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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
yuji22 posted:

Keep your dead new song for another time. Do you fully understand that the most giant leap for Guyana's democracy occurred today ?

Politicians and Political parties will be held accountable from here on.

Mahatma  Yuji,  what plans you and the PPP  have so that politicians and political parties will be held accountable, since this was not done successfully for the past 50+ years ?

You and the queen bee been mouthing  off about stuff that indicated it comes from the wrong end. Trying to impress others, only makes a bigger fool of yourself.

I predict, if the PPP wins the next election,  the status quo will remain, that they did during their 23 years in office. The people who will vote for them will remain poor, while more mansions will be built.  

I already have my mansions built with my own blood, sweat, and tears.  I born and grow in the PPP following three generations before me.  I have never benefited once from any govt money in Guyana.  

Oh skites did Tola address you ?? when mansions was mentioned.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
yuji22 posted:

Keep your dead new song for another time. Do you fully understand that the most giant leap for Guyana's democracy occurred today ?

Politicians and Political parties will be held accountable from here on.

Mahatma  Yuji,  what plans you and the PPP  have so that politicians and political parties will be held accountable, since this was not done successfully for the past 50+ years ?

You and the queen bee been mouthing  off about stuff that indicated it comes from the wrong end. Trying to impress others, only makes a bigger fool of yourself.

I predict, if the PPP wins the next election,  the status quo will remain, that they did during their 23 years in office. The people who will vote for them will remain poor, while more mansions will be built.  

I already have my mansions built with my own blood, sweat, and tears.  I born and grow in the PPP following three generations before me.  I have never benefited once from any govt money in Guyana.  

Oh skites did Tola address you ?? when mansions was mentioned.

Oh rass, brother Djangy shows up. How you taking the savage news brother? Please keep an eye on Uncle Moses. Keep his heart medication close. Does anyone realize that the Coalition is just a dream now? APNU is back to being the PNC again. Moses, RamJhuttan and the rest of them are now obslete. God is great!!!!!

Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

Hey Tola, Bibi is like a sister. You are one sick SOB. How about you take some used toile paper to wipe your eyes after Jagdeo buss your party backside ?

It’s disgusting and admin does nothing. 

This is sexual harassment, it’s a criminal offence in Canada. 

Go tek a flying leap into an empty lake. 

Queen bee dish it out, but get you to fight she battles. Bhai, have some dignity.  

yuji22 posted:

I agree. The PPP has not won the 2019 elections as yet.

Ow bai, our GNI political opponents dished it out on us. We will have some fun for just one day.

Exactly. Jagdeo cannot run so if he selects some idiots many might say "hell no!".  But I thought that GT would be burned down by now, or so the Indo KKK screamed.

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Coalition in trouble. PPP bought a rat.

Rass bai, like you looking to jump ship?  Any port for a storm, even if that port is PPP?

There were times when I supported the PPP in my very early days on this forum. The nation deserved a change away from the disaster it was in but the PPP got too big for their boots. When drugs, state sponsored murder and out of control corruption became their hallmark, I could not stand the stench that they were leaving everywhere they went. It got so bad that it was time to give them the boot. This was also the feeling of many in Guyana who voted them out. 

Drugs I understand, but state sponsored murder is questionable. If Portuguese people were at the other end of the brutality by PNC bandits you would probably have a different opinion. 

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

I agree. The PPP has not won the 2019 elections as yet.

Ow bai, our GNI political opponents dished it out on us. We will have some fun for just one day.

Exactly. Jagdeo cannot run so if he selects some idiots many might say "hell no!".  But I thought that GT would be burned down by now, or so the Indo KKK screamed.

Here we go again about Jagdeo "selecting", forever for you to keep harping about Jagdeo stooge, regardless of who will run for PPP. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

I agree. The PPP has not won the 2019 elections as yet.

Ow bai, our GNI political opponents dished it out on us. We will have some fun for just one day.

Exactly. Jagdeo cannot run so if he selects some idiots many might say "hell no!".  But I thought that GT would be burned down by now, or so the Indo KKK screamed.

Here we go again about Jagdeo "selecting", forever for you to keep harping about Jagdeo stooge, regardless of who will run for PPP. 

Jagdeo buss dem balls and fed them crow. Jagdeo pulled a "legal" coup d'etat on de PNC bais dem. They should now accept him as a maestro politician. You can't bet them; follow them.

Tola posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

Hey Tola, Bibi is like a sister. You are one sick SOB. How about you take some used toile paper to wipe your eyes after Jagdeo buss your party backside ?

It’s disgusting and admin does nothing. 

This is sexual harassment, it’s a criminal offence in Canada. 

Go tek a flying leap into an empty lake. 

So stop the suicide mission by you in Guyana was a FAKE. I see why PPP didn’t support you and you hate them. 


Dave posted:
Tola posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

Hey Tola, Bibi is like a sister. You are one sick SOB. How about you take some used toile paper to wipe your eyes after Jagdeo buss your party backside ?

It’s disgusting and admin does nothing. 

This is sexual harassment, it’s a criminal offence in Canada. 

Go tek a flying leap into an empty lake. 

