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Why don't you start a horse-riding business in National Park?

There is money to be made. Tourists are willing to pay at least US$20 to ride a horse for an hour. Just get a permit from the gov't, train a few horses and jockeys to take tourists on a horse ride. When D2 comes to Guyana he will go for a horse ride to get the feeling of what it likes to be Burnham on a saddle.

Billy Ram Balgobin

rama well said,this morning i was trying to book a flight to guyana,its almost $800 to guyana,and you know that CAL do not take airmiles to you and i know that airmiles is one of the best deal in travelling.and when guyanese donot have this deal to travell to guyana you know guyana is way i keep saying the fools that run guyana is 50 yrs backwards

Originally Posted by warrior:

rama well said,this morning i was trying to book a flight to guyana,its almost $800 to guyana,and you know that CAL do not take airmiles to you and i know that airmiles is one of the best deal in travelling.and when guyanese donot have this deal to travell to guyana you know guyana is way i keep saying the fools that run guyana is 50 yrs backwards



Just hitch a ride on a Laparkan steamer to Guyana by sitting at the back with copy of "Destiny to Mould" by LFS Burnham. Read while the ship steams to Guyana. By the time you get there your head will full of grandiose ideas about running a country efficiently. You won't want to come and give us a hard time on GNI.


Take my advice boy. It's sound.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

When there is peace and stability in Guyana, then progress will be made, but until then tourism will be lacking.




The only impediment to peace and stability in Guyana today are the terrorists in the Alliance For Change(AFC)----they were the ones who incited the violence and riots in Agricola and Linden last year---Nigel Hughes, Lincoln Lewis, Mark Bnschop, etc, etc---all terrorists.


But in the meantime, dont be pessimistic Rama---significant progress is being made in the tourism sector---with the encouragement of the government---the private sector is leading the way.




rev try reading what peeping tom the ppp stooges wrote in today papers about the private sector.for a guyanese that is living overseas you should know that guyana is not within standard for tourism.there is no good package,like airfare and hotel with all inclusive,like most of the tourist country offer.check package for cuba,jamaica ect ect

Originally Posted by warrior:

rev try reading what peeping tom the ppp stooges wrote in today papers about the private sector.for a guyanese that is living overseas you should know that guyana is not within standard for tourism.there is no good package,like airfare and hotel with all inclusive,like most of the tourist country offer.check package for cuba,jamaica ect ect



Like the Rev said to caribJ:




Guyana will take about 20 years to get up to speed---so be patient warrior bai.





Originally Posted by warrior:

at this rate when guyana start getting tourst to visit their jungle other country will be taking people to the live in god country rev where will you go in 20 yrs guyana jungle or to mars

warrior bai:


Check out Mars:




Mars is barren, parched and desolate; Guyana's interior, on the other hand, is intriguing, captivating, and enchanting.


Have you ever visited the beautiful interior of Guyana warrior ? The Rev has and will encourage foreigners and fellow Guyanese to visit.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:



Do yourself a favor.  Ask non Caribbean people what they know of Guyana and whether they have any small interest in even seeing whether they should visit.




Check out the optimistic comments on Guyana by a non-caribbean man--US ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt:





Read comments from ambassador Brent Hardt:


In his presentation, US Ambassador, Brent Hardt acknowledged that “Guyana’s looming transition to an energy producing nation could offer a critical and transformative juncture in Guyana’s history.”


He emphasised that Guyana is standing at a key stage in its history, as it surveys promising extraction opportunities, phenomenal timber resources and mineral wealth including gold, diamond, bauxite and manganese while striving to preserve resources for the future and to develop a programme of sustainable growth.


“This resource wealth is now on the verge of being significantly enhanced by the possibility of oil discovery and the likelihood of Guyana transitioning to an energy producing nation,” Ambassador Hardt said.


Having recognised Guyana’s natural beauty and the wilderness, the Ambassador stressed the importance for the country to not only utilise its abundance of natural resources wisely, but also to take steps to ensure it cherishes them, protects the vast water supplies for which Guyana takes its name and preserves the unique rainforests that provide incredible wood.

And yet virtually NO Us tourists visit Guyana other than missionaries who want to "save"  Hindu pagans and people born in Guyana or of Guyanese descent.

