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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

The biggest tiefman in Guyana’s history talking about tiefin and corruption. He ain’t gat no shame 

Burnham dead and gone.  Let his soul Rest In Peace.

Wait Burnham talk today? Y’all mussi seeing he Jumbie again. What Burnham tief in he lifetime mr no marriage Jagdeo clean up in one year. No comparison. 

Ray posted:

some of these idiots are uncouth

Lest we forget, this is the type of contempt Blacks hold for Indians in Guyana.  This is the hand-me-down heirlooms which continue through several generations. The behavior at the top sets the scene for the behavior on the streets and augmented by biased policing makes Guyana a hellish place for most Indians.  Any Indian who believes differently just wearing earplugs and blinders!

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

The biggest tiefman in Guyana’s history talking about tiefin and corruption. He ain’t gat no shame 

Burnham dead and gone.  Let his soul Rest In Peace.

Wait Burnham talk today? Y’all mussi seeing he Jumbie again. What Burnham tief in he lifetime mr no marriage Jagdeo clean up in one year. No comparison. 

On an Time adjusted basis, no body beat kabaka!

Mars posted:
Ray posted:

WHy Harmon getting personal?????

No marriage Jagdeo throw the first punch so he get it back. You just as blind as when you run this site. You only see the complainers and not the person who throwing the first punch. If you give it you have to be able to tek it back. 

well...I didn't see what personal punch he throw...what did he say?


Ray posted:
Mars posted:
Ray posted:

WHy Harmon getting personal?????

No marriage Jagdeo throw the first punch so he get it back. You just as blind as when you run this site. You only see the complainers and not the person who throwing the first punch. If you give it you have to be able to tek it back. 

well...I didn't see what personal punch he throw...what did he say?


You hearing aid battery dead at that time?

Mars posted:
Ray posted:
Mars posted:
Ray posted:

WHy Harmon getting personal?????

No marriage Jagdeo throw the first punch so he get it back. You just as blind as when you run this site. You only see the complainers and not the person who throwing the first punch. If you give it you have to be able to tek it back. 

well...I didn't see what personal punch he throw...what did he say?


You hearing aid battery dead at that time?

ress yuh rass...I only saw some of Jagdeo stuff...and he was just rambling on

DId he get personal?

Mars posted:
Ray posted:
Mars posted:
Ray posted:

WHy Harmon getting personal?????

No marriage Jagdeo throw the first punch so he get it back. You just as blind as when you run this site. You only see the complainers and not the person who throwing the first punch. If you give it you have to be able to tek it back. 

well...I didn't see what personal punch he throw...what did he say?


You hearing aid battery dead at that time?

Answer the man.  What was the personal attack?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Ray posted:
Mars posted:
Ray posted:

WHy Harmon getting personal?????

No marriage Jagdeo throw the first punch so he get it back. You just as blind as when you run this site. You only see the complainers and not the person who throwing the first punch. If you give it you have to be able to tek it back. 

well...I didn't see what personal punch he throw...what did he say?


You hearing aid battery dead at that time?

Answer the man.  What was the personal attack?

He call dem tiefman when he’s the biggest tiefman in Guyana’s history.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Harmon reminds me of the PNC clan on this site.  No substance.  So they resort to personal attack.

Shut up, stick to what happening in Guyana.  both sides get personal on this site, not in the least;


Which part of Get Lost don’t YOU understand?

Offhand I'd say the "lost" part??????

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Harmon reminds me of the PNC clan on this site.  No substance.  So they resort to personal attack.

Shut up, stick to what happening in Guyana.  both sides get personal on this site, not in the least;


Which part of Get Lost don’t YOU understand?

I’ll be here babe!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Harmon reminds me of the PNC clan on this site.  No substance.  So they resort to personal attack.

Shut up, stick to what happening in Guyana.  both sides get personal on this site, not in the least;


Which part of Get Lost don’t YOU understand?

I’ll be here babe!

Awwwwww......our very own Sonny and Cher.....

Ray posted:


Please...dats not a personal attack...they all tiefmen

The thing with the marriage is personal and unbecoming of a leader

We can make fun on here...after all they are public figures, but as leaders to do that kinda thing is real tacky

He telling Jagdeo that he look like he deh pon steroids.  That Opposition leader sporting a 30 inch waist and six pack muscles.  Wait on the girl Simona, you will hear personal attacks.

Bibi Haniffa
Ray posted:


Please...dats not a personal attack...they all tiefmen

The thing with the marriage is personal and unbecoming of a leader

We can make fun on here...after all they are public figures, but as leaders to do that kinda thing is real tacky

How would you feel if Bernie Madoff called you a tiefman? That’s what we were witnessing with Mr. No Marriage’s performance. And his fraudulent marriage is relevant to the Guyanese people because if he can do that to the one he claims to love, think of the fraud he would pull on the people of Guyana who he doesn’t really care about. And it came to fruition when he robbed the Guyanese people blind.


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