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Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

Dem rass treat Charandass like a dog. Karma bites them in the ass.

That's the difference between Blacks and Indians. The Black banna next to Charandass harass the man. 

If a Indian voted from the PPP side in support of the government , he would never be treated this way.

I heard the verbal abuse towards Charrandas. That was despicable.

Congrats to the speaker. He handled the motion Professionally. There is hope for Guyana.

I will finally make a long delayed trip to Guyana in April of next year.


Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't forget the harrassment the MP Charrandas suffered at the hands of the police.

Others also treated him badly. He was slapped by the wife of a  PPP official at a Canje meeting. 

This guy swore that he will not have anything to do with the PPP, but his recent police harassment must have changed his mind.

As was experienced  by other Berbicians  who jumped ship, he might be in for a rough personal ride, especially in New Amsterdam, a PNC strong hold. 

Are you saying that PNC will harass Charandass ? He said that he voted with his conscience. The PNC three year's record is horrible to say the least.

Get used to Democracy man. 

Labba posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charrandas already has two death threats in the last half hour!!!

Just like Naga, Ramkarran and the numerous people who left the PPP plantation.

Go read Ravi Dev's comments in 2001 when he faced daily threats of violence from the PPP.

Hey hey hey...PPP dey kill two ROAR peopkle foh true.

Yes please remind those who pretend as if the PPP are saintly. Jagdeo is a viper in every way that Burnham was.

yuji22 posted:

I heard the verbal abuse towards Charrandas. T


Why?  Just recall your abuse of Nagamootoo and Ramjattan.  I guess you can give but you cannot take.

We will see how the PPP behaves.  The ball is in your court now as Indesh will be back and blacks put to the back of the bus again.  Jagdeo cannot help himself.


Over the past three years, the coalition governed as if they did not have to face the electorate. Well, this is a wake up call to them at the least. It took courage for him to vote against the government.

if they accept the no-confidence vote, then in early 2019. I hope that they do sccept the vote as valid and test the will of the people.

yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't forget the harrassment the MP Charrandas suffered at the hands of the police.

Others also treated him badly. He was slapped by the wife of a  PPP official at a Canje meeting. 

This guy swore that he will not have anything to do with the PPP, but his recent police harassment must have changed his mind.

As was experienced  by other Berbicians  who jumped ship, he might be in for a rough personal ride, especially in New Amsterdam, a PNC strong hold. 

Are you saying that PNC will harass Charandass ? He said that he voted with his conscience. The PNC three year's record is horrible to say the least.

Get used to Democracy man. 

Who said this is not democracy and when is conscience an issue in Guyana, even if a person said so.

He might have voted with emotions, due to the police harassment and no help from the government.  

If he is not given adequate protection, he cant live/work at his present place any more. If he depends on the present government for help until the next election, he kok duk.  

The PPP betta  win the next election, or he can start living overseas, like others in Berbice who did something similar. 

Labba posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charrandas already has two death threats in the last half hour!!!

Just like Naga, Ramkarran and the numerous people who left the PPP plantation.

Go read Ravi Dev's comments in 2001 when he faced daily threats of violence from the PPP.

Hey hey hey...PPP dey kill two ROAR peopkle foh true.

So which party you with now, Grasshopper? 

Tola posted:
yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't forget the harrassment the MP Charrandas suffered at the hands of the police.

Others also treated him badly. He was slapped by the wife of a  PPP official at a Canje meeting. 

This guy swore that he will not have anything to do with the PPP, but his recent police harassment must have changed his mind.

As was experienced  by other Berbicians  who jumped ship, he might be in for a rough personal ride, especially in New Amsterdam, a PNC strong hold. 

Are you saying that PNC will harass Charandass ? He said that he voted with his conscience. The PNC three year's record is horrible to say the least.

Get used to Democracy man. 

Who said this is not democracy and when is conscience an issue in Guyana, even if a person said so.

He might have voted with emotions, due to the police harassment and no help from the government.  

If he is not given adequate protection, he cant live/work at his present place any more. If he depends on the present government for help until the next election, he kok duk.  