Originally Posted by warrior:

rama well said,this morning i was trying to book a flight to guyana,its almost $800 to guyana,and you know that CAL do not take airmiles to you and i know that airmiles is one of the best deal in travelling.and when guyanese donot have this deal to travell to guyana you know guyana is way i keep saying the fools that run guyana is 50 yrs backwards

Well as I predicted Both Delta and CAL lost $$$ last year trying to defend their market share from EZjet.  Now they have to recoup[ these losses.


Rev  expect fewer visits from Guyanese tourists this year with the demise of Redjet and Ezjet who between them accounted for 20% of the visitors last year.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Have you ever visited the beautiful interior of Guyana warrior ? The Rev has and will encourage foreigners and fellow Guyanese to visit.




And how many foreigners listened to you.  The Guyanese who visited did so out of a desire to see friends and relatives and I bet that 99% of them didnt venture beyond Linden and Bartica or Charity.


There is NOTHING that the PPP is doing to develop an eco/adventure tourism industry which will create employment for less skilled people in Gtwn and in interior locations.   So Guyana will get quirky people like Jim Gimlette (Wild Coast) and Rahul Bhattacharya (Sly Company) who describe Guyana and Guyanese as a rather "interesting" and odd group of people living in a thoroughly weird country.


Belize, Costa Rica, Panama will get eco adventure tourists as they have devloped packages which meet the needs of sophisticated tourists.  And even little islands like St Kitts, Dominica and St Luca will "excite" tourists with their "rain forest" tours, and opportunities to see monkeys or parrots.


And Guyana will attract only folks going to see friends/family, and others to "save savage Hindus from their paganism which is sure to damn them to hell".  Despite publicity on Animal Planet and BBC even those who are intrigued by this very unusual, unknown, intriguing and exotic country will soon give uip in frustration as they search the internet for credible and competitive packages and some assurance that the local tours can be booked in advance and offer safe and reliable services.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Have you ever visited the beautiful interior of Guyana warrior ? The Rev has and will encourage foreigners and fellow Guyanese to visit.




caribJ: And how many foreigners listened to you.  The Guyanese who visited did so out of a desire to see friends and relatives and I bet that 99% of them didnt venture beyond Linden and Bartica or Charity.




Like warrior you are waaaay too impatient---Rome wasn't built in a day---and so it will take about 20 years to get Guyana tourism on the right track.


Listen carib! Check out this PPP success formula:




Once again carib, you are free to keep talking--but the DOERS in the business sector are hard at work---they are doing and taking action---and they are fully aware of the PPP success formula.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Have you ever visited the beautiful interior of Guyana warrior ? The Rev has and will encourage foreigners and fellow Guyanese to visit.




caribJ: And how many foreigners listened to you.  The Guyanese who visited did so out of a desire to see friends and relatives and I bet that 99% of them didnt venture beyond Linden and Bartica or Charity.




Like warrior you are waaaay too impatient---Rome wasn't built in a day---and so it will take about 20 years to get Guyana tourism on the right track.


Listen carib! Check out this PPP success formula:




Once again carib, you are free to keep talking--but the DOERS in the business sector are hard at work---they are doing and taking action---and they are fully aware of the PPP success formula.



I see now you hav echanged your tune.  befoere you screamed about how successful the PPP was in attracting tourists.  Now you agree that Guyanese ought to wait for two centuries before a viable eco/adventure industry canj be built.  The good thing is by then the PPP wouid be long gone and maybe professionals will finally develop Guyana beyond being a supplier of raw commodities, almost 100% dependent on remittances by Guyanese refugees and high prices over which Guyana has no control.


Talking to this bannaz is like water on duck's back. All Rev could do is post pikchas and write cliches that make you wonder. The eco-tourism industries in Costa Rica and elsewhere did not have doers working hard with Patience, Persistence and Perspiration. They just did it - by planning and execution.


So here's a Rev-ism:

Originally Posted by Kari:

The eco-tourism industries in Costa Rica and elsewhere did not have doers working hard with Patience, Persistence and Perspiration. They just did it - by planning and execution.


So here's a Rev-ism:




The Rev is not surprised you are a 9 to 5 slave, trading hours for dollars---you don't even know what a DOER in the business world is.