So stop the suicide mission by you in Guyana was a FAKE. I see why PPP didn’t support you and you hate them. 


In fact when I mentioned that suicide rates actual went up after Tola's mission, the slopsters buse me down. Whatever the mission was doing, it resulted in higher suicide rates, that I would call ineffective at best. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Coalition in trouble. PPP bought a rat.

Rass bai, like you looking to jump ship?  Any port for a storm, even if that port is PPP?

There were times when I supported the PPP in my very early days on this forum. The nation deserved a change away from the disaster it was in but the PPP got too big for their boots. When drugs, state sponsored murder and out of control corruption became their hallmark, I could not stand the stench that they were leaving everywhere they went. It got so bad that it was time to give them the boot. This was also the feeling of many in Guyana who voted them out. 

Drugs I understand, but state sponsored murder is questionable. If Portuguese people were at the other end of the brutality by PNC bandits you would probably have a different opinion. 

Are you dense or what? The Portuguese were targets of bandits just like anyone else and probably moreso because they were a large part of the small business community. I can tell you of multiple times that my father's business was robbed but he just had to pick up the pieces and fight onwards. After all, he had mouths to feed and a property to pay for. Living in the heart of the city also meant that I as a teenager, was a prime target for marauding bandits. Two guys beat me to a pulp one day to take away my new Raleigh bicycle but I managed to fight them off and was luckily saved by a passing plain clothes policeman. To this day I don't know how I managed to hold on that bike until helped arrived but sometimes when faced with difficult situations, the human instinct is to muster up the strength needed to survive. 

Mars posted:

Are you dense or what? The Portuguese were targets of bandits just like anyone else and probably moreso because they were a large part of the small business community. I can tell you of multiple times that my father's business was robbed but he just had to pick up the pieces and fight onwards. After all, he had mouths to feed and a property to pay for. Living in the heart of the city also meant that I as a teenager, was a prime target for marauding bandits. Two guys beat me to a pulp one day to take away my new Raleigh bicycle but I managed to fight them off and was luckily saved by a passing plain clothes policeman. To this day I don't know how I managed to hold on that bike until helped arrived but sometimes when faced with difficult situations, the human instinct is to muster up the strength needed to survive. 

You are referring to the wrong timeline. Stick to the period when phantomizing went into effect, Indo were the target, those were dark days for Indos, not Portuguese. That is why you have the luxury of passing judgement on a deed that was dirty but needed.  

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Are you dense or what? The Portuguese were targets of bandits just like anyone else and probably moreso because they were a large part of the small business community. I can tell you of multiple times that my father's business was robbed but he just had to pick up the pieces and fight onwards. After all, he had mouths to feed and a property to pay for. Living in the heart of the city also meant that I as a teenager, was a prime target for marauding bandits. Two guys beat me to a pulp one day to take away my new Raleigh bicycle but I managed to fight them off and was luckily saved by a passing plain clothes policeman. To this day I don't know how I managed to hold on that bike until helped arrived but sometimes when faced with difficult situations, the human instinct is to muster up the strength needed to survive. 

You are referring to the wrong timeline. Stick to the period when phantomizing went into effect, Indo were the target, those were dark days for Indos, not Portuguese. That is why you have the luxury of passing judgement on a deed that was dirty but needed.  

So you think the bandits spared the Portuguese during the crime wave? Bandits look for an easy opportunity to make money. They could care less about the color of the victim's skin. There were not so many Portuguese left after the exodus to Toronto during Burnham's heyday but if there were many around they would be the victims just like anyone else. Having said that, my uncle's business in Buxton was robbed during the crime wave. That business was there since the 1930's and generations of Buxtonians were served over the years. My uncle packed up shop and moved to LBI shortly after the robbery. Even though he was well loved by the community, he was scared that some young junkie would shoot him for a few dollars. 

Mars posted:

So you think the bandits spared the Portuguese during the crime wave? Bandits look for an easy opportunity to make money. They could care less about the color of the victim's skin. There were not so many Portuguese left after the exodus to Toronto during Burnham's heyday but if there were many around they would be the victims just like anyone else. Having said that, my uncle's business in Buxton was robbed during the crime wave. That business was there since the 1930's and generations of Buxtonians were served over the years. My uncle packed up shop and moved to LBI shortly after the robbery. Even though he was well loved by the community, he was scared that some young junkie would shoot him for a few dollars. 

This is correct, I don't believe any Portuguese were targeted during the crime wave, if you have evidence of this, post it here. My suspicion was that the FFs were told to target only Indos, also most Portuguese had already fled and took their money with them during pnc version 1. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

So you think the bandits spared the Portuguese during the crime wave? Bandits look for an easy opportunity to make money. They could care less about the color of the victim's skin. There were not so many Portuguese left after the exodus to Toronto during Burnham's heyday but if there were many around they would be the victims just like anyone else. Having said that, my uncle's business in Buxton was robbed during the crime wave. That business was there since the 1930's and generations of Buxtonians were served over the years. My uncle packed up shop and moved to LBI shortly after the robbery. Even though he was well loved by the community, he was scared that some young junkie would shoot him for a few dollars. 