The PPP betta  win the next election, or he can start living overseas, like others in Berbice who did something similar. 

Charrandas lived in Toronto,  Canada for a long while and still has many families here. He visits once a year. He will be rewarded by the PPP when they win the next election. It took courage for him to say yes in support for the no confidence motion. Hope for Peace in Guyana. 

kp posted:
Tola posted:
yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't forget the harrassment the MP Charrandas suffered at the hands of the police.

Others also treated him badly. He was slapped by the wife of a  PPP official at a Canje meeting. 

This guy swore that he will not have anything to do with the PPP, but his recent police harassment must have changed his mind.

As was experienced  by other Berbicians  who jumped ship, he might be in for a rough personal ride, especially in New Amsterdam, a PNC strong hold. 

Are you saying that PNC will harass Charandass ? He said that he voted with his conscience. The PNC three year's record is horrible to say the least.

Get used to Democracy man. 

Who said this is not democracy and when is conscience an issue in Guyana, even if a person said so.

He might have voted with emotions, due to the police harassment and no help from the government.  

If he is not given adequate protection, he cant live/work at his present place any more. If he depends on the present government for help until the next election, he kok duk.  

The PPP betta  win the next election, or he can start living overseas, like others in Berbice who did something similar. 

Charrandas lived in Toronto,  Canada for a long while and still has many families here. He visits once a year. He will be rewarded by the PPP when they win the next election. It took courage for him to say yes in support for the no confidence motion. Hope for Peace in Guyana. 

He is a Canadian citizen and has sought protection from the Canadian High Commission.  His bravery and patriotism has chartered a new course in the history of our nation.  One man brought the Gov’t down.  Men like this walk this earth few and far between.  His name goes down in history once and forevermore.

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Coalition in trouble. PPP bought a rat.

Rass bai, like you looking to jump ship?  Any port for a storm, even if that port is PPP?

There were times when I supported the PPP in my very early days on this forum. The nation deserved a change away from the disaster it was in but the PPP got too big for their boots. When drugs, state sponsored murder and out of control corruption became their hallmark, I could not stand the stench that they were leaving everywhere they went. It got so bad that it was time to give them the boot. This was also the feeling of many in Guyana who voted them out. 

kp posted:
Tola posted:
yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't forget the harrassment the MP Charrandas suffered at the hands of the police.

Others also treated him badly. He was slapped by the wife of a  PPP official at a Canje meeting. 

This guy swore that he will not have anything to do with the PPP, but his recent police harassment must have changed his mind.

As was experienced  by other Berbicians  who jumped ship, he might be in for a rough personal ride, especially in New Amsterdam, a PNC strong hold. 

Are you saying that PNC will harass Charandass ? He said that he voted with his conscience. The PNC three year's record is horrible to say the least.

Get used to Democracy man. 

Who said this is not democracy and when is conscience an issue in Guyana, even if a person said so.

He might have voted with emotions, due to the police harassment and no help from the government.  

If he is not given adequate protection, he cant live/work at his present place any more. If he depends on the present government for help until the next election, he kok duk.  

The PPP betta  win the next election, or he can start living overseas, like others in Berbice who did something similar. 

Charrandas lived in Toronto,  Canada for a long while and still has many families here. He visits once a year. He will be rewarded by the PPP when they win the next election. It took courage for him to say yes in support for the no confidence motion. Hope for Peace in Guyana. 

Peace will never be achieved in Guyana, as long as political leaders  continue to stab each other in the back.

Political gain for personal profit and power yes, but there is no indication of peace or harmony by any political leader or party.

As long as this political atmosphere and racism  continues, Guyana will continue to be known as a shithole country.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:

He is a Canadian citizen and has sought protection from the Canadian High Commission.  His bravery and patriotism has chartered a new course in the history of our nation.  One man brought the Gov’t down.  Men like this walk this earth few and far between.  His name goes down in history once and forevermore.