DOERS in the business world get things done--they develop plans and put those plans into action.


This is what the Rev wrote to carib:



Once again carib, you are free to keep talking--but the DOERS in the business sector are hard at work---they are doing and taking action---and they are fully aware of the PPP success formula(Patience + Persistence + Perspiration).


You should have read what I wrote before trying to score some cheap points kari.




Originally Posted by Kari:

Talking to this bannaz is like water on duck's back. All Rev could do is post pikchas and write cliches that make you wonder. The eco-tourism industries in Costa Rica and elsewhere did not have doers working hard with Patience, Persistence and Perspiration. They just did it - by planning and execution.


So here's a Rev-ism:

Correct.  Guyana has been getting some publicity on BBC, Animal Planet, etc.


So imagine that I am an affluent nature loving American earning more than $300K/year.  Not interested in the normal vacation spots.  Want to try something new.  So I can boast about a trip to a mysterious unknown country when I return to the country club [I will leave my wife in Barbados where she can sun, spa and shop to her hearts delight].


Read up that the Guyanas (Guyana and Suriname) are among the most ethnically diverse nations on this planet....especially when combined as you get Javanese and Maroons in addition to Guyana's sizeable Amerindian population).  Am also intrigued by the fact that because these two nations have very empty ingterior locations the animals are among the largest of their species.  Got excited by the program on PBS (Nature) which focused 100% on Diana McTurk's otters.  So I decided to go.


Hmmmm.  I went to my eco/adventure travel agent.  They immediately suggested Belize, Brazil (Amazon), Costa Rica, Panama.  Why I asked them?  Response was that Guyana has no packages consolidating accommodation, airfares (international and domestic), and tours that are bookable upfront.  That one must stitch together an itinerary when one gets to Guyana.  That because of its poor infrastructure weather severely impacts travel to the interior, and that because Guyana has very few eco tourists, the local operators rely on miners, therefore flights can be canceled at the last minute, or diverted.


So off I go to Nicaragua (the least known of the eco/adventure destinations in the Americas.  Why?  Because I can easily get info, book packages and be sure that the local operators wouldnt screw up.  The last thing I want is to be confined to Gtown (nothing to do after 3 days) and then find that I cannot get into or out of the interior...that local service providers (white water rafters, etc) are not certified and there are no safety standards or monitoring.  And that minutes before I board a flight (after 4 days of trying to get one), a call comes in diverting the plane to some gold mine because the operator can make more cash then transporting a lone tourist to see McTurk, or spend a day or two at Iworkrama.


This is what the PPP should focus on.  Not building another hotel in Gtwn when those which exist are struggling.  Let private investors assume 100% of the risk of Marriott.  If they wish to subsidized then they should do so for the operators who struggle to make money flying tourists to the intyerior because there are so few of them  [How many overseas Guyanese do you know who go to the Rupununi, aside from those who have business interests there?]

Originally Posted by Rev Al:


Once again carib, you are free to keep talking--but the DOERS in the business sector are hard at work---they are doing and taking action---and they are fully aware of the PPP success formula(Patience + Persistence + Perspiration).


You should have read what I wrote before trying to score some cheap points kari.




Kari and I both read what you wrote.  You praise the PPP fr tourism in Guyana.


1.  Aside from overseas Guyanese, it doesnt exist.


2.  Even if non Caribbean people are interested, Guyana is too difficult and frustrating for them to develop a travel package, so they do elsewhere.


3.  Guyanese return HOME because it is HOME.  Not because of its eco attractions, nor because of any initiatives by the PPP.


4.  The only investment in "tourism" is by terrofied PPP cronies who want taxpayers to protect their investment, if it fails, by GUARANTEEING a return of their capital.  CLEARLY THEY DO NOT BELIEVE IN THIS PROJECT!!!!  No business person jumps into bed with ANY govt, unless they consider the venture too risky.

Originally Posted by caribny:



1.  Aside from overseas Guyanese, it(tourism) doesnt exist.


2.  Even if non Caribbean people are interested, Guyana is too difficult and frustrating for them to develop a travel package, so they do elsewhere.




