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What's the difference between green and ripe plantain when cooked?


You friend is having a great time in Guyana. The man uploading pictures and drinking piwari till he hear a hut am. That is just the trailer he said. I hope (liz, the poodle) nah tun rice eater, cause the man gun starve the poo thing because she name liz. Are you expecting any grenade or jamoon wine when he come back?


I want to request him to bring me back a used calabash and a coconut shell cup. You think he will do it? 

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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

 He betta becareful of the "goumangala" in them Guyanese gyal. Goumangala is well know by Trinis as jeera in the pun-ga-lung.   Sammy betta becareful leh bedruse nah clar up pun he lolo. He migh have to use gasoline to get them out. 

Alyuh leff sam alone. de banna done vex he couldn't mek de trip.


Bhai, I am happy for you. I been there, done that many many Moons ago. With regards to teaching at that beautiful School, that is Open. If Cuomo offer early retirement incentives agaig, I may be able to accept an offer. Keep the Banks COLD and the Brazilian Chicks HOT HOT, Pandit Nehru on his way. It gun be Butta Bing Butta Bang Buta***ooo time Banna.


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