A Guyanese Canadian has done what few men are brave enough to do. The man has balls to stand up to the PNC ants nest and told them to bugger off.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
Labba posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Charrandas already has two death threats in the last half hour!!!

Just like Naga, Ramkarran and the numerous people who left the PPP plantation.

Go read Ravi Dev's comments in 2001 when he faced daily threats of violence from the PPP.

Hey hey hey...PPP dey kill two ROAR peopkle foh true.

So which party you with now, Grasshopper? 

Hey hey hopper Labba watchin ayoo party blow up. Ayoo tink ayoo had all de ole military man. Hey hey hey...

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He is a Canadian citizen and has sought protection from the Canadian High Commission.  His bravery and patriotism has chartered a new course in the history of our nation.  One man brought the Gov’t down.  Men like this walk this earth few and far between.  His name goes down in history once and forevermore.

A Guyanese Canadian has done what few men are brave enough to do. The man has balls to stand up to the PNC ants nest and told them to bugger off.

I like, it took a Canadian. I met him last year in TO. I know him as Errol.

Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

I noticed Jags rallied his army bais by taking jabs at the PNC for not paying the ordinary soldiers enough. Jags pulled out the PNC shorts in Parliament. Moses is probably checking his blood pressure right now.

Poor Moses deh pun heart attack watch tonight.

Wait until President Granger pulls him into the Presidential office. He better have his specialist at his side.

President Granger should have never put so much faith in Moses. Granger has a good heart and Moses wounded the man.

Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:

Who said this is not democracy and when is conscience an issue in Guyana, even if a person said so.

He might have voted with emotions, due to the police harassment and no help from the government.  

If he is not given adequate protection, he cant live/work at his present place any more. If he depends on the present government for help until the next election, he kok duk.  

The PPP betta  win the next election, or he can start living overseas, like others in Berbice who did something similar. 

Charrandas lived in Toronto,  Canada for a long while and still has many families here. He visits once a year. He will be rewarded by the PPP when they win the next election. It took courage for him to say yes in support for the no confidence motion. Hope for Peace in Guyana. 

Peace will never be achieved in Guyana, as long as political leaders  continue to stab each other in the back.

Political gain for personal profit and power yes, but there is no indication of peace or harmony by any political leader or party.

As long as this political atmosphere and racism  continues, Guyana will continue to be known as a shithole country.  

What are you saying, politicians in other countries kiss and sing kumbaya?  Read how many Govts fall due to partners pulling out!

The PNC mistreated the AFC and never expected the PPP to fly in from left field!  Then KABOOM!

This is where Coalitions are not a bad formula.  I hope the PPP has to also form a Coalition.

Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

I noticed Jags rallied his army bais by taking jabs at the PNC for not paying the ordinary soldiers enough. Jags pulled out the PNC shorts in Parliament. Moses is probably checking his blood pressure right now.

Poor Moses deh pun heart attack watch tonight.

Moses mind narrow like wan razor...hey hey hey...narrowmind rass...

Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:

Who said this is not democracy and when is conscience an issue in Guyana, even if a person said so.

He might have voted with emotions, due to the police harassment and no help from the government.  

If he is not given adequate protection, he cant live/work at his present place any more. If he depends on the present government for help until the next election, he kok duk.  

The PPP betta  win the next election, or he can start living overseas, like others in Berbice who did something similar. 

Charrandas lived in Toronto,  Canada for a long while and still has many families here. He visits once a year. He will be rewarded by the PPP when they win the next election. It took courage for him to say yes in support for the no confidence motion. Hope for Peace in Guyana. 

Peace will never be achieved in Guyana, as long as political leaders  continue to stab each other in the back.

Political gain for personal profit and power yes, but there is no indication of peace or harmony by any political leader or party.

As long as this political atmosphere and racism  continues, Guyana will continue to be known as a shithole country.  

What are you saying, politicians in other countries kiss and sing kumbaya?  Read how many Govts fall due to partners pulling out!

The PNC mistreated the AFC and never expected the PPP to fly in from left field!  Then KABOOM!