You are just a nattering nabob of negativity, and as long as an East Indian bhai like Ramo leads Guyana you will always be cynical, gloomy, fatalistic and pessimistic about Guyana.


Take a look at this video carib bai---this is what a WHITE FOREIGNER---captain John had to say about Guyana:


* Guyana is one of the most unique places to visit


* Full of diverse cultures


* Guyana is about to take off especially tourism--especially ecotourism


* Kaieteur falls---every country has its must see---for Guyana that is the Kaieteur falls.






Hopefully in your next life carib bai God will smile on you and bless you with the confidence, the positivism, the cheerfulnes and the optimism he blessed the Rev with in his life---that might be asking for a miracle carib, even from God, but let's hope he is kind to you in your next





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:



1.  Aside from overseas Guyanese, it(tourism) doesnt exist.


2.  Even if non Caribbean people are interested, Guyana is too difficult and frustrating for them to develop a travel package, so they do elsewhere.




You are just a nattering nabob of negativity, and as long as an East Indian bhai like Ramo leads Guyana you will always be cynical, gloomy, fatalistic and pessimistic about Guyana.


Take a look at this video carib bai---this is what a WHITE FOREIGNER---captain John had to say about Guyana:


* Guyana is one of the most unique places to visit


* Full of diverse cultures


* Guyana is about to take off especially tourism--especially ecotourism


* Kaieteur falls---every country has its must see---for Guyana that is the Kaieteur falls.






Hopefully in your next life carib bai God will smile on you and bless you with the confidence, the positivism, the cheerfulnes and the optimism he blessed the Rev with in his life---that might be asking for a miracle carib, even from God, but let's hope he is kind to you in your next







Rev did you have a heart attack when the white female said that Guyana reminds her more of AFRICA and the CARIBBEAN than South America in terms of its cultural influences?

Indeed every time you post comments about the beauty of Guyana's interior your furnish evidence of the FAILURE of the PPP to develop this rich resource!!!!





Choice Hotels to raise Ascend flag in Guyana


Photo caption: Wilfred Brandford, owner the new, hotel called The Opus.


GEORGETOWN, GUYANA - Choice Hotels International will debut in Guyana with its upscale Ascend Hotel Collection in early 2013. The global lodging company announced construction on a boutique 25-room member hotel in central Georgetown is advancing well.

Guyana, a member of CARICOM (Caribbean Community), hosts several international organizations, including the CARICOM Secretariat and several United Nations agencies.

The new Ascend Hotel Collection member hotel will be located within close proximity to several global agencies and is only a few blocks from the lively downtown shopping district.

The Guyana hotel - to be called The Opus - will offer the same quality services for which Ascend has become globally recognized, and feature 23 standard guest rooms, two executive rooms (featuring wooded floors and jetted tubs), restaurant and bar, small meeting room facilities, free parking, quality linens, air conditioned rooms, free cable television, Wi-Fi and complimentary breakfast.

"This elegant, boutique property is a wonderful addition to our network," said Sal Icaza, Director, Franchise Sales and Development of Choice Hotels International, who recently spent a few days in Guyana for meetings on the new development deal.

Local entrepreneur Wilfred Brandford, who owns the new hotel, believes the relationship with Choice Hotels International is not only the right fit for his company, but will also help elevate Guyana's image in the global marketplace.

"Guyana is an exceptional destination with much to offer the business traveler, the eco tourist and those who are visiting friends and family," Brandford explained.

Highlighting the advantage of a small property belonging to a global brand, Brandford added the hotel will cater to these and other market segments by leveraging the robust marketing and reservations systems of Choice Hotels as well as Choice Privileges, an industry-leading guest loyalty program.

Ascend member hotels offer the best of both worlds - hotels are allowed to retain their independent identity and continue to deliver superior guest service, while receiving the benefits of a growing membership program with a leading lodging company, including shepherding support in marketing, reservations and operations.

Originally Posted by warrior:

rev its a lost cause,give it up.with all the crime in the interior right now guyanese is scare to go.

Brazil and Jamaica are way more dangerous than Guyana and yet both attract many tourists.


Guyana's problem is that it is run by roti shop people like rev who think that one or two people saying nice things about Guyana is evidence of a tourist industry.


