and eat it too.  

Stop speaking rubbish. What you're advocating is intolerance across the board. So basically people everywhere should pack up and move to wherever their religious practices and social norms are accepted.

GT, I don't judge a man or any person by religion. I have Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, coolies, blacks, etc. friends. All I care is that that the person is good. He is not here to screw the other person to get rich or take advantage of the poor. We have to take care of our brothers if we can. 

skeldon_man posted:
GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:

86 percent of Muslims voted for the creation of Pakistan. If you don't like living in Hindustan then move to Pakistan.  When in Rome do as the Romans do.  I cannot expect to eat pork in Pakistan, Arabia or in Israel.  Therefore don't expect to eat cow meat in Hindustan. You can easily substitute it for water buffalo meat which is healthier.  You just cannot have your cake and eat it too.  

Stop speaking rubbish. What you're advocating is intolerance across the board. So basically people everywhere should pack up and move to wherever their religious practices and social norms are accepted.

GT, I don't judge a man or any person by religion. I have Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, coolies, blacks, etc. friends. All I care is that that the person is good. He is not here to screw the other person to get rich or take advantage of the poor. We have to take care of our brothers if we can. 

I couldn't have put that any better. My father always said ,"religion comes from within".

Iguana posted:
Tola posted:


Anti-black racism in East Indian spaces is rampant. I understand this as a colonial haunting. When the British brought Indians to work the plantations, slavery was recently abolished and the British gave Indians work that would have gone to Afro-Guyanese, shaping the relationship between the newly freed people and the newly imported labor. Members of my own family like to say things like β€œwe were never slaves” when the truth is we absolutely were; we have more cultural commonalities and values with Afro-Guyanese than we do with anyone from the Indian subcontinent. India is not β€œhome”—it is a mythological homeland.

In her essay, β€œThe Indo-Caribbean Experience: Now and Then,” Elizabeth Jaikaran writes about this racism as a way for the British to keep two major ethnic groups divided, so that they would not unite against their common oppressor:

β€œDo not speak to the Indians,” said the British to the Africans. β€œThey are vile and carry diseases.”

 β€œDo not speak to the Africans,” said the British to the Indians. β€œThey are vile and carry diseases.”

Surprised no Indians commented on Tola's post. I extracted the above on racism. What Rajiv Mohabir wrote is instructive for some of the Indian racists who run around here spreading fairy tales of Indian supremacy. Touches on the root of animosity between the 2 groups.

Lots of other useful info on some things we discussed on Anta's thread re domestic violence and alcoholism, might actually be rooted in this period of history and due to the suffering endured under indentureship. Interesting stuff.

No comment was necessary on Tola's post because he is 100% correct !

Keffer posted:
Iguana posted:
Keffer posted:

What great Hindu ? The Mahatma said 'satya aur ahimsa mere eshwar hain' ! Do the speech and action of Modi come anywhere close to that ? Your words make you a woeful discredit to your faith ! Let me spell it out for you once more, you oversized jackass ! Your comprehension and command of English are unquestionably severely limited and your bigotry, like that of of your idol Modi, is there for everyone to read and see; as plain as daylight ! Narinder Modi is nothing but a first-rate hater of Muslims and he has displayed his emotion and venom time and time again for all to see ! Have you ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your answer will be NO ! Because of my profession, I have been there multiple times and I have travelled all across the length and breadth of the country ! I can detect biased and uneducated armchair experts like you from miles away because of the tone and unsubstantiated shyte that you post. You began by writing rubbish about Saudi Arabia; a country that you have never set foot in and I called you out on that because you were clearly intent on posting something as negative as your undersized brain would allow you to for reason(s) you and I both know quite well ! Have you  ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your response will be 'No' ! I am willing to post copies of the pages of my passport to clearly display how many trips I have so far made to that country ! How sad it is that dunces like you come to sites such as this one to disseminate the hatred and filth that you apparently took pleasure accumulating from your childhood; instead of doing something positive to make the lives of others more meaningful ! I really hope that shitheads like you and your idol Modi will one day, before it is too late, understand that truth, integrity and decency have nothing whatsoever to do with one's ethnicity or one's religion !  


this is a Guyanese political forum. Hussle back to Morocco or whateva fanatic stronghold yuh emerge from and rant and rave deh.

Jackass, this discussion did not originate under my name; go back to lil abc and learn to read before posting your jaundiced views and worthless trash !


skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.


It was not an insult to Islam or to Muslims. I was just making a point that in some Muslim countries pork is not allowed to be consumed. The same goes for beef in some parts of India.

Stop writing BS ! There is no statute that prohibits the consumption of beef in any part of India ! Do not take my word for it; call their embassy on this and then come back and call me a liar. Furthermore, by his long track record, Modi has time and again clearly demonstrated to Indians and to the world at large that he is nothing but a deeply bigoted hater of Muslims ! This despicable piece of excrement deliberately 1) delayed calling out Gujrat police and 2) requesting support from the central government when large numbers of Muslims were being wantonly and openly slaughtered in the infamous train incident in Gujrat a few years ago. By your assessment he was being very kind to them as they were being butchered, raped and killed; isn't that so ? Your attempt to present Modi as anything other than a hate-filled bigot cannot be treated as anything other than rubbish !     

This is not a defend Muslim forum.

It is also not a forum for 1) ignoramuses like you who post shyte and 2)jackasses whose sentiments wreak of hate and prejudice !!

skeldon_man posted:
GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:

86 percent of Muslims voted for the creation of Pakistan. If you don't like living in Hindustan then move to Pakistan.  When in Rome do as the Romans do.  I cannot expect to eat pork in Pakistan, Arabia or in Israel.  Therefore don't expect to eat cow meat in Hindustan. You can easily substitute it for water buffalo meat which is healthier.  You just cannot have your cake and eat it too.  

Stop speaking rubbish. What you're advocating is intolerance across the board. So basically people everywhere should pack up and move to wherever their religious practices and social norms are accepted.

GT, I don't judge a man or any person by religion. I have Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, coolies, blacks, etc. friends. All I care is that that the person is good. He is not here to screw the other person to get rich or take advantage of the poor. We have to take care of our brothers if we can. 

Oye bhai,when you addressing do you use the N word,just asking.

skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.


It was not an insult to Islam or to Muslims. I was just making a point that in some Muslim countries pork is not allowed to be consumed. The same goes for beef in some parts of India.

Stop writing BS ! There is no statute that prohibits the consumption of beef in any part of India ! Do not take my word for it; call their embassy on this and then come back and call me a liar. Furthermore, by his long track record, Modi has time and again clearly demonstrated to Indians and to the world at large that he is nothing but a deeply bigoted hater of Muslims ! This despicable piece of excrement deliberately 1) delayed calling out Gujrat police and 2) requesting support from the central government when large numbers of Muslims were being wantonly and openly slaughtered in the infamous train incident in Gujrat a few years ago. By your assessment he was being very kind to them as they were being butchered, raped and killed; isn't that so ? Your attempt to present Modi as anything other than a hate-filled bigot cannot be treated as anything other than rubbish !     

This is not a defend Muslim forum.

It is also not a facility to post prejudice, hate and jaundiced views ! Idiots like you ought to be subjected to an intelligence test prior to being permitted to participate !

yuji22 posted:

Skelly, na worry wid the radical, Anti American Keff. He already exposed his slip.

Well me thinks he is Canadian and have a right how he perceives the ole USA.

Our great leader C.B.Jagan got his education in the ole USA,then turn around and castigate as imperialist,accepted the ideology from Eastern Bloc to achieve political power.

Careful how you condemn,you embrace some folks who bad mouth the the ole USA.

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