This is where Coalitions are not a bad formula.  I hope the PPP has to also form a Coalition.

My point is not whether coalitions are successful or not. 

Both major political parties had significant times  as the government, but no one has taken the initiative  to address the main cause for disharmony in Guyana.

Will  the bitterness of racism ever end  and is this what we want to leave future generations ?  With  possibility of a physically divided Guyana, with massive loss of lives. Because they cannot agree, or even speak to each other in a mutual manner.

Some GNI posters gloat with racial vindictiveness, that leaves  little  indication for a hopeful solution.     

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Peace will never be achieved in Guyana, as long as political leaders  continue to stab each other in the back.

Political gain for personal profit and power yes, but there is no indication of peace or harmony by any political leader or party.

As long as this political atmosphere and racism  continues, Guyana will continue to be known as a shithole country.  

What are you saying, politicians in other countries kiss and sing kumbaya?  Read how many Govts fall due to partners pulling out!

The PNC mistreated the AFC and never expected the PPP to fly in from left field!  Then KABOOM!

This is where Coalitions are not a bad formula.  I hope the PPP has to also form a Coalition.

My point is not whether coalitions are successful or not. 

Both major political parties had significant times  as the government, but no one has taken the initiative  to address the main cause for disharmony in Guyana.

Will  the bitterness of racism ever end  and is this what we want to leave future generations ?  With  possibility of a physically divided Guyana, with massive loss of lives. Because they cannot agree, or even speak to each other in a mutual manner.

Some GNI posters gloat with racial vindictiveness, that leaves  little  indication for a hopeful solution.     

I would encourage fellow GNIers to be gracious in victory and not gloat, taunt or insult those from the other side.  What should be celebrated is victory for democracy in Guyana, good for all Guyanese.  The PPP could suffer the same faith!

yuji22 posted:

Keep your dead new song for another time. Do you fully understand that the most giant leap for Guyana's democracy occurred today ?

Politicians and Political parties will be held accountable from here on.

Mahatma  Yuji,  what plans you and the PPP  have so that politicians and political parties will be held accountable, since this was not done successfully for the past 50+ years ?

You and the queen bee been mouthing  off about stuff that indicated it comes from the wrong end. Trying to impress others, only makes a bigger fool of yourself.

I predict, if the PPP wins the next election,  the status quo will remain, that they did during their 23 years in office. The people who will vote for them will remain poor, while more mansions will be built.  

Tola posted:
yuji22 posted:

Keep your dead new song for another time. Do you fully understand that the most giant leap for Guyana's democracy occurred today ?

Politicians and Political parties will be held accountable from here on.

Mahatma  Yuji,  what plans you and the PPP  have so that politicians and political parties will be held accountable, since this was not done successfully for the past 50+ years ?

You and the queen bee been mouthing  off about stuff that indicated it comes from the wrong end. Trying to impress others, only makes a bigger fool of yourself.

I predict, if the PPP wins the next election,  the status quo will remain, that they did during their 23 years in office. The people who will vote for them will remain poor, while more mansions will be built.  

I already have my mansions built with my own blood, sweat, and tears.  I born and grow in the PPP following three generations before me.  I have never benefited once from any govt money in Guyana.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
yuji22 posted:

Keep your dead new song for another time. Do you fully understand that the most giant leap for Guyana's democracy occurred today ?

Politicians and Political parties will be held accountable from here on.

Mahatma  Yuji,  what plans you and the PPP  have so that politicians and political parties will be held accountable, since this was not done successfully for the past 50+ years ?

You and the queen bee been mouthing  off about stuff that indicated it comes from the wrong end. Trying to impress others, only makes a bigger fool of yourself.

I predict, if the PPP wins the next election,  the status quo will remain, that they did during their 23 years in office. The people who will vote for them will remain poor, while more mansions will be built.  

I already have my mansions built with my own blood, sweat, and tears.  I born and grow in the PPP following three generations before me.  I have never benefited once from any govt money in Guyana.  

You missed the main point, your mouth is as big as your mansion, with little substance. Ego killed the bytch. 


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