Guyana needs to develop a tourist PRODUCT out of its ample eco/adventure and cultural/heritage assets. And that includes cleaning up Georgetown which is one of Guyana's assets, believe it or not, at least provided that primitive clowns like rev al dont destroy all of our historic buildings and resplace sthem with gaudy montrosities inappropriate to a country as hot and humid as Guyana.


  It then needs to develop packages easily  accessable to travelers.  Then it can promote and get returns for promotion.


As is Guyana is getting free publicity but remains unable to take advantage as there is no follow up PR, nor is there a product competitive with other similar destinations like Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Brazil (Amazon) and even Suriname and Nicaragua.  Despite our numerous eco/adventaure resources.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Choice Hotels to raise Ascend flag in Guyana


Photo caption: Wilfred Brandford, owner the new, hotel called The Opus.


GEORGETOWN, GUYANA - Choice Hotels International will debut in Guyana with its upscale Ascend Hotel Collection in early 2013. The global lodging company announced construction on a boutique 25-room member hotel in central Georgetown is advancing well.

"Guyana is an exceptional destination with much to offer the business traveler, the eco tourist and those who are visiting friends and family," Brandford explained.

Highlighting the advantage of a small property belonging to a global brand, Brandford added the hotel will cater to these and other market segments by leveraging the robust marketing and reservations systems of Choice Hotels as well as Choice Privileges, an industry-leading guest loyalty program.

Ascend member hotels offer the best of both worlds - hotels are allowed to retain their independent identity and continue to deliver superior guest service, while receiving the benefits of a growing membership program with a leading lodging company, including shepherding support in marketing, reservations and operations.

Note that he is funding this project 100% and not l;ike the mysterious Marriott investors, begging govt for money and a 100% guarantee of their investment.


This hotel will get business from overseas Guyanese, and visiting business people (depending on whether it actually offers what he hopes it will).


 He doesnt need eco/adventure visitors and he will not get many of them.  Even if he does his 25 ROOM hotel is adequate to the scanty numbers of those types of visit Guyana.


I also hope that this hotel isnt on either Robb or Regent St as visitors will take one look at how dangerous those areas look and flee instantly.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Note that he is funding this project 100% and not l;ike the mysterious Marriott investors, begging govt for money and a 100% guarantee of their investment.


This hotel will get business from overseas Guyanese, and visiting business people (depending on whether it actually offers what he hopes it will).


 He doesnt need eco/adventure visitors and he will not get many of them.  Even if he does his 25 ROOM hotel is adequate to the scanty numbers of those types of visit Guyana.


I also hope that this hotel isnt on either Robb or Regent St as visitors will take one look at how dangerous those areas look and flee instantly.

It is apparent that you haven't visited Guyana in decades but this is understandable since section 8 clients are not supposed to afford vacations. 

Originally Posted by caribny:


Guyana needs to develop a tourist PRODUCT out of its ample eco/adventure and cultural/heritage assets. And that includes cleaning up Georgetown which is one of Guyana's assets...



BGurd may be right about you---you may be stuck in that American ghetto you live in---all you do is criticize bhai Ramo's country---hopefully one day you can afford to visit.


Check this out carib:




1. Kaieteur falls


2. Orinduik falls


3. Iwokrama rain forest reserve


4. Shell Beach


5. Essequibo river


6. Rupunnuni Savannahs


7. The Kanuku Mountains


8. Demerara harbor bridge--thrown in Berbice bridge as a bonus


9. GEORGETOWN---as you mentioned


10. Mount Roraima









Our politicians and our institutions have to show people that there are opportunities in business, farming, mining, professional careers, etc that can reward them with a respectable living standard comparable to that of the U.S. Once young people are convinced that if they work hard and smart their sweat and sacrifices will translate into success we as a country are off to a great start. Many of our people have not gotten over the Burnham syndrome which conjures up failures in their minds before they even endeavor to start a venture. Most of people cannot be convinced that relentless hard work in Guyana can make them into somebody, even though it has been proven.


Guyana can be a better place only people work hard and smart. The word "smart" means working with techonologies and people with talent to maximize efficiency, production, accessing new and old markets, and breaking barriers that are harmful to the growth of business..