This is correct, I don't believe any Portuguese were targeted during the crime wave, if you have evidence of this, post it here. My suspicion was that the FFs were told to target only Indos, also most Portuguese had already fled and took their money with them during pnc version 1. 

My own uncle ran out of Buxton after the crime wave during the PPP years. I know what I'm talking about. Take it or leave it. He's now happily retired in LBI.

Drugb posted:

Here we go again about Jagdeo "selecting", forever for you to keep harping about Jagdeo stooge, regardless of who will run for PPP. 

Jagdeo mentioned names of some old dinosaurs. We will see if someone else emerges.

Why not make the process open and transparent. Have those interested in the post have an open debate so that the people of Guyana can learn more about them. So when Jagdeo selects someone who is unsuitable then even you will see that Jagdeo selects, just as Janet Jagan did.

Oh I know your reaction. You will scream that the 720k people who live in Guyana have no business in finding out how the man, who will most likely be president, is being selected.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:You are referring to the wrong timeline. Stick to the period when phantomizing went into effect, Indo were the target, those were dark days for Indos, not Portuguese. That is why you have the luxury of passing judgement on a deed that was dirty but needed.  

Guyanese of all races were targeted and are targeted by crime, but druggie screams Black Lives DO NOT Matter so you dont care about those people.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Here we go again about Jagdeo "selecting", forever for you to keep harping about Jagdeo stooge, regardless of who will run for PPP. 

Jagdeo mentioned names of some old dinosaurs. We will see if someone else emerges.

Why not make the process open and transparent. Have those interested in the post have an open debate so that the people of Guyana can learn more about them. So when Jagdeo selects someone who is unsuitable then even you will see that Jagdeo selects, just as Janet Jagan did.

Oh I know your reaction. You will scream that the 720k people who live in Guyana have no business in finding out how the man, who will most likely be president, is being selected.

The election before 2015, I don't remember who was running against who, Ramotar vs. â€Ķ.? A professor in my political group made the Debate suggestion, and they had the Debate. I remember everyone on GNI was excited and tuned in to see it! 

Leonora posted:

The election before 2015, I don't remember who was running against who, Ramotar vs. â€Ķ.? A professor in my political group made the Debate suggestion, and they had the Debate. I remember everyone on GNI was excited and tuned in to see it! 

Jagdeo couldn't run so he selected a stooge. Those PPP who objected had to leave the party and were called neemakaram.

If the PPP wants to show that they are a different party then they can start with having a transparent selection process. Let the proposed candidates have a public debate so that Guyanese can see who they are.  This will force the PPP to adopt more objective criteria in who they select.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Here we go again about Jagdeo "selecting", forever for you to keep harping about Jagdeo stooge, regardless of who will run for PPP. 

Jagdeo mentioned names of some old dinosaurs. We will see if someone else emerges.

Why not make the process open and transparent. Have those interested in the post have an open debate so that the people of Guyana can learn more about them. So when Jagdeo selects someone who is unsuitable then even you will see that Jagdeo selects, just as Janet Jagan did.

Oh I know your reaction. You will scream that the 720k people who live in Guyana have no business in finding out how the man, who will most likely be president, is being selected.

I support a primary system where the party members at the grassroot elects the candidate, however such a system does not exist nor is it mandated by the constitution. Until it becomes law, we will be arguing the same.  Nothing you or I can do from our perches in the west to effect change in this regard, we are only spectators. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:You are referring to the wrong timeline. Stick to the period when phantomizing went into effect, Indo were the target, those were dark days for Indos, not Portuguese. That is why you have the luxury of passing judgement on a deed that was dirty but needed.  

Guyanese of all races were targeted and are targeted by crime, but druggie screams Black Lives DO NOT Matter so you dont care about those people.

Not quite, initially it was just Indos who were the targets due to them having the wealth, but then when the pickings got slim and pnc lost control of their charges, they widened the scope of their targets to include other races.  After all, you have to keep feeding the monsters you create else they will eventually feed on you. Same scenario for the phantoms and ppp. 

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

So you think the bandits spared the Portuguese during the crime wave? Bandits look for an easy opportunity to make money. They could care less about the color of the victim's skin. There were not so many Portuguese left after the exodus to Toronto during Burnham's heyday but if there were many around they would be the victims just like anyone else. Having said that, my uncle's business in Buxton was robbed during the crime wave. That business was there since the 1930's and generations of Buxtonians were served over the years. My uncle packed up shop and moved to LBI shortly after the robbery. Even though he was well loved by the community, he was scared that some young junkie would shoot him for a few dollars. 

This is correct, I don't believe any Portuguese were targeted during the crime wave, if you have evidence of this, post it here. My suspicion was that the FFs were told to target only Indos, also most Portuguese had already fled and took their money with them during pnc version 1. 

My own uncle ran out of Buxton after the crime wave during the PPP years. I know what I'm talking about. Take it or leave it. He's now happily retired in LBI.

Your uncle did not have to run, he would have been safe. He probably wanted to upgrade his living arrangements, it was likely just a coincidence. The only danger he would have faced was if he ratted out the FFs. 


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