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It is apparent that you haven't visited Guyana in decades but this is understandable since section 8 clients are not supposed to afford vacations. 

Well here you are with your black hatred again.  I am black so must be section 8.


Any way hoteliers in Guyana scream that their properties are EMPTY.  I think that they know something about the lack of tourist demand than you do.  Most Guyanese returning home stay with friends and relatives.

Originally Posted by alena06:

There is potential for tourism.  It will have be in the long term though, we will have to start slowly and build credibility especially around safety as Jamaica did.  Here's a shot of a resort in Jamaica that we can 'mirror'.

Guyana has a different product than Jamaica. We will get NO ONE arriving to stretch out in some all inclusive, looking at oiur muddy beaches.


We will get the more active and adventurous kind interested in our interior and its attractions, enhanced by the cultural heritage that Gtwn and our multi ethnic population represent.   Look to eco destinations for role models. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It is apparent that you haven't visited Guyana in decades but this is understandable since section 8 clients are not supposed to afford vacations. 

Well here you are with your black hatred again.  I am black so must be section 8.


Any way hoteliers in Guyana scream that their properties are EMPTY.  I think that they know something about the lack of tourist demand than you do.  Most Guyanese returning home stay with friends and relatives.

low class hotel will attract low class people. Many affluent Guyanese and other tourists want to be accommodated at a brand name international hotel. The marriot brand is good for Guyana, everyone knows of it and people who would not want to visit because of the flea bag hotels like princess and pegasus would go with the marriot as it is a brand they know and trust. 


I don't even know that you are black, you could be d2's alter ego parading around as a black man since he already has been exposed as white.  The section 8 reference is indicative of people like you with hatred for indians and too cheap to visit Guyana. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Note that he is funding this project 100% and not l;ike the mysterious Marriott investors, begging govt for money and a 100% guarantee of their investment.


This hotel will get business from overseas Guyanese, and visiting business people (depending on whether it actually offers what he hopes it will).


 He doesnt need eco/adventure visitors and he will not get many of them.  Even if he does his 25 ROOM hotel is adequate to the scanty numbers of those types of visit Guyana.


I also hope that this hotel isnt on either Robb or Regent St as visitors will take one look at how dangerous those areas look and flee instantly.

It is apparent that you haven't visited Guyana in decades but this is understandable since section 8 clients are not supposed to afford vacations. 

Funnyh druggie.  When I said that Guyana had good eco/adventure POTENTIAL, you said that tourists wouldnt want all the mud and bush that Guyana offers.


So when did you decide that Guyana did have something to offer those who arent Guyanese?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
and other tourists want to be accommodated at a brand name international hotel. and too cheap to visit Guyana. 

Well lin the past you laughed at the notion of Guyana having anything to offer and opined that all Gtwn has are bands of marauding AFC/PNC hooligans?


I do not think that any tourists will pay top dollar to visit a country whichy is only mud, bush and hooligans.


Many Guyanese have relatives to stay with.  Those who stay in hotels are too embarrassed for their US/Canada born kids to see the primitive conditions (heat/cld water and mosquitos) that many Guyanese live under.  Those Guyanese who have good homes will find it rather odd/insulting that these family will prefer some hotel.


Druggie people dont chose a destination by hotels.  They decide where they wish to visit and then select the hotel that meets their tastes and pocket books.


So if foreigners listen to you and think that Guyana is only AFC/PNC bandits and mud and bush then they arent going.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
of the flea bag hotels like princess . 

Oh when I told you that Princess was flea bag, when you screamed that all of those wealthy Guyanese would flock there because of the casino (they didnt) you wailed the same rant that you do now.


I have no doubt that Marriott will do well, at the expense of pegasus and princess.  What I want to know is why with this potential do the private investors wish to be fully compensated by tax payers in the unlikely event that this project fails.  Indeed it is only when a private investors is coerced by a govt to invest do they demand these guarantees.  To the credit of Mr. Brandon who is taking a full risk, and if the hotel fails who loses 100% of what he put in, not demanding any guarantees from the govt...even as his venture is clearly riskier...its hard to imagine that a 25 room hotel will offer the amenities of a 200 room hotel, and Choice is not a top of the line he will compete with Cara and similar facilities.


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